Head, Neck and Eye Exercises


Perform these with head erect while seated or standing.

1.) Drop chin to chest slowly, then return to starting position. Repeat 3 times.

Head and Neck Exercises 1

2.) Drop head backward slowly, then return to starting position. Repeat 3 times

Head and Neck Exercises 2

3.) Drop head to right shoulder slowly without moving shoulder upward, then return to starting position. Repeat 3 times.

Head and Neck Exercises 3

4.) Drop head to left shoulder slowly without moving shoulder upward, then return to starting position. Repeat 3 times.

Head and Neck Exercises 4

5.) Roll head in a complete clockwise circle. Repeat 3 times.

Head and Neck Exercises 6

6.) Roll head in a complete counter-clockwise circle. Repeat 3 times.

Head and Neck Exercises 5

Eye Exercises:

1.) Look up, hold 5 seconds, relax your eyes.
Look down, hold 5 seconds, relax your eyes.
Repeat 5 times. Blink your eyes a few seconds.

Eye Exercises

2.) Look left, hold 5 seconds, relax your eyes.
Look right, hold 5 seconds, relax your eyes.
Repeat 5 times. Blink your eyes.

Eye Exercises

3.) Look up left, hold 5 seconds, relax your eyes.
Look down right, hold 5 seconds, relax your eyes.
Repeat 5 times. Blink your eyes.

Eye Exercises

4.) Look up right, hold 5 seconds, relax your eyes.
Look down left, hold 5 seconds, relax your eyes.
Repeat 5 times. Blink your eyes.

Eye Exercises

5.) Rotate eyeballs 10 circles to left. Blink your eyes.

Eye Exercises

6.) Rotate eyeballs 10 circles to right. Blink your eyes.

Eye Exercises

Design Your Own Optimal Health / Anti-Aging Supplement Program

Natural Support To Keep You In The Peak Of Health For Years To Come

Step 1: Optimal Dose Multivitamins & Minerals

Optimal (not just minimal) doses of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants should be the foundation of every good health program. For information about optimal daily adult doses of nutrients, refer to the vitamin/mineral chart here.

Dr. Myatt’s Maxi Multi delivers optimal daily doses of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals in a single formula. Other possible combinations of formulas based on age and sex can be found here: Which Formulas Are Right For You?

If you take only one thing, make it an optimal potency multiple vitamin / mineral / trace mineral / antioxidant formula such as Maxi Multi or equivalent combination.

[Note: To obtain the equivalent of Maxi Multi’s, most people need to take the following: I.) High quality multiple vitamin / mineral formula II.) B complex vitamins III.) Additional antioxidant formula IV.) Calcium / magnesium / boron.]

Step 2: Phyto-nutrients

Plants contain hundreds of non-vitamin/non-mineral substances known as “phytonutrients.” (Phyto=plant). Although not absolutely essential to to life like vitamins and minerals are, these plant-derived nutrients never-the-less perform many important functions. Phytonutrients act as potent antioxidants, detoxifiers, oxygenators and anti-mutagenics. (Preventing cancerous changes in cells). The typical American diet is far too low in produce, so plant-derived nutrients are often lacking. Supplementing flavonoid-rich herbs is good “health insurance.” Maxi Greens provides a broad spectrum of phytonutrients in a single formula OR use other flavonoid-rich herbs singularly or in combination.

Step 3: Organ System or Condition-Specific Protocols

If you have a medical diagnosis, you may choose to use a supplement protocol that has been proven useful for your condition. You can look up medical conditions in the “Disease” Knowledge Search box on the upper right hand corner of every page on this website. If you do not have a diagnosis OR if you wish to practice preventive medicine, follow the “Health Priority Protocols” for any organ system that scored “high” on the Health Priority Self-Evaluation. The Health Priority Evaluation can be found on page 6-8 of the Holistic Health Handbook.

Step 4: Hormones

Hormones are potent “biochemical messengers” that control virtually every aspect of physical function. Many hormones, including sex hormones (DHEA, estrogens, progestins, testosterone), neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine) and melatonin decline with age. It is believed that the aging process can be slowed or countered by maintaining more youthful levels of these hormones.

Because the hormonal “milieu” is a complicated mix, I recommend hormone testing when available (as it is for the sex hormones) before beginning replacement therapy.

Additional Measures to Consider:

Cancer Prevention Protocol

1.) Take optimal daily doses of vitamins and minerals. (Maxi Multi or equivalent).
2.) Take additional flavonoid-rich herbs (Maxi Greens or equivalent).
3.) Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids: fish oil (best) or flax oil OR 2 TBS. or more ground flax seed.
4.) Hormone Balancing as indicated by the results of a hormone profile.
5.) Cancer-prevention “extras” (if not included elsewhere in your program)

Use any or all:

Click here for Advice about Your Anti-Aging / Longevity Protocol

Q & A About Nutritional Supplements

Q: It seems strange to take so many supplements to stay healthy. Can’t I just get my nutrients from a good diet?

A: Theoretically, yes. Realistically, no. You need supplements to ensure that there are no “gaps” in your nutrient intake. And while it may seem “strange” to take supplements, consider how strange our eating behaviors have become.

