Echinacea (E. angustifolia, purpura)

Natural Immune System Booster

Echinacea - Purple ConeflowerEchinacea is one of the most popular herbs for stimulating and boosting the immune system. It acts as an immune stimulant, immune modulator (balances the immune system), anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

Echinacea, also known as the purple coneflower, is a native American herb with an impressive record of laboratory and clinical research. Echinacea has long been used by North American Plains Indians shamans and today thousands of modern healers use echinacea for treating infectious diseases.  It was often used in modern American medicine in the early 20th Century, and became popular with Europeans, who have used it extensively since the 1930s. Today millions of Europeans use echinacea as a primary therapy for colds, flu’s, infections, and for it’s general immune-boosting effects.

Primary uses of echinacea include:

  • Colds, coughs and flu and other upper respiratory conditions
  • Enlarged lymph glands, sore throat
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Other minor infections
  • May help combat herpes and candida
  • Wounds, skin regeneration and skin infections (external use)
  • Psoriasis, eczema and inflammatory skin conditions (external use)

Echinacea increases the “non-specific” activity of the immune system stimulating the overall activity of the cells responsible for fighting all kinds of infection. Unlike antibiotics, which are directly toxic to bacteria, echinacea makes our own immune cells more efficient in attacking bacteria, viruses and abnormal cells, including cancer cells.

Echinacea facilitates wound healing and reduces the symptoms of and speeds recovery from viral infections. It’s anti-inflammatory effects make it useful externally against inflammatory skin conditions including psoriasis and eczema. It may also increase resistance to candida, bronchitis, herpes, and other infectious conditions.

Hundreds of scientific studies have documented the chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical applications of echinacea. The most consistently proven effect of echinacea is in stimulating phagocytosis, which is to encourage white blood cells and lymphocytes to attack invading organisms.

Specific actions of echinacea include:

  • increases the number and activity of immune system cells, including anti-tumor cells:
  • promotes T-cell activation;
  • stimulates new tissue growth for wound healing;
  • reduces inflammation in arthritis and inflammatory skin conditions;
  • Mild antibiotic action: bacteriostatic, anti-viral, anti-fungal.
  • inhibits the bacterial enzyme hyaluronidase, to help prevent bacterial access to healthy cells.

Specific studies of echinacea include:

  • An extract of echinacea showed an increase of 50%-120% in immune function over a 5 day period (Jurcic, et al. 1989).
  • An extract of echinacea significantly increased the resistance to flu and reduced the symptoms of lymph gland swelling, inflamed nasal passages and headache (Braunig, et al. 1992).
  • Of 4500 patients with inflammatory skin conditions, including psoriasis, 85% were cured with topical applications of echinacea salve (Wacker & Hilbig, 1978).
  • Human white blood cells, stimulated by echinacea extract increased phagocytosis (consumption) of yeast cells by 20-40% compared to controls. (Wagner and Proksch 1985)

Echinacea has an excellent safety record and there is no known toxicity. However, according to the German Kommission E, echinacea should not be used in progressive systemic and auto-immune disorders such as tuberculosis, leicosis, connective tissue disorders, collagenosis and related diseases such as lupus. Further, its use in AIDS or opportunistic infections in AIDS patients is controversial.

It should be noted that echinacea is not appropriate for chronic use: with such long-term use, echinacea appears to lose it’s effectiveness. Maximum periods of continuous use should not exceed 6 – 8 weeks.

Echinacea is not a substitute for other medical interventions in rapidly accelerating infections. If a condition persists or worsens, seek medical advice. Many serious medical conditions are not appropriate for self-diagnosis or self-medication and require the supervision of qualified health care providers.

