Natural Support For “Iron Poor Blood”

Anemia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying iron molecule of the red blood cell). Since red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin can cause fatigue, a result of insufficient oxygen being delivered to the tissues.

There are many different kinds of anemia. Some involve a deficiency of iron (iron deficiency anemia), but other types are due to other nutrient deficiencies (B12, folate), inability to assimilate B12 (pernicious anemia), defects in production of blood, low thyroid function, excessive destruction of red blood cells, genetic defects and autoimmune disease (hemolytic anemia) to name just a few.

Diagnosis of anemia should be made by a physician, because one or several blood tests may be required to correctly determine the type of anemia. Do NOT assume that lack of energy is caused by anemia, and NEVER TAKE IRON as a supplement unless you have been told to do so by a physician. Excess iron can be harmful, storing in heart, liver and kidneys where it compromises function. Excess iron also generates free radicals.


  • For iron deficiency anemia, eat iron-rich foods (kelp, brewer’s yeast, blackstrap molasses, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, millet, parsley, clams, almonds, berries, spinach, raisins, beet greens, beets, etc.)


For iron deficiency anemia:

  • Nutrizyme Multiple Vitamin/mineral supplement WITH iron: 2 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Liquid Liver: 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This form of iron is absorbed MUCH more readily than the elemental iron prescribed by conventional doctors. There is no associated constipation with liquid liver (“heme iron”) as there is with ferrous sulfate.
  • Vitamin C: 400-500mg, 3 times per day with meals. Vitamin C aids iron absorption.
  • Hi-B12/Folic Acid: 1 tablet, 2 times per day with meals (sublingual).

Since a decrease of gastric acid production is a leading cause of iron deficiency anemia in adults (except for women of menstrual age, where monthly blood loss is the primary cause), a Gastric Acid Function Self-Test should be performed.

For B12/Folic acid deficiency:


In addition to blood tests for iron, serum ferritin (storage iron), B12, and thyroid function should be tested. Low thyroid function can cause anemia. Low sex hormones can also cause anemia in both men and women. A male hormone profile or female hormone profile can help determine if low sex hormone levels are contributing to anemia


Natural Support For Asthmatic Conditions

Asthma is an allergic condition that causes constriction of the airways with production of excessive, thick mucous in the lungs. This combination of factors can cause everything from mild wheezing to a life-threatening breathing difficulty. The allergic “trigger” can be either external (pollens, food allergies) or internal (not due to an allergen, but caused by irritating substances released by the body in response to exercise, cold, stress). Because asthma can become life-threatening, it is important to work with a physician. Emergency medications may be necessary and advisable to have on hand, depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Childhood asthma is different from adult asthma in many respects. The following recommendations are intended to address adult asthma.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Food allergies should be evaluated for. An elimination/challenge diet followed by avoidance of any allergic foods, should be done. Milk and dairy products are common allergens.
  • Aerobic activity: Mild to moderate aerobic activity such as walking, 5 times per week. This improves breathing ability and lung capacity. Go slowly and cautiously if you have exercise-induced asthma. Stretching and light weight lifting, especially of the upper body, strengthens the breathing muscles and improves breathing efficiency.
  • Tobacco smoking is a definite “no.” Read “Smoking …..Just the Facts” section again.
  • Minimize airborne allergen and irritant exposure. (Keep house clean house of animal dander, molds, dust, mildew; avoid irritating chemical and odor exposure; consider an air filter if you live in a polluted city and your symptoms are severe.)
  • Be SURE to drink 8 glasses of pure water per day. Insufficient water will further thicken respiratory mucous, making it difficult to expel.
  • Avoid common irritant substances: aspirin and salicylate-containing foods, sulfites (especially in beer, wine, salad bar preservatives, MSG)
  • Maintain a normal weight. Obesity increases the risk of developing asthma.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of vitamin B complex, antioxidants A,C,E, and zinc, and magnesium are particularly important.
  • Max EPA (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 2-4 caps, 3 times per day with meals (target dose: 6-12 caps per day). [Note: some people who are sensitive to aspirin may also be sensitive to fish oil. In such cases, use flax seed oil, flax seed meal or flax oil capsules instead].
  • Vitamin C: (in addition to the 1,000mg contained in Maxi Multi): 10mg for every pound of body weight, in divided doses. (Example: 1 150 pound person would take an additional 1,500mg per day).
  • Similase (digestive formula): 2 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Incomplete digestion can cause allergy-like symptoms.
  • Magnesium: 200-400mg, 3 times per day with meals. [Target dose: 600-1,200mg per day. Maxi Multi contains 500mg, so lower additional doses can be taken when you are on this formula].