We don’t eat fresh fruits and vegetables just picked from the vine; we eat produce that was grown with multiple pesticides and insecticides, then shipped long distances and kept in cold storage. Instead of fresh produce, we may be eating an apple that was picked 18 months ago. Nutrients are lost by the hour when produce is picked.

We no longer eat whole grain bread from freshly milled grain, with the germ (which contains vitamin E), and bran (which contains fiber and B complex vitamins) intact. Instead, our flour has been processed, all nutrients removed, bleached, chlorinated, baked into bread with preservatives added, then “enriched” with a few token nutrients.

Do you drink milk for the calcium? Or eat cheese? Our cattle are fattened by using human sex hormones and growth hormones to stimulate milk production and fatten them for beef. Those hormones are in the flesh and milk, and then passed on to us. High levels of dioxin are now found in cattle, presumably because this outlawed environmental toxin is making it’s way up the food chain.

I could go on, but what’s the point? Even if you consistently make every effort to eat healthfully, unless you raise all of your own food and eat it fresh, you are not obtaining the necessary nutrients from diet. Few people I know eat this way.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the protective value of obtaining target doses of various nutrients. Even a single nutrient deficiency can cause a whole “domino effect” of health problems, since “everything is connected to everything” in the body. Why take chances? Taking Maxi Multi is inexpensive health insurance.

Q: The recommended dose for Maxi Multi is 9 caps per day. I take a one-per day multi vitamin now. Why does your formula require so many capsules for a full day’s dose?

A: Because optimal doses of nutrients do not fit into one capsule or tablet.

Q: I have been taking vitamins from the health food store and I feel fine. Should I keep taking these, or switch to Dr.Myatt’s Maxi Multi’s?

A: Switch to Maxi Multi! Are you certain that your multiple contains optimal doses of all nutrients? Are you certain that it was manufactured with the highest quality raw materials? Verified by independent laboratory testing as well as stringent in-house testing? Does the company use the most efficacious form of each individual nutrient? Do they include important (but often overlooked) trace minerals such as molybdenum, vanadium and boron? Do they continually update the formula to reflect new discoveries in the field of nutritional medicine? Do they have me-”The Dragon Lady”- or someone just like me, watching every aspect of quality, purity, and formulation? If you want to be sure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs on a daily basis, in the purest, most potent, optimal doses, take Maxi Multi.

Q: I take Maxi Multi’s every day. Do I need to take other supplements?

A: That depends. If you are in good health, have no medical problems, and follow the “Golden Rules of Good Health” at least 90% of the time, Maxi Multi’s may be all you need.

If you have already-existing health problems, do not follow good health practices on a regular basis, or want to do more to prevent problems, then additional supplementation is in order.

Maxi Multi’s provide a solid foundation for your good health program. They are inexpensive “health insurance” that will protect you from numerous deficiency-related disease, dietary imbalances, and environmental toxins. Consider Maxi Multi’s the starting place for your supplement protocol.

Every “protocol” listed here is built on a foundation of Maxi Multi’s or the equivalent. If you are not getting the “foundation,” additional supplementation will be far less beneficial.

Remember, if you only take one nutritional supplement, Maxi Multi should be The One.


A “Systems” Approach To Rid Your Body Of Toxins

Natural Support To Rid Your Body Of Toxins

By Dr. Myatt

 Conventional medicine claims there is no evidence for physical toxicity and therefore detoxification is unnecessary and unscientific. In other words, detoxification is “quackery.” But conventional medicine is DEAD WRONG on this issue, and that’s a fact provable from the conventional medical literature.

Physical toxicity is not only real, it starts in the womb. That’s not alternative medicine mumbo-jumbo, it is hard-core science, supported by hundreds of conventional medical studies. Get ready for some real medical science if you can handle the alarming truth.

Where Do Toxins Come From?

Humans are exposed to toxins on a daily basis, both from inside (natural wastes, a product of normal metabolism) and from outside (through food, air, water, cosmetics, etc). Exposure to toxicity begins in the womb. One study identified more than two hundred toxic chemicals in the blood of newborns. (Read this frightening study here)

After birth, babies are exposed to toxins in mother’s milk and formula. And that’s just the beginning. As children, adolescents, and adults we are all exposed to toxins on a daily basis. Many toxins, many times per day. Some sources of toxicity, like mercury amalgam fillings, are present 24/7. Here are just a few of the common toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis, their sources, and their effects:

