Dr. Myatt’s Up and At ‘Em formula

Description- A Superior “senior” herb formula with ginkgo, hypericum & ginseng. High-potency liquid tincture. For depression, age-related memory changes, erectile dysfunction.

Contains: Ginkgo biloba, Hypericum, (St. John’s Wort) Eleutherococcus senticosis (Siberian ginseng).

Suggested dose 60-80 drops, 2-4 times per day. Must be used for at least 3 weeks before results become apparent.




Natural Support For This Embarrassing Problem

Inability to completely control the flow of urine is a common complaint, effecting up to twenty million Americans. Symptoms may range from a mild inability to hold urine when coughing or laughing to inability to hold urine at any time. The condition occurs in both men and women, although women and elderly people are more commonly afflicted.
Causes of urinary incontinence include weak pelvic floor muscle tone, weak urethral (bladder) muscle tone, medication side-effects, nerve damage, food allergy, urinary tract irritation (from drugs, foods, bacteria, viruses, fungi), imbalanced pH, and increased intestinal permeability. Some of the drugs used to treat incontinence have dangerous side-effects and should be avoided if at all possible. Self-help measures prove highly valuable.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Finish daily water intake by 5 p.m. (This helps decrease nighttime urination). DO NOT, however, decrease daily water intake. Drink 64 ounces of pure water daily. Dehydration predisposes to urinary tract infections.
  • Eliminate known food allergens (which can irritate the urinary tract and cause increased frequency).
  • Check with your physician or pharmacist about any medications you are taking. Some can cause incontinence.
  • Achieve and maintain a normal weight. Excess weight pushes down on the bladder and compromises muscular ability.
  • Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, all of which increase urination.
  • Practice KEGEL exercises: tighten muscles to stop the flow while urinating. Feel the muscles at work? Tense these muscles during the day, hold as tightly as possible for a count of 10, relax. Repeat up to 20 times per day. (Do these when you are NOT urinating. The first time is done just to “feel” which muscles are at work). You can do this in a car, in line at the grocery store, etc. You will notice improvement beginning in 3 weeks.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidants (A,C,E,beta carotene, selenium), are particularly important in treating urinary incontinence.
  • Saw Palmetto: 1 cap, 2 times per day between meals. [Target dose: 240mg per day]. Although best known for male prostate gland enlargement, this herb is useful in both men and women to tone the urinary bladder sphincter muscle. It also has a positive effect on male and female libido.


  • Consider having a male or female a href=””>hormone profile performed. Decreased sex hormones are associated with a laxity of the bladder sphincter muscles. Natural hormone replacement therapy can be very helpful in this condition.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment

The above-listed measures, especially weight loss (if overweight), Kegel exercises, saw palmetto and hormone balancing really do work to correct urinary incontinence, even in very old people. Start those Kegel’s without delay or excuses and you can get rid of the adult diapers!

Vitex (Vitex agnus-castus)

“Chaste Berry” for Hormone Balance

Vitex, commonly known as “Chaste-berry” because of it’s effect on hormones, has hormonal effects on both men and women.

Vitex inhibits the action of male androgens (sex hormones). The name “Chaste tree” came from it’s use by monks to decrease libido. Vitex effects prolactin, the hormone responsible for making breast milk in women (although men have prolactin hormone, too). In very small doses, (120mg), prolactin may be increased in men. In higher doses, prolactin is decreased in both men and women.

In men, Vitex is used to treat prostate cancer because of its ability to inhibit male hormones and keep prolactin levels low. In women, Vitex has progesterone effects and is often used as a hormone regulator when more progesterone is indicated, such as in menopause.

The more common uses of Vitex include:

  • Prostate cancer
  • Female menopause
  • PMS
  • Irregular periods
  • Infertility

Recommended dose: 2 caps (500mg) per day between meals.


