Ingrown Toenails, and General Toenail Care.

Some notes from my experience: By Nurse Mark

Ingrown toenails are a common problem, affecting many Americans. At best they are painful, unsightly, and annoying, and at worst they can cause dangerous infections. Most commonly affected are the big toes.

Most problems can be prevented by careful trimming of the toenails themselves. Many people tend to trim toenails far too short.[] Commonly recommended toenail clippers make it easy to do this if they are not used with great care. I prefer to use a pair of large bandage scissors, as pictured here. (I have also had patients use EMT shears and even tinsnips with good success!) They are about 7 inches overall, and give great control when used for nail trimming. It is important to note that you should never try to cut hard, dry nails – they will splinter and break! Always soak nails to soften them before cutting, no matter what tool you use. A perfect time for nail trimming is immediately after a bath or soak in a spa or hot tub. (Which is a perfect reason for a nice, relaxing soak – in case you needed an “excuse” to pamper yourself!)

Toenails must always be trimmed straight across – never rounded to match the shape or curve of the end of the toe. To trim toenails with curved corners is an invitation to trouble! []Here is a simple drawing to show what a healthy, nicely trimmed toenail might look like – notice that the corners are fairly square, and extend out nearly to the edge of the toe. They can be carefully filed a little bit round to keep them from being sharp and catching on things, and the toenail itself is just a little shorter than the edge of the toe, to keep it from wearing holes in socks.

[]Longer is better, in most cases. As you can see on this drawing, an end view of the toe, the nail should lie fairly flat on the toe – especially at the outer edges.

[]I often see toenails that have been trimmed ‘way too short, and rounded – like this drawing: This is a toenail that is just begging to become ingrown – the[] corners are very round, and this nail is at great risk for curving downward into the toe, as shown in this end view drawing:
It is also trimmed back too far, and this makes the problem worse. This is likely to become a very painful toe!

So, what to do? How can painful ingrown toenails be corrected? Your podiatrist will likely want to have you coming in for visits and trimming frequently – that’s how he stays in business! He may also recommend having the toenail removed, or surgically altered. This is a very serious business, and should only be considered as a very last resort – there are many potential complications to this procedure. It is possible to correct ingrown toenails yourself, at home. Once corrected, they are fairly easy to keep in good shape.

Start out by soaking your feet, in a solution of Epsom salts, for at least 15 to 20 minutes, or until the skin of your toes begins to “prune” and the nails have softened. This is a “must do” before any sort of care is done to toenails! Now, if a trimming is all that is needed, is the time to trim. If you are dealing with a toenail that has become ingrown, it should be soft enough to be flexible – this is the time to insert a small cotton “pledget” (this is just a small piece of cotton that has been rolled or[] twisted into a cylinder, about the size of a large grain of rice) under the corner or edge of the nail that is pressing into the flesh of your toe. This may be a little tender at first, but getting that nail up and out of there will soon have the toe feeling better! Here is what a toenail with cotton pledgets under []both corners might look like and another drawing looking at the end of the toe to show how we want the corners to be elevated: This may take some time and patience to achieve, and you should probably plan on doing foot soaks and replacing the cotton at least twice or three times daily, especially at first, until the problem is corrected. This will persuade the toenail to grow straighter, and allow the tissues to heal where the ingrown portion has until now caused problems.

Now that you have the toenail elevated up and out of the flesh of your toe and feeling much better, it is time to[] concentrate on keeping this from happening again. The first thing to do is to let the toenail grow out! You want to be sure that you are trimming the toenail long, as is shown in this diagram: Note that the nail has been allowed to grow out to the very edge of the toe, which means that the corners simply cannot dig into the sides of the toe. This is the perfect length for “retraining” toenails to grow without curving into the toe. It is also, unfortunately, a perfect length for putting runs in stockings and holes in socks – so, why not go barefoot or in open-toe shoes or sandals as much as possible? Your feet will thank you for the “fresh air and sunshine treatment”! Once you have the toenail growing normally again, you will want to trim it back a little, as was shown in the first diagram. Just remember – longer is better – not too short, and keep those corners squared, not rounded. Never trim dry or hard toenails – soak them first to keep them from cracking or splintering! Besides, that foot soak just feels good doesn’t it!

Now, what about some other common nail problems? Fungal growths can cause thickened, discolored, misshapen nails that can easily become ingrown. This can be corrected! Frequent foot soaks and careful trimming is a good start, keeping the feet dry and clean is imperative, and regular application of anti fungal and anti microbial Tea Tree Oil will quickly clear this unsightly problem up. Remember, if you must wear closed boots or shoes, there is fungus in them as well – you will re-introduce it each time you put on your footwear! Shoes and boots must be disinfected – there are sprays available for this, or you can simply leave your shoes and boots out in the fresh air and sunshine, opened up as completely as possible, and let Mother Nature disinfect them. Never wear the same pair of boots or shoes two days in a row! While you are at it, remember to spend as much time barefoot or in sandals as possible – fresh air and sunshine are the worst enemy of most fungus. Think now, where do mushrooms (fungus) grow? Where it is warm and moist and dark – just like the inside of your shoe!

If you have developed ingrown toenails and they have become infected – they will be reddened, painful and may discharge pus if they are infected – you will want to do your Epsom salts soaks 2 to 3 (or more) times daily, then dry the area with a clean cloth or tissue, and apply some 3% hydrogen peroxide (full strength).  Let this bubble and work for a few minutes, dry well, and then apply Tea Tree Oil, which is antimicrobial. Then you can continue with the rest of the treatment to lift the offending part of the nail and reshape it, as outlined above. You may also want to take Garlic – it is nature’s antibiotic – and of course, Bromelain is most useful in any infective process because it reduces pain, inflammation, and swelling and therefore promotes healing. Remember though, when used this way, Bromelain should be taken between meals. Taken with meals it functions as a digestive aid but is less effective as an anti-inflammatory analgesic.

Keeping your feet and nails in good shape also requires that the rest of you is in good shape – well nourished, and with a healthy immune system to allow you to resist infections by bacteria or fungus. Your program should include Maxi Multi multiple vitamins, Maxi Greens for phytonutrients and antioxidants, and if your immune system is compromised in any way, Dr. Myatt’s immune formulas as set out in the Acute Immune Protocol. Regular exercise is important for maintaining good peripheral circulation, which is necessary for healthy nail growth. Some supplements to consider for improving circulation include Ginkgo Biloba and Niacin. Deficiencies of essential fatty acids can contribute to dry, hard nails – consider supplementing with Flax oil or Fish oil (Max-EPA) to ensure that you are getting enough Omega 3 EFA’s in your diet. Consider also adding some gelatin to your diet – this can easily be added to your daily SuperShake and will help to strengthen nails as well as improving joint function.

Those of you who may be diabetic can benefit from all these recommendations as well – but you need to be extremely careful when working with your feet if you have any impairment to your circulation or to the sensation in your feet (this is know as “peripheral neuropathy” and can happen in poorly controlled diabetics.) In addition to the measures outlined in Dr. Myatt’s discussion of Diabetes, you should strongly consider consulting with Dr. Myatt about your diabetes and how it may be affecting your feet and nails as well as your general health and other organ systems. Dr. Myatt has an enviable record of success in treating, and even curing diabetes.

Until next time,


“Nurse Mark”
Mark Ziemann RN

HealthBeat News

Do You Really Take All That Stuff ???

I was in a local store today; the owner and I are on friendly terms. In fact, we had given her a Wellness Club Holistic Health Handbook as part of her Christmas gift. Apparently, she has been reading it. She asked me today when I was in, “Do you really take all that stuff you recommend? Can’t you just get adequate nutrition from a good diet?” Good questions, and I was shaking my head “yes” and “no” before she even finished asking.

Yes, I really take a lot of my own Wellness Club “stuff” (more in a minute). In fact, one of the main reason I started The Wellness Club almost 10 years ago was to ensure myself easy access to “the good stuff” (highest quality nutritionals). And “no,” you can’t get adequate, much less optimal, nutrition from diet alone. Here are the reasons I take supplements.

Why a “good diet” is not optimal. First let’s define some terms: “Adequate” means barely enough to sustain life. Yes, you can probably achieve that from an exceptionally good diet. Who eats an exceptionally good diet? But you can’t get “optimal nutrition” — vitamins and minerals at levels known to promote longevity— from even a very good diet.

That’s because our food supply isn’t what it used to be. To see a complete chart of Optimal doses of vitamins and minerals, click here.

Vegetables without Vitamins. The nutritional value of foods is rapidly declining. According to the USDA food tables, most commercial vegetables contain at least 50% less of the nutrients than they did in 1975. For example, broccoli has 50% less calcium than it used to; watercress has 80% less iron, cauliflower has 40% less vitamin C. The National Academy of Sciences reports that it takes twice as many vegetables as it used to to get the same amount of nutrients. The reason for this decline appears related to growing and agricultural practices. That, plus many foods are heavily contaminated with pesticides, synthetic fertilizers instead of the natural nutrients, and picked before their prime (full nutrient content) so they can be shipped to far away places for consumption. If the nutrients aren’t in the soil, they won’t be in the plants grown in that soil. The recommended 3 to 5 servings per day should rightly be changed to 6 to 10 servings per day of fruits and vegetables to get a basic complement of plant-derived nutrients. Do YOU eat this much in a day? Few Americans do.

