Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

Bio-identical (Natural) Hormone Replacement Therapy
and Other Natural Hormone-Balancing Therapies

Which One is Right for You?


Are Your Symptoms Cause by Low or Imbalanced Hormones?

What is Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (bHRT)?

What are the advantages of bHRT?

Delivery System: Oral Versus Transdermal Hormones

How Best to Address Your Menopausal Symptoms and Concerns?

Dr. Myatt’s “Hormone Balance” Programs: Which One is Right for You?

Are Your Symptoms Caused by Low or Imbalanced Hormones?

Women and men both go through “the climacteric,” a period in mid-life when sex hormone production declines.

In women, this change is called “menopause.” In men, the change is often referred to as “andropause.” Many symptoms of the climacteric are similar in men and women.

In women, peri-menopause (“around the time of menopause”) symptoms can include mood swings, weight gain, fatigue, hot flashes, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, decreased libido (sex drive), urinary leakage or urgency and sleep difficulties. Menstrual periods may becomes less frequent, irregular and farther apart OR they can become heavier and more frequent. Peri-menopause usually begins in a woman’s 40’s but can start as early as the 30’s or as late as the 50’s.

Menopause symptoms in women are similar to peri-menopause symptoms except that menstrual periods cease. Headaches, heart palpitations, cognitive decline and difficulty sleeping may also occur. Bone mineral loss is often accelerated during this time, leading to osteoporosis.

Andropause symptoms in men can include include night sweats, low libido (sex drive), weight gain, depression, anxiety, hot flashes, gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts), fatigue, irritability, and weight gain. Other male climacteric symptoms include erectile dysfunction, loss of stamina and lean muscle mass, cognitive decline and decreased bone mineral density. Men with lower testosterone have a higher risk of coronary artery disease. (1-4)

The change in men is more gradual than in women and symptoms are often attributed to “natural aging” instead of hormone decline.

What is Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (bHRT)?

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (bHRT) is a way to resolve symptoms and/or restore sex hormones to more youthful levels using hormones that are identical to those produced by the human body. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (bHRT) differs from convention HRT (cHRT) which uses horse estrogens (Premarin = Pregnant Mares Urine), synthetic and semi-synthetic hormones that are different from human hormones.

Proponents of bHRT believe that many of the unwanted side effects of conventional HRT are due to the “foreignness” of the molecules, not to hormone replacement therapy itself. This may make bHRT a safer form of hormone replacement therapy. (5-10)

How is Bio-Identical HRT Different from Conventional HRT?

Bio-identical hormone replacement is different from conventional HRT in the following ways.

  1. “Identical to human” hormones are used in bHRT. Conventional HRT typically uses horse hormones and synthetic and semi-synthetic hormones. These hormones are not the same molecules as those produced by the human body.It should be noted that there are bio-identical FDA approved hormones available by prescription. Not all “bio-identical” hormones need to be “compounded,” or made up individually by a compounding pharmacist.
  2. Based on Testing. bHRT is prescribed based on individual hormone test results. Conventional HRT does not use testing but bases treatment on improvement of symptoms.
  3. “Pulsed dosing” is often used in bHRT to duplicate the natural rhythm of hormone production and release. Some studies have shown this pattern of use to be safer and just as effective as continuous HRT. (11-12) Conventional HRT typically uses continuous doses of hormones. Continuous doses are associated with higher risk of breast cancer in some studies. (13)

What are the advantages of bHRT?

Is bHRT Safer than conventional HRT?

Conventional hormone replacement therapy, especially in women, is associated with a number of increased health risks including heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, deep vein thrombosis, gallbladder disease and acid reflux. (14-20) Conventional HRT decreases the risk of osteoporosis and can alleviate some symptoms of menopause including hot flashes and vaginal dryness (21-22) but many experts do not believe these improvements justify the increased risks.

Proponents of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy believe that bHRT is safer than conventional hormone therapy and some studies have shown this. (5-10) However, the number of studies done with bHRT is small compared to the studies done with conventional HRT. Large-scale studies of safety and efficacy of bHRT are lacking.

