Ingrown Toenails, and General Toenail Care.

Some notes from my experience: By Nurse Mark

Ingrown toenails are a common problem, affecting many Americans. At best they are painful, unsightly, and annoying, and at worst they can cause dangerous infections. Most commonly affected are the big toes.

Most problems can be prevented by careful trimming of the toenails themselves. Many people tend to trim toenails far too short.[] Commonly recommended toenail clippers make it easy to do this if they are not used with great care. I prefer to use a pair of large bandage scissors, as pictured here. (I have also had patients use EMT shears and even tinsnips with good success!) They are about 7 inches overall, and give great control when used for nail trimming. It is important to note that you should never try to cut hard, dry nails – they will splinter and break! Always soak nails to soften them before cutting, no matter what tool you use. A perfect time for nail trimming is immediately after a bath or soak in a spa or hot tub. (Which is a perfect reason for a nice, relaxing soak – in case you needed an “excuse” to pamper yourself!)

Toenails must always be trimmed straight across – never rounded to match the shape or curve of the end of the toe. To trim toenails with curved corners is an invitation to trouble! []Here is a simple drawing to show what a healthy, nicely trimmed toenail might look like – notice that the corners are fairly square, and extend out nearly to the edge of the toe. They can be carefully filed a little bit round to keep them from being sharp and catching on things, and the toenail itself is just a little shorter than the edge of the toe, to keep it from wearing holes in socks.

[]Longer is better, in most cases. As you can see on this drawing, an end view of the toe, the nail should lie fairly flat on the toe – especially at the outer edges.

[]I often see toenails that have been trimmed ‘way too short, and rounded – like this drawing: This is a toenail that is just begging to become ingrown – the[] corners are very round, and this nail is at great risk for curving downward into the toe, as shown in this end view drawing:
It is also trimmed back too far, and this makes the problem worse. This is likely to become a very painful toe!

So, what to do? How can painful ingrown toenails be corrected? Your podiatrist will likely want to have you coming in for visits and trimming frequently – that’s how he stays in business! He may also recommend having the toenail removed, or surgically altered. This is a very serious business, and should only be considered as a very last resort – there are many potential complications to this procedure. It is possible to correct ingrown toenails yourself, at home. Once corrected, they are fairly easy to keep in good shape.

Start out by soaking your feet, in a solution of Epsom salts, for at least 15 to 20 minutes, or until the skin of your toes begins to “prune” and the nails have softened. This is a “must do” before any sort of care is done to toenails! Now, if a trimming is all that is needed, is the time to trim. If you are dealing with a toenail that has become ingrown, it should be soft enough to be flexible – this is the time to insert a small cotton “pledget” (this is just a small piece of cotton that has been rolled or[] twisted into a cylinder, about the size of a large grain of rice) under the corner or edge of the nail that is pressing into the flesh of your toe. This may be a little tender at first, but getting that nail up and out of there will soon have the toe feeling better! Here is what a toenail with cotton pledgets under []both corners might look like and another drawing looking at the end of the toe to show how we want the corners to be elevated: This may take some time and patience to achieve, and you should probably plan on doing foot soaks and replacing the cotton at least twice or three times daily, especially at first, until the problem is corrected. This will persuade the toenail to grow straighter, and allow the tissues to heal where the ingrown portion has until now caused problems.

Now that you have the toenail elevated up and out of the flesh of your toe and feeling much better, it is time to[] concentrate on keeping this from happening again. The first thing to do is to let the toenail grow out! You want to be sure that you are trimming the toenail long, as is shown in this diagram: Note that the nail has been allowed to grow out to the very edge of the toe, which means that the corners simply cannot dig into the sides of the toe. This is the perfect length for “retraining” toenails to grow without curving into the toe. It is also, unfortunately, a perfect length for putting runs in stockings and holes in socks – so, why not go barefoot or in open-toe shoes or sandals as much as possible? Your feet will thank you for the “fresh air and sunshine treatment”! Once you have the toenail growing normally again, you will want to trim it back a little, as was shown in the first diagram. Just remember – longer is better – not too short, and keep those corners squared, not rounded. Never trim dry or hard toenails – soak them first to keep them from cracking or splintering! Besides, that foot soak just feels good doesn’t it!

Now, what about some other common nail problems? Fungal growths can cause thickened, discolored, misshapen nails that can easily become ingrown. This can be corrected! Frequent foot soaks and careful trimming is a good start, keeping the feet dry and clean is imperative, and regular application of anti fungal and anti microbial Tea Tree Oil will quickly clear this unsightly problem up. Remember, if you must wear closed boots or shoes, there is fungus in them as well – you will re-introduce it each time you put on your footwear! Shoes and boots must be disinfected – there are sprays available for this, or you can simply leave your shoes and boots out in the fresh air and sunshine, opened up as completely as possible, and let Mother Nature disinfect them. Never wear the same pair of boots or shoes two days in a row! While you are at it, remember to spend as much time barefoot or in sandals as possible – fresh air and sunshine are the worst enemy of most fungus. Think now, where do mushrooms (fungus) grow? Where it is warm and moist and dark – just like the inside of your shoe!

If you have developed ingrown toenails and they have become infected – they will be reddened, painful and may discharge pus if they are infected – you will want to do your Epsom salts soaks 2 to 3 (or more) times daily, then dry the area with a clean cloth or tissue, and apply some 3% hydrogen peroxide (full strength).  Let this bubble and work for a few minutes, dry well, and then apply Tea Tree Oil, which is antimicrobial. Then you can continue with the rest of the treatment to lift the offending part of the nail and reshape it, as outlined above. You may also want to take Garlic – it is nature’s antibiotic – and of course, Bromelain is most useful in any infective process because it reduces pain, inflammation, and swelling and therefore promotes healing. Remember though, when used this way, Bromelain should be taken between meals. Taken with meals it functions as a digestive aid but is less effective as an anti-inflammatory analgesic.

Keeping your feet and nails in good shape also requires that the rest of you is in good shape – well nourished, and with a healthy immune system to allow you to resist infections by bacteria or fungus. Your program should include Maxi Multi multiple vitamins, Maxi Greens for phytonutrients and antioxidants, and if your immune system is compromised in any way, Dr. Myatt’s immune formulas as set out in the Acute Immune Protocol. Regular exercise is important for maintaining good peripheral circulation, which is necessary for healthy nail growth. Some supplements to consider for improving circulation include Ginkgo Biloba and Niacin. Deficiencies of essential fatty acids can contribute to dry, hard nails – consider supplementing with Flax oil or Fish oil (Max-EPA) to ensure that you are getting enough Omega 3 EFA’s in your diet. Consider also adding some gelatin to your diet – this can easily be added to your daily SuperShake and will help to strengthen nails as well as improving joint function.

Those of you who may be diabetic can benefit from all these recommendations as well – but you need to be extremely careful when working with your feet if you have any impairment to your circulation or to the sensation in your feet (this is know as “peripheral neuropathy” and can happen in poorly controlled diabetics.) In addition to the measures outlined in Dr. Myatt’s discussion of Diabetes, you should strongly consider consulting with Dr. Myatt about your diabetes and how it may be affecting your feet and nails as well as your general health and other organ systems. Dr. Myatt has an enviable record of success in treating, and even curing diabetes.