  • Parabens: A preservative used in cosmetics – linked to endocrine disruption and possibly carcinogenic.
  • Pesticides – organochlorines, organophosphates, and carbamates: From agricultural operations – endocrine disruption / hormonal disturbances, cancer including lymphoma and leukemia, fetal death and birth defects, neurological toxicity and more.
  • PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls): now banned in the U.S., were used in lubricants, coolants, adhesives, flame retardants, paints, etc. – hormone/endocrine disruption, immune suppression, neurotoxicity, mutagenic, carcinogenic.
  • Phthalates: used to soften plastic and lengthen the life of scents. Especially harmful to the endocrine systems of children.
  • VOC’s: found in paint, furniture, carpet and other household items – immune suppression is common.
  • Dioxins: result from trash incineration and from burning fuel like wood, gas and coal and from industrial processes like paper mills and cement kilns. Much of our exposure comes from breathing polluted air and from diet – especially animal fats which concentrate these compounds. Toxic effects may include liver damage, alterations in heme metabolism, serum lipid levels, and thyroid functions, and diabetes and immune suppression.
  • Heavy Metals: Including mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, nickel (nickel salts are toxic), arsenic, antimony, thallium, and others. Sources include water, pesticides, antiperspirants, smog and many more – most common toxic effects include neurotoxicity but there are a large and varied number of ill effects that result from heavy metal toxicity.
  • Chloroform: Found in air, water and food. Commonly formed when chlorine is added to water. Toxic effects include liver and kidney damage, birth defects, cancer.
  • Perchlorate: may be found in drinking water and can interfering with iodine uptake into the thyroid gland.
  • Atrazine: (a pesticide) may cause cardiovascular and reproductive problems, cancer – found in drinking water.
  • Perchloroethylene (perc): A VOC commonly used in dry cleaning. Accumulates in fatty tissues. Carcinogenic and may increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.
  • Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE): Flame retardants – formerly added to furniture, car upholstery and mattresses, but voluntarily taken off the market by manufacturers because of concerns about toxicity. PBDE now commonly found in TVs and computer monitors in the plastic. Effects include hormone disruption, reduced fertility, hepatic damage and disruption of neurologic development.
  • Bisphenol-A (BPA): polycarbonate plastic, resin lining in cans, linked to certain cancers, fertility, and behavioral problems in children.
  • Furans: Used in plastics – toxic, carcinogenic, endocrine disrupter.

 Although the human body is well-equipped to eliminate it’s own metabolic waste products, we are NOT designed to deal with the numerous and increasing amounts of external toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis. Toxic overload can overwhelm the body and cause widespread health problems. These “problems” are not diagnosed as “toxicity.” Instead they are labeled with a name like “cancer” or “heart disease.” But the real question is “why are these diseases on the rise?” A large body of evidence points to our increasingly toxic environment as the cause. The immune system, cardiovascular system and nervous system are targets of excess toxicity.

How To “Detox”

Detoxification means, literally, “to remove the poison (toxin), or effect of poison, from.” The human body has multiple organs and organ systems for such toxin removal. In order to “detoxify” the body, all systems of detoxification must be fully functional and supported in their efforts. It is not enough to take fiber and “bowel cleansing formulas” as you will learn, although this is a good start on a detox program.

Patients often ask me about the value of “detoxification” products, as if detoxification of the body could be accomplished by using a single therapy or supplement. But the body has multiple organs that cooperate together in detoxification. The large intestine (colon),  liver, skin, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and extra cellular fluids are all part of the “detoxification system” of the body. Each of these organs and systems contribute to the body’s elimination of internal waste and externally-introduced toxins. Therefore, a true detoxification program should address all of these eliminative organs.

Organs of Detoxification

  • The colon (also called the Large Intestine, or LI), is responsible for removing undigested and unabsorbed food from the body. The colon is also the primary absorptive surface for water and salts. Water soluble waste products are absorbed into hepatic/portal circulation (the liver), then into general circulation, from the colon. Biotransformation of endogenous (internally derived) and exogenous (externally derived) waste products also occurs in the gut mucosa.

    Under normal circumstances, the large intestine contains approximately three pounds of native “good” bacteria and some yeast species. The floral balance of the colonic environment can be altered by dietary imbalances, insufficient digestive function, and antibiotic or other drug use, which allows pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and parasites to overgrow. These non-native gut species often produce toxic substances which are reabsorbed into hepatic and then general circulation. Maintenance of normal diet, digestion, and gut micro flora is essential for the proper elimination of food wastes, prevention of gut-derived endotoxins, and normal biotransformation of toxins.

  • The lungs bring oxygen into the system and eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is the end-product (waste) of cellular respiration. Respiratory regulation of the acid-base balance is one to two times as great as that of the body’s chemical buffering systems, making the lungs additionally important in the acid-base balance of the body.
  • The skin contains sweat glands that excrete 5-10% of all metabolic wastes. The substances found in sweatsalts, water, and nitrogenous wasteare similar to the composition of urine only more dilute.
  • The kidneys remove the majority of cellular metabolic waste products including nitrogen-containing amino acids and carbon dioxide.
  • The liver converts endogenous and exogenous toxins into excretable metabolites. The term detoxification is often used to refer exclusively to this intracellular biotransformation process, although as you see, all eliminative organs are crucial to the process of detoxification.

Other Factors Affecting Detoxification

Acid-base balance (pH of the bloodstream). The pH of the arterial blood is 7.4, and venous blood 7.35. These limits are narrowly maintained within the body. Metabolic waste products of cellular metabolism generate 50 to 100 millimoles of acid per day. Excess acids are removed through blood-buffering systems of the lungs, kidneys, and through pH capacity of the blood itself.

Sources of Toxicity

Xenobiotics are substances that are toxic to the human system. Such substances may be either externally derived (chemicals and drugs in the environment) or internally derived (metabolic by-products). Internal sources of xenobiotics include metabolic waste products and gut-derived endotoxins.

