HealthBeat News

In This Issue:

The Product EVERYONE should have on hand! This simple, inexpensive supplement can protect you from a serious consequence of radiation and nuclear fallout. Remember Chernobyl?

Skin Rejuvenation Protocol. Find out the best methods for renewing a youthful appearance to skin. Dr. Myatt summarizes the research, then puts it all together in a comprehensive “Skin Renewal” program. A MUST for Summer skin care!

Member News and Notes

*We heard your feedback and Thank You! By popular vote, HealthBeat will be delivered in “abstract”(summary) form to your mailbox. Simply click the underlined links to go to those articles you are interested in.

* Upcoming topics: by reader request, future topics will include natural hormone replacement therapy; Omega-3 Fatty Acids and how to obtain them; osteoporosis, prostate health, and more.

* Send a sample issue of HealthBeat to a Friend and let them share the medical updates. If they enjoy it, they can sign up at no charge.

The Product EVERYONE Should Have On Hand!


Potassium Iodide (KI) Can Shield You From Thyroid Cancer

With 103 active commercial nuclear reactors in the United States, we live in constant threat of a nuclear emergency every day. A terrorist attack on any one of these facilities, or the release of a “dirty bomb” is also a possibility in today’s “highly charged” world. In fact, in an emergency, if you live within 200 miles of a nuclear reactor, you have a high risk of being exposed to significant doses of radioactive isotopes. In the event of a nuclear accident or attack radioactive materials can be released into the atmosphere, a high percentage of which is radioactive iodine. When a radioactive iodine cloud passes through a populated area, the radiation is concentrated into the thyroid gland of those exposed. The result is irreparable damage to the thyroid, which can lead to cancer. The 1986 Chernobyl accident in the Ukraine is a tragic example.

The best protection against thyroid damage and thyroid cancer induced by radioactive iodine exposure is Potassium Iodide. This simple compound protects the thyroid by saturating all of the iodine binding sites in the gland, leaving no room for the binding of radioactive iodine. Potassium Iodide is a low-cost way to protect yourself and your family against the long-term consequences of exposure to radiation. When used correctly, potassium iodide tablets can prevent or reduce the amount of radioactive iodine taken up by the thyroid gland. Even the government and the military stocks up on potassium iodide in case of nuclear disaster.

The body can’t distinguish between radioactive and the benign version of iodine, which is necessary for thyroid function. Taking 130 mg of potassium iodide, the dosage widely recommended for the blocking of radioactive iodine in the event of a nuclear disaster, can quickly and completely protect the thyroid gland, which is one of the organs most commonly damaged by radioactive fallout. Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club offers a supplement that contains 14 x 130 mg tablets of potassium iodide. Tablets are scored for easy breakage in the case of any need for dosages smaller than 130 mg, as recommended for children and pets.

How many packages do you need?

The FDA recommends that you have one package per person available.* Remember that during an emergency, you may not be able to get to your home, thus it is recommended to have packages stored in several places as well. Since the shelf life of this product is virtually unlimited, you should have to purchase your supply only once. Have this on hand for your family, and remember the children, pets, grandchildren, too!

* To view home preparation procedures for emergency administration of potassium iodide, visit the FDA website at Only take potassium iodide tablets when guided by health officials in your area and follow guidelines included with each bottle.

Skin Rejuvenation Protocol

The skin (integument) is the body’s first line of defense in protection from the external environment. If it also one of the first things people notice about us. Healthy skin is both a cosmetic blessing and a sign of a healthy underlying system, yet few people know how best to take care of this important organ. Let’s focus on some of the most important things we can do to protect this amazing bit of our architecture!

A Basic Regimen for Skin Care

    1. Nutrition: Beauty from the Inside Out. Healthy skin requires water, essential fatty acids and nutrients to be truly healthy. No amount of topical cosmetics will make up the difference to skin that is under-nourished. The skin requires the following:

A.) Water ! The body is 60% or more water. Even a subtle dehydration makes lines and wrinkles appear deeper, whereas being well hydrated “plumps” skin and minimizes the appearance of lines. Drink 64 ounces of PURE water per day, especially in the Summer,

B.) UV Light: Small amounts of UV are beneficial to the skin, but excess amounts can cause premature aging and contribute to skin cancer. Ten minutes of early-morning sun several times per week is sufficient for skin health. Beyond that, always wear a UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF of 15, especially on the face.

C.) Smoking (and second-hand smoke): Causes a constriction of the small blood vessels that bring nutrients to the skin, depriving skin of both water, vitamins and minerals, and fatty acids. Smoking is one of the absolute WORST things you can do to skin. Don’t go there!

D.) Nutrients:

  1. Multiple Vitamin/Mineral Supplements: An optimal vitamin/mineral/trace mineral formula such as Maxi Multi supplies the important micronutrients required for healthy skin.
  2. Essential fatty Acids: The skin needs essential fats from the inside out to stay moisturized. EFA’s are supplied by flaxseed oil, flaxseed meal, or fish oil. Be sure to take 1-2 TBS of flax oil or 3 Caps of fish oil per day, and include fatty fish such as salmon in the diet twice per week. (You’ll learn more about Essential fats in upcoming installments of The New Keto Diet).
  3. Grape seed extract: 50-100 mg, 2-3 times per day is an optional “metanutrient” that aids the skin by improving collagen formation (the underlying structural material of skin) AND by acting as a potent antioxidant to protect skin from oxidation. (The human equivalent of “rust”!)
    1. A Basic Regimen for Skin Care

I.) Cleanse: The purpose is to gently remove surface debris without stripping natural oils. Most soaps are highly alkali and strip skin of natural oils. Wash skin twice per day in a mild soap like Dove or Ivory (both are highly recommended by many dermatologists).

II.) Skin Cream: Proven ingredients helpful for topical application include antioxidants (A,C,E, alpha lipoic acid) in a form that is easily absorbed by the skin (micronized). Glycolic acid helps break down old cells so they can be replaced more quickly with new cells from beneath. DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) helps firm sagging skin, NaPCA aids moisture retention and Sunscreens that protect from UVA, UVB, and UVC are all useful in keeping skin radiant.

I have found it difficult if not impossible to find a good cream that contains all of these important ingredients until now. Rejuvenex is the first cosmetic preparation that I am aware of to combine the finest, proven ingredients into one easy formula. You can try to duplicate all of these skin essentials yourself, but you will be working hard and paying far more for the individual preparations. (Believe me, I know from experience. That’s how I’ve been making my own cream until now!).

In order to introduce you to the benefits of this formula, plus help you get started on a skin rejuvenation and protection program of your own (especially important as the Summer sun heats up), we have special-purchased Rejuvenex so we can offer it to you at a lower introductory price.

This cream is rich, wonderful, contains “all the right stuff” as listed above, and more, and a little goes a long way. You need only apply it morning and evening to get great results. Both men and women will benefit. As an alternative, you can do as I was doing and mix your own ingredients, just be sure to include the above-listed items for best results.

To order Rejuvenex, CLICK HEREor call 1-800-376-9288

HealthBeat News

Heart Health Breakthroughs

From the medical journals this month, a lot of important new about heart health. Topics include 4 Major Risk Factors for Heart Disease that can be modified; How and Why eating fish lowers heart rate (and which kind is best to eat); How hormone balancing, including DHEA, fights heart disease; Study shows that diet change works as well as drugs for lowering cholesterol.

Big Fat Lies! A deficiency of Omega-3 Fatty Acid OR an imbalance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio is associated with heart irregularities, breast cancer, difficulty losing weight and more.

Sex hormone balance. New studies continue to show the danger of conventional hormone therapy (though this has been known for over a decade), but other studies show benefit of natural hormone replacement therapy. Find out what the difference is and how to go about improving your hormone levels.

Risks and Benefits of Soy Soy and soy-related foods have health benefits including cholesterol-lower and anti-cancer effects BUT there are definite cautions as well. Learn more about this up-and-coming food source.

Body/Mind: The Shaman’s Lesson of Worth What I learned from a Native American Medicine Man may prove of value to you as well.

Member News and Notes

Upcoming topics: What else would you like to see in future editions? Keep those requests and letters coming.

Heart Health Breakthroughs

From the medical journals in the past month come these heart-healthy findings:

    1. The Top 4 major heart disease risks can be modified, and isn’t this great news since heart disease is the major cause of death in our country! Nine out of ten people who suffer a heart attack were found to have at least one of these modifiable risks, including cigarette smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels. It was previously believed that these 4 factors accounted for about 50% of fatal heart attacks, but two studies published this week now estimate the number to be between 87-100%. (Journal of the American Medical Association, August 18, 2003)
    2. Eating fatty fish helps keep heart rate low, which in turn decreases the risk of sudden cardiac death. The exact mechanism is not yet known, but I predict it will be discovered to be due to the “essential” nature of the correct Omega-6:Omega-3 fatty acid ratio. (See “Big Fat Lies”, below). (Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association, August 12, 2003)
    3. Diet works as well as drugs for lowering cholesterol levels. The test diets included fiber and soy protein, and worked as well at lowering cholesterol as the major “statin” drugs. There are several advantages to the dietary approach, namely lower cost and most importantly, no nasty side effects. (Statin drugs can damage the liver, hence the need for regular blood tests to monitor liver function). (Journal of the American Medical Association, July 23/30, 2003)
    4. DHEA May Fight Heart Disease. A study of middle-aged men taking DHEA found that insulin sensitivity and endothelial function both improved. (Endothelium is the lining of the blood vessels, the area where plaque accumulates). Since both of these factors are known to contribute to atherosclerosis, it is believed that DHEA will be shown to be beneficial to the heart. (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, July 23, 2003). Dr. Myatt’s Note: Please read the article on “Sex Hormone Balance,” below, and DO NOT attempt to take hormone supplementation without guidance. This study is promising but preliminary, and it is possible to drive estrogen and other sex hormones too high with excessive DHEA intake.
    5. Type “A” Behavior Triggers Heart Disease. Those who have “Type A” behaviors—- impatient, competitive, uptight, holding grudges— are heart attacks waiting to happen, and happen much sooner than they would in a person with similar physical risk factors but non-type A personalities. (Psychosomatic Medicine, July, 2003). The bottom line? Practice relaxation techniques, physical activity to burn off excess “hyper” energy, forgiveness— whatever it takes to ease you into a less stressful personality and behavior mode.


Big Fat Lies!

Unlike carbohydrates, fats are an essential macronutrient and also the most misunderstood. The term “fat” actually refers to an entire family of fatty acids, each with very different biological functions. Only two fatty acids are essential, but the way in which all interact with each other plays an important role in how Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are utilized. Deficiencies, excesses or relative deficiencies of EFA’s are now known to have serious health consequences. Because imbalanced dietary fats are strongly associated with many diseases, any diet aiming for optimal health must correct fat intake. A number of books address the importance of EFA’s, also called “Omegas,” but most contain elements of spurious science.

The New Keto Diet dives deeper into the description and prescription for optimizing fat intake than any diet ever before, shattering some widely held but incorrect beliefs about certain fats and setting the record straight on others. Let’s look at some of the Big Fat Lies about fat that no other diet book has correctly explained, including:

TRANS fats are the real villains among dietary fats, interfering with absorption of the Essential Fatty Acids, damaging cell membranes, elevating cholesterol level and altering the way normal cell membranes function. Trans fats are prevalent in the American diet, including many weight loss and “health” diets, but their intake should be drastically minimized for health reasons. In fact, the FDA recently passed a law requiring the amounts of trans fats to be listed separately on food nutrition labels.