Until next time,


“Nurse Mark”
Mark Ziemann RN


Natural Support For This Dietary Imbalance

Hypoglycemia results when there is an abnormally low level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. This condition is often caused by an excess secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Symptoms of hypoglycemia can mimic many other conditions. Any or all of the following can be experienced during a hypoglycemic episode: weakness, heart palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, headache, depression, weakness in the legs, tightness in the chest, numbness and/or tingling of body parts, insomnia, confusion, craving for sweets or starches, and nervous habits. Poor adrenal function and abnormal carbohydrate metabolism often occur with hypoglycemia.

Although heredity can play a role, the most common cause of hypoglycemia is dietary imbalance. Nutritional deficiencies compound the problem. A diet that is high in refined carbohydrates will aggravate or even cause hypoglycemia. Paradoxically, these foods will give temporary relief of symptoms during a low blood sugar “episode” and are therefore often eaten by hypoglycemics.

If ignored, the condition may predispose to development of Type II (adult-onset) diabetes. Because of their high sugar intake, many hypoglycemics also develop candidiasis.


  • Eat only unrefined (complex) carbohydrates. Avoid all processed grains and sugars (except fresh fruit) The Super Fast Diet is EXCELLENT for hypoglycemics.
  • Always eat breakfast and include protein with this meal. (Eggs, tofu, Super Pro ‘96, whey powder, etc.)
  • Do not use coffee, tobacco, alcohol, or sugar.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • Practice stress reduction techniques: meditation, prayer, biofeedback, deep breathing. Stress releases excess adrenalin which lowers blood sugar levels.


  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidants (ACES), magnesium, B complex vitamins, and chromium are particularly important for correcting hypoglycemia.
  • Ultra-Chrome (chromium 4-oxopyridine, 2,6 dicarboxylate): 200-500mg daily in addition to multiple vitamin/mineral dose. (This form of chromium is 3 times more potent than chromium picolinate!)
  • Fiber: Maxi Fiber: 1 teaspoon, 3 times per day 10 minutes before meals, OR Fiber Formula: 4-6 caps, 3 times per day before or during meals.


  • Multi-B-Complex: 1 cap, 2 times per day with meals IF you are not taking the Optimal Doses of B vitamins contained in Maxi Multi.
    • Support any organ system that scored “high” on the Self-Health Questionnaire, pages 6-8 in your Holistic Health Handbook.



Healthy, Low Carb Thanksgiving Recipes

The holidays are a time for celebration and feasting, and far be it from me to suggest otherwise! However, simple carbohydrate foods (sugars and starches) are the primary cause of overweight, obesity and diabetes. These foods are also highly associated with cardiovascular disease and cancer. How can you enjoy the holidays and not compromise your health? Try these super-tasty-super-healthy recipes and find out for yourself. Yes, you can “have your cake and eat it too”!

We’re having T-Day dinner with friends and family tomorrow evening. Here is our contribution to the Thanksgiving Day feast:

Appetizers: KetOmega deviled eggs, salmon/cream cheese pate with veggie crudités and pork rinds

Din-din: TURKEY (and lots of it!), alfredo green beans, stuffing, “ketatoes” (cauliflower mashed potatoes), cranberry sauce, broccoli in cheese sauce, mushroom (or giblet) gravy

Dessert: cheesecake, pumpkin pie, and backgammon pie (to swoon for!)

Beverage: white wine, coffee, other no-carb “diners choice.”

So much great food, so little gilt! To find the recipes for these delicacies, click here:

Thanksgiving Day Low-Carb Recipes Part I

Thanksgiving Recipes, Part II


And speaking of being thankful that we live in a free country, Next week I’ll be alerting you to a SERIOUS breach of your health freedom: your vitamin and herb supplements will be outlawed as of Aug., 2005…. no joke! There’s still a small window of time when we can make a difference, and I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do to protect our health freedom. Please be watching for next week’s bulletin!

In the meantime, have a healthy, Happy Thanksgiving Day!

In Health,

Dr. Myatt

32 Million American suffer from IBS

(Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a motility disorder of the upper and lower GI tract. Symptoms include some combination of constipation, diarrhea, or alternating constipation and diarrhea, flatulence, colic (gas pains) relieved by bowel movement, abdominal distention after eating, and mucous in stools.

The cause of IBS is unclear, since no anatomical lesion can be found. Contributing factors may include food allergy, altered bowel microflora, intestinal parasites, lack of dietary fiber, and lack of digestive enzymes. Highly refined Western diets are implicated. Psychological factors often play a role.

Protocol for treating IBS


  • Include fiber-rich food in the diet (vegetables, fruits and whole grains). Be aware that a percentage of people with IBS are sensitive to gluten, which includes wheat, oats, rye, and barley.
  • Chew food thoroughly. Do not eat when rushed or under strain. (This impairs digestion).
  • Evaluate for food allergies and avoid aggravating foods. (See “Food Allergy,” page 61 in your Holistic Health Handbook. Don’t have a Handbook? Click here, and order yours now.)
  • Avoid GI-irritant foods: caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, white sugar, white flour, fatty foods.
  • Drink 64 ounces per day of pure water. Dehydration contributes to constipation and altered bowel flora which can trigger the cycle of IBS.
  • Practice relaxation techniques if stress seems to aggravate the condition.
  • Regular exercise, especially walking, helps normalize bowel function.


  • BASIC PROGRAM: Maxi Multi, 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. (Or equivalent optimal potency multiple vitamin/mineral formula to include A,C,E, beta carotene, folic acid, B12 and zinc, all of which are especially important in correcting IBS).
  • Omega-3 fatty Acids: [Function: Anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic]
  • Fiber: [Function: detoxifies the bowel; adds bulk; holds water and fat to help form stool]
    • Chitosan: 3 caps, 3 times per day between meals (especially if fatty foods aggravate)
    • OR Keto Fiber: 1-2 teaspoons per day before or between meals (especially if constipation is a predominant symptom.)
    • OR Fiber Formula: 3-6 capsules, 1-3 times per day.
  • Similase: (digestive enzyme formula): [Function: improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients]1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Take an additional 1 cap with between-meal snacks.
  • SupremaDophylus (high potency “good” gut bacteria): [Function: replaces normal GI tract bacteria] 1 capsule at bedtime.
  • L-glutamine: [Function: speeds healing of GI tract; improves immunity; decreases sugar and alcohol cravings] 1 teaspoon, 1 to 3 times per day in water or cold beverage.


  • Mentharil (enteric-coated peppermint): [Function: anti-spasmodic]. 1-2 caps, 2 times per day between meals.
  • Activated Charcoal [Function: detoxificant; absorbed irritants and binds fluids. Especially useful for diarrhea of all types, including food poisoning]. Dose: 4-6 caps, 2-4 times per day as needed.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment: It may take a bit of time and exploration to discover the cause of IBS, but patients tell me it is well worth the effort to relieve the problem. Refer to the complete bowel retraining program titled Healthy Colon Priority Protocol, page 9 in your Holistic Health Handbook. If self-help measures fail to bring permanent relief, I recommend a consultation with me or another holistic physician for assistance.


HealthBeat News

Do You Really Take All That Stuff ???

I was in a local store today; the owner and I are on friendly terms. In fact, we had given her a Wellness Club Holistic Health Handbook as part of her Christmas gift. Apparently, she has been reading it. She asked me today when I was in, “Do you really take all that stuff you recommend? Can’t you just get adequate nutrition from a good diet?” Good questions, and I was shaking my head “yes” and “no” before she even finished asking.

