Sex Hormone Balance:

For Serious Anti-Aging and Disease Prevention

In both males and females, a decline or imbalance of the sex hormones is associated with a wide variety of health problems.

Imbalanced or decreased sex hormones in women can cause:

  • Acne or oily skin
  • Bloating
  • Bone loss
  • Breast disease including cancer
  • Cancer (hormone-related: breast, ovary, uterus)
  • Decreased fertility
  • Depression
  • Endometriosis
  • Excess facial and body hair
  • Heart disease
  • Heavy or painful periods
  • Hot flashes
  • Irregular periods
  • Irritability
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Loss of scalp hair
  • Low libido
  • Memory lapses
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Mood swings
  • Nervousness
  • Night sweats
  • Osteoporosis
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • Poor concentration
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Tender or fibrocystic breasts
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Weight gain

Imbalanced or decreased sex hormones in men can cause:

  • Bone loss
  • Decreased mental clarity
  • Decreased muscle strength
  • Decreased stamina
  • Decreased urine flow
  • Depression
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Heart disease
  • Hot flashes
  • Increased abdominal fat
  • Increased urge to urinate
  • Irritability
  • Low sex drive
  • Mood swings
  • Night sweats
  • Poor concentration
  • Sleep disturbances

Youthful hormone balance, achieved with natural (“bio-identical”) hormone replacement therapy is considered a main-stay of anti-aging and longevity medicine.

Best Test for Sex Hormone Balance

The sex hormones can be tested in blood, saliva or urine. Urine provides the most accurate results, saliva is next best and blood testing is least accurate. Here’s why:

The sex hormones are released in “pulsed” doses throughout a 24-hour period. One hour, the output may be high, the next hour it may be low. This is a normal pattern for both sex and adrenal hormone excretion.

A blood sample gives us only a “photograph” of the hormones present at the time the blood is drawn. It tells us nothing about the 24-hour average of hormones (which is the real number we are concerned with). Blood testing is the least accurate measure of sex and adrenal hormones.

Saliva, which reflects an “average” of the 24-hour hormone content of the blood, is the next most accurate.

Because a 24-hour urine test “captures” both the highs and lows of hormone output for an entire 24-hour time period and averages them, this method of hormone testing is in my opinion the “Gold Standard” of hormone testing.

I currently recommend urine hormone testing for any patient who has concerns of hormone balance (which should be everyone over age 35-40!). Saliva testing is next best but does not appear to be as accurate.

What’s Your EQ?

Do you know what your EQ — estrogen quotient — is? You should, because this may be the single most important piece of information for preventing breast and prostate cancer. Here’s why:

Estriol (E3) is a “good” estrogen and higher levels of estriol are associated with less cancer risk. Estriol appears to block many of the effects of the carcinogenic estrogens, estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), and other related “pro-carcinogenic” estrogens. How do you find out if you have enough estriol to protect you from cancer? You calculate your EQ.

Studies done in the 19060’s and 1970’s showed that women with an EQ above 1.0 had a significantly lower risk of breast cancer. Many women today have EQ’s of less than 1.0, and breast cancer rates are on the rise. This is no coincidence.

Although the EQ ratio has been best-studied in women, it appears that a similar ratio may be predictive for prostate cancer in men.

I now recommend that my patients who have hormone testing done have the EQ performed at the same time. The results, if unfavorable, are easily improved with dietary changes, supplements, iodine therapy or other natural measures. Where cancer is concerned, “prevention” trumps “early detection” every time.

Learn more about urinary sex hormone testing, The “Gold Standard” of hormone testing, here: Comprehensive Plus Hormone Testing


PreNatal Vitamins – A Review

You’re pregnant – Congratulations!

You have been careful to do everything just right and your hard work and attention to detail has paid off. Now you need to be sure that you are just as careful during this pre-natal period as you were in your pre-pregnancy period so that you can have an uneventful pregnancy and a happy, healthy baby.

The old saying “you are eating now for two” has a lot of truth to it (though it’s not an excuse to go overboard!) and it holds true for all essential nutrients. If your diet is lacking in any nutrient, that can be reflected in the development and health of your baby-to-be.

Let’s look at some of the nutrients that are essential for baby’s healthy development in the womb.

The Big Three:

Folic Acid / Folate

Folic acid is one of the best known of the prenatal essentials, since it is needed for proper development of brain and spinal cord. Neural Tube Defects such as Spina Bifida can result from folic acid deficiency. Low folate status has also been linked to recurrent pregnancy loss, low birth weight and a variety of age-related high risk complications of pregnancy.

One of the B Vitamins, folic acid is a synthetic form of folate found in many nutritional supplements. Synthetic folic acid is metabolized in the body into the useable form, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. Approximately 10% of the general population lack the enzymes needed to receive any benefit from folic acid and another 40% of the population may convert only a limited amount of folic acid into 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and cannot fully process supplemental folic acid at higher doses or even RDA levels The remaining 50% of the population do metabolize folic acid more efficiently, but obtaining folate in its 5-methyltetrahydrofolate form avoids any concerns about effective metabolization. Conventional medicine recommends a daily intake of 400 to 800 micrograms (mcg) daily.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Calcium and vitamin D are vital especially during the third trimester, when baby’s bones are growing and strengthening. Conventional medicine recommends 250 milligrams (mg) of calcium and 400 International Units (IU) of vitamin D daily.

The usual recommendation is to obtain calcium through diet – from “fortified foods” and milk and dairy products. Unfortunately, milk and many dairy products contain casein which can be very problematic for many people. Further, calcium taken without an appropriate amount of magnesium to balance it will have only very minor bone-building effects. Magnesium must be a part of any formula that contains calcium.

Calcium also tends to contain an unwanted substance, lead. This includes natural sources of calcium, like milk and dairy, leafy green vegetables as well as almost all calcium supplements.

While the lead that may be present in supplements is undesirable, this must be balanced with the need for calcium for fetal development. Some forms of calcium supplements such as calcium citrate and calcium malate are better absorbed and tend to have lower levels of lead. And, according to The LEAD (Lead Education and Abatement Design) Group of Australia, “Lead is released from the bone through resorption (the recycling of calcium and other minerals including lead from the bone to the bloodstream) during pregnancy, and there is strong evidence that calcium supplements reduce blood lead during this crucial period, in turn reducing lead levels in the newborn child.”

Vitamin D and calcium work hand-in-hand for bone creation and health, and vitamin D is perhaps best obtained in the form that Mother Nature intended – that is, from sunlight on skin. Our skin can produce approximately 10,000 IU of Vitamin D in response to as little as 30 minutes of unprotected summer sun exposure – but obviously this is neither practical nor even possible for many people and so vitamin D deficiency is very common. Supplementation becomes essential, but should be done carefully at higher doses. Vitamin D testing is available inexpensively and can remove the element of guesswork.

Recent research is suggesting that very high doses of vitamin D, once thought to possibly cause birth defects, are not only safe, but even beneficial. Neonatologist Carol L. Wagner, of the Medical University of South Carolina reports that in her study women who took 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily in their second and third trimesters not only showed no evidence of harm, they had half the rate of pregnancy-related complications like gestational diabetes, pregnancy-related high blood pressure, or preeclampsia, as women who took 400 IU of vitamin D every day and they were also less likely to give birth prematurely.

Learn more about Vitamin D here.


Iron is almost universally recommended for prenatal vitamins by conventional medicine in doses of around 30 to 60 mg daily

During pregnancy, more iron is needed to supply the growing baby and placenta, and iron supports normal brain development in the fetus. In the third trimester baby builds up iron stores for the first six months of life. Iron deficiency can lead to maternal anemia, premature delivery, low birth weight, and an increased risk of perinatal infant mortality.

However necessary iron is, it is neither benign nor free of problems and side effects. The most common form of supplemental iron, iron sulfate or ferrous fumarate, is about as absorbable as swallowing nails, and frequently causes either diarrhea or (more often) constipation and nausea – not something that is desirable for a mom in the first trimester especially! Iron-containing supplements can also be highly toxic to children.

A more bioavailable form of iron called heme iron is not only better absorbed but also causes far less side effects. One clinical study demonstrated that heme iron increased serum iron levels 23 times better than ferrous fumarate on a milligram-per-milligram basis.

Excessive iron levels, while not common during pregnancy, can be problematic and iron supplementation should be guided by the information obtained with regular, routine lab studies – especially serum ferritin. Thus, it may be wise to use a separate iron supplement instead of a prenatal containing iron as this allows fine-tuning instead of relying on a one-size-fits-all dose of this important nutrient.

Important Supplement Interaction Note: Calcium, taken at the same time or within an hour or two of taking iron can interfere with the absorption of iron – another very good reason to not include iron in a multiple vitamin that contains calcium!

Those are the “Big Three” of supplements almost universally recommended by conventional medicine.

Many conventional doctors are now recognizing the value of Omega 3 fatty acids to both mother and baby-to-be.

Omega 3 fatty acids, in the form of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) each have unique benefits. EPA is important to the heart, immune system, and inflammatory response and DHA supports development of the brain, eyes, and central nervous system.

While many people think that flaxseed and flaxseed oil contain omega-3s. That is true, but flaxseed contains a short chain omega-3, ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), which is different from the longer-chain EPA and DHA. It was once thought that we could convert ALA to EPA and DHA, but current research shows that this conversion rarely occurs and only very inefficiently when it does happen.

Fish oil is the most reliable source of EPA and DHA but because of concerns with contamination of fish by mercury and other pollutants it is important to choose a fish oil supplement that is highly purified and certified free of contaminants. Further, these oils are easily damaged by heat, so low-temperature processing such as molecular distillation is essential to prevent oxidation.

