Fungus, Yeasts and Molds: Hidden Cause of Many “Unexplained” Diseases

Every day, thousands of microscopic, decay-eating organisms find their way into our bodies in the food we eat and the air we breathe.

These organisms are part of The Fungi Kingdom and include yeasts, molds, mildew, mushrooms, fungi and others.

Although most fungi feed on dead and decaying organisms, a number of them also feed on living organisms. Athlete’s foot is a common fungus which feeds on a living host.

The entire class of Fungi are “opportunistic,” and the ones which feed on humans can establish themselves in a human body during a time of weakness, such as during an infection or when the immune system is suppressed with drugs. There are also many fungi that do not require a weak immune system in order to establish themselves in a host. In addition to the direct effects of the fungi, which act like parasites in a human host, many also manufacture highly toxic substances called “mycotoxins.”

Who Cares About Fungi and Mycotoxins?

Fungi produce toxins called mycotoxins (“Myco” from the Greek “Mykes”, means “fungus”). Mycotoxins cannot be destroyed by heat, are known to suppress the immune system, and have a wide range of effects in both animals and humans. A number of these mycotoxins are quite poisonous.

Aflatoxin, a common toxin found in peanuts and some grains and a result of Aspergillus flavus fungus, is one of the most potent carcinogens known to man. Because of this, peanuts and grains must be constantly “screened” for aflatoxin. Even with this government-mandated screening, a person eating according to the US Food-pyramid is eating between 0.15-0.5 grams per day. (A lethal dose is considered to be 10-20mg). But at these everyday, low-grade exposures, negative health effects can still be experienced.

Symptoms and Diseases Associated with Mycotoxins and the Fungi Kingdom

When the World Health Organization recently convened, Dr. A.V. Costantini, head of the organization, an internist who modestly claims to be a “just a country doctor,” listed fourteen diseases wherein fungal (mold & Candida Albicans) forms of microorganisms have been found include the following: atherosclerosis, cancer, AIDS, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, systemic lupus , erythematosus, gout, Crohn’s disease, Multiple sclerosis, hyperactivity syndrome, Infertility, psoriasis, cirrhosis of the liver, Alzheimer’s disease, Scleroderma, Raynaud’s Disease, sarcoidosis, kidney stones, amyloidosis, vasculitis, and Cushing’s disease.

Other conditions known to be caused by fungi, yeasts and their mycotoxins include: postpartum depression, immune system weakness, bladder disease (especially non-bacterial interstitial cystitis in women and chronic non-bacterial prostatitis in men), pneumonitis and lung infections, endometriosis and weight gain.

A person suffering from yeast of fungal overgrowth may have any of these symptoms:
In the intestinal tract: bloating, excessive feeling of fullness, diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea and constipation, “rolling gas,” abdominal cramping, heartburn, indigestion, gas or belching, mucous in the stool, hemorrhoids.

In the female genital tract: recurrent yeast vaginitis, persistent vaginal itching or burning, persistent vaginal discharge, endometriosis, PMS.

In the male genital tract: prostatitis, impotence, loss of sexual desire.

In the urinary tract: urgency or urinary frequency, recurrent urinary tract “infections” but bacteria are NOT found to be the cause.

In the nervous system: numbness, burning, or tingling, spots in front of the eyes, erratic vision, impaired coordination, irritability or jitteriness, dizziness or loss of balance, failing vision, ear pain or deafness.

In the immune system: rashes, post nasal drip, sore or dry throat, wheezing or shortness of breath, recurrent infections, burning or tearing of eyes, cough.

In the skin and mucous membranes: recurrent skin fungal infections, nail-bed fungus, “jock itch,” thrush (yeast overgrowth in the mouth and esophagus)
In general: fatigue, mental “cloudiness,” joint aches and pains, obesity, depression, memory loss.

There are quite probably many other medical conditions associated with fungi, yeasts and mycotoxins in the human body. Because this is a largely overlooked topic in conventional medicine, our understanding of the disease-fungi connection is weak at best.

Your conventional doctor is unlikely to be aware of or to tell you about these mycotoxin-induced problems. You can learn more about candidiasis here:

If you believe that you may be experiencing any of these symptoms or problems a Candida stool test is a good place to start your investigation.


Mycotoxins in the food chain: human health implications. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16 Suppl 1:95-101.
Contamination of food with mycotoxins and human health. Arh Hig Rada Toksikol. 2001 Mar;52(1):23-35.
Limits and regulations for mycotoxins in food and feed.
Toxic effects of mycotoxins in humans. Bull World Health Organ. 1999;77(9):754-66
Toxins of filamentous fungi. Food Addit Contam. 2005 Feb;22(2):150-7
Mycotoxins in infant cereal foods from the Canadian retail market. Food Addit Contam. 2003 May;20(5):494-504.


Natural Strategies to Manage Female Menopausal Symptoms

See Menopause:”The Climacteric” for a full discussion of what occurs during menopause.

Conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which uses unnatural doses of the most potent female hormone, estradiol, has been known for over a decade to be unsafe. However, it was just this past year that several large-scale human studies had to be stopped because the harm caused by such HRT was undeniable. Finally, conventional medicine has acknowledged that HRT is unsafe.

Natural hormone replacement therapy (nHRT), which seeks to duplicate the hormone profile of a younger woman using natural hormones (not horse estrogens or synthetic estrogens or progesterones), has a long track record and a solid safety profile. In fact, it appears that maintaining a youthful hormone delays the aging process AND helps protect women from hormone-related cancers, heart disease and bone loss.