  1. Merz G, Gorkow C, Schrödter A, Rietbrock S, Sieder C, et al. The effects of a special Agnus castus extract (BP1095E1) on prolactin secretion in healthy male subjects. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 1996; 104(6): 447-453.
  2. Sliutz G, Speiser P, Schultz AM, et al. Agnus castus extracts inhibit prolactin secretion of rat pituitary cells. Horm Metab Res 1993;25:253–5.
  3. Böhnert KJ. The use of Vitex agnus castus for hyperprolactinemia. Quart Rev Nat Med 1997;Spring:19–21.
  4. Bone K. Vitex agnus-castus: Scientific studies and clinical applications. Eur J Herbal Med 1994;1:12–5.
  5. Milewicz A, Gejdel E, Sworen H, et al. Vitex agnus castus extract for the treatment of menstrual irregularities due to latent hyperprolactinemia. Arzneim Forsch 1993;43:752–6 [in German].


Vitamin A

The Healthy Skin and Eye Vitamin

Vitamin A and carotenes are a widespread group of plant pigments that serve as antioxidants in the body. Vitamin A is important for bone formation, skin health, and vision. Deficiencies of Vitamin A are associated with night blindness, dry eyes, and skin diseases.

The optimal adult dose range is 5,000-10,000 IU. Higher doses of pre-formed vitamin A can accumulate in the body and become toxic. Carotene supplements are a safe and effective way to obtain vitamin A activity without toxicity.

Fish liver oils are a good dietary source of vitamin A.

Caution: Do not take more than 50,000 IU per day for 3 months without medical supervision. Pregnant women or women who may become pregnant are advised not to take more than 5,000IU per day of vitamin A.

Beta Carotene: Fat-soluble Antioxidant Vitamin

Carotenes are plant pigments with vitamin A and antioxidant activity. They perform many functions, including maintenance of eye health, cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention, immune-system enhancement and skin/epithelial health.

Dr. Myatt’s comment: Use only natural beta carotene. Synthetic carotenes have been shown to have negative health effects.


Vitamin E

The Premier Fat-Soluble Antioxidant

Vitamin E is the primary fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin in the body. (Vitamin C is the primary water-soluble antioxidant). Vitamin E plays a major role in  cellular respiration. Deficiencies of Vitamin E are associated with:

  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • strokes
  • arthritis
  • allergies
  • infections
  • inflammation
  • diabetes
  • neurological damage
  • muscle weakness
  • fibrocystic breast disease
  • eczema
  • macular degeneration
  • poor wound healing

Dietary sources of Vitamin E include: wheat germ oil, nuts, whole grains, egg yolk.

NOTE: Doses over 800 IU per day of vitamin E may elevate triglycerides.

Maxi Multi provides 400 IU per day of Vitamin E

Those requiring additional Vitamin E supplementation should consider Tocotrienols

Vitamin C

Master Immune Stimulant and Antioxidant

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a major role in numerous biological functions including:

  • collagen synthesis (production of tendon, ligament, cartilage and skin)
  • immune function – increases white blood cell activity, interferon production and thymic hormone secretion.
  • cardiovascular health
  • cancer prevention

Levels of vitamin C are quickly depleted during infection. Our vitamin C is specially buffered to reduce acidity.

Vitamin C CapsulesVitamin C Buffered Capsules

One full gram of buffered vitamin C in every capsule.

An excellent source of antioxidant support, Buffered Vitamin C uses pure crystalline ascorbic acid to supply 1 gram of vitamin C in each capsule. This well-tolerated vitamin C formula supports a healthy immune system response and helps maintain healthy skin, collagen, and connective tissues.

Each (one) Capsule contains:
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 1000 mg
Calcium (as calcium carbonate) – 20 mg
Magnesium (as magnesium carbonate) – 12 mg

Suggested dose: 1 capsule, 1-3 times per day, OR 1 capsule every 1-2 hours during acute illness, OR 1 capsule 3-4 times a day for accelerated vitamin C therapy.

Vitamin C Buffered Capsules – Product # 266 (60 Capsules) $15.95

Buffered Vitamin C Does Not Contain

  • artificial coloring
  • artificial flavoring
  • corn
  • dairy products
  • gluten
  • ingredients of animal origin
  • preservatives
  • salt
  • soy
  • sugar
  • wheat
  • yeast

Other Ingredients: vegetable capsule (modified cellulose), and ascorbyl palmitate.

Vitamin C Buffered Crystals

Description – High potency buffered vitamin Cpreparation in an effervescent, mineral-rich blend. Mixes easily in water or other beverages.