Saturated fats, the kind we get from eating steak, butter, cheese and eggs, are NOT unhealthy as they have been portrayed. In fact, they are so important that the human body produces them internally. Dietary saturated fat intake is not only safe but also necessary. Because “sat fats” do not compete with the EFA’s for absorption, do not turn “trans” or rancid, and maintain their chemical composition when heated, they are preferable for frying and high-heat cooking. The old belief that “saturated fats are unhealthy” was actually started many years ago based on some unscientific “science,” the edible oil industry in this country (who magnified the unsavory science in ads to discredit coconut oil and improve sales of domestic oils such as corn and cottonseed), and one wealthy businessman who mistakenly blamed his heart disease on saturated fats and paid for a huge, negative marketing campaign. Saturated fats are not villains, and some sat fats, such as coconut oil, have significant health benefits. (Coconut oil is antimicrobial, antiviral, is excellent for cooking for the reasons listed above, and can be used easily and directly as a calorie source, hence, it “burns” faster and “hotter” than many other types of calories).

Further, the belief that monounsaturated oils (such as olive oil) are healthful and desirable is another Big Fat Lie. In truth, they are the white bread of the fatty acid family. Although better than Trans fats, “monos” serve no purpose in the body, are not essential, compete with the Essential Fatty Acids for utilization, and can turn into Trans fats with cooking.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids are an Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) that needs to be balanced with it’s EFA partner, Omega-3, for optimal health. The American diet contains far too much of this essential fat and most people should not be taking supplements of O-6 oils.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids, the other EFA, must partner with O-6 in a 4:1 to 10:1 ratio. Unfortunately, this EFA is exceptionally low in virtually every diet, from the Standard American Diet to Atkin’s to Pritiken, and especially the USDA food pyramid. No one has told us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth regarding optimal fat intake until now. On a truly healthful diet (primarily The New Keto Diet), you can have your steak (its “Omega Ratio” makes it far healthier than chicken), lavish butter on your broccoli and bathe your artichoke in mayonnaise, but that dainty olive oil vinaigrette that most would advise should be replaced by a healthier flax oil dressing.

Heart Disease

One of the best ways to help prevent and treat heart disease is to eat a diet low in trans fats and replace foods rich in trans and omega-6 fats with those that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. EPA and DHA found in fish oil help reduce risk factors for heart disease including high cholesterol and high blood pressure. There is also strong evidence that these substances can help prevent and treat atherosclerosis by inhibiting the development of plaque and blood clots, each of which tends to clog arteries. Studies of heart attack survivors have found that daily omega-3 fatty acid supplements dramatically reduce the risk of death, subsequent heart attacks, and stroke. Similarly, people who eat an ALA-rich diet are less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack.


Strong evidence from population-based studies suggests that omega-3 fatty acid intake (primarily from fish), helps protect against stroke caused by plaque buildup and blood clots in the arteries that lead to the brain. In fact, eating at least two servings of fish per week can reduce the risk of stroke by as much as 50%. However, people who eat more than three grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day (equivalent to 3 servings of fish per day) may be at an increased risk for hemorrhagic stroke, a potentially fatal type of stroke in which an artery in the brain leaks or ruptures. Keep in mind that 80% of strokes are due to blood clots, and only 20% are hemorrhagic. Further, it is weak blood vessels, not thin blood, that cause this rarer type of stroke. (Grape seed extract, available in supplement form, helps strengthen blood vessels among its other benefits).

Weight Loss

People who have trouble losing weight when dieting, including those who are resistant to weight loss on a ketogenic (Atkins’) diet, are likely to have a deficiency of Omega-3 fatty Acids OR an imbalanced ratio of O-6 to O-3. Improving this ratio of Essential Fatty Acid intake in the diet, without additional restriction on carbohydrates or calories, is often the key to unlocking this “metabolic resistance.”


Most clinical studies investigating the use of omega-3 fatty acid supplements for inflammatory joint conditions have focused almost entirely on rheumatoid arthritis. Several articles reviewing the research in this area conclude that omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce tenderness in joints, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, laboratory studies suggest that diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids (and low in omega-6 fatty acids) may benefit people with other inflammatory disorders, such as osteoarthritis. In fact, several test tube studies of cartilage-containing cells have found that omega-3 fatty acids decrease inflammation and reduce the activity of enzymes that destroy cartilage. In some participants, symptoms worsened before they improved.


People who do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids or do not maintain a healthy balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids in their diet may be at an increased risk for depression. The omega-3 fatty acids are important components of nerve cell membranes. They help nerve cells communicate with each other, which is an essential step in maintaining good mental health.

Levels of omega-3 fatty acids were found to be measurably low and the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids were particularly high in a study of patients hospitalized for depression. In a study of people with depression, those who ate a healthy diet consisting of fatty fish two to three times per week for 5 years experienced a significant reduction in feelings of depression and hostility.

Macular Degeneration

A questionnaire administered to more than 3,000 people over the age of 49 found that those who consumed more fish in their diet were less likely to have macular degeneration (a serious age-related eye condition that can progress to blindness) than those who consumed less fish. Similarly, a study comparing 350 people with macular degeneration to 500 without found that those with a healthy dietary balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and higher intake of fish in their diets were less likely to have this particular eye disorder. Another larger study confirms that EPA and DHA from fish, four or more times per week, may reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration.

Colon Cancer

Consuming significant amounts of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids appears to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. For example, Eskimos, who tend to follow a high fat diet but eat significant amounts of fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, have a low rate of colorectal cancer. Animal studies and laboratory studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids prevent worsening of colon cancer while omega-6 fatty acids promote the growth of colon tumors. Daily consumption of EPA and DHA also appeared to slow or even reverse the progression of colon cancer in people with early stages of the disease.

Breast Cancer

Women who regularly consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids appear to be less likely to develop breast cancer. In addition, the risk of dying from breast cancer may be significantly less for those who eat large quantities of omega-3 from fish and brown kelp seaweed (common in Japan). This is particularly true among women who substitute fish for meat. The balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids appears to play an important role in the development and growth of breast cancer. The tissue levels of women with breast cancer are found to contain much lower levels of Omega-3 fatty acids than breast tissue from healthy controls.

Some researchers hypothesize that omega-3 fatty acids in combination with other nutrients (namely, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, and coenzyme Q10) may prove to be of particular value for preventing and treating breast cancer.

Prostate Cancer

Laboratory and animal studies indicate that omega-3 fatty acids (specifically, DHA and EPA) may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer. Similarly, population based studies of groups of men suggest that a low-fat diet with the addition of omega-3 fatty acids from fish or fish oil help prevent the development of prostate cancer. Like breast cancer, the balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids appears to be particularly important for reducing the risk of this condition.


Preliminary evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may also prove beneficial in protecting against infections, ulcers, migraine headaches, preterm labor, asthma, emphysema, psoriasis, glaucoma, Lyme disease, lupus, and panic attacks.

Dietary Sources

Fish oils and plant oils are the primary dietary source of omega-3 fatty acids. EPA and DHA are found in cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, halibut, sardines, and herring. ALA is found in flaxseeds & flaxseed oil. FISH and FLAX are the best sources. Other oils that contain significant amounts of Omega-3 are not recommended because they are also high in Omega-6. these include: canola (rapeseed) oil, soybeans, soybean oil, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil, purslane, walnuts, and walnut oil.

Available Forms

In addition to the dietary sources described, EPA and DHA can be taken in the form of fish oil Capsules. Flaxseed, flaxseed oil, and fish oil should be kept refrigerated. Whole flaxseeds should be ground within 1 week of use to ensure maximum potency.

Be sure to buy omega-3 fatty acid supplements made by established companies who certify that their products are free of heavy metals such as mercury.

How to Take It


1 TBS. ground flax seed per day AND 1 TBS. flax oil per day OR 2 TBS. flax oil per day. (This corresponds to about 12 flax oil Capsules.

Flaxseed: 1 TBS two to three times per day or 2 to 4 tsp one time per day. Grind before eating and take with lots of water.


The adequate daily intake of EPA and DHA for adults should be at least 220 mg of each per day. Two to three servings of fatty fish per week (roughly 1,250 mg EPA and DHA per day) are generally recommended to treat certain health conditions.

Fish oil supplements

3,000 to 4,000 mg standardized fish oils per day. (This amount corresponds to roughly 2 to 3 servings of fatty fish per week.)

Typically, a 1,000 mg fish oil Capsule has 180 mg EPA and 120 mg DHA

ALA. Do NOT use cod liver oil on a regular basis, as it’s high vitamin A & D levels can become toxic. A physician should monitor high intakes of these fat-soluble vitamins. Regular EPA-containing fish oils do not contain vitamin A & D.

Possible Interactions

If you are currently being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use omega-3 fatty acid supplements without first talking to your healthcare provider.

Blood-thinning Medications

Omega-3 fatty acids may increase the blood-thinning effects of aspirin or warfarin. While the combination of aspirin and omega-3 fatty acids may actually be helpful under certain circumstances (such as heart disease), they should only be taken together under the guidance and supervision of a knowledgeable nutritionally-oriented physician.


Taking omega-3 fatty acids during cyclosporine therapy may reduce toxic side effects (such as high blood pressure and kidney damage) associated with this medication in transplant patients.

Etretinate and Topical Steroids

The addition of omega-3 fatty acids (specifically EPA) to a drug regimen of etretinate and topical corticosteroids may improve symptoms of psoriasis.

Cholesterol-lowering Medications

Following certain nutritional guidelines, including increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet and reducing the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, may allow a group of cholesterol lowering medications known as “statins” (such as atorvastatin, lovastatin, and simvastatin) to work more effectively.

Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)

In an animal study, treatment with omega-3 fatty acids reduced the risk of ulcers from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). More research is needed to evaluate whether omega-3 fatty acids would have the same effects in people.


Sex Hormone Balance

The so-called “sex hormones,” including estrogens, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA, DHT, appear to play an important role in keeping us health, preventing many known age-related changes. When they are in healthful balance, they also appear to help prevent hormone-related cancers, heart disease, age-related memory changes, osteoporosis and a host of other ills. This is the reason that women, particularly, have been prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after menopause.

Although it was well-known when I first started practicing medicine 14 years ago, only this year have we “officially” acknowledged that conventional hormone replacement therapy can be dangerous. In fact, such HRT can actually INCREASE the risk of heart disease and breast cancer. Fortunately for men, we have not tended to use HRT at middle age.

In contradistinction, natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (n-HRT) appears to have numerous positive benefits for both women AND men. A decline in these sex hormones is highly associated with undesirable metabolic changes of aging, and altering the levels toward a more “youthful” profile can be seen to reverse or slow the aging process. (See the “Heart Healthy” note on DHEA, above).

In women, youthful hormone balance is associated with lower heart disease risk, protection from osteoporosis, breast cancer, depression and age-related memory changes, to name a few.

In men, youthful hormone balance is associated with increased virility and protection from heart disease, prostate cancer, depression and osteoporosis (yes, men get it to), to name a few.