How is this accomplished? First a female hormone profile should be performed. Based on the results of this test, some combination of DHEA, estriol, estrone, estradiol, progesterone and testosterone will be prescribed. This is no “one size fits all” prescription! Your hormone prescription can then be customized to you, depending on which hormones are deficient or excess. Contrary to what one might think, “menopause” is not “just” a simple across-the-board decline in sex hormones! Again, please refer to Menopause:”The Climacteric” for a full discussion of what occurs during menopause.

While a hormone profile is a highly advisable “first step” for hormone balancing, there are safe and effective self-care measures which can be used to improve hormone balance.


  • Diet: eat a nutritious diet high in nutrient-rich foods. Increase consumption of soy products (both sexes) if tolerated.
  • Achieve and maintain a normal weight.
  • Exercise regularly. 30 minutes, 3 times per week minimum.
  • Don’t smoke! The climacteric occurs sooner in people who smoke.


  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of vitamin E, C, B6, B12, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, boron, and vanadium are particularly important for peri or post-menopausal women.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids:
    Flax seed meal, 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed capsules
    : 2-4 caps, 3 times per day [target dose range: 6-12 caps per day]
    Flax seed oil
    : 1 tablespoon per day
    Max EPA
    (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals [target dose: 3-6 caps per day].


  • Black Cohosh Plus+ 1-2 caps, 2-3 times daily between meals. [Target dose: 2 to 6 caps per day. Adjust dose according to symptoms].
  • DHEA: 25 mg taken in the morning. Do not use higher doses without the results of a hormone profile. (A typical dose for post-menopausal females is 10-50mg per day).
  • Mega Soy: 1 capsule, once per day with breakfast. [Target dose: 100mg or more of isoflavones; 50-100mg or more of genisteins].
  • Melatonin: 3 mg at bedtime.

For hot flashes

  • Female hormone profile highly recommended.
  • Black Cohosh Plus+ 1-2 caps, 2-3 times daily between meals. [Target dose: 2 to 6 caps per day. Adjust dose according to symptoms. When symptoms improve, decrease dose].
  • Vitamin E: 400IU with a meal. [Target dose: 800IU per day. Maxi Multi contains 400IU].

For Depression

For vaginal dryness/lack of lubrication


Hormone replacement creams or natural prescriptions as recommended by your holistic physician AFTER a sex hormone profile has been performed. I am available for consultations by telephone to help you achieve optimal hormone balance.

The Flu Can Be a Brutal Enemy.

Are You Relying on a Flu Shot Alone to Protect You?

The flu is expected to strike 24,700,000 people in the US alone this year according to CDC predictions (which are usually accurate because they are based on previous years’ statistics). An estimated 41,4000 will die from complications of their infection.

If you are you relying on a flu shot alone to protect you from colds and flu this winter, the odds are not in your favor. With 200+ strains of flu viruses and over 700 different strains of cold viruses waiting to have their way with you, a flu shot aimed at protecting you from only three of these 900+ viruses can still leave you wide-open to life-threatening infection. Even the majority of flu victims who recover still suffer from low energy, immune weakness and respiratory symptoms for weeks or months afterward. As “simple” and old-fashioned as the flu may sound, it is still a deadly disease.

A Healthy Immune System Is Your Best Safeguard Against The Flu

Your body has a built-in safeguard against viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus and even cancer. This shield, called the Immune System, is far more effective than any vaccination or modern-day drug against a wide range of diseases. Unfortunately, many factors “inherent to modern life,” such as nutrient deficiencies, smoking, stress, environmental pollutants, overweight, sleep deprivation, excess sugar and carbohydrates in the diet and even aging, all weaken this incredible defense system. Renewing the Immune System to a youthful level of performance can do more for immunity than all the drugs of modern medicine combined.

Meet Your Mighty Immune System

Your body has an entire “army” to protect you from foreign invasion. It is called the Immune System. Like any good military, each “division” of this army has a specific duty to perform — far beyond just the white blood cells you learned about in biology class.

The immune system is one of the most complex and crucial systems in the body. It is composed of organs, cells and immune factors. Your body’s cellular army includes:

  • Natural Killer (NK) cells,
  • T-cells,
  • B-cells,
  • macrophages,
  • Polymorphonuclear Cells (PMN’s),
  • dendritic cells

The body also produces a variety of “immune factors” that direct the activity of the immune cells. These immune factors include:

  • antibodies
  • cytokines
  • interferon
  • interleukin
  • Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF).

The bone marrow, thymus, spleen and lymph nodes are also part of the immune system.

Each of these organs, cells and immune factors work in together to protect the host (that’s you!) from infection by viruses, bacteria, parasites, protozoans, funguses and cancerous cells. Because each part of this system works as part of the whole, when even a single “platoon” of this complex army goes AWOL, the entire immune “military” is compromised, along with the health of the body it is designed to protect.

Beyond Vaccines and Antibiotics: Boosting Immunity Naturally

Vaccines like the “flu shot” activate only a small part of the immune system and only against a few viruses, leaving the door wide-open for hundreds of other viruses, bacteria, funguses, and parasites to infect the host. Antibiotics are only effective against certain bacteria; they do nothing to prevent or cure viral or fungal infections. And neither vaccines nor antibiotics improve overall immunity. In fact, overuse of antibiotics can cause “Super Bugs,” deadly bacteria that are resistant to all known antibiotics. In certain instances, these drugs can be life-saving, but for overall protection from viruses and bacteria, they pale compared to the body’s own immune system.

