Muscular Soreness and Pain

Natural Strategies and Support

Muscular and joint pain is a very common and vexing problem that interferes with the enjoyment of life’s pleasures for most of us at some time or other. There are some excellent natural solutions to this problem – read on:

Dr. Myatt received this letter recently:

I am a friend of a patient of yours and he mentioned that you could probably suggest a vitamin/mineral that might help my muscle soreness. Have been to a Dr. who ruled out Fibromyalgia. I am very active with work, motorcycles and horses. Have any suggestions?
Thank You, Tanya N.

Hi Tanya,

Thank you for your question. Muscle soreness can result from many things, and combinations of things. The very best way to sort this out would be to arrange an alternative medicine consultation with Dr. Myatt – this will save you time, money, and uncertainty, and provide you with a very definitive plan for better health.

Here are some general suggestions:

An optimal dose multiple vitamin / mineral / micronutrient formula such as Maxi-Multi is a cornerstone for anyone’s good health. Without optimal nutrition, the cells of your body (including your muscles) cannot function properly.

CoEnzyme Q 10 (CoQ10) is an important energy molecule for the mitochondria (the energy units) of our body’s cells. The body produces CoQ10 naturally, but many people are deficient for a number of reasons, including prescription medication use – particularly the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs. Without adequate energy supplies your muscles cannot function at their best and may feel tired and achy. CoQ10 is also a powerful antioxidant.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to many processes in the body. They are anti-inflammatory. Deficiencies in Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to a subtle body-wide inflammatory state. The Standard American Diet is woefully deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids. An excellent source is Max EPA .

Bromelain is nature’s premier anti-Inflammatory herb, useful for all types of infection, injuries, inflammation, sinusitis, cardiovascular disease, rheumatic disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer. It is very effective at reducing swelling and inflammation, thereby reducing pain and discomfort of muscle soreness.

Cox-2 Support is a new product that many of Dr. Myatt’s patients and Wellness Club members have reported excellent results with. This herbal blend was created to help support normal healthy Cox-2 levels. You are no doubt familiar with the Cox-2 inhibitor drugs such as Vioxx and Bextra and others which have earned a reputation for being  dangerous. Cox-2 support was formulated to give similar pain relief by helping the body to produce normal, healthy levels of Cox-2 compounds instead of creating artificially high levels of these compounds in the body by preventing their normal metabolism as the discredited Cox-2 inhibitor drugs are designed to do. It is well worth a try for relieving all kinds of muscular and joint discomfort.

Hope this helps,

Nurse Mark


Neuro Restore


Natural Solutions for Neurotransmitter Disorders

Neurotransmitter Restoration:
Key to Depression, Anxiety and
Other Neurotransmitter-Related Disorders

A deficiency of neurotransmitters (also called “NT’s or “brain hormones”) causes or contributes to a wide variety
of diseases including depression, anxiety, and
overweight / obesity.

Low Levels of Neurotransmitters in the Body Can
Cause or Contribute to the Following Disorders:

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD / ADHD)
  • Adrenal Fatigue / Burnout
  • Addictions / addiction withdrawal
  • Aggression (inappropriate)
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Anger (inappropriate)
  • Anorexia
  • Anxiety
  • Bulimia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Cognitive Impairment / Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hormone Dysfunction
  • Hyperactivity
  • Impulsivity
  • Insomnia / Sleep Disorders
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Irritability
  • Menopausal Symptoms
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Mood Disorder (anger, anxiety, depression)
  • Nocturnal Myoclonus
  • Obesity / Overweight / Eating Disorders
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Pain (chronic)
  • Panic Attacks
  • Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Psychosis / Psychotic Disorder
  • Restless Legs Syndrome
  • Tension Headaches
  • Tempero-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)

What Causes Low Neurotransmitters?

I.) Decreased production of neurotransmitters due to:

  • A deficiency of NT precursors (not enough “raw materials” in the body to correctly manufacture NT’s)
  • Inborn errors of metabolism (an individual may have a genetic need for more of the “raw materials” used to build neurotransmitters)
  • Toxic damage to portions of the brain or peripheral nervous system that produce NT’s

II.) Increased need for neurotransmitters due to:

  • Toxic damage to or destruction of the nerve cells the respond to NT input

  • Excess degradation of existing NeuroTransmitters due to reuptake inhibiting drugs or recreational drugs

Diseases Related to Neurotransmitter (NT) Deficiencies

What Causes Low Neurotransmitters?

MENOPAUSE…. “The Climacteric”

SEX HORMONES: What they are, what they do

Ever stop to wonder what makes a man look “male” and a woman look “female”? (Gender-neutral hairdos and clothing not withstanding!) The answer: sex hormones.

Sex hormones are chemical messengers made and released by the gonads (ovaries in women, testicles in men), and adrenal glands in both sexes.

In both sexes, these hormones are responsible for maintaining fertility. They also give men and women characteristic features of their sex. For example: estrogens cause breasts to develop, while testosterone causes muscles to accumulate more protein.

Sex hormones have other roles in the body, many of which have only recently been discovered. The sex hormones play a role in bone growth and strength. In females, a decline in hormone levels is sometimes associated with an increase in cardiovascular disease. Scientists believe that there are other unknown functions of the sex hormones.

Surprisingly, men and women have the same sex hormones. (Women have testosterone, men have estrogen). It is the relative amounts of these hormones that make a difference in physical characteristics. And while we used to believe that the role of “opposite sex” hormones was minimal, modern medicine has begun to recognize the importance of all hormones to both sexes.

Facts & Myths about “The Climacteric”

Myth: only women go through menopause (a decrease in production of sex hormones).

Fact: Both men and women have decreased hormone outputs with advancing age, but the decrease is not as rapid in men as it is in women. Men may have hot flashes, psychogenic changes, bone mineral loss and other symptoms identical to the female menopause.

Myth: If sex hormones are taken after the climacteric, they will help maintain youthfulness.

Fact: Science doesn’t know. Children are youthful before their sex hormones develop. Once the sex hormones come into play, they mature —- in other words — age.

And there’s much we don’t know about the long-term negative consequences of hormone-replacement therapy.