Flavonoids (choose one):

  • Maxi Greens: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Grape seed extract: 50-100mg, 3 times per day. Grape seed extract acts as a natural antihistamine. This is especially beneficial for people who have pollen or allergy-induced asthma.
  • Ginkgo biloba: 80-120mg, 2-3 times per day (target dose: 240mg per day).
  • Green Tea Extract: 50-100mg, 3 times per day.
  • Forskolin (Coleus forskohlii): 1-2 caps per day.

Additional Support

  • Immune Support: 1-2 caps, 2-3 times per day with meals.
  • Turmeric caps: For food allergy: 1 cap, 3 times per day,10 minutes before meals. For exercise-induced asthma, take 2 caps,10 minutes before exercise. Other: 1 cap, 3 times per day.

Have “Dr. Myatts Immune Formulas” on hand and use these at the first sign of a cold or flu.


Low digestive efficiency, especially hydrochloric acid deficiency, is a common finding in asthmatics. A Gastric Acid (HCL) Self-Test is recommended. This test is simple, inexpensive, and important to do.

Dr. Myatt’s Comments

Candidiasis, increased intestinal permeability and parasites are other possible causes. You need the help of a physician to evaluate these additional causes, especially if your self-help measures fail to give improvement.

With discovery of offending foods and chemicals, better immune function and overall improved health, many cases of asthma can be corrected. Diet appears to be very important in the control of asthma. Remember that this can be a life-threatening condition. Work with a physician to have an “urgent care” remedy available if needed.


(Astragalus membranaceus) Milk Vetch, Huang Qi (Chinese)

Immune and Stamina Herb

Actions: Immune stimulant; adaptogenic; vasodilator; anti-viral

Uses: Tonic and endurance remedy; immune stimulant (not an acute remedy, like Echinacea, but for long-term use to improve immune function); night sweats.

Dr. Myatt’s Immune Support is a daily Immune-Enhancing Formula containing Astragulus and other immune-boosting herbs, medicinal mushrooms, and support nutrients to keep your immune system healthy on a daily basis.

Dr. Myatt’s Energy Rehab contains Astragalus and is designed to support the body’s energy and immune systems when they are challenged by any type of infection.

Dr. Myatt’s Immune Boost is another preparation containing Astragalus that is designed to stimulate every aspect of immune function. This potent liquid tincture goes to work “lightning fast” to enhance immunity.


An American Epidemic

Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries caused by an accumulation of fatty deposits on the artery walls. These fatty deposits result in decreased blood flow to the tissues. Additionally, pieces of fat can break loose and block a blood vessel. All arteries may be affected, but the coronary and cerebral vessels are the areas of greatest concern because insufficient blood flow to the heart and brain can quickly become life-threatening.

Atherosclerosis and its complications (coronary heart disease, stroke) are the major cause of death in the United States. Heart attacks alone account for over 20% of all U.S. deaths each year. When death from strokes and atherosclerotic heart disease are added in, the total of atherosclerotic-caused deaths increases to nearly 50% of the U.S. total. This disease costs over 60 billion dollars per year to treat. The suffering caused is incalculable.

Signs and symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on the degree of obstruction and the arteries involved. They may include angina (chest pain), leg cramps (especially when walking), weakness, dizziness, or gradual mental deterioration. Other “minor” symptoms often caused by the decreased blood flow of atherosclerosis include tinnitus (ringing in the ears), impotence, hearing loss, and diminished vision. Often, there are no symptoms prior to an “event” (heart attack, stroke).

The causes of atherosclerosis are largely known: sedentary lifestyle, smoking, dietary imbalances (esp. high trans fat consumption, lack of dietary fiber, lack of dietary antioxidants) and stress. Since these are all controllable risk factors, the individual can do MUCH to prevent and reverse this degenerative process.

