Hepatitis C

Some thoughts and discussion by Dr. Myatt

Hepatitis C and/or Iron Toxicity?

Hepatitis C virus causes inflammation of the liver and is the most common chronic blood-borne infection in the United States. The virus can be spread by sex with an infected person, transfusion of infected blood or contaminated needles. HCV infection often results in chronic liver disease. High iron levels are a major factor in many cases of hepatitis C.

How to Properly Diagnose Iron Overload

Iron overload, or hemochromatosis, is actually the most common inherited disease. Excess iron has been known to be associated with infection for 30 years. When excess iron is present, the body’s normal antibacterial mechanisms become severely compromised, making one more susceptible to infectious disease.

Measuring serum iron is a poor way to do diagnose iron overload, because frequently the serum iron will be normal. The most useful of the indirect measures of iron status in the body a measure of the serum ferritin level in conjunction with a total iron binding level. Ferritin shows us how much iron is stored in the body.

Help and Hope for Hepatitis C

Conventional medicine takes a “Band-aid” approach to HCV. Many of the treatments are “supportive” only, meaning they are designed to manage symptoms but not intended to cure the disease. Interferon, the “latest and greatest” bug guns treatment for HCV has many devastating side effects. Unfortunately, we do little in conventional medicine to find and correct HCV at the causative level.

In Alternative and natural medicine, we go looking for the cause. Iron overload, as described above, is a major factor. Causes of immune weakness, including nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, increased intestinal permeability, heavy metal toxicity (other than iron) are a few of the factors to be considered.

With the help of an experienced holistic physician, the cause of Hepatitis C can usually be discovered and the disease either cured or put into sustained remission. A normal life span and health span can be expected in HCV when the disease is diagnosed and treated correctly.

Gallbladder “Attacks” and Gallstones

How to End the Pain and Save Your Gallbladder

Nearly half a million gallbladder surgeries — removal, or cholecystectomy to be precise — are performed each year in the US. Many of the people who give up their gallbladders to such surgery appear to be fine, and the pain of their gallbladder attacks are over. Oddly enough, for many others, gallbladder “attacks” continue even in the absence of a gallbladder – in fact, one authoritative source indicates that Post Cholecystectomy Syndrome (PCS) affects at least 10 to 15% of people who have had their gallbladders removed!

Are the people who have given up their gallbladders really “fine”? And why do others continue to have pain in spite of removal of their gallbladder?

Conventional medical doctors make no attempt to help people “save” their gallbladders when stomach or other symptoms is believed due to gallbladder attacks. In fact, many gallbladders are removed even when scans do not show anything wrong with the gallbladder. Because there is no attempt to preserve this organ in conventional medicine, and because many people feel better after surgical removal of their GB, people mistakenly believe that the gallbladder isn’t important and that living without it makes no difference. Unfortunately, this viewpoint is incorrect and can be downright unhealthy.

Contrary to common belief, the gallbladder isn’t just a “vestigial organ” with little or no importance. One of the primary jobs of the gallbladder is to control the flow of bile which in turn is needed to absorb fats, oils and fat-soluble nutrients. Once the gallbladder is removed, these functions cannot happen normally, at least not without additional “outside help” from supplementation.

Although steps can be taken to prevent nutrient deficiencies if you have already had your gallbladder removed, let’s talk about another important question. How can you get rid of gallbladder “attacks” and keep your gallbladder in the first place? After all, “prevention” is always easier than cure.

The Real Cause of Gallbladder Pain

Gallbladder pain is usually blamed on gallstones, although stones are rarely the cause of intermittent GB discomfort.

Stones of a particular size that get stuck in the bile duct are indeed incredibly painful. If they are not passed quickly, gangrene of the duct and gallbladder can set in with life-threatening complications. This is the only true “surgical emergency” of gallbladder stones.

However, most stones are too large to obstruct the gall duct. Other people have “sand,” which is fine particulate that is too small to obstruct the gall duct. So where does the pain come from?

The real cause — and cure — of gallbladder pain was discovered back in 1968 by a physician named James C. Breneman. Dr. Breneman was chairman of the Food Allergy Committee of the American College of Allergists, or ACA (now called the American College of Allergy and Immunology, or ACAI). Dr. Breneman discovered that attacks of gallbladder pain are caused by food allergies.

In 1968, he put 69 people who suffered from recurrent gallbladder attacks on an elimination diet to determine their food allergies. Six of the subjects already had their gallbladders removed but were still having gallbladder “attacks,” a phenomenon known as “post-cholecystectomy syndrome.” Dr. Breneman found that all 69 people — 100 percent! — were totally symptom-free of gallbladder pain when they avoided their individual food sensitivities, and all 69 had a recurrence of their symptoms when they ate the foods they reintroduced the foods they were allergic to back into their diets.

The most common allergenic foods were found to be eggs (92.8%), pork (63.8%), onions (52.2%), chicken and turkey (34.8%), milk (24.6%), coffee (21.7% ), and oranges (18.8%). Corn, beans, nuts, apples, tomatoes, peas, cabbage, spices, peanuts, fish, and rye accounted for between 1 to 14.5% of gallbladder attacks. 14 of the 69 study participants (over 20 percent) also had gallbladder attacks caused by medications.

How Allergies Cause Gallbladder Attacks Illustration of the biliary system, showing the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and the duodenum with the appendant ducts.

The body’s reaction to allergic substances is to cause swelling (remember how your nose swells if you have seasonal allergies?). When food and medication allergies cause swelling of the gallbladder ducts, bile flow is obstructed. The symptoms of allergy-caused obstruction are the same as a stone being stuck in the duct. (Hence the blame being laid on a “stone” when in fact, swelling of the tissue caused by a food or medicine reaction is the real culprit).

The Cure for Gallbladder Pain

The real treatment for most GB pain isn’t to remove this important organ, but to perform an elimination / challenge diet or food allergy testing and find the offending foods and medications.

The Dangers of Gallbladder Removal

What Can Happen Without a Gallbladder?

Vitamin A Deficiency symptoms include changes in vision (night blindness, dry eyes, macular degeneration), decreased immunity and skin diseases.

Vitamin D Deficiency symptoms include cancer, osteoporosis, dental disease and decreased immune function.

Vitamin K Deficiencies are associated with osteoporosis and atherosclerosis

Vitamin E Deficiency is associated with cancer, heart disease, neurological diseases and a long list of other health problems.

Essential Fatty Acids regulate everything from cardiac function to immunity and inflammation.

The gallbladder stores and then releases bile
in response to fats contained in a meal. Bile is necessary to assist the digestion of fats and fat-soluble vitamins.

When the gallbladder is removed, vitamins A, E, D, K, and essential fatty acids are not absorbed properly. Unfortunately, the symptoms of declining fat-soluble vitamins and essential fats come on slowly and most often, unnoticeably. Health problems can be many and varied, associated with a deficiency of any or all of these fat-soluble vitamins.