For example: the total number of years that a female breast is exposed to estrogens, especially the more potent estradiol, is directly related to an increased risk of breast cancer. The more estradiol, the greater the risk.

In males, higher levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone derived from testosterone, is associated with benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) and possibly prostate cancer. Increased levels of estrogens in males also appear to play a role in the development of BPH.

Myth: Conventional hormone replacement is safe and effective for women and men who need hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Fact: Conventional HRT uses a “one size fits all” approach to hormone replacement and often employs high doses of semi-synthetic hormones. (Which are different from the hormones the human body produces).

A presumably safer and more effective approach to hormone replacement therapy is used by holistic physicians. This involves testing the patient’s personal hormone levels and prescribing pharmaceutical or herbal hormones that are custom-tailored to the individual.

Few holistic physicians, whether N.M.D., M.D., or D.O., believe that a “one-size-fits-all” approach is desirable. Most are doing individual testing and custom prescribing, myself included.

The Climacteric is not always a simple hormone decrease

Most people assume that “menopause” (whether in men or women) is caused by a simple decrease in hormone levels. While this is often the case, there are many other changes that cause the “climacteric.”

Changes in liver function cause a shift in the relative amounts of various hormones. That is because the liver processes most sex hormones. I have found many menopausal-aged people, both men and women, who still had normal or even high levels of the circulating sex hormones. Additional mammalian hormones in this instance are inadvisable, because they can create an excess of hormones with the attendant problems.

Safety and Effectiveness of Herbal “Hormones”

Let’s be very clear on this: herbs do not contain significant amounts of human hormones. What many herbs DO have are chemicals that are structurally similar to human hormones — similar enough to bind to human hormone receptors and have an effect on hormone levels. These plant substances are called phytohormones, meaning “plant hormones.”

Phytohormones have a unique effect that prescription hormones (mammalian hormones) do not, in that they are amphoteric. This means that plant hormones can act to balance hormone levels regardless of the direction of imbalance. It’s really an eloquent process.

Plant hormones are much weaker than human hormones, but they will bind to human hormone receptors. In the climacteric, when hormone levels are low, there are “empty” hormone receptors. Plant phytohormones will bind here, and although their effect is weaker (about one-fifth that of human hormones) it is a hormone effect.

Without a laboratory test, it is difficult to know exactly which hormones are out of balance and by how much. But there are still good self help measures that you can take.

First, remember that overall good health is critical to the body’s production of hormones. Inadequate nutrients from diet is a major factor in hormone imbalance. Excesses of certain foodstuffs, especially alcohol, refined carbohydrates (sugars), and fats, can all change hormone levels for the worst.

Faulty liver function, as evidenced by high cholesterol levels, contributes to inadequate transformation of hormones. Improving liver function is a key step in normalizing hormones and the body’s response to hormones. (It is possible to have adequate hormone levels and still have symptoms of deficiency or excess if the liver is not working properly).

Normal weight is crucial to hormone balance. Fat cells manufacture estrogen. This can lead to an excess in both men and women. Ever see a man with a “beer belly” and breast-buds? (Female-like development of breasts)? This is caused by an estrogen excess made by the fat cells. Maintaining normal weight is important for balanced hormones.

When taking hormones without a doctor’s assistance, be sure to take an herb formula that is balancing. (See the following recommendations). It is HIGHLY INADVISABLE to take actual hormone supplements, even if they are sold without a prescription, without the advice and laboratory testing that a doctor can offer. Such “hormones,” available without prescription, include DHEA and progesterone. (Many health food store brands of progesterone creams do not contain the hormone, and the body cannot convert wild yam (dioscorea) into progesterone, no matter how much the lady at the health food store argues otherwise!)

Also remember that other non-sex-hormone factors can create imbalances in the sex hormones. An excess or deficiency of thyroid hormone will change sex hormone levels, and no amount of sex hormone replacement will correct the problem until the thyroid function has been compensated for.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Diet: eat a nutritious diet high in nutrient-rich foods. Increase consumption of soy products (both sexes) if tolerated.
  • Achieve and maintain a normal weight
  • Exercise regularly. 30 minutes, 3 times per week minimum.
  • Don’t smoke! The climacteric occurs sooner in people who smoke

Primary Support for Women

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of vitamin E, C, B6, B12, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, boron, and vanadium are particularly important for peri or post-menopausal women.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids:
    Flax seed meal, 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed capsules
    : 2-4 caps, 3 times per day (target dose range: 6-12 caps per day)
    Flax seed oil
    : 1 tablespoon per day
    Max EPA
    (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals (target dose: 3-6 caps per day).

Primary Support for Men

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of vitamin E, C, B6, B12, folic acid, magnesium, selenium, zinc and bioflavonoids are particularly important for “menopausal” (40+ years) men.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids:
    Flax seed meal, 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed capsules
    : 2-4 caps, 3 times per day (target dose range: 6-12 caps per day)
    Flax seed oil
    : 1 tablespoon per day
    Max EPA
    (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals (target dose: 3-6 caps per day).
  • Super Saw Palmetto: 1 cap, 2 times per day. May be increased to 3 times per day if symptoms of BPH are present.

Additional Support

See Female Menopause or Male Menopause for additional recommendations.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment

A hormone profile is the first step toward making a good prescription for individualized, natural hormone replacement therapy. Hormone tests can take the guesswork out of this process and make correction surer and safer. If you do not see noticeable improvement in six to eight weeks with self-help measures, consider a telephone consultation with me. You will feel better and delay the aging process by maintaining a youthful hormone profile.



Proven Osteoporosis Support

Ipriflavone (7-isopropoxy iso-flavone) is synthesized from the soy isoflavone daidzein, a plant estrogen. Studies have shown that ipriflavone prevents the breakdown of bone, improves uptake of bone minerals, relieves osteoporosis pain and increases mobility. Ipriflavone does not have any estrogenic effects on the female organs, however, and it can therefore be used for osteoporosis treatment and prevention even when hormone therapy is contraindicated.

In Japan and many European countries, ipriflavone is a registered treatment for osteoporosis. A dose of 600mg per day of ipriflavone was shown in one study to cause gains of up to 7.1% in bone mineral density.

Dose: 600mg per day, taken with a meal or as directed.