Detoxification by System: Dr. Myatt’s Complete “Spring Housecleaning” Detox Program

GI Tract

  • Fiber: E-Z- Fiber: 1-2 heaping TBS. daily, taken in water or better yet, in a Myatt Muffin. Additional Fiber: Flax seed and/or psyllium, 20-30+ grams daily taken in muffins or a Super Shake.
  • Probiotics: Gram positive bacteria (Lactobacillus spp., Bifida bacteria spp., etc.). One Supremadophilus at bedtime is recommended.
  • For Candida, parasites or non-native GI bacterial overgrowth: I.) Capri Plus: 2 tabs, 2 times per day on an empty stomach. Don’t know if you have any of these “buggers” or dysbiosis? A comprehensive GI Health Profile can be highly revealing. Learn More Here
  • Similase and/or betaine HCL: improve digestion (which helps eliminate unwanted organisms and improve absorption of nutrients) with digestive enzymes and additional hydrochloric (stomach) acid.


  • Water — yup, plain ol’ clean water. Do NOT use tap water (which contains chlorine and flouride, two toxic chemicals). If you don’t already have one, a good water purification system is a smart and inexpensive investment in your good health. Aquasana Water Purifiers makes some of the highest-rated filters at the best prices.
  • Chitosan: 6 caps at bedtime. Chitosan is a fiber derived from the shell of crustaceans (sea creatures like shrimp). This fiber binds up toxins and carries them out of the body. Studies have shown that chitosan can even help the toxic build-up caused when a person has damaged kidneys and is on dialysis.


  • Deep breathing – heavy exercise can accomplish this. So can singing and deep breathing exercises.

Liver / gallbladder

  • Silybum marianum –  milk thistle. The all-time most amazing substance for improving liver function. During a detox program, I recommend 9 caps per day of  Lipotropic Formula OR a combination of Lipotropic Formula and Milk This Plus+ to equal 9 caps per day. (3 caps at 3 meals).

Foods that improve the liver’s ability detox to include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale). Higher doses of the “detox magic” in these vegetables can be obtained in supplemental form from diindolomethanes or DIM’s.
  • Limonene (lemon peel). Add some “lemon zest” (grated lemon rind) to Myatt muffins or other food to get your limonene.
  • Adequate dietary protein (use whey protein to boost immunity and liver detox)
  • Dietary sulfur (onions and garlic) and/or MSM (supplemental sulphur)


  • Skin brushing
  • Saunas and steam baths

Extracellular fluid

  • Urtica urens – nettle
  • Taraxacum officinale – dandelion
  • Arctium lappa – burdock

Adipose Tissue

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Weight loss (if overweight): many toxins accumulate and are stored in fat cells.

Lymphatic System

  • Lymph drainage massage
  • Exercise (especially rebounding [mini trampoline])

Blood vascular system

  • Alkaline-ash diet (fruits and vegetables: starch and proteins 4:1)

General Detox

  • Allium sativum – garlic – also available in a potent supplement as Garlitrin.

A Total Approach to Detoxification:

Diet And Lifestyle

  • Weight loss diet if overweight. Fat cells store many toxins; losing excess fat releases these toxins so they can be eliminated.
  • Drink 64 ounces of pure water daily. Water is the single biggest detoxifier of the kidneys, liver, and extracellular fluid.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise stimulates circulation and metabolism, speeding detoxification. The deep breathing encouraged by exercise is detoxifying to the lungs, and sweating is detoxifying to the skin. Rebounding (bouncing on a mini-trampoline) has the additional benefit of moving lymphatic fluid and assisting lymph drainage.
  • Skin brushing daily; sauna or steam bath at least one per week.
  • The Body/Mind Connection video: watch this at least three times. Clearing out old “emotional toxicity” is an important but often overlooked aspect of detoxification.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. A deficiency of any vitamin, mineral, or trace mineral can slow or stop various detoxification pathways. Optimal (not minimal) doses B complex vitamins, beta carotene, vitamin C, E, zinc, selenium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium and molybdenum are particularly important in detoxification.
  • Flax seed (source of lignan fibers and Omega 3 fatty acids): 2 teaspoons per day of ground, whole flax seed OR E-Z Fiber OR Fiber Formula, 12 caps per day in divided doses.
  • Maxi Greens: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals as a source of broad-spectrum “green Superfoods” and flavonoids.

Additional Support

For the GI tract

For the Liver

For General & cellular detoxification

  • Chlorella: 2-3 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Green Tea: 1 cap, 2 times per day OR drink green tea as a beverage, 2-3 cups per day. Or take as a supplement – Green Tea Extract.
  • Protein: Whey protein: 2 scoops per day in water or make into a “Super Shake.” The liver requires adequate protein in order to perform it’s detoxification tasks.

Heavy Metals detoxification

  • Modifilan was reportedly developed in Russia by scientists at the State Rehabilitation Institute, where victims of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe underwent treatment. It detoxifies the body from heavy metals including strontium-90 and cadmium, radioactive elements, free radicals and toxins.