Each 1/4 teaspoon contains:
Vitamin C – 1066 mg
Calcium (calcium ascorbate) – 117 mg

Suggested dose: 1/4 teaspoon, 1-3 times per day, OR 1/4 teaspoon every 1-2 hours during acute illness, OR 1/4 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for accelerated vitamin C therapy.

Vitamin C Buffered Crystals – Product # 146 (8.8 ounces) $18.95


What You Should Know (But Have Not been Told) About Your Drinking Water

  • Water is essential for good health
  • your drinking and bathing water may be contaminated
  • water contaminants are linked to a wide variety of illnesses
  • how you can protect yourself from impure water

Every Body Needs Water

57-70% of adult human body weight is water. Every cell in the body is dependent on water for survival and optimal function. Consider a few of the many important functions of body water:

  • maintenance of normal skin tone (dehydrated skin appears wrinkled
  • maintenance of normal bowel function (lack of water is a common cause of constipation
  • maintenance of normal urinary tract function (lack of water can lead to urinary tract infection, urinary frequency, kidney stones and bladder cancer)
  • maintenance of normal muscle tone
  • maintenance of normal fluid balance (dehydration leads to water retention; sufficient water acts as a diuretic)
  • maintenance of normal digestion (many nutrients are transported via the body’s water)
  • elimination of toxins (lungs, kidneys, skin and intestinal tract all depend on water for eliminative functions)
  • joints require sufficient water to make the “jello” (glycosaminoglycands) that provide cushioning

Aquasana Shower Filters

Your Best Bet for Safe Drinking Water

Your best bet for safe, clean drinking water is install an under-sink or countertop water purifier. The reverse-osmosis type is very reliable. If you don’t want to invest the money to do that, a simple pitcher with a charcoal filter is better than most bottled water. You can see how different systems stack up with this brand comparison chart.

And don’t forget your shower-water! When you’re hot (and your skin’s pores are wide-open), you can absorb toxins from the water. Shower filters are inexpensive and reliable.

For maximum protection, whole house water filters are the ultimate safeguard against water-borne toxins and impurities. These are not inexpensive but they offer great peace of mind.

A Good Water Filter is a Cheap Investment in Your Health

A reliable, highly-effective under-sink water filter is an excellent health investment, especially when you consider how important water is to health. The human body is about 60% water. That means we can have 60% of our total body weight contaminated with a variety of toxins if we drink lousy water.

The highest-rated water filters cost about the same as the cheap junk.

Aquasana Water Purifiers makes some of the highest-rated filters at the best prices.

Water Testing

Regular (annual) testing of your family’s drinking water is a wise investment in good health – especially if you are drinking municipal water that has been “treated”, flouridated and chlorinated! Well-water is also subject to contamination from a variety of sources and must be tested annually to ensure your family’s safety.


The Skinny on Losing Weight for Good

Overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions in this country. The health hazards of overweight are enormous, and include increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, certain types of cancer, hormone imbalances, infertility, fatigue, and depression to name just a few. Regardless of your age, it is worthwhile to achieve and maintain a normal weight.

Causes of overweight are far more complex than simple overeating. (Although this will cause overweight!). Nutrient deficiencies, food allergies, low blood sugar, hormone imbalances, certain medications (especially hormones), food addictions and psychosocial issues can all play a role.

The “going line” from conventional medicine and nutrition is to eat a diet high in unrefined carbohydrates. While a few very high metabolism people and those who exercise extensively can “get away with” this kind of diet, high carbohydrate diets are actually the leading cause of overweight and obesity. High carbohydrates in the diet also accelerate the aging process and predispose to cancer, diabetes, heart disease and autoimmune conditions, to name just a few.

There are two basic strategies for losing weight: one is to decrease total calories, the other is to decrease total carbohydrates. The best examples of both these diets are the Pritiken and Atkins’ diets, respectively. Of the two, a lower carbohydrate diet is healthier for many reasons.

No matter what type of weight loss diet you choose, eating whole foods is important. Refined foods are devoid of nutrients but high in calories. Such foods provide enough calories to make one fat, but not enough of the nutrients that allow metabolism to burn brightly. When metabolism is low, you will continue to crave foods in an attempt to find physical energy. The high-starch, high-sugar foods that give quick energy ultimately further deplete the body of nutrients. The process becomes a vicious cycle.

