B Vitamins

The “Energy Vitamins”

B vitamins comprise an entire complex or “family” of related but different vitamins. Together, the B vitamins comprise an important group of vitamins with many functions, as seen in the chart below. Although their individual functions differ, all B vitamins are involved in energy production in the body. Deficiencies of B vitamins are common today due to food processing.

B vitamin supplementation is useful for:

  • chronic fatigue
  • overweight and obesity
  • memory loss
  • heart disease
  • depression
  • cataracts
  • neuropathy
  • irritability
  • atherosclerosis
  • anemia and more (see chart below).

Maxi Multi is a comprehensive multi-vitamin and mineral formula that includes high potency B complex vitamins. Click here for a full description of this supplement.

B-12 Extreme

The Most Potent B-12 Formula Available.
A full description of B-12 Extreme can be found here.

B-Complex 50

High-potency vitamin B complex in a hypoallergenic, yeast-free formula.

Each (one) capsule contains:

Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine HCL) 50 mg Biotin 50 mg Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) 50 mg Pantothenic acid 50 mg Niacinaminde 50 mg Vitamin B-10 (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid) 50 mg Vitmin B-6 (Pyridoxine HCL) 50 mg Choline (Bitartrate) 50 mg Folic Acid 400 mcg Inositol 50 mg Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamine) 50 mcg

Order B-Complex 50 (100 Capsules) Here $15.90


High potency sublingual tablet supplying vitamin B-12 and folic acid.

Each (one) capsule contains:
Vitamin B-12 2500 mcg (Cobalamine concentrate)
Folic Acid 800 mcg

Order Hi-B-12/Foliplex (60 tablets) Here $17.00

The B Vitamin Complex “Family”

vitamin major functions major deficiency associations optimal adult dose range best food sources cautions/

vitamin B1

energy processes fatigue, mental confusion, neuropathy 5-100 mg eggs, berries, nuts, legumes, liver, yeast Nontoxic.

vitamin B2

energy processes, wound healing, activates other B vitamins infection, cataracts, blurred vision, eye surgery 5-100 mg green leafy vegetables, eggs, organ meats Nontoxic. Higher doses will make urine a harmless, bright yellow.

vitamin B3

energy processes depression, tension headaches, memory loss 20-100 mg milk, eggs, fish, whole meal wheat flour Doses greater than 50mg may cause a skin flush. Take high doses only with doctors supervision.

vitamin B5
(pantothenic acid)

energy processes; adrenal gland function allergies, morning stiffness; fatigue; muscle cramps 10-1,000 mg eggs, yeast, liver No known toxicity.

vitamin B6

energy processes; antibody formation insomnia, irritability, atherosclerosis 5-200 mg wheat germ, yeast, whole grains Oral contraceptive use increases need for this vitamin.

Folic acid

red blood cell formation, RNA/DNA synthesis fatigue, depression, atherosclerosis 200-800 mcg beans, green leafy veggies, yeast Do not take with Phenobarbital or dilantin.

vitamin B12

red blood cell formation; energy processes atherosclerosis, memory loss, GI symptoms 10-1,200 mcg fermented soy products; root veggies Nontoxic.


energy processes; blood sugar regulation muscle pain, depression 300-600 mcg egg yolks, whole wheat No known toxicity.

Blood Work Printable

Blood Chemistry Panel


Related to:

Triglyceride Diabetes BUN
BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Phosphorus Kidney Function
Renal Disease Alkaline Phosphatase
Calcium Bone Function GGT
Total Bilirubin
Total Protein Liver Function Albumin
A/G Ratio Nutritional Status Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol
VLDL Cholesterol
Total Cholesterol : HDL Ratio
Percent HDL Cholesterol Coronary Risk
Disease Risk Serum Ferritin Iron Status hs-CRP Cardiovascular Disease Risk

If you have medical questions or concerns, contact your physician.

CBC – Complete Blood Count

WBC – White Blood Count Infection / Lowered Immune System RBC – Red Blood Count Anemia MCV – Mean Corpuscular Volume
MCH – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
RDW – Random Distribution Width Red Blood Cell Index Platelet Count Coagulation (clotting) Neutrophils
Basophils Infection

The CBC is a complex test and requires physician diagnosis for any specific conditions. If you have abnormal values, we recommend following up with your physician

Blood Chemistry Panel

A Description of What Blood Tests Relate To

Blood Chemistry Panel


Related to:

Triglyceride Diabetes BUN
BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Phosphorus Kidney Function
Renal Disease Alkaline Phosphatase
Calcium Bone Function GGT
Total Bilirubin
Total Protein Liver Function Albumin
A/G Ratio Nutritional Status Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol
VLDL Cholesterol
Total Cholesterol : HDL Ratio
Percent HDL Cholesterol Coronary Risk
Disease Risk Serum Ferritin Iron Status hs-CRP Cardiovascular Disease Risk

If you have medical questions or concerns, contact your physician.

