Foiling Colds and Flu

Colds and flu (influenza) affect an estimated 1 billion people in the U.S. each year. Influenza kills some 36,000 Americans annually, while 25,000-75,000 require hospital care. The rate of colds and flu increase from November to March as cold weather forces more people to stay indoors, increasing exposure to drier air conditions and to people already infected. (Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and viruses survive better in colder, drier weather with lower levels of humidity). The elderly, the sick, and children are especially vulnerable to the viruses that cause colds and flu.

Is It a Cold, or Is It The Flu?

How can you tell if your symptoms are a cold or the flu? While not everyone will have the same symptoms, here are common guidelines for cold and flu:

Fever: Rare with colds; common for flu, lasting for 3-4 days, with high temperatures (102-104°F).

Headache: Rare with colds; common with flu.

General aches and pains: Not serious with colds; common and severe with flu.

Fatigue, weakness: Mild with colds; May last up to 2-3 weeks with flu.

Extreme exhaustion: Unusual with colds; with flu, common and found to start early.

Stuffy nose: Common with colds; may appear be present with flu.

Sore throat: Common with colds; may appear with flu.

Chest discomfort, cough: With colds, mild to moderate discomfort possible; common and potentially severe with flu.

Cold symptoms rarely last longer than 1-2 weeks. Contrary to popular opinion, they are NOT caused by being in a draft. Allergies, stress (psychological or physical) and menstruation may contribute to susceptibility. Diets high in sugar or deficient in nutrients (vitamins and minerals) suppress the immune system and increase susceptibility. Colds are transmitted in various ways, including touching your eyes or nose after touching infectious respiratory fluids found on the skin, or by inhaling air-borne particles or droplets of infected liquid.

The flu starts out like a bad cold, but quickly worsens. Many symptoms, including high fever, headaches, muscle aches, and cough, are more dramatic. If untreated, flu can lead to more serious conditions, including dehydration and bacterial pneumonia, and can cause chronic medical conditions (congestive heart failure, asthma, diabetes) to worsen. Certain individuals — those 50 or older, health care workers, those with weakened immune systems, or conditions affecting the kidneys, lungs or heart — may be at higher risk. Children may also be susceptible to ear infections and sinus problems.
To defend against flu, you should follow many cold prevention steps, including hand-washing, not touching your eyes or nose, using tissues, and covering your mouth when coughing. The influenza virus can live on a plastic or metal surface for days, and can be caught by mere touching. It can also be caught by sick people sneezing or coughing.

Should You Get A Flu Shot?

Flu shots are recommended for people over 65 years of age, especially those with lung or heart conditions or cancer. Children may also benefit from vaccination. When the vaccine is well-matched to the virus, vaccines can decrease the rate of infection by 38-52%.

Flu Shots Alone Are Not The Answer

Flu shots are designed to protect us from 1 to 3 different viruses each season. Which viruses the vaccine protects from is based on an educated guess as to which viruses we will be exposed to. There are over 700 different strains of viruses that cause colds and flu; the vaccine will confer protection for one, two or three of these. Even when the vaccinations work, we are still at risk for contracting a cold or flu due to the other 698 viruses that we have NOT been vaccinated for!

What Can You Do To Foil Colds and Flu?

1.) Basic hygiene. Wash your hands often and be careful not to touch your eyes or nose. If possible, try to avoid being around sick people. If you’re already infected, cover your mouth when coughing and sneeze into a tissue which you should quickly throw away. Rubbing alcohol should be used to disinfect any surfaces that you come into contact with. If you have a cold or the flu, you’d do yourself and others a big favor by staying home from work.

2.) Basic good health practices.

I.) Multiple vitamin/mineral supplements. A number of placebo-controlled studies have shown that adults who consistently take a high potency vitamin/mineral supplement dramatically decrease their risk of infection. When supplemented individuals DO get sick, their symptoms tend to be milder and of shorter duration. These same studies have shown that the number of natural killer T cells, the “police” of the immune system, can be increased by up to 50% by supplementation.

“Once a Day” supplements (one or two tabs per day) were NOT found to increase immunity or confer protection. This is because the potencies of nutrients are too low in one or two tablets to be effective. In order to secure the virus-protective benefits of supplements, they should be taken in optimal (high potency) doses. This will typically be from 6 to 9 capsules or tablets per day.

II.) Adequate sleep and exercise. Lack of either sleep or exercise decreases immunity and increases susceptibility to viruses of every type.

3.) Prevention Specifics.

I.) Vitamin C. In over twenty scientific studies, vitamin C has been shown to protect from flu and cold viruses. In fact, the number of respiratory infections of all types (not just the flu) was decreased by 50% in the vitamin C supplemented group. As with multiple vitamins, the severity and duration of infection was milder in the supplemented group when they did contract a cold or flu. [NOTE: Maxi Multi’s contain 1,000mg of vitamin C when taken in 9-per-day recommended doses].

II.) Immune Support. Keep your immune system healthy on a daily basis with this superior formula of immune-enhancing herbs. High potencies of Astragalus, Ligustrum, and Echinacea in addition to a full spectrum of medicinal mushrooms and support nutrients increase natural immunity.

Cold and Flu “Kit” (What to do if you “catch” a virus anyway)

Have your cold and flu first aid remedies on hand before you need then. All remedial measures work best when they are started immediately at the first sign of symptoms. Besides, once you start feeling bad, that’s not the time you’ll want to run around town trying to find a remedy!