Liquid oils may be preferred by those who dislike swallowing capsules, but can be hard to tolerate due to their taste and many are artificially flavored and colored in an attempt to make them more palatable. Capsules can likewise cause “fishy burps” for some, especially if their digestion is poor. Some premium quality fish oil supplements are supplied in enteric coated capsules which avoid the “fishy burps” problem by passing through the stomach intact before dissolving in the small intestine for absorption.

Other conventional recommendations for inclusion in a prenatal vitamin usually include:

Vitamin A. Most sources recommend between 4000 and 5000 IU per day, and warn about the potential for “large doses” to be teratogenic (causing birth defects). The World Health says that “During pregnancy, a daily supplement should not exceed 10,000 IU.”

All vitamin A is not the same however. Retinyl palmitate which preformed vitamin A is the most common form and comes from animal sources. Beta carotene, a provitamin, is derived from vegetable sources – carrots being a good example. Retinyl palmitate is the form that is acknowledged to be a possible teratogen in very high doses. Beta carotene has never been associated with any teratogenic risk.

Vitamin C is usually included in prenatal vitamins since it is necessary for collagen synthesis which is important to your baby’s normal development of connective tissues. The RDA for pregnant women as stated by the USDA is a comically low 85 mg per day – just about enough to prevent scurvy. Having a low intake of vitamin C may be associated with complications in pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia, anemia and having a small baby.

Unlike most other animals, humans do not make vitamin C – we have lost that ability and must obtain it from diet or supplements. It is very important to remember this when reading research that details ill effects caused by high doses of vitamin C given to lab rats. Vitamin C is water soluble and is not retained to any degree in the body – any excess is quickly flushed out in the urine.

In the experience of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner who published his findings in the Journal of Applied Nutrition in 1971, doses of from 4 grams to 15 grams per day of vitamin C given to pregnant women conferred significant benefits to both baby and mother.

In Dr. Kenners words: “Observations made on over 300 consecutive obstetrical cases using supplemental ascorbic acid, by mouth, convinced me that failure to use this agent in sufficient amounts in pregnancy borders on malpractice.”

There are anecdotal reports on the internet and other places of vitamin C being used as an abortificant. This may be related to the lab rat studies mentioned above. The dosages usually quoted for this purpose are in the region of from 6 to 12 grams per day for 5 to 10 days, and most sources are very specific that only pure ascorbic acid may be used because any bioflavonoids will “work to prevent miscarriage.”

Finally, for vitamin C, there is a recent study showing that vitamin C has a protective effect on the lungs of all babies, and especially those born to mothers who smoke:

“Vitamin C is a simple, safe and inexpensive treatment that may decrease the impact of smoking during pregnancy on childhood respiratory health,” said lead author Cynthia McEvoy, associate professor of pediatrics at Oregon Health & Science University Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. “Though the lung function of all babies born to smokers in our study was improved by supplemental vitamin C,” she said, “our preliminary data suggest that vitamin C appeared to help those babies at the greatest risk of harm during their development from their mother’s smoking in pregnancy.”

The B vitamins group includes folate – which is widely recognized as necessary to prevent Neural Tube Defects in baby. This group also includes a number of other related vitamins with a wide variety of positive effects on both mother and baby.

Vitamin B-6 is well-known to be useful in combatting nausea during pregnancy (though the reason for this is not yet known), and vitamin B-12 is strongly linked to neural (brain and nervous system) development in baby. Inadequate B-12 levels may also contribute to pre-term delivery.

Vitamin E is best known for its importance to fertility, but it is also important during pregnancy. According to research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2006: “In summary, our results suggest that α-tocopherol is positively associated with fetal growth. It is plausible that circulating concentrations of α-tocopherol could be associated with some increase in fetal growth by greater blood flow and nutrient supply to the fetus.”

Maternal vitamin E deficiency may be associated with pre-eclampsia and pregnancy induced hypertension.

Vitamin K – most commonly known as “clotting factor” – is not normally considered to be essential for baby’s development by conventional medicine. However, developing teeth and bones contain two proteins that need vitamin K to function: matrix gla protein is necessary to keep growing cartilage from calcifying prematurely and bone gla protein is important for tooth mineralisation.

Vitamin K deficiencies can cause severe developmental defects as was demonstrated by an unfortunate baby born to a mother who had been on warfarin therapy during pregnancy. The warfarin drug essentially creates a vitamin K deficient state and the child was born with facial and spinal deformity and calcifications and was quadriplegic by 20 months. Clearly, adequate to generous vitamin K status during pregnancy is critical for normal fetal development. There are 2 natural forms of vitamin K: K1- phytonadione and K2 menaquinone. K1 is converted in the body to K2 and for this reason Dr. Myatt prefers the K2 form for supplementation.

Biotin deficiencies have been linked in rat studies to limb and palate defects – but there has been little research in humans except for studies that show biotin deficiencies are common during pregnancy.

The minerals: Iodine, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper and others.

Conventional medicine thinks little about minerals other than iron in pregnancy, however these trace minerals are all highly important to your growing baby as they participate in many enzyme and transcription factors that are critical to the correct functioning of developing DNA and RNA. With actions closely inter-related, deficiencies in one mineral can also affect the function and availability of other minerals.

Copper deficiencies can result in skin, neuronal and hair abnormalities and possibly to breathing problems such as persistent respiratory distress syndrome and to an increased risk of aortic aneurysm in early life because of reduced elasticity of these structures.

Zinc is essential to hundreds of enzymes and proteins and deficiencies can cause birth defects and post-natal problems for baby. Zinc is vital to immunity and deficiency can result in permanently compromised immunity for baby. Deficiency can also cause complications of labor including premature rupture of membranes and an increased risk of pre-term delivery.

Maternal iodine requirements increase during pregnancy, mostly due to increased thyroid activity. Iodine deficiency can lead to cretinism.

Selenium is essential to the enzyme glutathione peroxidase and to the function of glutathione – a vital antioxidant in our bodies and also important for metabolic and biochemical processes such as DNA synthesis and repair, protein synthesis, prostaglandin synthesis, amino acid transport, and enzyme activation. It is also thought that selenium and iodine work together to prevent cretinism.

What’s important in a prenatal multivitamin?

Price can be an important factor in the decision to purchase and take a multivitamin. Bargain prices are attractive, but these may come with suboptimal potency, substandard quality, inappropriate forms of ingredients, poor bio-availability or unwanted contaminants. A half-price vitamin is no bargain if one has to take twice as much of it to achieve the same effect!

The world of vitamins, minerals, and supplements is still “the wild west” – largely unregulated, with few consequences for those sellers who put more effort into their sales copy than their quality control. Wild claims and glowing “patient testimonials” are often a tip-off to this sort of seller. A conscientious formulator or seller will also be able to provide a very important document, the Certificate of Analysis or CofA for a product to attest to its purity and potency.

Number of pills per day?
There is no such thing as an optimal dose “one-a-day” vitamin. It is simply not possible to put meaningful doses of vitamins, minerals and nutrients into a single pill or capsule of any reasonable size. Those multivitamins that claim to do so end up having “pixie dust” doses of ingredients in them. Read the product label, and be sure that you are receiving meaningful, optimal doses of nutrients. Experience has shown us that optimal doses cannot be achieved in less than 6 to 9 capsules of a reasonable size. These should be taken divided into three times per day since many vitamins are water-soluble and do not remain in the body for long.

Chewable? Liquid? Tablet? Capsule?
Let’s face it – taking pills is no fun. Even less if they are large. Candy-like chewable or “gummy” formulations have become popular, as have liquid preparations since they are easier to swallow. Unfortunately, many vitamins and most minerals taste terrible, and so it takes a lot of flavoring, sweetening, and coloring to make them palatable. Do you really want to be eating artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, artificial food colorings, and preservatives when you are carrying your new baby-to-? Tablets have a different problem, in that they often don’t dissolve well especially if digestion is weak and almost any nurse can tell stories of seeing vitamin tablets passed out into a bedpan looking virtually unchanged. Capsules tend to dissolve more easily.

One pill with everything in it?
As we have seen, there are good reasons to keep some nutrients separate from others. For example, calcium interferes with the absorption of iron and prenatal formulations that contain both these minerals make little sense. On the other hand, some nutrients are synergistic – calcium should always be accompanied by magnesium and copper should always accompany zinc to avoid deficiencies. A well-designed multiple accounts for these factors, providing maximum benefit with a minimum of separate products.

A good formulation would include plant enzymes to ensure absorption of nutrients since many people have deficient digestion. Also, a formula must be hypoallergenic, ultra-pure and suitable for even highly sensitive individuals. Some potential problems to look for are artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, corn, gluten, casein, soy, yeast, lactose, sugar or high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and fillers. Some fillers and flow agents may be needed to allow a product to be packed into capsules, but these should be natural, functional, and the minimum possible consistent with good manufacturing practice.

What should a good formulation look like?

Opinions vary wildly. Much of conventional medicine is vitamin-phobic and will recommend that vitamins are best obtained “from a healthy diet.” Others are fond of mega-doses of vitamins or minerals for a variety of usually unproven reasons. The internet is full of theories, advice, conjecture and fantasy from scientists, laypeople and salespeople. Who to believe?

Dr. Myatt has applied over 23 years of clinical experience and a lot of scientific research to the formulation of her Maxi Multi. She believes that it is a perfect multivitamin for pre-conception, pre-natal, and post-natal use. Is it a complete, one product solution? Of course not! As we have seen, there are some nutrients that must be taken separately from a multiple vitamin, like iron and Omega-3 fish oil. These and other nutrients will be needed in different doses at different stages and so should be taken as needed.

With this consideration, her Maxi Multi is the most complete optimal dose multiple vitamin, mineral, and trace nutrient formula available and we always suggest that comparison shoppers use the Maxi Multi ingredient list as a standard that they can compare other formulations to.