Meat without Omegas. The Omega-3 fatty acids, along with Omega-6 fatty acids, comprise the “Essential Fatty Acids” (EFA’s), so-called because they must be obtained from diet. The average American diet is far too high in O-6 fatty acids and drastically deficient in O-3 fatty acids. The result is that our immune systems tend to be hyper-reactive in many ways (allergies, autoimmune disease, heart disease, certain cancers and overweight are intimately related to this O-3 deficiency). The primary sources of O-3 fatty acids are meat (especially beef), eggs and seafood, particularly salmon, and flax seed. But even these “good foods” are not what they should be. The way we raise animals drastically alters— for better or worse— their Omega-3 fatty acid content, and therefore their Omega Ratios. [NOTE: as a reminder, a healthy Omega Ratio should be between 4 to 10. Less than 4 is super-healthy, more than 10 is an unfavorable ratio. Many nutritional scientists believe that the healthiest ratio is no more than 4]. Instead of grass-fed beef with an Omega ratio of 2.3, feed-lot and corn-fed beef has a less favorable OR of 8.6 or higher. (Still a decent OR). Feed-lot raised beef is also high in human hormones and antibiotics. Eggs raised from chickens fed a diet of Omega-3 rich grains and allowed to free-range will lay high Omega-3 containing eggs with an OR of 2.6, but most industrially-raised hens today lay eggs with an OR of 13.0. Salmon is by far the superior food for Omega-3 content, but there’s a wide variability in this, too. Wild-caught Pacific salmon has an OR of 0.5 and very low levels of contaminants. New information released this month shows that farm-raised salmon tend to have high levels of contaminants including methyl mercury and PCBs, antibiotics, pesticides, synthetic coloring agents, growth hormones and GMOs. The OR for farm-raised and Atlantic salmon is far less favorable at 6.8. (Still a good Omega Ratio, but is the toxicity worth the risk?).

Even a diet that includes the USDA recommended fruits, vegetables and meats is still unlikely to be “adequate.” Inadequate nutrition plus additional contaminants in the food mean that even a well-meaning diet may be less-than-adequate. But even if it were “adequate,” adequate isn’t good enough for me.

Why “Adequate” isn’t Enough

Much is known about how to keep a human body healthy for life and maximize longevity. The sciences of nutrition, biochemistry, pharmacology, exercise physiology, and psychology have contributed much to improving both quality and quantity of life. Although drugs can be helpful and sometimes curative, they are not the surest option for maintaining good health. I take advantage of those diet and lifestyle methods that have proven to help hedge the bet for a long, healthy life.

Studies have been done on elders (over 60 population) taking a multiple vitamin-mineral supplement. Those on low potency formulas (the “one little tablet per day” variety) did nothing more than placebo, but those taking higher potency formulas had a 60% lower rate of upper respiratory infection plus overall stronger immunity. Optimal, not merely “adequate” doses of various vitamins and minerals have far-reaching effects in the body. Consider the numerous benefits I get just from taking Maxi Multi — my ultimate basic multiple nutrient formula.

A few of the many known deficiency/disease connections:

A deficiency of antioxidant nutrients (especially beta carotene, vitamins C & E, and selenium) is associated with higher incidence of cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, mouth, lungs and skin. Some researchers believe that antioxidant deficiencies may be related to higher incidence of all cancers. Antioxidant deficiency is also associated with cataracts, macular degeneration, cardiovascular disease and premature aging.

A mineral deficiency, especially magnesium and potassium but also calcium, is associated with high blood pressure.

Deficiencies of vitamin E, C, B6, B12, folic acid (a B vitamin), and bioflavonoids are associated with cardiovascular disease. The connection between vitamin E and heart health is so well established that conventional medical cardiologists are instructed to recommend vitamin E to their patients.

Healthy bones, and the prevention of osteoporosis, depend on sufficient levels of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper, B vitamins, and vitamin D. Calcium deficiency is also associated with overweight and colon cancer.

In males, benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer is associated with decreased levels of zinc and selenium. Zinc deficiency also correlates to decreased immune function. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetes (high blood sugar) occur more frequently in people who are chromium deficient. After diabetes is present, low levels of vitamin A, C, E, plus zinc, selenium, choline, bioflavonoids and B complex vitamins are associated with more complications from the disease.

Deficiencies of B complex vitamins are associated with heart disease, fatigue, muscle weakness, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and senile (age-related) dementia.

The list above represents only some of the diseases that nutrient deficiency can cause. Studies show that people who do not have nutrient deficiencies have a greatly lowered risk of these diseases. I’m hedging my bet by making up for any gaps in my diet by taking a high quality multiple vitamin/mineral supplement.

What I Used to Take & Recommend for Patients

Some years ago, patients and wellness club members recall that I recommended 4 separate supplements in order to get the solid daily basics of good nutrition. I would use the following nutrients for my “Basic daily formula:

I.) High quality multiple (Usually Tyler’s brand called Nutrizyme; daily dose is 6 capsules)

II.) Extra antioxidants (A formula with higher potencies of Vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C & E, and selenium. I would usually use Carlson’s brand of “ACES” for the extra antioxidants.(1 cap, 3 times per day with meals).

III.) Extra calcium/magnesium and trace bone nutrients (boron, vanadium). I used one of several different formulas to “make up the difference” that the multiple didn’t contain. (3-6 capsules per day).

IV.) Multi-B-Complex: extra-potencies of B complex vitamins, higher than even a good multiple, for the many proven health benefits. (1 capsule, 2 times per day).

All together, this Basic program was 17-20 capsules per day of the finest nutritional supplement available. 4 separate products, but well worth the effort and money in my book. Many agreed with me. Then I decided to make it simpler. It was state-of the-art supplementation. Because this protocol is still valuable today (the individual formulas have been kept up-to-date), this is still a good program to follow. I just decided to make it simpler.

The Best Made Better

That above-listed regimen is the one I followed and recommended for many years, with outstanding results. Still, 4 separate products to achieve Optimal vitamin/mineral supplementation seemed like a lot of work, so I decided to make it simpler. After all, I “take all this stuff” myself, remember? And I knew I intended to continue taking my nutrients for the long-haul, making improvements in my program as new discoveries caused me to make dose or formula changes, but intending to stick with it because many studies also show that the benefits from nutritional supplementation accrue over the long-haul. I took the “optimal dose” list I had constructed from the medical literature and decided to put the “four separate items” into a single formula. That is when Maxi Multi was “born.”

Maxi Multi: The Four-in-One Formula for Optimal Supplementation

Yes, I “take my own stuff.” The benefits of optimal potency supplementation on health and potential lifespan are clear-cut in my medical opinion. I knew I was “in it for the long haul,” and so were many of my patients. In order to make such optimal supplementation easier and more cost-effective, I devised a formula that had these optimal potencies in a single supplement. Maxi Multis have the combined benefits and nutrient levels as the previous four-supplement regimen I was prescribing. There were and still are other benefits to making my own formula, too.

When I new bit of nutritional science is discovered, such as higher doses of vitamin E appear to be better at preventing heart disease, breast cancer and cataracts, I can and do make adjustments in the formula to keep up with the science. I also pick and choose each individual nutrient — it’s form, potency and purity— and I’m a stickler for these ingredients. It’s got to be that way, because there are little quality controls in the health and nutrition industry right now. I am the “Dragon Lady” when it comes to my formulas, because I want them to be the best. Remember, I “take this stuff” myself for health reasons and intend to for life. I want to best, so it will perform as I expect. I take my own stuff. [NOTE: and the newly proposed FDA regulations, the legislation that we’ve been urging you to write to your senators and congressmen about, will not solve this problem, only restrict your freedom to purchase even the high-quality “stuff.” (For more on this legislation see your HealthBeat from December 2, 2003.)

My Personal Protocol for Good Health

1.) Supplements:

I.) Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals, without fail.

II.) Maxi Greens: 2 caps, 3 times per day with meals, without fail.

III.) CoQ10 (50mg): twice per day.

IV.) Flax oil: caps or liquid, daily.

I take additional supplements, but this list forms the basis of my program. Please keep in mind that I do not have any medical conditions that I am treating. If I did, my basic program would reflect additional nutrients and/or herbs targeted to whatever my medical problem was.

2.) Foods: I choose organic fruits and veggies whenever possible. I also look for wild instead of farm-raised salmon and grab organic beef whenever I find it. I search out Omega eggs (available in the regular grocery store). I follow The Super Fast Diet (low carbs, high in Omega-3 essential fats).

3.) Exercise: every day in the outdoors. I live in an area where the air is clean. If I didn’t, I’d have an indoor and car air purifier.

