Natural Support For This Common Condition Of Older Men

An estimated 60% of men over age 40 have an enlarged prostate gland. Enlargement of the prostate gland causes obstruction of urine outflow. Symptoms include increased urinary frequency, nighttime urination, a sense of urgency, and reduced force of urine stream. At its most severe stage, an enlarged prostate gland can completely block the outflow of urine, resulting in urine retention in the blood.

The primary cause of an enlarged prostate is due to conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Dihydrotestosterone is a hormone that stimulates the growth of prostate gland cells. High levels of DHT are associated with prostate gland enlargement, prostate gland cancer, and male pattern baldness. Excess estrogens in males can also aggravate the condition, as can elevated cholesterol levels.

Males 50 and over should have a PSA blood test performed annually. Normal levels are from 0-4. Numbers above this level suggest benign prostate enlargement or prostate cancer.


  • Decrease consumption of carbohydrates and increase intake of protein. Soy and pumpkin seeds are especially beneficial.
  • Regular exercise improves circulation to the prostate gland AND helps normalize hormone levels.
  • Decrease or eliminate consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.
  • Maintain a normal weight. Overweight males have a two—fold increase in BPH.
  • Use soy foods 3 or more times per week. Soy is associated with decreased growth of prostate cells and also helps normalize cholesterol levels. (Soy protein powder or soy capsules can be used to supplement soy intake)
  • Don’t smoke. Cigarette smoke contains cadmium, which increases the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT.


  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of zinc are especially important.
  • Flax seed: 1 TBS. per day ground seed OR Flax seed oil: 2 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Saw Palmetto: (160mg) 1-2 caps, 2 times per day. (Target dose: 160-320 mg per day).



Other herbs, such as pygeum and nettles, are also beneficial for prostate enlargement, but Saw Palmettohas by far the most research behind it. In clinical studies, Saw Palmetto has worked as well as the drug Proscar (finasteride) with no negative side effects. Always have a male hormone profile performed.

Beta Carotene

A Fat-soluble Antioxidant Vitamin

Carotenes are plant pigments with vitamin A and antioxidant activity. They perform many functions, including maintenance of eye health, cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention, immune-system enhancement and skin/epithelial health.

Dr. Myatt’s comment: Use only natural beta carotene. Synthetic carotenes have been shown to have negative health effects. Our Wellness Club beta carotene is from D. salina and contains 100% natural mixed carotenoids. [Henkel brand Betatene®, the best available].

Bio Pro (Thymic Protein A)

Increase Stamina and Boost Immunity

Bio Pro Thymic Protein AThe thymus gland is a small lymphoid organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs. It is the “bootcamp” where young immune cells, the “T cells,” go to mature. The thymus gland also produces peptide hormones that keep these same T cells active once they leave the thymus and begin their function as immune cells in the body. Damage to the thymus glad results in lowered immunity. The thymus gland tends to shrink with age, which may contribute to the decrease of immune response seen in aging.

T cells are that part of the immune system that helps protect us from fungus, viruses and cancer. Their role in cancer prevention is especially important. Mature T cells do not function correctly unless programmed by thymic hormones.

Studies have shown that many cancer patients live longer (often double their expectancy) when thymic hormones are used as an adjunct to conventional treatment. Researchers surmise that this is due to the immune-protecting effects of thymus hormones which help offset the immune-suppressing effects of most chemotherapy and radiation.

Thymic Protein A is a highly purified mix of bovine thymus hormones that is useful for a variety of immunocompromised conditions including:

  • early stage AIDS
  • hepatitis
  • autoimmune conditions
  • cancer
  • allergies
  • chronic infections
  • candidiasis
  • asthma
  • anti-aging protocols

Because the thymus gland tends to shrink with age, and because this shrinkage is associated with decreased immunity, many longevity specialists recommend thymus hormone supplementation as part of an anti-aging program.

Recommended dose: 2-4mcg per day.

Each (one) packet contains: 4mcg thymic protein with intact hormones. 30 packets per box.

Click here to
Order This Concierge Product

This is a separate website and you will need to create a new account to order.

Black Cohosh Plus+

Menstrual and Menopausal Symptom Relief

Black Cohosh Plus+Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) has long been used in traditional medicine for relief of menstrual cramps and hot flashes. Western medical studies have confirmed Black cohosh’s estrogenic effects.

Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) has known estrogenic effects coupled with the ability to stabilize blood vessels. This “stabilization” is believed to be partly responsible for menopausal hot flash relief.