At The First sign of any infection:

I.) Immune Boost Liquid Tincture: “Fast Blast” for the Immune System. The immune system has a wide variety of different cells and functions to protect the body. This formula contains herbs to stimulate every aspect of immune function. Potent liquid tincture goes to work “lightning fast” to enhance immunity.

II.) B.A.M. (Broad Anti-microbial) Tincture: Herbal Antibiotic Formula. That’s right, we don’t know what’s wrong. It could be a fungus, bacteria, virus, mycoplasma – or any combination thereof – and this tincture gets serious with all of them. Take during an acute infection to put the “bad guys” in their place. A potent broad spectrum “anti-bug” formula designed for acute infections.

III.) Selenium: 800mcg per day in addition to the 200mcg in Maxi Multis. Continue for 10 days.

Also helpful: Echinacea is one of the most popular herbs for stimulating and boosting the immune system. It acts as an immune stimulant, immune modulator (balances the immune system), anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

For colds, nasal or lung congestion, bronchitis, pneumonia

I.) Bromelain: 2 capsules, 3 to 4 times per day between meals for acute infection, decrease to 1 cap, 3-4 times per day as condition resolves. Bromelain, a digestive enzyme from pineapple, acts to increase the effect of other immune cells by dissolving the mucous coat that bacteria use to “shield” themselves from the immune system. Some studies have shown it to be as effective as antibiotics for treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, and dental, skin and kidney infection.

II.) Inspirol inhalant: this powerful herbal inhalant prevents respiratory infections from becoming more severe. it also opens the airways and improves breathing. Use for colds, flu, hay fever, sinusitis, coughs, congestion, and bronchitis.

For cough:

Herbal Cough Elixer II : 1 tsp. every 1-2 hours as needed for cough.

For sore throat:

Throat Mist: Use every hour as needed for sore throat.

Renew Energy after Illness

Energy Rehab: Infections can weaken the body, drain energy, and prolong recovery time. This formula supports the body’s energy systems typically affected by any type of infection. Energy Rehab may be continued after the infection has passed to ensure complete energy and immune recovery.

An ounce of prevention will go a long way toward keeping you free from colds and flu this Winter.

Stay well and have Joyful Holidays!

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt



Anti-Ageing with Vitamins and Herbs

Your Antioxidant Questions Answered

Ever watched in frustration as something “rusted away?” Well, your body could be undergoing a very similar process due to the effects of free radicals. Antioxidants are “rust proofing” for your body, and are an important part of any longevity and health program.

Antioxidants can be confusing – especially for someone without a background in biochemistry! They are very important to our good health though – so please read on, and I’ll try to make it easier to understand…

Antioxidants are molecules which “quench” and render free radicals harmless. (Usually by donating an electron).

Free radicals are unstable molecules with an unpaired electron. As they “steal” electrons from other molecules, they damage normal cells.

What do free radicals do?
The damage caused by free radicals is called oxidation. Rust on metal is an example of oxidative damage caused by free radicals. This “rusting” or oxidative damage to human cells has been linked to many diseases including heart disease, atherosclerosis, arthritis, cancer, cataracts, macular degeneration, immune suppression, Alzheimer’s and aging in general.

Where do free radicals come from?
Free radicals are generated in the body during normal cellular processes. Additional free radicals are generated in the body by stress (physical or emotional), environmental toxins (in air, water, food), smoking, alcohol, anesthetics and radiation.

Where do antioxidants come from?
The major antioxidants are made by the body itself. These include superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase. Certain vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutritional substances also perform as antioxidants. These are found in the foods we eat.

The body makes enough antioxidants to neutralize free radicals generated by normal metabolism. When additional free radicals are created by stress, poor nutrition, environmental toxins, smoking, etc., the body cannot “keep up” with the free radicals. These excess free radicals are then “free” to damage normal cells.

How do I protect myself from free radical damage?

1) Avoid or minimize exposure to things that create free radicals: smoking, environmental toxins, alcohol excess, stress.
2) Eat a nutritious diet so that the body can make it’s own “native” enzymes.
3) Take additional antioxidants by way of diet, nutritional supplements, and herbs to ensure protection from free radical damage.

Sources of Antioxidants:
Many herbs contain antioxidant substances. Fruits and vegetables are the primary dietary sources of antioxidants.

Super Foods  are those rich in antioxidants:
Apricot, artichoke, blueberry, all other berries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cherries, citrus, “greens” (beet, collard, kale, mustard, turnip, etc.), lemons, soybeans, tangerines, tomatoes.

Antioxidant Nutrients:
Vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, mixed carotenes, selenium, zinc, bioflavonoids, cysteine & methionine (sulphur-containing amino acids), CoQ10, glutathione.

Antioxidant Herbs:
Artichoke, bilberry, ginger, ginkgo, grape seed extract (pycnogenols), green tea, hawthorne, milk thistle, olive leaf, rosemary, St. John’s Wort, turmeric.

Other Antioxidants:
Melatonin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Acetyl-L-Carnitine

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt

HealthBeat: Three Hidden Causes of Disease Lurking in Your Mouth

I think you’ll be surprised at these hidden causes of disease that are often overlooked in medicine. Read on and learn how to protect yourself…
Three Hidden Causes of Disease Lurking in Your Mouth

The cause of numerous health problems— from mild to life-threatening— may be lurking in your mouth if you have ever had any conventional dental work performed. Fillings, root canals and crowns can create a ticking time-bomb for disease elsewhere in the body. Dentistry-caused problems can range from osteoporosis, chronic infections, high blood pressure and arthritis to cardiac irregularities, neurological disorders and even cancer. But don’t expect your conventional dentist to tell you about any of this. In fact, he or she may not even known about these dangers, because the American Dental Association (ADA) denies that these problems exist in spite of vast amounts of evidence.