4.) Pure water: 64 ounces a day without fail.

No one can guarantee us a long, healthy life. Some of this “equation” is up to fate: genetics, luck. Much of our health, however, is within our control. We can optimize our “healthspan” (how long we stay healthy) and our lifespan (actual years that we live) by taking reasonable and good care of ourselves. Given what I know about nutrition, basic supplementation in optimal doses seems a small price to pay for the return I anticipate on my investment. So “yes”, I really do take “all that stuff.”

32 Million American suffer from IBS

(Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a motility disorder of the upper and lower GI tract. Symptoms include some combination of constipation, diarrhea, or alternating constipation and diarrhea, flatulence, colic (gas pains) relieved by bowel movement, abdominal distention after eating, and mucous in stools.

The cause of IBS is unclear, since no anatomical lesion can be found. Contributing factors may include food allergy, altered bowel microflora, intestinal parasites, lack of dietary fiber, and lack of digestive enzymes. Highly refined Western diets are implicated. Psychological factors often play a role.

Protocol for treating IBS


  • Include fiber-rich food in the diet (vegetables, fruits and whole grains). Be aware that a percentage of people with IBS are sensitive to gluten, which includes wheat, oats, rye, and barley.
  • Chew food thoroughly. Do not eat when rushed or under strain. (This impairs digestion).
  • Evaluate for food allergies and avoid aggravating foods. (See “Food Allergy,” page 61 in your Holistic Health Handbook. Don’t have a Handbook? Click here, and order yours now.)
  • Avoid GI-irritant foods: caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, white sugar, white flour, fatty foods.
  • Drink 64 ounces per day of pure water. Dehydration contributes to constipation and altered bowel flora which can trigger the cycle of IBS.
  • Practice relaxation techniques if stress seems to aggravate the condition.
  • Regular exercise, especially walking, helps normalize bowel function.


  • BASIC PROGRAM: Maxi Multi, 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. (Or equivalent optimal potency multiple vitamin/mineral formula to include A,C,E, beta carotene, folic acid, B12 and zinc, all of which are especially important in correcting IBS).
  • Omega-3 fatty Acids: [Function: Anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic]
  • Fiber: [Function: detoxifies the bowel; adds bulk; holds water and fat to help form stool]
    • Chitosan: 3 caps, 3 times per day between meals (especially if fatty foods aggravate)
    • OR Keto Fiber: 1-2 teaspoons per day before or between meals (especially if constipation is a predominant symptom.)
    • OR Fiber Formula: 3-6 capsules, 1-3 times per day.
  • Similase: (digestive enzyme formula): [Function: improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients]1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Take an additional 1 cap with between-meal snacks.
  • SupremaDophylus (high potency “good” gut bacteria): [Function: replaces normal GI tract bacteria] 1 capsule at bedtime.
  • L-glutamine: [Function: speeds healing of GI tract; improves immunity; decreases sugar and alcohol cravings] 1 teaspoon, 1 to 3 times per day in water or cold beverage.


  • Mentharil (enteric-coated peppermint): [Function: anti-spasmodic]. 1-2 caps, 2 times per day between meals.
  • Activated Charcoal [Function: detoxificant; absorbed irritants and binds fluids. Especially useful for diarrhea of all types, including food poisoning]. Dose: 4-6 caps, 2-4 times per day as needed.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment: It may take a bit of time and exploration to discover the cause of IBS, but patients tell me it is well worth the effort to relieve the problem. Refer to the complete bowel retraining program titled Healthy Colon Priority Protocol, page 9 in your Holistic Health Handbook. If self-help measures fail to bring permanent relief, I recommend a consultation with me or another holistic physician for assistance.


Foiling Colds and Flu

Colds and flu (influenza) affect an estimated 1 billion people in the U.S. each year. Influenza kills some 36,000 Americans annually, while 25,000-75,000 require hospital care. The rate of colds and flu increase from November to March as cold weather forces more people to stay indoors, increasing exposure to drier air conditions and to people already infected. (Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and viruses survive better in colder, drier weather with lower levels of humidity). The elderly, the sick, and children are especially vulnerable to the viruses that cause colds and flu.

Is It a Cold, or Is It The Flu?

How can you tell if your symptoms are a cold or the flu? While not everyone will have the same symptoms, here are common guidelines for cold and flu:

Fever: Rare with colds; common for flu, lasting for 3-4 days, with high temperatures (102-104°F).

Headache: Rare with colds; common with flu.

General aches and pains: Not serious with colds; common and severe with flu.

Fatigue, weakness: Mild with colds; May last up to 2-3 weeks with flu.

Extreme exhaustion: Unusual with colds; with flu, common and found to start early.

Stuffy nose: Common with colds; may appear be present with flu.

Sore throat: Common with colds; may appear with flu.

Chest discomfort, cough: With colds, mild to moderate discomfort possible; common and potentially severe with flu.

Cold symptoms rarely last longer than 1-2 weeks. Contrary to popular opinion, they are NOT caused by being in a draft. Allergies, stress (psychological or physical) and menstruation may contribute to susceptibility. Diets high in sugar or deficient in nutrients (vitamins and minerals) suppress the immune system and increase susceptibility. Colds are transmitted in various ways, including touching your eyes or nose after touching infectious respiratory fluids found on the skin, or by inhaling air-borne particles or droplets of infected liquid.

The flu starts out like a bad cold, but quickly worsens. Many symptoms, including high fever, headaches, muscle aches, and cough, are more dramatic. If untreated, flu can lead to more serious conditions, including dehydration and bacterial pneumonia, and can cause chronic medical conditions (congestive heart failure, asthma, diabetes) to worsen. Certain individuals — those 50 or older, health care workers, those with weakened immune systems, or conditions affecting the kidneys, lungs or heart — may be at higher risk. Children may also be susceptible to ear infections and sinus problems.
To defend against flu, you should follow many cold prevention steps, including hand-washing, not touching your eyes or nose, using tissues, and covering your mouth when coughing. The influenza virus can live on a plastic or metal surface for days, and can be caught by mere touching. It can also be caught by sick people sneezing or coughing.

Should You Get A Flu Shot?

Flu shots are recommended for people over 65 years of age, especially those with lung or heart conditions or cancer. Children may also benefit from vaccination. When the vaccine is well-matched to the virus, vaccines can decrease the rate of infection by 38-52%.

Flu Shots Alone Are Not The Answer

Flu shots are designed to protect us from 1 to 3 different viruses each season. Which viruses the vaccine protects from is based on an educated guess as to which viruses we will be exposed to. There are over 700 different strains of viruses that cause colds and flu; the vaccine will confer protection for one, two or three of these. Even when the vaccinations work, we are still at risk for contracting a cold or flu due to the other 698 viruses that we have NOT been vaccinated for!

What Can You Do To Foil Colds and Flu?

1.) Basic hygiene. Wash your hands often and be careful not to touch your eyes or nose. If possible, try to avoid being around sick people. If you’re already infected, cover your mouth when coughing and sneeze into a tissue which you should quickly throw away. Rubbing alcohol should be used to disinfect any surfaces that you come into contact with. If you have a cold or the flu, you’d do yourself and others a big favor by staying home from work.

2.) Basic good health practices.

I.) Multiple vitamin/mineral supplements. A number of placebo-controlled studies have shown that adults who consistently take a high potency vitamin/mineral supplement dramatically decrease their risk of infection. When supplemented individuals DO get sick, their symptoms tend to be milder and of shorter duration. These same studies have shown that the number of natural killer T cells, the “police” of the immune system, can be increased by up to 50% by supplementation.

“Once a Day” supplements (one or two tabs per day) were NOT found to increase immunity or confer protection. This is because the potencies of nutrients are too low in one or two tablets to be effective. In order to secure the virus-protective benefits of supplements, they should be taken in optimal (high potency) doses. This will typically be from 6 to 9 capsules or tablets per day.

II.) Adequate sleep and exercise. Lack of either sleep or exercise decreases immunity and increases susceptibility to viruses of every type.

3.) Prevention Specifics.

I.) Vitamin C. In over twenty scientific studies, vitamin C has been shown to protect from flu and cold viruses. In fact, the number of respiratory infections of all types (not just the flu) was decreased by 50% in the vitamin C supplemented group. As with multiple vitamins, the severity and duration of infection was milder in the supplemented group when they did contract a cold or flu. [NOTE: Maxi Multi’s contain 1,000mg of vitamin C when taken in 9-per-day recommended doses].

II.) Immune Support. Keep your immune system healthy on a daily basis with this superior formula of immune-enhancing herbs. High potencies of Astragalus, Ligustrum, and Echinacea in addition to a full spectrum of medicinal mushrooms and support nutrients increase natural immunity.

Cold and Flu “Kit” (What to do if you “catch” a virus anyway)

Have your cold and flu first aid remedies on hand before you need then. All remedial measures work best when they are started immediately at the first sign of symptoms. Besides, once you start feeling bad, that’s not the time you’ll want to run around town trying to find a remedy!