The key difference between HRT and n-HRT is that n-HRT attempts to duplicate a normal hormone profile of a youthful body. Conventional HRT makes absolutely NO attempt to imitate nature, usually giving high doses of the most potent form of estrogen, which is the likely reason for its dismal failure.

Anyone past the age of 40, both men and women, may benefit from n-HRT. Because the “hormone milieu” is a complicated mix in each individual, the only safe and sane way to take hormones is to have a baseline hormone profile performed, and replacement therapy prescribed by an holistic physician. Because of the broad array of physical functions affected by sex hormone balance, this simple measure of evaluation and n-HRT is worth considering for anyone who wants to delay the aging process and enjoy better health past middle age.


Soy: Risks and Benefits

Like most things in nature, the humble soy bean (Glycine max) can be healthful in moderation, harmful in excess. Because soy and soy products (tofu, miso, soy flour) are currently gaining a lot of media attention and popularity, it is important to understand the risks and benefits of this food and supplement.

Soy contains substances called protease inhibitors. In small to moderate amounts, these substances help prevent cancer and are also useful in controlling cancer. Soy has estrogenic effects, though much weaker than the human estrogen equivalent. For this reason, soy can increase the estrogen effect in someone who is deficient, or decrease the estrogen effect in one who has an excess. (Because it competes for the same receptors as the stronger mammalian estrogens, giving then less available places to bind). Soy may also improve cholesterol levels when eaten with some regularity. Believe me, you’ll be reading and hearing a lot more about this food in the months ahead, but please exercise moderation. Much of what you hear is “hype,” some is valuable medical advice.

Soy is a “goitrogen,” capable of inhibiting thyroid function when consumed in large amounts. In fact, I have seen some particularly sensitive people experience thyroid suppression when eating soy even in modest doses.

Further, soy is a type of protein that many people do not digest and tolerate well. It is especially likely to aggravate irritable bowel symptoms, causing gas and diarrhea, in those who are sensitive to it.

SO, who should eat soy? It appears to be a healthy and even helpful food for many people, 3 to 4 servings per week is my recommendation. If you experience bowel discomfort from eating soy, then this food is not for you. If you elect to eat larger amounts per week than this, consider having your thyroid function tested when you first add more soy to your diet, then again in 3 months to see if it has adversely affected your thyroid hormones levels.

For those who wish to obtain the benefits of soy (such as women desiring alternative to convention hormone replacement, or those with hormone-related cancers under their holistic physician’s guidance), soy supplements can be taken. These contain the isolated active ingredients of soy, primarily genistein and diadzein, without the gut-disturbing proteins that bother many.

I consider soy a useful protein source with positive health benefits when consumed in moderation. Just don’t fall for the plethora of media and soy-growers of America “over-hype” and fall prey to excess. “All things in moderation, including moderation”!


The Shaman’s Lesson of Worth

I was a starry-eyed first year resident when I met the old man, a Shaman (medicine man and spiritual advisor) to his Native tribe in the four corner’s area of New Mexico. It had long been my goal to study with such a healer and learn the “secrets” of the Shaman’s ways. Now here I was, face-to-face with just such a One.

A young man came to see the Shaman about a health problem. From his appearance and description, I guessed him to be no more than twenty. He complained bitterly about the “strange sights” he saw on occasion. By Western standards, schizophrenia was a likely diagnosis. The young man clearly needed help. The Shaman told him that help was available, but that a week-long ceremony would be necessary. Then the Shaman told him the cost. The young man shook his head dejectedly and left. I questioned the Shaman.

What was the fee for the ceremony, and why had the young man gone away without treatment? I wanted to know. The Shaman explained that his fees were approximately equivalent to $6000 in Western money, but that people paid in other means of exchange like goats, sheep, baskets and food items. The man left because he did not have the required fee. Sensing that I was upset by this, the Shaman explained that the young man would return for treatment after he raised the necessary funds.

“But why don’t you help him now and let him pay later?” I wanted to know. “Aren’t there some people that are too poor to afford your services? Do you ever give your services away for free?”

“Never,” he assured me. Then the old man sat me down and carefully explained his reasoning.

“Health is a valuable commodity,” he began, looking to see if I agreed. I nodded. “Like other valuable commodities, the people who want it dearly enough will work to get it. As they work, they increase their appreciation of its value. When I give a man a healing service without a fee, he associates ‘free’ with ‘not valuable.’ The potency of any treatment is not only in the treatment, but also in a person’s belief in its value. When someone pays dearly for a ceremony, they show that they appreciate the value of my treatment. More importantly, they show themselves how much they value their health. A man who values his health will work hard to win it back, and he is more likely to recover.” He paused to let me take his words in.

“But what if someone really can’t afford your treatment?” I persisted.

“People can always afford my ceremonies if they value their health. A poor man will recruit his family to help him raise the necessary funds. If he has no family, he will petition the community to help him raise the necessary funds. By doing this, he will not only value the ceremony he receives, but he will feel the support and good wishes of the community for his recovery. Anyone who truly wants to get well can always find a way to afford the healing ceremony.” With that, the old man stood to indicate that we were through for the day.

In years since, the Shaman’s words have returned to haunt me. How many times have I heard people complain about the cost of supplements, or of my services, while they drive Mercedes, eat out twice a week, own a vacation home in the mountains and subscribe to cable T.V.? I believe that the old Shaman was right. The people who value their health will work to get it. They will pay to get it. And they will value it dearly when it returns.

HealthBeat News

Are Your Supplements Safe? What You Should Know

So, why all the fuss? Why are our Senators getting involved? Are supplements really safe after all? How can you be sure that the supplements you are taking are safe and of good quality? “The dietary supplement market is the wild west” says California Democratic Congressman Henry Waxman. He’s right – Dr. Myatt has known this for a decade, and she has worked tirelessly to bring you the very best products through The Wellness Club.

Dietary and herbal supplements have been used safely for thousands of years. But make no mistake, they are as potent as any drug, and must be used with care. Some can have adverse interactions with medications or other herbs, some can cause adverse effects in the presence of certain medical conditions. Some concoctions can be downright dangerous.

Many supplements may not be all that they claim to be. The popular supplement Glucosamine Sulfate, used to stimulate joint repair and to relieve pain is a perfect example. It is a combination of Glucosamine which stimulates the production of glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s) which are the main structural material of our joints, and elemental Sulfate which is a carrier molecule for Glucosamine and which stimulates the production of joint substances (GAG’s) in it’s own right. When it is bound to Glucosamine, Sulfate acts to carry the Glucosamine molecule into the joint and it helps to activate joint substance production. But here is the rub. There is only one manufacturer that produces Glucosamine Sulfate that is molecularly bound together. This is so important that they have a patent on it. Other manufacturers throw glucosamine and sulfate together in the same capsule and tout it’s benefits based on the research done on molecularly bound Glucosamine Sulfate but it just isn’t the same. Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club is one of the very few places where you can get the “good stuff” – the molecularly bound product. There are lots of other scams like this out there – poor quality or ineffective supplements, often sold at big prices. Other supplement concoctions claim to have amazing effects (like growing certain body parts “larger” or ending menopause symptoms) but contain only trace amounts of effective active ingredients – “fairy dust” we call them.

How do you protect yourself?

First, Be sure they are safe for you. Don’t take supplements based solely on advertising claims you see in magazines, tabloids, the internet, TV, or elsewhere. Don’t believe that what is good for your friend must be good for you too. A few minutes spent talking with a naturopathic doctor (not the clerk or salesperson in the health food store!) could save you a lot of grief. Secondly, be sure you are buying quality supplements. Don’t take the word of the clerk or salesperson – do the research, or let your holistic medical practitioner do it for you. If it looks like too good a deal, it probably is. When was quality ever cheap? Those supplements on sale for such a low price at your local superstore may have been sloppily manufactured, improperly shipped or stored (most supplements must be kept in carefully temperature controlled conditions), may contain impurities, or may just be old stock. There is usually a good reason for a really low price. Why risk it? Finally, if you have a medical condition or are taking any medications, you really must be in a good cooperative relationship with both your regular doctor and with your holistic health provider and / or Naturopathic Doctor. Only that way can you protect yourself from shoddy or unneeded products and potentially harmful side effects or interactions.

Hot Flashes:

Miracle beverage lowers cholesterol, blocks cancer, fights heart disease, and more!

A nice cup of Oriental Green Tea can be a delicious, relaxing, soothing break in your day. But more than that, recent research is pointing out other benefits as well. A recent article in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that enriched green tea extract may be effective in reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). Subjects in a treatment study group showed decreases of 6.7% in total cholesterol and 9.6% in LDL-C after only 4 weeks of supplementation, and reductions of 11.3% and 16.4% after 12 weeks! Another study, done at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University and reported in the journal Carcinogenesis showed that green tea may be useful in the prevention of intestinal (colon) cancer in humans. Yet other studies show it useful in the prevention of heart disease, and there are studies suggesting it may be a potent antiviral, effective in combating HIV. It is further thought to have antimicrobial powers. What is so special about green tea? It is a rich source of catechins – flavinoid phytochemical compounds and polyphenols. Both are potent antioxidants, helping to prevent the damaging effects of free radicals.

Nurse Mark’s comment: Both Dr. Dana and I make green tea a part of our day. Traditional flavors are fine, and newer flavors such as fruit or spice offer a nice change. It is a great pick-me-up, and green tea is thought to have thermogenic properties, helping us to burn fat. There really is no down side, unless you just don’t like the taste of it, in which case you can obtain the benefits of green tea in capsule form as green tea extract capsules from the Wellness Club. Either way, you really owe it to yourself to make this simple, relaxing, and delicious addition to your daily wellness protocol.

HealthBeat News

HealthBeat Update: Memory-Boosting Supplements: Improving mental function

Alpha-Lipoic Acid is a neurological antioxidant that chelates free iron from the forebrain, thereby protecting against free radical damage. It also improves mitochondrial function (mitochondria are the energy-producing units of cells). It works especially well in conjunction with CoQ10 and acetyl-L-carnitine to improve energy production. Because of its utility for preventing brain aging and preserving neurological function, plus its use in cataract prevention, diabetes, congestive heart failure and neurological diseases, it can correctly be classified as an important anti-aging/ life-extending nutrient.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine, a derivative of the amino acid L-Carnitine, is a vitamin-like compound that transports fatty acids (“fuel”) into the body cells. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant in the brain. The acetyl form of L-Carnitine (ALC) has been shown to be substantially more active than L-Carnitine in brain cells.

ALC has been the subject of numerous studies. It bears a close similarity to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which led researchers to study its use in age-related memory changes. ALC has been proven to offer significant benefit to patients with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease and also for people with memory impairment and age-onset depression.

L-Carnitine and its more active form, A-LC have also been shown to be effective as part of weight (fat) loss programs, enhancing the body’s fat-burning ability. This effect proves true even when no deficiency of carnitine is present, meaning that all overweight people will benefit.

Suggest Dose of Each: Acetyl-L-Carnitine: 500mg (1 cap) per day; Alpha Lipoic Acid: 200mg (2 caps) per day.