Here is the Maxi Multi ingredient list:

Nine (9) Capsules (the recommended daily dose) contain:

Vitamin A (as natural beta-carotene) from D. salina

15,000 IU

Vitamin A (from palmitate)

2500 IU

Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid, magnesium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate)

1200 mg

Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)

800 IU

Vitamin E (as mixed tocopherols)

400 IU

Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone)

150 mcg

Vitamin B-1 (as thiamin hydrochloride)

100 mg

Vitamin B-2 as Riboflavin

60 mg

Niacin (as niacinamide and inositol hexanicotinate)

200 mg

Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride and pyridoxal-5-phosphate)

100 mg

Folate – 5-methyltetrahydrofolate

800 mcg

Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin)

400 mcg


300 mcg

Pantothenic acid (as d-calcium pantothenate)

400 mg

Calcium (as carbonate, citrate, malate)

1000 mg

Iodine (from kelp)

150 mcg

Magnesium (as mg oxide, aspartate, citrate)

500 mg

Zinc (as zinc monomethionine)

20 mg

Selenium (as l-selenomethionine)

200 mcg

Copper (as copper amino acid chelate)

2 mg

Manganese (as amino acid chelate, gluconate, aspartate)

5 mg

Chromium (as picolinate and polynicotinate )

200 mcg

Molybdenum (as molybdenum amino acid chelate)

150 mcg

Potassium (as aspartate, chloride and succinate)

99 mg

Choline (as choline citrate and bitartrate)

350 mg

Inositol (Inositol, Inositol hexanicotinate)

200 mg

Vanadium (as vanadyl sulfate)

20 mcg

Boron (amino acid chelate)

2 mg

para-aminobenzoic acid

50 mg

Citrus bioflavonoids

100 mg

Lipase (8,000 USP u /g)

27.5 mg

Amylase (1,000,000 FCC u /g)

19 mg

Protease (5,000,000 FCC u /g)

5 mg

Other ingredients:  Gelatin, water (capsule), Arabinogalactan from Western Larch leaf, magnesium stearate and silica.

Dr. Myatt encourages her patients and customers to “comparison shop” to be sure that they are getting exactly what they need, and nothing that they don’t need – and to make sure they are getting the best quality and value for their money. The best way to do that is to compare actualingredients lists – not just advertising claims. The claim “Everything you need in one easy-to-swallow pill” sounds great, but a look at the label shows that claim to be misleading – such a formula is almost certain to be lacking in meaningful doses.

We have compared a few popular pre-natal formulas with Dr. Myatt’s Maxi Multi for you:

Daily intake of nutrients from recommended daily serving:

Nature’s Way Completia Prenatal:
2 tabs twice daily

Rainbow Light Prenatal:
One tab once daily

Thorne Research Basic Prenatal:
one cap 3 times daily

Vital Nutrients Prenatal: 6 caps daily

Dr. Myatt’s
Maxi Multi Optimal Dose:
3 caps three times daily

Vitamin A (as natural beta-carotene) from D. salina

8000 IU


3000 IU

7500 IU
beta carotene, mixed carotenoids, vit. A acetate

15,000 IU

Vitamin A (from palmitate)

2000 IU

2500 IU

Vitamin C

120 mg
calcium ascorbate

100 mg
ascorbic acid

150 mg
ascorbic acid

500 mg

1200 mg
ascorbic acid, magnesium ascorbate and calcium ascorbate

Vitamin D3

400 IU

400 IU
D2 Ergocalciferol

1000 IU

800 IU

800 IU

Vitamin E

30 IU
as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate

30 IU
as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate

50 IU
as d-alpha tocopheryl

400 IU
as d-alpha tocopheryl

400 IU
as mixed tocopherols

Vitamin K

90 mcg

65 mcg

100 mcg

100 mcg

150 mcg
K2: menaquinone

Vitamin B-1

1700 mcg
thiamin mononitrate

10 mg
thiamin mononitrate

4 mg
thiamin hydrochloride

50 mg

100 mg
thiamin hydrochloride

Vitamin B-2 as Riboflavin

2 mg

10 mg

3.6 mg

10 mg

60 mg


20 mg

20 mg

30 mg

50 mg

200 mg
niacinamide and inositol hexanicotinate

Vitamin B6

2.5 mg
pyridoxine hydrochloride

15 mg
pyridoxine hydrochloride

10 mg

50 mg
pyridoxine hydrochloride

100 mg
pyridoxine hydrochloride and pyridoxal-5-phosphate


800 mcg
folic acid

800 mcg
folic acid

1000 mcg:
500 mcg as Calcium Folinate and 500 mcg as 5-mthf

400 mcg

800 mcg

Vitamin B12

8 mcg

25 mcg

200 mcg:
100 mcg as adenosylcobalamin and 100 mcg as methylcobalamin

200 mcg

400 mcg


300 mcg

300 mcg

50 mcg

300 mcg

300 mcg

Pantothenic acid (as d-calcium pantothenate)

10 mg

15 mg

16 mg

100 mg

400 mg

Calcium (as carbonate, citrate, malate)

720 mg

200 mg

200 mg

400 mg

1000 mg


45 mg

30 mg

45 mg

30 mg


Iodine (from kelp)

150 mcg

150 mcg

150 mcg as Potassium Iodide

225 mcg as Potassium Iodide

150 mcg


300 mg
oxide, citrate

100 mg

100 mg
citrate, malate

200 mg

500 mg
oxide, aspartate, citrate


15 mg

15 mg

25 mg

25 mg

20 mg

Selenium (as l-selenomethionine)

25 mcg

100 mcg

50 mcg

200 mcg

200 mcg

Copper (as copper amino acid chelate)

2 mg

2 mg

2 mg

2 mg

2 mg


2 mg

2 mg

5 mg

5 mg

5 mg
chelate, gluconate, aspartate


50 mcg

120 mcg

100 mcg

200 mcg

200 mcg
picolinate and polynicotinate

Molybdenum (as molybdenum amino acid chelate)

75 mcg

50 mcg

50 mcg

150 mcg


50 mg

10 mg

90 mg

99 mg
aspartate, chloride and succinate


4 mg

10 mg

350 mg
choline citrate and bitartrate


10 mg

10 mg

200 mg
Inositol, Inositol hexanicotinate

Vanadium (as vanadyl sulfate)

50 mcg

20 mcg

Boron (amino acid chelate)

1 mg

1 mg

1 mg

2 mg

para-aminobenzoic acid

2 mg

50 mg

Citrus bioflavonoids

200 mg
raspberry leaf, dandelion root, nettle leaf, peppermint leaf

90 mg
“Gentle Prenatal Blend” Flavonoids

100 mg


50 mg
from tuna


Lipase (8,000 USP u /g)

“Complete Digestive Support“
24 mg, Protease, Amylase, Lipase, Cellulase

27.5 mg

Amylase (1,000,000 FCC u /g)

19 mg

Protease (5,000,000 FCC u /g)

5 mg

References and Additional Information:

Fernández-Ballart J.D: Iron Metabolism during Pregnancy. Clinical Drug Investigation, Volume 19, Supplement 1, 2000 , pp. 9-19(11)
On average, about 4.6mg of absorbed iron per day is needed during the second and third trimesters, or about 3.3mg per day more than in the nonpregnant state, to complete a full pregnancy cycle without iron deficit.

A clinical study demonstrated that HIP increased serum iron levels 23 times greater than ferrous fumarate on a milligram-per-milligram basis.

The LEAD (Lead Education and Abatement Design) Group
Lead is released from the bone through resorption (the recycling of calcium and other minerals including lead from the bone to the bloodstream) during pregnancy, and there is strong evidence that calcium supplements reduce blood lead during this crucial period, in turn reducing lead levels in the newborn child.
Unfortunately calcium interferes with the absorption of iron and should not be consumed in significant quantities (more than one glass of milk or 2 slices of cheese) in conjunction with iron rich meals. Calcium can also interfere with phosphorus absorption.

Ministry of Health Canada, Prenatal Nutrition Guidelines for Health Professionals – Iron Contributes to a Healthy Pregnancy, 2009
During pregnancy, women need more iron to support the increased maternal red blood cell mass. This supplies the growing fetus and placenta, and supports normal brain development in the fetus. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus builds iron stores for the first six months of life (Fernández-Ballart, 2000).
There are three main inhibitors of non-heme iron absorption in the diet: polyphenols from tea and coffee, phytate in legumes and some vegetables, unrefined rice and grains, and calcium at levels greater than 300 mg (Hallberg and Huthen, 2000).

Leif Hallberg: Does calcium interfere with iron absorption? American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998
The balance of evidence thus clearly indicates that calcium in amounts present in many meals inhibits the absorption of both heme and nonheme iron.

Véronique Azaïs-Braesco and Gérard Pascal: Vitamin A in pregnancy: requirements and safety limits. American Society for Clinical Nutrition 2000
The recommendations of the World Health Organization can be summarized as follows:
During pregnancy, a daily supplement should not exceed 10 000 IU (3000 RE) and a weekly supplement should not exceed 25 000 IU (7500 RE).

Today, vitamin A supplementation is the most efficient way of correcting vitamin A deficiency. Its only drawback is the potential risk of teratogenesis. Interesting attempts have been made to replace vitamin A with the provitamin β-carotene, which has never been associated with any teratogenic risk.

Linda Houtkooper, Vanessa A. Farrell: Calcium Supplement Guidelines, University of Arizona
Dolomite, Oyster shell, and Bone Meal are naturally occuring calcium carbonate sources which may contain heavy metals, including lead. Minimizing lead intake is important for pregnant and nursing women, and children. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set an upper limit for the amount of lead a calcium supplement can contain (7.5 micrograms per 1000 milligrams of calcium).