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Order This Concierge Product
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The fifth most common cancer in the US

Malignant lymphomas are a heterogeneous group of disorders that arise in the reticuloendothelial and lymphatic systems. Although there are some similarities among the lymphomas, these diseases display a wide variety of pathological and clinical characteristics.

Malignant lymphomas are the fifth most common cancer in the US. Because they tend to occur in younger individuals, they account for more years of potential life lost than most other adult cancers.

Cancers of the lymph system (Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) have unique etiologies and behaviors that place this malignancy in a different immune category than most solid tumors. Because this class of malignancy is characterized by some type of immune cell proliferation, treatments which boost immunity might also stimulate the growth of cancer cells. This is a theoretical concern, but a valid one nevertheless. Even so, it appears that nutritional and botanical medicines have an important role to play in the treatment of lymphoma.

Common Characteristics of Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Lymphomas are characterized by excessive multiplication of cells of the reticuloendothelial (RES) and lymphatic system.

Hodgkin’s Disease, first identified by Thomas Hodgkin in 1666, is a malignancy characterized by disseminated growth of tumor cells primarily involving the lymph node and bone marrow. Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells are considered the malignant cell.

There are subtypes of Hodgkin’s disease. Those with smaller numbers of RS cells tend to be indolent and slowly progressive. Higher numbers of RS cells are associated with aggressive disease. The mortality rate for Hodgkin’s disease is dropping more rapidly than for any other cancer, and Hodgkin’s disease represents one of modern medicine’s most successful cancer treatments. More than 50% of patients are alive at 10-years, all stages considered. By current conventional cancer treatment standards, this is highly successful.

Asymptomatic enlargement of cervical (neck) or mediastinal (chest) lymph nodes may be the only presenting feature, although a number of benign conditions have similar presentation. With advancing disease, anemia, weight loss, night sweats, cachexia (see catabolism) and progressive decline of immunity may ensue. Death is usually due to sepsis or infection.

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) is characterized by proliferative growth of lymphoid cells in sites of the immune system including lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, liver and GI tract. There are a wide variety of features among ten subtypes of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), and the behavior of the disease, including prognosis, is highly variable. NHL tends to be multicentric with an early tendency to spread widely before diagnosis.

The clinical manifestation of fever, chills and weight loss suggests a possible infectious etiology in all types of lymphoma. Studies have found an association with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in both Hodgkin’s and NHL, though this is clearly not the sole causative agent in 80% of cases. In NHL, the incidence of disease rises in immunocompromised patients (e.g., patients with HIV) and in those with hyperfunctioning immune systems (e.g., Sjogren’s). Viruses are known to cause some types of lymphoma. Burkitt’s lymphoma is associated with EBV infection, and an aggressive T-cell leukemia/lymphoma is associated with herpes virus type I (HTLV-1).

Metastasis is common in NHL and is often advanced upon diagnosis. Deposition of fibrin occurs in NHL lymphomas, as in solid tumors.

Laboratory Evaluation and Monitoring

Diagnosis of lymphoma is based on microscopic characteristics of a surgically-removed lymph node. There are no characteristic blood changes or other laboratory tests useful for diagnosis, but laboratory tests can be used by the physician to monitor disease progression and success of treatment once a diagnosis is established.

There are also no characteristic findings in Hodgkin’s disease. The red blood cell sedimentation rate (ESR) correlates well with disease activity and can be used to follow the disease process. Elevated alkaline phosphatase suggests liver or bone metastasis but this is less reliable in younger patients. Elevated serum copper and ceruloplasmin have been reported in active disease. HD patients frequently demonstrate defects in delayed hypersensitivity reactions. (e.g., testing negative for TB even in the presence of active tubercular disease).

In NHL, a Coombs’-positive autoimmune hemolytic anemia occurs more commonly than in HD. Immune cell abnormalities may involve B-cells, T-cells or both cell lines. Immunophenotyping has shown that 80 to 85% of the tumor tissue in NHL derives from the B-cell line, 15% from T-cells, and less than 5% from monocyte-macrophages. NK cell activity is correlated with disease status in lymphomas, and a sudden decreased NK cell activity has been shown to precede relapse.

Holistic Diagnosis & Treatment Considerations

The actual diagnosis of lymphoma requires excisional biopsy. Immune system dysfunction, manifesting as either hypoimmune or hyperimmune, is highly suggestive of an infectious etiology. Therefore, additional search for a causative agent should be undertaken. Work-up might include examination of gut microflora, blood studies for EBV, HTLV-I, and possibly other viruses, and immune function tests, especially NK cell activity.

Treatment strategy for lymphoma should be targeted to the individual. Generalized immune-upregulating therapies could theoretically accelerate cell multiplication and should be used with care. By targeting treatment to the patient’s particular immune dysfunction and monitoring patient response, such problems can likely be circumvented.

Botanical and Nutritional Considerations in Lymphoma

All botanical therapies used for the immune system can be considered. Again, due to the possibility of accelerating immune cell growth (the cells that are cancerous), these therapies should be selected with care and based upon the individual’s immune status as determined by laboratory studies. Antimicrobial treatment should be initiated whenever a pathogenic virus, bacteria or parasite is found. In addition, there are botanical and nutritional treatments that are specific to treatment of the lymphomas.

Characteristics of the Lymphomas with Suggestions for Related Treatment Strategies

Hodgkin’s (HD)
1.) RS cells thought to arise from monocyte/macrophage cells
2.) low NK cell activity
3.) progressive T and B-cell decline (number and function)
4.) altered lymphocyte count
5.) delayed hypersensitivity reaction

Treatment Strategy
1.) Induce differentiation of monocytes and macrophages
2.) Stimulate NK cell activity
3.) Stimulate cellular and humoral immunity
4.) Stimulate or suppress lymphocyte proliferation as indicated
5.) Stimulate delayed hypersensitivity

non-Hodgkin’s (NHL)
1.) 80-85% of NHL cells arise from B-cells; 15 % from T-cells
2.) low NK cell activity

Treatment Strategy
1.) If B-cell derived:
a.) Induce B-cell differentiation
b.) Do NOT stimulate B-cell proliferation
2.) Stimulate NK cell activity

Botanical Materia Medica by action

Interleukin-2 stimulators ( IL-2)
Aloe vera
Angelica sinensis
Ganoderma lucidum
Panax ginseng
Cordyceps sinensis

Interferon stimulators ( IFN)
Aloe vera
Astragalus membranaceus
Ganoderma lucidum
Glycyrrhiza sp.
Panax ginseng

Delayed hypersensitivity
Codonopsis pilosula
Rheum palmatum

T and B-lymphocyte activity stimulators
(expand and activate T-helper lymphs and B-cells)
Althea officinalis
Astragalus membranaceus
Echinacea sp.
Eleutherococcus senticosus
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Plantago sp.
Symphytum sp.