Additional Reading and References:

  • Echinacea, Nature’s Immune Enhancer by Stephen Foster. Healing Arts Press, 1991.
  • Echinacea, the Immune Herb by Christopher Hobbs. Botanica Press, 1990.
  • Botanical Influences on Illness by Melvyn Werbach and Michael Murray. Third Line Press, 1994. See chapters on Cancer, Candidiasis, Immunodepression, Infection, Wound Healing.
  • Herbal Medicine by Rudolf Weiss. AB Arcanum, 1988.
  • The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2007; 7:473-480 Review Evaluation of echinacea for the prevention and treatment of the common cold: a meta-analysis
  • British Herbal Pharmacopeia, 1992.
  • Kommission E Monographs: Echinacea. Kooperation Phytopharmaka, , Germany.
  • Jurcic, et al. Zeitschrift fur Phytotherapie 10 (2), 1989.
  • Braunig, et al. Zeitschrift fur Phytotherapie 13: 7-13, 1992.
  • Wagner and Proksch 1985 In: Economic and Medicinal Plant Research, Academic Press, Orlando, p.113.
  • Wacker & Hilbig. Planta Medica 33(1): 89-102, 1978.
  • Chone & Mandakis. Deutsch Med. Wschr. 27: p. 1406
  • Luettig, et al. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 81(9): 669-75, 1989.
  • Stimpel, et al. Infect. Immun. 46, 845, 1984;
  • Steinmuller, et al. Int. J. Immunopharmac., Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 605-614, 1993.


The “Spark” of Life

Life is a series of chemical reactions. These reactions would occur too slowly to support life without the aid of enzymes. Enzymes act as biochemical catalysts, “sparking” the chemical reactions that are the basis of all physical function.

Digestive enzymes are made by the pancreas and are necessary for assimilation of nutrients from food. Without these enzymes, the body cannot absorb energy (calories) efficiently. Incompletely digested food is associated with a number of health problems including gas, bloating, a sense of “fullness” after eating (not related to simple over-eating), indigestion, irritable bowel (constipation and/or diarrhea), and abdominal cramps. Other health difficulties can also arise from incomplete digestion: arthritis, chronic nasal mucous, allergies, joint aches and pains, candidiasis, high blood pressure, immune dysfunction and decreased vitality.

Taken with meals, enzymes assist in digestion and help correct the problems caused by incomplete breakdown of foods. Taken between meals, enzymes have an anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting effect.

Here are ways in which digestive enzymes can be of benefit:

Plant enzymes assist digestion, improve assimilation and help correct the chronic health problems listed above. They are active in a wide range of pH (acid/alkaline). Take with meals for this purpose. (See Similase and Gastric complex).

Animal enzymes assist digestion and perform similarly to plant enzymes. They have very specific pH ranges in which they will function, however, and many people with illnesses do not have the stomach or intestinal pH that optimizes animal enzyme performance.

Bromelain is the digestive enzyme derived from pineapple. Taken betweenmeals, bromelain helps relieve the inflammation of strains, sprains, “pulled” muscles by acting to counter inflammation. Bromelain also has mucous-dissolving, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-fibrinolytic effects when taken between meals. Taken with meals, bromelain acts as a protein digestant.

Digestive enzymes are quite safe to use, and an abundance of enzymes (more than the body needs for food digestion alone) have additional health benefits. These “other benefits” include: correcting blood viscosity (important for those at risk for stroke or heart attack), preventing and eliminating intestinal parasites, and reversing atherosclerosis. Digestive enzymes are used extensively in holistic anti-cancer protocols.

Children who complain of “tummy aches,” or who have allergies or recurrent ear infections, often have incomplete digestion. Plant derived enzymes are safe and highly effective in small people, too!


An Explanation Of These “Must-Have” Nutrients

Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are fats required by the body that must be supplied by diet because the body cannot manufacture them, hence the term “essential.” These fats are the raw material for the production of prostaglandins (local-acting, hormone-like substances) in the body.

Some fats eventually become inflammatory prostaglandins. These inflammatory prostaglandins contribute to generalized inflammation and blood platelet “stickiness.” Inflammatory prostaglandins play an important role in the development of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), stroke, heart disease and cancer. They may also contribute to pain and generalized inflammation.

In contrast, other fats become anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. This type of prostaglandin relieves painful inflammation, improves blood flow, and reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer and autoimmune disease.

Omega-6 fatty acids produce inflammatory prostaglandins almost exclusively. Many vegetable oils are Omega-6 oils.