The “Root” of the Problem: What’s Wrong with Root Canals

“Root canals” are a procedure that destroys the tooth’s nerve, thereby allowing a diseased (rotten) tooth to be left in the mouth without causing pain. This procedure also destroys blood supply to the tooth. The dead tooth is supposedly sterilized at the time of the procedure, but in truth it is difficult if not impossible to completely sterilize a tooth because of the complex network of bone matrix (thousands of little nooks and crannies). The dead tooth, left in the mouth with no blood supply to bring immune factors and oxygen in and carry waste out, becomes a haven for bacteria. Root canal infections are rarely recognized because, unlike living teeth which have nerves to give “pain feedback,” root canal teeth are dead. An infection in a root canal tooth has to be incredibly severe to be obvious to most dentists, and patients will rarely feel any pain because the nerve is gone.

Anaerobic bacteria (a deadly kind of bacteria that thrive without oxygen) take up residence in the dead tooth and from this “safe haven,” shed into the bloodstream where they can infect heart valves, joints or other organs, as well as damage the immune system. Root canals are a HUGE overlooked source of chronic inflammation and infection.

Toxic Metals in Your Mouth

Toxic metals are normally found in the body only in minute amounts. These metals include mercury, cadmium, lead, aluminum, antimony, nickel, and tin. When such metals accumulate in the body beyond these tiny levels, they interfere with normal nerve flow and poison organs and tissues. Toxic metals are commonly used in dentistry as components of fillings, crowns and pins (anchors).

With the exception of plutonium, mercury is more poisonous than any other metal. The safety of mercury-containing dental fillings has been debated by dentists and physicians since the 1800’s, but the “going line” of the American Dental Association (ADA) is that mercury used in amalgam dental fillings is harmless. Unfortunately, a vast amount of scientific evidence contradicts this position. Mercury vapor can be measured in significant quantities from the moment amalgam fillings are placed in the mouth. Mercury is swallowed, inhaled and absorbed directly from the mouth. Other toxic metals found in fillings, crowns and pins can be leached out of place by acidic mouth pH or by galvanic current, the third major “time bomb” in your mouth.

Galvanic Current: A Surprise Problem with Numerous Consequences

Toxic metals leaching from fillings and other dental materials are only one hazard of metal-containing dental materials. When two different metals are in close proximity, a phenomenon called “electro galvanism” (electrical current) is created . This current occurs when two or more different metals are present in the mouth, such as when mercury amalgam fillings and cadmium-containing crowns interact. NOTE: to see this phenomenon in action, chew on a piece of aluminum foil. If you have ANY metal in your mouth (fillings, crowns, pins), you will feel the electrical current, and it will be surprisingly painful.

Electrical currents cause chemical reactions to take place, analogous to electroplating reactions used in jewelry manufacture . Mouth bacteria digest food trapped between teeth and produce acid wastes which contribute to this “battery effect.” The result of having an electrical current in the mouth is two-fold:

I.) Toxic metal release. Mercury and other metals leach from fillings, crowns, pins, etc. under the influence of galvanic current. These toxic metals liberated from dental work can damage the brain, nervous system, immune system and other organs. (Ever hear of “mad hatters disease”? This type of insanity, caused by mercury poisoning, was prevalent in hat-makers who used to use mercury in hat-making).
II.) Electrical currents in the mouth. Electrical currents in the mouth can interfere with brain and nervous system function, endocrine gland function and circulation.

How To Know If Your Mouth Is Making You Sick

If you suffer from any medical condition for which a cause cannot be found by your conventional doctor, consider that a “hidden” cause may be lurking in your mouth. Symptoms known to be associated with toxic metals, galvanic currents and root canals include: allergies, cancer, chronic fatigue, depression and other mood and psychiatric disorders, endocrine disorders, GI problems, immune suppression, neurological disorders (MS, ALS, neuropathy), osteoporosis, gum disease, reproductive disorders, birth defects, kidney disease, heart disease (especially arrhythmia, electrical dysfunction or bacterial disease), high blood pressure, lung and respiratory problems and skin disease. Because of the nature of electrical currents, it is also likely that many cases of tinnitus may be caused by dental problems.

The Method for Accurate Diagnosis

Any doctor or dentist who “doesn’t believe in” any of the above-listed problems won’t offer you sympathy or help. (Remember, these docs and dentists are the ones “spoon fed” by conventional medical propaganda). You need to talk to an holistic physician who can evaluate your case and refer you to a good holistic dentist. More about that in a minute.

Hair analysis is an accurate, inexpensive screening tool for many heavy metals that occur in dentistry, including mercury, cadmium and nickel. Although unproven for nutritional mineral evaluation, the presence of a toxic metal on hair analysis is known to be accurate and warrants further evaluation for the source of toxicity. The mouth is the most likely source of heavy metal toxicity. Learn more about where to get hair mineral analysis performed here:

Even in the absence of heavy metal toxicity, the galvanic current effect and/or a root canal infection may still be present. To diagnose theses, I use a careful symptom intake, review all other medical records (to make sure the cause of the problem hasn’t been overlooked and NOT coming from the mouth— we call this a “rule out” in medical practice). Next, I request your full-mouth X-rays and, together with your symptoms, history, other medical records and hair analysis, I consult with an holistic dentist on your behalf. This procedure gives me a solid idea about whether or not your mouth is the source of your medical problems. I’m sorry to report that I don’t know many doctors— even holistic ones— who diagnose dental problems this way, but this is the way I am convinced it should be done.