At The First sign of any infection:

I.) Immune Boost Liquid Tincture: “Fast Blast” for the Immune System. The immune system has a wide variety of different cells and functions to protect the body. This formula contains herbs to stimulate every aspect of immune function. Potent liquid tincture goes to work “lightning fast” to enhance immunity.

II.) B.A.M. (Broad Anti-microbial) Tincture: Herbal Antibiotic Formula. That’s right, we don’t know what’s wrong. It could be a fungus, bacteria, virus, mycoplasma – or any combination thereof – and this tincture gets serious with all of them. Take during an acute infection to put the “bad guys” in their place. A potent broad spectrum “anti-bug” formula designed for acute infections.

III.) Selenium: 800mcg per day in addition to the 200mcg in Maxi Multis. Continue for 10 days.

Also helpful: Echinacea is one of the most popular herbs for stimulating and boosting the immune system. It acts as an immune stimulant, immune modulator (balances the immune system), anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

For colds, nasal or lung congestion, bronchitis, pneumonia

I.) Bromelain: 2 capsules, 3 to 4 times per day between meals for acute infection, decrease to 1 cap, 3-4 times per day as condition resolves. Bromelain, a digestive enzyme from pineapple, acts to increase the effect of other immune cells by dissolving the mucous coat that bacteria use to “shield” themselves from the immune system. Some studies have shown it to be as effective as antibiotics for treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, and dental, skin and kidney infection.

II.) Inspirol inhalant: this powerful herbal inhalant prevents respiratory infections from becoming more severe. it also opens the airways and improves breathing. Use for colds, flu, hay fever, sinusitis, coughs, congestion, and bronchitis.

For cough:

Herbal Cough Elixer II : 1 tsp. every 1-2 hours as needed for cough. For sore throat: Throat Mist: Use every hour as needed for sore throat.

Renew Energy after Illness

Energy Rehab: Infections can weaken the body, drain energy, and prolong recovery time. This formula supports the body’s energy systems typically affected by any type of infection. Energy Rehab may be continued after the infection has passed to ensure complete energy and immune recovery.

An ounce of prevention will go a long way toward keeping you free from colds and flu this Winter.

Stay well and have Joyful Holidays!

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt


Foiling Colds and Flu

Colds and flu (influenza) affect an estimated 1 billion people in the U.S. each year. Influenza kills some 36,000 Americans annually, while 25,000-75,000 require hospital care. The rate of colds and flu increase from November to March as cold weather forces more people to stay indoors, increasing exposure to drier air conditions and to people already infected. (Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and viruses survive better in colder, drier weather with lower levels of humidity). The elderly, the sick, and children are especially vulnerable to the viruses that cause colds and flu.

Is It a Cold, or Is It The Flu?

How can you tell if your symptoms are a cold or the flu? While not everyone will have the same symptoms, here are common guidelines for cold and flu:

Fever: Rare with colds; common for flu, lasting for 3-4 days, with high temperatures (102-104°F).

Headache: Rare with colds; common with flu.

General aches and pains: Not serious with colds; common and severe with flu.

Fatigue, weakness: Mild with colds; May last up to 2-3 weeks with flu.

Extreme exhaustion: Unusual with colds; with flu, common and found to start early.

Stuffy nose: Common with colds; may appear be present with flu.

Sore throat: Common with colds; may appear with flu.

Chest discomfort, cough: With colds, mild to moderate discomfort possible; common and potentially severe with flu.

Cold symptoms rarely last longer than 1-2 weeks. Contrary to popular opinion, they are NOT caused by being in a draft. Allergies, stress (psychological or physical) and menstruation may contribute to susceptibility. Diets high in sugar or deficient in nutrients (vitamins and minerals) suppress the immune system and increase susceptibility. Colds are transmitted in various ways, including touching your eyes or nose after touching infectious respiratory fluids found on the skin, or by inhaling air-borne particles or droplets of infected liquid.

The flu starts out like a bad cold, but quickly worsens. Many symptoms, including high fever, headaches, muscle aches, and cough, are more dramatic. If untreated, flu can lead to more serious conditions, including dehydration and bacterial pneumonia, and can cause chronic medical conditions (congestive heart failure, asthma, diabetes) to worsen. Certain individuals — those 50 or older, health care workers, those with weakened immune systems, or conditions affecting the kidneys, lungs or heart — may be at higher risk. Children may also be susceptible to ear infections and sinus problems.
To defend against flu, you should follow many cold prevention steps, including hand-washing, not touching your eyes or nose, using tissues, and covering your mouth when coughing. The influenza virus can live on a plastic or metal surface for days, and can be caught by mere touching. It can also be caught by sick people sneezing or coughing.

Should You Get A Flu Shot?

Flu shots are recommended for people over 65 years of age, especially those with lung or heart conditions or cancer. Children may also benefit from vaccination. When the vaccine is well-matched to the virus, vaccines can decrease the rate of infection by 38-52%.

Flu Shots Alone Are Not The Answer

Flu shots are designed to protect us from 1 to 3 different viruses each season. Which viruses the vaccine protects from is based on an educated guess as to which viruses we will be exposed to. There are over 700 different strains of viruses that cause colds and flu; the vaccine will confer protection for one, two or three of these. Even when the vaccinations work, we are still at risk for contracting a cold or flu due to the other 698 viruses that we have NOT been vaccinated for!

What Can You Do To Foil Colds and Flu?

1.) Basic hygiene. Wash your hands often and be careful not to touch your eyes or nose. If possible, try to avoid being around sick people. If you’re already infected, cover your mouth when coughing and sneeze into a tissue which you should quickly throw away. Rubbing alcohol should be used to disinfect any surfaces that you come into contact with. If you have a cold or the flu, you’d do yourself and others a big favor by staying home from work.

2.) Basic good health practices.

I.) Multiple vitamin/mineral supplements. A number of placebo-controlled studies have shown that adults who consistently take a high potency vitamin/mineral supplement dramatically decrease their risk of infection. When supplemented individuals DO get sick, their symptoms tend to be milder and of shorter duration. These same studies have shown that the number of natural killer T cells, the “police” of the immune system, can be increased by up to 50% by supplementation.

“Once a Day” supplements (one or two tabs per day) were NOT found to increase immunity or confer protection. This is because the potencies of nutrients are too low in one or two tablets to be effective. In order to secure the virus-protective benefits of supplements, they should be taken in optimal (high potency) doses. This will typically be from 6 to 9 capsules or tablets per day.

II.) Adequate sleep and exercise. Lack of either sleep or exercise decreases immunity and increases susceptibility to viruses of every type.

3.) Prevention Specifics.

I.) Vitamin C. In over twenty scientific studies, vitamin C has been shown to protect from flu and cold viruses. In fact, the number of respiratory infections of all types (not just the flu) was decreased by 50% in the vitamin C supplemented group. As with multiple vitamins, the severity and duration of infection was milder in the supplemented group when they did contract a cold or flu. [NOTE: Maxi Multi’s contain 1,000mg of vitamin C when taken in 9-per-day recommended doses].

II.) Immune Support. Keep your immune system healthy on a daily basis with this superior formula of immune-enhancing herbs. High potencies of Astragalus, Ligustrum, and Echinacea in addition to a full spectrum of medicinal mushrooms and support nutrients increase natural immunity.

Cold and Flu “Kit” (What to do if you “catch” a virus anyway)

Have your cold and flu first aid remedies on hand before you need then. All remedial measures work best when they are started immediately at the first sign of symptoms. Besides, once you start feeling bad, that’s not the time you’ll want to run around town trying to find a remedy!

At The First sign of any infection:

I.) Immune Boost Liquid Tincture: “Fast Blast” for the Immune System. The immune system has a wide variety of different cells and functions to protect the body. This formula contains herbs to stimulate every aspect of immune function. Potent liquid tincture goes to work “lightning fast” to enhance immunity.

II.) B.A.M. (Broad Anti-microbial) Tincture: Herbal Antibiotic Formula. That’s right, we don’t know what’s wrong. It could be a fungus, bacteria, virus, mycoplasma – or any combination thereof – and this tincture gets serious with all of them. Take during an acute infection to put the “bad guys” in their place. A potent broad spectrum “anti-bug” formula designed for acute infections.

III.) Selenium: 800mcg per day in addition to the 200mcg in Maxi Multis. Continue for 10 days.

Also helpful: Echinacea is one of the most popular herbs for stimulating and boosting the immune system. It acts as an immune stimulant, immune modulator (balances the immune system), anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

For colds, nasal or lung congestion, bronchitis, pneumonia

I.) Bromelain: 2 capsules, 3 to 4 times per day between meals for acute infection, decrease to 1 cap, 3-4 times per day as condition resolves. Bromelain, a digestive enzyme from pineapple, acts to increase the effect of other immune cells by dissolving the mucous coat that bacteria use to “shield” themselves from the immune system. Some studies have shown it to be as effective as antibiotics for treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, and dental, skin and kidney infection.