Ginkgo biloba: Memory enhancement for those over 50 (and those under 50 too!) Ginkgo biloba is one of the most well studied herbs for age related memory changes. Ginkgo is a potent antioxidant. It also increases circulation to small diameter blood vessels (such as those in the brain and extremities.) Studies have verified ginkgo’s efficacy in early-stage Alzheimer’s, multiple infarct dementia (memory changes caused by “mini-strokes”), age related depression, glaucoma, impotence (erectile dysfunction,) MS and vascular insufficiency. It also has anti-allergy effects that make it useful for treatment of chronic respiratory allergies and asthma.

Ginkgo is one of the best-selling natural remedies worldwide. It should be part of the longevity protocol for anyone over the age of 50.

Suggested dose: 1 cap, 2 times per day. (target dose: 240 mg per day of 24% flavoneglycosides)

Phosphatidyle serine (PS): Improved Brain-Cell Function. Phosphatidyle serine (PS) is responsible for normal fluidity and membrane integrity of the brain cells. These functions allow brain cells to communicate efficiently with each other.

The body manufactures PS. Lowered levels of PS are seen in aging in association with impaired mental function and depression in the elderly.

Eleven double-blind studies have verified the effectiveness of PS. Significant improvements were seen in mental performance, behavior, mood, and age-related cognitive decline.

Suggested dose: 1 cap (100 mg PS,) 3 times per day.

B Vitamins, Magnesium and Maxi-Multi: The B Vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, B12) are all vitally important and work together to regulate energy processes at the cellular level, and by doing so they are vital to the function of nerve and brain cells. Magnesium is a mineral that also plays a big role in energy processes and brain and nerve cell function.

Maxi-Multi is your very best way to be sure you are receiving optimal amounts of these vitamins and minerals, without having to take four or more separate formulas each day. Maxi-Multi provides you with: 1. High potency multiple vitamin / mineral / trace mineral supplement, 2. High potency B complex vitamins, 3. High potency antioxidants (A, carotenes, C, E, selenium, zinc & bioflavinoids) 4. High potency calcium / magnesium (1000 mg / 500 mg). If you only take one nutritional supplement, this should be the one! If you are taking any other “daily vitamin” supplement, do yourself a favor and compare the labels – you’ll see why Maxi-Multi is the way to go. The addition of Plant Enzymes ensures absorption of nutrients. This formula is hypoallergenic and suitable for even highly sensitive individuals.

Ask Dr. Myatt: Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy

Q: I am a postmenopausal woman who never took hormone replacement therapy (HRT). I feel I weathered this change of life pretty well. However, I have developed a chronic vaginal itch that my doctor feels is due to a thinning and drying out of the vaginal tissue. He has prescribed premarin vaginal cream (applied intravaginally) starting at twice a week and then just once a week on an on-going basis. I am hoping that there is a more natural way of dealing with this irritating problem. Any suggestions?

A: Natural hormone replacement therapy is one of the best anti-aging measures a person (male or female) can take. Please read more about “The Climacteric” in your Holistic Health handbook, pages 73-76.

Even with only minimal symptoms of hormone deficiency (the vaginal dryness), I still recommend natural hormone replacement therapy (n-HRT). The key word here is “natural.” The hormones used for such are still prescription, but they are custom-tailored to your needs and hormone profile results, not “generic.” Further, they are “bio identical” to your body’s own hormones, meaning that they are the same hormones and given in similar doses to that of a younger female, not synthetic or un-natural hormones, which cause more health problems than they cure. (Premarin is so named because of its origin: Pregnant Mare’s Urine. I kid not! This stuff is natural for a pregnant horse, but not for a postmenopausal human female!)

Natural hormone replacement therapy may include any or all of the three female estrogens, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA. Maintenance of cardiovascular health, bone density, protection against breast and other hormones related cancers, maintenance of youthful skin tone, prevention of age-related mood and mental changes are all part of the benefit you can expect from same.

How to go about this? First, you need a complete female hormones profile. I prefer the saliva test method because it gives an “average” look at your hormones instead of blood testing, which gives only a ‘snapshot” look. Please refer to page 135 in your Holistic Health Handbook. The complete profile costs $129 and that’s a bargain for all the information we get.

Secondly, you’ll need to hook up with a physician who is trained in hormone replacement therapy, especially natural hormone replacement therapy. Since I have been doing this my entire career (14 years now), “I” come readily to mind to help you with this. Since you are post-menopausal, the “finishing touches” on your corrective hormones will take only a few “tweaks,” and won’t change significantly over the years.

Let me know if I can help you get on some corrective natural hormones. You will age more gracefully and gently if you decide to go this route, and minimize opportunities for illness to get a foothold. Oh, yes, and it should take care of your vaginal dryness handily!

HealthBeat News

HealthBeat Update: What Are Your New Year’s Health Resolutions?

We all make ’em – those wonderful, hopeful, well-intentioned New-Year’s resolutions. We resolve to work harder, be more productive, be kind to others, pay more attention to our finances, and most importantly, we resolve to take better care of ourselves. Usually this means resolving to exercise, to eat less or even diet, to stop bad habits (C’mon, are you really still smoking? Shame on you, and you know it!), or to do other things that, while they are good for us, we often only manage to follow through on for a short while. Let’s look at it a different way: You could resolve to do or be any number of things in the new year, but what of it if you don’t have your health? Why not look after your health first, by doing some easy and achievable things, such as making sure you are taking the very best multivitamin possible, and making sure that your vitamin and supplement protocol is up to date with the very best and most up-to-date recommendations. Your multivitamin should be the very best you can get – of course we recommend Dr. Myatt’s MaxiMulti – if you take the time to compare labels you will see that no other multivitamin even comes close to offering what MaxiMulti does. It might seem more costly than the deep discount Big-Box-Store sale-of-the-week brand, but if you figure out how much of the other brand you must take (and extras you will need) to equal what is in MaxiMulti, the MaxiMulti becomes a great value indeed! Now, how long has it been since Dr. Myatt updated your chart and tuned up your vitamin and supplement protocol? I’ll bet that some things have changed for you medically over the last year, and I know that there is plenty of new and updated information that Dr. Myatt will be happy to share with you to make this next year healthier than ever. Why not take a moment to call and book a consultation to start the new year off right? Call 1-800-Dr. Myatt (376-9288)

Hot Flashes:“Liver Cleansing” – Worthwhile or Worthless?

Much has been made lately about “liver cleansing”, and “liver flushes.” There are books, websites, and countless herbal concoctions devoted to “cleansing and detoxifying” the liver (and other parts of the body). Well, what of it? Is this for real, or just another way to separate you from your hard-earned money?

Dr. Myatt’s patients often ask about “detoxification,” as if this could be accomplished by a single therapy or supplement. Because the body has multiple organs and organ systems for detoxifying itself, the real question must be “what do you want to detoxify?” Is your target the large intestine, the liver, the skin, the kidneys, or the extracellular fluids? Each of these organs of elimination and detoxification contributes to the body’s overall ability to rid itself of internal waste and externally introduced toxins. Therefore, detoxification techniques may involve one, several, or all organs related to the removal of toxic substances from the body.

We’ll look at this subject over the next few issues of HealthBeat – and for this issue we will examine the role of the liver. This organ converts endogenous and exogenous toxins into excretable metabolites. It is an amazing organ, capable of being insulted, damaged, and then repairing itself quite nicely. It is not invincible though, and we can do some things to help support it in it’s work. Perhaps the most important is to provide plenty of pure water – without water, biotransformation processes grind to a halt, and toxins accumulate.  Water is the single biggest detoxifier of the kidneys, liver, and extracellular fluid. Deficiencies of any vitamin, mineral, or trace mineral can slow or even halt the detoxification pathways. B complex vitamins, beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and molybdenum are particularly important in detoxification and are well supplied by Dr. Myatt’s MaxiMulti supplements. Freshly ground Flax seed is an important source of lignans and Omega 3 fatty acids and should be used daily. Dr. Myatt’s MaxiGreens provide a broad spectrum of “greens” and flavonoids including ginkgo biloba, bilberry, green tea, milk thistle, and grape seed and pine bark for their pycnogenols.

More specific to the liver are Milk thistle, dietary sulfur, and indoles (found in cruciferous vegetables.) Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant and stimulates liver cell regeneration. Sulfur is an important element in many of the detoxification processes of the liver and is easily destroyed by cooking, as are the indoles. MaxiGreens are an excellent source of indoles. Dr. Myatt’s MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) supplies needed fundamental sulfur. Milk Thistle Plus has been carefully formulated by Dr. Myatt to be the best supplement available for liver protection and healing.

So, what is the bottom line? Well, your liver is not like a toilet – you can’t just “flush it” – but you can support and protect it as it does it’s important work for you. “Liver Flushing” as described and promoted by some can be a risky business, and anyone thinking that they need to do this should really consult with Dr. Myatt before starting. Depending on the details of your situation Dr. Myatt will have a number of other specific recommendations for safe and effective detoxification. Book your consultation by calling 1 – 800 – Dr. Myatt (376 – 9288).

Dr. Myatt’s comment: You can’t simply do a “flush” to absolve months or years of bad habits! Improved diet and liver-loving herbs, taken consistently over time, are the healthful way to rejuvenate and “cleanse” your liver and other organs.

Featured Supplements: Support for your liver:
Click on any underlined supplement to order your supply or call 1-800-DR MYATT (376-9288)

MaxiMulti:We talk about this supplement over and over again, because it is a cornerstone to any good health program. MaxiMulti provides not just minimal doses, but optimal doses of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and nutritional co-factors that are absolutely necessary for your body to function at it’s peak. B complex vitamins, beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and molybdenum are particularly important in detoxification, and are included in MaxiMulti with digestive enzymes added to ensure absorption. If you are trying to support your liver you must not neglect this valuable and necessary supplement!

MaxiGreensare a complete herbal phytonutrient formula and contain a full spectrum of the most widely-researched flavonoid herbs: ginkgo biloba, bilberry, green tea, milk thistle, and grape seed & pine bark (pycnogenols), plus indole-containing herbs: brocolli and cauliflower, and high chlorophyll / mineral-rich herbs: alfalfa, wheat grass, barley grass, wheat sprout. With gut-healthy probiotics (good gut bacteria) and Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) included in the formula these capsules are easy to assimilate and have bromelain added to ensure absorption. MaxiGreens, taken every day, will provide extra phytonutrients as part of a solid foundation to your healthy lifestyle.

Milk Thistle PlusMilk thistle (silybum marianum) has been the subject of over 100 clinical trials, primarily exploring it’s role in liver disease. It powerfully protects the liver from the effects of environmental toxins (such as carbon tetrachloride, acetaminophen, iron overload, mushroom poisoning). It is used in Emergency Room medicine in Europe for exposure to liver-toxic agents. Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant, especially to the liver. It also stimulates liver cell regeneration. It has been proven useful for all types of liver disease, including alcoholic liver sclerosis, hepatitis, protection from environmental toxins, and protection from the liver-toxic effects of many drugs. Milk Thistle Plus additionally contains Tumeric root extract and Artichoke leaf extract to enhance it’s effectiveness. Suggested dose for liver support: 1 capsule three times daily with meals.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is a source of biologically active sulfur. Sulfur is a mineral that is plentiful in the human body and is found in particularly high concentrations in structural tissues (joints, skin, hair, nails), and serum proteins (transferrin, albumin, and immunoglobulin). Clinical studies have shown MSM to benefit arthritis, immunity, constipation, and circulation. Although sulfur occurs widely in food, it is highly volatile and easily destroyed by even moderate processing or heating. Each capsule contains 1000mg. Suggested dose for liver support: 1000mg three times daily with meals.