Beware of “Holistic Dentists”

Dentists who are aware of the potential for toxic metal poisoning from amalgam fillings are becoming increasingly common. They bill themselves as “holistic dentists” and offer to remove amalgam fillings. DON’T GO THERE until you have all the facts!

Remember, there is currently no such thing as an holistic dental school (as there are holistic medical schools), so all “holistic dentists” are self-taught. A very few of them understand all of the above-listed principals, but in my experience, most do not. The majority are only concerned with amalgam filling removal, and even then, their lack of understanding of the galvanic current phenomena means that they cause more harm than good by failing to remove ALL the offending materials at one time.

In this next installment, I’ll explain what I look for in an holistic dentist.

In the meantime, even if this report has concerned you that your problems could be dentally-related, take heart! In the skilled hands of someone who knows what they are doing for, these “time bombs” in your mouth are correctable.

In Health,
Dr. Myatt


Dr. Myatt’s Super-Shake

Why You Should be Drinking My “Super Shake”

Ever wish that something which tasted like a yummy treat was also good for you? Have I got great news for you! I have found myself giving individual patients the recipe for what I call my “Super Shake” so frequently in the past few weeks that I realized it’s high time for me to encourage everybody to drink this incredibly tasty, amazingly healthy “milkshake.” (It can also be made as a pudding, too). Before I discuss the recipe and what the individual ingredients will do for you, let’s take a look at the overall health benefits of The Myatt Super Shake.

What My “Super Shake” Will Do for You

Taken at least once, and better yet twice per day, this tasty treat provides a basket full of health benefits. I’ll describe the “whys” and “wherefores” of individual ingredients below so you can see how my Super Shake works it’s “magic,” but first let’s look at all the good this amazing recipe accomplishes. I believe you’ll see why I recommend it so often in my practice.

  • If you are overweight, the Super Shake will help you lose.
  • If you are underweight, the Super Shake will help you gain.
  • The Super Shake helps preserve and build better muscle tone.
  • The Super Shake strengthens the immune system.
  • The Super Shake helps normalize blood sugar levels, so it improves both diabetes and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
  • Ingredients in The Super Shake help lower cholesterol levels.
  • Whey and gelatin in the Super Shake strengthen ligaments, tendons, and bones.
  • Antioxidants and protein contained in my Super Shake help renew, rejuvenate and heal skin.
  • Maxi Fiber and L-glutamine help normalize bowel function and correct constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The Super Shake is high in flavonoids, especially the kind useful for preventing or halting eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinopathy.
  • These same flavonoids plus other ingredient work together to prevent and reverse varicose veins, atherosclerosis, neuropathy and neuralgia (nerve disease and nerve pain).
  • Whey and L-glutamine help protect normal cells during radiation and chemotherapy.
  • My Super Shake is so easily assimilated and so healthy that it is THE beverage of choice when recovering from illness or surgery. Whey is known to speed wound healing.

Best of all, this is a truly delicious drink or pudding, not a “choke-it-down” health concoction. Sound too good to be true? Here’s the recipe and an individual breakdown of the numerous benefits of each of the ingredients.

Dr. Myatt’s Super Shake Recipe

1 scoop vanilla whey protein (with both whey protein concentrate and isolate)
1 heaping teaspoon Maxi Fiber
1 TBS. flax oil
1 packet gelatin (which equals 1 TBS.)
1 TBS. frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon L-glutamine
1 cup crushed ice
1 cup water (1 cup for a soft-serve ice cream consistency, 2 cups for a milkshake)

Add 1 cup ice (crushed is best) to the bottom of an electric blender. Add water. Add blueberries and all dry ingredients. Blend until smooth. This will be the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. If you want it to be a “shake,” add an additional cup of water AFTER the first ingredients are well-blended. Drink or eat and Enjoy! You’re going to love this and so will your body!

Apple Pan Dowdy Pudding (Alternate Recipe)

The same healthy ingredients can also be enjoyed as a pudding, eaten warm or chilled.

1 scoop vanilla whey protein (with both whey protein concentrate and isolate)
2 heaping teaspoons Maxi Fiber
1 teaspoons ground flax seed
1 packet gelatin (which equals 1 TBS.)
1 TBS. frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon L-glutamine
1/8 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Combine ingredients. Add 8 ounces hot water and mix well. Put in 1 or 2 cups. Tastes great both warm or chilled.

Featured Supplements: What’s in the “Super Shake” that Makes it So Great? Let’s take a look at the individual ingredients and see why this Shake is a “Miracle Food.”

Whey Protein: When processed correctly (to retain whole protein concentrate and at low temperatures to preserve immune factors), whey supplies a biologically superior protein with natural immune factors, including lactoferrin and immunoglobulins. Milk-derived whey protein has been shown to:

  • boost immune function
  • improve liver function
  • bind and safely remove heavy metals
  • speeds wound healing
  • aid muscle growth. (Body builders have long known about the muscle-building benefits of whey).
  • promote healing of bones, skin, and muscle.
  • heal cartilage and strengthen joints, tendons and cardiac muscle.

In cancer medicine it has been found that whey offers “considerable protection to the host” over that of other types of protein including soy, especially during chemotherapy and radiation. At low concentrations, whey inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. Whey also protects cellular glutathione (a body-produced antioxidant) in normal cells during radiation. This effect is not seen with other proteins.

Because the milk-sugar portion is removed, whey is suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. The Super Shake made with whey provides a high quality protein, high nutrient, low carb meal replacement or between-meal snack.