The typical American diet is much higher in inflammatory fats than anti-inflammatory fats.

Glossary of Fats

Omega-3 Oils are derived primarily from fish oil and flax seeds. These essential fatty acids are anti-inflammatoryand have a positive effect on cardiovascular disease, including high cholesterol and high blood pressure, allergic and inflammatory conditions (including psoriasis and eczema), autoimmune diseases, cancer, neurological disease, menopause, general health enhancement. Supplementation with Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids can help “tip the scales” in favor of anti-inflammation.

Omega-6 Oils are found in evening primrose, black current, borage and a number of vegetable oils. Although supplementation is popular, these oils are necessary only in very small amounts. Excess Omega-6 oils increase arachadonic acid levels (an inflammatory substance). Only diabetics usually need to supplement very small doses of these oils. (Less than 500mg/day).

Omega-9 Oils are found in olive and canola oils. These oils are neutral, producing neither inflammation nor anti-inflammation. Extra virgin olive oil is a good choice for salad dressings & stir-frying food because it is expressed mechanically, without the use of chemicals.

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency is a common problem in the average American diet, and supplementation with Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids is almost always indicated. Find the best dietary sources of Essential Fatty Acids here.

Essential Oils

Concentrated “Plant Hormones”

Essential oils are highly concentrated, volatile oils found in many plants. In plants, they serve a variety of functions similar to human hormones.

Essential oils can be used, diluted, for topical application (all essential oils are highly anti-microbial), aromatherapy, or (in the case of lavender and tea tree) applied directly to the skin (undiluted) for healing.

Lavender Essential Oil – Skin’s Healing Friend

Essential oil of lavender can be applied undiluted to the skin for burns, bites and general irritation. It is the single best healing oil for all skin types. Used as aromatherapy, lavender has a balancing, relaxing and uplifting effect. Apply several drops to a cotton ball or diffuser to help drift peacefully off to sleep.

Myrrh Essential Oil – Soothe Irritated Gums

Essential oil of Myrrh is a classic for healing sore, irritated gums. Apply at gumline with a finger or Q-tip swab.

Myrrh Essential Oil is increasingly expensive and difficult to obtain. Dr. Myatt is able to special-order this rare oil but availability, price, and delivery times are variable. Please call for a quote.

Tea Tree Essential Oil – Nature’s Anti-Fungal

Essential Oil of Tea Tree can be applied directly to the skin for fungal infections, including toe and fingernail fungus, athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm.

How I Evaluate Holistic Health Information and Avoid Being Duped

Summary: Learn how to evaluate “holistic medical” information like a professional, and avoid scams, quacks, rip-offs and as-yet-unproven therapies.

Hardly a day goes by that I am not asked, “Dr. Myatt, have you heard of such-and-such a therapy / remedy / herb / whatever.”

With thousands if not hundreds of thousands of “cures” and “new treatments” being touted, how do I separate the grain from the chaff and still have time to sleep?

Here’s how:

  • If I’ve never heard of it, that’s a bad sign. My research team and I spend much of the day reading medical journals – both conventional and alternative – in addition to news, editorials and “new cure” puff (sales) pieces. All new breakthroughs or “just discovered” research appears someplace. If there are no references except those put out by the manufacturer, my “bogus meter” starts to buzz. Even conventional medicine and its many drug-company ploys have been known to set off my alarm.
  • I subscribe to the “conspiracy theory,” but I don’t go overboard. Yes, the government, the FDA and Big Pharma really do ignore worthy treatments and cures if they can’t figure out how to make a buck from them. There’s a lot of skullduggery that goes on to be sure. But when someone tells me that I’ve never heard of a remedy because the government is suppressing it, I know that’s bogus. Even with suppressed therapies, you’ll find references and information about the subject in medical journals and alternative sources. For example, “The Black Salve” (used for melanoma skin cancer) will never be FDA approved. In fact, it’s difficult to get hold of. But you will find plenty of references to it, many of them credible. Even “outlawed” remedies will still have plenty of references in the holistic medical literature.
  • The Cure has “Testimonials only.” Oh yeah, lots of people are saying “this works great!” Who are these people, and how do I even know that these are legitimate testimonials? Further, if a lot of people say a product or remedy works great, someone would be taking up the cause and doing legitimate research to see if this “remedy” is reproducible. For any remedy you can name, I can find several people who swear it works. But remember, even a clock that has stopped working tells the correct time twice a day. Testimonials are good, but they should not supplant reproducible studies on a drug, herb, magnet or other remedy.
  • The only people who have studied the remedy are the one(s) selling it. “Dr. So-and-so” is the developer of aura-strengthening magnets which cure all disease. He’s been researching this for twenty years and used it on 5,000 patients. It works, and you can buy it from him. And by the way, no one else has done independent research on this product. (Probably because the Government is suppressing it – right?)
  • I check references. (The scientific references in support of a product or therapy). No references? Not a good sign. One lab rat study, reported 357 times on the internet (making each of those look like separate references) doesn’t cut it. References that don’t really support the claims? (’cause they thought no one would bother to check references) I’m outta’ here…