C Carlier A randomised controlled trial to test equivalence between retinyl palmitate and beta carotene for vitamin A deficiency. BMJ 1993;307:1106
beta carotene is therapeutically equivalent to retinyl palmitate
Omega-3s have been found to be essential for both neurological and early visual development of the baby. However, the standard western diet is severely deficient in these critical nutrients. This omega-3 dietary deficiency is compounded by the fact that pregnant women become depleted in omega-3s, when the fetus uses omega-3s for its nervous system development. Omega-3s are also used after birth to make breast milk. With each subsequent pregnancy, mothers are further depleted. Research has confirmed that adding EPA and DHA to the diet of pregnant women has a positive effect on visual and cognitive development of the baby. Studies have also shown that higher consumption of omega-3s may reduce the risk of allergies in infants.
Omega-3 fatty acids have positive effects on the pregnancy itself. Increased intake of EPA and DHA has been shown to prevent pre-term labor and delivery, lower the risk of pre-eclampsia and may increase birth weight. Omega-3 deficiency also increases the mother’s risk for depression. This may explain why postpartum mood disorders may become worse and begin earlier with subsequent pregnancies.

High Doses of Vitamin D May Cut Pregnancy Risks: Study Shows 4,000 IU a Day of Vitamin D May Reduce Preterm Birth and Other Risks. WebMD Health News, May 4, 2010
Women who take high doses of vitamin D during pregnancy have a greatly reduced risk of complications, including gestational diabetes, preterm birth, and infection, new research suggests. Based on the findings, study researchers are recommending that pregnant women take 4,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D every day — at least 10 times the amount recommended by various health groups.

Cleveland Clinic Prenatal Vitamin Recommendations

Javert CT, Stander HJ (1943). “Plasma Vitamin C and Prothrombin Concentration in Pregnancy and in Threatened, Spontaneous, and Habitual Abortion”. Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics 76: 115–122.
However, in a previous study of 79 women with threatened, previous spontaneous, or habitual abortion, Javert and Stander (1943) had 91% success with 33 patients who received vitamin C together with bioflavonoids and vitamin K (only three abortions), whereas all of the 46 patients who did not receive the vitamins aborted.

Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., F.C.C.P. : Observations On the Dose and Administration of Ascorbic Acid When Employed Beyond the Range Of A Vitamin In Human Pathology. Journal of Applied Nutrition Vol. 23, No’s 3 & 4, Winter 1971
Observations made on over 300 consecutive obstetrical cases using supplemental ascorbic acid, by mouth, convinced me that failure to use this agent in sufficient amounts in pregnancy borders on malpractice. The lowest amount of ascorbic acid used was 4 grams and the highest amount 15 grams each day. (Remember the rat-no stress manufactures equivalent “C” up to 4 grams and with stress up to 15.2 grams). Requirements were roughly 4 grams first trimester, 6 grams second trimester and 10 grams third trimester. Approximately 20 percent required 15 grams, each day, during last trimester. Eighty percent of this series received a booster injection of 10 grams, intravenously, on admission to the hospital. Hemoglobin levels were much easier to maintain. Leg cramps were less than three percent and always was associated with “getting out” of Vitamin C tablets. Striae gravidarum was seldom encountered and when it was present there existed an associated problem of too much eating and too little walking. The capacity of the skin to resist the pressure of an expanding uterus will also vary in different individuals. Labor was shorter and less painful. There were no postpartum hemorrhages. The perineum was found to be remarkably elastic and episiotomy was performed electively. Healing was always by first intention and even after 15 and 20 years following the last child the firmness of the perineum is found to be similar to that of a primigravida in those who have continued their daily supplemental vitamin C. No patient required catheterization. No toxic manifestations were demonstrated in this series. There was no cardiac stress even though 22 patients of the series had rheumatic hearts. One patient in particular was carried through two pregnancies without complications. She had been warned by her previous obstetrician that a second pregnancy would terminate with a maternal death. She received no ascorbic acid with her first pregnancy. This lady has been back teaching school for the past 10 years. She still takes 10 grams of ascorbic acid daily. Infants born under massive ascorbic acid therapy were all robust. Not a single case required resuscitation. We experienced no feeding problems. The Fultz quadruplets were in this series. They took milk nourishment on the second day. These babies were started on 50 mg ascorbic acid the first day and, of course, this was increased as time went on. Our only nursery equipment was one hospital bed, an old, used single unit hot plate and an equally old 10 quart kettle. Humidity and ascorbic acid tells this story. They are the only quadruplets that have survived in southeastern United States. Another case of which I am justly proud is one in which we delivered 10 children to one couple. All are healthy and good looking. There were no miscarriages. All are living and well. They are frequently referred to as the vitamin C kids, in fact all of the babies from this series were called “Vitamin C Babies” by the nursing personnel–they were distinctly different.

HomeSpun – A Women’s Networking Newsletter: Home Abortion Remedy – Vitamin C
I found this recipe in a book called “A Woman’s Book of Choices: Abortion, Menstrual Extraction, RU-486” by Rebecca Chalker and Carol Downer.
The books says to take 6-10 grams of ascorbic acid a day for 5-10 days. It says specifically ascorbic acid. Don’t use vitamin C with bioflaviniods in it, because they work to prevent miscarriage. Read the label and check the ingredients, write down what to look for if you think you won’t remember when you get to the store. Tons of vitamin c products are available, look for the cheap generic brands, they are usually the ones that have pure ascorbic acid. Don’t use anything that has Rose-hips in it, they conntain bio-flaveniods which help to prevent miscarriage.

American Academy of Pediatrics 4 May 2013
Vitamin C may head off lung problems in babies born to pregnant smokers
“Though the lung function of all babies born to smokers in our study was improved by supplemental vitamin C,” she said, “our preliminary data suggest that vitamin C appeared to help those babies at the greatest risk of harm during their development from their mother’s smoking in pregnancy.”

Surén P, et al.: Association between maternal use of folic acid supplements and risk of autism spectrum disorders in children. JAMA. 2013 Feb 13;309(6):570-7. doi: 10.1001/jama.2012.155925.
” Use of prenatal folic acid supplements around the time of conception was associated with a lower risk of autistic disorder in the MoBa cohort. Although these findings cannot establish causality, they do support prenatal folic acid supplementation.”

Molloy AM, Effects of folate and vitamin B12 deficiencies during pregnancy on fetal, infant, and child development. Food Nutr Bull. 2008 Jun;29(2 Suppl):S101-11; discussion S112-5.
The role of folic acid in prevention of neural tube defects (NTD) is now established, and several studies suggest that this protection may extend to some other birth defects.In terms of maternal health, clinical vitamin B12 deficiency may be a cause of infertility or recurrent spontaneous abortion. Starting pregnancy with an inadequate vitamin B12 status may increase risk of birth defects such as NTD, and may contribute to preterm delivery, although this needs further evaluation. Furthermore, inadequate vitamin B12 status in the mother may lead to frank deficiency in the infant if sufficient fetal stores of vitamin B12 are not laid down during pregnancy or are not available in breastmilk.

Theresa O Scholl, Vitamin E: maternal concentrations are associated with fetal growth. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006 December; 84(6): 1442–1448.
In summary, our results suggest that α-tocopherol is positively associated with fetal growth. It is plausible that circulating concentrations of α-tocopherol could be associated with some increase in fetal growth by greater blood flow and nutrient supply to the fetus.

Howe AM, Severe cervical dysplasia and nasal cartilage calcification following prenatal warfarin exposure. Am J Med Genet. 1997 Sep 5;71(4):391-6.
It supports the hypothesis that warfarin interferes with the prenatal growth of the cartilaginous nasal septum by inhibiting the normal formation of a vitamin K-dependent protein that prevents calcification of cartilage. The child also had severe abnormalities of the cervical vertebrae and secondary damage to the spinal cord.

Harry J McArdle and Cheryl J Ashworth: Micronutrients in fetal growth and development
-Developing teeth and bone contain two vitamin K dependent proteins; matrix gla protein, necessary to maintain growing cartilage in a noncalcified state and bone gla protein which is important for tooth mineralisation. -Maternal vitamin E deficiency may, however, be associated with pre-eclampsia and accumulation of lipid peroxidase products in vitamin E deficient mothers causes vasoconstriction and consequent pregnancy induced hypertension

Nature’s Way Prenatal

Vital Nutrients Prenatal

Thorne Research Prenatal

Rainbow Light Prenatal

Bio-Identical (Natural) Hormone Therapy Under Attack:

The Next Loss of Health Freedom

What is Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (nHRT)?

Although synthetic and horse-urine derived hormones have been the standard in conventional medicine for years, such forms of hormone replacement therapy are unsafe. Higher risk of heart disease and hormones-related cancers are the most worrisome side effects of conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Most holistic physicians prefer to use natural HRT (nHRT), an alternative that actually reduces the risk of heart disease, hormone related cancers, osteoporosis and premature aging.

Natural hormone replacement therapy is conducted by first performing a female hormone profile. Such testing of the entire complement of female hormones including estriol, estrone, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA is almost NEVER done in conventional medicine. Instead of using a “generic” prescription, the holistic physician can instead use the results of the female hormone profile to write a custom-tailored hormone prescription for each patient. These customized hormone prescriptions are filled by “compounding pharmacists” who specialize in making custom formulas.

Unlike conventional HRT which uses high doses of estradiol and synthetic progesterone almost exclusively, nHRT typically encompasses all the sex hormones and in doses that attempt to duplicate the hormone pattern that a woman had in her younger years. This is a very different and much safer approach to hormone replacement therapy.

Thousands Helped with nHRT

Thousands if not hundreds of thousands of women and men have been helped with nHRT.
Not only is bio-identical hormone replacement safer than conventional HRT, it also works better for many people.

Women who have not found relief from menopausal symptoms with the unnatural hormones typically prescribed often feel better than they have in years once they are switched to natural hormone replacement. Further, duplicating the hormone pattern of youth has proven to be a potent anti-aging strategy employed by many holistic and longevity physicians.