NOTE: NOT ALL WHEY PROTEINS ARE CREATED EQUAL! Many whey powders contain the “isolate” form only, but many of the immune benefits of whey are found in the Whole Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC). Our Wellness Club brand of whey is specially processed to preserve all of these important nutritive factors.

Flax Seed Oil: You’ve heard me wax eloquent numerous times about the importance and benefit of Omega-3 fatty acids (Flax and fish oil are the primary sources). The American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids (Which are Essential Fatty Acids, or EFA’s). Deficiencies of Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which in turn is associated with over 60 known diseases including heart disease, stroke, arthritis, allergies, asthma, cancer, overweight and obesity, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure to name only a few. Daily supplementation of Omega-3 fatty acids, derived primarily from flax and/or fish oil (salmon is a rich source) are one of the healthiest things a person can do to prevent these many EFA-deficiency associated diseases. The essential fats are SO important that the Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.

L-Glutamine: This amino acid is a major component of muscle tissue. It is also a major source of energy for cells of the GI tract. It stimulates the production of Growth Hormone (GH) and decreases sugar and alcohol cravings.

Athletes use Glutamine to help build muscle (anabolic), but it can also be used by non-athletes, even the frail elderly, to help prevent muscle tissue breakdown. It is useful for rejuvenating the lining of the GI tract and can therefore assist in healing after GI surgery and in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Glutamine stimulates the immune system and should be used when recovering from any surgery or illness. In weight loss, it is useful for reducing alcohol and sugar cravings. Because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts as a ready supply of energy for the brain, it is also used in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD).

Maxi Fiber: A powdered, great-tasting, easy-to-mix high fiber blend. This formula makes it easy to add extra fiber to your diet. Maxi Fiber is sugar-free, low calorie and low carb, and contains all seven classes of fiber. This mix of fiber is known to:

  • Bind intestinal toxins and soften and bulk stools
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Helps correct constipation and diarrhea
  • Helps remove heavy metals and toxins
  • Clears out excess bowel mucous and alleviates gas
  • Deodorizes and cleans the digestive tract
  • Helps heal and soothe the G.I. tract

Gelatin: OK, total vegetarians and vegans, just leave this ingredient out of the Shake. For the rest of us, gelatin has an amino acid profile with the following benefits:

  • promotes joint health. Two of the amino acids found in gelatin are substances the body uses to make collagen, a primary component of connective tissues such as cartilage.
  • promotes nail health.

Blueberry: (and its cousin bilberry which can be taken in capsule form if preferred) is an herb which acts as a potent antioxidant and serves to strengthen and stabilize veins. It is used for: Atherosclerosis, cataracts, diabetes mellitus, neuropathy and neuralgia, retinopathy, varicose veins, and macular degeneration. Bilberry has a special affinity for the eyes and veins. It also improves skin tone because of its antioxidant and capillary-strengthening properties.

BOTTOM LINE on My Super-Shakes: Why not have at least one, and better yet two, of these wonderful health-enhancing drinks per day for one month and give yourself the opportunity to experience a great number of health benefits in one tasty glass? And DO drop me a line and tell me of your experiences. I get “fan mail” for the Shakes on a daily basis and I’d like to hear yours!

Dr. Myatt’s HealthBeat Newsletter

April 14, 2006

In this issue:

Vitamin-less Vegetables: The New Nutrient Deficiency. Vegetables and some fruits contain nutrients critical to good health. Current government recommendations suggest that a minimum of 5-9 servings should be eaten daily to prevent disease, but many scientists feel this number should be increased to 10-18 servings. Find out why we need to eat so many veggies (it’s a scandal!), and how you can achieve this goal without turning into a wabbit!

Powerful Cancer-fighting Herb that Drug Companies are Rushing to Imitate. You probably have some in your spice cabinet right now. Use more of it, and you can hedge your bet against cancer, arthritis and blood clots.

The Healing Power of Flowers. Humans spend much time and money cultivating flowers. Science has finally cracked the code on our fascination with these delightful gifts of nature. PLUS: it’s not too late to send flowers for Easter. You’ll want to lavish them on friends and family once you read the studies!

Health Freedom Alert: Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy Under Attack. Bio-identical (natural) hormone replacement therapy (nHRT) is far safer than synthetic and horse-urine hormones used in conventional medicine. It has helped thousands if not hundreds of thousands of women and men over the last several decades. Now, the makers of Premarin© and Prempro© (the dangerous, un-natural hormones) has petitioned the FDA to outlaw our right to prescribe these custom-formulated hormones. Act today to preserve this important health freedom!

Wellness Club Website Wins Award. Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club website was nominated, reviewed, and awarded the “A Better Way Award” for noteworthy contribution to the Natural Health Community. You’ll see us sporting our award logo on the left side of our pages. Interestingly, the logo for the award is a big, red apple—- the same as our Wellness Club logo!

Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark to Speak in Phoenix. The~Z~Team (Dr. Myatt-Ziemann and Mark Ziemann, R.N.) will be speaking in Phoenix the end of April to both public and medical audiences. The public presentation, titled ADD/ADHD in Children: are there Really Alternatives to Ritalin and Prozac? Is free and open to the public. The second presentation, Nutritional and Botanical Considerations in Cancer Treatment: 2006 Update, will be presented to physicians at the semi-annual AZNMA Medical Conference.

The Shaman’s Lesson of Worth. Think you can’t afford alternative health care? I have people on a daily basis asking me to do pro bono medical consultations. Find out what I learned from an Indian Shaman in my first year of medical practice that makes me say “no” every time to these requests for free services.