Yes, I really take a lot of my own Wellness Club “stuff” (more in a minute). In fact, one of the main reason I started The Wellness Club almost 10 years ago was to ensure myself easy access to “the good stuff” (highest quality nutritionals). And “no,” you can’t get adequate, much less optimal, nutrition from diet alone. Here are the reasons I take supplements.

Why a “good diet” is not optimal. First let’s define some terms: “Adequate” means barely enough to sustain life. Yes, you can probably achieve that from an exceptionally good diet. Who eats an exceptionally good diet? But you can’t get “optimal nutrition” — vitamins and minerals at levels known to promote longevity— from even a very good diet.

That’s because our food supply isn’t what it used to be. To see a complete chart of Optimal doses of vitamins and minerals, click here.

Vegetables without Vitamins. The nutritional value of foods is rapidly declining. According to the USDA food tables, most commercial vegetables contain at least 50% less of the nutrients than they did in 1975. For example, broccoli has 50% less calcium than it used to; watercress has 80% less iron, cauliflower has 40% less vitamin C. The National Academy of Sciences reports that it takes twice as many vegetables as it used to to get the same amount of nutrients. The reason for this decline appears related to growing and agricultural practices. That, plus many foods are heavily contaminated with pesticides, synthetic fertilizers instead of the natural nutrients, and picked before their prime (full nutrient content) so they can be shipped to far away places for consumption. If the nutrients aren’t in the soil, they won’t be in the plants grown in that soil. The recommended 3 to 5 servings per day should rightly be changed to 6 to 10 servings per day of fruits and vegetables to get a basic complement of plant-derived nutrients. Do YOU eat this much in a day? Few Americans do.

Meat without Omegas. The Omega-3 fatty acids, along with Omega-6 fatty acids, comprise the “Essential Fatty Acids” (EFA’s), so-called because they must be obtained from diet. The average American diet is far too high in O-6 fatty acids and drastically deficient in O-3 fatty acids. The result is that our immune systems tend to be hyper-reactive in many ways (allergies, autoimmune disease, heart disease, certain cancers and overweight are intimately related to this O-3 deficiency). The primary sources of O-3 fatty acids are meat (especially beef), eggs and seafood, particularly salmon, and flax seed. But even these “good foods” are not what they should be. The way we raise animals drastically alters— for better or worse— their Omega-3 fatty acid content, and therefore their Omega Ratios. [NOTE: as a reminder, a healthy Omega Ratio should be between 4 to 10. Less than 4 is super-healthy, more than 10 is an unfavorable ratio. Many nutritional scientists believe that the healthiest ratio is no more than 4]. Instead of grass-fed beef with an Omega ratio of 2.3, feed-lot and corn-fed beef has a less favorable OR of 8.6 or higher. (Still a decent OR). Feed-lot raised beef is also high in human hormones and antibiotics. Eggs raised from chickens fed a diet of Omega-3 rich grains and allowed to free-range will lay high Omega-3 containing eggs with an OR of 2.6, but most industrially-raised hens today lay eggs with an OR of 13.0. Salmon is by far the superior food for Omega-3 content, but there’s a wide variability in this, too. Wild-caught Pacific salmon has an OR of 0.5 and very low levels of contaminants. New information released this month shows that farm-raised salmon tend to have high levels of contaminants including methyl mercury and PCBs, antibiotics, pesticides, synthetic coloring agents, growth hormones and GMOs. The OR for farm-raised and Atlantic salmon is far less favorable at 6.8. (Still a good Omega Ratio, but is the toxicity worth the risk?).

Even a diet that includes the USDA recommended fruits, vegetables and meats is still unlikely to be “adequate.” Inadequate nutrition plus additional contaminants in the food mean that even a well-meaning diet may be less-than-adequate. But even if it were “adequate,” adequate isn’t good enough for me.

Why “Adequate” isn’t Enough

Much is known about how to keep a human body healthy for life and maximize longevity. The sciences of nutrition, biochemistry, pharmacology, exercise physiology, and psychology have contributed much to improving both quality and quantity of life. Although drugs can be helpful and sometimes curative, they are not the surest option for maintaining good health. I take advantage of those diet and lifestyle methods that have proven to help hedge the bet for a long, healthy life.

Studies have been done on elders (over 60 population) taking a multiple vitamin-mineral supplement. Those on low potency formulas (the “one little tablet per day” variety) did nothing more than placebo, but those taking higher potency formulas had a 60% lower rate of upper respiratory infection plus overall stronger immunity. Optimal, not merely “adequate” doses of various vitamins and minerals have far-reaching effects in the body. Consider the numerous benefits I get just from taking Maxi Multi — my ultimate basic multiple nutrient formula.

A few of the many known deficiency/disease connections:

A deficiency of antioxidant nutrients (especially beta carotene, vitamins C & E, and selenium) is associated with higher incidence of cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, mouth, lungs and skin. Some researchers believe that antioxidant deficiencies may be related to higher incidence of all cancers. Antioxidant deficiency is also associated with cataracts, macular degeneration, cardiovascular disease and premature aging.

A mineral deficiency, especially magnesium and potassium but also calcium, is associated with high blood pressure.

Deficiencies of vitamin E, C, B6, B12, folic acid (a B vitamin), and bioflavonoids are associated with cardiovascular disease. The connection between vitamin E and heart health is so well established that conventional medical cardiologists are instructed to recommend vitamin E to their patients.

Healthy bones, and the prevention of osteoporosis, depend on sufficient levels of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper, B vitamins, and vitamin D. Calcium deficiency is also associated with overweight and colon cancer.

In males, benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer is associated with decreased levels of zinc and selenium. Zinc deficiency also correlates to decreased immune function. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetes (high blood sugar) occur more frequently in people who are chromium deficient. After diabetes is present, low levels of vitamin A, C, E, plus zinc, selenium, choline, bioflavonoids and B complex vitamins are associated with more complications from the disease.

Deficiencies of B complex vitamins are associated with heart disease, fatigue, muscle weakness, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and senile (age-related) dementia.

The list above represents only some of the diseases that nutrient deficiency can cause. Studies show that people who do not have nutrient deficiencies have a greatly lowered risk of these diseases. I’m hedging my bet by making up for any gaps in my diet by taking a high quality multiple vitamin/mineral supplement.

What I Used to Take & Recommend for Patients

Some years ago, patients and wellness club members recall that I recommended 4 separate supplements in order to get the solid daily basics of good nutrition. I would use the following nutrients for my “Basic daily formula:

I.) High quality multiple (Usually Tyler’s brand called Nutrizyme; daily dose is 6 capsules)

II.) Extra antioxidants (A formula with higher potencies of Vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C & E, and selenium. I would usually use Carlson’s brand of “ACES” for the extra antioxidants.(1 cap, 3 times per day with meals).

III.) Extra calcium/magnesium and trace bone nutrients (boron, vanadium). I used one of several different formulas to “make up the difference” that the multiple didn’t contain. (3-6 capsules per day).

IV.) Multi-B-Complex: extra-potencies of B complex vitamins, higher than even a good multiple, for the many proven health benefits. (1 capsule, 2 times per day).

All together, this Basic program was 17-20 capsules per day of the finest nutritional supplement available. 4 separate products, but well worth the effort and money in my book. Many agreed with me. Then I decided to make it simpler. It was state-of the-art supplementation. Because this protocol is still valuable today (the individual formulas have been kept up-to-date), this is still a good program to follow. I just decided to make it simpler.