In spite of a small number of studies confirming safety and efficacy, the case for bio-identical hormones also makes sense in theory. Consider these facts:

Conventional hormone replacement therapy typically employs estrogens from pregnant mare’s urine. Horse hormones are significantly different than human hormones. Conventional hormone replacement also typically uses synthetic progesterone. The difference in synthetic and bio-identical progesterone is  significant. It is therefore believed that most if not all of the negative side effects of conventional hormone replacement is due to their “foreign to humans” molecular structure, not to hormone replacement itself. Some studies on bio-identical versus non-bio-identical progesterone confirm that there is a different effect in humans with natural progesterone appearing to have less risk of associated cancers. (5-10)

Further, conventional hormone replacement is almost always prescribed as a “one-size-fits-all” recommendation without the use of any laboratory testing to verify hormone levels. Practitioners of bio-identical hormone replacement typically start with blood, saliva or urine hormone testing and customize hormone prescriptions based on an individual’s unique requirements. Testing can help guide the prescription and prevent levels of hormones from being excessive.

Finally, risks associated with hormone therapy can be monitored, but this is rarely if ever done in conventional hormone prescribing. However, risks such as total hormone levels, ratios of hormones to each other and hormone metabolites can be potent predictors of heart disease and cancer risks. Even without hormone replacement therapy, these risk factors may be worth monitoring in all middle-aged men and women.

To answer the question of safety, there are theoretical reasons to believe that bio-identical HRT should be safer than conventional HRTand some actual studies show better safety.

Is bHRT Effective?

Studies have verified the effectiveness of bHRT for relieving many of the symptoms of menopause. (7-9, 23-24)

My personal clinical experience over the past 23 years is that bHRT can achieve every positive effect that conventional HRT achieves with less risk of negative side effects. Because I monitor risk factors, I have also seen reductions in cardiac and cancer risk markers and improvements in bone mineral density.

Is bHRT Proven?

Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. (7-9, 23-28)

Anti-Aging Claims for bHRT

Proponents of bHRT claim that keeping hormones at “youthful” levels can extend life expectancy and help delay the effects of aging. These claims have been popularized by public figures like Suzanne Somers in her book “The Sexy Years.” In spite of these claims, there is no proof that continued use of sex hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone in women, have-extending properties. There IS evidence that DHEA in both men and women (25-28) and testosterone in men (29-33) may have a positive influence on health, longevity and hormone balance.

While claims of living better and longer with bHRT are numerous, proof is lacking. This leaves bHRT and its anti-aging effects in the realm of theory at this point.

Delivery System: Oral Versus Transdermal Hormones

In addition to the “form” (natural or synthetic) of hormone, the method of administration has been shown to make a significant difference in safety and efficacy.

Orally administered hormones, especially estrogens, can increase risk of blood clots and deep vein thrombosis, increase hs-CRP (a marker of inflammation), decrease free testosterone and thyroid hormone and increase cortisol.(34) Oral estrogen is also associated with an increased risk of gallbladder disease and acid reflux. (15,18)

Many hormones used transdermally — applied to the skin or mucous membranes — do not appear to have these unwanted effects. (35) Therefore, when considering bHRT, the form that it is used in is also of importance.

How Best to Address Your Menopausal Symptoms and Concerns?

Symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause in women and andropause in men are a sign from the body that something is “off kilter.” For example, hot flashes in women correspond to an increase in oxidative stress and decreased nitric oxide levels (NO), both risk factors for cardiovascular disease. (36-37)

These symptoms and resulting negative physical changes are not an inevitable part of aging and should not be ignored. They can be addressed and improved through a variety of means, including but not limited to bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Diet changes, exercise and personal health practices can all help to improve symptoms of menopause and andropause. (38-39) There are nutritional and herbal supplements are proven to help correct menopause and andropause symptoms. (40-42)  Bioidentical hormone replacement is one way to address declining hormone levels, but it is not the only way.