Chasteberry (Vitex angus-castus) helps normalize sex hormone levels by acting on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Black Cohosh Plus+ is a special formula of these three herbs designed especially for women experiencing the symptoms of menopause or menstrual cramping.

Each (1) Capsule contains:

  • Black Cohosh extract (Cimicifuga racemosa) 40 mg, standardized to 2.5% [1 mg] triterpene glycosides,
  • Chasteberry fruit powder (Vitex agnus-castus) 100 mg,
  • Dong Quai root (angelica sinensis) 100 mg.

Suggested dose 1-2 Capsules, 2 times per day with meals. Begin with 2 caps per day. If significant improvement in symptoms is not seen in 3 weeks, increase dose to 4 caps per day. This formula is safe to take indefinitely for menopausal symptoms.

Blood Chemistry Panel

A Description of What Blood Tests Relate To

Blood Chemistry Panel


Related to:

Triglyceride Diabetes BUN
BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Phosphorus Kidney Function
Renal Disease Alkaline Phosphatase
Calcium Bone Function GGT
Total Bilirubin
Total Protein Liver Function Albumin
A/G Ratio Nutritional Status Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol
VLDL Cholesterol
Total Cholesterol : HDL Ratio
Percent HDL Cholesterol Coronary Risk
Disease Risk Serum Ferritin Iron Status hs-CRP Cardiovascular Disease Risk

If you have medical questions or concerns, contact your physician.

CBC – Complete Blood Count

WBC – White Blood Count Infection / Lowered Immune System RBC – Red Blood Count Anemia MCV – Mean Corpuscular Volume
MCH – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
RDW – Random Distribution Width Red Blood Cell Index Platelet Count Coagulation (clotting) Neutrophils
Basophils Infection

The CBC is a complex test and requires physician diagnosis for any specific conditions. If you have abnormal values, we recommend following up with your physician

Blood Work Printable

Blood Chemistry Panel


Related to:

Triglyceride Diabetes BUN
BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Phosphorus Kidney Function
Renal Disease Alkaline Phosphatase
Calcium Bone Function GGT
Total Bilirubin
Total Protein Liver Function Albumin
A/G Ratio Nutritional Status Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol
VLDL Cholesterol
Total Cholesterol : HDL Ratio
Percent HDL Cholesterol Coronary Risk
Disease Risk Serum Ferritin Iron Status hs-CRP Cardiovascular Disease Risk

If you have medical questions or concerns, contact your physician.

CBC – Complete Blood Count

WBC – White Blood Count Infection / Lowered Immune System RBC – Red Blood Count Anemia MCV – Mean Corpuscular Volume
MCH – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
RDW – Random Distribution Width Red Blood Cell Index Platelet Count Coagulation (clotting) Neutrophils
Basophils Infection

The CBC is a complex test and requires physician diagnosis for any specific conditions. If you have abnormal values, we recommend following up with your physician


Use This Easy Calculator To Find Your Body Mass Index

Weight: lbs.Height: Ft.  In.

Body Mass Index According to the Panel on Energy, Obesity, and Body Weight Standards published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, your category is:


Natural Support For Respiratory Infections

Bronchitis is an infection or irritation of the bronchial tree (airways) while pneumonia is an infection or irritation of the lungs. The two are closely related and often follow an upper respiratory infection, such as a cold.

Cigarette smoke (active or passive), immune suppressing drugs, nutrient deficiencies and age can make a person more susceptible to bronchitis and pneumonia. In the elderly or immune-compromised host, pneumonia can be deadly. For this reason, it is important to see a physician if symptoms of pneumonia are present. (Symptoms include fever, chills, chest pain, cough, shallow breathing).

The best way to treat pneumonia is to actively treat any cold or respiratory infection at its earliest onset. Correct management of a cold or upper respiratory infection will almost always prevent a more serious lower respiratory infection from occurring.


  • Stop all dairy products and sugars immediately.
  • Drink 64 ounces of pure water daily. This keeps the mucous thin and allow for easy expectoration.
  • Fresh vegetables juices, broths and soups are preferable to heavy foods during recuperation. Do not eat if you are not hungry, but be sure to drink water and herb teas. Limit fruit and fruit juice. Their high sugar content suppresses the immune system.



The measures listed above under Primary Support decrease the severity and length of a cold, and lessen the chances for developing a lower respiratory infection. Every household should have vitamin C, Immune Boost, B.A.M., bromelain and INSPIROL on hand for use in respiratory and other infections. This is especially important for older people, to prevent bronchitis and pneumonia.