Do you have a specific health question? Visit Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club website and find recommendations for over 100 medical conditions. If you want personalized medical attention, please consider a telephone consultation with Dr. Myatt.

Heart and Circulation Health

Keeping the Heart and Blood Vessels Healthy

A healthy heart and circulation are central to healthy aging.

Heart problems, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis (clogged arteries) and sluggish circulation are common causes of illness and premature death. Contrary to popular belief, a failing heart and circulation is not an inevitable part of aging. With some attention to nutrition, exercise and lifestyle, you can have a healthy heart and circulation for as long as you live, without drugs.

Learn more about how to maintain a healthy heart here:
Rejuvenate Your Heart in Nine Simple Steps

Top Heart and Circulation Recommendations

Heart and Circulation Remedies Heart and Circulation
Health Concerns
Essential Fatty Acids
Forskolin (Coleus forskohlii)
Grape Seed Extract
Hawthorn Plus+
Oral ChelatoRx
Red Rice Yeast
Blood Pressure (High)
Cholesterol (High)
Dental Health (a little known cause of heart disease)
Heart Disease
Heart Failure (CHF)
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol

Varicose Veins

Dr. Dana Myatt’s Wellness Club

Prescription Fish Oil Now Available!

This just in from the “how dumb does it get?” files…

Enormous amounts of research into the benefits of fish oil have shown that it lowers triglyceride levels, relieves many cases of depression and helps prevent an astonishing number of ailments including osteoporosis, stroke, heart attach, cardiac arrhythmia and some types of cancer. That’s why I’ve been encouraging everyone to add fish oil to their daily health program.

Now, a drug company did another study which showed exactly what we already knew about fish oil—- that it lowers triglyceride levels. They sought and gained FDA approval to offer fish oil as a prescription, at a cost of aprox. 797% more per milligram than Wellness Club brand or other high quality health food store brands. So, instead of a month’s supply at $19.95, you can now enjoy a bottle of 180 caps for $236.89!

As I’ve been warning readers, when the drug companies figure out that a natural substance works, they want a piece of the action. The trouble is, their profit margins will make simple, life-saving natural substances unreachable for most people because of cost.

Meanwhile, There’s even More Reason to Take Fish Oil...

Fish oil could potentially save more lives than cardiac defibrillators, researchers estimate in a new report. In fact, the studies show that the Omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish oil prevent more sudden cardiac deaths due to fibrillation than AED machines. Of course, the makers of these high-tech, high-cost gadgets aren’t going to want you to take fish oil, unless perhaps it’s the $236.89 per bottle prescription brand they can cash in on! What next? Soon we’ll need an Rx. to buy vegetables and fruit at the grocery store because they contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients!

More Dangers of Antidepressant Drugs Found

I’ve always been adamant about my treatments for depression, anxiety and other “mood disorders”: go for the fix, not the band aid. No one has ever suffered a case of depression because of a Prozac deficiency!

Now, researchers have found that many antidepressants are even more dangerous than we knew. Paxil, for example, increases violent behavior and suicidal tendencies in users, especially teenagers. EXCUSE ME? Why in the world would we put a child on a dangerous “head med,” one that makes the likelihood of depression-related suicide over twice as high as the un-medicated?

Of course, the FDA is helpful, as always <I say with tongue in cheek>. The have recommended “stronger warning labels” on Paxil. I’m sure most patients especially teens read these labels—Not.

Now here’s a vision – millions of Americans, from children to seniors, all popping what are touted as “happy pills” – at least that is what the Big Pharma Companies and their FDA lapdogs want us to believe. All is not well in this chemical paradise though: Not only do these supposed “happy pills” cause an increased potential for suicide in those taking them (especially in teenagers according to the latest research), they are also linked to violent behavior in what the study calls “hostility events.” What a great idea! Take stressed, depressed, suicidal Americans, driving around in multi-ton Urban Assault vehicles, riding the ragged edge of road rage at the best of times, just waiting to have a “hostility event.” It boggles the mind even more that the FDA has no intention of removing these chemical time-bombs from the marketplace. That would make too much good sense.

Natural Alternatives Treat Depression Without Risks

Paxil, Prozac and other SSRI’s fool the body into temporarily recycling the neurotransmitter serotonin. Of course, not everyone who is depressed has a serotonin deficiency. In fact, epinephrine (adrenaline), noradrenalin, dopamine, acetylcholine are all brain chemicals that can be altered in depression. And even though laboratory tests exist to evaluate neurotransmitters, they are rarely performed by conventional doctors who simply dish out SSRI’s without knowing if this is even going to be a good “band aid.”

The safer and more sensible way to treat depression is to evaluate the neurotransmitters, then use precursors (raw material) nutrients that so the body can naturally make more of its own serotonin, adrenaline, noradrenalin or whatever neurotransmitter is deficient. Instead of simply throwing an SSRI drug at anything that looks like depression, a simple, accurate neuro-transmitter test followed by corrective nutritional therapy is a cure, not a deadly stop-gap.

How many acts of violence will it take before these drugs are removed from the marketplace? Of course, now you can pay 20 times as much for prescription fish oil, which is helpful in many cases of depression, thanks to its approval as a drug. Rest assured that the FDA has Big Pharmacy’s best interests—- not yours— at heart.