Life is short. I’m sure that by not examining 100 unproven remedies a day I might be overlooking one or two promising therapies a month. But there are so many proven therapies for everything that ails humankind, how much time should I spend on the “as-yet-unprovens”? Besides, if the “new thing” in question is legit, I know I’ll see or hear about it again, and soon. You can’t keep a good cure down.

Until I have confidence that a new treatment, product or other medical cure is effective, I’ll stick with what works and is scientifically verifiable and clinically reproducible. There are more than enough reliable remedies in the entire holistic health armamentarium to cure or control almost every disease, and new and provable ones are added to that list every day.

And that’s “the rest of the story.”


What you need to know

The human body is designed for movement. In fact, the body depends on movement. Consider the three main forms of exercise and the many functions that exercise serves.

Aerobic exercise: activity which elevates the heart rate above its resting normal rate. Such activities include walking, running, bicycling, swimming, rowing, dancing — anything that makes your heart beat faster. Benefits: Aerobic activity strengthens the heart, improves lung function, builds stronger bones, improves circulation and oxygenation to the tissues, moves the lymphatic fluid through the body, normalizes hormone function (male and female hormones, adrenal, thyroid, and pancreas) and elevates mood. It is the single most important type of activity for preventing heart disease and cancer.

Flexibility exercise: activity which takes the muscles, joints and spine through a range of movement. Such activity includes stretching, yoga, tai chi, ballet. Benefits: Flexibility exercises help keep the spine and joints limber, and improves balance and coordination.

Weight training: activity which develops (strengthens) and shapes muscles. This includes lifting weights. Benefits: Weight training helps to define and strengthen various muscle groups and build strength.

There is an “overlap” of benefits from the various types of activity. For example: vigorous weight training elevates the heart rate and has aerobic benefit. Yoga and other flexibility activities often have aerobic benefit as well. Many types of aerobic activity, such as walking, develop muscle strength and have some of the muscle-building benefits of weight training.


If you are beginning an exercise program for the first time, are more than twenty pounds over your normal weight, over 35 years old, severely deconditioned (“couch potato syndrome”) or have a known health problem, it is best to begin by having a complete physical exam and getting clearance from your doctor. Having said this, I must also point out that if you avoid exercise because you are unwilling to get a physical exam, the dangers of not exercising are far greater than the dangers of unsupervised exercise for most people. The following guidelines for aerobic activity may be used by anyone who is capable of walking one mile.


Begin at whatever level/week you can comfortably do now and work up from there.

Exercises: walking (best), bicycling, swimming, treadmill, indoor aerobic exercise equipment (rowing machine, Cardiofit®, stairclimber, etc.), mini trampoline

It is better to stay at one level consistently than to go to a higher level irregularly.

BOTTOM LINE: Be Faithful!