Fortunately, many herbs and nutrients are proven to stimulate immune function. Not only do a number of these nutrients and herbs have a direct “kill” effect like antibiotics, many of them also increase various aspects of immune response in general, a feat that vaccines and antibiotics just can’t do.

Here’s the Good News: Proven Nutrients and Herbs to Boost Immunity

  • Vitamin A. One of the most highly documented nutrients necessary for normal immune function, vitamin A increases neutrophil phagocytosis, cell- mediated immunity, humoral response and interleukin-2 production. Recent research has found a strong link between vitamin A deficiency and upper respiratory infections.
  • Vitamin C. Like vitamin A, vitamin C has been the subjects of hundreds of scientific studies. Vitamin C is antiviral and antibacterial, but its most potent effect is to enhance immunity. It increases white blood cell activity, interferon production, and thymic hormone secretion. Levels of vitamin C are quickly depleted during infection. Other studies have shown that people who take higher doses of vitamin C are less likely to contract colds and flu, and if they do get sick, their illnesses are less severe and of shorter duration.
  • Zinc The essential mineral zinc is an enzyme activator that is necessary for normal immune function. Unfortunately, it is a mineral that is often lacking in the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.). Optimal zinc intake helps boost immunity and also serves as an antioxidant.
  • Echinacea (Echniacea angustifolia) With over 400 scientific studies to its credit, Echinacea is one of the most widely studied medicinal herbs. It’s value in enhancing immunity well-proven. Echinacea activates NK, T-lymphocyte and neutrophil activity, and stimulates interferon production. It also increases non specific defense mechanisms including alternate complement pathways. In animal studies, Echinacea is anti-tumerogenic.
  • Astragalus (A. membranaceus) Human and animal studies have shown that Astragalus is a potent antiviral, able to provide protection from the viruses that cause influenza and the common cold by increasing T-cell activity and stimulating interferon, interleukin-2, and IgA and IgG antibodies.
  • Medicinal Mushrooms (Maitake, Shiitake, Reishi) act as immune stimulants and anti-tumorogenic agents. They have been used by the Chinese for this purpose for thousands of years and modern research has verified their immune-stimulating benefits. Beta 1,3 Glucan, a constituent of medicinal mushrooms, actives T-cells and stimulates cytokine production.Studies conducted in Japan with lentinan (a beta-1,3-1,6-glucan from the shiitake mushroom) have shown an increase in immune Natural Killer (NK) cells and an increased survival time in cancer patients, sometimes by more than five years. In fact, Lentinan is considered a drug in Japan and is approved for clinical use.

    Although medicinal mushrooms (and their active ingredient, beta-glucan) have been most widely studied as immune-stimulating anti-cancer agents, they have also been shown to be effective immune stimulants in a variety of infectious diseases (including anthrax) as well.

  • Ligustrum (ligustrum lucidum) Ligustrum has been used in combination with astragalus in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Studies conducted in China show that ligustrum stimulates the immune system, decreases inflammation and protects the liver.
  • Goldenseal (hydrastis canadensis) Goldenseal has both antibiotic AND immune-stimulating properties. The active ingredient in Goldenseal, berberine, is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is effective against variety of bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. Bacteria that are vulnerable to berberine are Staph, Strep, and Enterococcal species. Berberine also inhibits the growth of yeasts (such as Candida) which often overgrow as a response to antibiotic treatment. Berberine further boosts immunity by increasing the blood supply to the spleen and activating macrophages.
  • Quercetin is a flavonoid found in many plants including apples, onions, green and black tea. Small amounts are also found in green leafy vegetables. Flavonoids occur in nature in combination with vitamin C, and appear to protect and enhance vitamin C’s action.
  • Garlic (Allium sativum) As a food and a medicine, garlic comes close to being a true panacea. Research has proved garlic’s immune-stimulating ability, including activation of NK and T-cells. Garlic has potent broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against alpha and beta Strep, Klebsiella pneumonia, Salmonella, Staph aureus, Mycobacteriaum and Proteus spp. Unlike drug antibiotics, there is no evidence that bacteria cen become “immune” to garlic’s effects.

Safeguard Your Health Before It’s Too Late

By the time you feel the first symptoms of a cold or the flu, the virus is already active in your body. Even at this stage, immune-boosting nutrients and herbs can help shorten the duration and severity of infection. But why risk even a mild infection when you can safeguard your health all season long?

Adding a variety of immune-stimulating nutrients and herbs to your supplement program can help you increase your body’s immune response by up to 200% or more — and protect yourself from ALL the season’s “bad bugs” and viruses — not just a few.

Will You Make This Dangerous Mistake?

I don’t know why some people do this, but I’ve seen it many times. They learn about immune-boosting herbs and nutrients. They decide it would be wise to add them to their supplement program in order to protect their health, especially during the height of cold and flu season. But they don’t follow through.

Instead, they wait until the fever and chills begin — and by then, they’re often too sick to run around town trying to find these healing nutrients. Even those who manage to crawl to a local health food store can’t be sure of what they are getting, and are often too miserable at this point to do good research on the available products.

Do your “due diligence” NOW — while you’re feeling fine — then lay in a supply of immune-boosting nutrients and herbs and take them all Winter long. You’ll be glad to spend the season infection-free, even when those around you are laid up with colds, flu and other seasonal maladies.

Are These Proven Immune-Boosting Nutrients  in YOUR Healing Arsenal?