T-cell activity
Allium sativum

all that stimulate IL-2 and IFN plus:
Allium sativum

Nutritional Considerations in Lymphoma

Vitamin A
Vitamin A induces differentiation in leukemic and lymphomic cells. A vitamin-A analog, Vesanoid, is approved for use in promyelocytic leukemia, but it may be of value in other leukemias and lymphomas. Dose: 100,000-300,000IU water soluable vitamin A per day. At this high dose it is important to conduct monthly blood tests to guard against vitamin A toxicity.

Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 and its analogs can induce leukemia and lymphoma cells to differentiate into normal cells. The effects are more pronounced when combined with vitamin A .

Additional support may include
DHEA, turmeric, soy (genisteins). Consult an holistic physician for precise recommendations and dosages.


Lymphomas (Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s) represent a large class of related, but sometimes very different, immune cell cancers. I have been deliberately vague in the dosage and specific recommendations because, unlike most solid tissue cancers which respond to immune-cell stimulation, lymphomas may be made worse by such stimulation. (Again, theoretical but important to consider). Laboratory tests can help guide the physician in knowing exactly which conventional and holistic remedies to prescribe and can also verify the success of such treatment. It is important to work with an holistic physician when implementing natural remedies for the treatment of lymphoma. I am available for telephone consultations.


Botanical Materia Medica for Lymphoproliferative Disorders

Allium sativum (Liliaceae)– Garlic

See Laboratory Evaluation of Immune Dysfunction Materia Medica elsewhere in these conference notes.

Althea officinalis (Malvacea)- Marsh mallow

Marsh mallow contains starch, mucilage, pectin, flavonoids, sucrose, phenolic acids and asparagine. It is considered an important demulcent for respiratory, urinary and skin inflammations. The polysaccharide-rich mucilage stimulates T and B-cell activity and IL-1 and IFN production in vitro(1).

Astragalus membranaceus (Leguminosae)– Astragalus, Milk Vetch, Huang QI See Laboratory Evaluation of Immune Dysfunction Materia Medica elsewhere in these conference notes.

Aloe vera (Liliaceae)– Aloes

See Laboratory Evaluation of Immune Dysfunction Materia Medica elsewhere in these conference notes.

Angelica sinensis (Umbelliferae)-Angelica

Angelica contains volatile oils andcoumarinss. It increases production of IL-2 in vitro and TNF cytotoxicity in mice (2,3).

Codonopsis pilosula (Campanulaceae) Codonopsis, Dang Shen

Triterpinoid saponins, alkaloid (perlolyrin), andpolysaccharidess are among the constituents found in Codonopsis. In Chinese medicine, Codonopsis is considered to tone the qi and quiet “false fire.” In patients undergoing radiation treatment, Codonopsis increased the delayed hypersensitivity reaction but did not effect leukocyte count. Plasma IgM was slightly increased (4,5).

Cordyceps sinesis dong chong xia cao Cordyceps increased NK activity in vitro and in vivo in mice. An ethanol extract increased human NK activity ex vivo. Water extracts increase proliferation of spleen lymphocytes and IL-2 production (6,7,8).

Echinacea sp. (Compositae)– purple cone flower

See Laboratory Evaluation of Immune Dysfunction Materia Medica elsewhere in these conference notes.

Eleutherococcus senticosus (Araliaceae)– Siberian ginseng

See Laboratory Evaluation of Immune Dysfunction Materia Medica elsewhere in these conference notes.

Eupatorium sp. (Compositae)– Boneset, Gravel root, hemp agrimony

Polysaccharides in multiple species of Eupatorium stimulate T and B-cell activity, IL-1 and IFN production and macrophage phagocytosis in vitro ( 9).

Ganoderma lucidum ling zhi

Ganoderma increased IL-2 in mice in an orally-administered form. Purified fractions increased peripheral lymphocytes in humans. this effect is believed due to stimulation of T-lymphocytes and production of IL-2 and IFN-gamma (10,11).

Glycyrrhiza sp. (Leguminaceae)– Licorice

Glycyrrhizic acid is a principal constituent in licorice and is thought to be the primary active ingredient. Licorice exerts antiinflammatory activity by inhibiting the enzyme that catalyzes cortisol to its inactive metabolites (12,13). Excess cortisol inhibits growth of lymphoma and leukemia cells by effecting glucocorticoid receptors on the tumor cell membranes. (Cortisone and prednisone are used chemotherapeutically in lymphoma). In spite of the cortisol-enhancing effect, licorice stimulates NK cell activity and induces IFN production (14).

Panax ginseng (Araliaceae) Chinese or Korean ginseng

See Laboratory Evaluation of Immune Dysfunction Materia Medica elsewhere in these conference notes.

Plantago sp. (Plantaginaceae) Psyllium, flea seed, ispaghula (Hindi)

Plantago is well known for it’s mucilaginous constituent that acts as a demulcent and bulk laxative with antidiarrheal action. Polysaccharide-rich mucilages stimulate T and B-cell activity, IL-1 and IFN production and macrophage phagocytosis in vitro (9).

Rheum palmatum (Polygonaceae) Chinese rhubarb

Rheum contains the anthroquinones rhein, emodin, and aloe-emodin, flavonoids (catechin), phenolic acids, tannins and calcium oxalate. Large doses of the rhizome are strongly laxative. Oral administration increase delayed hypersensitivity reactions and increased proliferation response of spleen cells to mitogen in mice (15).