Level or Week

Distance (miles)

Time (minutes)

Times per week



or 15




or 20




or 25




or 25




or 30




or 30




or 35



increase by 1/4 mile

or by five minutes



same as last week and increase # of times per week

4/ 5


OR increase by .25 mile or by five minutes


Eye Drops From Hell®

Natural Support For Healthy Eyes

Dr. Myatt’s Comment:

Not for the timid, but for those who wish to make serious improvement in their eye health. Yes, it stings a bit at first due to increased circulation caused by cayenne! And it really helps improve the eyes: cataracts, dry eye syndrome, eye infections, tired eyes, declining vision.

Contains: Eyebright (Euphrasia), Chamomile (Matricaria), Golden seal (Hydrastis), Cayenne (capsicum).

Dose: Begin with one drop in an eye cup filled with distilled water or buffered saline solution. Rinse each eye. Gradually work up to as many as 12 drops in an eye cup of water.

This formula is Unavailable – thanks to increasingly restrictive FDA “protective” regulations.

Because we have had so many requests for this formula and it is no longer available ready-made we are providing you with the recipe so that you can make your own.

Please, follow this recipe very carefully – make no substitutions or changes to ingredients or amounts or ratios. Be sure that your ingredients are absolutely pure, fresh,and sterile. Be sure that all the equipment that you use to make thsi formula is absolutely sterile and that the bottle that you keep the product in is sterile. Remember, there is no preservative in this formula so store it carefully and discard it immediately if you should contaminate it in any way.

Remember – you will be using this formula in your eyes – don’t take chances!

Dr. Myatt’s Eye Drops From Hell:

  • Capsicum: .8%
  • Cineraria: .4%
  • Euphrasia 25%
  • Foeniculum 13%
  • Coptis 14.5%
  • Calendula succus 11.75%
  • Plantago 11.75%
  • Sterile water 22.75%.

Specific amounts of all these ingredients in ml or ounces or grams or drops will depend on the amount of solution that you are making. Double-check your math, be careful, and be safe.

Remember, you are making and using this formula at your own risk!

Detailed Directions For Using Eye Drops From Hell

You will need an eye cup. (Eye rinse cups can be obtained inexpensively at any pharmacy)

Fill the cup with distilled water. Begin by adding 3 drops of the Eye Drops From Hell.

Do Not use Eye Drops From Hell undiluted !

Rinse each eye. (It is not necessary to make a new solution for each eye unless you have an eye infection). Rinse both eyes in the freshly made solution. Discard – do not save leftover or extra mixed solution.

As you eyes become accustomed to the rinse, gradually increase the number of drops of Eye Drops From Hell that you use. You will eventually be able to work up to 12 drops per dose. Use morning and evening for best results. You may use more frequently if desired.

The drops will cause some mild stinging, especially at first. This is normal.

The cayenne in the formula enhances circulation to the eyes. Although your eyes may appear red just after use, they will then clear and be very white. Your eyes will feel good, too!

Remember — if you have a medical condition or eye disease, it is best to be under the care of a physician who can help you know what other healing measures to take.

Have fun with these drops! And Happy Healing!

Eye and Vision Health

Natural Strategies for Preventing and Reversing Vision Loss

Cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and age-related vision changes are major causes of vision loss. These eye diseases appear to have several common origins: free radical damage to various parts of the eye and nutrient deficiencies. People with diets low in antioxidants have been shown to have a higher rate of eye disease.

For example, people who take multi vitamins or other supplements containing vitamins C and E for more than 10 years have been reported to have a 60% lower risk of forming a cataract.

Vision loss does not have to be an inevitable aspect of aging. It is possible to maintain healthy eyes and vision well into old age by following some basic health measures.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Eat a diet high in “Super Foods” and antioxidant nutrients.
  • Decrease carbohydrates and simple sugars in the diet. This is especially important for preventing diabetic cataracts. Sugars bind with body proteins to produce AGES (Advanced Glycosylated End-products) that cause irreversible changes in the lens of the eye.
  • Drink at least 64 ounces of pure water daily. The vitreous portion of the eye has a high water content.
  • Wear high UV protection sunglasses.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidants (ACES), carotenes, B complex vitamins, selenium, zinc and bioflavonoids are particularly important for eye health.
  • Maxi Greens (Advanced Phytonutrient Formula): 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Bilberry, grape seed extract and ginkgo are particularly important, but plant flavonoids in general help protect the eyes.
  • Dr. Myatt’s Eye Drops from Hell: rinse eyes 2-4 times per day according to instructions. Use in all eye disease EXCEPT glaucoma. (It is unknown whether increasing general circulation to the eyes would adversely effect pressures).