It has been known since 1973 that a diagonal earlobe crease is a sign of atherosclerosis. More recent studies have suggested that it is, in fact, one of the most accurate indications of atherosclerosis – more reliable than any other known risk factor, including age, sedentary lifestyle, elevated cholesterol levels, and smoking.

The earlobe has many small blood vessels, known as capillaries. A decrease in blood flow caused by atherosclerosis causes a “collapse” of the vascular bed – and an earlobe crease results. (NOTE: This physical sign does not correlate with atherosclerosis in Orientals, Native Americans, and children with Beckwith’s syndrome.)

While the presence of an earlobe crease does not by itself prove heart disease, it strongly suggests it. If you have an earlobe crease or known atherosclerosis, begin to reverse the condition by following the recommendations here.


  • Eat a nutritious diet high in nutrients and fiber.
  • Regular aerobic exercise (with your doctor’s clearance). Exercise improves circulation and heart muscle pumping ability. It also helps the body use excess fats and cholesterol for energy.
  • Drink 8 glasses of pure water daily.
  • Maintain a normal body weight.
  • Do not smoke. Substances in tobacco smoke can cause spasm of the blood vessels

Limit caffeine intake to 2 cups (including decaf and caffeinated sodas) per day. Avoid these entirely if arrhythmia is present.


  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This daily “multiple” contains high potency antioxidants. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidant vitamins including C,E, and beta carotene, plus B complex vitamins, magnesium, selenium and bioflavonoids are particularly important for the heart. Take additional B complex vitamins if your multiple does not contain optimal doses. B vitamins, (especially B6, B12, and folic acid) lower homocysteine levels, an independent risk for heart disease that many researchers feel is more important than cholesterol levels.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids:
    Flax seed meal, 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed capsules
    : 2-4 caps, 3 times per day (target dose range: 6-12 caps per day)
    Flax seed oil
    : 1 tablespoon per day
    Max EPA
    (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals (target dose: 3-6 caps per day).
  • CoQ10: 50-300mg per day. This powerful antioxidant, produced by the body, diminishes with age. It is especially valuable for all types of heart disease. CHOLESTEROL-LOWERING DRUGS deplete CoQ10. (Amounts will depend on the severity of the disease. Lower doses may be used for health maintenance; higher doses in cases of arrhythmia, angina, and atherosclerosis).
  • Garlic: (Garlitrin 4000®): 1 tablet, once per day with a meal. Other brands, take 1 tab, 3 times per day. Target dose: 10,000mg allicin per day.


  • L-carnitine: 1 cap (250mg), 3 times per day with meals.
  • Bromelain: 1 cap (2400mcu), 3 times per day BETWEEN meals.


Treat all other “heart risk” factors that may be present: High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, arrhythmia. Please refer to these sections for more information. See HEART DISEASE for more information.



Natural Support For This Growing Problem

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), ADD with Hyperactivity (ADHD), and depression represent a continuum of learning and behavioral disabilities that afflict an estimated 5-10% of school-aged children. These conditions also affect adults. In the United States, conventional medical treatment of choice is pharmaceutical intervention.

The definition of ADD is developmentally inappropriate inattention and impulsivity, with or without hyperactivity. The DSM-IV list 14 signs, 8 of which must be present to make the diagnosis. They are:

1.) Fidgets with hands or feet and squirms in seat
2.) has difficulty remaining seated when required to do so,
3.) is easily distracted by external stimuli,
4.) has difficulty awaiting turn in games or group situations,
5.) often blurts out answers before questions are completed,
6.) has difficulty following through on instructions from others (not due to opposition but to failure of comprehension),
7.) has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities,
8.) shifts from one uncompleted task to another,
9.) has difficulty playing quietly,
10.) talks excessively,
11.) often interrupts or intrudes on others,
12.) often does not seem to listen to what is being said,
13.) often loses things necessary for tasks at home or at school,
14.) often engages in physically dangerous activities without considering consequences.

Scope of the Problem: For ADD, ADHD: An estimated 5-10% of school-aged children are affected. Boys are 10 times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. An estimated 3-5% of ADD/ADHD-diagnosed children will be put on Ritalin (methylphenidate). In 1995, over 6 million prescriptions were written for Americans under age 18.