The Best Made Better

That above-listed regimen is the one I followed and recommended for many years, with outstanding results. Still, 4 separate products to achieve Optimal vitamin/mineral supplementation seemed like a lot of work, so I decided to make it simpler. After all, I “take all this stuff” myself, remember? And I knew I intended to continue taking my nutrients for the long-haul, making improvements in my program as new discoveries caused me to make dose or formula changes, but intending to stick with it because many studies also show that the benefits from nutritional supplementation accrue over the long-haul. I took the “optimal dose” list I had constructed from the medical literature and decided to put the “four separate items” into a single formula. That is when Maxi Multi was “born.”

Maxi Multi: The Four-in-One Formula for Optimal Supplementation

Yes, I “take my own stuff.” The benefits of optimal potency supplementation on health and potential lifespan are clear-cut in my medical opinion. I knew I was “in it for the long haul,” and so were many of my patients. In order to make such optimal supplementation easier and more cost-effective, I devised a formula that had these optimal potencies in a single supplement. Maxi Multis have the combined benefits and nutrient levels as the previous four-supplement regimen I was prescribing. There were and still are other benefits to making my own formula, too.

When I new bit of nutritional science is discovered, such as higher doses of vitamin E appear to be better at preventing heart disease, breast cancer and cataracts, I can and do make adjustments in the formula to keep up with the science. I also pick and choose each individual nutrient — it’s form, potency and purity— and I’m a stickler for these ingredients. It’s got to be that way, because there are little quality controls in the health and nutrition industry right now. I am the “Dragon Lady” when it comes to my formulas, because I want them to be the best. Remember, I “take this stuff” myself for health reasons and intend to for life. I want to best, so it will perform as I expect. I take my own stuff. [NOTE: and the newly proposed FDA regulations, the legislation that we’ve been urging you to write to your senators and congressmen about, will not solve this problem, only restrict your freedom to purchase even the high-quality “stuff.” (For more on this legislation see your HealthBeat from December 2, 2003.)

My Personal Protocol for Good Health

1.) Supplements:

I.) Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals, without fail.

II.) Maxi Greens: 2 caps, 3 times per day with meals, without fail.

III.) CoQ10 (50mg): twice per day.

IV.) Flax oil: caps or liquid, daily.

I take additional supplements, but this list forms the basis of my program. Please keep in mind that I do not have any medical conditions that I am treating. If I did, my basic program would reflect additional nutrients and/or herbs targeted to whatever my medical problem was.

2.) Foods: I choose organic fruits and veggies whenever possible. I also look for wild instead of farm-raised salmon and grab organic beef whenever I find it. I search out Omega eggs (available in the regular grocery store). I follow The Super Fast Diet (low carbs, high in Omega-3 essential fats).

3.) Exercise: every day in the outdoors. I live in an area where the air is clean. If I didn’t, I’d have an indoor and car air purifier.

4.) Pure water: 64 ounces a day without fail.

No one can guarantee us a long, healthy life. Some of this “equation” is up to fate: genetics, luck. Much of our health, however, is within our control. We can optimize our “healthspan” (how long we stay healthy) and our lifespan (actual years that we live) by taking reasonable and good care of ourselves. Given what I know about nutrition, basic supplementation in optimal doses seems a small price to pay for the return I anticipate on my investment. So “yes”, I really do take “all that stuff.”

Dr. Myatt’s Super-Shake

Why You Should be Drinking My “Super Shake”

Ever wish that something which tasted like a yummy treat was also good for you? Have I got great news for you! I have found myself giving individual patients the recipe for what I call my “Super Shake” so frequently in the past few weeks that I realized it’s high time for me to encourage everybody to drink this incredibly tasty, amazingly healthy “milkshake.” Before I discuss the recipe and what the individual ingredients will do for you, let’s take a look at the overall health benefits of The Myatt Super Shake.

What My “Super Shake” Will Do for You

Taken at least once, and better yet twice per day, this tasty treat provides a basket full of health benefits. I’ll describe the “whys” and “wherefores” of individual ingredients below so you can see how my Super Shake works it’s “magic,” but first let’s look at all the good this amazing recipe accomplishes. I believe you’ll see why I recommend it so often in my practice.

  • If you are overweight, the Super Shake will help you lose.
  • If you are underweight, the Super Shake will help you gain.
  • The Super Shake helps preserve and build better muscle tone.
  • The Super Shake strengthens the immune system.
  • The Super Shake helps normalize blood sugar levels, so it improves both diabetes and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
  • Ingredients in The Super Shake help lower cholesterol levels.
  • Whey and gelatin in the Super Shake strengthen ligaments, tendons, and bones.
  • Antioxidants and protein contained in my Super Shake help renew, rejuvenate and heal skin.
  • EZ Fiber and L-glutamine help normalize bowel function and correct constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The Super Shake is high in flavonoids, especially the kind useful for preventing or halting eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and
  • retinopathy.

  • These same flavonoids plus other ingredients work together to prevent and reverse varicose veins, atherosclerosis, neuropathy and neuralgia (nerve disease and nerve pain).
  • Whey and L-glutamine help protect normal cells during radiation and chemotherapy.
  • My Super Shake is so easily assimilated and so healthy that it is THE beverage of choice when recovering from illness or surgery. Whey is known to speed wound healing.

Best of all, this is a truly delicious drink, not a “choke-it-down” health concoction. Sound too good to be true? Here’s the recipe and an individual breakdown of the numerous benefits of each of the ingredients.

Dr. Myatt’s Super Shake Recipe

1 scoop vanilla whey protein (with both whey protein concentrate and isolate)
1 Tablespoon EZ Fiber
1 TBS. flax oil
1 scoop Red Alert
1 TBS. frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon L-glutamine
1 cup crushed ice
1 cup water (1 cup for a soft-serve ice cream consistency, 2 cups for a milkshake)

Add 1 cup ice (crushed is best) to the bottom of an electric blender. Add water. Add blueberries and all dry ingredients. Blend until smooth. This will be the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. If you want it to be a “shake,” add an additional cup of water AFTER the first ingredients are well-blended. Drink or eat and Enjoy! You’re going to love this and so will your body!

Featured Supplements: What’s in the “Super Shake” that Makes it So Great? Let’s take a look at the individual ingredients and see why this Shake is a “Miracle Food.”

Whey Protein: When processed correctly (to retain whole protein concentrate and at low temperatures to preserve immune factors), whey supplies a biologically superior protein with natural immune factors, including lactoferrin and immunoglobulins. Milk-derived whey protein has been shown to:

  • boost immune function
  • improve liver function
  • bind and safely remove heavy metals
  • speeds wound healing
  • aid muscle growth. (Body builders have long known about the muscle-building benefits of whey).
  • promote healing of bones, skin, and muscle
  • heal cartilage and strengthen joints, tendons and cardiac muscle.

In cancer medicine it has been found that whey offers “considerable protection to the host” over that of other types of protein including soy, especially during chemotherapy and radiation. At low concentrations, whey inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. Whey also protects cellular glutathione (a body-produced antioxidant) in normal cells during radiation. This effect is not seen with other proteins.

Because the milk-sugar portion is removed, whey is suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. The Super Shake made with whey provides a high quality protein, high nutrient, low carb meal replacement or between-meal snack.

NOTE: NOT ALL WHEY PROTEINS ARE CREATED EQUAL! Many whey powders contain the “isolate” form only, but many of the immune benefits of whey are found in the Whole Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC). Our Wellness Club brand of whey is specially processed to preserve all of these important nutritive factors.