Who would guess that removal of the gallbladder, especially without replacement of bile salts (which is NEVER suggested in conventional medicine), could contribute to the premature development of so many and varied health problems, all related to fat soluble nutrient assimilation?

Other Nutrients for Gallbladder Health

Low stomach acid can cause or contribute to the development of gallstones. Correcting a stomach acid deficiency is of primary importance when addressing gallbladder health.

Here is more information about the many symptoms and diseases associated with low stomach acid.

And here is a simple self-test kit to help you determine if you need supplemental betaine hydrochloride:

Magnesium deficiency is extremely common among people who suffer from gallbladder pain and stones (even when the stones are not the actual cause of the pain). And if magnesium deficiency relates to the development of stones, the news gets even worse for those who don’t supplement: 60% of post-GB removal patients suffer from magnesium deficiency and 40% from calcium/magnesium deficiency.

A high-quality daily multiple vitamin/mineral supplement such as Maxi Multi contains a full daily recommended dose of magnesium and calcium. For those taking “one-per day” multiples or no extra supplementation at all, additional magnesium supplementation is highly recommended.


  1. Jensen, Steen W.  “Postcholecystectomy Syndrome” Jan 16, 2008 http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/192761-overview
  2. “Fast Stats: Inpatient Surgery, 2002,” U.S. Centers for Disease Control (www.cdc.gov), accessed 8/25/04
  3. Breneman JC “Allergy Elimination as the Most Effective Gallbladder Diet.” Annals of Allergy 1968; 26; 83-89
  4. Breneman, James C. Basics of Food Allergy. Springfield (IL): CC Thomas (pub), 1978.
  5. Tsai CJ, Leitzmann MF, Willett WC, Giovannucci EL. Long-term effect of magnesium consumption on the risk of symptomatic gallstone disease among men. Am J Gastroenterol. 2008 Feb;103(2):375-82. Epub 2007 Dec 12.
  6. Szántay J, Varga D, Porr PJ. Post-cholecystectomy syndrome and magnesium deficit.Acta Physiol Hung. 1992;80(1-4):391-8.

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)

Powerful Antioxidant Protection and Herbal Energizer

Green tea (Camelia sinensis) is a rich source of catechins, substances which have been found to neutralize cancer-causing agents and prevent cellular mutations leading to cancer.

In addition to cancer-prevention, green tea prevents abnormal blood clotting, reduces total cholesterol, aids high blood pressure and protects arterioles.

Green tea has also been shown to increase energy expenditure and may therefore be useful in weight loss programs. Although green tea contains caffeine, several studies have shown that subjects who took green tea capsules had higher energy expenditures than those who took caffeine alone. It appears that there may be an additional fat-oxidizing effect that is not due to the caffeine content.

The polyphenols in green tea have been shown to stimulate production of certain immune cells. Topically, green tea has antibacterial properties and is effective against plaque-causing bacteria.

Bottom line: Green tea may help prevent both cancer and heart disease and is a useful adjuvant to weight loss programs. Green tea is also an immune-stimulant and antibacterial.

Dr. Myatt recommends Maxi Flavone for all the benefits of Green Tea and more!


 1.) Suganuma M, Okabe S, Sueoka N, et al. Green tea and cancer chemoprevention. Mutat Res 1999;428:339–44.
2.) Weisberger JH, Rivenson A, Garr K, et al. Tea, or tea and milk, inhibit mammary gland and colon carcinogenesis in rats. Cancer Lett 1997;114:323–7.
3.) Yang CS, Lee MJ, Chen L, Yang GY. Polyphenols as inhibitors of carcinogenesis. Environ Health Perspect 1997;105(Suppl 4):971–6 [review].
4.) Menon LG, Kuttan R, Kuttan G. Anti-metastatic activity of curcumin and catechin. Cancer Lett 1999;141:159–65.
5.) Mukhtar H, Ahmad N. Green tea in chemoprevention of cancer. Toxicol Sci 1999;52(2 Suppl):111–7.
6.) Katiyar SK, Mukhtar H. Tea consumption and cancer. World Rev Nutr Diet 1996;79:154–84 [review].
7.) Kohlmeier L, Weterings KG, Steck S, Kok FJ. Tea and cancer prevention: an evaluation of the epidemiologic literature. Nutr Cancer 1997;27:1–13 [review].
8.) Kono S, Shinchi K, Ikeda N, et al. Green tea consumption and serum lipid profiles: A cross-sectional study in Northern Kyushu, Japan. Prev Med 1992;21:526–31.
9.) Yamaguchi Y, Hayashi M, Yamazoe H, et al. Preventive effects of green tea extract on lipid abnormalities in serum, liver and aorta of mice fed an atherogenic diet. Nip Yak Zas 1991;97:329–37.
10.) Sagesaka-Mitane Y, Milwa M, Okada S. Platelet aggregation inhibitors in hot water extract of green tea. Chem Pharm Bull 1990;38:790–3.
11.) Stensvold I, Tverdal A, Solvoll K, et al. Tea consumption. Relationship to cholesterol, blood pressure, and coronary and total mortality. Prev Med 1992;21:546–53.
12.) Dulloo AG, Duret C, Rohrer D, et al. Efficacy of a green tea extract rich in catechin polyphenols and caffeine in increasing 24-h energy expenditure and fat oxidation in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1999;70:1040–5.
13.) Chantre P, Lairon D. Recent findings of green tea extract AR25 (Exolise) and its activity for the treatment of obesity. Phytomedicine 2002;9:3–8.
14.) Stoner GD, Mukhtar H. Polyphenols as cancer chemopreventive agents. J Cell Bioch 1995;22:169–80.
15.) You SQ. Study on feasibility of Chinese green tea polyphenols (CTP) for preventing dental caries. Chin J Stom 1993;28:197–9.
16.) Hamilton-Miller JM. Antimicrobial properties of tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Antimicro Agents Chemother 1995;39:2375–7.


Twenty-Five Surprising Benefits of  a Dietary “Non-Nutrient”

It’s not a “sexy supplement” or a “new breakthrough.” In fact, it’s not even officially classified as a nutrient. But Americans get only 10% of the amount we consumed 100 years ago, and our health may be seriously suffering as a result.

What is this important “non nutrient” that we’re missing? Dietary fiber.

“Fiber” refers to a number of indigestible carbohydrates found in the outer layers of plants. Humans lack enzymes to break down most types of fiber, so they pass through the digestive system relatively unchanged and do not provide nutrients or significant calories.

In spite of this indigestibility, fiber has a surprising number of health benefits. In fact, consuming adequate daily fiber may be one of the most important health measures anyone can take.

Twenty-Five Health Benefits of Fiber — Who Knew?

There are numerous “sub-classes” of fiber, but the two main types are I.) soluble and II.) insoluble fiber. Both types are beneficial to health and both typically occur together in nature. They each offer independent health benefits. Here are twenty-five known health benefits that fiber provides.