Proposed Causes: Nutritional deficiencies, inborn errors of metabolism, food allergies, heavy metal toxicity, malabsorption, prenatal influences, genetic influence, environmental and cultural factors, yeast infection or overgrowth, food additives, trauma, and developmental factors.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment: A large body of scientific evidence suggests that ADD/ADHD is multi-factorial, meaning that there is usually more than one contributing cause. This presents a special challenge to the diagnosing physician if (s)he is interested in correcting the problem and not just treating symptoms. This may also account for the large number of children placed on drug therapy, which relieves the physician and parents of the responsibility of exploring the numerous causes and contributions to ADD/ADHD. However, due to the far-reaching effects that such attention disorders and behavior problems create, many people have found that it is worthwhile to discover and correct the causes of ADD/ADHD instead of simply “dumbing down” the symptoms with drugs.

Diet And Lifestyle

  • Diet: Elimination/challenge to discover food allergies, then avoidance of offending foods; avoidance of artificial additives and food colorants (Feingold diet); avoidance of simple carbohydrates (sugars and refined flour products).
  • NO stimulants: colas, chocolate, caffeine- containing foods and beverages.
  • Exercise: daily. Exercise helps normalize brain chemistry.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi (adults): 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Children’s Multi (children): dose according to age and body weight as listed on product label. A deficiency of any vitamin, mineral or trace mineral can lead to impaired mental performance.
  • L-glutamine: 2,500-3,000mg per day. (This will vary depending on the age and weight of the patient).
  • Cal-Mag Amino: (calcium/ magnesium) [Target dose: < 10 years, 1,000mg calcium, > 10 years, 1,200- 1,500 mg calcium with corresponding dose of magnesium].
  • Grape Seed Extract: 50 mg, 3 times per day with meals.

Additional Support

Dr. Myatt’s Note:

I recommend for physicians, parents, and teachers: “Hyper Kids” by Lendon Smith, Shaw/Spelling Assoc., 1990. This workbook provides questionnaires to help physicians and parents sort out causes of ADD/ADHD— from nutrient deficiencies and allergies to malabsorption and yeast overgrowth. A very useful resource in differential diagnosis.

Autoimmune Disorders

A Discussion of Causes and Natural Support

Autoimmune disorders are conditions caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking the very same body it was designed to protect. In autoimmune disorders, the immune system, an intricate and amazing defense mechanism of the body, somehow becomes misguided. The effect is the physical equivalent of “friendly fire,” but the results are far from benign or friendly.

Diseases Caused by Autoimmunity

Disease Affected Organ or Tissue Addison’s disease adrenal gland Asthma (many) air passages Atopic dermatitis skin Autoimmune hemolytic anemia red blood cell membranes Chronic active hepatitis liver Crohn’s disease GI tract Glomerulonephritis kidney Goodpasture’s syndrome kidney and lung Grave’s disease thyroid Hashimoto’s thyroiditis thyroid Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura platelets Insulin-dependent diabetes (Type I) pancreatic beta cells Multiple sclerosis brain and spinal cord Myasthenia gravis nerve and muscle synapses Pemphigus/pemphigoid skin Pernicious anemia gastric parietal cells Psoriasis skin Rheumatoid arthritis connective tissue Scleroderma heart, lungs, GI tract, kidney Sjogren’s syndrome liver, kidney, brain, thyroid, salivary glands Spontaneous infertility sperm Systemic lupus erythromatosis (SLE) DNA, platelets Vitiligo melanocytes

Autoimmune disorders can effect other organs and tissues, causing inflammation and degenerative changes in virtually any tissue in the body.

Although the symptoms of autoimmune disease vary, the underlying problem is the same. Normally, the body is able to distinguish between “self” and “non-self.” In autoimmune disorders, the immune system makes antibodies against “self” tissue and actually begins attacking “self.” Often, the attack against “self” progresses to such a degree as to cause tissue injury.