Diabetes (Adult Type II)

Natural Support To Prevent And Reverse This Condition

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition of abnormally high fasting blood sugar (above 126mg/dl) measured on two separate occasions.

Type I diabetes is caused by a destruction of pancreatic cells that produce insulin. It is a more serious condition, and more difficult to control, than type II.

Type II diabetes is related to Western diet and lifestyle and can almost always be controlled by diet and lifestyle changes alone.

A less recognized form of diabetes is Type 1.5 which may combine features of both Type I and Type II with some loss of endogenous insulin production as well as reduced sensitivity to available insulin. This type also responds very well to dietary and lifestyle changes and supplementation.

Uncontrolled diabetes (blood sugars that continue to go above the normal 120mg/dl) result in a four-fold increased risk of atherosclerotic heart disease and a five-fold increased risk of stroke. Diabetes also increases the risk of nerve damage leading to eye disease, peripheral neuropathy (nerve disorder), increased risk of infection, and compromised circulation sometimes resulting in gangrene. Persistent high blood sugar levels can stress and damage kidney (renal) function.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Diet: work with an alternative medicine physician to discover optimal diet. High carbohydrate, low calorie diets are often prescribed for diabetics, but low carbohydrate diets have been shown to work much better for most type II diabetics. A special version of the ketogenic diet — what Dr. Myatt calls “The Ketone Zone” — works fast and reliably to reverse DM. Individual guidance in diet will almost always correct Type II DM and help control Type 1.5 DM.
  • Maintain a normal weight. Overweight makes the body resistant to its own insulin. A low carbohydrate diet will reduce weight quickly and even modest weight loss helps significantly with blood sugar control.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise improves the body’s response to insulin, decreases blood sugar levels, normalizes weight and improves circulation.
  • Drink 64 ounces of pure water daily. Adequate water intake has a wide number of health benefits and specific to diabetes these include improved blood sugar regulation and improved liver and kidney function.

Primary Support

  1. Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidants (ACES), B complex vitamins, magnesium, chromium, vanadium and bioflavonoids are particularly important in correcting diabetes and preventing the damage that diabetes causes. Chromium picolinate is known to help improve insulin sensitivity.
  2. Omega 3 fatty acids – any or all of these:
    Flax seed meal, 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed oil capsules: 2-4 caps, 3 times per day
    Flax seed oil: 1 tablespoon per day
    MaxiMarine O3 (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1 cap, 2 times per day with meals. Omega 3 deficiency contributes to insulin resistance and supplementation can reverse it.
    Diabetes increases cardiovascular risk factors in part through the inflammatory action of abnormally high blood sugars. O3 fatty acids have a potent anti-inflammatory effect. The Essential Fatty Acids are SO important that the U.S. Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in their diet.
  3. Maxi Greens (Advanced Phytonutrient Formula): 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Bilberry, grape seed extract and ginkgo are particularly important since these potent antioxidants serve to strengthen blood vessels and protect the circulatory system.
  4. CoQ10 (50-100mg): 1 cap, 2-3 times per day with meals (target dose range: 150-400mg per day). CoQ10 is essential to mitochondrial function which can be comprimized in diabetes and should be considered a mandatory supplement for anyone taking statins fo cholesterol or by anyone with any cardiac risk factors.
  5. Increased Fiber Intake: A minimum of 20 grams of fiber daily will stabilize blood sugars and provide a host of other health benefits. Dietary fiber can be difficult to obtain in adequate amounts and most Americans get woefully little in their diet. Dr. Myatt has developed a “bread” substitute that is very low carb and very high fiber.
  6. Fiber Formula: 6-12 caps per day can be useful in maintaining a good fiber intake, especially when travelling and unable to make the “Myatt Bread” mentioned above.
  7. Berberine (200mg): I cap, 3 times per day with meals. Berberine has been found to be as effective for blood sugar control as the prescription drug metformin. Do not take both metformin and berberine – take one or the other. Do NOT stop taking metformin if it has been prescribed to you without discussing it with your doctor or other health care provider.

Additional Support

Urinary Tract Health:

  • D-mannose works by preventing bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract and not by direct antibiotic action soit does not have any of the potential for negative side-effects that antibiotics do. One teaspoon in 6 ounces of water drunk twice daily can help to prevent the urinary tract infections common in diabetics, and double that (i.e.: 4 times daily) can help to resolve urinary tract infections.

With High Cholesterol:

  • Red Yeast Rice: 2 caps, 2 times per day with meals. (Target Dose 2000 mg per day) Unlike isolated “statin” drugs, Red Rice Yeast contains a mixture of related but different statins that act synergistically. As a result, lower (and safer) doses of any one statin are taken. Red Rice Yeast has been shown to lower total cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL levels.
  • Berberine (200mg): I cap, 3 times per day with meals. Berberine is a potent lipid-lowering compound and also has a moderate weight loss effect.

With Neuopathy (nerve pain):

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine: 500-1,000 mg, 2-3 times per day with meals. (Target dose range: 1,000- 2,000mg per day).Acetyl-L-Carnitine helps to restore insulin sensitivity.
  • Alpha lipoic acid: 300-1200 mg daily. Improves insulin sensitivity and reduces symptoms of neuropathy.