I’m called “The Dragon Lady” in the nutritional foods industry. Why? Because my standard for herbs and supplements is uncompromising. I believe that “the most expensive supplement is the one that doesn’t work.” You can buy a cheap formula that you know nothing about and hope for the best. Personally, I don’t trust my own health to any nutritional formula unless I am convinced of it’s potency, purity and scientific formulation. That’s why I felt compelled to make my own immune formula — so I could be confident of it’s effectiveness.

I’ve taken the most well-researched immune-boosting vitamins, minerals and herbs and put them into a single, easy-to-take formula called Immune System Support. Just two capsules a day delivers the therapeutic doses of the herbs and nutrients documented to improve immune system function. When added to a daily program of nutritious diet, moderate exercise and optimal vitamin/mineral supplementation, Immune System Support will do more to protect you from infection than any vaccination or antibiotic could ever do. Although Nurse Mark and I are exposed to sick people are year long, we rarely ever “catch” anything because we keep our immune systems in shape with the simple, natural strategy outline above.

If you want to do more to keep yourself infection-free all year long, and especially during the “flu season,” you should be taking a proven immune formula that looks a lot like my Immune System Support. Better yet, just take Immune System Support. I’ve already done all the “heavy lifting” of research, formulation and quality control for you. Here’s what I’ve come up with:

Immune System Support

Each (two) capsules contain

Echinacea angustifolia root (4% echinacoside) 100 mg

Astragalus membranaceus root extract 250 mg

Maitake mushroom TD-fraction extract 25 mg

Maitake mushroom powder 100 mg

Shiitake mushroom powder 200 mg

Reishi mushroom powder 100 mg

Ligustrum lucidum fruit extract 100 mg

Goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis) 10 mg

Quercetin 50 mg

Garlic (Allium sativum) bulb powder 50 mg

Vitamin A (as beta carotene) 2,500 IU

Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 100 mg

Vitamin B-6 5 mg

Folic acid 400 mcg

Vitamin B-12 5 mcg

Pantothenic acid 5 mg

Zinc 10 mg

Suggested dose: 2 capsules per day for general immune enhancement. May be increased to 2 caps, 3 times per day for acute infections or additional immune support.


The Money Back Guarantee
My Accountant Says I’m Nuts to Offer

Nobody — I mean NOBODY — guarantees that you won’t get the flu. Did your doctor promise you a money-back guarantee if you get the flu in spite of having a flu shot? Hahahaha. When it comes to seasonal viruses, nothing is a sure bet. But I’ve scoured the medical literature with a fine-toothed comb. I’ve put the highest quality nutrients into my Immune System Support formula. And I’ve used this power-house of herbs and nutrients for years in my clinical practice, so I know what results to expect. I might be crazy, but I’m not stupid. I want you to stay infection-free this Winter, especially from a life-threatening case of the flu. So here’s how I’m going to entice you to take Immune System Support all Winter long.

If you promise to faithfully take just two capsules per day of Immune System Support, plus the daily multiple vitamin/mineral supplement equivalent of my Maxi Multi formula*, I’m confident the flu won’t be able to touch you. If you get the flu while you are taking Immune System Support and Maxi Multi’s, I’ll refund your entire season’s cost of both products. (I can’t guarantee the effectiveness of someone else’s multiple formula). All you have to do is promise to take your Maxi Multi’s and Immune System Support faithfully. I don’t think you’d try and fool me about having the flu — it’s far too serious a matter.

Now you have access to the most powerful immune-boosting herbs and nutrients on the planet – all in one place. These are the nutrients and herbs that will activate your immune system and make you “bullet proof” to colds, flu and other “seasonal maladies.”

* studies show that a ‘once-per-day” (one pill per day) vitamin supplement is worthless for increasing immunity, but that an optimal daily dose of vitamins and minerals (such as found in Maxi Multi), significantly increases immune function. These immune-enhancing effects are most pronounced in seniors over age 65, although they apply to all age groups.

I’ve taken all the risk. You don’t have anything to lose except your susceptibility to colds, flu, bacterial infections and a whole host of other nasty infectious diseases. How can you lose?

Please Order Today: Supplies Are Limited

I don’t want you to be disappointed, so please order today to avoid missing out on this offer. Our supply of Immune System Support is limited because we use only the highest quality raw materials in this formula. Inferior herbs are easy to come by, but herbs of the highest quality are like vintage wines — there’s only so much available each year and when it’s gone, it’s gone. I won’t compromise my standards in order to keep pumping out an inferior formula. I’ll just have to tell you that we are “backordered” until more becomes available. But that won’t help keep you safe through flu season, will it?

Rather than selling junk, I’ve chosen instead to limit the number of people I can make my “all winter long” guarantee to — which includes making the formula available continuously. My private practice patients who already take this formula get “first dibs,” of course. Wellness Club Members also have priority. After everyone in these two groups is locked in to their winter supply (I recommend taking this at least through the end of April), I’ll make the rest available to those few folks who see the wisdom in taking charge of their own immune health. Those who sign up for “auto-order” will have their supply shipped every month and will be guaranteed to “get the goods.”

Don’t wait a minute longer…start boosting your immune system NOW before the flu season hits.

In Health,
Dr. Dana Myatt
Dana Myatt, N.M.D.

Click Here to find and order MaxiMulti

Click Here to find and order Immune System Support


Hidden Cause of Many Health Problems

Food allergies are inappropriate physical reactions to food. These may range from life-threatening anaphylactic reactions to subtle sensitivities that chronically challenge the immune system. Symptoms may include dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, diarrhea or irritable bowels, chronic infections, inflammation, and any of the diseases or symptoms listed below. These negative reactions to food are also called “food intolerance,” “food sensitivities,” or “toxic food reactions.”