Causes of Autoimmune Disease

A number of different factors can cause autoimmune disease. Foreign antigens (substances not native to the body that trigger immune reactions) can trigger an autoimmune response. Such substances include drugs, heavy metals (found in cigarette smoke, drinking water, polluted air, food, etc), bacteria, viruses and vaccines. Infections and allergies (especially food allergies) are thought to play a major role. Nutritional deficiencies can  weaken the immune system and render it less able to defend the host against foreign “invasion.” Food allergies and sensitivities, an overgrowth of yeast or other non-native “bugs” in the intestinal tract, emotional distress (dis-stress)— in fact, anything that weakens and therefore alters immune system function can be a factor in causing autoimmune disease. Sometimes  genetic weakness appears to play a role.

Conventional Medicine Treatment of Autoimmune Disease

Conventional medicine treats autoimmune disorders by managing the symptoms and/or suppressing immune function. Suppression of the immune system with corticosteroids and other immunosuppressive drugs can offer relief during and acute crisis, but they do not help correct the underlying cause of the problem. Many of these medications are quite toxic and cause further deterioration of the immune system.

Anti-inflammatory agents are also used to treat symptoms but they, too, do not contribute to cure. In fact, conventional medicine makes no attempt to cure autoimmune diseases, only to keep them in remission. The long-term prognosis is often a gradual worsening of the condition, usually marked by exacerbations (“flare-ups”) and remissions.

Natural Medicine Treatment of Autoimmune Disease

Since autoimmune diseases are caused by auto-antibodies, the question to ask is, “What is causing this person to make auto-antibodies?” Most natural medicine experts believe that autoantibodies are produced in response to an infection or allergen. When the offending infection(s) or allergen(s) is removed, production of these destructive autoantibodies stops.

With such a number of potential causative factors, evaluating the “particulars” of each individual case is important.  For this reason, a personal telephone consultation with Dr. Myatt is highly recommended.

There is still good news for sufferers of autoimmune disorders. Many factors that contribute to this problem can be identified and changed, thereby altering the course of the disease. By discontinuing sources of possible toxicity, improving nutritional status, strengthening the immune system and managing emotional stress in a productive way, there is much that can be done for autoimmune diseases. Even for people who may have a genetic weakness that predisposes to autoimmune disease, suffering is not inevitable. Most inborn weaknesses can be compensated for by healthful lifestyle and dietary practices. Dramatic improvements are possible for those who are willing to use health-promoting lifestyle changes and strategies!

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

Food allergies and/or sensitivities are felt to be a major factor in most autoimmune cases. Although many types of food allergy testing are available, most are not reliable. There is only one laboratory that I use and recommend for food allergy testing. Although the testing is not inexpensive, the results are invaluable for those with any autoimmune condition.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This daily “multiple” contains high potency antioxidants. If you use another formula, be sure to use only those that are hypoallergenic, since additives in vitamin supplements can cause reactions.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids:
    Flax seed meal
    , 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed capsules: 2-4 caps, 3 times per day (target dose range: 6-12 caps per day)
    Flax seed oil: 1 tablespoon per day
    Max EPA (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals (target dose: 3-6 caps per day).An imbalance of Omega 6: Omega 3 fatty acid ratios, common in the American diet, leads to hypersensitivity and excess inflammation. Increasing Omega-3 fatty acid intake decreases the tendency to inflammation and “hyper” immune reactions.
  • Similase: 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This digestive enzyme formula improves digestion and absorption of foods. It is known that incomplete protein digestion can trigger allergies, especially those that are food-related.
  • COX-2-Support: 3 caps, 1-2 times per day between meals. This is an all-natural, safe, effective herbal formula for normalizing inflammatory response.

Additional Support

  • DHEA: Low levels of DHEA are seen in many of the autoimmune diseases, and higher daily intake of DHEA is associated with improvement of symptoms in many. A typical daily dose of DHEA for autoimmunity would be 50-200mg per day. However, since DHEA is a hormone, doses in excess of 50mg per day should be supervised by a physician. A male hormone profile or female hormone profile which includes evaluation of DHEA should be performed at the beginning of treatment to monitor hormone levels.
  • Grape Seed Extract: 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals. (Target dose: 150-300mg daily). Grape seed extract acts as a natural anti-histamine with a more immediate effect than vitamin C. It is also a potent antioxidant.