Flax Seed Oil: You’ve heard me wax eloquent numerous times about the importance and benefit of Omega-3 fatty acids (Flax and fish oil are the primary sources). The American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids (Which are Essential Fatty Acids, or EFA’s). Deficiencies of Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which in turn is associated with over 60 known diseases including heart disease, stroke, arthritis, allergies, asthma, cancer, overweight and obesity, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure to name only a few. Daily supplementation of Omega-3 fatty acids, derived primarily from flax and/or fish oil (salmon is a rich source) are one of the healthiest things a person can do to prevent these many EFA-deficiency associated diseases. The essential fats are SO important that the Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.

L-Glutamine: This amino acid is a major component of muscle tissue. It is also a major source of energy for cells of the GI tract. It stimulates the production of Growth Hormone (GH) and decreases sugar and alcohol cravings.

Athletes use Glutamine to help build muscle (anabolic), but it can also be used by non-athletes, even the frail elderly, to help prevent muscle tissue breakdown. It is useful for rejuvenating the lining of the GI tract and can therefore assist in healing after GI surgery and in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Glutamine stimulates the immune system and should be used when recovering from any surgery or illness. In weight loss, it is useful for reducing alcohol and sugar cravings. Because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts as a ready supply of energy for the brain, it is also used in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD).

EZ Fiber A delicious mild berry flavor fiber complex of Brans, Gums, Mucilage, Cellulose, Hemicellulose and Pectins. Each level teaspoon provides 7 grams of fiber and 7 grams of carbs. (Zero grams effective carbs). Mixes easily, does NOT go “gummy” and tastes great.  Fiber is known to:

  • Bind intestinal toxins and soften and bulk stools
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Helps correct constipation and diarrhea 
  • Helps remove heavy metals and toxins 
  • Clears out excess bowel mucous and alleviates gas 
  • Deodorizes and cleans the digestive tract 
  • Helps heal and soothe the G.I. tract

Blueberry: (and its cousin bilberry which can be taken in capsule form if preferred) is an herb which acts as a potent antioxidant and serves to strengthen and stabilize veins. It is used for: Atherosclerosis, cataracts, diabetes mellitus, neuropathy and neuralgia, retinopathy, varicose veins, and macular degeneration. Bilberry has a special affinity for the eyes and veins. It also improves skin tone because of its antioxidant and capillary-strengthening properties.

BOTTOM LINE on My Super-Shakes: Why not have at least one, and better yet two, of these wonderful health-enhancing drinks per day for one month and give yourself the opportunity to experience a great number of health benefits in one tasty glass? And DO drop me a line and tell me of your experiences. I get “fan mail” for the Shakes on a daily basis and I’d like to hear yours!

HealthBeat News

The Ten Most Dangerous Foods: Part II

For those of you who have been waiting for the other shoe to drop, here are the “other five” of my top ten list of most unhealthful foods. If you did not get the first half of this list, please refresh your memory by clicking here:

6.) Margarine: no matter what it’s made from, margarine is largely “trans fat.” (Remember, trans fat is “Franken-fat,” the really bad stuff). Even good oils are converted into “trans” when they are made into margarine. There isn’t much “trans fat” in nature; the body is not well equipped to deal with this strange substance. Corn oil margarine has an Omega Ratio of 88.5, but even “good” margarine made with soy margarine has an OR of 12.9 (not to mention an unknown amount of “trans,” which all margarines have.

SUBSTITUTE: Butter, with an Omega Ratio of 1.5, is an absolute health food. I’m not sure how it got a “bad rap,” but it is totally undeserved. Use butter for a bread spread and for low-heat sautéing. DO NOT use margarine of any kind!

7.) Vegetable Oils: Some oils are bad, some are really bad. Corn oil and peanut oil take the prize for having such an unnatural Omega Ratio (82.9 & infinite, respectively), that the body simply does not have the capacity to use it properly. These high Omega-6 oils create inflammation in the body, predisposing to cancer, heart disease and over 60 other disease processes. Other unhealthy vegetable oils include: soy, sunflower, safflower, cotton seed and sesame. Olive oil is neutral, not healthful. Why use this when you can use flax seed oil with a positive health benefit?

SUBSTITUTE: For salad dressings and no-heat uses: Flax oil (Omega ratio: 0.23) is a health food, so is walnut oil (OR: 5.0) and canola oil (OR: 2.18). Be SURE to use organically processed canola (the label will brag about this). Most commercial canola oils are chemically processed and contain too many chemical residues to make them safe.

8.) White Sugar: This pseudo-food contains NOTHING but simple, “empty” calories. It has no fats, hence no Omega Ratio. (That’s the best news about white sugar). White sugar rapidly elevates blood sugar and taxes the pancreas tremendously. Can you say “hypoglycemia, Syndrome X and diabetes”? The calories in sugar have no food value but are stored rapidly as fat. White sugar requires B complex vitamins for its utilization, creating a B vitamin deficiency. Why does this matter? Low B-6, B12 and folate are major causes of depression, heart disease, ovarian cancer (and probably other cancers), and birth defects.

SUBSTITUTE: “brown sugar” and honey are NOT acceptable substitutes. Their nutritional content is only minutely better than refined white sugar. Try stevia (an herb) or artificial sweeteners, especially saccharine and Splenda.

9.) White flour: With an Omega ratio of 17.7 and no redeeming nutritional value except empty calories, white flour teams with white sugar as the top “white trash” foods. All of the B complex vitamin deficiencies occurring with white sugar also happen with white flour. Now think a minute: why is it white? Because it has been BLEACHED. No fiber, no nutrients (except carbohydrate calories), a huge tax on the pancreas, PLUS bleach. What a bargain!

SUBSTITUTE: whole grain flour (which usually has a lot of refined flour), or skip flour products altogether. Soy flour products make the most tastefully and healthfully acceptable products.

10.) Non-Dairy Creamer: Made from “pseudo-edible oils” (see # 7 above), creamers have a lot of trans fats. Why do I call the “Franken-fats”? “Trans” is the REALLY BAD kind of fat; Franken-fats are from Trans-silvania, get it?

SUBSTITUTE: want cream in your coffee? Use cream! Or half-and-half! With an Omega Ratio of 1.55 and no trans fats, the “real deal” is much more healthful than these “Franken-fakes.”

HealthBeat News

Heart Attack and Stroke: What are Your Real Risks?

Your Risk Factors

Heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death for adults who make it past the teen years. Heart disease includes problems with the heart muscle itself (weakness of pumping action, irregular rhythm, and “congestion” due to fluid retention). A leading cause of heart disease and stroke is atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. (See page 37-38 in your Holistic health Handbook for a complete discussion of Atherosclerosis).

For years, conventional medicine has focused on total cholesterol levels almost exclusively to tell us who is at risk for such disease, but cholesterol levels alone provide only a very limited answer to this question. A significant number of people suffer from cardiovascular disease who have never had a total cholesterol level above the “normal” range. (Desirable range is below 200). Clearly, other factors besides cholesterol play a role in the development of atherosclerosis.

In spite of the fact that this information is well-known, I find that many doctors, including cardiologists, fail to give patients a comprehensive work-up to determine true risks. Just recently I talked with a patient who has had multiple angioplasty surgeries for blocked coronary arteries. The problem reoccurs within a matter of weeks. Her cholesterol is 150, which is low normal. Obviously, high cholesterol isn’t her problem. In spite of these facts, her doctors are encouraging her to go for a another worthless (in her case) angioplasty, and no doctor before me has mentioned to her that her high triglycerides and high red blood cell count are also risks, even though the results of her tests are plainly abnormal. Further, no one has performed a high speed C-RP (see below in this article), yet this number represent a bigger risk factor for heart disease than cholesterol.