Even some foods that are considered “good foods” may be a source of symptoms or disease if one has a personal allergy to same. The expression “One man’s meat is another man’s poison” accurately describes this phenomenon.

Diseases associated with food allergies include:

Acne, anxiety, arthritis, arrhythmia, asthma, autoimmune diseases, bedwetting, chronic and recurrent bladder infections, chronic bronchitis, canker sores, celiac disease, colitis, chronic diarrhea, depression, chronic ear infections (especially in children), eczema, edema, fatigue, gallbladder disease, gastritis, glaucoma, hay fever, headaches, hives, childhood hyperactivity, hypoglycemia, irritable bowel syndrome, irritability, insomnia, itching, kidney disease, malabsorption, mental confusion, migraines, mood disorder, overweight, personality changes, seizures, sinusitis, skin rash, chronic nasal congestion, chronic sinusitis, chronic infections in general, and others.

Symptoms associated with food allergies include:

Body Weight

  • Fluctuations in body weight
  • Weight loss (unintended)
  • weight gain (unintended)
  • Food cravings


  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Bowel disorders
  • Colitis
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Flatulence (Gas)
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Indigestion
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramping

Immune system

  • Chronic and/or recurrent infections
  • Yeast infection
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Mouth/lip swelling
  • Tissue swelling (edema)

Mental / Emotional

  • Anxiety, panic attacks
  • Autism
  • Behavioral problems
  • Concentration difficulty
  • Depression
  • Hyperactivity
  • Irritability
  • Learning disability
  • Lethargy
  • Mental confusion


  • Arthritis
  • Bone density loss (osteoporosis)
  • Joint pain/swelling
  • Muscular aches
  • Neck pain
  • Rheumatic pain

Nervous system

  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness, poor co-ordination
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Poor memory
  • Sleeplessness

Nutritional deficiencies

  • Anemia
  • Failure to thrive (in children)
  • Iron deficiency
  • Mineral deficiency

Respiratory Tract

  • Asthma
  • Breathlessness
  • Bronchitis (chronic)
  • Cough (persistent)
  • Ear infections
  • Itchy nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Rhinitis
  • Runny nose
  • Sensitivity to chemicals
  • Sinusitis
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Throat infections
  • Watering eyes
  • Wheezing

Reproductive Tract

  • Infertility
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Miscarriage
  • Vaginal itching, discharge
  • Thrush
  • Vaginal infection


  • Acne
  • Athlete’s Foot
  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis
  • Eczema
  • Fungal nail infection
  • Fungal skin infection
  • Hives (Urticaria)
  • Itchy flaking skin
  • Itchy watery blisters
  • Jock itch
  • Psoriasis
  • Rashes
  • Tinea

Urinary Tract

  • Urinary tract infection (chronic or recurrent)

If you suffer from any of the above-listed diseases or symptoms and have not yet found a cure for your complaint, food allergy testing will certainly be worth your while.

The immune system has many different mechanisms that can cause a reaction to food. Food allergy symptoms may come on immediately OR up to four days after eating an offending food, so allergies are difficult to pinpoint by merely “observing” food reactions. A food allergy blood test can determine food allergies, sensitivities and “intolerances” and recommend a rotation diet to prevent these reactions.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

An “elimination/challenge diet” can help determine food allergies, but such an avoidance diet is difficult for most people to do AND many offending foods can be “missed” through this method.

Food allergy testing using blood (a finger-stick which you can collect yourself) is accurate and can quickly pinpoint difficult-to-detect food allergies.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This daily “multiple” contains high potency antioxidants. If you use another formula, be sure to use only those that are hypoallergenic, since additives in vitamin supplements can cause reactions.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids:
    Flax seed meal
    , 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed capsules: 2-4 caps, 3 times per day (target dose range: 6-12 caps per day)
    Flax seed oil: 1 tablespoon per day
    Max EPA (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals (target dose: 3-6 caps per day).

An imbalance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acid ratios, common in the American diet, leads to hypersensitivity and excess inflammation. Increasing Omega-3 fatty acid intake decreases the tendency to inflammation and “hyper” immune reactions.

  • Similase: 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This digestive enzyme formula improves digestion and absorption of foods. It is known that incomplete protein digestion can trigger allergies, especially those that appear food-related.
  • Since a decrease of gastric acid production is a leading cause of food allergy in adults, a Gastric Acid Function Self-Test should be performed.

Additional Support

  • Vitamin C: 3,000 – 9,000 mg per day in divided doses (buffered vitamins C is best when taking higher doses). High dose vitamin C decreases histamine levels when taken over time.
  • Grape Seed Extract: 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals. (Target dose: 150-300mg daily). Grape seed extract acts as a natural anti-histamine with a more immediate effect than vitamin C. It is also a potent antioxidant.


Supplements and Medical Testing in Support of Fertility Restoration and Enhancement

Dietary Supplements

A deficiency in any one nutrient can result in impaired fertility for both women and men. These Vitamins, Antioxidants, Flavonoids, and other dietary supplements are intended to address and correct any deficiencies that may be affecting your ability to conceive.

Medical Testing

Medical testing can quickly reveal physical imbalances or deficiencies, allowing your fertility specialist to quickly and accurately target specific areas of concern.

Dietary Supplements

Click here for a printable copy of Dr. Myatt’s Natural Supplementation Recommendations

Maxi-Multi Pre-Conception Multiple Vitamin (270 caps – a 30 day supply for 1 person) $39.95


Maxi-Flavone Broad-spectrum herbal antioxidant formula (60 Caps) $46.95

Due to strong interest in this formula we may occasionally become backordered, with shipping delayed by up to a week.