10 Dangers Of Carbohydrates

The US Food Pyramid advises us to eat 5-10 servings per day of carbohydrates, but high carbohydrate diets are the primary causes of our current overweight/obesity epidemic. 66% of adult Americans are overweight and 33% of these are obese.

Diets high in carbohydrates (grains, beans, sugary fruits— anything that quickly turns into sugar in the blood stream) are making Americans some of the fattest people on Earth.

Here are 10 reasons why carbohydrates — “carbs” — are so dangerous.

  1. Carbs are not “essential” and high consumption displaces necessary nutrients. “Essential” means that a certain food is absolutely required by the body (like gasoline or diesel in a car), is not manufactured by the body, and so must be consumed in the diet.
    Have you ever heard of an “essential fatty acid”? (EFA)? Some types of fats — Omega 6′s and Omega 3′s — are absolutely required by the body.Have you heard of “essential amino acids”? Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. There are 8 amino acids that are “essential.” Without them, muscles, hormones and the heart (a muscle) cease to function properly. Muscles have a high protein requirement.

    Have you ever heard of an “essential carbohydrate”? I hope not, because there’s no such thing!

    Of the three calorie containing molecules — proteins, fats and carbohydrates — only certain fats and proteins are “essential.” When the diet is high in carbohydrates, it is often deficient in the necessary essential fats and proteins. Deficiencies of essential fats and proteins causes all manner of diseases, from mood disorders (neurotransmitters are made from essential fats and proteins) to muscle weakness (muscles have a high protein requirement), hormone imbalances, heart disease and premature aging.

  2. Carbs cause overweight. What do we feed cows to fatten them up quickly? Carbohydrates, especially corn. “Corn fed beef” is wonderful — loaded with marbled fat. Cows don’t eat meat, so obviously the vilified eggs, butter and meat aren’t what is putting weight on these animals.And pigs? Although pigs are omnivores (like humans, they’ll eat anything), they are fed carbohydrates including corn, soybeans and barley for maximum weight gain. A piglet can go from 60 pounds to 250 pounds in 3 months on a diet high in carbohydrates.
  3. Carbs cause adult-onset diabetes and “syndrome X” (pre diabetes). Fats and proteins have very little effect on blood sugar. Carbs have a BIG effect on blood sugar, causing rapid spike in glucose followed by a rapid rise in insulin. In the near-absence of carbohydrates, nearly all type II diabetics will fully recover from the “disease” in under three months. (I put type II diabetes in parenthesis because I don’t consider it a disease so much as a dietary imbalance. When the diet is corrected, the diabetes goes away).
  4. Carbs cause high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Look at the name of this molecule: carbo – “hydrate.” Hydrate means to combine with water. Each molecule of carbohydrate draws eight molecules of water to itself. This means that carbs cause water retention.Many cases of high blood pressure are caused by simple water retention. This is why one of the first drugs given for blood pressure is a diuretic — something that makes you urinate and hence, eliminate fluid.

    Congestive heart failure is caused by the body retaining too much water and literally “water logging” the heart, impeding it’s ability to beat. Eliminate the carbs, and blood pressure drops — often dramatically — in as little as a week.