Bowel Benefits:

  1. Relieves constipation. Insoluble fiber absorbs large amounts of water in the colon. This makes stools softer and easier to pass. Most people who increase fiber intake will notice improved bowel function in 31-39 hours.(1-4)
  2. Relieves diarrhea. It may seem paradoxical that a substance which helps constipation also helps diarrhea, but that’s just what fiber does. Insoluble fiber binds watery stool in the colon, helping turn “watery” into “formed.” Fiber is known to offer significant improvement to those with diarrhea.(5,6)
  3. Helps prevent hemorrhoids. Constipation is a leading cause of hemorrhoids. Because fiber-rich stools are easier to pass, less straining is necessary. Diets high in fiber have been shown to prevent and relieve hemorrhoids.(7)
  4. Reduces risk of diverticular disease. In cultures that consume high-fiber diets, diverticular disease is relatively unknown. That’s because high fiber intake “exercises” the colon, prevents excess bowel gas and absorbs toxins, all of which lead to the “bowel herniation” disease known as diverticulitis. Increased fiber intake is currently recommended in Western medicine as primary prevention for the disease.(8,9,10)
  5. Helps Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is characterized by constipation, diarrhea, or alternating constipation/diarrhea. Regardless of type, increased fiber intake has been shown to improve IBS symptoms.(3,11-14)
  6. Improves bowel flora. “Flora” refers to the “good bugs” (healthy bacteria) that colonize the large intestine (colon). Antibiotics, drugs, food allergies, high sugar diets and junk food alter this “bowel garden” in favor of the “bad bugs.” Certain types of fiber are rich in substances the “feed” bowel flora and help keep the balance of good bacteria in the colon at a normal level.(4,15)
  7. Helps prevent colon cancer. Although research has been controversial, observational studies in the 1970s showed that African natives consuming high-fiber diets had a much lower incidence of colorectal carcinoma.(16) Since the “risk” of increased fiber consumption is so small, the “US Pharmacist,” states…

“…with no clearly negative data about fiber, it makes sense to increase fiber intake just in case the positive studies did reveal an actual link. The patient will also experience the ancillary benefits of fiber consumption, such as reduction in cholesterol (with psyllium), prevention of constipation, and reducing risk of hemorrhoids.”

  1. Appendicitis: studies show a correlation between the development of appendicitis and low fiber intake. A diet high in fiber may help prevent appendicitis.(59)

Whew… that’s just the bowel benefits!
Fiber also helps prevent heart disease in multiple ways.

  1. Lowers Total cholesterol. According to the FDA, soluble fiber meets the standard for reduction of risk from coronary heart disease.(15,16) Psyllium husk is also able to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease as it contains a soluble fiber similar to beta-glucan.(17-26)
  2. Lowers triglycerides. Higher dietary fiber is associated with lower triglyceride levels.(24-26)
  3. Raises HDL. Fiber may even raise HDL — the “good cholesterol” — levels.(27)
  4. Lowers LDL Cholesterol. In addition to total cholesterol, increased fiber lowers LDL — the “bad cholesterol” — levels.(28-29)
  5. Aids Weight loss. Fiber helps prevent weight gain and assists weight loss several ways. The “bulking action” of fiber leads to an earlier feeling of satiety, meaning that one feels satisfied with less high-calorie food when the meal contains a lot of fiber.(30,31) Fiber helps bind and absorb dietary fat, making it less available for assimilation. This means that some fat may be “lost” through the digestive tract when the meal is high in insoluble fiber.(32)
  6. Lowers Overall risk of Coronary Artery Disease. Perhaps because of a combination of the above-listed lipid-normalizing factors, some studies have shown an overall protective effect of higher fiber intake against coronary heart disease.(33)

Fiber also benefits blood sugar levels and diabetes…

  1. Helps Type I Diabetes. Eaten with meals, high-fiber supplements like guar gum reduced the rise in blood sugar following meals in people with type 1 diabetes.(34-35) In one trial, a low-glycemic-index diet containing 50 grams of daily fiber improved blood sugar control and helped prevent hypoglycemic episodes in people with type 1 diabetes taking two or more insulin injections per day.(36)
  2. Improves Type II Diabetes. High-fiber diets have been shown to work better in controlling diabetes than the American Diabetic Association (ADA)-recommended diet, and may control blood sugar levels as well as oral diabetic drugs.One study compared participants eating the the ADA diet (supplying 24 grams of daily fiber) or a high-fiber diet (containing 50 grams daily fiber) for six weeks. Those eating the high-fiber diet for six weeks had an average 10% lower glucose level than people eating the ADA diet. Insulin levels were 12% lower in the high-fiber group compared to those in the ADA diet group. The high fiber group also had decreased  glycosylated hemoglobin levels, a measure of long-term blood glucose regulation.(37)

    High-fiber supplements such as psyllium(38),  guar gum(39) and pectin(40) have shown improved glucose tolerance.(20, 26)

More systemic benefits of fiber:

  1. Gallstone prevention. Rapid digestion of carbohydrates leads to fast release of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream. In response, the body releases large amounts of insulin. High insulin levels contribute to gallstone formation. Because dietary fiber slows the release of carbohydrates (and corresponding insulin), fiber helps prevent gallstone formation.(41-43)
  2. Kidney stone prevention. Low intakes of dietary fiber have been found to correlate with increased kidney stone formation, and higher intakes of fiber appear to be protective against stone formation.(44-46)
  3. Varicose veins. “Straining at stool” caused by fiber-deficiency constipation, has been found in some studies to cause varicose veins.(47) Populations with lower fiber intakes have higher rates of varicosities.(48)

Fiber may even be important in prevention of certain types of cancer…

  1. Colon Cancer Prevention. Diets higher in fiber have been shown in some studies to reduce the risk of colon cancer.(49-51)
  2. Breast cancer prevention. Higher fiber diets are associated with lower breast cancer risk.(51,52) Some studies have shown up to a 50% decreased risk with higher fiber intakes.(53) After diagnosis, a high fiber diet may decrease the risk of  breast cancer reoccurrence.(54)
  3. Pancreatic cancer prevention. High fiber diets are associated with lower risk of pancreatic cancer.(55)
  4. Endometrial cancer prevention. Higher fiber has been shown in some studies to protect against endometrial cancer.(56)
  5. Prostate cancer prevention. Diets higher in fiber may be associated with lower risk of prostate cancer.(51,57) After diagnosis, a high fiber diet may decrease the risk of  prostate cancer reoccurrence.(54)
  6. Cancer prevention in general. Some studies have found that high fiber diets help prevent cancer in general, regardless of type.(58)

Recommendations vs. Reality

The average daily American fiber intake is estimated at 14 to 15 g, significantly less than the American Dietetic Association recommendation of 20 to 35 g for adults, 25 g daily for girls ages 9 through 18 years and 31 to 38 g for boys ages 9 through 18.(60-61) The American Heart Association recommends 25 to 30 g daily.(62)

Based on dietary intakes of long-lived populations (who typically consume 40-60 grams or more of fiber per day), many holistic physicians recommend aiming for a minimum of 30 grams of daily fiber.