FDA Defends Deadly Vioxx, More Proof of Their Allegiance

Vioxx has been found in several major studies to be the most dangerous COX-2 inhibitor drug, increasing the risk of irregular heart rhythms AND kidney disease according to Researchers at The Department of Epidemiology and Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. A second study at the University of Newcastle in Australia looked at 500,000 healthy people who used Vioxx and found that as drug dosage increased, so did the rate of heart attacks.

Eric Ding, who co-authored the Harvard study, felt strongly that “The risks of these drugs should have been made known to the public much earlier.”

Dr. David J. Graham, associate director for science in the FDA’s Office of Drug Safety, blew the whistle on both Vioxx maker Merck and the FDA itself, stating “It is clear that Vioxx increases the risk of heart attack, and that increase in risk begins with the first tablet a patient takes.”

In spite of the known dangers and mounting evidence against Vioxx, the FDA offered a “spin control” press release stating that “the FDA does not believe the available data rise to the level required to support an official FDA regulatory decision regarding comparative safety and efficacy of the available COX2-selective and non-selective NSAIDs.”

Don’t you sleep better knowing that the FDA is “protecting” us from affordable, safe, proven remedies like fish oil while ensuring that dangerous drugs such as Paxil and Vioxx remain on the market? I know I do.

In Health,
Dr. Myatt

Hepatitis C

Some thoughts and discussion by Dr. Myatt

Hepatitis C and/or Iron Toxicity?

Hepatitis C virus causes inflammation of the liver and is the most common chronic blood-borne infection in the United States. The virus can be spread by sex with an infected person, transfusion of infected blood or contaminated needles. HCV infection often results in chronic liver disease. High iron levels are a major factor in many cases of hepatitis C.

How to Properly Diagnose Iron Overload

Iron overload, or hemochromatosis, is actually the most common inherited disease. Excess iron has been known to be associated with infection for 30 years. When excess iron is present, the body’s normal antibacterial mechanisms become severely compromised, making one more susceptible to infectious disease.

Measuring serum iron is a poor way to do diagnose iron overload, because frequently the serum iron will be normal. The most useful of the indirect measures of iron status in the body a measure of the serum ferritin level in conjunction with a total iron binding level. Ferritin shows us how much iron is stored in the body.

Help and Hope for Hepatitis C

Conventional medicine takes a “Band-aid” approach to HCV. Many of the treatments are “supportive” only, meaning they are designed to manage symptoms but not intended to cure the disease. Interferon, the “latest and greatest” bug guns treatment for HCV has many devastating side effects. Unfortunately, we do little in conventional medicine to find and correct HCV at the causative level.

In Alternative and natural medicine, we go looking for the cause. Iron overload, as described above, is a major factor. Causes of immune weakness, including nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, increased intestinal permeability, heavy metal toxicity (other than iron) are a few of the factors to be considered.

With the help of an experienced holistic physician, the cause of Hepatitis C can usually be discovered and the disease either cured or put into sustained remission. A normal life span and health span can be expected in HCV when the disease is diagnosed and treated correctly.

Herbs for Metabolism and Weight Loss

Dana Myatt, N.D.

Definition: Overweight is body fat in excess often pounds above lean body mass index. Obesity is defined as 20% excess fat above lean body mass index. (BMI).1

Scope of the Problem: An estimated 34% of American adults are overweight with 25% being fully obese.2 more recent studies have suggested that as many as 75% of the adult population is at least some degree above their ideal body mass index.

Risk; Excess body fat is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, hypertension, Type II diabetes, stroke (cerebrovascalar accident)3, various cancers (including prostate, all gynecological cancers4 5, gallbladder and colon cancer), benign prostatic hypertrophy6, cholelithiasis, infertility, arthritis, degenerative joint disease7, and impaired immune function.8 At only ten pounds above lean body mass index, most of these risks are increased, and the risk increases with increasing body fat.9 Heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States. This makes overweight/obesity the single biggest controllable risk factor for disease, and offers a major opportunity for disease prevention and risk intervention.

1Merkow R., Fletcher A. editors. The Merck Manual. 1992; 984
2Davis DL, et al. Decreasing cardiovascular disease and increasing cancer among whites in the United States from 1973 through 1987. JAMA 1994; 271:431-7
3Willett WC, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, et al. Weight, weight changes, and coronary heart disease in women. JAMA 1995; 273:461-5
4Hunter DJ, Hankinson S£, Colditz GA, et al. Very low fat diets and risk of breast cancer. Am J Epidemiol 1996; 143
5Willett WC, et al. Dietary fat and fiber hi Relation to Risk of Breast Cancer. JAMA 1992; 268:2037-44.
6Giovannucci E, Rimm EB, Chute CG, et al. Obesity and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Am J Epidemiol 1994; 140:989-1002.
7Eichner ER. Infection, immunity, and exercise: What to tell patients. Physician Sports Medicine 1993;21:125-33.
8Palmblad J, Hallberg D, and Rossner S. Obesity, plasma lipids and polymorphonuclear (PMN) granulocyte functions. Scand JHeamatol 1977;19:293-303.
9Manson JE, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, et al. Body weight and mortality among women. NEngUMed 1995; 333:677-85.

Action of Herbs for Overweight/Obesity

antioxidants: herbs that prevent free radical damage and control increased oxidative stress created by fat loss.

aperient: mild laxatives.

carminatives: herbs that help the body expel gas from the stomach, small intestines, or colon.

diuretic: herbs that stimulate the flow of urine

fiber: indigestible plant cell walls that have a variety of effects including increased fecal weight and size, delayed gastric emptying, unproved bowel transit time, cholesterol lowering and satiety.

nutritives: herbs that nourish. They usually have a high mineral content.

psychotropics: herbs used to affect mood.

stimulants: herbs that quicken functional action. They are usually, but not always, thermogenic.

thermogenics: herbs that increase basal metabolic rate. (BMR).

tonics: herbs that tone a physical system or function.