  5. Carbohydrates harbor deadly fungus and yeasts. Yeasts and fungus (which are really different forms of the same organism) feed on sugar. Many carbohydrate foods have a high propensity to become infected with fungus. What’s the danger of fungus? Please read Fungus, Yeasts and Molds: Hidden Cause of Many “Unexplained” Diseases.
  6. Carbohydrates cause nutrient deficiencies. Carbs require B complex vitamins for their utilization in the body. Unfortunately, it is the B vitamins that are removed during the processing of grains. Because refined grains are low in B vitamins and yet require high B vitamins for their utilization, they lead to B complex vitamin deficiencies.Problems associated with B vitamin deficiencies include depression, memory loss, heart disease, insomnia, cataracts, atherosclerosis, fatigue, muscle cramps, allergies and GI symptoms to name just a few.
  7. Carbs suppress the immune system. The immune system requires protein and certain fats to function normally. Sugar suppresses the immune system. (Remember, carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body). Three ounces of sugar in any form (can you say “fruit juice” or “soda pop” or “sports drink”?) suppress the activity of white blood cells for up to 5 hours.
  8. Many carbohydrates are allergens. Although a person can be allergic to any type of protein or carbohydrate, grains and beans are some of the most allergenic of all foods.
    Subtle allergies to grains and carbs can cause GI problems (“tear up the gut”) and result in increased intestinal permeability, where toxins are allowed to leak into the bloodstream from the colon.
  9. Carbohydrates fuel cancer cells. Cancer cells use glucose — blood sugar — as their “food.” Unlike normal cells, they are not equipped to burn ketones (the product of fat breakdown) for fuel.Carbs suppress the immune system, making a person more susceptible to cancer. Then, the high blood sugar provides fuel for the cancer, like throwing gasoline on a fire. If you want to avoid cancer, limit your intake of carbohydrates.
  10. Carbs are addictive. When you eat carbs, your blood sugar rapidly rises. You get a temporary “high” when your blood sugar is high. Next, a blast of insulin from the pancreas causes a precipitous drop in blood sugar. At this point, feelings of weakness, fatigue, shakiness and even anxiety set in. In order to feel good again, a person will “self medicate” by eating another blast of carbs. This vicious cycle is exactly what happens to drug addicts, who must continue to have repeated “fixes” of their drug in order to feel good. No such addiction occurs with fats and proteins.
    When a person is addicted to carbs, they repeatedly eat them. This results in overweight or obesity, decreased immunity, increased risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and depression to name just a few.

Isn’t it time you “got hip” and switched to a luxurious, low carbohydrate, high-health diet? Lose weight and reclaim health fast with the Super Fast Diet!

Ten Rules of Good Health

Dr. Myatt’s Basic Rules For Healthier Living

1. Eat a Nutritious Diet…
The food you eat its quality and amount provide the fuel for your body. Each of your 75 trillion cells depends on you to feed them. Most people understand that their car requires a particular type of fuel. Do you understand that your body does, too? In order to ensure adequate nutrition, practice the following:

  • Eat as much food in the unrefined state as possible.
  • Include at least five servings of vegetables and/or fruits each day.
  • Whole grains are preferable to refined ones; fresh produce is preferable to canned or processed.
  • Have deep fried food, sugar-sweetened food, and alcohol, rarely, if at all.
  • Eat according to your Body Energy Type. For more information on this subject, please see WEIGHT LOSS.

2. Drink Pure Water…
The body is 60% water and requires a replenishment of 6-8 glasses per day of water. Make sure that the water you drink is uncontaminated by heavy metals, chemicals and micro-organisms. Many water supplies, including municipal water supplies, are not pure enough to ensure good health. If you drink tap or well water, have it tested for purity. If you do not know the quality of your tap water, buy purified water or purchase a good water purifier for home use. Drink 48-64 ounces per day of this pure water, either as water or herb tea. (Caffeinated beverages, bottled or canned fruit juice, soda pop and alcohol should not be counted as part of your water intake. They do not have the same solvent properties as pure water).

3. Breathe…
Air provides life-giving oxygen. Like water, the body cannot survive without taking in oxygen. Plenty of fresh, clean air is essential to good health. Here are some ways to get more advantage from each breath you take.

  • Exercise out-of-doors as much as possible, especially in nature. Parks, the sea shore or even local grassy areas provide benefit. Remember, green plants purify the air and give us back more oxygen.
  • If you live in a city where the air quality is compromised (most people do!), have green plants indoors at home and at work as much as possible. Houseplants help purify indoor air.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises. Many people are oxygen-deprived because they do not breathe deeply.
  • Try to live in a place where the air quality is good. Many big cities have notoriously poor air quality. Consider a home air purifier if you live in a particularly bad area.

4. Sunshine:
Ten minutes of sunlight per day, even if only on exposed arms, is enough to encourage normal vitamin D production. Sunlight has mood-elevating effects. It destroys harmful bacteria and stimulates a cascade of positive hormone effects in the body. While excessive sun exposure can be harmful, so can inadequate exposure. Outdoor exercise will give the necessary sunlight without excess. Make it a point to get a modest amount of sunlight each day, whether by outdoor exercise or ten minutes of sunbathing.