If you need to lose weight, My Super Fast Dietis not only fast, it is also extremely healthy. You’ve been told that fast weight loss is unhealthy, but that’s a Big Fat Lie. When done correctly, fast weight loss can be incredibly healthy, both emotionally and physically.

Of course, if you have other physical imbalances such as low thyroid function or a sluggish liver, these must be addressed to ensure success. Some people can use herbs to increase metabolism, but these can cause problems in people with high blood pressure and so should be used judiciously with medical guidance.

“Miracle cures” for overweight are non-existent, although matching the right diet and supplement program to the individual can achieve what often appears “miraculous.”  Supplements such as the mineral chromium have been found to be indispensable when a person is chromium deficient, but have little effect when someone isn’t deficient. HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) results in some modest increases in overall weight loss, but the results of this are weak at best. There is no “magic formula,” but again, the results can seem like magic when we custom-tailor the program to an individual.

Exercise is an important factor in weight loss, not only for its calorie-burning benefit but also because it increases metabolism. A muscular person at rest burns more calories than a fat person at rest. Exercises also decreases appetite and increases “feel good” hormone levels. This serves as a natural appetite suppressant and anti-depressant. Most people who are successful with weight loss and long-term maintenance rely on exercise as an important part of their program. As you’ll learn in The Super Fast Diet, it only takes 10-15 minutes per day of correctly performed exercise to accomplish major metabolic and weight-loss improvements.

In spite of the fact that reported long-term attempts at weight loss have a high failure rate, the number of “successful losers” in my practice is quite high. And these people have not only lost excess weight, many of them have corrected their diabetes, normalized their blood pressure, reversed their heart disease, eliminated their arthritis and avoided a whole host of future problems that overweight and obesity can cause.

If you are sincere in your desire to achieve and maintain a normal weight, and do so in the most healthful, easiest way, I can show you how. Not by any “cookie cutter” diet, but by an individualized program that I guarantee will work for you if you will follow it. (And I’m not talking about following starvation diets or eating bland, strange food. You will like the way you can eat). If your self-help measures and “other diets” have failed, give me a call to schedule a telephone consult. I can help you lose weight easily, healthfully, and once-and-for all.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Have a complete physical exam, including blood work, if you have not had one in the past year. it is a good idea to know your “starting place” as you begin your program. If you are over 40, are more than 50 pounds overweight, or have a history of heart disease, be sure that this includes and EKG.
  • Exercise regularly, preferably daily. Begin with 15 minutes per day of walking if you are more than 50 pounds overweight or are not used to exercising. The “Super Fast” exercise program as outlined in The Super Fast Diet will show you how to get maximal benefit in minimal time.
  • Drink 48 ounces of pure water daily. The blood becomes more acidic as you break down fat; water helps to keep this dilute and puts less stress on the kidneys.
  • Watch my “Body/Mind Connection” video at least 3 times. This tape will teach you how to use your thoughts to program yourself for success. It will also show you where and how you may be currently blocking your progress, and how to change that.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi Overweight people have at least one, and usually many more, nutrient deficiencies. Plus, dieting itself can contribute to deficiencies. Make sure that you take an optimal potency multiple formula, not a minimal potency formula.
  • Multi-B-Complex: 1 cap, 2 times per day with meals (If you are taking Maxi Multis for your multiple, the extra B Complex vitamins are not necessary).
  • CoQ10: 50mg, 1-3 times per day with meals
  • Hypericum (St. John’s Wort): 1 cap (450mg), 2 times per day between meals
  • 5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan (5-HTP): 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals

Additional Support

  • L-Carnitine: 500-1,000mg, 2-3 times per day with meals
  • Treat any other organ system that scored “high” on the Self-Health Questionnaire

With high cholesterol:

With low thyroid function:

With low adrenal function:

Dr. Myatt’s Comment

Weight loss success is not difficult, it’s just a matter of knowing the correct thing to do. Your health will benefit greatly from achievement of a normal weight.

Whey Protein

Boost Immunity with Nature’s Superior Protein

Whey protein provides a biologically superior protein with natural immune factors, including lactoferrin and immunoglobulins.