Because of this we recommend that our Maxi Flavone customers consider ordering two bottles, re-order when they have completed the first bottle and never worry about running out of this important flavonoid / antioxidant / TNF-inhibiting formula.


For our fertility patients and customers, Dr. Myatt recommends that this formula be continued through conception and for the duration of pregnancy.


Maxi-Greens (270 Caps) Complete Green Food / Flavonoid / Phytonutrient-Rich Daily Herb Formula (a 30 day supply for 1 person) $56.00 Temporarily Out Of Stock!


Maxi Marine O-3(120 softgels) Extra High Potency Enteric Coated Ultra-Pure Essential Fatty Acids $54.95


Melatonin 3 mg 60 tabs $10.95


Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer 120 caps $70.50


Myo-Inositol powder 250 grams $35.20


N-Acetyl Cystein (NAC) 60 caps $16.97 When used in Infertility treatment as an adjuvant to clomiphene citrate in infertile patients with PCOS, NAC treatment results in higher ovulation and pregnancy rates, lower miscarriage rates and higher live birth rates.


Vitamin D 5000 iu 250 Capsules $21.95


Grape Seed Extract W/Grape Skin 100mg (90 Caps) $32.95


Lycopene 15mg (30 Softgel Capsules) $15.95


Acetyl L-Carnitine 500mg (30 Caps) $24.95


Alpha Lipoic Acid – 100 mg (60 Caps) $19.95


Bromelain 400 mg of 2,400 mcu-strength (120 Caps) $32.00


CoEnzyme Q 10 100 Mg (60 Softgel Capsules) $62.95


DHEA Sublingual 25 Mg (60 Tabs) $15.95


Vitamin K2 – Super K – 90 softgel capsules -$25.97


Energizing Iron – $21.50


Similase GFCF 120 caps – $24.97


Medical Testing

Female Hormone Profile $329.00


Male Hormone Profile $154.00



Why Dr. Braverman Recommends Dr. Myatt’s Supplements and Herbal Formulas

Dr. Braverman has no financial ties with Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club. He does not receive any financial remuneration from the sale of any nutritional supplements on this website nor does he receive any remuneration for research or other purposes from Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club. In other words, Dr. Braverman doesn’t make a nickel when his patients purchase products from this website!

So why does he specifically recommend Dr. Myatt’s brand of nutritional supplements and herbal formulas for his patients? Three words: potency, purity and formulation.

Dr. Braverman recognizes the powerful impact that supplemental nutrition has on fertility. He wants his patients to enjoy the results that are possible from the use of quality nutritional supplements. But it is a known fact in the supplement industry that many brands of supplements do NOT contain what the label says they do. Others have contaminants not listed on the label. And most products are not specifically formulated for pre-conception fertility enhancement.

Dr. Myatt, known as “The Dragon Lady” of the nutritional industry because of her uncompromising standards, produces the purest and most potent supplements available. Her products get results.

As to “formulation,” it isn’t enough to have the right nutrients; they must be present in the right doses, combined in the right way, and delivered in the best form to insure assimilation. Again, Dr. Myatt’s careful attention to detail in this area has resulted in perfectly balanced, pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements that achieve the desired results.

Dr. Braverman and Dr. Myatt have come together in a powerful synergy of cutting edge medical knowledge to bring you natural supplement products tailored specifically to target the unique needs of pre and peri-conceptual couples who are dealing with fertility issues.

Untitled Document

One Step FOB Test Strip for feces (Revised Jan. 30th, 2001)

Intended Use The one step FOB (Occult Blood) test is a simple one step immuno-chromatographic assay for the rapid, qualitative detection of human occult blood in feces.

Explanation of the Test: The FOB test is designed to detect lower levels of fecal occult blood than standard guaiac tests. The basis of the test is an immuno-chromatographic sandwich capture method, which yields results that appear more specific to human occult blood and are easier to interpret than those of guaiac-based devices. In addition, unlike guaiac assays, the accuracy of the OB test is not affected by interfering substances and does not depend on the status of the patient at the time the specimen is taken.

The Fecal Occult Blood Test employs a unique combination of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to selectively identify occult blood in test samples with a high degree of sensitivity. Elevated levels of human occult blood as low as 25 ng/ml can be detected.

Precautions The One Step FOBtest kit should be stored at room temperature 4-30oC (40-86oF). The test device is sensitive to humidity and as well as to heat. Perform the test immediately after removing the test device from the foil pouch. Do not use it beyond the expiration date.

Warnings 1. For in vitro diagnostic use only. 2. Do not eat or smoke while handling specimens. 3. Wear protective gloves while handling specimens. Wash hands thoroughly afterwards. 4. Avoid splashing or aerosol formation. 5. Clean up spills thoroughly using an appropriate disinfectant. 6. Decontaminate and dispose of all specimens, reaction kits and potentially contaminated materials, as if they were infectious waste, in a biohazard container. 7. Do not use the test kit if the pouch is damaged or the seal is broken.

Specimen preparation 1. Specimen collection should not be performed during or within three days of a menstrual period, or if the patient suffers from bleeding hemorrhoids or blood in the urine, false-positive test results may be obtained. 2. Dietary restrictions are not necessary. 3. Alcohol, aspirin and other medications taken in excess may cause gastrointestinal irritation resulting in occult bleeding. Such substances should be discontinued at least 48 hours prior to testing.