The decision to use bHRT is a personal one that should be made in conjunction with an holistic physician. Your degree of symptoms, personal thoughts about bHRT, willingness to make other lifestyle changes and use nutritional and herbal supplements should all factor into the “decision equation.” Here are some additional factors to consider when making this decision.

Possible “Pro’s” of bHRT

  1. Faster. Herbs and other factors can help balance hormones, but the effects of bHRT might be more dramatic and faster. (NOTE: I cannot find scientific studies to support this; it is my clinical observation — Dr. Myatt)
  2. Easier. Taking an Rx. may be easier than making lifestyle changes, although any good holistic physician should recommend positive lifestyle changes as part of an overall health program.
  3. Safer. Some studies point to the improved safety of bHRT over conventional HRT. (14-20)
  4. Better hormone balance. Some hormones such as DHEA and testosterone have independent health benefits. (25-33, 43) These hormones are typically not used in conventional HRT but may be prescribed by a physician who uses bHRT.

Possible “Cons” of bHRT

  1. Cost. bHRT is not necessarily expensive and can be as little as $30/month depending on what hormones are needed. However, an Rx. will represent an ongoing expense. Most practitioners prescribing bHRT require initial hormone testing (to customize your Rx.) and follow-up testing to ensure that your hormones are at optimal (safe and effective) levels. Testing plus the Rx. itself will be an ongoing expense.
  2. Safety. Although bHRT appears safer than conventional HRT, there is some evidence that no type of hormone replacement in women has been proven to be “protective” or safer than natural menopause.

Alternatives to bHRT

Hormone Testing: Saliva vs. Blood vs. Urine

Conventional hormone replacement does not use testing. The recommended “end point” (goal of treatment) is alleviation of symptoms. Therefore, when a woman has stopped having hot flashes, for example, the dose is considered to be correct.

Most bHRT practitioners begin treatment with some form of hormone testing, using either saliva, blood or urine to evaluate hormone levels. Although there are many claims about the superiority of one form of testing over another, scientific studies are lacking.

Saliva testing is the least accurate measure of sex hormones. Numerous studies have failed to find a reliable correlation between saliva hormone levels and physiologic (body) hormone levels with the exception of cortisol measurement. (17,44-54)

Blood testing does not reveal the hourly variation and 24-hour cyclical nature of hormone release but it has been better studied. For this reason, blood testing is probably the second-best method of hormone testing.

Twenty-four hour urine testing may be the preferred method of hormone testing. In addition to evaluating hormone output including the 24-hour variation (a “video” instead of a “snapshot,”), urine testing also looks at biochemical intermediates which are independent indicators of hormone levels and hormone metabolism. Some intermediates, such as the 2:16alpha-hydroxyestrone ratio, may be potent predictors of increased risk for hormone-related cancers. (55-56) Fortunately, once known, these risks can be modified.

Dr. Myatt’s Hormone Balance Programs:
Which One is Right for You?

All bHRT programs in both men and women begin with a Brief Telephone Consultation. Together, we determine which program is right for you.

Depending on your age, symptoms, beliefs and what you hope to achieve, we work together to design and implement a complete program to optimize both hormone balance and overall health.

For some men and women, this will include the use of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, as determined by laboratory testing (24-hour urine). The form may differ depending on which hormones are needed, but usually include both transdermal and oral hormone replacements.

Hormone balance and relief of symptoms can often be achieved without the use of hormone replacement therapy. The decision to use hormones should not be taken lightly and should be made in consultation with a physician who is well-versed in both bHRT and non-hormonal methods of achieving hormone balance.

Which Hormone-Balancing Program is Right for You ?

 The Bronze program is for:

• Peri-menopausal women
• Post-menopausal women
• Men over 35

For women and men desiring better hormone balance  without  the use of
bio-identical hormone replacement.