Bottom line? Don’t expect that your doctor, even if he/she is a cardiologist, is doing a thorough job or evaluating you for cardiovascular risk. Putting someone on a cholesterol-lowering drug seems to be a popular treatment today, even for people in whom such treatment is not indicated. In the mean time, we are overlooking other easily tested-for and easily treated risk factors.

Are we playing the fiddle while Rome is on fire? See below for the complete details and tests to evaluate your heart health.

Cardiovascular Risk Factors: “The Rest of the Story”

Don’t let medical complacency and insurance/HMO cost-cutting put you at risk for heart disease and stroke. The following tests are each independent risk factors for cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disease. They are standard medical tests, well-proven, inexpensive. For a true look medical evaluation of your risks, these factors should be looked at as part of a comprehensive evaluation for cardiac/stroke risk.

Blood Test

“Standard Range”

Optimal Range

What to do if elevated:


Total cholesterol

under 200


Ketogenic diet*, niacin*,
Red Rice Yeast*, green tea*


above 35

the higher the better

Exercise, niacin*, garlic*,
Vit. C & E*, Red Rice Yeast*

Chol:HDL ratio

see cholesterol and HDL recommendations, above


up to 129

below 100

Niacin*, vitamin E*


up to 15 mm/l

below 7 mm/l

Vitamin B6*, B12* and folic acid* (Maxi Multi *covers this)


up to 200 mg/dl

below 100 mg/dl

Ketogenic diet*, niacin*,
Red Rice Yeast*, garlic*

high-speed C-RP

up to 4.9 mg/L

under 1.3 mg/L

aspirin (low dose-81mg/day); vitamin E,* Red Rice Yeast*


up to 460 mg/dl

under 300 mg/dl

Bromelain*, fish oil,*
vitamin C*, niacin*, garlic*

* Please refer to your Holistic Health Handbookfor more information on asterisked items
or visit Dr.Myatt’s Wellness Club website Pharmacy

Minimum work-up for CardioVascular Risk (more than the conventional work-up) for people with no personal history of heart or blood vessel disease and no other known risk factors (see facing page for other risks):
I.) Lipid profile (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides and cholesterol :HDL ratio)
II.) hs-C-RP
[NOTE: I do not routinely perform a homocysteine test in people with no other risk factors because this risk is reliably and predicatabley lowered by simply taking adequate doses of vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid, as in Maxi Multi or B complex. Other standard multiples often do not contain sufficient doses of these B vitamins to lower homocysteine].
Additional work-up for someone with a history of heart disease, stroke, or who has other risk factors:
III.) Fibrinogen
IV.) “Other risks” as listed below.

Maxi Multi * Vitamins

For those of you who take Maxi Multi as your vitamin/mineral supplement (for health’s sake, I wish this included everybody!), please note that this formula contains the recommended, optimal doses of B complex vitamins & vitamin C & E. You do not need additional supplementation of these nutrients (unless you have a specific complaint to address) if you are taking this formula. “I’ve got you covered”! AND, I make changes to the formula to constantly reflect new findings in medicine, so your multiple will always be up-to-the-minute when it comes to formulation. * See page 105-106 in your Holistic Health Handbook.

C-Reactive Protein: First reported in the medical journals and reported to YOU from ME in 1998, this risk factor for heart disease and stroke risk is just now being reported by many other conventional and holistic medical journals and newsletters. C-Reactive Protein (C-RP) is a protein found in the blood. It is indicative of inflammation. A growing body of evidence shows that it is not just cholesterol that clogs arteries and cuts off blood flow to the heart and brain. Low-level inflammation in the body appears to be an even greater risk factor (see chart below).

This low level of inflammation is so small that it doesn’t cause pain. (Ordinarily, inflammation makes itself known by pain, swelling, or redness of an area). Older C-RP tests are used to monitor certain autoimmune diseases, but the test is not sensitive enough to detect the small elevations of C-RP that lead to heart disease and stroke. Instead, the “new” test is highly sensitive (hence, the “hs”-C-RP designation).

As you can see from the chart at right, elevations of C-RP are more predictive of heart attack and stroke than any other blood risk factor commonly evaluated for. Because of this, it may be more important to look at hs-C-RP than cholesterol.

The test is inexpensive ($20-30) and my prediction is that it will become a routine part of cardiac risk testing, performed right along with the cholesterol profile, within the next several years. But don’t wait until your insurance pays for the test. Ask your doctor to order it next time you have a cholesterol check.

Blood Test

Amount of Increased risk above normal if elevated:

C-Reactive Protein
(high sensitivity)


Cholesterol:HDL ratio


Total Cholesterol


LDL Cholesterol


Source:New England Journal of Medicine, 342:841, 2000, based on studies conducted by Dr. Paul Ridker at Bringham and Women’s Hospital.

“Other” Risk factors (The ones your doctor didn’t tell you about)

Any factor that increases blood viscosity (thickness) can put additional stress on the vascular system and trigger a myocardial infarction (“MI”; an “attack” of the heart due to decreased blood flow) or stroke. I frequently see one or several of these factors elevated on a patient’s medical records, with the doctor’s note at the bottom of the page saying “all normal.” The patient often never hears about those lab values and risks that are indicative of increase blood viscosity, and therefore, an opportunity is lost to correct a risk factor. Additional risk factors that are easily identified through routine lab work include :
1.) Elevated RBC (red blood cell) count
2.) Elevated platelet count
3.) Elevated serum iron or ferritin (storage iron)
4.) Elevated fasting blood sugar

Lifestyle factors that influence blood viscosity:
1.) Overweight & obesity (associated with increased cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and C-RP).
2.) Dehydration. Yes, a simple lack of water causes the blood to thicken, increasing risk. Drink water!
3.) Smoking: this is SO risky for the circulation that I refer readers to page 26 in the Holistic Health Handbook for a full disclosure.
4.) Dietary fats (especially animal fats)

“Action Steps” to take to alleviate these risks:

For high RBC and/or platelet count: be generous – donate blood! Phlebotomy (having blood drawn) is an easy way to decrease platelet and RBC count. You doctor can help you know how often to give blood based on your repeat Complete Blood Counts (“CBC,” a standard test that tells numbers of red and white cells, platelets, and how much iron the RBC’s contain. It is a very inexpensive and routine blood test and should probably be used more often than it is).

For high iron: this one is tricky, because it depends on whether or not your body is using iron correctly. However, iron excess is far more common than iron deficiency in adults (women of menstrual age excepted). Be sure your supplements DO NOT contain iron unless you are told to take iron by a doctor. Your Maxi Multi does NOT contain iron for this very reason.

To offset the effects of dietary fats: Fat in the diet (animal fat and vegetable Omega-6 fats; see page 16 in your Holistic Health Handbook) makes red blood cells stick together for hours after a meal is eaten. Vitamin C & E, taken with meals, “erases” this “sticky” effect and RBC’s behave as if no fats were eaten. That is why I recommend Maxi Multi (with optimal vitamin C & E doses), be taken with each meal instead of just once or twice per day!