Specimen collection 1. Unscrew the top of the sample collection device and use the sample collection stick to collect stool sample by dipping the stick into 3 different places of the same stool sample. 2. Put the sample collection stick containing the sample back in the sample collection device and screw it tightly. Shake it very well. 3. It is recommended that the above Step 1 to Step 2 to be repeated for three consecutive days.

Procedure of the test 1. Remove the test strip from its foil pouch. 2. After collecting stool samples for three consecutive days, bring the sample collection device to room temperature. Then shake the device several times. 3. Break off the tip of the collection device and squeeze 2 drops of the extracted sample on the sample pad (Figure 1). 4. Interpret test results at 5 to 10 minutes.

Caution: The above interpretation time is based on reading the test results at room temperature of 15 to 30 oC. If your room temperature is significantly lower than 15 oC, then the interpretation time should be properly increased.

Interpretation of the test 1. A color band will appear at the left section of the result window to show that the test is working properly. This band is the Control Band. 2. The right section of the result window indicates the test results. If another color band appears at the right section of the result window, this band is Test Band.

Positive Result: The presence of two color bands (“C” and “T” bands) within the result window no matter, which band appears first indicates a positive result (Figure 2).

Negative Result: The presence of only one purple color (“C”) band within the result window indicates a negative result (Figure 2).

Invalid result: After performing the test and no purple color band is visible within the result window, this result is considered invalid. The directions may not have been followed correctly or the test may have deteriorated. It is recommended that the specimen be re-tested (Figure 2).

Note: Once a positive result has been established (after 10 minutes), the result will not change. However, in order to prevent any incorrect results, the test result should not be interpreted after 10 minutes. Interpreting test results after 10 minutes, the sensitivity of the test will be higher than 25 ng/ml..

Limitations of the test The presence of blood in stools may be other than colorectal bleeding, such as hemorrhoids, blood in urine or stomach irritations. Negative results do not exclude bleeding since it can be intermittent. Colorectal polyps at very early stages may not bleed. Other clinically available tests are required if questionable results are obtained. As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive clinical diagnosis should not be based on the results of a single test, but should only be made by the physician after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated.

References 1. Bahrt KM, Korman LY, and Nashel DJ, “Significance of a Positive Test for Occult Blood in Stools of Patients Taking Anti-inflammatory Drugs,” Arch Intern Med, 1984, 144:2165-6. 2. Blebea J and McPherson RA, “False-Positive Guaiac Testing With Iodine,” Arch Pathol Lab Med, 1985, 109:437-40. 3. Block GE, “Colon Cancer: Diagnosis and Prognosis in the Elderly,” Geriatrics, 1989, 44(5):45-7, 52-3. 4. Doyle AC, “A Study in Scarlet,” Philadelphia, PA: JB Lippincott Co, 1902. 5. Fleischer DE, Goldberg SB, Browning TH, et al, “Detection and Surveillance of Coleorectal Cancer,” JAMA, 1989, 261(4):580-5.

Natural Fertility Treatment

Reproductive Immunologist
Dr Jeff Braverman
Dr. Braverman Specializing in the correction of conditions that lead to Recurrent Miscarriages and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) Jeffrey Braverman, MD
Medical Director BIRMS

Dr. Dana Myatt is pleased to welcome the valued addition of Dr. Jeff Braverman to the Wellness Club team of medical experts. Dr. Myatt and Dr. Braverman will be combining the very best of conventional and natural medicine in the treatment of infertility.

About Dr. Braverman

Dr. Braverman is currently the Director of Reproductive Immunology at Wyckoff Hospital in Brooklyn New York (an affiliate hospital of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital System). He is also the Medical Director at Braverman Reproductive Immunology with offices in Long Island and Manhattan. He formerly held the position of Medical Director of SIRM on Long Island.

Dr. Braverman was honored as the youngest graduate at New York University where he was accepted at the age of 14. He went on to attend Medical School at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan and completed his internship and residency at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York.

After completing his residency Dr. Braverman established a private medical practice in Long Island, New York. For more than 20 years, Dr. Braverman has been treating patients with all complications related to Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and has become one of the nation’s leading authorities in the field of Reproductive Immunology.

A large majority of Dr. Braverman’s patients come to him suffering from Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Failure to Initiate and Successfully Complete a Pregnancy. (RPL and FISCP). He has managed thousands of cycles of IUI and IVF and has consistently maintained one of the highest success rates in New York despite the complexity of his case load.

For the last two years his practice has been voted the Best Infertility Practice on Long Island in an internet poll conducted by the Long Island Press.

Dr. Braverman has published articles in the field of high risk obstetrics related to IUGR, Gestational Diabetes, and Fetal Distress and has gained unequaled experience managing as well as delivering this High Risk group of patients. In fact Dr. Braverman has delivered well over 5000 babies in his career .

He has been featured with his RPL autoimmune patients on Discovery Channel’s Baby Story, local TV news stations, and has hosted numerous radio shows on reproductive immunology and fertility. He assists and consults with patients from around the world with problems related to RPL and FISCP. He has designed the most complete panel for the diagnosis and management of immune related pregnancy complications, as well as one of the most comprehensive thrombophilia (blood clotting) panels available. He is currently assisting in designing a computer chip that will test DNA for most of the hundreds of known genetic defects associated with RPL. He assisted in the Fertility Project for the development of nutritional supplements now used for the treatment of RPL and FISCP.