Since these two supplements create a powerful synergy when used together Dr. Myatt offers a high-potency supplement which combines both nutrients in a single formula. One bottle of ALA-ALC is equivalent to two bottles each of our separate ALA and ALC formulas. For those who need to take both nutrients in higher potencies, this represents asignificant savings and convenience.

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid / Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALA / ALC) One or two caps daily to improve insulin sensitivity and relieve symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. This combination also improves mitochondrial function (the “energy producing units” of the cell) is also involved in the conversion of carbohydrates to energy.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment

Diabetes leads to serious health complications. All of the problems associated with aging—-impaired circulation, decreases of hearing and eyesight, and heart disease are accelerated in uncontrolled diabetes. Fortunately, Type II diabetes is almost always controllable through diet, lifestyle, and corrective nutrients and herbs. Insulin is sometimes but rarely necessary (in instances of Type 1.5 diabetes) and may be preferable to other glucose-lowering drugs. It is important to keep blood sugar levels within a normal range, thus avoiding the multiple health risks and premature aging that diabetes causes.

I find that well over 90% of Type II diabetic patients can achieve normal-range glucose control by following a ketogenic diet and the above-listed primary support measures. If blood sugars are not dramatically improved (usually completely corrected!) after three months on this program, consult with an alternative medicine physician who can help you find the best diet and supplement program. I am available for consultation by telephone and I have an excellent success rate with type II diabetic patients.


Kalman D. Chromium picolinate and type 2 diabetes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2003; 78(1): 92.

Artemis P. Simopoulos, Dietary Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency and High Fructose intake in the Development of Metabolic Syndrome Brain, Metabolic Abnormalities, and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Nutrients. 2013 Aug; 5(8): 2901–2923.
Published online 2013 Jul 26. doi: 10.3390/nu5082901
PMCID: PMC3775234

Power RA, Hulver MW, Zhang JY, Dubois J, Marchand RM, Ilkayeva O, Muoio DM, Mynatt RL.Carnitine revisited: potential use as adjunctive treatment in diabetes. Diabetologia. 2007 Apr;50(4):824-32. Epub 2007 Feb 20.

Ziegler D, Ametov A, Barinov A, Dyck PJ, Gurieva I, Low PA, Munzel U, Yakhno N, Raz I, Novosadova M, Maus J, Samigullin R. Oral treatment with alpha-lipoic acid improves symptomatic diabetic polyneuropathy. Diabetes Care 2006; 29(11): 2365-70.

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol)

Natural Support for Improved Brain and Memory Function

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol), found in highest concentrations in anchovies and sardines, is also produced in small amounts in the human brain. DMAE is a precursor to the neurotransmitters choline and acetylcholine, although DMAE crosses the blood-brain barrier faster than choline. Once inside brain cells, DMAE is converted to phosphatidylcholine, a substance used for maintenance and repair of cells, especially brain cells. Studies have shown DMAE to be useful in:

  • ADD/ADHD (first studied in the 1970’s by drug companies and found useful for this purpose)
  • Improved memory and short-term concentration
  • Alzheimer’s dementia

Cautions: Begin with the low dose and work up to higher doses. Sudden stimulation of brain chemicals may cause headache. Use in epilepsy only under physician guidance.

Dose: 100-300mg per day, taken with meals.

Echinacea (E. angustifolia, purpura)

Natural Immune System Booster

Echinacea - Purple ConeflowerEchinacea is one of the most popular herbs for stimulating and boosting the immune system. It acts as an immune stimulant, immune modulator (balances the immune system), anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

Echinacea, also known as the purple coneflower, is a native American herb with an impressive record of laboratory and clinical research. Echinacea has long been used by North American Plains Indians shamans and today thousands of modern healers use echinacea for treating infectious diseases.  It was often used in modern American medicine in the early 20th Century, and became popular with Europeans, who have used it extensively since the 1930s. Today millions of Europeans use echinacea as a primary therapy for colds, flu’s, infections, and for it’s general immune-boosting effects.

Primary uses of echinacea include:

  • Colds, coughs and flu and other upper respiratory conditions
  • Enlarged lymph glands, sore throat
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Other minor infections
  • May help combat herpes and candida
  • Wounds, skin regeneration and skin infections (external use)
  • Psoriasis, eczema and inflammatory skin conditions (external use)

Echinacea increases the “non-specific” activity of the immune system stimulating the overall activity of the cells responsible for fighting all kinds of infection. Unlike antibiotics, which are directly toxic to bacteria, echinacea makes our own immune cells more efficient in attacking bacteria, viruses and abnormal cells, including cancer cells.

Echinacea facilitates wound healing and reduces the symptoms of and speeds recovery from viral infections. It’s anti-inflammatory effects make it useful externally against inflammatory skin conditions including psoriasis and eczema. It may also increase resistance to candida, bronchitis, herpes, and other infectious conditions.

Hundreds of scientific studies have documented the chemistry, pharmacology, and clinical applications of echinacea. The most consistently proven effect of echinacea is in stimulating phagocytosis, which is to encourage white blood cells and lymphocytes to attack invading organisms.