CBC – Complete Blood Count

WBC – White Blood Count Infection / Lowered Immune System RBC – Red Blood Count Anemia MCV – Mean Corpuscular Volume
MCH – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
RDW – Random Distribution Width Red Blood Cell Index Platelet Count Coagulation (clotting) Neutrophils
Basophils Infection

The CBC is a complex test and requires physician diagnosis for any specific conditions. If you have abnormal values, we recommend following up with your physician


An American Epidemic

Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries caused by an accumulation of fatty deposits on the artery walls. These fatty deposits result in decreased blood flow to the tissues. Additionally, pieces of fat can break loose and block a blood vessel. All arteries may be affected, but the coronary and cerebral vessels are the areas of greatest concern because insufficient blood flow to the heart and brain can quickly become life-threatening.

Atherosclerosis and its complications (coronary heart disease, stroke) are the major cause of death in the United States. Heart attacks alone account for over 20% of all U.S. deaths each year. When death from strokes and atherosclerotic heart disease are added in, the total of atherosclerotic-caused deaths increases to nearly 50% of the U.S. total. This disease costs over 60 billion dollars per year to treat. The suffering caused is incalculable.

Signs and symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on the degree of obstruction and the arteries involved. They may include angina (chest pain), leg cramps (especially when walking), weakness, dizziness, or gradual mental deterioration. Other “minor” symptoms often caused by the decreased blood flow of atherosclerosis include tinnitus (ringing in the ears), impotence, hearing loss, and diminished vision. Often, there are no symptoms prior to an “event” (heart attack, stroke).

The causes of atherosclerosis are largely known: sedentary lifestyle, smoking, dietary imbalances (esp. high trans fat consumption, lack of dietary fiber, lack of dietary antioxidants) and stress. Since these are all controllable risk factors, the individual can do MUCH to prevent and reverse this degenerative process.

It has been known since 1973 that a diagonal earlobe crease is a sign of atherosclerosis. More recent studies have suggested that it is, in fact, one of the most accurate indications of atherosclerosis – more reliable than any other known risk factor, including age, sedentary lifestyle, elevated cholesterol levels, and smoking.

The earlobe has many small blood vessels, known as capillaries. A decrease in blood flow caused by atherosclerosis causes a “collapse” of the vascular bed – and an earlobe crease results. (NOTE: This physical sign does not correlate with atherosclerosis in Orientals, Native Americans, and children with Beckwith’s syndrome.)

While the presence of an earlobe crease does not by itself prove heart disease, it strongly suggests it. If you have an earlobe crease or known atherosclerosis, begin to reverse the condition by following the recommendations here.


  • Eat a nutritious diet high in nutrients and fiber.
  • Regular aerobic exercise (with your doctor’s clearance). Exercise improves circulation and heart muscle pumping ability. It also helps the body use excess fats and cholesterol for energy.
  • Drink 8 glasses of pure water daily.
  • Maintain a normal body weight.
  • Do not smoke. Substances in tobacco smoke can cause spasm of the blood vessels

Limit caffeine intake to 2 cups (including decaf and caffeinated sodas) per day. Avoid these entirely if arrhythmia is present.


  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This daily “multiple” contains high potency antioxidants. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidant vitamins including C,E, and beta carotene, plus B complex vitamins, magnesium, selenium and bioflavonoids are particularly important for the heart. Take additional B complex vitamins if your multiple does not contain optimal doses. B vitamins, (especially B6, B12, and folic acid) lower homocysteine levels, an independent risk for heart disease that many researchers feel is more important than cholesterol levels.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids:
    Flax seed meal, 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed capsules
    : 2-4 caps, 3 times per day (target dose range: 6-12 caps per day)
    Flax seed oil
    : 1 tablespoon per day
    Max EPA
    (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals (target dose: 3-6 caps per day).
  • CoQ10: 50-300mg per day. This powerful antioxidant, produced by the body, diminishes with age. It is especially valuable for all types of heart disease. CHOLESTEROL-LOWERING DRUGS deplete CoQ10. (Amounts will depend on the severity of the disease. Lower doses may be used for health maintenance; higher doses in cases of arrhythmia, angina, and atherosclerosis).
  • Garlic: (Garlitrin 4000®): 1 tablet, once per day with a meal. Other brands, take 1 tab, 3 times per day. Target dose: 10,000mg allicin per day.