Symphytum sp. (Boraginaceae)– Comfrey, knitbone

Comfrey contains allantoin, mucilage, triterpenoids, phenolic acids, tannins and pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Allantoin is a cell proliferant when used topically. The phenolic acids possess significant antiinflammatory action. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in isolated form are toxic to the liver.Whether this is true when the plant is used in whole form is questionable, since this substance is present in small amounts in the roots. Aerial parts are considered safe.

Polysaccharide-rich mucilages stimulate T and B-cell activity, IL-1 and IFN production and macrophage phagocytosis in vitro (9).


1.) Boring CC, Squires TS, Tong T, et al.: Cancer Statistics, 1994. CA Cancer J Clin 1994: 44:7-26.
2.) Devessa SS, Silverman DT, Young JL Jr., et al.: Cancer incidence and mortality trends among whites in the United States, 1947-1984. J Nat Cancer Inst. 1987;79:701-770.
3.) Beers, Mark M.D., Berkow, Robert, M.D., editors: The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Merck Research laboratories, 1999, p. 955.
4.) Ibid. p.955.
5.) Murphey, Gerald, M.D., et al.: American Cancer Society Textbook of Clinical Oncology, American Cancer Society, 1995, p. 460.
6.) Ibid. p. 456.
7.) Ibid p. 456
8.) Ibid p. 456
9.) Ibid p. 456
10.) Nagy JA, Brown LF, Senger DR, et al.: Pathogenesis of tumor cell stroma generation: a critical role for leaky blood vessels and fibrin deposition. Biochem biophys Acta 1989; 948(3):305-26.
11.) Boik, John: Cancer and Natural Medicine, Oregon Medical Press, 1995, p.62.
12.) Beers, Mark M.D., Berkow, Robert, M.D., editors: The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Merck Research laboratories, 1999, p. 957.
13.) Ibid. p. 595.

Botanical Materia Medica References

1.) Wagner H: “Immunostimulants from medicinal plants.” Advances in Chinese medicinal materials research Chang HM, Yeung W, Tso W, Koo A editors: Singapore, World Scientific, 1985.
2.) Weng XC, Zhang P, Gong SS, et al.: Effect of immunomodulating agents on murine IL-2 production. Immunology Invest 1987; 16 (2):79-86.
3.) Haranaka K, Satomi N, Sakurai A, et al.: Antitumor activities and tumor necrosis factor producibility of traditional Chinese medicines and crude drugs. Cancer Immunol 1985b;20(1):1-5.
4.) Zeng XL, Li XA, Zhang BY: Immunological and hematopoeitic effects of Codonopsis pilosula on cancer patients during radiotherapy. Chung Hua Min Kuo Wei Sheng Wu Chi Mien I Hsueh Tsa Chih 1992: 12 (10): 607-8.
5.) Chang HM, But PPH: Pharmacology and Applications of Chinese MateriaMmedica Vol. 1 Teaneck, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Company, 1986.
6.) Xu RH, Peng XE, Chen GZ, et al.: Effects of Cordyceps sinensis on natural killer activity and colony formation of B16 melanoma. Chin Med J (Eng) 1992;105(2):97-101.
7.) Liu C, Lu S, Ji MR: Effects of cordyceps sinensis on in vitro natural killer cells. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1992a;12(5):267-9,259.
8.) Cheng Q: Effects of cordyceps sinensis on cellular immunity in rats with chronic renal insufficiency. Chung Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih 1992;72(1):27-9.
9.) Wagner H: “Immunostimulants from medicinal plants.” Advances in Chinese medicinal materials research Chang HM, Yeung W, Tso W, Koo A editors: Singapore, World Scientific, 1985.
10.) Zhang LX, Mong H, Zhou XB: Effect of Japanese Ganoderma lucidum (GL) planted in Japan on the production of interleukin-2 from murine splenocytes. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1993;13(10):613-5.
11.) Haak-Frendscho M, Lino K, Sone T, et al.: Ling-G 8: A novel T cell mitogen induces cytokine production and upregulation of ICAM-1 expression.. Cell Immunol 1993;150(1):101-113.
12.) Baker ME: Licorice and enzymes other than 11B-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase: an Evolutionary perspective. Steroids 1994;59(2):136-41.
13.) Chang M: Anticancer medicinal Herbs. Hunan Changha, China: Hunan Science and Technology Press, 1992.
14.) Suzuki F, Schmitt A, Utsunomiya T, et al.: Stimulations of host resistance against tumors by glycyrrhizin, an active component of licorice roots. In Vivo, 1992; 6: 589-96.
15.) Ma L: Experimental study on the immunomodulatory effects of rheubarb. Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih 1991; 11(7): 418-9, 390.

Nutritional Materia Medica References

1.) The in-vitro effects of all-trans retinoic acid and hematopoeitic growth factorson the clonal growth and self-renewal of blast cells in acute promyelogenous leukemia. Leuk Res (ENGLAND) April 1997; 21 (4):285-94.
2.) All-trans retinoic acid in hematological malignancies, an update. GER (GruppoEmatologicoRetinoidi) Haematologica (ITALY) Jan-Feb 1997; 82(1): 106-21.
3.) All-trans retinoic acid (Tretinoin). Gan To Kagaku Ryoho (JAPAN) Apr 1997; 24(6): 741-6.
5.) Induction of differentiation in murine erythroleukemia cells by 1,alpha, 25 dihydroxy vitamin D3. Can Lett 1995; Apr 14. 90(2):225-30.
6.) 1,25(OH)2-16ene-vitamin D3 is a potent antileukemic agent with low potential to cause hypercalcemia. Leuk Res June 1994;18(6):453-63.
7.) All-trans and 9-cis retinoic acid enhance 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3-induced monocytic differentiation of U937 cells. Leuk Res (ENGLAND) Aug 1996;20(8):665-76.
8.) Combination of a potent 20-epi-vitamin D3 analog (KH 1060) with 9-cis-retinoic acid irreversibly inhibits clonal growth, decreases bcl-2 expression, and induces apoptosis in HL-60 leukemic cells. Cancer Research (USA) 1996;56/15:3570-76.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

Natural Support For Healthy Bones

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is a common occurrence in people over age fifty. Weight-bearing joints are most often affected. Early symptoms include pain and stiffness that are worse in the morning or after inactivity. With progression of the disease, movement causes aggravation of symptoms.