Why Big Pharmacy Wants nHRT Outlawed

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, makers of Premarin® and Prempro® (the dangerous synthetic and horse urine-derived hormones), recently petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting severe restrictions on the compounding and dispensing of bio-identical hormones. If granted, these restrictions would put an end to all natural hormone replacement therapy.

Although “bio-identical hormones” appear far safer than conventional hormone therapy, Big Pharmacy and their lap dog, the FDA, are trying hard (and will probably win) at making natural, safe, bio-identical hormones illegal. Hey — if the competition cuts into profits, why not just destroy it?



Proven Osteoporosis Support

Ipriflavone (7-isopropoxy iso-flavone) is synthesized from the soy isoflavone daidzein, a plant estrogen. Studies have shown that ipriflavone prevents the breakdown of bone, improves uptake of bone minerals, relieves osteoporosis pain and increases mobility. Ipriflavone does not have any estrogenic effects on the female organs, however, and it can therefore be used for osteoporosis treatment and prevention even when hormone therapy is contraindicated.

In Japan and many European countries, ipriflavone is a registered treatment for osteoporosis. A dose of 600mg per day of ipriflavone was shown in one study to cause gains of up to 7.1% in bone mineral density.

Dose: 600mg per day, taken with a meal or as directed.

Click here to
Order This Concierge Product
WellevateThis is a separate website and you will need to create a new account to order.


The “Chemical Nervous System”

Hormones are the chemical messengers of the endocrine system, also called the “chemical nervous system.” Nearly every bodily process depends on hormones. Some hormones decline with age and this decline is believed to contribute to the aging process. Such hormones include:

DHEA: (dehydroepiandosterone)

This “master hormone” produced by the adrenal glands. It can be converted into other steroid hormones including sex hormones and corticosteroids. Levels of DHEA often drop dramatically after the age of 35.

Low DHEA levels are linked to diabetes, obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, arthritis, heart disease, and autoimmune disease. Supplementation may be useful in these conditions.

DHEA may help prevent age-related memory loss, joint discomfort, fatigue, insomnia, depressed immunity and diminished muscle mass by maintaining many other hormones at youthful levels.

Learn more about DHEA here.


This hormone manufactured from serotonin by the pineal gland. It helps regulate the sleep/wake cycle and set the Circadian rhythms (24-hour cycle) of the body. This, in turn, sets the “rhythm” of release of all other hormones.

Melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the central nervous system against injury, disease and aging. Melatonin increases production of immune cells and is often used in cancer medicine for its immune-enhancing, antioxidant effects. (Do NOT use in leukemia and lymphoma until more is known).

Many researchers consider melatonin to be one of the most powerful anti-aging substances available.

Learn more about melatonin here.

Click here for information about Female Hormones

Click here for information about Male Hormones

Click here for information about Thyroid Hormones


Hormone Balance:

Chemical Messengers are Key to Aging Gracefully

Hormones are “chemical messengers” in the body. Together with the nervous system, hormones regulate every aspect of bodily function.

Hormones include male and female sex hormones, adrenal hormones, thyroid, pituitary and “brain hormones,” also called neurotransmitters.

Decreased levels of thyroid hormone can lead to sluggishness, forgetfulness, weight gain and high cholesterol levels. Excess thyroid hormone can cause irregular heart beats, fast heart rate, unintended weight loss, jitteriness and even death.

Altered levels of the adrenal hormones affect heart rate, metabolism and energy, blood pressure and immune function to name just a few.

The “sex hormones” (male and female) not only control fertility and male and female sexual characteristics, but declining levels of these hormones are associated with aging, premature aging, heart disease osteoporosis, mood disorders and the aging process in general.

Imbalanced brain hormones, also called NeuroTransmitters (NT’s) are associated with all manner of mood disorders including depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADD/ADHD and other brain and nervous system disorders. Changes in BT levels are also associated with brain and nervous system diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.

Keeping youthful, balanced hormone levels goes a long way toward preventing “age related” illnesses and the aging process in general.

Top Hormone Balancing Recommendations and Hormone-Related Health Concerns

Hormone Balancing Supplements and Hormone-Related Health Concerns 
HerBalance with Pregnenelone
Mega Soy
Saw Palmetto
Thyroid Cytotropin

Adrenal Health

Thyroid Hormone Health
Thyroid Cytotropin

Men’s Hormone Health
Male Hormone Profile
Korean (Panax) Ginseng
Mega Soy
Prostate Support
Saw Palmetto
St. John’s Wort

(Brain Hormone) Health
NeuroTransmitter Profile
St. John’s Wort
St. John’s Wort Plus+

Women’s Hormone Health
Female Hormone Profile (Post Menopausal)
Female Hormone Profile (Pre Menopausal)
Black Cohosh Plus+
Korean (Panax) Ginseng
HerBalance with Pregnenelone
Mega Soy

Design Your Own Optimal Health / Anti-Aging Supplement Program

Natural Support To Keep You In The Peak Of Health For Years To Come

Step 1: Optimal Dose Multivitamins & Minerals

Optimal (not just minimal) doses of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants should be the foundation of every good health program. For information about optimal daily adult doses of nutrients, refer to the vitamin/mineral chart here.

Dr. Myatt’s Maxi Multi delivers optimal daily doses of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals in a single formula. Other possible combinations of formulas based on age and sex can be found here: Which Formulas Are Right For You?

If you take only one thing, make it an optimal potency multiple vitamin / mineral / trace mineral / antioxidant formula such as Maxi Multi or equivalent combination.

[Note: To obtain the equivalent of Maxi Multi’s, most people need to take the following: I.) High quality multiple vitamin / mineral formula II.) B complex vitamins III.) Additional antioxidant formula IV.) Calcium / magnesium / boron.]

Step 2: Phyto-nutrients

Plants contain hundreds of non-vitamin/non-mineral substances known as “phytonutrients.” (Phyto=plant). Although not absolutely essential to to life like vitamins and minerals are, these plant-derived nutrients never-the-less perform many important functions. Phytonutrients act as potent antioxidants, detoxifiers, oxygenators and anti-mutagenics. (Preventing cancerous changes in cells). The typical American diet is far too low in produce, so plant-derived nutrients are often lacking. Supplementing flavonoid-rich herbs is good “health insurance.” Maxi Greens provides a broad spectrum of phytonutrients in a single formula OR use other flavonoid-rich herbs singularly or in combination.

Step 3: Organ System or Condition-Specific Protocols

If you have a medical diagnosis, you may choose to use a supplement protocol that has been proven useful for your condition. You can look up medical conditions in the “Disease” Knowledge Search box on the upper right hand corner of every page on this website. If you do not have a diagnosis OR if you wish to practice preventive medicine, follow the “Health Priority Protocols” for any organ system that scored “high” on the Health Priority Self-Evaluation. The Health Priority Evaluation can be found on page 6-8 of the Holistic Health Handbook.

Step 4: Hormones

Hormones are potent “biochemical messengers” that control virtually every aspect of physical function. Many hormones, including sex hormones (DHEA, estrogens, progestins, testosterone), neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine) and melatonin decline with age. It is believed that the aging process can be slowed or countered by maintaining more youthful levels of these hormones.

Because the hormonal “milieu” is a complicated mix, I recommend hormone testing when available (as it is for the sex hormones) before beginning replacement therapy.

Additional Measures to Consider:

Cancer Prevention Protocol

1.) Take optimal daily doses of vitamins and minerals. (Maxi Multi or equivalent).
2.) Take additional flavonoid-rich herbs (Maxi Greens or equivalent).
3.) Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids: fish oil (best) or flax oil OR 2 TBS. or more ground flax seed.
4.) Hormone Balancing as indicated by the results of a hormone profile.
5.) Cancer-prevention “extras” (if not included elsewhere in your program)

Use any or all:

Click here for Advice about Your Anti-Aging / Longevity Protocol

Q & A About Nutritional Supplements

Q: It seems strange to take so many supplements to stay healthy. Can’t I just get my nutrients from a good diet?

A: Theoretically, yes. Realistically, no. You need supplements to ensure that there are no “gaps” in your nutrient intake. And while it may seem “strange” to take supplements, consider how strange our eating behaviors have become.

We don’t eat fresh fruits and vegetables just picked from the vine; we eat produce that was grown with multiple pesticides and insecticides, then shipped long distances and kept in cold storage. Instead of fresh produce, we may be eating an apple that was picked 18 months ago. Nutrients are lost by the hour when produce is picked.

We no longer eat whole grain bread from freshly milled grain, with the germ (which contains vitamin E), and bran (which contains fiber and B complex vitamins) intact. Instead, our flour has been processed, all nutrients removed, bleached, chlorinated, baked into bread with preservatives added, then “enriched” with a few token nutrients.

Do you drink milk for the calcium? Or eat cheese? Our cattle are fattened by using human sex hormones and growth hormones to stimulate milk production and fatten them for beef. Those hormones are in the flesh and milk, and then passed on to us. High levels of dioxin are now found in cattle, presumably because this outlawed environmental toxin is making it’s way up the food chain.

I could go on, but what’s the point? Even if you consistently make every effort to eat healthfully, unless you raise all of your own food and eat it fresh, you are not obtaining the necessary nutrients from diet. Few people I know eat this way.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the protective value of obtaining target doses of various nutrients. Even a single nutrient deficiency can cause a whole “domino effect” of health problems, since “everything is connected to everything” in the body. Why take chances? Taking Maxi Multi is inexpensive health insurance.

Q: The recommended dose for Maxi Multi is 9 caps per day. I take a one-per day multi vitamin now. Why does your formula require so many capsules for a full day’s dose?

A: Because optimal doses of nutrients do not fit into one capsule or tablet.

Q: I have been taking vitamins from the health food store and I feel fine. Should I keep taking these, or switch to Dr.Myatt’s Maxi Multi’s?