In my clinical experience, I find that most people over-estimate their fiber intake because they are unaware of the fiber content of many of the foods they eat. See how your food choices stack up here: Rate Your Plate – It’s fun, educational and surprising!

Since fiber has proven itself to be such an important “non nutrient” for good health, increased dietary consumption and/or supplementation can be considered a wise choice for optimal health and disease prevention.

EZ-FiberStill The Best-Tasting, Most Complete Fiber Available

Dr. Myatt’s Maxi Fiber was called EZ Fiber – NOW CALLED Fiber Complex

Great News! Maxi Fiber, one of Dr. Myatt’s most popular products, has been licensed to a major supplement manufacturer. This means that Dr. Myatt no longer sells Maxi Fiber in the small containers, but now offers the same great product (exactly the same!) in a larger container for your convenience. The old Maxi Fiber provided 30 servings per container and the new product Fiber Complex ™ comes in a 60 serving container.

Click Here To Order Fiber Complex


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  42. Cuevas A, Miquel JF, Reyes MS, Zanlungo S, Nervi F. Diet as a risk factor for cholesterol gallstone disease. J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Jun;23(3):187-96.
  43. Schwesinger WH, Kurtin WE, Page CP, Stewart RM, Johnson R.. Soluble dietary fiber protects against cholesterol gallstone formation. Am J Surg. 1999 Apr;177(4):307-10.
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  56. Goodman MT, Wilkens LR, Hankin JH, Lyu LC, Wu AH, Kolonel LN. Association of soy and fiber consumption with the risk of endometrial cancer. Am J Epidemiol. 1997 Aug 15;146(4):294-306.
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  60. Eat fiber for health. American Dietetic Association. Available at: www.webdietitians.org/Public/index_20411.cfm. Accessed April 11, 2006.
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Fungus, Yeasts and Molds: Hidden Cause of Many “Unexplained” Diseases

Every day, thousands of microscopic, decay-eating organisms find their way into our bodies in the food we eat and the air we breathe.

These organisms are part of The Fungi Kingdom and include yeasts, molds, mildew, mushrooms, fungi and others.

Although most fungi feed on dead and decaying organisms, a number of them also feed on living organisms. Athlete’s foot is a common fungus which feeds on a living host.

The entire class of Fungi are “opportunistic,” and the ones which feed on humans can establish themselves in a human body during a time of weakness, such as during an infection or when the immune system is suppressed with drugs. There are also many fungi that do not require a weak immune system in order to establish themselves in a host. In addition to the direct effects of the fungi, which act like parasites in a human host, many also manufacture highly toxic substances called “mycotoxins.”

Who Cares About Fungi and Mycotoxins?

Fungi produce toxins called mycotoxins (“Myco” from the Greek “Mykes”, means “fungus”). Mycotoxins cannot be destroyed by heat, are known to suppress the immune system, and have a wide range of effects in both animals and humans. A number of these mycotoxins are quite poisonous.

Aflatoxin, a common toxin found in peanuts and some grains and a result of Aspergillus flavus fungus, is one of the most potent carcinogens known to man. Because of this, peanuts and grains must be constantly “screened” for aflatoxin. Even with this government-mandated screening, a person eating according to the US Food-pyramid is eating between 0.15-0.5 grams per day. (A lethal dose is considered to be 10-20mg). But at these everyday, low-grade exposures, negative health effects can still be experienced.

Symptoms and Diseases Associated with Mycotoxins and the Fungi Kingdom

When the World Health Organization recently convened, Dr. A.V. Costantini, head of the organization, an internist who modestly claims to be a “just a country doctor,” listed fourteen diseases wherein fungal (mold & Candida Albicans) forms of microorganisms have been found include the following: atherosclerosis, cancer, AIDS, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, systemic lupus , erythematosus, gout, Crohn’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity syndrome, Infertility, psoriasis, cirrhosis of the liver, Alzheimer’s disease, Scleroderma, Raynaud’s Disease, sarcoidosis, kidney stones, amyloidosis, vasculitis, and Cushing’s disease.

Other conditions known to be caused by fungi, yeasts and their mycotoxins include: postpartum depression, immune system weakness, bladder disease (especially non-bacterial interstitial cystitis in women and chronic non-bacterial prostatitis in men), pneumonitis and lung infections, endometriosis and weight gain.

A person suffering from yeast of fungal overgrowth may have any of these symptoms:
In the intestinal tract: bloating, excessive feeling of fullness, diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea and constipation, “rolling gas,” abdominal cramping, heartburn, indigestion, gas or belching, mucous in the stool, hemorrhoids.

In the female genital tract: recurrent yeast vaginitis, persistent vaginal itching or burning, persistent vaginal discharge, endometriosis, PMS.

In the male genital tract: prostatitis, impotence, loss of sexual desire.

In the urinary tract: urgency or urinary frequency, recurrent urinary tract “infections” but bacteria are NOT found to be the cause.

In the nervous system: numbness, burning, or tingling, spots in front of the eyes, erratic vision, impaired coordination, irritability or jitteriness, dizziness or loss of balance, failing vision, ear pain or deafness.

In the immune system: rashes, post nasal drip, sore or dry throat, wheezing or shortness of breath, recurrent infections, burning or tearing of eyes, cough.

In the skin and mucous membranes: recurrent skin fungal infections, nail-bed fungus, “jock itch,” thrush (yeast overgrowth in the mouth and esophagus)
In general: fatigue, mental “cloudiness,” joint aches and pains, obesity, depression, memory loss.

There are quite probably many other medical conditions associated with fungi, yeasts and mycotoxins in the human body. Because this is a largely overlooked topic in conventional medicine, our understanding of the disease-fungi connection is weak at best.

Your conventional doctor is unlikely to be aware of or to tell you about these mycotoxin-induced problems. You can learn more about candidiasis here:

If you believe that you may be experiencing any of these symptoms or problems a Candida stool test is a good place to start your investigation.


Mycotoxins in the food chain: human health implications. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16 Suppl 1:95-101.
Contamination of food with mycotoxins and human health. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol. 2001 Mar;52(1):23-35.
Limits and regulations for mycotoxins in food and feed.
Toxic effects of mycotoxins in humans. Bull World Health Organ. 1999;77(9):754-66
Toxins of filamentous fungi. Food Addit Contam. 2005 Feb;22(2):150-7
Mycotoxins in infant cereal foods from the Canadian retail market. Food Addit Contam. 2003 May;20(5):494-504.