II.) Inspirol inhalant: this powerful herbal inhalant prevents respiratory infections from becoming more severe. it also opens the airways and improves breathing. Use for colds, flu, hay fever, sinusitis, coughs, congestion, and bronchitis.

For cough:

Herbal Cough Elixer II : 1 tsp. every 1-2 hours as needed for cough.

For sore throat:

Throat Mist: Use every hour as needed for sore throat.

Renew Energy after Illness

Energy Rehab: Infections can weaken the body, drain energy, and prolong recovery time. This formula supports the body’s energy systems typically affected by any type of infection. Energy Rehab may be continued after the infection has passed to ensure complete energy and immune recovery.

An ounce of prevention will go a long way toward keeping you free from colds and flu this Winter.

Stay well and have Joyful Holidays!

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt



Anti-Ageing with Vitamins and Herbs

Your Antioxidant Questions Answered

Ever watched in frustration as something “rusted away?” Well, your body could be undergoing a very similar process due to the effects of free radicals. Antioxidants are “rust proofing” for your body, and are an important part of any longevity and health program.

Antioxidants can be confusing – especially for someone without a background in biochemistry! They are very important to our good health though – so please read on, and I’ll try to make it easier to understand…

Antioxidants are molecules which “quench” and render free radicals harmless. (Usually by donating an electron).

Free radicals are unstable molecules with an unpaired electron. As they “steal” electrons from other molecules, they damage normal cells.

What do free radicals do?
The damage caused by free radicals is called oxidation. Rust on metal is an example of oxidative damage caused by free radicals. This “rusting” or oxidative damage to human cells has been linked to many diseases including heart disease, atherosclerosis, arthritis, cancer, cataracts, macular degeneration, immune suppression, Alzheimer’s and aging in general.

Where do free radicals come from?
Free radicals are generated in the body during normal cellular processes. Additional free radicals are generated in the body by stress (physical or emotional), environmental toxins (in air, water, food), smoking, alcohol, anesthetics and radiation.

Where do antioxidants come from?
The major antioxidants are made by the body itself. These include superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase. Certain vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutritional substances also perform as antioxidants. These are found in the foods we eat.

The body makes enough antioxidants to neutralize free radicals generated by normal metabolism. When additional free radicals are created by stress, poor nutrition, environmental toxins, smoking, etc., the body cannot “keep up” with the free radicals. These excess free radicals are then “free” to damage normal cells.

How do I protect myself from free radical damage?

1) Avoid or minimize exposure to things that create free radicals: smoking, environmental toxins, alcohol excess, stress.
2) Eat a nutritious diet so that the body can make it’s own “native” enzymes.
3) Take additional antioxidants by way of diet, nutritional supplements, and herbs to ensure protection from free radical damage.

Sources of Antioxidants:
Many herbs contain antioxidant substances. Fruits and vegetables are the primary dietary sources of antioxidants.

Super Foods  are those rich in antioxidants:
Apricot, artichoke, blueberry, all other berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cherries, citrus, “greens” (beet, collard, kale, mustard, turnip, etc.), lemons, soybeans, tangerines, tomatoes.

Antioxidant Nutrients:
Vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, mixed carotenes, selenium, zinc, bioflavonoids, cysteine & methionine (sulphur-containing amino acids), CoQ10, glutathione.

Antioxidant Herbs:
Artichoke, bilberry, ginger, ginkgo, grape seed extract (pycnogenols), green tea, hawthorne, milk thistle, olive leaf, rosemary, St. John’s Wort, turmeric.

Other Antioxidants:
Melatonin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt

HealthBeat: Three Hidden Causes of Disease Lurking in Your Mouth

I think you’ll be surprised at these hidden causes of disease that are often overlooked in medicine. Read on and learn how to protect yourself…
Three Hidden Causes of Disease Lurking in Your Mouth

The cause of numerous health problems— from mild to life-threatening— may be lurking in your mouth if you have ever had any conventional dental work performed. Fillings, root canals and crowns can create a ticking time-bomb for disease elsewhere in the body. Dentistry-caused problems can range from osteoporosis, chronic infections, high blood pressure and arthritis to cardiac irregularities, neurological disorders and even cancer. But don’t expect your conventional dentist to tell you about any of this. In fact, he or she may not even known about these dangers, because the American Dental Association (ADA) denies that these problems exist in spite of vast amounts of evidence.

The “Root” of the Problem: What’s Wrong with Root Canals

“Root canals” are a procedure that destroys the tooth’s nerve, thereby allowing a diseased (rotten) tooth to be left in the mouth without causing pain. This procedure also destroys blood supply to the tooth. The dead tooth is supposedly sterilized at the time of the procedure, but in truth it is difficult if not impossible to completely sterilize a tooth because of the complex network of bone matrix (thousands of little nooks and crannies). The dead tooth, left in the mouth with no blood supply to bring immune factors and oxygen in and carry waste out, becomes a haven for bacteria. Root canal infections are rarely recognized because, unlike living teeth which have nerves to give “pain feedback,” root canal teeth are dead. An infection in a root canal tooth has to be incredibly severe to be obvious to most dentists, and patients will rarely feel any pain because the nerve is gone.

Anaerobic bacteria (a deadly kind of bacteria that thrive without oxygen) take up residence in the dead tooth and from this “safe haven,” shed into the bloodstream where they can infect heart valves, joints or other organs, as well as damage the immune system. Root canals are a HUGE overlooked source of chronic inflammation and infection.

Toxic Metals in Your Mouth

Toxic metals are normally found in the body only in minute amounts. These metals include mercury, cadmium, lead, aluminum, antimony, nickel, and tin. When such metals accumulate in the body beyond these tiny levels, they interfere with normal nerve flow and poison organs and tissues. Toxic metals are commonly used in dentistry as components of fillings, crowns and pins (anchors).

With the exception of plutonium, mercury is more poisonous than any other metal. The safety of mercury-containing dental fillings has been debated by dentists and physicians since the 1800’s, but the “going line” of the American Dental Association (ADA) is that mercury used in amalgam dental fillings is harmless. Unfortunately, a vast amount of scientific evidence contradicts this position. Mercury vapor can be measured in significant quantities from the moment amalgam fillings are placed in the mouth. Mercury is swallowed, inhaled and absorbed directly from the mouth. Other toxic metals found in fillings, crowns and pins can be leached out of place by acidic mouth pH or by galvanic current, the third major “time bomb” in your mouth.

Galvanic Current: A Surprise Problem with Numerous Consequences

Toxic metals leaching from fillings and other dental materials are only one hazard of metal-containing dental materials. When two different metals are in close proximity, a phenomenon called “electro galvanism” (electrical current) is created . This current occurs when two or more different metals are present in the mouth, such as when mercury amalgam fillings and cadmium-containing crowns interact. NOTE: to see this phenomenon in action, chew on a piece of aluminum foil. If you have ANY metal in your mouth (fillings, crowns, pins), you will feel the electrical current, and it will be surprisingly painful.

Electrical currents cause chemical reactions to take place, analogous to electroplating reactions used in jewelry manufacture . Mouth bacteria digest food trapped between teeth and produce acid wastes which contribute to this “battery effect.” The result of having an electrical current in the mouth is two-fold:

I.) Toxic metal release. Mercury and other metals leach from fillings, crowns, pins, etc. under the influence of galvanic current. These toxic metals liberated from dental work can damage the brain, nervous system, immune system and other organs. (Ever hear of “mad hatters disease”? This type of insanity, caused by mercury poisoning, was prevalent in hat-makers who used to use mercury in hat-making).
II.) Electrical currents in the mouth. Electrical currents in the mouth can interfere with brain and nervous system function, endocrine gland function and circulation.

How To Know If Your Mouth Is Making You Sick

If you suffer from any medical condition for which a cause cannot be found by your conventional doctor, consider that a “hidden” cause may be lurking in your mouth. Symptoms known to be associated with toxic metals, galvanic currents and root canals include: allergies, cancer, chronic fatigue, depression and other mood and psychiatric disorders, endocrine disorders, GI problems, immune suppression, neurological disorders (MS, ALS, neuropathy), osteoporosis, gum disease, reproductive disorders, birth defects, kidney disease, heart disease (especially arrhythmia, electrical dysfunction or bacterial disease), high blood pressure, lung and respiratory problems and skin disease. Because of the nature of electrical currents, it is also likely that many cases of tinnitus may be caused by dental problems.

The Method for Accurate Diagnosis

Any doctor or dentist who “doesn’t believe in” any of the above-listed problems won’t offer you sympathy or help. (Remember, these docs and dentists are the ones “spoon fed” by conventional medical propaganda). You need to talk to an holistic physician who can evaluate your case and refer you to a good holistic dentist. More about that in a minute.