Specific actions of echinacea include:

  • increases the number and activity of immune system cells, including anti-tumor cells:
  • promotes T-cell activation;
  • stimulates new tissue growth for wound healing;
  • reduces inflammation in arthritis and inflammatory skin conditions;
  • Mild antibiotic action: bacteriostatic, anti-viral, anti-fungal.
  • inhibits the bacterial enzyme hyaluronidase, to help prevent bacterial access to healthy cells.

Specific studies of echinacea include:

  • An extract of echinacea showed an increase of 50%-120% in immune function over a 5 day period (Jurcic, et al. 1989).
  • An extract of echinacea significantly increased the resistance to flu and reduced the symptoms of lymph gland swelling, inflamed nasal passages and headache (Braunig, et al. 1992).
  • Of 4500 patients with inflammatory skin conditions, including psoriasis, 85% were cured with topical applications of echinacea salve (Wacker & Hilbig, 1978).
  • Human white blood cells, stimulated by echinacea extract increased phagocytosis (consumption) of yeast cells by 20-40% compared to controls. (Wagner and Proksch 1985)

Echinacea has an excellent safety record and there is no known toxicity. However, according to the German Kommission E, echinacea should not be used in progressive systemic and auto-immune disorders such as tuberculosis, leicosis, connective tissue disorders, collagenosis and related diseases such as lupus. Further, its use in AIDS or opportunistic infections in AIDS patients is controversial.

It should be noted that echinacea is not appropriate for chronic use: with such long-term use, echinacea appears to lose it’s effectiveness. Maximum periods of continuous use should not exceed 6 – 8 weeks.

Echinacea is not a substitute for other medical interventions in rapidly accelerating infections. If a condition persists or worsens, seek medical advice. Many serious medical conditions are not appropriate for self-diagnosis or self-medication and require the supervision of qualified health care providers.

Additional Reading and References:

  • Echinacea, Nature’s Immune Enhancer by Stephen Foster. Healing Arts Press, 1991.
  • Echinacea, the Immune Herb by Christopher Hobbs. Botanica Press, 1990.
  • Botanical Influences on Illness by Melvyn Werbach and Michael Murray. Third Line Press, 1994. See chapters on Cancer, Candidiasis, Immunodepression, Infection, Wound Healing.
  • Herbal Medicine by Rudolf Weiss. AB Arcanum, 1988.
  • The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2007; 7:473-480 Review Evaluation of echinacea for the prevention and treatment of the common cold: a meta-analysis http://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473309907701603/abstract
  • British Herbal Pharmacopeia, 1992.
  • Kommission E Monographs: Echinacea. Kooperation Phytopharmaka, , Germany.
  • Jurcic, et al. Zeitschrift fur Phytotherapie 10 (2), 1989.
  • Braunig, et al. Zeitschrift fur Phytotherapie 13: 7-13, 1992.
  • Wagner and Proksch 1985 In: Economic and Medicinal Plant Research, Academic Press, Orlando, p.113.
  • Wacker & Hilbig. Planta Medica 33(1): 89-102, 1978.
  • Chone & Mandakis. Deutsch Med. Wschr. 27: p. 1406
  • Luettig, et al. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 81(9): 669-75, 1989.
  • Stimpel, et al. Infect. Immun. 46, 845, 1984;
  • Steinmuller, et al. Int. J. Immunopharmac., Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 605-614, 1993.

10 Dangers of Carbohydrates

The US Food Pyramid advises us to eat 5-10 servings per day of carbohydrates, but high carbohydrate diets are the primary causes of our current overweight/obesity epidemic. 66% of adult Americans are overweight and 33% of these are obese. Diets high in carbohydrates (grains, beans, sugary fruits— anything that quickly turns into sugar in the blood stream) are making Americans some of the fattest people on Earth.

Here are 10 reasons why carbohydrates — “carbs” — are so dangerous.

I.) Carbs are not “essential” and high consumption displaces necessary nutrients. “Essential” means that a certain food is absolutely required by the body (like gasoline or diesel in a car), is not manufactured by the body, and so must be consumed in the diet.

Have you ever heard of an “essential fatty acid”? (EFA)? Some types of fats — Omega 6′s and Omega 3′s — are absolutely required by the body.

Have you heard of “essential amino acids”? Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. There are 8 amino acids that are “essential.” Without them, muscles, hormones and the heart (a muscle) cease to function properly. Muscles have a high protein requirement.

Have you ever heard of an “essential carbohydrate”? I hope not, because there’s no such thing!

Of the three calorie containing molecules — proteins, fats and carbohydrates — only certain fats and proteins are “essential.” When the diet is high in carbohydrates, it is often deficient in the necessary essential fats and proteins. Deficiencies of essential fats and proteins causes all manner of diseases, from mood disorders (neurotransmitters are made from essential fats and proteins) to muscle weakness (muscles have a high protein requirement), hormone imbalances, heart disease and premature aging.

II.) Carbs cause overweight. What do we feed cows to fatten them up quickly? Carbohydrates, especially corn. “Corn fed beef” is wonderful — loaded with marbled fat. Cows don’t eat meat, so obviously the vilified eggs, butter and meat aren’t what is putting weight on these animals.