A “Systems” Approach To Rid Your Body Of Toxins

Natural Support To Rid Your Body Of Toxins

By Dr. Myatt

 Conventional medicine claims there is no evidence for physical toxicity and therefore detoxification is unnecessary and unscientific. In other words, detoxification is “quackery.” But conventional medicine is DEAD WRONG on this issue, and that’s a fact provable from the conventional medical literature.

Physical toxicity is not only real, it starts in the womb. That’s not alternative medicine mumbo-jumbo, it is hard-core science, supported by hundreds of conventional medical studies. Get ready for some real medical science if you can handle the alarming truth.

Where Do Toxins Come From?

Humans are exposed to toxins on a daily basis, both from inside (natural wastes, a product of normal metabolism) and from outside (through food, air, water, cosmetics, etc). Exposure to toxicity begins in the womb. One study identified more than two hundred toxic chemicals in the blood of newborns. (Read this frightening study here)

After birth, babies are exposed to toxins in mother’s milk and formula. And that’s just the beginning. As children, adolescents, and adults we are all exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Many toxins, many times per day. Some sources of toxicity, like mercury amalgam fillings, are present 24/7. Here are just a few of the common toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis, their sources, and their effects:

  • Parabens: A preservative used in cosmetics – linked to endocrine disruption and possibly carcinogenic.
  • Pesticides – organochlorines, organophosphates, and carbamates: From agricultural operations – endocrine disruption / hormonal disturbances, cancer including lymphoma and leukemia, fetal death and birth defects, neurological toxicity and more.
  • PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls): now banned in the U.S., were used in lubricants, coolants, adhesives, flame retardants, paints, etc. – hormone/endocrine disruption, immune suppression, neurotoxicity, mutagenic, carcinogenic.
  • Phthalates: used to soften plastic and lengthen the life of scents. Especially harmful to the endocrine systems of children.
  • VOC’s: found in paint, furniture, carpet and other household items – immune suppression is common.
  • Dioxins: result from trash incineration and from burning fuel like wood, gas and coal and from industrial processes like paper mills and cement kilns. Much of our exposure comes from breathing polluted air and from diet – especially animal fats which concentrate these compounds. Toxic effects may include liver damage, alterations in heme metabolism, serum lipid levels, and thyroid functions, and diabetes and immune suppression.
  • Heavy Metals: Including mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, nickel (nickel salts are toxic), arsenic, antimony, thallium, and others. Sources include water, pesticides, antiperspirants, smog and many more – most common toxic effects include neurotoxicity but there are a large and varied number of ill effects that result from heavy metal toxicity.
  • Chloroform: Found in air, water and food. Commonly formed when chlorine is added to water. Toxic effects include liver and kidney damage, birth defects, cancer.
  • Perchlorate: may be found in drinking water and can interfering with iodine uptake into the thyroid gland.
  • Atrazine: (a pesticide) may cause cardiovascular and reproductive problems, cancer – found in drinking water.
  • Perchloroethylene (perc): A VOC commonly used in dry cleaning. Accumulates in fatty tissues. Carcinogenic and may increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.
  • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE): Flame retardants – formerly added to furniture, car upholstery and mattresses, but voluntarily taken off the market by manufacturers because of concerns about toxicity. PBDE now commonly found in TVs and computer monitors in the plastic. Effects include hormone disruption, reduced fertility, hepatic damage and disruption of neurologic development.
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA): polycarbonate plastic, resin lining in cans, linked to certain cancers, fertility, and behavioral problems in children.
  • Furans: Used in plastics – toxic, carcinogenic, endocrine disrupter.

 Although the human body is well-equipped to eliminate it’s own metabolic waste products, we are NOT designed to deal with the numerous and increasing amounts of external toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis. Toxic overload can overwhelm the body and cause widespread health problems. These “problems” are not diagnosed as “toxicity.” Instead they are labeled with a name like “cancer” or “heart disease.” But the real question is “why are these diseases on the rise?” A large body of evidence points to our increasingly toxic environment as the cause. The immune system, cardiovascular system and nervous system are targets of excess toxicity.

How To “Detox”

Detoxification means, literally, “to remove the poison (toxin), or effect of poison, from.” The human body has multiple organs and organ systems for such toxin removal. In order to “detoxify” the body, all systems of detoxification must be fully functional and supported in their efforts. It is not enough to take fiber and “bowel cleansing formulas” as you will learn, although this is a good start on a detox program.

Patients often ask me about the value of “detoxification” products, as if detoxification of the body could be accomplished by using a single therapy or supplement. But the body has multiple organs that cooperate together in detoxification. The large intestine (colon),  liver, skin, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and extra cellular fluids are all part of the “detoxification system” of the body. Each of these organs and systems contribute to the body’s elimination of internal waste and externally-introduced toxins. Therefore, a true detoxification program should address all of these eliminative organs.

Organs of Detoxification

  • The colon (also called the Large Intestine, or LI), is responsible for removing undigested and unabsorbed food from the body. The colon is also the primary absorptive surface for water and salts. Water soluble waste products are absorbed into hepatic/portal circulation (the liver), then into general circulation, from the colon. Biotransformation of endogenous (internally derived) and exogenous (externally derived) waste products also occurs in the gut mucosa.

    Under normal circumstances, the large intestine contains approximately three pounds of native “good” bacteria and some yeast species. The floral balance of the colonic environment can be altered by dietary imbalances, insufficient digestive function, and antibiotic or other drug use, which allows pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and parasites to overgrow. These non-native gut species often produce toxic substances which are reabsorbed into hepatic and then general circulation. Maintenance of normal diet, digestion, and gut micro flora is essential for the proper elimination of food wastes, prevention of gut-derived endotoxins, and normal biotransformation of toxins.

  • The lungs bring oxygen into the system and eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is the end-product (waste) of cellular respiration. Respiratory regulation of the acid-base balance is one to two times as great as that of the body’s chemical buffering systems, making the lungs additionally important in the acid-base balance of the body.
  • The skin contains sweat glands that excrete 5-10% of all metabolic wastes. The substances found in sweatsalts, water, and nitrogenous wasteare similar to the composition of urine only more dilute.
  • The kidneys remove the majority of cellular metabolic waste products including nitrogen-containing amino acids and carbon dioxide.
  • The liver converts endogenous and exogenous toxins into excretable metabolites. The term detoxification is often used to refer exclusively to this intracellular biotransformation process, although as you see, all eliminative organs are crucial to the process of detoxification.

Other Factors Affecting Detoxification

Acid-base balance (pH of the bloodstream). The pH of the arterial blood is 7.4, and venous blood 7.35. These limits are narrowly maintained within the body. Metabolic waste products of cellular metabolism generate 50 to 100 millimoles of acid per day. Excess acids are removed through blood-buffering systems of the lungs, kidneys, and through pH capacity of the blood itself.

Sources of Toxicity

Xenobiotics are substances that are toxic to the human system. Such substances may be either externally derived (chemicals and drugs in the environment) or internally derived (metabolic by-products). Internal sources of xenobiotics include metabolic waste products and gut-derived endotoxins.