Additional Support

Lack of normal stomach acid (low gastric acid) and resultant failure to absorb nutrients from diet and supplementation can contribute to eye disease. I recommend a Gastric Acid Self-Test for anyone concerned about vision and eye health.

Please refer to the following links for more in-depth information concerning individual eye diseases:

For Cataracts:

  • Melatonin: 1-3mg at bedtime.
  • Bilberry extract: 1 cap, 2-3 times per day with meals (Target dose range: 120-240mg or more per day).
  • Lipoic acid: 1 cap, 2-3 times per day with meals. (Target dose: 500mg per day).
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin 15 -20mg, 3 times per week. People with the highest intakes of these two carotenoids had only 1/2 the risk of developing cataracts as the general population. In one study, people who supplemented these carotendoids at the recommended dose has a significant improvement in age-related cataracts.
  • Vitamin C, E, B2 and B3 (these nutrients are present in a daily multiple such as Maxi Multi in sufficient amounts to prevent cataracts). Low doses of these nutrients are associated with higher rates of cataracts.

For Macular Degeneration : Find more information here.

  • Vitamin E (extra 200-400IU): once per day with a meal. (Target dose range: 600-800IU).
  • Lutein: 5-20mg per day.
  • One of the following:
    Grape Seed Extract: 150-300mg per day with meals.
    Bilberry extract: 1 cap, 2-3 times per day with meals (Target dose range: 120-240mg or more per day).
    Ginkgo: 120-240mg per day wtih meals.

For Glaucoma:

  • Ginkgo: 160mg per day for four weeks, then 120mg per day thereafter.
  • Forskolin (Coleus): 10-60mg per day. This herb can lower blood pressure. At higher doses, this effect can be too much for people with normal blood pressure. Monitor B.P. accordingly.


  1. Jacques PF, Chylack LT Jr. Epidemiologic evidence of a role for the antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids in cataract prevention. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:352S–5S.
  2. Mares-Perlman JA, Lyle BJ, Klein R, et al. Vitamin supplement use and incident cataracts in a population-based study. Arch Ophthalmol 2000;118:1556–63.
  3. Knekt P, Heliovaara M, Rissanen A, et al. Serum antioxidant vitamins and risk of cataract. BMJ 1992;305:1392–4.
  4. Bhat KS. Nutritional status of thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine in cataract patients. Nutr Rep Internat 1987;36:685–92.
  5. Prchal JT, Conrad ME, Skalka HW. Association of presenile cataracts with heterozygosity for galactosaemic states and with riboflavin deficiency. Lancet 1978; 1:12–3.
  6. Taylor A, Jacques PF, Nadler D, et al. Relationship in humans between ascorbic acid consumption and levels of total and reduced ascorbic acid in lens, aqueous humor, and plasma. Curr Eye Res 1991;10:751–9.
  7. Jacques PF, Chylack LT Jr. Epidemiologic evidence of a role for the antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids in cataract prevention. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;53:352S–5S.

Dr. Myatt’s FAQ Page

Dr. Myatt and her staff hear many of the same questions frequently. Here are some of the more common questions, and some answers to them:

What kind of a doctor is Dr. Myatt? – click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor fully licensed in the State of Arizona

Is Dr. Myatt a “real” doctor?click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt is a Licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor. She can perform surgery. She can prescribe drugs. She has a DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) number that allows her to prescribe controlled substances like narcotics. She can order lab and diagnostic tests. If those things mean “real doctor” to you then yes, she is a real doctor.

Dr. Myatt has all the training and education of a regular allopathic doctor, and she also has additional education and training in alternative and natural medicine.

Did Dr. Myatt go to a “real” medical school?click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt attended the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) – a Federally and Regionally Accredited Naturopathic Medical School located in Portland, Oregon.