Dr. Myatt’s comment: Before you even think of doing some questionable “Cleansing Routine” or “Liver Flush,” make sure you are doing everything you can to support your own body’s detoxification systems. You’ll find more information on this subject on page 56 in my Holistic Health Handbook. If you don’t have a Holistic Health Handbook, you need one – it is a goldmine of valuable information! Click here, and order yours now.

Ask Dr. Myatt: How long will vitamins and herbs keep?

Q: There are numbers and dates on my supplements. Are these important? Should I be worried about my supplements “expiring”?

A: That depends on the product and the form that it is in. Most quality herbal and nutritional supplements have an expiration date on the label, but this date does not reflect the whole story.

Herbal tinctures and fluid extracts, especially if made from potent herbs to begin with, are the longest lasting of any product. Dr. Sharol Tilgner of Wise Woman Herbals, our primary herbal provider, now dates tinctures with a 7 year expiration date. Dr. Tilgner believes that this is a conservative dating process, and I concur. A well-made tincture is potent and useable for up to 20 years from the time it is made. Now, “here’s the rub.” Many herbal products – and I do mean many – are made from dried herbs that have lost their potency BEFORE the tincture is made. These products are weak to begin with. Although they will “keep” for many years, their strength is questionable. The herbal tinctures that we select for Wellness Club are some of the most potent products available. These liquid tincture formulas will be fully potent 10 years from now (conservatively) and I wouldn’t hesitate to use them 20 years hence. Any encapsulated product, whether herbal or nutritional, has a much shorter shelf-life. This is because of a process called “oxidation.” Individual particles in herbs or nutrients are exposed to air. This is true for both gelatin capsules and tablets.

A super potent herb formula in capsule form (remember, many are not potent to begin with) will be potent 2-3 years from the date of manufacture. (On our products, this date is stamped.) In other words, the product will be potent 1 year beyond the expiration date.

Nutritional supplements are a bit trickier, because different vitamins have different shelf-lives. Dr. Jaques at Tyler Encapsulations (one of our major supplement suppliers) offers this:
Vitamin C: up to 5 years
Vitamin B’s: 3 years
Vitamin A: unknown
Vitamin D: indefinitely
Vitamin E: 2 years (except mixed tocopherols, which may last 3-5 years)
Mineral formulas: 10+ years
Enzymes: 2 years

All supplements, whether herbal or nutritional, will last longer if frozen. So… if you stock up, keep unopened products in your freezer or in a cool, dark, moisture-free place to extend shelf life up to 3 times the stamped expiration date.

Remembering Reagan, Avoiding Alzheimer’s

One More for “The Gipper”

Ronald Reagan was one of America’s most memorable Presidents. Even those who disagreed with his politics were attracted to his unflinching optimism, eloquent speech and fierce belief that America was and should always be the “beacon of light in a world of darkness.” For a moving recount of the life and times of this Great American Dreamer, we offer this link to Newsweek Magazine:

Alzheimer’s Disease: The “Retirement Robber”

We salute a life well lived in public service, in Hollywood and in politics by a man who kept himself fit, optimistic and intimately involved in life. What should have been a golden last decade in the life of Ronald Reagan was instead spent with a swiftly diminishing mental and physical capacity. Alzheimer’s disease robbed he and his wife of 52 years of the noble retirement they deserved.

What Alzheimer’s Is — and Isn’t

Alzheimer’s disease, first described in 1907 by German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer, is a degenerative condition of the brain that results in progressive memory loss. In its most severe stage, afflicted people become unable to care for themselves, lose bowel and bladder control and are often unable to swallow and eat. Death usually ensues from infection, often pneumonia.

There are many causes of memory loss besides Alzheimer’s. It is estimated that an approximately equal number of people over age 60 suffer from senile dementia and Alzheimer’s. (Four million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease at a cost of $90 billion annually). While dementia is most frequently caused by atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s is caused by the deposition of an abnormal protein — beta amyloid — in the brain. These protein deposits are accompanied by “neurofibrillary tangles,” (tangles of tiny filaments in the brain) and a loss of many nerve cells. The two conditions are often difficult to differentiate.

Any memory loss with age COULD be serious, but many causes of decreased memory are due to correctable abnormalities such as low thyroid function, nutrient deficiencies, atherosclerosis and tumors. Some decreased capacity to recall names is not necessarily a sign of anything worrisome. One expert described the difference between benign age-related memory changes and Alzheimer’s like this: aging memory is forgetting where you put the car keys; Alzheimer’s is forgetting how to drive the car. Benign aging memory is forgetting an old high school friend’s name; Alzheimer’s is forgetting your spouse’s name.

When to be Concerned about Memory Loss

Any persistent memory changes in a person of ANY age should be evaluated by a physician. Again, there are many correctable causes of memory loss. Many of these corrections are best made as early as possible. For example, deficiencies of B6, B12 and folic acid are associated with increased levels of homocysteine. Increased homocysteine, in turn, is associated with memory loss. This nutrient-related memory decline is felt to be completely reversible within the first 6-12 months. After that, although further memory decline can often be prevented, the existing memory deficits are most often irreversible. (Another good reason to take your daily Maxi Multi, which contains the optimal target doses of these nutrients).

Again, any memory or personality changes should be thoroughly evaluated by a physician. Don’t wait to see your doctor for memory concerns.

Causes of Alzheimer’s

The major abnormalities seen in Alzheimer’s are beta amyloid plaque deposition, neurofibrillary tangles, and loss of neurons. The cause of this collection of abnormalities is not known, although strong evidence exists to support several mechanisms.

1.) Genetics. There appears to be some genetic predisposition to the disease, with 15-20% of cases running in families.

2.) Free Radical Damage (oxidative stress). Brain lesions in Alzheimer’s patients exhibit typical free-radical damage, including damaged DNA, lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and Advanced Glycosylation end products (AGE’s, see # 3 below).

3.) Inflammation. The same inflammatory cascade that is a known risk factor for heart disease appears in Alzheimer’s at the site of beta amyloid desposition. These inflammatory products accelerate the loss of neurons (brain cells). The hs-CRP test that I encourage all patients to have on an annual basis to help predict heart-disease risk is an indication of this type of low-grade inflammation.

4.) Advanced Glycolsylation End products (AGEs). Glycation is a process whereby a protein binds irreversibly to a sugar molecule, producing an abnormal complex that impairs tissue elasticity. Evidence for AGEs as a cause of Alheimer’s relates to the fact that AGEs are found in the neurofibrillary tangles characteristic of the disease. Many researchers feel that AGEs may be a more important cause of Alzheimer’s that beta amyloid.

5.) Aluminum toxicity. Although this potential cause is dismissed by conventional medicine, the evidence is strong in favoring aluminum as a causative factor. First, the senile plaques chracteristic of Alzheimer’s patients have been found to accumulate aluminum. Lab animals injected with aluminum will develop neurofibrillary tangles as seen in Alzheimer’s. One study (McLachlan, et al. 1996) found a 250% increase of Alzheimer’s disease in people drinking municipal water with high aluminum levels for 10 years or more. Finally, one drug used to treat Alzheimer’s (desferrioxamine) shows a significant benefit in slowing progression of the disease. This drug chelates aluminum.

6.) Homocysteine. This metabolic intermediate, clearly recognized as a risk factor for coronary artery disease, non-Alzheimer’s dementia, and stroke, is now felt to be a significant risk for Alzheimer’s disease as well. Elevated homocysteine levels results from deficiencies of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid.

Although other theories of the genesis of Alzheimer’s disease exist, the above-listed causes appear to have the most research and relevance behind them.

Avoiding Alzheimer’s: Prevention Steps to Take NOW

With the exception of genetics, all of the most widely supported causes of Alzheimer’s are amenable to preventive and possibly even corrective measures. This is good news, because it means we are not helpless to prevent such a devastating disease. Here are the most-proven methods for addressing the causes of Alzheimer’s:

1.) Prevent Free Radical Damage to the brain and elsewhere. This is a two-step process. First, avoid or minimize exposure to factors that cause free radicals in the body. These factors include first and second-hand smoke, excessive exposure to X-rays, excessive sun exposure, dietary trans fatty acids, heavy metal toxicity. Secondly, take an abundance of nutritional antioxidants to neutralize free radicals in the body. Common antioxidants inlude: vitamin A, C, E, beta carotene, flavonoids, CoQ10 and acetyl-L-carnitine. The herb Ginkgo biloba is also a potent antioxidant.

2.) Prevent and Reverse Subtle Inflammation. The herb turmeric (curcumin), is a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrin substance. It is also a potent antioxidant with liver-protecting properties. Ginkgo is another anti-inflammatory herb (actually mentioned in The Merck Manual of conventional medicine as being helpful for Alzheimer’s). Essential Fatty Acids, such as those found in flax and fish oil, are anti-inflammatory.

3.) Reduce Advanced Glycosylation End products (AGEs). This is best accomplished by means of a lower carbohydrate diet. In the absence of chronic high blood sugar, AGEs form much less, if at all. The Super Fast Diet is an example of a health-restoring diet that minimizes the production of AGEs by lowering average daily blood sugars and insulin levels. Vitamin B1 and B6 decrease AGE formation.

4.) Chelate Toxic metals, especially aluminum. A hair analysis should be employed to evaluate for heavy and toxic metal toxicity. This inexpensive test costs $65. Call 1-800-Dr.Myatt (376-9288) to order a hair mineral analysis kit or see page 135 of the Holistic Health Handbook for more information.  An excess of ANY toxic metal should be chelated with the guidance of a physician. In most cases, this can be accomplished by taking an oral chelating agent (the agent will differ depending on which toxic metal is accumulated). For severe toxicity, IV chelation is sometimes more expeditious.

5.) Lower Homocysteine Levels. This can almost always be easily accomplished by taking optimal doses of B6, B12 and folic acid.

A Simplified Action Plan for Preventing Alzheimer’s

1.) Take Daily Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement. This should include vitamins A,C,E, beta carotene, bioflavonoids, B complex vitamins (especially B1, B6, B12, folic acid), and selenium. Maxi Multi contains optimal daily doses of these nutrients.

2.) Max EPA (fish oil): 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals to prevent or reverse inflammation. Take higher doses as directed if your hs-CRP tests are elevated. Flax oil is also beneficial but requires a biochemical conversion in the body which is deficient in many people, so fish oil is more certain.

3.) Extra protection: take any or all of these proven neuro-protective substances:

I.) CoQ10: 50-300mg per day. This powerful antioxidant, produced by the body, diminishes with age. It is especially valuable for all types of heart disease. CHOLESTEROL-LOWERING DRUGS deplete CoQ10.

II.) Turmeric: 1 capsule, 3 times per day (target dose: 900mg). Potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrin herb, turmeric acts by three different mechanisms to help protect the brain from the presumed causes of Alzheimer’s.

III.) Ginkgo biloba: 1 cap, 2 times per day. [target dose: 240mg of a 24% flavoneglycoside formula]. Ginkgo is a potent antioxidant that also improves cerebral circulation. This herb is mentioned in The Merck Manual of (conventional) Medicine as being helpful for Alzheimer’s!