Several “old fashioned” remedies such as mustard plasters can be very effective in breaking up pneumonia, but be sure to see a physician first so that the type of infection can be correctly determined. Few people would develop pneumonia if they followed the “Basic Support” instructions at the early stages of a cold or sinusitis. Most cases of bronchitis and pneumonia do not require antibiotic therapy, even when one is prescribed. (Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria; most respiratory infections are viral).


Natural Support For Tissue Trauma

Bruises are caused by trauma and result in a blue-purple accumulation of blood beneath the skin that becomes yellow as it begins to fade. In some people, bruises develop so easily that the person may not know how they got the bruise. In this case, the bruising is often due to a fragility of the blood vessels. Abnormal blood clotting may also be a cause.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Eat a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables. These foods contain vitamin C and bioflavonoids which strengthen blood vessels.
    Even minor deficiencies of vitamin C can lead to easy bruising.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal doses (not minimal doses) of Vitamin, C, E and bioflavonoids are especially important.
  • Maxi Greens: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals for additional broad-spectrum plant flavonoids.

Additional Support

For Trauma-caused bruises:

  • Bromelain: 1 capsule, 3-4 times daily between meals. Bromelain also helps the soreness of a bruise resolve faster.

To strengthen blood vessels: (Either or both, especially if Maxi Greens are not being taken).

  • Grape Seed Extract: (50-100mg) 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals. [Target dose: 150-300mg].
  • Bilberry: 1 cap, 2-3 times per day with meals.

B Vitamins

The “Energy Vitamins”

B vitamins comprise an entire complex or “family” of related but different vitamins. Together, the B vitamins comprise an important group of vitamins with many functions, as seen in the chart below. Although their individual functions differ, all B vitamins are involved in energy production in the body. Deficiencies of B vitamins are common today due to food processing.

B vitamin supplementation is useful for:

  • chronic fatigue
  • overweight and obesity
  • memory loss
  • heart disease
  • depression
  • cataracts
  • neuropathy
  • irritability
  • atherosclerosis
  • anemia and more (see chart below).

Maxi Multi is a comprehensive multi-vitamin and mineral formula that includes high potency B complex vitamins. Click here for a full description of this supplement.

B-12 Extreme

The Most Potent B-12 Formula Available.
A full description of B-12 Extreme can be found here.

B-Complex 50

High-potency vitamin B complex in a hypoallergenic, yeast-free formula.

Each (one) capsule contains:

Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine HCL) 50 mg Biotin 50 mg Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) 50 mg Pantothenic acid 50 mg Niacinaminde 50 mg Vitamin B-10 (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid) 50 mg Vitmin B-6 (Pyridoxine HCL) 50 mg Choline (Bitartrate) 50 mg Folic Acid 400 mcg Inositol 50 mg Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamine) 50 mcg

Order B-Complex 50 (100 Capsules) Here $15.90


High potency sublingual tablet supplying vitamin B-12 and folic acid.

Each (one) capsule contains:
Vitamin B-12 2500 mcg (Cobalamine concentrate)
Folic Acid 800 mcg

Order Hi-B-12/Foliplex (60 tablets) Here $17.00

The B Vitamin Complex “Family”

vitamin major functions major deficiency associations optimal adult dose range best food sources cautions/

vitamin B1

energy processes fatigue, mental confusion, neuropathy 5-100 mg eggs, berries, nuts, legumes, liver, yeast Nontoxic.

vitamin B2

energy processes, wound healing, activates other B vitamins infection, cataracts, blurred vision, eye surgery 5-100 mg green leafy vegetables, eggs, organ meats Nontoxic. Higher doses will make urine a harmless, bright yellow.

vitamin B3

energy processes depression, tension headaches, memory loss 20-100 mg milk, eggs, fish, whole meal wheat flour Doses greater than 50mg may cause a skin flush. Take high doses only with doctors supervision.

vitamin B5
(pantothenic acid)

energy processes; adrenal gland function allergies, morning stiffness; fatigue; muscle cramps 10-1,000 mg eggs, yeast, liver No known toxicity.

vitamin B6

energy processes; antibody formation insomnia, irritability, atherosclerosis 5-200 mg wheat germ, yeast, whole grains Oral contraceptive use increases need for this vitamin.

Folic acid

red blood cell formation, RNA/DNA synthesis fatigue, depression, atherosclerosis 200-800 mcg beans, green leafy veggies, yeast Do not take with Phenobarbital or dilantin.

vitamin B12

red blood cell formation; energy processes atherosclerosis, memory loss, GI symptoms 10-1,200 mcg fermented soy products; root veggies Nontoxic.


energy processes; blood sugar regulation muscle pain, depression 300-600 mcg egg yolks, whole wheat No known toxicity.