A: Switch to Maxi Multi! Are you certain that your multiple contains optimal doses of all nutrients? Are you certain that it was manufactured with the highest quality raw materials? Verified by independent laboratory testing as well as stringent in-house testing? Does the company use the most efficacious form of each individual nutrient? Do they include important (but often overlooked) trace minerals such as molybdenum, vanadium and boron? Do they continually update the formula to reflect new discoveries in the field of nutritional medicine? Do they have me-”The Dragon Lady”- or someone just like me, watching every aspect of quality, purity, and formulation? If you want to be sure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs on a daily basis, in the purest, most potent, optimal doses, take Maxi Multi.

Q: I take Maxi Multi’s every day. Do I need to take other supplements?

A: That depends. If you are in good health, have no medical problems, and follow the “Golden Rules of Good Health” at least 90% of the time, Maxi Multi’s may be all you need.

If you have already-existing health problems, do not follow good health practices on a regular basis, or want to do more to prevent problems, then additional supplementation is in order.

Maxi Multi’s provide a solid foundation for your good health program. They are inexpensive “health insurance” that will protect you from numerous deficiency-related disease, dietary imbalances, and environmental toxins. Consider Maxi Multi’s the starting place for your supplement protocol.

Every “protocol” listed here is built on a foundation of Maxi Multi’s or the equivalent. If you are not getting the “foundation,” additional supplementation will be far less beneficial.

Remember, if you only take one nutritional supplement, Maxi Multi should be The One.

Coleus Forskohlii (Forskolin)

Enzyme and Hormone Activator

Coleus Forskohlii, a member of the mint family, has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine, being applied to a variety of conditions including hypertension, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, congestive heart failure, and angina. The beneficial effects of this herb have been well-researched in both animal and human clinical studies. It acts by increasing levels of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in cells. This cAMP activates many other enzymes which are involved in diverse cell functions. Some of the effects that have been observed and studied include:

A powerful anti-spasmodic action on smooth muscle. This makes it useful for the relief of intestinal colic, uterine cramps, painful (cramping) urination, angina and hypertension. This antispasmodic effect also relaxes airways, resulting in bronchodilation, decreased airway resistance, and increased vital capacity and forced expiratory volume of the lungs, making it a very useful treatment for asthma and allergies.

Increased contractility of the heart muscle, which makes it valuable in the treatment of congestive heart failure, while at the same time it lowers blood pressure by relaxing the arteries.

Increased cerebral (brain) blood flow. This indicates that it may be helpful in improving post-stroke recovery.

Inhibition of platelet aggregation (blood clotting) also adds to its value in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders.

It is felt that the cAMP elevating effects of forskolin may result in an improvement in glaucoma and conditions of  increased intraocular pressure.

Symptoms of psoriasis have been improved through the use of forskolin, thought to be due to an improvement in the cAMP/cGMP ratio.

Depression may also be responsive to the effects of forskolin through it’s action of increasing cAMP and inhibiting phosphodiesterase. Researchers stopped short of recommending forskolin for the treatment of depression, but did state that “elevated brain cAMP levels are closely linked to antidepressant activity…”

Scientists at the Penn State University College of Medicine found significant weight loss and reduction of blood pressure levels in subjects of a recent study, indicating that forskolin may be a useful and safe herb for those seeking to lose weight.

Related to the above is the effect that forskolin has on the thyroid: it serves to increase thyroid hormone production and stimulates thyroid hormone release. This mechanism may be one way in which forskolin promotes a normal body weight. It’s effects in normalizing thyroid function may also contribute the antidepressant effects seen with forskolin use.

Scientists at Brown University have suggested that forskolin may have a place in the prevention of tumor metastasis due to its effect as a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation and inhibition of tumor colonization.

Finally, forskolin has been shown to enhance and boost the immune system by activating macrophages and lymphocytes which are valuable tools in the body’s battle against infection.

Suggested dose: 1-3 capsules per day. (Target: 10-30 mg forskolin per day)

Consultations With Dr. Dana Myatt

Help Yourself To Good Health

Notice To New Patients:

Because of Dr. Myatt’s reputation of being the doctor to call when conventional medicine gives up she has been inundated with a number of extremely complicated patients.

In order that she may continue to provide all her patients the high levels of care and attention that they have come to rely upon she is accepting only very select new patients.

In order to determine suitability to be added to her caseload Dr. Myatt is requiring all those who wish to be taken on as new patients to first speak with her in a Brief Telephone Consultation.


Member: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (eligible)
President: ECAFH Foundation, Inc. (Exploring Complementary Answers for Health)
Author: A Physicians Diary
Professor: Atlantic University
Graduate: National College of Naturopathic Medicine

How May I Help You? Herbs Homeopathy Nutritional Evaluations Lifestyle Counseling Chinese Medicine Edgar Cayce Remedies Health Optimization Immune Enhancement Detoxification and Fasting Stress Reduction Health Education Weight Management


Special Programs

  • Executive Wellness & Longevity
  • Cardiovascular disease prevention and reversal / high cholesterol reversal
  • Overweight/obesity
  • CANCER prevention/options
  • Digestive difficulties and parasites
  • Allergies and hypersensitivities
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Viral Syndromes including HIV, herpes, Epstein Barr (EBV), hepatitis
  • Infertility (male and female)
  • Athletic performance

Help Yourself to Health

Click Here To Learn Why You Should Consult Dr. Myatt

click here to see Dr. Myatt’s telephone consult brochure

call 1-800-DRMYATT (1-800-376-9288)

Please also see: How Our Office Handles Insurance

Do Doctors Still Make House Calls?

Dr. Myatt And Nurse Mark Make “The Ultimate House Calls”!

Many of our private practice patents and Wellness Club Customers know that Dr. Myatt travels often to speak, teach, and lecture. When her travels bring her to areas where her patients live she is happy to schedule them for an in-person consultation, including examination and other therapeutic treatments. Patients may be seen in Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club coach or even in the comfort of their own home. When visits can be scheduled to coincide with Dr. Myatt’s travel itinerary her customary consultation fees apply.

Your Own Private Naturopathic Doctor And Nurse – In Attendance:

For those who need the undivided attention of this unique doctor and nurse team, Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark can travel to your location where they will attend to your holistic health needs 24/7 if need be. This may include not only intensive care for the patient, it may include teaching for family members and caregivers or for staff such as personal chefs, personal assistants, housekeepers, or security staff.

You can be assured of absolute, inviolate confidentiality and respect for your privacy when working with Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark.

This is a unique and specialized service and it is not inexpensive. Not all patients will qualify for or benefit from this intensive in-home naturopathic medical care. Please contact Dr. Myatt for cost and availability and to determine your suitability for this ultimate health-restorative opportunity.

Is your situation more urgent?

Do you need Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark to attend you more quickly than is possible with road travel? (for road travel figure 500 miles per day from northern Arizona to your location)

Dr. Myatt will not travel by commercial (public) air carrier. She will consent to travel by private business aircraft and there is an airfield near her location that will accommodate this class of aircraft. (KTYL) Contact The Wellness Club to discuss this option.

Dr Myatt can also arrange to travel to your location by private plane. Nurse Mark is a licensed Private Pilot and their airplane allows them to reach you quickly and discretely. Requirements for visitations of this kind will include a destination airport with adequate runways and secure tie-downs and available fuel, appropriate transportation arrangements on arrival and during the visit, and appropriate accomodations for Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark while on location.

Piper Warrior II Private Airplane
Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark can be at your side quickly if need be. Click on the picture above for more information about their aircraft.

Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club Coach is 36 feet in length. She maintains contact with her patients and the internet via 2-way satellite. When in location she requires electrical service for her communications: 20 amps minimum.

Brief Consultations

Brief Consultations by telephone are available between 9 AM and 5 PM, Tuesday through Friday, Arizona time. When you checkout please tell us what times and dates would be best for your consultation – we will make every effort to accommodate your needs, subject to prior scheduling commitments. Please be sure that we have both a valid email and telephone number so we can contact you to arrange your appointment.

Please Note: Be sure that you are available at the telephone number you provide, at the time you have arranged, when Dr. Myatt calls you – there are no refunds for missed appointments!

In the very unlikely event that a medical emergency prevents Dr. Myatt from calling at your appointment time, you will be offered a full refund or a rescheduled appointment – your choice.

DO NOT send Dr. Myatt lab reports, medical records or summaries, or any other medical information unless you are booking a New Patient Visit Consultation! Any medical information that is received unsolicited will be treated as confidential medical records and will be destroyed immediately.

Medical records and other documentation can be sent to:

Dr. Myatts Wellness Club
Attn: Medical Records
PO Box 900
Snowflake, AZ 85937

It is of no benefit to send via “overnight” courier – USPS Priority Mail provides timely and inexpensive delivery to our location – usually as quickly as any “overnight” courier!

The Bacon and Egg Cure for High Cholesterol


This Week In HealthBeat News:

This is a repeat of last week’s “urgent announcement.” It is SO important that I WANT TO BE SURE EVERYONE SAW IT. If you already took action, good for you and please go enjoy the other articles from this week’s HealthBeat. (And be sure to pass this information along to friends and family)……

More Proof-Positive That Big Pharma Doesn’t Give a Damn
About Your Health

by Dr. Dana Myatt

Breast cancer rates have not changed significantly in the last 50 years with one notable exception. The rates dropped an unbelievable 7% in just one year when the news about the connection between Premarin (Pregnant Mares Urine) hormone therapy and breast cancer finally broke. This was barely mentioned by the media, then it disappeared. I’m not sure if many people really caught the significance of this, so let’s review it in a nutshell.