The training curriculum at NCNM provides 4668 hours of medical education – 357 hours more than that required of a Yale University trained doctor! To see how the training of naturopathic medical doctors exceeds the training of conventional medical doctors see this comparison page:

If Dr. Myatt is a real doctor why doesn’t she take insurance?click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt gave up her Universal Provider Number (UPN) years ago when it was still legal to do so. Now she is now free to spend her time concentrating on your case and care – not on satisfying insurance paperwork. Dr. Myatt believes that your doctor should work for you – not for your insurance company.

But if I get the doctor to fill out and sign these forms I can get reimbursed – will Dr. Myatt just do that?click to show/hide

Sure! At her regular billing rate of $240 per hour, with a 1/2 hour minimum, billed in 1/2 hour increments, Dr. Myatt will complete your insurance paperwork. Additional interaction with your insurance company, and there will inevitably be additional questions and demands for justification for your claim, will be similarly billed at this same rate. Please be aware that this back-and-forth with insurance companies can be very time consuming and rarely results in the insurance company paying for the cutting-edge naturopathic treatments that Dr. Myatt provides.

Where is Dr. Myatt’s clinic – I would like to see to show/hide

Dr. Myatt does not operate a “clinic” in the usual sense. Dr. Myatt manages her Concierge Care patients by telephone and the internet. This allows her to help people all across our country and even around the world.

But I really want to see her in person!click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt’s Concierge Care patients will sometimes arrange to see Dr. Myatt in person, here in Arizona. Not surprisingly, this usually happens in the winter months when it is cold and miserable elsewhere in the country. Patients will fly or drive to Phoenix, Tucson, or other places in Arizona and make arrangements with Dr. Myatt for a visit.

More rarely, Dr. Myatt may arrange “The Ultimate House Call,” making a visit to see a Concierge Care patient who cannot travel to see her. This may be because of physical limitations, or privacy / confidentiality / security issues. Dr. Myatt travels by private motorcoach or in her personal private plane.

Dr. Myatt’s staff will discuss and assist with requests to see Dr. Myatt in person.

But how can Dr. Myatt do anything for me if she hasn’t seen me in person? That just doesn’t seem right!click to show/hide

When you see your regular doctor he or she will likely spend between 7 and 12 minutes with you. If you are fortunate, your doctor may listen to your heart and lungs and do a very minimal “physical exam” and glance at your lab results before either writing you a prescription or passing you off to a “specialist” with a “referral” and running off to see the next patient.

When you work with Dr. Myatt you have her full attention. She and her staff have reviewed your case thoroughly and have gone over your medical records and history in detail. She will spend up to an hour at a time with you, hearing your side of the story, getting more detail, educating, collaborating, and generally working with you to find solutions to your concerns. And she will do this as often as needed, until you get the results you and she agree on.

You already have a conventional doctor who has done a basic physical examination. Dr. Myatt will have you send her all your medical records, which will include records of all physical exams and labs and other diagnostics. There is usually no need to duplicate that basic work. If there are things that could be done that would be covered by conventional insurance, Dr. Myatt will tell you how to ask your conventional doctor for them. Your conventional doctor will still be available to you for medical emergencies such as cuts or injuries, and for such things as hospital admissions in cases of accident or sudden illness.

So, what if I need drugs or x-rays or a cardiogram or other prescriptions or doctors orders?click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt is fully licensed, and can prescrive drugs and order tests when needed. However, in many instances she will advise you how to ask your local “insurance doctor” for these things so that they can be covered by your insurance.

My case is very rare / special and I can’t afford Dr. Myatt – doesn’t she ever do ‘Pro Bono’ or charity work for reduced fees?click to show/hide

No. It is our experience that people assign “value” to something according to what it has cost them in time, effort, or money. “Free advice” is considered to be worth exactly what was paid for it, and is rarely followed. Dr. Myatt is highly “results oriented” and she has found that people who are getting “free medical advice” rarely achieve the results that they or she would like to see.