Detoxification by System: Dr. Myatt’s Complete “Spring Housecleaning” Detox Program

GI Tract

  • Fiber: E-Z- Fiber: 1-2 heaping TBS. daily, taken in water or better yet, in a Myatt Muffin. Additional Fiber: Flax seed and/or psyllium, 20-30+ grams daily taken in muffins or a Super Shake.
  • Probiotics: Gram positive bacteria (Lactobacillus spp., Bifida bacteria spp., etc.). One Supremadophilus at bedtime is recommended.
  • For Candida, parasites or non-native GI bacterial overgrowth: I.) Capri Plus: 2 tabs, 2 times per day on an empty stomach. Don’t know if you have any of these “buggers” or dysbiosis? A comprehensive GI Health Profile can be highly revealing. Learn More Here
  • Similase and/or betaine HCL: improve digestion (which helps eliminate unwanted organisms and improve absorption of nutrients) with digestive enzymes and additional hydrochloric (stomach) acid.


  • Water — yup, plain ol’ clean water. Do NOT use tap water (which contains chlorine and flouride, two toxic chemicals). If you don’t already have one, a good water purification system is a smart and inexpensive investment in your good health. Aquasana Water Purifiers makes some of the highest-rated filters at the best prices.
  • Chitosan: 6 caps at bedtime. Chitosan is a fiber derived from the shell of crustaceans (sea creatures like shrimp). This fiber binds up toxins and carries them out of the body. Studies have shown that chitosan can even help the toxic build-up caused when a person has damaged kidneys and is on dialysis.


  • Deep breathing – heavy exercise can accomplish this. So can singing and deep breathing exercises.

Liver / gallbladder

  • Silybum marianum –  milk thistle. The all-time most amazing substance for improving liver function. During a detox program, I recommend 9 caps per day of  Lipotropic Formula OR a combination of Lipotropic Formula and Milk This Plus+ to equal 9 caps per day. (3 caps at 3 meals).

Foods that improve the liver’s ability detox to include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale). Higher doses of the “detox magic” in these vegetables can be obtained in supplemental form from diindolomethanes or DIM’s.
  • Limonene (lemon peel). Add some “lemon zest” (grated lemon rind) to Myatt muffins or other food to get your limonene.
  • Adequate dietary protein (use whey protein to boost immunity and liver detox)
  • Dietary sulfur (onions and garlic) and/or MSM (supplemental sulphur)


  • Skin brushing
  • Saunas and steam baths

Extracellular fluid

  • Urtica urens – nettle
  • Taraxacum officinale – dandelion
  • Arctium lappa – burdock

Adipose Tissue

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Weight loss (if overweight): many toxins accumulate and are stored in fat cells.

Lymphatic System

  • Lymph drainage massage
  • Exercise (especially rebounding [mini trampoline])

Blood vascular system

  • Alkaline-ash diet (fruits and vegetables: starch and proteins 4:1)

General Detox

  • Allium sativum – garlic – also available in a potent supplement as Garlitrin.

A Total Approach to Detoxification:

Diet And Lifestyle

  • Weight loss diet if overweight. Fat cells store many toxins; losing excess fat releases these toxins so they can be eliminated.
  • Drink 64 ounces of pure water daily. Water is the single biggest detoxifier of the kidneys, liver, and extracellular fluid.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise stimulates circulation and metabolism, speeding detoxification. The deep breathing encouraged by exercise is detoxifying to the lungs, and sweating is detoxifying to the skin. Rebounding (bouncing on a mini-trampoline) has the additional benefit of moving lymphatic fluid and assisting lymph drainage.
  • Skin brushing daily; sauna or steam bath at least one per week.
  • The Body/Mind Connection video: watch this at least three times. Clearing out old “emotional toxicity” is an important but often overlooked aspect of detoxification.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. A deficiency of any vitamin, mineral, or trace mineral can slow or stop various detoxification pathways. Optimal (not minimal) doses B complex vitamins, beta carotene, vitamin C, E, zinc, selenium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and molybdenum are particularly important in detoxification.
  • Flax seed (source of lignan fibers and Omega 3 fatty acids): 2 teaspoons per day of ground, whole flax seed OR E-Z Fiber OR Fiber Formula, 12 caps per day in divided doses.
  • Maxi Greens: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals as a source of broad-spectrum “green Superfoods” and flavonoids.

Additional Support

For the GI tract

For the Liver

For General & cellular detoxification

  • Chlorella: 2-3 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Green Tea: 1 cap, 2 times per day OR drink green tea as a beverage, 2-3 cups per day. Or take as a supplement – Green Tea Extract.
  • Protein: Whey protein: 2 scoops per day in water or make into a “Super Shake.” The liver requires adequate protein in order to perform it’s detoxification tasks.

Heavy Metals detoxification

  • Modifilan was reportedly developed in Russia by scientists at the State Rehabilitation Institute, where victims of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe underwent treatment. It detoxifies the body from heavy metals including strontium-90 and cadmium, radioactive elements, free radicals and toxins.


Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon)

Natural Urinary Tract Health

CranberryCranberry prevents adherence of the bacteria E.coli to the bladder and urethra wall, creates some acidification of urine and decreases calcium excretion (excess calcium loss can be a cause of kidney stones).

Bladder infections; kidney stones. Cranberry in supplement form is preferred to cranberry juice because it is more concentrated AND without sugars. (Sugar “feeds” bacteria and can aggravate a urinary tract infection).

Because D-mannose is also a potent natural urinary tract remedy, we now recommend and offer cranberry with d-mannose as the fastest, safest natural solution for urinary tract health.

Candidiasis (Chronic)

Natural Strategies Yeast Overgrowth

Everyone carries the common yeast Candida albicans in their intestinal tract. Other strains of Candida may also inhabit the colon. Yeasts are normal but apparently non-essential residents of the large intestine. Sometimes, these co-inhabitants of the intestinal tract can grow out of control.

An overgrowth of yeast can cause many problems. The yeasts release waste products that, when absorbed into the blood stream, are toxic to many body systems. These byproducts can be recognized by the immune system and create and immune reaction.

Candida overgrowth results from conditions inherent to modern life: use of antibiotics and other drugs, a Standard American Diet (S.A.D. – especially sugar and simple carbohydrates), a lack of digestive enzymes, and stress. Overuse or misuse of antibiotics is another common cause of Candida overgrowth.

The Elusive Diagnosis

The diagnosis of Candidiasis is often overlooked in conventional medicine. Many doctors say they “Don’t believe in Candidiasis,” even though there is ample scientific evidence to document the condition. It is difficult to say exactly why this condition is ignored by conventional medicine in spite of the vast scientific evidence, but I offer you my theories for such conventional medical ignorance:

  • The symptoms of Candidiasis are widespread and can mimic many other diseases. There is no definitive lab test that confirms the disease. This makes correct diagnosis difficult.
  • Some “holistic” practitioners diagnose everything as Candidiasis, thereby missing other important diagnoses. This has given the problem of Candidiasis a “pop diagnosis” reputation among many physicians. As a result, non-holistic doctors are then reluctant to recognize true cases of Candidiasis.
  • One of the primary causes of Candidiasis is the overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills and other drugs. To acknowledge Candidiasis as a disease is to also acknowledge a problem often caused by drugs!