Osteoarthritis is caused by a combination of factors, including wear and tear of cartilage, free radical damage to joint material, lack of nutrients, dietary imbalances and dehydration. Drugs used to treat arthritis, NSAIDS, provide temporary symptom relief of symptoms but accelerate the underlying disease process. They should be used only for short periods of time while corrective measures are being initiated.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Eat cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, halibut) in preference to chicken, beef or pork; eat plenty of green vegetables.
  • Avoid known food allergens. The nightshade family of vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potato) are specific allergens for many people with arthritis. Consider an elimination/challenge diet to evaluate.
  • Achieve and maintain a normal weight. Excess weight puts extra wear and tear on joints.
  • Exercise regularly. Studies have shown a decrease of painful symptoms and an increase in mobility in people who exercise regularly. See BACK PAIN for specific low back exercises.
  • Drink 48 ounces of pure water daily.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking generates high levels of free radicals.

Primary Support

  • BASIC Program (Multivitamin/mineral supplement with extra antioxidants such as Maxi Multi or Once Daily My Packs).
  • Glucosamine sulfate: (750mg, pharmaceutical grade): 2 Caps, 2 times per day for 6 weeks, then 1 cap, 2 times per day after that.

Additional Support

  • Turmeric: 1 cap, 2-3 times per day between meals.
  • For acute symptoms (While waiting for Glucosamine Sulfate to take effect): Bromelain: 2 Caps, 3 times per day between meals.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment If self-help measures fail to give improvement in three months, please consult myself or another holistic physician. This is one condition that can be greatly helped and even cured through natural medicine.


Osteoporosis means, literally, porous bone. It is a bone-thinning disease that affects 200 million people worldwide. It is often referred to as a silent disease because it comes on with few or no symptoms. Often, a fall resulting in a fracture is the first evidence of the disease. Other symptoms and signs of osteoporosis include a decrease in height, spontaneous hip or vertebrae fractures, and back pain.

In elderly women, complications from hip fracture that result in death is far more common than death from breast cancer, yet few people realize the seriousness of the disease. Although Osteoporosis is more common in postmenopausal women, it also occurs in men and in all age groups. White and Asian women are at greatest risk because their bones tend to be less dense to begin with.

What Causes Osteoporosis?

There are a number of factors that appear to be involved in the development of osteoporosis. These include:

  1. Lack of minerals. Osteoporosis is caused by a demineralization of bone. Although calcium is one of the major bone minerals, there are a number or other minerals found in normal bone. These include magnesium, boron, and zinc. A deficiency of any of these can accelerate bone loss.
  2. Gastric acid or digestive enzyme deficiency. Hydrochloric acid (gastric acid) and digestive enzymes are necessary for the assimilation of minerals, yet more than half of the general population over age 60 is deficient in one or both of these digestive functions.
  3. Lack of physical activity. Exercise that stresses bone causes an uptake of minerals. Conversely, immobility leads to a demineralization of bone. Exercise alone has been shown to increase bone mineral mass.
  4. Dietary factors. Certain dietary factors can hasten the loss of minerals from bone. These factors include high sugar/high starch diets, excess phosphorus in the diet (as found in soda pop, processed foods, and meat), excess alcohol consumption, excess caffeine consumption (more than two cups per day).
  5. Cigarette smoking.
  6. Certain drugs, especially adrenal steroids.
  7. Heavy metal toxicity. Certain heavy metals, which may be introduced into the body through cigarette smoke, drinking water, and a number of other sources, can trigger demineralization of bone by displacing the normal bone minerals.
  8. Stress. Perhaps because perceived stress changes digestive and assimilative abilities, although the exact mechanism is unclear.
  9. Other factors. These include genetic predisposition, various disease states, hormonal imbalances.

What About Menopause and Osteoporosis?

A decrease in hormone production as seen in menopause is associated with an accelerated rate of demineralization in both women and men. Although estrogen replacement therapy can slow the rate of bone loss, it is not highly effective at reversing the condition once it is established. There are, however, ways to reverse osteoporosis. This is because bone is a living, growing tissue, not static material as some people wrongly believe. Consult your holistic physician for evaluation and recommendations for preventing or reversing osteoporosis.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Eat a nutritious diet. Emphasize soy products, nonfat yogurt and milk, and green leafy vegetables.
  • Avoid soda pop and high coffee consumption.
  • Exercise regularly, especially weight-bearing exercise. Walking is one of the very best.

Primary Support

  • BASIC Program (Multivitamin/mineral supplement with extra antioxidants). Maxi Multi or Once Daily Mypacks are good multivitamins for Osteoporosis prevention and reversal. Dose: Maxi Multi 3 Caps, 3 times per day with meals or Mypacks: one packet per day with a meal.

Additional Support

  • Follow recommendations for MENOPAUSE (see Women’s Health ) if you are peri- or post-menopausal.
  • Support any organ system that scored high on the self-health appraisal questionnaire. (see the Holistic Health Handbook)
  • Cal-Mag Amino:  for additional bone minerals if intake is insufficient from BASIC supplementation. Total calcium intake should be 1200-1500mg per day for postmenopausal women.

Dr. Myatts Comment: Osteoporosis is a preventable and reversible condition when treated correctly.

Vitamin D

The Sunshine Vitamin For Healthy Bones, Teeth, and Cancer Prevention

Vitamin D increases calcium absorption. Deficiencies of Vitamin D are associated with infertility, cancer, osteoporosis, rheumatic pains, and dental disease

It is known as the SUNSHINE vitamin because exposure to sunshine, even as little as 10 minutes per day, promotes the body’s natural production of Vitamin D. Those living in northern climates where sunshine is limited or in southern areas who shield themselves from the sun with clothing or sunscreen can easily become deficient in Vitamin D.

Dr. Braverman says about Vitamin D:

New research is showing the anti inflammatory benefits of Vit D. It has been shown to decrease NK cell activity, as well as alter the TH1/TH2 cytokine ratio in favor of the anti inflammatory response by lowering TH1 and increasing TH2.  Its effects are very similar to the TH2 cytokine called IL-10 one of the most important TH2 cytokines produced for the maintenance of pregnancy.  It is the TH2 cytokine we measure with our TH1/TH2 ratio. We recommend patients that require this therapy take between 2000 and 4000 IU /day.  We have started screening our patients for what is turning out to be a common vitamin deficiency in this country.