IV.) Phosphatidyl Serine: 1 cap (100mgPS), 3 times per day. PS increases brain cell communication by improving membrane fluidity.

V.) Acetyl-L-Carnitine: 1 cap (500mg), 3 times per day between meals. A-LC acts as a powerful antioxidant in the brain.

VI.) Alpha-Lipoic Acid: 1 cap, 2-3 times per day. This neurological antioxidant chelates free iron from the forebrain, thereby protecting against free-radical induced brain aging.

VII.) Melatonin: this hormone decreases with age. It is a potent antioxidant and one of the only ones to cross the blood-brain barrier. It should be used in almost all cases of any neurological disease and is an important part of longevity and anti-aging programs.

Alzheimer’s disease is not an inevitable part of aging even though it is common in our country. Don’t let this memory-robbing disease deprive you of YOUR Golden Years!

In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt


HealthBeat News

Taking Good Health to Heart

The heart is an indispensable organ that moves blood through thousands of miles of blood vessels every minute. Without a functioning heart, the body can live little more than five minutes. The heart is a muscle, and, like skeletal muscle, grows stronger when more is demanded of it. Also like skeletal muscles, the heart requires sufficient protein intake to rebuild and regenerate itself. The heart also requires adequate blood flow to bring nutrients and oxygen to itself. When atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing) of the arteries occurs, the heart muscle may not receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients to fully perform these functions.

Atherosclerosis and its complications (coronary heart disease and stroke) account for 20% of all US deaths each year. Overall, heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. But, “take heart”! There are many simple measures you can take to avoid being part of this statistic.

Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Eat a nutritious diet that is high in nutrients and fiber. Fruits and vegetables are the primary sources of minerals and phytonutrients (“Plant nutrients”) that protect the heart. They also contain meaningful amounts of fiber.
  • Get regular aerobic exercise (with your doctor’s clearance if you are overweight, over 30 or deconditioned). Exercise improves circulation and heart muscle pumping ability. it also helps the body use excess calories and cholesterol for energy.
  • Maintain a normal body weight. Each excess pound of fat is supplied by miles of blood vessels. This increased demand puts more workload on the heart.
  • Don’t smoke. Smoking accelerates the development of atherosclerosis. It can also cause blood vessels to spasm, mimicking a heart attack.
  • Practice stress reduction techniques and anger management. people with ‘hot tempers” are at higher risk for cardiac events. (Presumably because adrenaline stimulates heart function – a useful pathway if you need to run away from a tiger but over stimulating to the heart if you are sitting in traffic!).
  • Take a high quality multiple vitamin/mineral supplement. (Hint: the nutrient levels your body needs will NOT fit into a “one per day” tablet or capsule. Expect to be taking 6 to 9 caps per day to achieve optimal doses of nutrients). B complex vitamins (All, but especially B6, B12, folic acid), magnesium, potassium, antioxidants (vitamin C, E, and selenium) and bioflavonoids are particularly important to the heart.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This daily “multiple” contains high potency antioxidants. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidants (ACES), magnesium, B complex vitamins, and bioflavonoids are particularly important for the heart. Take additional B complex vitamins if your multiple does not contain optimal doses. B vitamins, (especially B6, B12, and folic acid) lower homocysteine levels, an independent risk for heart disease that many researchers feel is more important than cholesterol levels.
  • Max EPA (fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals to prevent or reverse inflammation. Take higher doses as directed if your hs-CRP tests are elevated. Flax oil is also beneficial but requires a biochemical conversion in the body, which is deficient in many people, so fish oil is more certain.
  • CoQ10: 50-300mg per day. This powerful antioxidant, produced by the body, diminishes with age. It is especially valuable for all types of heart disease. CHOLESTEROL-LOWERING DRUGS deplete CoQ10. (Amounts will depend on the severity of the disease. Lower doses may be used for health maintenance; higher doses in cases of arrhythmia, angina, and atherosclerosis).
  • Magnesium: 2 taps, 3 times per day with meals (Target dose: 500-1500mg per day. Maxi Multi contains 500mg).
  • Grape Seed Extract: 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals. (Target dose: 150-300mg daily). Proanthocyanidins in grape seed extract act as a potent antioxidants and ACE inhibitors. They also help prevent platelet aggregation (blood cells sticking together) and protect blood vessels from damage.

Additional Support

For Atherosclerosis:

For High Blood Pressure:

For Arrhythmia:

For Heart Failure (CHF):

Heart disease can be serious. Fortunately, the heart is very responsive to good care and many heart ailments are reversible. If you have a heart problem, it is best to work with an holistic (integrative) physician who can help you discover the cause of any existing heart problems and make specific recommendations. Never stop taking heart medication without the guidance of a physician. Bottom line: Be kind to your heart and it will keep you “ticking.”


Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Better Cholesterol Management with Vitamins and Herbs

Your Cholesterol Questions Answered

What can be done if you’ve been told that you have “high cholesterol?” I’ve been getting questions “in spades” this week, so it’s time for a cholesterol management update! Like Lennie who wrote “I would like to know what supplements you recommend to lower LDL besides diet.  I do not want to take satins. Thanks for your news letter I do read it. Blessings, Lennie.”

Perhaps your conventional doctor found your cholesterol levels to be “high”
(and there are differing opinions on what “too high” really is, because cholesterol is only ONE of a number of heart risk factors). He or she has probably advised you to start taking a “statin” drug. You will likely be sent off with a prescription for the statin-de-jour along with a recommendation to “eat less cholesterol and cut down on fats.” If you do a little research, you will discover that statin drugs have some worrisome side-effects, including elevated liver enzymes (indicating liver distress) and rhabdomyelosis (muscle damage; NOTE: the heart is a muscle). You might also see that there are dozens, maybe even hundreds, of natural remedies, all claiming to be “the best” for safely lowering cholesterol levels. We (Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark) chuckle when we get questions from Wellness Club members asking if we have heard about the latest and greatest pill or potion or “cure” – we’ve heard ’em all and then some!

While statin drugs are being marketed as the next best drug since antibiotics, the
dangers and expense of these drugs are rarely mentioned. All the while, well-proven
natural remedies exist to reduce LDL cholesterol levels, total cholesterol levels,
triglycerides and various other heart risk factors. Along with proven natural remedies
come another half-dozen substances that are seen to be helpful but are not as well researched.

And of course, as with all other natural remedies, there are an entire array of
poorly-researched, unproven remedies that rely on anecdotal “patient success stories” in their glowingly inflated sales pitches. Beware – these “also rans” aren’t known to perform like proven remedies and may leave you sorely disappointed with the results.

The Big Three Remedies for High Cholesterol

1.) Niacin  The most well-studied natural agent for cholesterol improvement is niacin, a B complex vitamin. Niacin’s effect on cholesterol has been known since the 1950’s when it was found to be a highly effective cholesterol lowering agent. Studies have shown that niacin not only lowers LDL cholesterol, but also Lp(a), triglyceride, and fibrinogen (a blood protein that causes clot formation) levels, while it simultaneously raises beneficial HDL cholesterol levels. The Coronary Drug Project, an intensive and extensive evaluation of cholesterol-lowering drugs demonstrated that niacin was the only cholesterol-lowering agent that actually reduced overall mortality. Its effects were also found to be long lived, protecting patients in the study years after they had stopped taking it. Here is how niacin compares to cholesterol-lowering drugs:

Drug Class LDL HDL TG BAR’s
(Bile Acid Resins) (decreased) 15-30% (increased) 3-5% +/- Niacin (decreased) 5-25% (increased) 15-35% (decreased) 20-50% Statins (decreased) 18-60% (increased) 5-15% (decreased) 7-30% Fibric Acids (decreased) 5-20% (increased) 10-20% (decreased) 20-50% Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors (decreased) 20% +/- (decreased) 8%

Note that although statins can have a bigger impact on LDL cholesterol levels, niacin is more effective at lowering tryglycerides and raising HDL (the good cholesterol). Also be aware that cholesterol levels can be too low. Cholesterol levels under 140 are associated with an increased risk of strokes.

Like any substance, high-dose niacin is not without cautions. It’s side effects are well known, the most common being a “niacin flush” – an uncomfortable flushing or hot feeling experienced by some people after taking standard niacin. Niacin can be toxic to the liver when taken in a “time release” form that was developed to avoid the problem of the “niacin flush” that made some patients reluctant to use it. Niacin can alter blood sugar control and so should be used under medical supervision in people with diabetes. It is also important to monitor both cholesterol levels and liver enzyme levels every three months or so while using niacin, as with a statin drug. Dr. Myatt recommends a form of niacin called inositol hexaniacinate, a No-Flush Niacin that is very well tolerated.

If niacin is so great, why don’t the drug companies sell it, and why doesn’t my doctor tell me to take it, you ask? Well, though the studies strongly supports the use of niacin, it has also been victim of a lot of misinformation – your doctor may be ill-informed about it’s benefits, while he or she has certainly been told all about the “benefits” of statins. Niacin is a widely available “generic” substance, meaning it cannot be patented, and the drug companies do not stand to make from it the massive profits that the other cholesterol-lowering drugs have generated for them.
As a result, one rarely sees niacin advertised in the way that the expensive statin drugs are. Still, niacin should be considered as the first choice in a cholesterol-lowering treatment.

NOTE: If your doctor DOES prescribe niacin, it will most likely be the pharmaceutical “timed release” version. Studies show that timed release niacin is toxic to the liver and DOES NOT have better benefit than NON timed-release formulas. DO NOT TAKE timed-release niacin for high cholesterol!

2.) Red Rice Yeastis next in importance. This substance is actually the result of a fungus that grows on white rice, turning it a red color. It has been known for centuries, and used as a colorant in oriental cuisine, and to make a form of red sake (rice wine).  The active component in Red Rice Yeast is a compound called mevinolin, which is identical to the prescription drug, lovastatin. The drug companies created lovastatin in the laboratory in 1987 also using a fungus, Aspergillus terreus. The active ingredient in Red Rice Yeast was discovered and isolated a decade earlier. Red Rice Yeast has been proven to be just as effective as the modern statin drugs at lowering LDL cholesterol. Taken in high doses, it can have some of the same risks as the modern statin drugs – namely a risk of liver damage and also of rhabdomyolysis, a condition that includes muscle deterioration.

Anyone taking this or any statin drug should have a baseline liver enzyme check and have their liver enzymes checked at three months into treatment. But risks are small (about 2%). The good news is that it is thought that there is a synergistic effect obtained from other related compounds in Red Rice Yeast which allows much smaller doses to be effective. A typical dose of a statin drug would be in the range of 20-80mg/day while a typical dose of Red Rice Yeast would be about 2.5-10mg/day. Neither Red Rice Yeast nor statin drugs should be taken with grapefruit juice, as this can cause a dangerous buildup of the statin compounds in the body.

Due to drug company pressure on the FDA, many Red Rice Yeast products have been taken off the market because they contain— guess what?— the active ingredient for lowering cholesterol! The FDA said that this made them a drug. Statin drugs are now a 10+ billion dollar a year business for the drug companies (statins are the biggest selling drug of all time), and I believe the they do not want any competition from a natural remedy, especially one that works successfully, has far less negative side effects, and can be taken for about 1/4 the monthly cost of the drug versions. Although the FDA has waffled back and forth about Red Rice Yeast, it is still currently available and should be added to your cholesterol-lowering program if niacin alone fails to help within 8 weeks OR if your total cholesterol is above 240 or your hs-CRP is elevated.