  • L-carnitine: 1 cap (250mg), 3 times per day with meals.
  • Bromelain: 1 cap (2400mcu), 3 times per day BETWEEN meals.


Treat all other “heart risk” factors that may be present: High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, arrhythmia. Please refer to these sections for more information. See HEART DISEASE for more information.


Amino Acids

Building Blocks of Muscle, Heart, Immune System

Amino acids are the basic units of protein. Protein, in turn, is an essential macronutrient (calorie-containing food). Seventy-five percent of the body’s solid material is comprised of protein, including the heart and muscles. Of the 21 amino acids found in substantial amounts in the body, ten are essential (the body MUST have them, the body cannot make them, and so they must be obtained from diet). Deficiencies of protein and/or amino acids can result in muscle weakness (including heart muscle weakness), tissue wasting, immune system failure, skin and vision changes, hormone and neurotransmitter alterations to name just a few.

A generalized protein deficiency is best treated with high quality protein, including whey, soy, and fish. Individual amino acid supplements are useful in a variety of conditions.

Therapeutically important amino acids include:

Acetyl L-carnitine (ALC) ALC is the acetylated ester of L-carnitine. It is more easily absorbed than l-carnitine and passes more readily into the cell where it is used for energy production. ALC plays a crucial role in maintaining youthful energy metabolism, blood flow, and brain function.

L-carnitine is an amino acid that is crucial to normal energy production and fat metabolism. It is used to treat atherosclerosis, high cholesterol and triglycerides and overweight. Carnitine helps the body convert fat into energy.

L-glutamine is an amino acid crucial to the cells of the GI tract and the immune system. Glutamine is used to build muscle (anabolic), rejuvenate and heal the GI tract, and improve immunity.

L-5-HTP (hydroxytryptophan) is an intermediate metabolite of the amino acid tryptophan. L-5-HTP stimulates increased production of serotonin, melatonin, endorphins, norepinephrine (adrenaline) and dopamine. It is used to treat depression, insomnia, anxiety, and overweight/obesity. Studies have shown it to be equally effective to Prozac and other SSRI drugs for treating depression, only much safer.

L-lysine may help prevent atherosclerosis. It is also used to effectively treat and prevent herpes outbreaks in infected individuals.

DL-phenylalanine (a mixture of “D” and “L” forms of phenylalanine) protects the body’s endorphins (“feel good hormones”) and reduces pain. Studies have shown it to be highly effective (70%) for treating chronic pain.


Natural Support For “Iron Poor Blood”

Anemia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying iron molecule of the red blood cell). Since red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin can cause fatigue, a result of insufficient oxygen being delivered to the tissues.

There are many different kinds of anemia. Some involve a deficiency of iron (iron deficiency anemia), but other types are due to other nutrient deficiencies (B12, folate), inability to assimilate B12 (pernicious anemia), defects in production of blood, low thyroid function, excessive destruction of red blood cells, genetic defects and autoimmune disease (hemolytic anemia) to name just a few.

Diagnosis of anemia should be made by a physician, because one or several blood tests may be required to correctly determine the type of anemia. Do NOT assume that lack of energy is caused by anemia, and NEVER TAKE IRON as a supplement unless you have been told to do so by a physician. Excess iron can be harmful, storing in heart, liver and kidneys where it compromises function. Excess iron also generates free radicals.


  • For iron deficiency anemia, eat iron-rich foods (kelp, brewer’s yeast, blackstrap molasses, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, millet, parsley, clams, almonds, berries, spinach, raisins, beet greens, beets, etc.)


For iron deficiency anemia:

  • Nutrizyme Multiple Vitamin/mineral supplement WITH iron: 2 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Liquid Liver: 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This form of iron is absorbed MUCH more readily than the elemental iron prescribed by conventional doctors. There is no associated constipation with liquid liver (“heme iron”) as there is with ferrous sulfate.
  • Vitamin C: 400-500mg, 3 times per day with meals. Vitamin C aids iron absorption.
  • Hi-B12/Folic Acid: 1 tablet, 2 times per day with meals (sublingual).

Since a decrease of gastric acid production is a leading cause of iron deficiency anemia in adults (except for women of menstrual age, where monthly blood loss is the primary cause), a Gastric Acid Function Self-Test should be performed.

For B12/Folic acid deficiency:


In addition to blood tests for iron, serum ferritin (storage iron), B12, and thyroid function should be tested. Low thyroid function can cause anemia. Low sex hormones can also cause anemia in both men and women. A male hormone profile or female hormone profile can help determine if low sex hormone levels are contributing to anemia