Symptoms of Candidiasis

Toxins absorbed from Candida can affect any tissue. Those systems most commonly affected include the gastrointestinal (GI), genito-urinary (GU), nervous, and immune systems. A person suffering from Candidiasis may have any of these symptoms:

  • In the intestinal tract: bloating, excessive feeling of fullness, diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea and constipation, “rolling gas,” abdominal cramping, heartburn, indigestion, gas or belching, mucous in the stool, hemorrhoids.
  • In the female genital tract: recurrent yeast vaginitis, persistent vaginal itching or burning, persistent vaginal discharge, endometriosis, PMS.
  • In the male genital tract: prostatitis, impotence, loss of sexual desire.
  • In the urinary tract: urgency or urinary frequency, recurrent urinary tract “infections” but bacteria are NOT found to be the cause.
  • In the nervous system: numbness, burning, or tingling, spots in front of the eyes, erratic vision, incoordination, irritability or jitteriness, dizziness or loss of balance, failing vision, ear pain or deafness.
  • In the immune system: rashes, post nasal drip, sore or dry throat, wheezing or shortness of breath, recurrent infections, burning or tearing of eyes, cough.
  • In the skin and mucous membranes: recurrent skin fungal infections, nail-bed fungus, “jock itch,” thrush (yeast overgrowth in the mouth and esophagus), psoriasis, rashes of unknown origin.
  • In general: fatigue, mental “cloudiness,” joint aches and pains, obesity, depression, memory loss.

How Is Candida diagnosed?

Symptoms of Candida overgrowth suggest the diagnosis. In addition, other causes of a complaint must be “ruled out.” For example, if a patient complains of extreme fatigue, we would first determine that this complaint was NOT caused by other factors, such as anemia, low thyroid function, or viral infection. When other known causes of fatigue have been ruled out, especially if the patient has additional symptoms or history that suggest Candida overgrowth, further testing for Candidiasis is warranted. Treatment can be started “presumptively,” (meaning before we are sure of Candida overgrowth).

Personal history also suggests the diagnosis. Antibiotic use without bacterial replacement therapy, birth control pills, cortisone therapy, and a history of dietary imbalance (especially sugar, simple carbohydrate or alcohol use or cravings) are also indicators.

A Candida stool test can aid in the diagnosis and guide treatment. Since yeast is a normal inhabitant in everyone’s intestinal tract, some amount of yeast can almost always be recovered in a stool sample. Only when recovered amounts are abnormally high is the diagnosis clear. Because Candida can “invade” directly into the tissue of the GI tract, it is possible to have a Candidal overgrowth but a “normal” amount of yeast in the stool. Since a lack of normal bowel bacteria OR an increase in abnormal bowel bacteria often accompanies yeast overgrowth, a Gastro-intestinal health profile with parasitology is often more useful for diagnosis than the Candida stool test alone.

A Candida Antibodies Test is also available. This test uses a drop of blood to evaluate for an immune system reaction to Candida. It assesses IgG, IgA, IgM immunoglobulins to yeast as well as Candida antigen. A positive finding indicates past or present Candida infection and may allow Candida yeast reactions to be found when stool and vaginal specimens are negative or inconclusive.

Careful consideration of a patient’s symptoms, “ruling out” other known causes of the complaint, evaluation of dietary and drug history, and use of laboratory tests are the way that Candidiasis is accurately diagnosed. Diagnosis can be challenging because Candidiasis shares symptoms with many other conditions. For this reason, it is recommended that you consult an holistic physician for correct diagnosis and treatment.

What is the Treatment?

Cessation of the causative factors is most important. Whether it be a particular drug, a high sugar/refined carbohydrate diet, or an excess response to external events (more commonly known as “stress”), these triggers must be corrected. An anti-yeast substance with concomitant bacterial replacement therapy, corrective diet, stress reduction and immune system boosting are all crucial to the success of the treatment. Your holistic physician will be able to help you determine your best course of action in treating this modern-day “plague.”

Yeast “Die-Off”: Avoiding the Herxheimer Reaction

Yeast cells that are quickly killed by treatment cause a “die-off” reaction known as the Herxheimer reaction. Die-off is caused by the release of large amounts of toxins from dying Candida cells. These toxins pass through the gut wall and enter the bloodstream where they can trigger immune reactions. Die-off reactions can last from a few days to several weeks but usually clear up in less than a week.

In order to avoid die-off reactions, I recommend high doses of activated charcoal and plenty of fluids. The charcoal adsorbs the killed yeast cells and their toxic waste products and carries them out of the body in the stool before they are absorbed into the bloodstream and can create a Herxheimer reaction.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Avoid ALL foods that are high in simple carbohydrates (sugar, corn syrup, honey, molasses, fruit juice, dried fruit, other sugars or foods containing them), yeasts (all raised, yeasted dough: bread, crackers, bagels), ferments and molds (mushrooms, alcohol, vinegar, peanuts, cantaloupe), milk products except yogurt (milk is high in the sugar lactose), high carbohydrate vegetables (potatoes, corn, parsnip). Eat “Super Foods” plentifully, especially fresh garlic.
  • Avoid all known food allergens (see Food Allergies).
  • Avoid antibiotics, birth control pills, steroids, immune suppressing drugs unless absolutely medically necessary. (Do NOT stop medications without physician guidance).

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: A deficiency of any vitamin, mineral or trace mineral can weaken this immunity and predispose to Candida overgrowth. For this reason, a high potency multiple vitamin/mineral/trace mineral formula is a critical first step in treating Candida. Be SURE that only yeast-free, hypoallergenic supplements are used. Maxi Multi is yeast and additive-free and hypoallergenic. Dose: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Similase: digestive enzymes reduce bowel inflammation, improve digestion which in turn nourishes normal gut flora (good bacteria) and decreases yeast die-off reaction. Dose: 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Berberine: Highly effective against candida. Dose: one capsule two times daily for up to fourteen (14) days with water at mealtimes
  • Activated Charcoal: charcoal binds toxins released as yeast dies. This prevents them from being reabsorbed into circulation and carries them out in the stool. Charcoal is especially good for preventing the “Herxheimer Reaction” (yeast die-off, see above).
    Charcoal capsules: Dose: 12 capsules 2 times per day, once between breakfast and lunch and once at bedtime with a full glass of water.
  • Suprema-Dophilus (Ultra high-potency probiotic): Replacement of normal “good bacteria” helps crowd out yeast and prevent their recurrence. Note that many probiotic formulas are not enteric coated and therefore do not survive stomach acid before making their way to the colon. SupremaDophilus is enteric coated to insure proper delivery to the colon. Dose: 1 cap before bed.
  • 35 Billion ProBiotic is “Supremadophilus on Steroids” – Sometimes, bigger really is better. Our new super-high-potency Supremadophilus has 35 billion viable probiotics compared to 5 billion in Supremadophilus. Recommended during and after antibiotic treatment and for those times when a more vigorous gut bacterial replacement is indicated. Dose: one capsule per day at bedtime or as directed.
  • Immune Support: Dose: 2 caps, 2 times per day with meals


  • Tea Tree oil: Essential oil of tea tree can be used on skin and nails for fungal infections. Tea tree oil may be used in water as a douche for yeast vaginitis.