3.) CoQ10 is a naturally-occurring antioxidant produced in the human body. It is vitally involved in energy production. CoQ10 functions as an “energizer” to mitochondria, the body’s energy producing units. Muscles, and the heart in particular, have high requirements for CoQ10. Although CoQ10 is produced by the body, age, nutrient deficiencies, disease and some medications can lower the body’s CoQ10 levels. Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) are known to deplete CoQ10. (The original patent-holders of statins wanted to add CoQ10 to the drug because of this known depletion; the FDA denied their request).  Everyone taking a statin drug should also be taking CoQ10. In fact, because CoQ10 is necessary for normal heart function, I strongly recommend it’s use for any type of heart disease, including coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, high blood pressure and as part of a cholesterol-lowering program.

Other Proven Cholesterol-Lowering Agents

Garlic  is another well-known cholesterol-lowering agent is with a wide spectrum of additional beneficial effects including blood pressure regulation, effective antibiotic scope and potent immune stimulant. Here however we are interested in garlic’s proven ability to lower LDL cholesterol when taken in appropriate doses of preparations that contains the the ingredient allicin. Allicin is the product of the substance alliin and the enzyme alliinase, and is fragile, dissipating quickly and easily during processing. A minimum therapeutic intake of allicin is considered to be about 4000 mcg. That is the equivalent to about one to four cloves of whole fresh garlic (depending on the size of the clove.) It is true that simply eating garlic (and it’s cousin onion) can have an excellent effect for lowering LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood fibrinogen levels. Please remember that this effect is lost when garlic or onion is cooked, as cooking quickly destroys the active ingredient allicin.

Anyone looking to buy garlic supplements should be aware of the German Commission E, a panel of experts which sets standards for dosage requirements to allow for therapeutic claims. Check the label to make sure the supplement you are considering meets their standards for strength and purity.

Vitamin C has a well-studied positive effect on lowering total cholesterol and triglyceride levels while raising beneficial HDL levels. Vitamin C supplementation is valuable for many other reasons – it is an powerful antioxidant, and an immune enhancer. If you are considering using higher doses of vitamin C, use buffered vitamin C to avoid stomach upset. Also remember that Dr. Myatt’s Maxi-Multicontains 1,200 mg of this important vitamin when taken in the recommended daily dose.

Fiber has a time-honored place in any cholesterol-lowering regimen. High intakes of soluble fiber have been shown to lower both overall and LDL cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, such high intakes of fiber can cause gastrointestinal upset in many people, and this causes them to not take effective doses. Psyllium and oat bran are two of the most-studied, and are easily available to add to the diet. You should NOT take psyllium at the same time you take the prescription drugs carbamazepine, lithium, digitalis or nitrofurantoin because psyllium will decrease their absorption and effectiveness. Another form of fiber that is demonstrating great promise as a cholesterol-lowering aid is chitosan which is a substance made from the shells of shellfish. Chitosan has the effect of binding fat and cholesterol in the digestive tract. It is so effective at this that it will absorb as much as seven to eight times it’s own weight in fat and bile which are then passed through the bowel and excreted. Because of it’s fat-binding ability, chitosan is valuable as a weight loss aid as well as a cholesterol-normalizing agent. There are just a couple of caveats regarding chitosan: first, like any other fiber, chitosan can interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients and trace minerals. These should be taken at times other than when chitosan when  is taken. Secondly, because chitosan is derived from the exoskeletons (shells) of shellfish, people with seafood allergies should use caution.

The above list is the top half-dozen, proven, tested, effective cholesterol-lowering supplements and agents. They are not the only things in our armamentarium (that’s a medical word for “bag of tricks”!) though. Some of the “lesser lights” are not as well proven, or not as specifically effective at lowering cholesterol, but they may still be very valuable as a part of a coordinated cholesterol-lowering and health improving plan.

More Cholesterol-Lowering Substances

Artichoke has been studied since the 1930’s and found to have excellent effects on both atherosclerotic plaque and cholesterol and LDL levels. It is also highly protective, and may even be regenerative to the liver. It also possesses antioxidant properties. It is a valuable addition to a person’s daily supplementation. Dr. Myatt makes this available in combination with Milk Thistle which is a potent liver protector with regenerative properties and a powerful antioxidant and Turmeric which is a marvelous anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, liver-protective (on a par with milk thistle), anti-tumorgenic herb that also helps maintain normal blood viscosity. My Milk Thistle Plus+ Formula combines all three of these herbs for a powerful liver-enhancing effect.

Turmeric has been shown in a number of studies to have cholesterol-lowering effects of it’s own.  This, in addition to it’s other benefits as described above make it a “must do” in any daily supplementation program. Turmeric also inhibits platelet aggregation (med-speak for blood clotting) and serves as a natural cox-2 inhibitor like the prescription drug Vioxx.

Gugulipid is an ancient remedy that is being “rediscovered” by the western medical establishment. Gugulipid is made from the resin of the commiphora mukul tree of north central India and has been used for thousands of years to alleviate problems associated with obesity, acne, viral infections, and other ailments. It has also been shown in some limited but significant studies to reduce cholesterol and LDL levels and increase HDL levels within three to four weeks. It is certainly worth considering adding this to a cholesterol-lowering regimen.

Green Tea has also been the subject of some promising and even exciting research. Green tea serves as a potent antioxidant, preventing the oxidation of LDL in the arteries. The cholesterol-lowering effects of Green tea have been shown in numerous animal and human studies. Green tea catechins act to limit the rise in blood cholesterol according to a 1996 Japanese study. Further, Green tea has been shown to elevate HDL, and serves as a natural ACE inhibitor, lowering blood pressure. These benefits can be obtained by drinking up to 10 cups of Green tea daily, or taking one to two capsules of Green tea extract daily.

Fish Oil has been shown to reduce high levels of triglycerides by an average of 35%. It does not appear to reduce cholesterol to that extent, but it does offer benefits when as part of an integrated therapy program. Scientific studies have demonstrated that alpha-linolenic acid (from flax or perilla oil) reduces the incidence of atherosclerosis, stroke, and second heart attacks. One study showed a 70% reduction in second heart attacks in those consuming this type of fatty acid.

Vitamin E protects us from more than 80 diseases and illnesses, including protecting us from the inhibiting the effects of oxidation of LDL and the development of atherosclerotic disease. Studies have also shown it to be effective as some hypocholesterolemic (cholesterol-lowering) drugs. Anyone considering adding vitamin E to their regimen should also add Selenium which works with vitamin E to prevent LDL oxidation. Both of these nutrients are found in Dr. Myatt’s Maxi-Multi.

Policosanol refers to a group of eight solid alcohols derived from sugar cane wax. Octacosanol is the major constituent of policosanol and proponents of this substance claim that Octacosanol is remarkably safe and effective at reducing cholesterol levels, and at reducing platelet aggregation. Current supplies are from Cuba and, in my opinion, too expensive. As the price comes down and the research some up, this may prove to be a worthy cholesterol-lowering agent. (The research would have to be VAST to surpass niacin, however).

Finally, Soy has been shown to confer numerous benefits through it’s isoflavones – genistein, daidzein, and glycitein. According to a study completed in 1997, “Potential mechanisms by which soy isoflavones might prevent atherosclerosis include a beneficial effect on plasma lipid concentrations, antioxidant effects, antiproliferative and antimigratory effects on smooth muscle cells, effects on thrombus formation, and maintenance of normal vascular reactivity.” Bottom line: if you want to reduce your risk of heart disease and elevated cholesterol levels, it is worth adding soy to your diet.

Unproven Cholesterol “Cures”

We’ve talked about the proven first line remedies and the second line “helpfuls,” now let’s talk about some substances that have been touted without proof to back them up.

Coral Calcium – promoted as the cure for every thing from cancer to high cholesterol to bad breath to spiritual weakness. Many of it’s top promoters are facing criminal prosecution. Avoid it. Not only does coral calcium often contain high lead levels, it is destructive to the coral reefs where it is derived. Calcium alone is not a proven cholesterol-lowering remedy; neither is coral calcium. If you need additional calcium/magnesium/bone nutrients, consider taking Cal-Mag Amino.

Various teas have been touted as total cholesterol cures, no doubt riding on the coattails of accepted Green Tea studies. Don’t believe them – Green Tea is an important part of a cholesterol-control program, but teas are not the whole answer!

Cinnamon capsules have recently been promoted as a cholesterol-reducing agent. We are not aware of any solid studies to support this. Cinnamon does seem to have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels of type II diabetics though. The capsules seem a bit expensive, when you can simply add this spice to your food and beverages – try it in tea!

Vinegar, and most especially apple cider vinegar, have also enjoyed some popularity as folk remedies for high cholesterol. Again, there is no scientific evidence of beneficial effect – though “anecdotal evidence” of the “my best friend’s great aunt’s late husband used it every day ’till he died” variety is plentiful…

Beyond Supplements and Drugs: Live a “Good Cholesterol Lifestyle”

No cholesterol-lowering program would be complete without a discussion of diet. Instead of dire warnings and restrictive regimes that drastically limit fat intake, Dr. Myatt puts her patients on The Super Fast Diet for cholesterol control. Her patients find this to be a rich, balanced, satisfying diet, and they are pleasantly surprised to find that not only do their cholesterol levels normalize in short order, but so does their weight. This nutrient-rich diet has people feeling better, looking better, and performing better, and their lab results are the proof of it’s effectiveness.

Your Personal Cholesterol-Lowering Protocol

For more information and dosage recommendations for natural cholesterol lowering remedies, please visit The Wellness Club website here: High Cholesterol Protocol

High cholesterol is a correctable dietary problem, not a statin drug deficiency! You can improve your cardiovascular risk far better by correcting underlying problems than by taking a liver-function-blocking drug. Why settle for a Band-Aid when a CURE is available?!

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt

HealthBeat News

The Truth About Cholesterol, Part I

Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark field a lot of questions from Wellness Club Members, many concerning cholesterol. They have asked me to devote this newsletter to answering some of those questions.

Cholesterol seems to be a subject on everybody’s lips recently, with medical scientists recommending even lower standards for cholesterol, and the pharmaceutical companies promoting an ever-increasing number of powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs. But what is this cholesterol that everyone talks about, why do we have it, do we need it, and what can we do about it?

You might be excused if you think because of all the “bad press” about the evils of cholesterol that it is a nasty, deadly foreign substance that should be avoided at all costs. Nothing could be further from the truth. Let’s get clear on one thing: cholesterol is essential to life. We cannot live without it. It makes up approximately 80% of our body’s cell walls! This vital substance is synthesized by the liver and is used by the body as a building block for such essential things as steroid hormones and bile acids in addition to cell membranes. Cholesterol is a precursor to Vitamin D in the skin, and without cholesterol we could not absorb the essential fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K from the food we eat. Cholesterol also gives the skin it’s ability to shed water and is essential to the growth and maintenance of the nervous system. So we really do need cholesterol – it is not the bad thing that some would have us believe it is. Having said that, it is important to know that there are several kinds of cholesterol.