In 2001, sales of Premarin and Prempro (conventional hormone replacement therapy for post-menopausal women) exceeded $2 billion. In 2002, the huge Women’s Health Initiative Study showed that both Prempro and Premarin significantly increased women’s risks of breast cancer, heart attacks and dementia. (This information was actually known 20 years ago, even before the Women’s Health Initiatit5ve Study, when I was just a medical student. But the news just “broke” to the general public in the last several years). As a result of the study’s findings about these increased health risks, use of Premarin and Prempro plummeted along with sales. Revenues from these poisons fell to less than $1 million per year ($880,000 to be exact) by 2004. That’s a drop of 99.96% in sales and profits if you need a little help with the math.

Benefits of Natural (Bio-identical) Hormone Replacement Therapy

Many women turned from these deadly Big Pharma hormones to natural, aka bio-identical, hormone replacement therapy which so far appears to be MUCH safer than the drug versions of hormones. The big difference is that natural hormone replacement therapy attempts to duplicate a woman’s hormones (replace the same approximate amounts the exact same hormones a woman has when younger), instead of giving un-natural amounts of only the strongest female horse-hormones, which is what the drug versions do. Here is what we know about the benefits of natural hormone replacement therapy (nHRT):

* Natural HRT has been used in the U.S. for almost 25 years without a single related death or complaint

* Unlike synthetic HRT drugs (typically made from horse urine), bio-identical hormones use the same four main sex hormones that the body makes, and in “physiologic” amounts (amounts similar to what the body makes)

* Unlike “one-size-fits-all” horse hormone prescriptions, natural HRT prescriptions are custom-tailored to individual patients

* Natural HRT still requires a doctor’s prescription and supervision

Because the nHRT duplicates the pattern of natural female hormones, they appear to be far safer than conventional HRT. In fact, there is evidence that nHRT may actually help prevent breast cancer instead of causing it. Many women have found relief from menopausal complaints over the past 25 years with this apparently far-safer form of hormone replacement therapy.

Big Pharma Doesn’t Give a Damn About Your Health

In October of 2005, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, manufacturers of Prempro and Premarin, filed a complaint with the FDA asking that the sale of ALL bio-identical hormones be banned. That’s right —Wyeth, makers of cancer-causing hormones, has petitioned the FDA to outlaw the natural HRT alternatives that are safer, more effective, and cheaper than their dangerous drugs. This should go a long way to preserving the less than one half of one-thousandth the dollars they used to make on these killers. Apparently, Wyeth cares more about protecting the now-miniscule market-share of their line of dismally failing drugs than they do for protecting women’s lives.

Wyeth’s drugs were causing at least 7% of the country’s breast cancers, yet now they want to take away access to the much safer hormone alternative. See how much our lives are worth to Big Pharma?

Why the FDA Sleeps with Big Pharma

Our lives aren’t worth any more to the FDA than they are to Big Pharma. After all, Big Medicine, Big Pharma and their Bed Partner the FDA are about Big Money, not altruistic endeavors. (I hope I’m not popping anyone’s candy-colored bubble here).

The FDA receives “drug user fees,” which totaled over 3 billion dollars in 2004 from pharmaceutical companies for the drugs they sell. The less drugs that Wyeth or any Big Pharma Company sells, the less money goes into the FDA coffers. Natural hormones, made by “compounding pharmacies,” are regulated by the states. The FDA does not receive any money from the sale of natural hormones. No wonder the FDA is just as eager as Wyeth to either outlaw natural hormones OR have compounding pharmacies fall under their (FDA) jurisdiction.

Because the FDA and Big Pharma are bedfellows, an FDA ruling on the matter would have gone in favor of Wyeth last year had it not been for a massive grassroots effort that appeared to put the matter to rest. Now enter the double-dealing “tag on” bill brought to you by our “Also don’t give a damn about the individual” politicians.

Crooked Politicians Aid and Abet The FDA and Big Pharma
(The Sneaky End-Run Around)

Another surprise to some of you, I know, but politicians actually aid and abet this Big Money Machine, not our individual health freedoms or our personal health concerns. Just several days ago, this “tag on” piece of legislation was introduced by Senators Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.), aka “the usual suspects.” It should be noted that Senator Kennedy is # 4 on the list of the top 20 political recipients of Big Pharma money, reporting a total of $221,550 received from the Pharmaceutical Industry in 2006 alone.

“The Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007,” deftly tacked on the back of a major FDA funding bill, will be voted on the end of this month and will surely pass (so much for our legislators “reigning in” the FDA). What this sneaky “tag” will do is drastically curtail compounding pharmacies and place them under FDA control instead of state control. Expect to kiss your natural (bio-identical) hormone replacement therapy and all other compounded prescriptions

Notice how this “tag” was placed at the last minute (so few people would have time to hear about it, much less respond), and how it was added to a bigger bill that is sure to pass? Evil, dirty, rotten nasty politics. This stinks, but it’s the “modus operandi” of Big Government and other Big Money interests. You and I don’t matter at all to these people except for the money we can put in their collective pockets, and our individual health and freedom be damned.

Take Action Now to Preserve Compounding Pharmacy
and Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy

Remember that I promised to let you know when it was time to take action on an impending health freedom matter? The time is NOW to protect compounding pharmacy and natural hormone replacement therapy.

What You Must Do Today to Protect Your/Our Health Freedom

Since almost no one except HealthBeat readers have even heard about this yet, the opportunity for a grassroots movement to stop this legislation is cutting close. Don’t wait until next week to act. Here is what you need to do if you want to help save compounding
pharmacy and health freedom in general and natural hormone replacement therapy in particular.

You need to write a letter to both your state Senators AND your state Representatives. This letter should be FAXED to their office, not mailed. A fax is far more potent than a phone call (if you can even get through) or an email. It is estimated that each individual fax carries the weight of 13,000 voters (because they figure about one in about 13,000 who care about a particular subject will ever actually contact a representative). Here is what you need to say, and it is short and sweet:

(Please modify this into your own words, but this is the gist of it):

Dear Senator BlowHard:

I am vehemently opposed to the proposed “Safe Drug Compounding Act of 2007” and request that you vote “no” on this stealthy tag-on legislation. Leave compounding pharmacy where it belongs, under state jurisdiction. Further, I believe the dysfunctional FDA does
not need more control over drug regulation, they need less.

Please help protect what shred of my health freedom remains by voting “no” on this senseless legislation.

Your Voting Constituent,
Joe Doaks

How to locate your representatives:

Locate your representatives by state

Locate your senators by state

Political Action Steps Summary:

1.) Fax your state’s senators and representatives ASAP. If you don’t have a fax machine, lets you send out 2 free faxes per day. (Hot tip on free faxing courtesy of Steven C.). A fax really is that much more important and worth your time than an email, and a typed or legibly hand-written letter carries a LOT of weight!

2.) Pass this note on to friends, family, anyone who gives a darn about health freedom. (You know, all those people you forward e-mail jokes to). If you have friends who aren’t on e-mail, snail-mail them this information. Encourage them to pass it along to as many people as they can.

Grassroots movements have saved the day on other health freedoms issues in the past decade. We must not underestimate the power of the general citizenry (that’s us!) to slay the dragons that jeopardize our freedom. Since the pen is mightier than the sword, please draw your weapon and let’s see if we can save the day for health freedom once again.

In Pursuit of Health and Freedom,
Dr. Myatt


Why Don’t You Bill Insurance?

by Mark Ziemann, R.N.

[Dr. Myatt’s Note: The following commentary is a continuation of Nurse Mark’s Poor, Poor Pitiful Me: Why Some People Will Never Get Well and Would Your Plumber Work This Cheap? from previous weeks’ HealthBeat News. If you haven’t read these articles, you might want to check them out first to see what has gotten my mild-mannered Nurse in such a tizzy. I do believe this is the final installment of Nurse Mark’s indignation! ;-)]

“Why Don’t You Just Bill My Insurance?” This plea usually comes from someone wanting to book an appointment, but who is haggling and chiseling at the cost. “But she is so expensive – I couldn’t possibly afford that much money…” These people almost invariably go elsewhere, usually to their “conventional” doc, who is only too happy to give them a 5 to 10 minute visit, a mandatory drug prescription as a “prize” for visiting, and send them happily on their way. These doctors usually have a bustling office staff devoted to scheduling patients in at ten-minute intervals, and an even busier back-office staff devoted to doing all the preliminary paperwork that goes to the insurance company to generate income for the doctor and his staff. Even with a back-office staff doing much of the prep work, the doctor will still spend several hours each day finishing up his or her part of the insurance paperwork. This really is a major business, and must be run as efficiently as possible if that doctor is to achieve the desired income.

Here is the history behind Dr. Myatt’s decision to “opt out” of the insurance business. As she tells it, it was one of those rare “ah hah” moments in life. Many years ago, while working for a major holistic medical clinic in Phoenix (one that accepted insurance, as most do),
Dr. Myatt came into the office an hour early one morning to plow through the mountain of insurance paperwork that her busy medical practice required. Anyone who does their own income taxes has some idea of what these forms look like, with one notable exception. Each insurance provider has a different form and requirement of what information is needed.

So there sat Dr. Myatt, scratching her head and grinding her way through a mountain of paperwork when in walked one of the clinic nurses, announcing that there was a work-in patient in the ER, here before regular clinic hours with severe breathing difficulty and chest pain. Doctor Myatt was the only physician available (of course she was — it was over an hour before the clinic usually opened)! As The Good Doctor shifted mental gears from paper-pusher to emergency room physician, she found herself for just a moment feeling resentful. After all, how could she get the insurance paperwork completed if she was interrupted with patients? Like a splash of cold water in the face, this thought was immediately replaced with the realization of what the paper-pushing had done to her. Too busy doing insurance paperwork to see a patient? She got up, saw the patient (who was in severe cardiac distress due to a non-functional mitral valve) and decided right then and there that she would never resent seeing a patient for want of more time to fill out insurance forms.
Dr. Myatt “opted out” of insurance and Medicare at that time (it is no longer possible for a physician to “opt out” of Medicare), and has never looked back or regretted her decision. She now spends all of her time on patient care, and her results speak for themselves.