  • Candida stool test. A culture can be done by a specialized lab to determine which anti-yeast herbs or drugs will be more effective.
  • CANDIDA ANTIBODIES: Low-level overgrowth of Candida yeast species can cause a wide variety of health problems, but yeast may not be found in a stool specimen. This is because the yeast may have invaded elsewhere in the body, such as in the urinary tract, sinus passages, vagina or elsewhere.
    This test uses a drop of blood to evaluate for an immune system reaction to Candida. It assesses IgG, IgA, IgM immunoglobulins to yeast as well as Candida antigen. A positive finding indicates past or present Candida infection and may allow Candida yeast reactions to be found when stool and vaginal specimens are negative or inconclusive.
  • Gastro-intestinal health profile with parasitology is often more useful for diagnosis than the Candida stool test alone because it also examines normal and abnormal gut bacteria and parasites.

Chlorophyll (water soluble)

For Intestinal Detoxification

Chlorophyll is a water-soluble substance derived from plants. It acts as a natural detoxifier.

We no longer carry pure chlorophyll (Inner Fresh Pro) but instead recommend Maxi Greens or Greens First as a way to obtain full-spectrum chlorophyll and other plant phytonutrients.

Consultations With Dr. Dana Myatt

Help Yourself To Good Health

Notice To New Patients:

Because of Dr. Myatt’s reputation of being the doctor to call when conventional medicine gives up she has been inundated with a number of extremely complicated patients.

In order that she may continue to provide all her patients the high levels of care and attention that they have come to rely upon she is accepting only very select new patients.

In order to determine suitability to be added to her caseload Dr. Myatt is requiring all those who wish to be taken on as new patients to first speak with her in a Brief Telephone Consultation.


Member: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (eligible)
President: ECAFH Foundation, Inc. (Exploring Complementary Answers for Health)
Author: A Physicians Diary
Professor: Atlantic University
Graduate: National College of Naturopathic Medicine

How May I Help You? Herbs Homeopathy Nutritional Evaluations Lifestyle Counseling Chinese Medicine Edgar Cayce Remedies Health Optimization Immune Enhancement Detoxification and Fasting Stress Reduction Health Education Weight Management


Special Programs

  • Executive Wellness & Longevity
  • Cardiovascular disease prevention and reversal / high cholesterol reversal
  • Overweight/obesity
  • CANCER prevention/options
  • Digestive difficulties and parasites
  • Allergies and hypersensitivities
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Viral Syndromes including HIV, herpes, Epstein Barr (EBV), hepatitis
  • Infertility (male and female)
  • Athletic performance

Help Yourself to Health

Click Here To Learn Why You Should Consult Dr. Myatt

click here to see Dr. Myatt’s telephone consult brochure

call 1-800-DRMYATT (1-800-376-9288)

Please also see: How Our Office Handles Insurance

Do Doctors Still Make House Calls?

Dr. Myatt And Nurse Mark Make “The Ultimate House Calls”!

Many of our private practice patents and Wellness Club Customers know that Dr. Myatt travels often to speak, teach, and lecture. When her travels bring her to areas where her patients live she is happy to schedule them for an in-person consultation, including examination and other therapeutic treatments. Patients may be seen in Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club coach or even in the comfort of their own home. When visits can be scheduled to coincide with Dr. Myatt’s travel itinerary her customary consultation fees apply.

Your Own Private Naturopathic Doctor And Nurse – In Attendance:

For those who need the undivided attention of this unique doctor and nurse team, Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark can travel to your location where they will attend to your holistic health needs 24/7 if need be. This may include not only intensive care for the patient, it may include teaching for family members and caregivers or for staff such as personal chefs, personal assistants, housekeepers, or security staff.

You can be assured of absolute, inviolate confidentiality and respect for your privacy when working with Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark.

This is a unique and specialized service and it is not inexpensive. Not all patients will qualify for or benefit from this intensive in-home naturopathic medical care. Please contact Dr. Myatt for cost and availability and to determine your suitability for this ultimate health-restorative opportunity.

Is your situation more urgent?

Do you need Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark to attend you more quickly than is possible with road travel? (for road travel figure 500 miles per day from northern Arizona to your location)

Dr. Myatt will not travel by commercial (public) air carrier. She will consent to travel by private business aircraft and there is an airfield near her location that will accommodate this class of aircraft. (KTYL) Contact The Wellness Club to discuss this option.

Dr Myatt can also arrange to travel to your location by private plane. Nurse Mark is a licensed Private Pilot and their airplane allows them to reach you quickly and discretely. Requirements for visitations of this kind will include a destination airport with adequate runways and secure tie-downs and available fuel, appropriate transportation arrangements on arrival and during the visit, and appropriate accomodations for Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark while on location.

Piper Warrior II Private Airplane
Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark can be at your side quickly if need be. Click on the picture above for more information about their aircraft.

Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club Coach is 36 feet in length. She maintains contact with her patients and the internet via 2-way satellite. When in location she requires electrical service for her communications: 20 amps minimum.

Brief Consultations

Brief Consultations by telephone are available between 9 AM and 5 PM, Tuesday through Friday, Arizona time. When you checkout please tell us what times and dates would be best for your consultation – we will make every effort to accommodate your needs, subject to prior scheduling commitments. Please be sure that we have both a valid email and telephone number so we can contact you to arrange your appointment.

Please Note: Be sure that you are available at the telephone number you provide, at the time you have arranged, when Dr. Myatt calls you – there are no refunds for missed appointments!

In the very unlikely event that a medical emergency prevents Dr. Myatt from calling at your appointment time, you will be offered a full refund or a rescheduled appointment – your choice.

DO NOT send Dr. Myatt lab reports, medical records or summaries, or any other medical information unless you are booking a New Patient Visit Consultation! Any medical information that is received unsolicited will be treated as confidential medical records and will be destroyed immediately.

Medical records and other documentation can be sent to:

Dr. Myatts Wellness Club
Attn: Medical Records
PO Box 900
Snowflake, AZ 85937

It is of no benefit to send via “overnight” courier – USPS Priority Mail provides timely and inexpensive delivery to our location – usually as quickly as any “overnight” courier!