Dietary sources of vitamin D include: fish liver oil and egg yolk.

More recently, higher intakes of vitamin D have been shown to protect the body from cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer. Many authorities are recommending that the recommended adult daily dose should be raised from 400 IU to 1,000 IU. Doses of 1,000-6,000 are not only safe, they may be needed for disease prevention.

Maxi Multi contains 800 IU of Vitamin D per daily serving.

NOTE: Do not use more than 10,000 IU per day without medical supervision because Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. Although vitamin D can store in the liver and become toxic, these toxicities were seen in people consuming 30,000IU or more (20 times the recommended dose!) for months. Vitamin D is much safer than we have previously been led to believe.

Suggested dose: Daily adult dose range: 800-2,000 IU. Doses as high as 10,000 IU may be needed to normalize vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D 5000 – Product # 288  (250 Capsules) $21.95

Each (one) capsule contains: Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 5000 IU.


Please see a full list of references at this special report:  Vitamin D Special Report

Consultations With Dr. Dana Myatt

Help Yourself To Good Health

Notice To New Patients:

Because of Dr. Myatt’s reputation of being the doctor to call when conventional medicine gives up she has been inundated with a number of extremely complicated patients.

In order that she may continue to provide all her patients the high levels of care and attention that they have come to rely upon she is accepting only very select new patients.

In order to determine suitability to be added to her caseload Dr. Myatt is requiring all those who wish to be taken on as new patients to first speak with her in a Brief Telephone Consultation.


Member: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (eligible)
President: ECAFH Foundation, Inc. (Exploring Complementary Answers for Health)
Author: A Physicians Diary
Professor: Atlantic University
Graduate: National College of Naturopathic Medicine

How May I Help You? Herbs Homeopathy Nutritional Evaluations Lifestyle Counseling Chinese Medicine Edgar Cayce Remedies Health Optimization Immune Enhancement Detoxification and Fasting Stress Reduction Health Education Weight Management


Special Programs

  • Executive Wellness & Longevity
  • Cardiovascular disease prevention and reversal / high cholesterol reversal
  • Overweight/obesity
  • CANCER prevention/options
  • Digestive difficulties and parasites
  • Allergies and hypersensitivities
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Viral Syndromes including HIV, herpes, Epstein Barr (EBV), hepatitis
  • Infertility (male and female)
  • Athletic performance

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call 1-800-DRMYATT (1-800-376-9288)

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Do Doctors Still Make House Calls?

Dr. Myatt And Nurse Mark Make “The Ultimate House Calls”!

Many of our private practice patents and Wellness Club Customers know that Dr. Myatt travels often to speak, teach, and lecture. When her travels bring her to areas where her patients live she is happy to schedule them for an in-person consultation, including examination and other therapeutic treatments. Patients may be seen in Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club coach or even in the comfort of their own home. When visits can be scheduled to coincide with Dr. Myatt’s travel itinerary her customary consultation fees apply.

Your Own Private Naturopathic Doctor And Nurse – In Attendance:

For those who need the undivided attention of this unique doctor and nurse team, Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark can travel to your location where they will attend to your holistic health needs 24/7 if need be. This may include not only intensive care for the patient, it may include teaching for family members and caregivers or for staff such as personal chefs, personal assistants, housekeepers, or security staff.

You can be assured of absolute, inviolate confidentiality and respect for your privacy when working with Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark.

This is a unique and specialized service and it is not inexpensive. Not all patients will qualify for or benefit from this intensive in-home naturopathic medical care. Please contact Dr. Myatt for cost and availability and to determine your suitability for this ultimate health-restorative opportunity.

Is your situation more urgent?

Do you need Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark to attend you more quickly than is possible with road travel? (for road travel figure 500 miles per day from northern Arizona to your location)

Dr. Myatt will not travel by commercial (public) air carrier. She will consent to travel by private business aircraft and there is an airfield near her location that will accommodate this class of aircraft. (KTYL) Contact The Wellness Club to discuss this option.

Dr Myatt can also arrange to travel to your location by private plane. Nurse Mark is a licensed Private Pilot and their airplane allows them to reach you quickly and discretely. Requirements for visitations of this kind will include a destination airport with adequate runways and secure tie-downs and available fuel, appropriate transportation arrangements on arrival and during the visit, and appropriate accomodations for Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark while on location.

Piper Warrior II Private Airplane
Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark can be at your side quickly if need be. Click on the picture above for more information about their aircraft.

Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club Coach is 36 feet in length. She maintains contact with her patients and the internet via 2-way satellite. When in location she requires electrical service for her communications: 20 amps minimum.

Brief Consultations

Brief Consultations by telephone are available between 9 AM and 5 PM, Tuesday through Friday, Arizona time. When you checkout please tell us what times and dates would be best for your consultation – we will make every effort to accommodate your needs, subject to prior scheduling commitments. Please be sure that we have both a valid email and telephone number so we can contact you to arrange your appointment.

Please Note: Be sure that you are available at the telephone number you provide, at the time you have arranged, when Dr. Myatt calls you – there are no refunds for missed appointments!

In the very unlikely event that a medical emergency prevents Dr. Myatt from calling at your appointment time, you will be offered a full refund or a rescheduled appointment – your choice.

DO NOT send Dr. Myatt lab reports, medical records or summaries, or any other medical information unless you are booking a New Patient Visit Consultation! Any medical information that is received unsolicited will be treated as confidential medical records and will be destroyed immediately.

Medical records and other documentation can be sent to:

Dr. Myatts Wellness Club
Attn: Medical Records
PO Box 900
Snowflake, AZ 85937

It is of no benefit to send via “overnight” courier – USPS Priority Mail provides timely and inexpensive delivery to our location – usually as quickly as any “overnight” courier!

Bone and Joint Health

Arthritis and Osteoporosis are NOT Inevitable

The bones and joints are often some of the first parts of the body to show signs of aging. Contrary to popular belief, however, the “wear and tear” theory of arthritis has been largely disproved. Although an injury can certainly cause joint damage, most causes of arthritis are not related to “overuse” or injury. We know this because senior marathon runners — who place a lot more “wear and tear” on their joints — actually suffer from less arthritis than non-runners of similar age.