An Extremely Concise Materia Medica

Ephedra ( Ephedra sinica, E. vulgaris, E. nevadensis, E. antisyphihtica & other species) action: stimulant, thermogenic.

Kola ( Cola nitida, C. vera, C. accuminata) action: stimulant, tkermogemc.

Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) action: tonic to connective tissue via stimulation of glycosaminoglycan synthesis.1

Aesculus (Aesculus hippocastanum) action: venous tonic.2

i^ucus (Fucus vesiculosus) action: nutritive, esp. to thyroid gland due to high iodine content.

Silybum (silybum marianum) action: antioxidant. liver tonic and stimulant.

Taraxacum (Taraxacum officinale) action: aperient, nutritive, dieuretic.

Tea (Camellia sinesis) action: autioxidant, stimulant, thermogenic, lowers cholesterol.3

Bromelain (Ananas comosus) action: appetite inhibition and enhanced fat excretion.4

Coffee (Coffea arabica) caffeine/rnethylxanthine containing herbs action: stimulant, thermogenic.

Fiber (includes guar gum,psyllium, oat bran, wheat bran, pectin, vegetable fiber) action: satiety, decreases absorbed calories, stabilizes blood sugar levels, improves bowel transit time, aids excretion of cholesterol.5 6

Fructose action: greater thermogenesis as compared to glucose.7 8

Essential Fatty Acids: action: normalizes brown fat activity.910

Urtica (Urtica dioica) action: dieuretic, clears tissue acids, nutritive.

Mate (Ilex paraguayensis) action: stimulant, thermogenic.

Papaya ( Carica papaya) action: digestant.

Hypericum (Hypericumperforatum) action: psychotrophic.

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum, P. hortense, P. sativum) action: dieuretic, nutritive, carminative.

l.Pointel, JP, Boccalon H, Cloarec M, et al. Titrated extract of centella asiatica (TECA) in the treatment of venous insufficiency of the lower limbs. Angiology 1987; 46-50
2.Aniioui F, Mauri A, Marincola F, and Kesele L.F. Venotonic activity of escin on the liurnan saphenous vein. Arzneim-Forsch 1979; 29:672-5.
3.Kouo S., et al. Green tea consumption and serum lipid profiles: a cross-sectional study in northern Kyushu, Japan. PrevMed 1992; 21;526-31.
4.Taussig S,, Batkin S. Broinelain, the enzyme complex of pineapple (Ananas coruosus) and its clinical application. JEthnopharm 1988; 22: 191-203.
S.Krotkiewski M. effect of guar on body weight, hunger ratings and metabolism in obese subjects. Clinical Science 1984; 66: 329-336.
6.Glore SR, et al, Soluable fiber and serum lipids: A literature review. J Am Diet Assoc 1994; 94: 425-36.
7.Schwarz JM, et al. Thermogenesis in men and women induced by fructose vs glucose added to a meal. Am J Clin Nutr 1989; 49: 667-74.
8. Macdonald I. differences in dietary-induced thermogenesis following the ingestion of various carbohydrates. Ann Nutr Metab 1984; 28:226-30.
9.Garcia CM, et al. Gamma iinoleiiic acid causes weight loss and lower blood pressure in overweight patients with family history of obesity. SwedJBiol Med 1986; 4:8-11.

Hormone Balance:

Chemical Messengers are Key to Aging Gracefully

Hormones are “chemical messengers” in the body. Together with the nervous system, hormones regulate every aspect of bodily function.

Hormones include male and female sex hormones, adrenal hormones, thyroid, pituitary and “brain hormones,” also called neurotransmitters.

Decreased levels of thyroid hormone can lead to sluggishness, forgetfulness, weight gain and high cholesterol levels. Excess thyroid hormone can cause irregular heart beats, fast heart rate, unintended weight loss, jitteriness and even death.

Altered levels of the adrenal hormones affect heart rate, metabolism and energy, blood pressure and immune function to name just a few.

The “sex hormones” (male and female) not only control fertility and male and female sexual characteristics, but declining levels of these hormones are associated with aging, premature aging, heart disease osteoporosis, mood disorders and the aging process in general.

Imbalanced brain hormones, also called NeuroTransmitters (NT’s) are associated with all manner of mood disorders including depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADD/ADHD and other brain and nervous system disorders. Changes in BT levels are also associated with brain and nervous system diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.

Keeping youthful, balanced hormone levels goes a long way toward preventing “age related” illnesses and the aging process in general.

Top Hormone Balancing Recommendations and Hormone-Related Health Concerns

Hormone Balancing Supplements and Hormone-Related Health Concerns 
HerBalance with Pregnenelone
Mega Soy
Saw Palmetto
Thyroid Cytotropin

Adrenal Health

Thyroid Hormone Health
Thyroid Cytotropin

Men’s Hormone Health
Male Hormone Profile
Korean (Panax) Ginseng
Mega Soy
Prostate Support
Saw Palmetto
St. John’s Wort

(Brain Hormone) Health
NeuroTransmitter Profile
St. John’s Wort
St. John’s Wort Plus+

Women’s Hormone Health
Female Hormone Profile (Post Menopausal)
Female Hormone Profile (Pre Menopausal)
Black Cohosh Plus+
Korean (Panax) Ginseng
HerBalance with Pregnenelone
Mega Soy