Hair analysis is an accurate, inexpensive screening tool for many heavy metals that occur in dentistry, including mercury, cadmium and nickel. Although unproven for nutritional mineral evaluation, the presence of a toxic metal on hair analysis is known to be accurate and warrants further evaluation for the source of toxicity. The mouth is the most likely source of heavy metal toxicity. Learn more about where to get hair mineral analysis performed here:

Even in the absence of heavy metal toxicity, the galvanic current effect and/or a root canal infection may still be present. To diagnose theses, I use a careful symptom intake, review all other medical records (to make sure the cause of the problem hasn’t been overlooked and NOT coming from the mouth— we call this a “rule out” in medical practice). Next, I request your full-mouth X-rays and, together with your symptoms, history, other medical records and hair analysis, I consult with an holistic dentist on your behalf. This procedure gives me a solid idea about whether or not your mouth is the source of your medical problems. I’m sorry to report that I don’t know many doctors— even holistic ones— who diagnose dental problems this way, but this is the way I am convinced it should be done.

Beware of “Holistic Dentists”

Dentists who are aware of the potential for toxic metal poisoning from amalgam fillings are becoming increasingly common. They bill themselves as “holistic dentists” and offer to remove amalgam fillings. DON’T GO THERE until you have all the facts!

Remember, there is currently no such thing as an holistic dental school (as there are holistic medical schools), so all “holistic dentists” are self-taught. A very few of them understand all of the above-listed principals, but in my experience, most do not. The majority are only concerned with amalgam filling removal, and even then, their lack of understanding of the galvanic current phenomena means that they cause more harm than good by failing to remove ALL the offending materials at one time.

In this next installment, I’ll explain what I look for in an holistic dentist.

In the meantime, even if this report has concerned you that your problems could be dentally-related, take heart! In the skilled hands of someone who knows what they are doing for, these “time bombs” in your mouth are correctable.

In Health,
Dr. Myatt


HealthBeat News

In This Issue:

The Product EVERYONE should have on hand! This simple, inexpensive supplement can protect you from a serious consequence of radiation and nuclear fallout. Remember Chernobyl?

Skin Rejuvenation Protocol. Find out the best methods for renewing a youthful appearance to skin. Dr. Myatt summarizes the research, then puts it all together in a comprehensive “Skin Renewal” program. A MUST for Summer skin care!

Member News and Notes

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* Upcoming topics: by reader request, future topics will include natural hormone replacement therapy; Omega-3 Fatty Acids and how to obtain them; osteoporosis, prostate health, and more.

* Send a sample issue of HealthBeat to a Friend and let them share the medical updates. If they enjoy it, they can sign up at no charge.

The Product EVERYONE Should Have On Hand!


Potassium Iodide (KI) Can Shield You From Thyroid Cancer

With 103 active commercial nuclear reactors in the United States, we live in constant threat of a nuclear emergency every day. A terrorist attack on any one of these facilities, or the release of a “dirty bomb” is also a possibility in today’s “highly charged” world. In fact, in an emergency, if you live within 200 miles of a nuclear reactor, you have a high risk of being exposed to significant doses of radioactive isotopes. In the event of a nuclear accident or attack radioactive materials can be released into the atmosphere, a high percentage of which is radioactive iodine. When a radioactive iodine cloud passes through a populated area, the radiation is concentrated into the thyroid gland of those exposed. The result is irreparable damage to the thyroid, which can lead to cancer. The 1986 Chernobyl accident in the Ukraine is a tragic example.

The best protection against thyroid damage and thyroid cancer induced by radioactive iodine exposure is Potassium Iodide. This simple compound protects the thyroid by saturating all of the iodine binding sites in the gland, leaving no room for the binding of radioactive iodine. Potassium Iodide is a low-cost way to protect yourself and your family against the long-term consequences of exposure to radiation. When used correctly, potassium iodide tablets can prevent or reduce the amount of radioactive iodine taken up by the thyroid gland. Even the government and the military stocks up on potassium iodide in case of nuclear disaster.

The body can’t distinguish between radioactive and the benign version of iodine, which is necessary for thyroid function. Taking 130 mg of potassium iodide, the dosage widely recommended for the blocking of radioactive iodine in the event of a nuclear disaster, can quickly and completely protect the thyroid gland, which is one of the organs most commonly damaged by radioactive fallout. Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club offers a supplement that contains 14 x 130 mg tablets of potassium iodide. Tablets are scored for easy breakage in the case of any need for dosages smaller than 130 mg, as recommended for children and pets.

How many packages do you need?

The FDA recommends that you have one package per person available.* Remember that during an emergency, you may not be able to get to your home, thus it is recommended to have packages stored in several places as well. Since the shelf life of this product is virtually unlimited, you should have to purchase your supply only once. Have this on hand for your family, and remember the children, pets, grandchildren, too!

* To view home preparation procedures for emergency administration of potassium iodide, visit the FDA website at Only take potassium iodide tablets when guided by health officials in your area and follow guidelines included with each bottle.

Skin Rejuvenation Protocol

The skin (integument) is the body’s first line of defense in protection from the external environment. If it also one of the first things people notice about us. Healthy skin is both a cosmetic blessing and a sign of a healthy underlying system, yet few people know how best to take care of this important organ. Let’s focus on some of the most important things we can do to protect this amazing bit of our architecture!

A Basic Regimen for Skin Care

    1. Nutrition: Beauty from the Inside Out. Healthy skin requires water, essential fatty acids and nutrients to be truly healthy. No amount of topical cosmetics will make up the difference to skin that is under-nourished. The skin requires the following:

A.) Water ! The body is 60% or more water. Even a subtle dehydration makes lines and wrinkles appear deeper, whereas being well hydrated “plumps” skin and minimizes the appearance of lines. Drink 64 ounces of PURE water per day, especially in the Summer,

B.) UV Light: Small amounts of UV are beneficial to the skin, but excess amounts can cause premature aging and contribute to skin cancer. Ten minutes of early-morning sun several times per week is sufficient for skin health. Beyond that, always wear a UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF of 15, especially on the face.

C.) Smoking (and second-hand smoke): Causes a constriction of the small blood vessels that bring nutrients to the skin, depriving skin of both water, vitamins and minerals, and fatty acids. Smoking is one of the absolute WORST things you can do to skin. Don’t go there!

D.) Nutrients:

  1. Multiple Vitamin/Mineral Supplements: An optimal vitamin/mineral/trace mineral formula such as Maxi Multi supplies the important micronutrients required for healthy skin.
  2. Essential fatty Acids: The skin needs essential fats from the inside out to stay moisturized. EFA’s are supplied by flaxseed oil, flaxseed meal, or fish oil. Be sure to take 1-2 TBS of flax oil or 3 Caps of fish oil per day, and include fatty fish such as salmon in the diet twice per week. (You’ll learn more about Essential fats in upcoming installments of The New Keto Diet).
  3. Grape seed extract: 50-100 mg, 2-3 times per day is an optional “metanutrient” that aids the skin by improving collagen formation (the underlying structural material of skin) AND by acting as a potent antioxidant to protect skin from oxidation. (The human equivalent of “rust”!)
    1. A Basic Regimen for Skin Care

I.) Cleanse: The purpose is to gently remove surface debris without stripping natural oils. Most soaps are highly alkali and strip skin of natural oils. Wash skin twice per day in a mild soap like Dove or Ivory (both are highly recommended by many dermatologists).

II.) Skin Cream: Proven ingredients helpful for topical application include antioxidants (A,C,E, alpha lipoic acid) in a form that is easily absorbed by the skin (micronized). Glycolic acid helps break down old cells so they can be replaced more quickly with new cells from beneath. DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) helps firm sagging skin, NaPCA aids moisture retention and Sunscreens that protect from UVA, UVB, and UVC are all useful in keeping skin radiant.

I have found it difficult if not impossible to find a good cream that contains all of these important ingredients until now. Rejuvenex is the first cosmetic preparation that I am aware of to combine the finest, proven ingredients into one easy formula. You can try to duplicate all of these skin essentials yourself, but you will be working hard and paying far more for the individual preparations. (Believe me, I know from experience. That’s how I’ve been making my own cream until now!).

In order to introduce you to the benefits of this formula, plus help you get started on a skin rejuvenation and protection program of your own (especially important as the Summer sun heats up), we have special-purchased Rejuvenex so we can offer it to you at a lower introductory price.

This cream is rich, wonderful, contains “all the right stuff” as listed above, and more, and a little goes a long way. You need only apply it morning and evening to get great results. Both men and women will benefit. As an alternative, you can do as I was doing and mix your own ingredients, just be sure to include the above-listed items for best results.

To order Rejuvenex, CLICK HEREor call 1-800-376-9288

Hay Fever(Seasonal Allergies, Allergic Rhinitis)

Natural Remedies for Pollen and Seasonal Allergies

Hay Fever (also known as seasonal allergy) is caused by an over-reaction of the immune system to harmless airborne particles such as pollen.

Symptoms of Hay fever can include any of the following:

  • stuffy or runny nose and nasal congestion
  • itchy, watery eyes
  • sneezing
  • coughing
  • post nasal drip
  • sinus pain or pressure
  • fatigue

Hay fever is common in the Spring and Fall when airborne pollen counts are highest.