Herbs & Blood Viscosity: Nature’s Blood-Thinning Remedies

Conventional medical blood thinning is accomplished by coumadin compounds, which prevent platelet aggregation. This therapy is reserved for people with severe cardiac arrhythmias and other serious problems, because the blood-thinning effects of therapy can have serious consequences. (Coumadin is used as rat poison. The rats eat it, and bleed to death internally). There are some circumstances where this type of blood thinning may be advisable, but treatment must be carefully and frequently monitored by blood testing. Furthermore, coumadin therapy only prevents platelet aggregation. According to conventional medical sources (the Merck manual, 17th edition), only 1/3 of all causative agents of abnormal blood clotting are prevented by the administration of this drug. Bottom line: coumadin is useful in very limited circumstances and must be carefully monitored. So what is the “average Joe or Jane” (without a history of serious blood viscosity problems) supposed to do to help keep the blood flowing smoothly? Mother nature has given us a number of healthful choices.

There are many herbs that act to normalize blood viscosity at different points. A combination of these herbs can actually have a broader “coverage” of clotting risk factors than coumadin alone. The difference is that the herbs are safer than coumadin, can be taken without medical supervision, and can be used in a preventive fashion. The only caution (and this is minor), is to tell your doctor that you are using these herbs IF you are on or going to begin coumadin therapy OR if you are scheduled for surgery. (Blood tests can and should be conducted before surgery to see how viscous your blood is anyway, so blood-thinning herbs aren’t “risky” as some conventional medical sources have portrayed).

Blood Viscosity-Aiding Herbs: The Short Course

1.) Garlic: decreases platelet aggregation, increases HDL cholesterol, decreases triglycerides and decreases fibrin.
2.) Ginkgo: prevents blood platelets from aggregating.
3.) Turmeric: Anti-inflammatory, so may lower C-RP. Turmeric also has other blood viscosity-normalizing effects that are beyond the scope of this article. (Please refer to page 89 in your Holistic Health Handbook for more information).
4.) Bromelain: Anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrinolytic. This herbal substance from pineapple is a well-researched, unsung hero. It has a broad range of utility. Everyone should have this on hand whether you take it daily or only on an “as needed” basis. (see pages 19, 89, 114, 122 in your Handbook for info.)
5.) Bilberry: decreases platelet aggregation in a manner similar to ginkgo. Also has potent antioxidant effects and strengthens blood vessel integrity, making it useful for varicose veins, capillary fragility and venous insufficiency.
6.) Grape seed Extract: potent antioxidant, decreases platelet aggregation.
7.) Green Tea:inhibits oxidation of LDL and prevents platelet aggregation.

Other proven anti-clotting herbs include: ginger, gugulipid.

Nutritional Factors Influencing Blood Viscosity

Be SURE to get the following nutrients for their helpfulness in maintaining normal blood flow and minimizing stroke/heart attack risk:
I.) Vitamin C & E (with every meal; included in Maxi Multi or take separately.
II.) B6, B12 and folic acid: daily. Included in Maxi Multior take separately as Multi B Complex.
III.) Omega-3 fats: (found in fish and flax seed). Unlike other fats which cause red cells to “clump,” Omega-3 fats have an anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting action. (see page 16 in your Holistic Health Handbook or click here to learn more about Omega-3 Fatty acids). Best sources: eat fish (especially salmon) twice a week and take 2 teaspoons of flax seed meal daily (see page 119 in your Holistic Health Handbook).

Maxi Greens

Wellness Club brand formula Maxi Greenscontains Bilberry, green tea, grape seed extract and bromelain, plus many other “green foods” and herbs, offering broad-spectrum coverage for blood viscosity. (Maxi Greens has many other health benefits besides this. Please see page 109-110 in your Holistic Health Handbook for complete information.

Heart-Healthy Nutrients


CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant and oxygenator made by the body. It is universally deficient in people with heart disease, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias and cancer. The correlation between heart disease and CoQ10 is now so well known that even conventional cardiologists often recommend it to their patients. Further, cholesterol-lowering drugs deplete CoQ10. Although it is not known to specifically impact blood viscosity, it’s role in oxygenation of heart and muscle tissue is vitally important. ANYONE with ANY cardiac risk should be taking supplemental CoQ10. Supplemental CoQ10 is also necessary for anyone on a cholesterol-lowering drug.
Please refer to page 111 in your Holistic Health Handbook for more information about this nutrient.


Magnesium is a mineral which plays a key role in energy production. It is found in high concentrations in the brain, heart, liver and kidneys. It is also a crucial component of bone.

According to the U.S. Surgeon General, magnesium is the most common nutrient deficiency in the American diet. That’s unfortunate, because without sufficient magnesium, the heart fails to beat correctly. in fact, magnesium is rightly known as “Nature’s calcium channel blocker.” Deficiencies of this mineral can lead to heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, cardiomyopathy and acute MI (heart attack). [NOTE: magnesium is used IV in emergency cardiac medicine in many European countries, but not here].
Like CoQ10, magnesium supplementation is extremely safe and vitally important for heart health. (Maxi Multi contains a generous 500mg per day). See page 14 in your Handbook.

An “Action Plan” for Protecting Your Heart and Circulation

For those with no elevated risk
1.) Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day supplies optimal, “heart-protective” doses of Vitamins C & E, B complex (including target doses of B6, B12, and folic acid), and magnesium.

For those with one or more elevated risk factors of already-established disease:
1.) Maxi Multi: as above.
2.) CoQ10: 100-400mg daily (see page 111 & 117) in your Holistic Health Handbook).
3.) Specific herbs or nutrients as indicated:
I.) For normalizing blood viscosity: Bromelain and/or Maxi Greens and/or any of the herbs listed in this article.
II.) For decreasing cholesterol: Niacin or Red Rice Yeast or both (they can be taken together if needed for resistant cases).
III.) For high blood pressure: additional magnesium to total 800-1,000mg daily.

What I take for heart and cardiovascular health :

1.) Maxi Multi   2.) Maxi Greens   3.) CoQ10

Here’s to Your Healthy Heart!

Dr. Myatt

Health Concerns and Diseases

Age Spots
Attention Deficit
Autoimmune Disorders
Back Pain
BPH (Prostate)
Blood Pressure (High)
Cancer Prevention
Cholesterol (High)
Chronic Fatigue
Colds and Flu
Dental Health
Erectile Dysfunction
Eye Health
Food Allergy
GERD (Reflux disease)
Hair Loss
Heart Disease
Heart Failure (CHF)
Hepatitis C
Hiatal Hernia High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Hyperactivity Disorder
Immune Function
Irritable Bowel (IBS)
Low Blood Sugar
Low Thyroid
Macular Degeneration
Male Pattern Baldness
Memory Loss
Menopause, Female
Menopause, Male
Mood Disorder
Prostate Cancer
Prostate Enlargement
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sinus Infection
Skin Health

Urinary Incontinence
Varicose Veins
Weight Gain
Weight Loss (Excess)

Health Concerns by Category & Nutrients

Bone and Joint Health
Cal-Mag Amino
Essential Fatty Acids
Glucosamine Sulfate
Grape Seed Extract
Mega Soy

Cancer Adjuvants
Calcium D-glucarate
Essential Fatty Acids
Immune Support
Larch arabinogalactin
Mega Soy
Maxi Greens
Modified Citrus Pectin
Prostate Support
Vitamin C

CardioVascular Health
Essential Fatty Acids
Forskolin (Coleus forskohlii)
Grape Seed Extract
Hawthorn Plus+
Oral ChelatoRx
Red Rice Yeast