In cancer medicine, whey has been found to offer “considerable protection to the host” over that of other types of protein, including soy, especially during chemotherapy and radiation. At low concentrations, whey inhibits the growth of breast cell cancer. Whey also protects cellular glutathione (a body-produced antioxidant) in normal cells during radiation therapy. This effect is not seen with other proteins.

For those with weak immune systems, or people who need to gain weight, whey is an easy way to get high quality protein and immune factors. For those on weight-loss diets, whey (such as a “Super Shake” below), makes a low calorie, low carb, high nutrient meal replacement. Try my recipe — it really tastes like an ice-cream milkshake!

Whey protein is beneficial for:

  • weight loss programs
  • weight and muscle gain programs
  • immune function
  • cancer
  • liver disease

My SuperShake recipe can be found here, and is a perfect way to get all of the benefits of whey and more!

Hot Chocolate

1 scoop chocolate whey
8 ounces hot water
1 scoop L-glutamine
(optional, for weight gain or GI repair)
To make
Heat water. Stir in whey powder. Drink. Enjoy.

Apple Pan Dowdy Pudding

2 scoops vanilla whey
2 tsps. Ez-Fiber
2 tsps. ground flax seed
1 scoop L-glutamine
1/8 cup chopped nuts
1 chopped apple
To make
Combine above ingredients. Add 8 ounces hot water. Stir. Put in cups. Enjoy hot or cold. Makes 2 servings.

Syntrax Vanilla Whey

Vanilla WheyThis Whey Powder Is A Great Combination Of High Quality And Economical Price.

Sustained-Release Protein Blend
Undenatured Whey Protein, Micellar Casein & Egg Albumin
Vital Nutrition for Health & Recovery
Best Tasting Protein…Guaranteed
Glutamine Peptides
Mixes Instantly
Aspartame Free

Perfect For Low Carb Dieters!

Syntrax VANILLA Whey
Product # 8050 (2.17 lbs or about 36 servings)

Syntrax CHOCOLATE Whey
Product # 8051 ((2.17 lbs or about 36 servings)

Syntrax Vanilla Whey

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 Level Scoop (30 g)
Servings per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
Calories from Fat15
Total Fat1.5 g2%
Saturated Fat1 g5%
Trans Fat0 g
Cholesterol40 mg13%
Sodium80 mg3%
Potassium200 mg6%
Total Carbohydrates2 g1%
Dietary Fiber0 g0%
Sugars2 g
Protein23 g46%
Vitamin A0%
Vitamin C0%
Important Amino Acids Per 100 Grams of Protein
Arginine2.5 g*
Glutamine8.4 g*
Histidine2.1 g*
Isoleucine5.8 g*
Leucine10.3 g*
Lysine8.7 g*
Methionine2.2 g*
Phenylalanine3.6 g*
Threonine6.4 g*
Tryptophan1.9 g*
Valine6 g*
*Daily value not established.
Other Ingredients: Protein blend (whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate, egg albumin, hydrolyzed wheat gluten), natural and artificial flavors, soy lecithin, salt, acesulfame-K, sucralose.

Syntrax Chocolate Whey

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1 Level Scoop (32 g)
Servings per Container: 31
Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
Calories from Fat20
Total Fat2 g3%
Saturated Fat1 g5%
Trans Fat0 g
Cholesterol40 mg13%
Sodium130 mg5%
Potassium280 mg8%
Total Carbohydrates3 g1%
Dietary Fiber1 g4%
Sugars2 g
Protein23 g46%
Vitamin A0%
Vitamin C0%
Important Amino Acids Per 100 Grams of Protein
Arginine2.5 g*
Glutamine8.4 g*
Histidine2.1 g*
Isoleucine5.8 g*
Leucine10.3 g*
Lysine8.7 g*
Methionine2.2 g*
Phenylalanine3.6 g*
Threonine6.4 g*
Tryptophan1.9 g*
Valine6 g*
*Daily value not established.
Other Ingredients: Protein blend (whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrate, egg albumin, hydrolyzed wheat gluten), dutch processed cocoa powder, natural and artificial flavors, soy lecithin, salt, acesulfame-K, sucralose.