Although hay fever effects some 40 million people annually, not everyone is susceptible to airborne pollens and particulates. So what makes a person vulnerable to seasonal allergies?

Studies have shown that people with inhalant allergies are more likely to have food allergies. A hypo allergenic diet has has shown to help some people with asthma and allergic rhinitis. (1,2,3) Remember that avoidance of a food allergen, even if it does not improve hay fever, would be expected to improve over-all health.

Pharmaceutical anti-allergy drugs often have undesirable side effects. So what can a person do to decrease hay fever symptoms without using drugs? Here are some of the best-proven natural remedies for alleviating seasonal allergies:

Butterbur (Petasites hybridus): Butterbur has been shown in studies to be as effective as drugs at relieving symptoms of hay fever but without adverse side effects (4-8)

One study compared Butterbur to the drug cetirizine (Zyrtec) and found that both relieved symptoms equally well. However, the drug was associated with a higher rate of adverse side effects including drowsiness.(4)

A second study compared butterbur extract with fexofenadine (Allegra). Butterbur was just as effective as fexofenadine at relieving symptoms.(5)

Because butterbur may contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can cause liver damage, use only extracts which have the pyrrolizidine alkaloids removed. This will be stated on the label.

Symptom improvement is related to dosage, with higher doses producing more symptom relief. Suggested dose for best effect: 1-2 capsule, 3 times per day of an extract standardized to contain 7.5 mg of petasine per capsule. Look for formulas which state that they are pyrrolizidine alkaloid-free.(6)

Grape seed extract — “nature’s anti-histamine.”

Histamine is an irritating substance released from certain white blood cells (mast cells) in response to allergens. Anti-histamines block the histamine receptor and can improve symptoms of sneezing, itchy eyes and nose. Older antihistamines cause drowsiness, newer antihistamines are associated with heart complications. They are also expensive.

Grape seed extract functions as an anti-histamine by stabilizing the mast cell, making it less ‘touchy” about releasing histamine. Grape seed extract has been shown to performs as a natural anti-histamine. (9-11)

The “side effects” of grape seed extract are actually additional benefits, not unwanted side effects. Grape seed has been shown to improve chronic venous insufficiency (12-17), strengthen collagen and blood vessels(18-22),and help prevent cancer and heart disease through multiple mechanisms. (23-41) Grape seed extract is also a potent antioxidant. (27,33-34,42-47)

Many people find grape seed extract effective for hayfever when taken 50-100mg, 3 times per day.

Quercetin is one of the most biologically active flavonoids, widely distributed in the plant kingdom in such species as oak trees (Quercus spp.), onions (Allium cepa) and tea (Camellia sinensis).

Like grape seed extract, quercetin prevents acts as a natural anti-histamine by preventing the release of histamine from mast cells. (48) In fact, quercetin performs this function so well that it is used in medical experiments as a control substance for such activity (49-51). Quercetin is not well-absorbed orally, so higher doses must be taken, especially at the beginning of allergy treatment.

A water-soluble form of quercetin, available as a nasal spray, is a safe and effective alternative to drug nasal sprays. The effects of quercetin nasal spray are felt within several minutes and last up to two hours. Pharmaceutical nasal sprays work by constricting blood vessels. They can have “addictive” effects on the nasal passages, and congestion becomes worse when they are discontinued. Quercetin does not create dependence or have rebound effects upon discontinuation. (52)


1. Speer F. Multiple food allergy. Ann Allerg 1975;34:71–6.
2. Buczylko K, Kowalczyk J, Zeman K, et al. Allergy to food in children with pollinosis. Rocz Akad Med Bialymst 1995;40:568–72.
3. Ogle KA, Bullock JD. Children with allergic rhinitis and/or bronchial asthma treated with elimination diet. Ann Allergy 1977;39:8–11.
4.) Schapowal A, Petasites Study Group. Randomised controlled trial of butterbur and cetirizine for treating seasonal allergic rhinitis. BMJ 2002;324:144–6.
5.) Lee DK, Gray RD, Robb FM, et al. A placebo-controlled evaluation of butterbur and fexofenadine on objective and subjective outcomes in perennial allergic rhinitis. Clin Exp Allergy 2004;34:646–9.
6.) Schapowal A; Petasites Study Group. Butterbur Ze339 for the treatment of intermittent allergic rhinitis: dose-dependent efficacy in a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2004 Dec;130(12):1381-6.
7.) Lee DK, Carstairs IJ, Haggart K, Jackson CM, Currie GP, Lipworth BJ. Butterbur, a herbal remedy, attenuates adenosine monophosphate induced nasal responsiveness in seasonal allergic rhinitis. Clin Exp Allergy. 2003 Jul;33(7):882-6.
8.) Käufeler R, Polasek W, Brattström A, Koetter U. Efficacy and safety of butterbur herbal extract Ze 339 in seasonal allergic rhinitis: postmarketing surveillance study.Adv Ther. 2006 Mar-Apr;23(2):373-84.
9.) Iwasaki Y, Matsui T, Arakawa Y. The protective and hormonal effects of proanthocyanidin against gastric mucosal injury in Wistar rats. J Gastroenterol. 2004 Sep;39(9):831-7.
10.) Kawai M, Hirano T, Higa S, Arimitsu J, Maruta M, Kuwahara Y, Ohkawara T, Hagihara K, Yamadori T, Shima Y, Ogata A, Kawase I, Tanaka T. Flavonoids and related compounds as anti-allergic substances. Allergol Int. 2007 Jun;56(2):113-23. Epub 2007 Mar 1.
11.) Sharma SC, Sharma S, Gulati OP. Pycnogenol inhibits the release of histamine from mast cells. Phytother Res. 2003 Jan;17(1):66-9.
12.) Dartenuc JY, Marache P, Choussat H. Resistance Capillaire en Geriatrie Etude d’un Microangioprotecteur. Bordeax Médical 1980;13:903–7 [in French].
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Seven Inconvenient Truths About the 2009 H1N1 Flu Pandemic

by Dr. Dana Myatt

“Selective reporting” about the H1N1 virus and vaccine make it sound like getting a vaccination for the “pandemic flu” is a no-brainer. Thinking men and women should know the under-reported scientific conclusions and plain vanilla government statistics concerning this year’s “Panic-Demic” before making this seemingly simple but potentially life-threatening decision.

To that end I present these “inconvenient truths” (fully referenced) for your consideration. Please note that it is extremely politically incorrect to question the value of the flu vaccine.

In Health,
Dr. Myatt

Seven Inconvenient Truths About the 2009 H1N1 Flu Pandemic

by Dr. Dana Myatt

1.) What is a “Phase Six” Pandemic? (Probably NOT what You Think)

Contrary to popular thought (and most dictionaries), “pandemic” does not mean “large numbers” in WHO / CDC language. According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Pandemic Phase Descriptions, “pandemic” refers to distribution, not numbers or severity. Here is the WHO criteria for pandemics:

  • A “Phase 4” pandemic means only that a virus is transmissible between humans.

  • A “Phase 5” pandemic means only that one viral disease has been seen in two countries.

  • A Phase 6 pandemic means only that one viral disease has been seen in three or more countries.

Again, the term “pandemic” does NOT refer to numbers of people affected or severity of the disease. (1)

For perspective, The WHO announced as of 20 September 2009 that there have been 3917 total deaths worldwide from H1N1, on par with world-wide mortality from any seasonal or other flu for this time of year. (2) Malaria kills an average of 3,000 people every dayin southeast Asia. (3)

2.) Is The H1N1 Flu Really a Danger to the U.S.?

Of less than 4,000 flu-related deaths world-wide, only 211 have occurred in the US as of August 2009. (4) This represents a death total lower than from seasonal flu for years 2005 through 2008 in the U.S. (5)

Adding H1N1 and seasonal flu together, flu-related deaths are still lower this year compared to previous “non-pandemic” years.

Not only is the total flu rate lower this year in the U.S., but the H1N1 flu has been much milder than predicted here and abroad. (6-10)

According to the WHO, most H1N1 infections are mild, occurring in numbers comparable to seasonal flues, with fast recovery and mostly without need for medical care. Mortality rates so far have been only a fraction of the number of those reported each year from seasonal flu. WHO also acknowledges that “Large outbreaks of disease have not yet been reported in many countries…” (11)

Harvard researcher Mark Lipsitch, PhD, explained at an Institute of Medicine meeting that on a 1 to 5 scale — with 5 being a 1918-like pandemic — this swine flu pandemic is a 1. Deputy Director of the CDC’s flu division, Daniel Jernigan, MD, concurs. “We are likely to have numbers that look very similar to what Dr. Lipsitch had,” Jernigan said. (12)

3.) Why H1N1-related deaths are actually smaller than reported in the U.S.