First is the “bad” cholesterol that we have all heard about, LDL or Low Density Lipoprotein. LDL carries most of the cholesterol in the blood, and this is the form of cholesterol that is now thought to be the main source of blockage and damage in the arteries. (I say “thought” because we keep changing our opinion on this. Not too many years ago, modern medicine “knew” that total cholesterol was the bugaboo). The higher the LDL level,  the greater your risk for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), or so we think.  VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) performs the same tasks as LDL in terms of transporting fats (triglycerides and cholesterol) from the liver to the body’s cells and so may be dangerous when elevated.

Next is the “good” cholesterol, HDL (High Density Lipoprotein). It might be described as the “anti-cholesterol” because its job is to collect cholesterol in the blood and transport it back to the liver where it ends up being eliminated from the body. HDL seems to keep LDL from building up on the walls of the arteries, so HDL / LDL ratios are considered by many to be a better indicator of “cholesterol health” and CHD risk than overall cholesterol levels. Exercise and niacin are two potent agents for keeping HDL levels high.

Finally, there are Triglycerides (TG’s), which aren’t exactly cholesterol – they are a form of sugar carried by a fat— a fat/sugar molecule—-that circulates in the bloodstream. High levels of triglycerides are an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. TG levels primarily become elevated by high intakes of dietary carbohydrates.

Humans manufacture cholesterol in the liver – remember, it is an important substance for normal body functioning. Conventional medical wisdom would have us believe that we should limit our dietary intake of cholesterol for this reason. That may be partially true, in that if the body is not producing enough HDL or “good” cholesterol to prevent the buildup of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol with it’s atherosclerotic effects or if the LDL receptors in the liver are not functioning properly then it might be wise to limit intake of cholesterols. In particular, dietary trans fats have been found to be extremely harmful, creating a whole cascade of damaging effects throughout the body.

There are a number of mechanisms that the body uses to control cholesterol production and therefore blood levels of cholesterol. The most important of these is in the liver where a chemical receptor senses LDL, and when it has detected “enough,” tells the liver to stop manufacturing more. Damage to this important feedback control mechanism can occur through normal aging which reduces the number and efficiency of the LDL receptors, and several disease states – most importantly diabetes, and also low thyroid function. This feedback mechanism (when functioning properly) means that eating foods high in cholesterol is not risky – the intake of dietary cholesterol simply tells the liver to stop making so much of it’s own! In many people, eating TOO LITTLE cholesterol causes the liver to manufacture MORE!


1.) Cholesterol in it’s various forms— LDL,HDL, VLDL and TG’s, exerts various effects. We currently “think” that LDL is the most dangerous cholesterol and that HDL is protective. Keep in mind that medical opinions about cholesterol and it’s effects change regularly.

2.) LDL and TG’s appear to be independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

3.) TG’s become elevated by primarily by excess carbohydrates in the diet, not by high fat or cholesterol in the diet.

4.) HDL levels can be increased by exercise, niacin, and maintaining youthful sex hormone levels.

5.) Decreased dietary cholesterol often does NOT lower total cholesterol levels; the liver simply manufactures more when it senses less intake from diet.

In Part II, Next Issue:  Natural Cholesterol Cures, featuring a review of both drugs and natural substances that can be used to lower cholesterol.

Until Next Time, Be Well!

Jamie Jameson-White

Editor, HealthBeat Newsletter


A Special Look At Women’s Health

Although men and women are susceptible to many of the same diseases, the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of women’s health concerns can vary greatly from those of men. Because these differences have finally been recognized by modern medicine, a special “Women’s Health Month” has been designated to help educate and inform physicians and the general public.

Women’s Health Concerns

Heart disease is the #1 killer of women, although for many years it was mistakenly thought that women were less susceptible to heart disease. Cancer is # 2, with lung cancer (not breast cancer), being predominant. Stroke, diabetes, and osteoporosis are also major women’s health concerns. Menopause and peri-menopause aren’t diseases, but female hormone changes can cause many uncomfortable side effects and may predispose to other illnesses (such as osteoporosis) and premature aging. SO, let’s explore some simple ways to prevent common women’s health problems. (Don’t worry, gentlemen—- I’ll have plenty to say about men’s health in upcoming newsletters!) …..

What Women Need: The Basics

1.) A High-Quality Daily Multiple Vitamin/Mineral Supplement

Optimal (not just minimal) doses of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants should be the foundation of every good health program. Such optimal doses of nutrients are virtually impossible to obtain from diet, even a “good diet,” because modern food processing and agricultural practices have left our food supply depleted. In addition, we are exposed to many more pollutants, stresses, impure water and contaminants in our environment, increasing our need for these protective antioxidants.

Taking vitamins is a wise health and prevention measure. Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals cause many diseases. Adding vitamins and minerals in supplemental form is an inexpensive “insurance policy” against some of the worst diseases of modern times. Consider just a few reasons to take a good multiple vitamin/mineral formula:

A deficiency of antioxidant vitamins and minerals (especially beta carotene, vitamins C & E, and selenium) is associated with higher incidence of cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, mouth, lungs and skin. Some researchers believe that antioxidant vitamin and mineral deficiencies may be related to higher incidence of all cancers.

A mineral deficiency, especially magnesium and potassium but also calcium, is associated with high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia.

Deficiencies of vitamins E, C, B6, B12, folic acid (a B vitamin), and bioflavonoids are associated with cardiovascular disease. The connection between vitamin E and heart health is so well established that conventional medical cardiologists are instructed to recommend vitamin E to their patients.

Healthy bones, and the prevention of osteoporosis, depend on sufficient levels of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper, B vitamins, and vitamin D.

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetes (high blood sugar) occur more frequently in people who are chromium deficient. After diabetes is present, low levels of vitamins A, C, E, plus zinc, selenium, choline, bioflavonoids and B complex vitamins are associated with more complications from the disease.

This list could go on for pages, but you get the idea. Deficiencies of key vitamins and minerals are correlated with disease. The best health insurance may not be an expensive medical policy, but the addition of sufficient vitamins to fill in the gaps in our day-to-day nutritional status.

2.) Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acids, especially Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, are an absolute requirement in the human diet, hence the term “essential.” The American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids. Flax and fish oil are the primary sources of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids.

Deficiencies of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which in turn is associated with over 60 known diseases including: overweight and obesity, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, stroke, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, psoriasis and eczema, high blood pressure.

The list above mentions only a few of the 60+ diseases associated with Essential Fatty Acid deficiency! Daily supplementation of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids is one of the healthiest choices one can make to prevent these many Essential Fatty Acid deficiency-associated diseases. The Essential Fatty Acids are SO important that the U.S. Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in their diet.

3.) Extra Bone Nutrients. (Calcium/magnesium/vitamin D and boron)

Vitamin D and magnesium are two extremely common American dietary deficiencies. In addition to their importance for heart-health, these nutrients, together with calcium, are also needed to keep bones strong and prevent or reverse osteoporosis. Women also have a higher requirement for calcium than men.

In elderly women, death from complications of hip fracture are nine times more common than death from breast cancer, yet few people realize the potential seriousness of this disease. Although osteoporosis is more common in post-menopausal women, it also occurs in men and in all age groups. White and Asian women are at greatest risk because their bones tend to be less dense to begin with. The current guidelines recommend 1,000mg per day of calcium (and corresponding amounts, about 1/2, of magnesium) for pre- and peri-menopausal women and 1,500mg per day for post-menopausal women.

Beyond the Basics: Female Hormone Balance

Those areas of women’s health that pertain to the sex hormones and female sex organs vary greatly from those of a man. Maintaining the correct balance of female sex hormones is one of the unique and most important aspect of a women’s health.

Normal weight is crucial to hormone balance. Fat cells manufacture estrogen. This can lead to an excess of estrogen in both men and women. Maintaining normal weight is important for balanced hormones. This is believed to be the reason that hormone-related cancers (breast, uterine, endometrial) are seen more frequently in overweight and obese women.

Although synthetic and horse-urine derived hormones have been the standard in conventional medicine for years, such forms of hormone replacement therapy are unsafe. Higher risk of heart disease and hormones-related cancers are the most worrisome side effects of conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Most holistic physicians prefer to use natural HRT (nHRT), an alternative that actually reduces the risk of heart disease, hormone related cancers, osteoporosis and premature aging.

Those seeking self-help measures should try the following approach to hormone balance. If symptoms persist (hot flashes, depression, loss of libido, skin aging, bone loss, elevated cholesterol or heart disease), then consultation with an holistic physician and determination of a customized natural hormone Rx. should be considered.

Herbal Help for Hormone Balance

  • Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) has long been used in traditional medicine for relief of menstrual cramps and hot flashes. Western medical studies have confirmed Black cohosh’s estrogenic effects.
  • Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) has known estrogenic effects coupled with the ability to stabilize blood vessels. This “stabilization” is believed to be partly responsible for menopausal hot flash relief.
  • Chasteberry (Vitex angus-castus) helps normalize sex hormone levels by acting on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Natural Progesterone for Osteoporosis Prevention

Natural hormone precursors are being discovered to be safer and more effective than synthetic hormones. Many studies have shown that progesterone is more important than estrogen in preventing and reversing osteoporosis. Symptoms of progesterone deficiency include: fluid retention, bleeding between periods, polymenorrhea (abnormally frequent periods – every 2-3 weeks), hypermenorrhea (heavy periods), endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, ovarian cysts. In a post-menopausal female, symptoms can include hot flashes and fluid retention.

Dr. Myatt’s “Healthy Woman” Protocol


  • Diet: eat a diet high in nutrient-rich foods.
  • Achieve and maintain a normal weight.
  • Exercise regularly. 30 minutes, 3 times per week minimum.
  • Don’t smoke! The climacteric (menopause) occurs sooner in women who smoke. (Heart disease and cancer risk are also greatly elevated by smoking).

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi optimal dose multiple vitamins: 2 capsules, 3 times per day with meals OR Nutrizyme with iron: 1 tab, 3 times per day with meals (ONLY for women who have been told by their doctor to take iron for anemia).
  • Max EPA (fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals. (take the higher dose if you do not eat salmon, mackerel or herring at least twice per week). Flax oil is also beneficial but requires a biochemical conversion in the body, which is deficient in many people, so fish oil is more certain.
  • Cal-Mag Amino: as needed to increase calcium intake to 1,500mg per day (post menopausal) or 1,000mg per day (pre and peri-menopausal). Maxi Multi contains 1000mg calcium & 500mg magnesium. Post menopausal females take 3 caps per day with meals in addition to Maxi Multi.

Additional Support for Hormone Balance

  • Black Cohosh Plus+ : 1-2 capsules, 3 times per day as needed. When symptoms improve, decrease the dose to the smallest amount needed to maintain wellbeing.
  • Natural Progesterone Cream one pencil-eraser sized dab of cream, rubbed into the wrist, inner thigh or abdomen, 1-2 times daily or as needed to control hot flashes. Decrease the dose when symptoms subside and maintain the lowest dose needed to maintain wellbeing.

In Summary

Given a little bit of proper care and attention, your body will serve you well for many years. I guarantee you’ll be delighted at the improved health, energy and vitality you will experience from making a few small changes in your diet, supplements and lifestyle.

Please write and let me hear about your successes!

Yours In Health,

Dr. Myatt