Here at the Wellness Club, we work at a slower pace. We book each patient for a full hour, and visits often run longer. We focus entirely on the patient and on how to make them well, not on how to comply with sometimes-impossible insurance forms.

I recently had a patient (one of our “incurable” success stories) ask me “do you really make any money at this?” and I had to answer honestly. We cover the bills and expenses and we are comfortable, but we are not “rich” and aren’t likely to get rich any time soon unless we hit the lotto.

People measure success by many different markers. Some see success as a big, fancy home (we live in a comfortable but modest straw bale home where we have clean air, clean water, and plenty of outdoors to enjoy). Others measure success by the car they drive (we have an older model van and an older model Saturn wagon). We also have a — you guessed it, older model — RV that allows us to travel to see patients, lecture, and teach. Still other people believe that their success is measured in their 401K’s, retirement pensions and gold-plated medical (sickness) insurance plans. We have no plans to “retire” for as long as we can keep helping people find better health, our “health insurance” is our daily supplement and vitamin regimen (especially Maxi Multis!), clean air, clean water, good food, and modest exercise, and our “retirement plan” is to build a modest home that is completely self-sustainable (no electric company or propane delivery required) and raise our own food.

Dr. Myatt could undoubtedly make more money if we “took insurance.” This would require seeing far more patients for far less time each, and there would be no time for individual “case study,” but it would certainly bring a bigger income.

Would we be “more successful” if we “took” insurance? Not if you calculate success like we do, by the number of people that we have helped. We sleep well at night knowing we are giving our all to each and every patient, and we never find ourselves feeling annoyed that a patient is disturbing our paperwork time. Most importantly, many patients reaffirm our “success” when they thank us for helping them with “incurable” medical problems that conventional medicine has given up on.

Now that’s success in our book!

Nurse Mark

P.S. Here is the information from the “Insurance” page of our website for those who are interested.

How Our Office Handles Insurance

Q: Does Dr. Myatt Accept Medicare or Medicaid?

A: No. Dr. Myatt “opted out” of Medicare years ago. Without a UPN number (universal provider number required by Medicare), there is no way for Medicare to cover Dr. Myatt’s services. Further, Medicare rarely covers the type of progressive, alternative care that Dr. Myatt and other holistic physicians provide.

Q: Does Dr. Myatt accept insurance?

A: No. Services are due and payable on the day they are rendered.

Q: Will Dr. Myatt fill out insurance paperwork if I file a claim myself?

A: Yes. Dr. Myatt will gladly complete any necessary insurance paperwork including writing letters of medical necessity, as required by your insurance company for you to file a claim yourself. However, all time spent completing insurance paperwork or writing such letters is billed at Dr. Myatt’s usual hourly fee of $240. For example, if it takes Dr. Myatt one-half hour to complete insurance paperwork, the patient will be billed $120.

Q: Why does Dr. Myatt charge for filling out insurance paperwork? My other doctor does this for free.

A: Your other doctor spends 5-10 minutes with you and charges for a complete office visit. Dr. Myatt charges for the office visit (typically one hour, the entire time of which is devoted to your care), then spends an average of 2-12 hours in “case study” following your exam or phone consultation. This additional time spent on case study is not charged for but is included in your visit. Very few physicians spend so much time and attention on an individual patient.

Insurance paperwork is incredibly time-consuming. This is valuable time that Dr. Myatt prefers to spend studying the patient’s case in order to get the patient well, not shuffling papers.

When you consider the true amount of time Dr. Myatt spends on an individual case, you will see that her fees are a bargain. When you find yourself recovering from an “incurable” illness, you will further understand why Dr. Myatt’s case-study time is so valuable and why we charge for the non-wellness time spent on paperwork.

Nurse Mark

The Bacon and Egg Cure for High Cholesterol

Is your cholesterol still “too high”? (Above 230, but this depends on what your “good cholesterol,” or HDL levels, are, too).

We get calls and letters literally every day with questions about how to lower high cholesterol. The self-treatment stories we hear include “I only eat good carbohydrates,” or “I almost never eat eggs.” To which we reply, “well no wonder your cholesterol is high!”

You see, what you have probably heard about how to lower cholesterol is completely backwards. If it was correct, you’d see big result in as little as a month. If you’ve been on your cholesterol-avoidance diet for more than a month and haven’t seen dramatic improvements, then you have proof that you are on the wrong track. Clearly, it’s time to try a new approach. Cholesterol levels don’t take that long to change.

I had a telephone follow-up with new patient Kim this week. She’s thrilled because the migraine headaches she originally contacted me about are gone. Not reduced, but completely gone, no drugs needed. As a side-effect, she’s lost 30 pounds and her once-high cholesterol levels have dropped like a rock, back into the normal range for the first time in many years. Her secret? She’s following my advice and having either a Super Shake or bacon and eggs for breakfast, along with following the rest of The Myatt Diet. It wasn’t an easy “sell” to convince her to eat this way, but now she’s an absolute missionary for The Myatt Diet. (You’ll see her testimonial in an upcoming HealthBeat). She also tells me that she’s amazed how her food cravings have completely disappeared, so she’s not missing her former junk food, including “good carbs.”

If you’ve bought into the prevalent but misguided idea that avoiding cholesterol will lower your cholesterol, here’s a hot “biochemical tidbit.” When you lower dietary cholesterol, your liver simply makes more. (Cholesterol comprises 80% of the cell wall of every cell in your body, so it’s a very valuable commodity indeed). Fortunately, your liver knows how to make cholesterol even when you don’t eat it. When you stop eating eggs, your liver detects a “cholesterol famine” and cranks out more of this life-giving fat. Your attempts to outsmart Mother Nature will fail. (You can’t get up early enough to fool Mama Nature)!

Low Cholesterol diets rarely work to lower cholesterol. Eating only “good carbs” rarely works to lower cholesterol. “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.” Stop struggling with your cholesterol levels and go have some bacon eggs for breakfast!  — Dr. Myatt

* Calling All Fellow Gardeners! *

Greenest Envy: Make Your Garden The Talk of The Neighborhood
Grow Bigger Flowers, Greener Lawns, Humongous Produce

I like to garden. It pleases me no end to see my front yard filled with bright splashes of color all season long and bring fresh cuttings indoors for a continual warm-weather treat. And really, can you call those tasteless red things from the grocery store a tomato after you’ve tasted home-grown? A juicy red beefsteak still warm from the vine atop fresh-picked lettuce puts me in salad bliss. Not only is home-grown produce far fresher and more convenient, it can be FAR healthier than store-bought produce grown with synthetic fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides, then sprayed with anti-fungal agents, spoilage retardants and Goddess only knows what else so they’ll “keep” longer on the grocery shelf. The toxic spate of chemicals in produce often offsets the value of “eating green” in the first place! For my money and health, homegrown is better whenever I can pull it off. The problem is, how do you fertilize and keep bugs at bay without those nasty chemicals? Much as I hate to use them, there’s no doubt that many of them are effective at what they do.

Fortunately, I’ve found a marvelous gardening secret: Gardens Alive!

Gardens Alive! offers non-toxic solutions for just about every garden problem you can name. Got pests? They have non-toxic solutions that are effective and affordable. Lawn problems? Their seeds and growth enhancers (again, all non-toxic) will give you the greenest lawn on the block with far less effort. Their fruit, vegetable and flower growth enhancers produce bigger, healthier yields without fail. Kill nasty garden pests without harm to yourself or your pets; have an enviably perfect lawn and harvest eye-popping produce with these not-to-be-missed garden solutions. No more nematodes, blossom end-rot or meager yields for me, no siree! Bye bye deer and birds sharing my harvest (it wouldn’t be so bad if they’d eat the whole leaf or fruit instead of pecking one hole in every leaf, huh?). I even get a jump-start on the season with their ingenious little seed starter kits.

I’ve never seen anything like the array of products offered at Gardens Alive! They even have solutions for helping keep your pets healthy. Best of all, these non-toxic solutions are not only more effective than their synthetic counterparts, they are also less expensive in almost every case.

If you do any gardening at all, you owe it to yourself to take a look at these incredible products. Imagine the pride you’ll feel harvesting state-fair quality produce and flowers, or enjoying a golf-course quality lawn that will be the envy of your entire neighborhood! Please be sure to take “before” and after” pictures of your efforts so we can show them off to other gardening readers.

Here are some of my top recommendations:

Gardens Alive! Organic Garden With Seed Got 4’x4′ of space? You can have a complete organic garden with 10 vegetables, easy and weed-free. This kit R-O-C-K-S! I’m setting one up on my deck this summer and I’ll have organic salads all season long.
Vegetables Alive! Fertilizer  Dramatically increase your yield of lettuce, peas, broccoli, cabbage, beans, cucumbers, melons and more.
Turf Alive! Brand Have a thick, green lawn the looks like a lush golf course without the toxic chemicals. Your neighbors will hate you.
Portabella Mushroom Kit Portabellas have a wonderful texture and flavor, plus they’re loaded with nutrients including vitamin B and potassium. They can be difficult to find at the supermarket (and they’re expensive), but with this kit you can grow your own and enjoy fresh mushrooms in 3-5 weeks.
No Fleas, Please! Stop fleas outdoors AND kill ’em indoors. Non-toxic, inexpensive, effective. Outdoor Flea Control and Indoor Flea Control

AND, Here’s a “starter special” for you:
$20 FREE off your first order at Gardens Alive for Wellness Club Members!

Happy Gardening!
— Dr. Myatt

Laughter is Good Medicine : Best Single’s Ad Ever

This has to be one of the best singles ads ever printed. It is reported to have been listed in the Atlanta Journal.

SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I’m a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I’ll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me. Call (404) 875-XXXX and ask for Lucy, I’ll be waiting…. (Click here to see the punch line):