You will receive a Personalized Health Report and Phone Follow-Up of 60 mins

The Silver program is for:

• Peri-menopausal women
• Post-menopausal women
• Men over 35

For women and men desiring better hormone balance AND bone mineral density protection without using
bio-identical hormone replacement.

You will receive a Personalized Health Report and Phone Follow-Up of 120 mins

The Gold program is for:

• Peri-menopausal women
• Post-menopausal women
• Men over 35

For women and men desiring sex hormone optimization and breast/prostate cancer risk reduction using bHRT.

You will receive a Personalized Health Report and Phone Follow-Up of 360 mins

The Platinum program is for:

• Peri-menopausal women
• Post-menopausal women
• Men over 35

For women and men desiring anti-aging, full-scope endocrine balancing (including sex, thyroid and adrenal hormones) and
breast /prostate cancer risk reduction using bHRT.

You will receive a Personalized Health Report and unlimited Phone Follow-Up

 * saliva hormone testing not available in New York state.


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Male MENopause

In recent years it has been acknowledged that men experience a hormone decline and shift starting in middle age much the same as women do. The difference is that the male alteration in hormones occurs much more gradually than in women, so symptoms of the male climacteric, popularly called “andropause,” are more subtle. Many of the symptoms, though less abrupt in onset, are similar to the female menopause: depression, memory decline, loss of libido, hot flashes, decreased metabolism and difficulty making decisions. Any or all of these symptoms can be related to decreased or altered levels of the male sex hormones.

Andropause is not simply a matter of decreased testosterone. In fact, some men have elevated testosterone levels. DHEA, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estrone, androstenedione and progesterone are all male hormones can that “shift” (increase or decrease) during andropause.

In males, higher levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone derived from testosterone, is associated with benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) and possibly prostate cancer. Increased levels of estrogens in males also appear to play a role in the development of BPH. Decreased testosterone, or the ratio of testosterone to DHT, appears to be important in determining risk for both benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer.

Decreased testosterone, especially when coupled with increased estrone, may cause emotional liability, depression and memory changes in men. Decreased DHEA levels can affect other sex hormones and are a marker for aging. In longevity medicine, maintaining youthful DHEA levels is considered particularly important.

A male hormone profile is a highly advisable “first step” for hormone balancing. The following are safe and effective self-care measures that can be used to improve hormone balance, but hormone profile testing remains the standard for natural hormone replacement therapy in both men and women.


  • Diet: eat a nutritious diet high in nutrient-rich foods. Increase consumption of soy products (both sexes) if tolerated.
  • Achieve and maintain a normal weight.
  • Exercise regularly. 30 minutes, 3 times per week minimum.
  • Don’t smoke! The climacteric occurs sooner in people who smoke.


  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of vitamin E, C, B6, B12, folic acid, selenium, zinc and bioflavonoids are particularly important for men over 40.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids:
    Flax seed meal, 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed capsules
    : 2-4 caps, 3 times per day [target dose range: 6-12 caps per day]
    Flax seed oil
    : 1 tablespoon per day
    Max EPA
    (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals [target dose: 3-6 caps per day].

For General Hormone Balancing:

  • Saw Palmetto: 1cap, 2 times per day. [Target dose: 320mg per day]. Saw palmetto helps keep the ratio of testosterone to DHT high. The result is a more youthful testosterone profile and less unwanted prostate gland growth.
  • DHEA: 50 mg taken in the morning. Do not use higher doses without the results of a hormone profile. (A typical dose for an andropausal males is 50mg per day).
  • Mega Soy: 1 tab, once per day with breakfast. [Target dose: 100mg or more of isoflavones; 50-100mg or more of genisteins].
  • Melatonin: 3 mg at bedtime.

For Depression, Loss of Libido or Erectile Dysfunction:


Hormone replacement creams, patches or natural prescriptions may be recommended by your holistic physician AFTER a sex hormone profile has been performed. I am available for consultations by telephone to help you achieve optimal hormone balance.

See Menopause:”The Climacteric” for a full discussion of what occurs during menopause.