If “wear and tear” isn’t the main causes of joint pain, osteoporosis and arthritis, what is? Decreasing male and female sex hormones, lack of bone nutrients, overweight and obesity, lack of exercise and body-wide inflammation and free-radical damage are some of the most common causes of joint pain and chronic changes such as arthritis. Low gastric acidity, common in people over age 50, impairs the body’s ability to assimilate bone nutrients such as calcium from food and supplements. This should be evaluated with a gastric acid self-test.

Here are some of the top recommendations for maintaining or restoring bone and joint health.

Top Bone and Joint Health Supplements and Herbs

Bone and Joint Therapies
Table of Contents

Bone and Joint
Health Concerns by Topic

Multiple Vitamin/Mineral Formula Arthritis-Osteoarthritis Bromelain Arthritis – Rheumatoid Cal-Mag Amino Back Pain COX2 Low Gastric Acidity Vitamin D Menopause, Female DHEA Menopause, Male (Andropause) Gastric Acid Self-Test Osteoporosis Melatonin Male hormones Female hormones Glucosamine sulfate Grape Seed Extract MSM Strontium Turmeric Other

Multi Vitamin/Mineral Formula – Not a “once per day” pill (they don’t contain enough of anything to have any effect except preventing severe deficiency disease). A complete bone and joint-protecting multiple should include optimal doses (not minimal doses) of B complex vitamins, C, D, K, calcium, magnesium, vanadium, zinc, and boron which are all especially important for strong bones.

If you only take ONE NUTRITIONAL FORMULA for your overall health plus bone and joint health, a quality Optimal Multiple Vitamin/Mineral such as Maxi Multi should be The One.

Bromelain Nature’s Premier Anti-Inflammatory herb,
Bromelain is a mixture of sulfur-containing, protein-digesting enzymes from the stem of Anansus cosmosis (pineapple). Since it was introduced as a medicinal agent in 1957, more than 200 scientific papers on bromelain’s medicinal uses have appeared in the medical literature. It is one of the safest, most well-studied anti-inflammatory herbs known.

Cal-Mag Amino The recommended calcium dose for post-menopausal women or for those with osteoporosis is 1,500 mg calcium with corresponding magnesium, boron and vitamin D. Maxi Multi Daily Multiple formula contains 1000 mg of calcium and 500 mg magnesium per day, which is optimal for most people. Post-menopausal women and anyone with a diagnosis of osteoporosis may need even higher doses. Cal-Mag Amino supplies additional calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and boron is easy-to-assimilate forms.

Cox-2-Support A superior anti-inflammatory herbal formula. Why take dangerous NSAID’s for pain relief when you can take safe this and effective combination?

Vitamin D increases calcium absorption. Deficiencies of Vitamin D are associated with osteoporosis, rheumatic pains, and dental disease. Many authorities are recommending that the RDA should be raised from 400 IU to 1,000 IU. Doses of 1,000-2,000 are not only safe, they may be needed for disease prevention.

DHEA is a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. It is a precursor (“master hormone”) for many other steroid hormones including male and female sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) and corticosteroids. DHEA levels often decline dramatically with age.

Low DHEA levels in the brain and blood are thought to contribute to many of the problems associated with aging including age-related memory and mental decline, decreased strength and muscle mass, lowered immune system response, heart disease and atherosclerosis, and age-related weight gain.

Gastric Acid Function Studies have shown that stomach acid production declines with age. Why does this matter? Because a strong stomach acid is necessary to assimilate bone nutrients from food and supplements, including calcium and magnesium (the major bone nutrients). Surprisingly, even symptoms of “excess stomach acid” are usually caused by low, not high, stomach acid. Learn more about gastric acid function here.

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, pregnenelone) Both women and men appear to benefit from natural hormone replacement therapy after age 40. By “natural,” I mean using hormones that are identical to what the body manufactures and in amounts that a healthy body produces in early adulthood. This is a very different type of hormone replacement from the semi-synthetic forms and doses used in conventional medicine.

Male hormones: testing and replacement

Female hormones: testing and replacement

Glucosamine Sulfate is the only form of glucosamine proven by over 300 scientific investigations and 20 double-blind studies to stimulate joint repair and relieve pain.

Glucosamine is a molecule manufactured by the body. Inside the joint, it stimulates the production of glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s) which are the main structural material of joints. Studies suggest that a decline of the body’s manufacture of glucosamine may be the primary cause of osteoarthritis.

Grape Seed Extract (OPC’s) is an antioxidant that exhibits 50 times more antioxidant power than vitamin E and 20 times more than vitamin C.

Grape Seed Extract (OPC’s) binds to collagen and helps increase elasticity of skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Grape seed extract (OPC’s) has been proven by over 25 years of clinical studies to be useful for stroke prevention (grape seed extract helps keep blood viscosity normal), skin rejuvenation and/or wrinkle prevention (strengthens collagen), arthritis and musculoskeletal complaints (antioxidant and strengthens collagen), blood clot prevention (improves blood viscosity), respiratory allergies (antihistamine), food allergies (antihistamine), asthma (antihistamine), ADHD (many cases are allergy-related), longevity and rejuvenation programs (blood viscosity and collagen-strengthening effects).

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)is a source of biologically active sulfur. Sulfur is a mineral that is plentiful in the human body and is found in particularly high concentrations in structural tissues (joints, skin, hair, nails). Unfortunately, sulfur is easily destroyed by cooking. This means that many people have a deficiency of this important joint and skin nutrient.

StrontiumThe “forgotten mineral” that not only prevents, but reverses, osteoporosis. If you are concerned about bone density, this is one mineral you should definitely supplement. Since it competes with calcium and magnesium for absorption, strontium should be taken separately from other bone-building formulas.

TurmericThis bright yellow spice herb is also one of nature’s most potent anti-inflammatory substances. Turmeric (and it’s active ingredient, curcumin), help reduce the pain and swelling of joint inflammation. Turmeric also helps the joints through it’s potent  antioxidant properties.

Other Joint and Bone-Healthy Supplements. Fish and flax oil, Mega Soy, Feverfew, Ginger.