As of August 2009, ALL flu-associated deaths in the U.S. are being reported together. H1N1, seasonal flu and “influenza-like illness” (ILI) are added together to give the “flu mortality rate.” Reported illness and death totals, now include “influenza-like illness” (ILI) that in some cases may not be any form of flu at all. (13)

Other reports concede that a portion of reported H1N1 deaths have actually been caused by pneumonia, not the H1N1 virus itself. (14)

Because the new reporting system tallies deaths from all types of flu, the reported numbers of total flu deaths are not all attributable to H1N1. This means the true H1N1 mortality rate is only a portion of the total reported. Remember that deaths from all types of flu added together are lower in the U.S. this year than from the four previous “non pandemic” years before. (5,13)

3.) Flu vaccines provide little or no protection from the flu.

Vaccination is claimed to prevent the spread of influenza, protect individuals from acquiring the disease, and do so to a high degree of efficacy. Unfortunately, the majority of scientific studies do not support these claims. In fact, meta analyses (“master studies”) that look at large numbers of scientific studies and their outcomes, show the opposite. Influenza vaccine is minimally or not at all effective for most age groups. Here is how the numbers break down.

In children under two:

In children under the age of two, influenza vaccines are no more effective than placebo. (15)

One meta analysis evaluating fifty-one published studies with 294,159 observations found “no efficacy” in children under the age of two. (16) The authors conclude that “It was surprising to find only one study of inactivated vaccine in children under two years, given current recommendations to vaccinate healthy children from six months old in the USA and Canada.”

Simply put, the authors question why the U.S. is targeting children under the age of two for vaccination when the studies show the vaccine to be ineffective in this age group.

In children over two:

The same meta analysis found influenza vaccines effective 33% of the time in children over the age of two. (16) Followed to it’s logical conclusion, this means the flu vaccines are ineffective 67% of the time in children over the age of two.

Another study found influenza vaccine ineffective up to age 5. (17)

In healthy adults:

A meta analysis evaluating 25 studies conducted on 59,566 adults age 14-40 found a mere 6% decrease of clinical influenza in those vaccinated. The conclusion: “Universal immunization of healthy adults is not supported by the results of this review.” (18)

The recent update to this study, pooling 38 published studies encompassing 66,248 healthy individuals aged 16 to 65 years, found that “serological flu” (lab numbers) were reduced but actual cases of flu were not reduced. This meta analysis concluded that improvements in overall flu rates in those vaccinated “was extremely modest.” (19)

In seniors:

Seniors over age 70 account for 75% of all flu-related deaths. Since 1980, the vaccination rate in seniors has increased from 15% to 65% but the death rate from flu has not declined. The authors conclude that “the evidence is insufficient to indicate the magnitude of a mortality benefit, if any, that elderly people derive from the vaccination program.” (20)

Contrary to popular belief, studies have found that secondary pneumonia in seniors is not decreased by flu vaccination, and that reduction of mortality through influenza vaccination has been greatly overestimated in this age group. (21,22)

5.) “Fast track” approval of flu vaccines, especially H1N1, leaves safety questions unanswered.

“Fast track” approval means that influenza vaccines do not have to go through the normal regulatory procedures. The H1N1 vaccine approval was especially fast because of the “pandemic” designation. One of the approved 4 vaccines was approved after testing in only 221 people for 21 days. (23) Another was approved after testing on 175 adults for 21 days. (24).

The World Health Organization (WHO) admits that people who get vaccinations will be the “field testers” of their safety. From the WHO website:

“Time constraints mean that clinical data at the time when pandemic vaccines are first administered will inevitably be limited. Further testing of safety and effectiveness will need to take place after administration of the vaccine has begun. (Author’s italics)

… On the positive side, mass vaccination campaigns can generate significant safety data within a few weeks. (Author’s italics) (25)

In other words, we won’t know the safety of these vaccines until we vaccinate millions of people (45 million is the U.S. “target” for October) (26,27); the side effects experienced by those vaccinated will be the “safety data.”

The U.S. Government conferred immunity from prosecution to drug manufacturers of the H1N1 vaccine in July 2009. (28)

6.) Vaccines May Be More Dangerous than the Flu Itself.

In 1976, 200 soldiers at Fort Dix were stricken with the flu, with one reported death. A pandemic was declared and nearly 40 million people in the U.S. received the 1976/H1N1 vaccine before the campaign was stopped due to an increase in Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralytic autoimmune disease. (29)

More than 500 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome were reported, 25 of which resulted in death. This “pandemic that wasn’t” never spread beyond Fort Dix. (30)

In a recent statement by the The American Academy of Neurology, experts said they don’t expect the 2009 H1N1 vaccine to increase risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome or other autoimmune disease but they acknowledged that this is a concern with any pandemic vaccine. (31)

Mild short-term reactions to the vaccine can include soreness, redness, or swelling at vaccination site, low grade fever, runny nose, headache, chills, tiredness/weakness and body aches and pains. (32) These symptoms are very much like the flu itself.

Life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) and Guillain-Barré syndrome (a paralytic autoimmune disease) can also occur. (33)

These short-term side effects of influenza vaccination are easier to observe because of their close proximity to vaccination, beginning within minutes to several weeks. Long-term and/or cumulative effects of vaccinations are more difficult to monitor, and questions remain about the long-term safety of vaccines.

For example, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease in adults and autism in children has skyrocketed in the last several decades. These rates are continued to increase. (34,35)

The cause of these increases is not known. Some camps maintain that these neurological disease escalations may be caused by vaccinations, especially since many vaccines still contain mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other neurotoxic compounds. (36-39)

The US government, CDC, FDA, and drug manufacturers claim there is no correlation between vaccines and these diseases, (40-43) although many question the quality of evidence used to draw this conclusion. (44,45)

7.) “Herd Immunity” Remains Speculative

“Herd immunity” (community immunity) is the belief that if a portion of society gets vaccinated, weaker members of “the herd” who do not respond satisfactorily to the vaccine (children under two and seniors over 65) will be protected from the flu because those around them have been vaccinated. Much evidence contradicts the concept of “herd immunity.” (46-49)

If healthcare workers get vaccinated, they purportedly decrease the risk of influenza in their high-risk patient, hence the “heavy push” that borders on mandate for health care workers to receive the vaccine. One large meta analysis found “no high quality evidence that vaccinating healthcare workers reduces the incidence of influenza or its complications in the elderly in institutions.” (50)


My purpose in presenting these statistics and studies is to assist the reader in drawing independent conclusions about the true risk of H1N1 flu and advisability of vaccination for same.

We are each responsible for our own “due diligence” when making decisions concerning our health, although many people defer to the media and government for their directives.

Here are the points I see from these studies and statistics:

  1. The safety and effectiveness of H1N1 vaccines has not been proven.
  2. The transmissibility of H1N1 flu is small and the severity mild compared to seasonal flu.
  3. My risk of getting the H1N1 flu is small; my risk of dying from this flu is quite small and no greater than for any seasonal flu.
  4. Flu vaccines confer little if any protection from influenza viruses in my age group.
  5. There is much conflicting “proof” that by getting a vaccination, I help make others around me safer through “herd immunity.”
  6. There are known short-term and possibly unknown long-term side effects from vaccines.

All things considered, I’m going to pass on the H1N1 flu vaccine. I believe there are far safer, better-proven methods to increase my resistance to H1N1 and make sure I have a mild case of it (as most cases are) if I do contract the flu.


1.) WHO Pandemic Phase Descriptions and Main Actions by Phase.
2.) WHO Website: Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 – update 67. 20 September 2009.
3.) Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance. Researchers say new form of malaria poses threat to humans. Sep 11, 2009.
4.) Michael L. Tapper, MD, Chair. Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza: What You Need to Know About Prevention and Management.Medscape CME; Sept. 29 2009.
5.) Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 2008-2009 Influenza Season Week 37 ending September 19, 2009.
6.) López-Cervantes M, Venado A, Moreno A, Pacheco-Domínguez RL, Ortega-Pierres G.On the spread of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus in Mexico. J Infect Dev Ctries. 2009 Jun 1;3(5):327-30.
7.) Miller, Mark; Viboud, Cecile; Simonsen, Lone; Olson, Donald R.; Russell, Colin. Mortality and morbidity burden associated with A/H1N1pdm influenza virus: Who is likely to be infected, experience clinical symptoms, or die from the H1N1pdm 2009 pandemic virus? Version 2. PLoS Currents Influenza. 2009 Aug 26 [revised 2009 Sep 2]:RRN1013.
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10.) Senanayake SN. A pandemic that’s not bird flu? Pigs might fly. Med J Aust. 2009 Jul 6;191(1):38-40.
11.) World Health Organization website:
12.) Daniel J. DeNoon. First Doses of H1N1 Vaccine Coming Soon. Medscape Today, September 21, 2009.
13.) “2009 H1N1 Flu Situation Update – September 11, 2009”. CDC. 2009-09-11. Retrieved 2009-09-30.
14.) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Bacterial coinfections in lung tissue specimens from fatal cases of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) – United States, May-August 2009. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2009 Oct 2;58(38):1071-4.
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