And pigs? Although pigs are omnivores (like humans, theyll eat anything), they are fed carbohydrates including corn, soybeans and barley for maximum weight gain. A piglet can go from 60 pounds to 250 pounds in 3 months on a diet high in carbohydrates.

III.) Carbs cause adult-onset diabetes and “syndrome X” (pre diabetes). Fats and proteins have very little effect on blood sugar. Carbs have a BIG effect on blood sugar, causing rapid spike in glucose followed by a rapid rise in insulin. In the near-absence of carbohydrates, nearly all type II diabetics will fully recover from the “disease” in under three months. (I put type II diabetes in parenthesis because I don’t consider it a disease so much as a dietary imbalance. When the diet is corrected, the diabetes goes away).

IV.) Carbs cause high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Look at the name of this molecule: carbo – “hydrate.” Hydrate means to combine with water. Each molecule of carbohydrate draws eight molecules of water to itself. This means that carbs cause water retention.

Many cases of high blood pressure are caused by simple water retention. This is why one of the first drugs given for blood pressure is a diuretic — something that makes you urinate and hence, eliminate fluid.

Congestive heart failure is caused by the body retaining too much water and literally “water logging” the heart, impeding it’s ability to beat. Eliminate the carbs, and blood pressure drops — often dramatically — in as little as a week.

V.) Carbohydrates harbor deadly fungus and yeasts. Yeasts and fungus (which are really different forms of the same organism) feed on sugar. Many carbohydrate foods have a high propensity to become infected with fungus. Whats the danger of fungus? Please read Fungus, Yeasts and Molds: Hidden Cause of Many “Unexplained” Diseases.

VI.) Carbohydrates cause nutrient deficiencies. Carbs require B complex vitamins for their utilization in the body. Unfortunately, it is the B vitamins that are removed during the processing of grains. Because refined grains are low in B vitamins and yet require high B vitamins for their utilization, they lead to B complex vitamin deficiencies.

Problems associated with B vitamin deficiencies include depression, memory loss, heart disease, insomnia, cataracts, atherosclerosis, fatigue, muscle cramps, allergies and GI symptoms to name just a few.

VII.) Carbs suppress the immune system. The immune system requires protein and certain fats to function normally. Sugar suppresses the immune system. (Remember, carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body). Three ounces of sugar in any form (can you say “fruit juice” or “soda pop” or “sports drink”?) suppress the activity of white blood cells for up to 5 hours.

VIII.) Many carbohydrates are allergens. Although a person can be allergic to any type of protein or carbohydrate, grains and beans are some of the most allergenic of all foods.

Subtle allergies to grains and carbs can cause GI problems (“tear up the gut”) and result in increased intestinal permeability, where toxins are allowed to leak into the bloodstream from the colon.

IX.) Carbohydrates fuel cancer cells. Cancer cells use glucose — blood sugar — as their “food.” Unlike normal cells, they are not equipped to burn ketones (the product of fat breakdown) for fuel.

Carbs suppress the immune system, making a person more susceptible to cancer. Then, the high blood sugar provides fuel for the cancer, like throwing gasoline on a fire. If you want to avoid cancer, limit your intake of carbohydrates.

X.) Carbs are addictive. When you eat carbs, your blood sugar rapidly rises. You get a temporary “high” when your blood sugar is high. Next, a blast of insulin from the pancreas causes a precipitous drop in blood sugar. At this point, feelings of weakness, fatigue, shakiness and even anxiety set in. In order to feel good again, a person will “self medicate” by eating another blast of carbs. This vicious cycle is exactly what happens to drug addicts, who must continue to have repeated “fixes” of their drug in order to feel good. No such addiction occurs with fats and proteins.

When a person is addicted to carbs, they repeatedly eat them. This results in overweight or obesity, decreased immunity, increased risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and depression to name just a few.

Isn’t it time you got hip and switched to a luxurious, low carbohydrate, high-health diet? Lose weight and reclaim health fast with the Super Fast Diet!

Digestion and GI (Gut) Health

Good Health Depends on a “Happy Gut”

It may surprise you to learn that many health problems and diseases begin in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract.

A vigorous digestive system is needed in order to assimilate many nutrients — especially minerals — from food. Good digestive function also helps prevent bacteria (including H. pylorii, the “ulcer bacteria”) and intestinal parasites from getting a “foot-hold” in the body. The biggest surprise of all may be that low digestive function, not excess stomach acid, is the most common cause of GERD, heartburn and “acid indigestion. You can read all about this seeming paradox here: Low Gastric Acid Function Self-Test

Poor digestion is associated with abnormal bowel function (constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome), allergies (both seasonal AND food allergies), autoimmune conditions, GERD and heartburn, Candida, cancer and a number of other conditions.

Getting your digestive tract into good shape is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

Digestion and GI Therapies
Digestion and GI Health Concerns Betain HCL
Charcoal Caps
DGL (licorice)
Essential Fatty Acids
Fiber Formula
Gastric Complex
3A Magnesia
Maxi Fiber
Vitamin C Candidiasis
GERD (Reflux disease)
Hiatal Hernia
Irritable Bowel (IBS)
Low Gastric Acid Function