For free advice, please read through the pages of Dr. Myatt’s website – the information presented there is scientifically verified and the protocols offered are the result of Dr. Myatt’s years of clinical experience.

Isn’t it a bit hard-hearted to refuse to take ‘Pro Bono’ cases?click to show/hide

No. Dr. Myatt is a very compassionate healer and is keenly aware of the suffering and needs of her patients.. Please see The Shaman’s Lesson of Worth

Dr. Jeff Braverman’s Natural Supplementation Recommendations – Patient Education Handout

Dr. Myatt’s Natural Supplementation Recommendations For Fertility / Preconception / Pregnancy

Supplement Brief Description of Action Dose For Him Dose For Her Multi-Vitamin
Dr. Myatt’s
Maxi Multi
Maxi Multi™ optimal potency multiple vitamin/mineral/trace mineral formula for pre-conception and fertility enhancement: 1) Supplies high potency (therapeutic dose) antioxidant nutrients 2) Increases rate of conception 3) Decreases congenital abnormalities. 3 capsules, 3 times a day with meals 3 capsules, 3 times a day with meals Antioxidant
Dr. Myatt’s
Maxi Flavone
Maxi Flavone™ broad-spectrum herbal antioxidant formula decreases Radical Oxygen Species (ROS), lowers TNF-α, excess NK cell activity and inflammation. In men, ROS decrease sperm motility and concentration. In women, ROS are detrimental to both natural and assisted fertility. 1 capsule, 2 times a day with meals 1 capsule, one to two times a day with meals EPA/DHA
Dr. Myatt’s
Maxi Marine-O3
Maxi Marine O-3™ is an ultra-pure, ultra high potency fish oil. EPA/DHA (which occur together in fish oils) decrease NK cell activity. EPA decreases TNF-alpha. Fish oil is anti-inflammatory. 1 or 2 capsules, once a day with a meal 1 or 2 capsules, once a day with a meal DHEA 25mg sublingual tabs deliver higher potency than oral DHEA by avoiding “first pass” liver transformation. 2 tablets, once a day, dissolved under the tongue 1 tablet, once a day, dissolved under the tongue Iron
Energizing Iron
Energizing IronHeme iron is found in Liquid Liver Extract, and it is the easiest-to-assimilate form of iron. Liquid Liver helps build blood faster than taking many-times-higher doses of non-heme iron. Unlike elemental iron, it is not constipating. Not recommended unless patient is clinically iron deficient 3-6 caps a day with meals. 2 caps of Energizing Iron is equivalent to 25mg of elemental iron Flavonoids
Dr. Myatt’s
Maxi Greens
Maxi Greens™ is a Complete Green Food / Flavonoid / Phytonutrient-Rich Daily Herb Formula containing the same flavonoid herbs found in Maxi Flavone in addition to green food “Super Foods” such as wheat grass. 3 Capsules 2-3 times per day.
(6-9 caps per day with meals). 3 Capsules 2-3 times per day.
(6-9 caps per day with meals). Mitochondrial
Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with BioPQQ™not only protects delicate cellular structures and enables cells to perform life-sustaining metabolic processes, it also helps generate new mitochondria. 2 caps twice daily, preferably early in the day or as recommended by Dr. Braverman 2 caps twice daily, preferably early in the day or as recommended by Dr. Braverman Vitamin K2 Vitamin K2 is a blood clotting factor that may be recommended for heavy menstrual cycles. Not recommended unless patient is clinically deficient 1 or 2 capsules, once a day with a meal CoQ10 CoQ10 is a naturally-occurring antioxidant. It is vitally involved in cellular energy production. It is used in treating male infertility 200 mg a day to improve sperm kinetic features in idiopathic asthenozoospermia 50-100 mg per day for health maintenance

For detailed information about these supplements including their actions and full scientific references, or to conveniently order, please visit and navigate to the Fertility Restore / Dietary Supplements area on the left-hand navigation bar. You may call toll-free 1 800 376 9288 to order. You can obtain your supplements elsewhere but please be sure that you check the label to ensure that you are getting the same potency and quality.
Sub-standard supplements are not a “bargain” – they are a waste of money!