Charcoal Caps
Fiber Formula
Green Tea
Maxi Fiber
Maxi Greens
Maxi Multi
Milk Thistle Plus+
SuperPro 96
Whey Protein

Digestive Health
Betain HCL
Charcoal Caps
DGL (licorice)
Essential Fatty Acids
Fiber Formula
Gastric Complex
3A Magnesia
Maxi Fiber
Vitamin C

HerBalance with Pregnenelone
Mega Soy
Saw Palmetto
Thyroid Cytotropin
Immune System Health
Vitamin C
Echinacea / Goldenseal
Echinacea Royale
Energy Rehab
Essential Fatty Acids
Immune Boost
Immune Support
Korean (Panax) Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng
Whey Protein

Liver and Urinary Tract
Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Milk Thistle Plus+
Whey Protein

Medicine Cabinet
Charcoal Caps
Immune Boost
Throat Mist
Vitamin C

Memory Enhancement
B Complex Vitamins
Essential Fatty Acids
Ginkgo Biloba
Phosphatidyl Serine
St. John’s Wort

Men’s Health
Korean (Panax) Ginseng
Mega Soy
Prostate Support
Saw Palmetto
St. John’s Wort

Mood Enhancement
B Complex Vitamins
Lithium Orotate
St. John’s Wort
St. John’s Wort Plus+

Neurological Health
B Complex Vitamins
Essential Fatty Acids
Ginkgo Biloba
Phosphatidyl Serine

Skin & Hair Health
Essential Fatty Acids
Crudeolum Shampoo
Crudeolum Cream Rinse
Rejuvenex Cream

Vision Health
Beta Carotene
Bilberry Plus+
Eye Drops from Hell
Grape Seed Extract
Lutein Plus+
Maxi Greens

Weight Management
Citrimax (HCA)
Essential Fatty Acids
Forskolin (Coleus forskohlii)
Fiber Formula
Green Tea
Maxi Fiber
St. John’s Wort
Super Pro ’96
Whey Protein

Women’s Health
Black Cohosh Plus+
Korean (Panax) Ginseng
HerBalance with Pregnenelone
Mega Soy





Osteoarthritis (OA)

Natural Support For Healthy Bones

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is a common occurrence in people over age fifty. Weight-bearing joints are most often affected. Early symptoms include pain and stiffness that are worse in the morning or after inactivity. With progression of the disease, movement causes aggravation of symptoms.

Osteoarthritis is caused by a combination of factors, including wear and tear of cartilage, free radical damage to joint material, lack of nutrients, dietary imbalances and dehydration. Drugs used to treat arthritis, NSAIDS, provide temporary symptom relief of symptoms but accelerate the underlying disease process. They should be used only for short periods of time while corrective measures are being initiated.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Eat cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, halibut) in preference to chicken, beef or pork; eat plenty of green vegetables.
  • Avoid known food allergens. The nightshade family of vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potato) are specific allergens for many people with arthritis. Consider an elimination/challenge diet to evaluate.
  • Achieve and maintain a normal weight. Excess weight puts extra wear and tear on joints.
  • Exercise regularly. Studies have shown a decrease of painful symptoms and an increase in mobility in people who exercise regularly. See BACK PAIN for specific low back exercises.
  • Drink 48 ounces of pure water daily.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking generates high levels of free radicals.

Primary Support

  • BASIC Program (Multivitamin/mineral supplement with extra antioxidants such as Maxi Multi or Once Daily My Packs).
  • Glucosamine sulfate: (750mg, pharmaceutical grade): 2 Caps, 2 times per day for 6 weeks, then 1 cap, 2 times per day after that.

Additional Support

  • Turmeric: 1 cap, 2-3 times per day between meals.
  • For acute symptoms (While waiting for Glucosamine Sulfate to take effect): Bromelain: 2 Caps, 3 times per day between meals.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment If self-help measures fail to give improvement in three months, please consult myself or another holistic physician. This is one condition that can be greatly helped and even cured through natural medicine.


Osteoporosis means, literally, porous bone. It is a bone-thinning disease that affects 200 million people worldwide. It is often referred to as a silent disease because it comes on with few or no symptoms. Often, a fall resulting in a fracture is the first evidence of the disease. Other symptoms and signs of osteoporosis include a decrease in height, spontaneous hip or vertebrae fractures, and back pain.

In elderly women, complications from hip fracture that result in death is far more common than death from breast cancer, yet few people realize the seriousness of the disease. Although Osteoporosis is more common in postmenopausal women, it also occurs in men and in all age groups. White and Asian women are at greatest risk because their bones tend to be less dense to begin with.

What Causes Osteoporosis?

There are a number of factors that appear to be involved in the development of osteoporosis. These include:

  1. Lack of minerals. Osteoporosis is caused by a demineralization of bone. Although calcium is one of the major bone minerals, there are a number or other minerals found in normal bone. These include magnesium, boron, and zinc. A deficiency of any of these can accelerate bone loss.
  2. Gastric acid or digestive enzyme deficiency. Hydrochloric acid (gastric acid) and digestive enzymes are necessary for the assimilation of minerals, yet more than half of the general population over age 60 is deficient in one or both of these digestive functions.
  3. Lack of physical activity. Exercise that stresses bone causes an uptake of minerals. Conversely, immobility leads to a demineralization of bone. Exercise alone has been shown to increase bone mineral mass.
  4. Dietary factors. Certain dietary factors can hasten the loss of minerals from bone. These factors include high sugar/high starch diets, excess phosphorus in the diet (as found in soda pop, processed foods, and meat), excess alcohol consumption, excess caffeine consumption (more than two cups per day).
  5. Cigarette smoking.
  6. Certain drugs, especially adrenal steroids.
  7. Heavy metal toxicity. Certain heavy metals, which may be introduced into the body through cigarette smoke, drinking water, and a number of other sources, can trigger demineralization of bone by displacing the normal bone minerals.
  8. Stress. Perhaps because perceived stress changes digestive and assimilative abilities, although the exact mechanism is unclear.
  9. Other factors. These include genetic predisposition, various disease states, hormonal imbalances.

What About Menopause and Osteoporosis?

A decrease in hormone production as seen in menopause is associated with an accelerated rate of demineralization in both women and men. Although estrogen replacement therapy can slow the rate of bone loss, it is not highly effective at reversing the condition once it is established. There are, however, ways to reverse osteoporosis. This is because bone is a living, growing tissue, not static material as some people wrongly believe. Consult your holistic physician for evaluation and recommendations for preventing or reversing osteoporosis.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Eat a nutritious diet. Emphasize soy products, nonfat yogurt and milk, and green leafy vegetables.
  • Avoid soda pop and high coffee consumption.
  • Exercise regularly, especially weight-bearing exercise. Walking is one of the very best.

Primary Support

  • BASIC Program (Multivitamin/mineral supplement with extra antioxidants). Maxi Multi or Once Daily Mypacks are good multivitamins for Osteoporosis prevention and reversal. Dose: Maxi Multi 3 Caps, 3 times per day with meals or Mypacks: one packet per day with a meal.

Additional Support

  • Follow recommendations for MENOPAUSE (see Women’s Health ) if you are peri- or post-menopausal.
  • Support any organ system that scored high on the self-health appraisal questionnaire. (see the Holistic Health Handbook)
  • Cal-Mag Amino:  for additional bone minerals if intake is insufficient from BASIC supplementation. Total calcium intake should be 1200-1500mg per day for postmenopausal women.

Dr. Myatts Comment: Osteoporosis is a preventable and reversible condition when treated correctly.