His current office staff have all been part of his practice for at least 12 years and most longer than that. This has also been one of the most important elements in maintaining the consistency Dr. Braverman’s care. You will always get someone knowledgeable when you call the office. Dr. Braverman performs all his own consults and sonograms. You will never get a “fill in “when you call for a consult or come in for a visit. He manages every case from start to finish. Most patients have his cell phone number and email and feel free to contact him with any questions. Many of Dr. Braverman’s patients from around the country learn about him in numerous immunology and fertility chat rooms on the internet, where he has developed a loyal following.

Dr. Braverman is a member in good standing with the American Society of Reproductive Immunology, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, the European Society of Reproductive Immunology, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the New York State Medical Society, the Nassau County Medical Society and is actively Board Certified from the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Dr. BravermanHelping Couples Achieve the Gift of ChildrenDr. Jeff Braverman is available to consult and discuss any of your infertility issues. His specialty is immunologic causes of recurrent pregnancy loss as well as the diagnosis and treatment  of previously  failed infertility cycles.
Visit Dr. Braverman’s website here

Dr. Braverman’s offices in Manhattan and Long Island, NY may be reached at (516) 584 8710

Natural Fertility Strategies

With Dr. Dana Myatt

Dr. Dana Myat - America's Natural Health CoachDANA MYATT, N.M.D.

Member: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (eligible)
President: ECAFH Foundation, Inc. (Exploring Complementary Answers for Health)
Chief Medical Officer: The Wellness Club
Author: A Physicians Diary
Professor: Atlantic University
Graduate: National College of Naturopathic Medicine

Dr. Dana Myatt is no ordinary doctor. As a naturopathic family physician, her career has been a “first” in many respects.

Dr. Myatt is a graduate of The National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon. As the first naturopathic physician on staff at the A.R.E. Clinic, she served as Director of Medical Residencies, supervising the training of doctors, nurses and medical students in holistic healing techniques. She was also the first naturopathic doctor at the Scottsdale Holistic Medical Group.

She has guest lectured at Bastyr College, National College, Southwest College, Saint Joseph’s Medical Center, St. Mary Pia Cancer Center, and Eastern Virginia College of Medicine to name a few. Dr. Myatt is Professor of Holistic Health at Atlantic University, where she developed the Holistic Health Correspondence Curriculum for the University.

Her book “A Physician’s Diary : Cured Cases With Edgar Cayce and Other Natural Remedies” was chosen as a sponsoring member benefit of the Association for Research and Enlightenment.

Currently, in addition to private practice, Dr. Myatt presents workshops and seminars on complementary medicine to physicians, university students, and the general public worldwide.

Dr. Myatt was one of the first doctors to practice “telemedicine” (medicine by telephone). Her expertise in conventional & natural medicine is now available to you by phone.

A Brief Telephone Consultation with Dr. Myatt can answer many of your questions about diet and supplements and how these can be used to compliment your other fertility and conception related treatments.

More intensive consultation is available for those with complicated situations or who simply wish to have Dr. Myatt create a Comprehensive Fertility Optimization Program designed especially for you.

You may be investing tens of thousands of dollars in cutting edge fertility treatments, reproductive immunology services, and IVF procedures – it just makes sense to invest a little more to ensure that your body is as healthy and receptive as possible for this most important experience of your life. Call now – 1-800-376-9288 to book your Brief Consultation and get started on the road to optimal health and fertility.

 The Fertility Project

Bringing You A Synergy Of Conventional and Natural Approaches To Infertility Treatment

Fertility Restore is a collaborative project of Dr. Jeffrey Braverman, Reproductive Immunologist and Medical Director of Braverman Immunologic and Reproductive Medical Services and Dr. Dana Myatt, holistic physician, Chief Medical Officer of Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club, and naturopathic researcher and educator.

With over 20 years of successful infertility treatment experience, Dr. Braverman has personally witnessed the beneficial effects that a naturopathic approach brings to his patients.

With the goal of offering the very best in natural treatment adjuncts to his patients, Dr. Braverman sought out the best minds in naturopathic medicine – and the collaboration between Dr. Braverman and Dr. Myatt was born.

With the experience gained from having overseen thousands of infertility treatment cycles and his knowledge of reproductive immunology combined with a number of successful experiences with vitamins, herbs, diet, and other natural treatments for infertility Dr. Braverman realized that a more exacting, clinical, and even scientific approach to natural treatments would bring greater benefits and increased success to his patients. Dr. Myatt brings that scientific, research-based approach, along with her extensive knowledge of herbs, vitamins, ancient Chinese and Eastern medicine, diet and a holistic, naturopathic approach to endocrinology and immunology to the partnership.

While there are plenty of supplements available to consumers which claim to be formulated to support fertility and pregnancy, none properly addressed the unique needs of men and women with infertility challenges to the satisfaction of either Dr. Braverman or Dr. Myatt, and none satisfied Dr. Myatt’s demanding standards for quality, purity, potency and formulation. Some even contained ingredients that might be harmful to fertility, conception, pregnancy or an unborn child in some cases! Consequently, Braverman and Myatt have worked together to develop a number of natural supplement products tailored specifically to target the unique needs of pre and peri-conceptual couples who are dealing with fertility issues.

These top-quality, specialized formulas bring increased hope to infertile couples, and we invite you to learn more about our specialized fertility supplements.

Please visit our Natural Fertility Knowledge Center for information on fertility related topics – discussed from a natural viewpoint.

You can learn more about Dr. Braverman here.

You can learn more about Dr. Myatt here.

Dr. Jeff Braverman is available to consult and discuss any of your infertility issues. His specialty is immunologic causes of recurrent pregnancy loss as well as the diagnosis and treatment  of previously  failed infertility cycles.