5. Exercise:
The human body is designed for movement. Aerobic activity encourages normal circulation of blood and lymph. Heart and structural muscles are strengthened by exercise. Hormone production and utilization is improved by regular exercise. The bowels depend on physical movement to function normally. Metabolism and immune system activity are increased by moderate exercise. Bones require weight-bearing exercise for normal mineral uptake. Movement keeps joints and connective tissue flexible. Exercise encourages deep breathing and increases oxygen utilization and waste exhalation. For cardiovascular and musculo-skeletal conditioning, aim for a minimum of 15 minutes of brisk walking, 5 days per week, or 30 minutes 3 times per week. Gradually increase speed or distance as physical conditioning improves. (See Exercise) For a metabolism boost, a mere 10 minutes each morning of intensive exercise (Exercising to the point where you are breathing hard enough that you could talk if you had to, but you wouldn’t want to) will put your metabolism and fat-burning into high gear for the day.

6. Sleep:
Most people require seven to eight hours of sleep per night. (Some older people may have a decreased sleep requirement). Studies have shown that people perform better with adequate sleep, yet many people are consistently sleep-deprived. Make it a point to get adequate sleep. (See INSOMNIA for tips on how to get a good nights sleep). Sleep deprivation results in hormonal imbalances which can lead to weight gain and many other problems.

7. Avoid negative health behaviors.
It may seem obvious, but one of the easy ways to be healthier is to not engage in unhealthy behaviors. Nicotine, excesses of alcohol and caffeine, and many drugs damage health. Smoking is such a health-destroying habit that I have listed it separately. (See Smoking… Just the Facts). Other health-destroying habits include excessive stress response, multiple sex partners or unprotected sex with infected partners, and failure to wear a seat belt.

8. Maintain a positive outlook.
Everybody has problems in life. Most problems we invite or create ourselves. To cure this, see # 9, below. Other problems are just what life deals us. We choose how we will respond to any given situation. You can respond with positivity or negativity. Studies have shown negative health effects from negative mental outlooks. Its bad enough to have a problem; don’t make it worse by a negative mental outlook. Cultivate the habit of positivity. Make the best of every situation. I recommend that you watch my video The Body/Mind Connection. It is an owners manual for everyone with a body and a mind!

9. Strive to elevate yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
We get what we aim for. Weight lifters grow stronger by lifting weights. Piano players get better by playing the piano. If you want to be healthier, happier, and of greater service, you must seek to move in that direction. Those who say “I can’t” will find they can’t. Those who say “its so hard” will find it hard. You have a wealth of talent and possibility within you. Act like you know it. Make repeated attempts to use that talent to the best of your abilities, and you will find yourself becoming stronger, happier, and healthier.

10. Trust in a Higher Power.
What do you believe about the bigger picture of your life? Do you understand that you are more than just flesh and bone? Seek and cultivate your connection with a Higher Power. I recommend my video “Remembering Who You Are” to stimulate your understanding in this regard.

ADD/ADHD in Children:

Are There Really Alternatives to Ritalin® and Prozac®?

Dana Myatt, N.M.D. and Mark Ziemann, R.N.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), ADD with Hyperactivity (ADHD), and depression represent a continuum of learning and behavioral disabilities that afflict an estimated 5-10% of school-aged children. In the United States, conventional medical treatment of choice is pharmaceutical intervention.

A large body of scientific evidence suggests that these disorders are multi-factorial, representing a special challenge to the holistic physician interested in treating causes as well as symptoms. The concept of “Alternatives to Ritalin and Prozac” is, in the author’s opinion, an allopathic approach to botanical prescribing that is less efficacious than treatments which address specific etiologies. Regardless of the approach, however, botanical medicines have an important role to play in treatment.


Definition (ADD, ADHD) Developmentally inappropriate inattention and impulsivity, with or without hyperactivity (1). The DSM-IV lists 14 signs, 8 of which must be present to make the diagnosis. They are:

  1. Often fidgets with hands or feet and squirms in seat (restlessness),
  2. Has difficulty remaining seated when required to do so,
  3. Is easily distracted by external stimuli,
  4. Has difficulty awaiting turn in games or group situations,
  5. Often blurts out answers before questions are completed,
  6. Has difficulty following through on instructions from others (not due to opposition but to failure of comprehension),
  7. Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities,
  8. Shifts from one uncompleted task to another,
  9. Has difficulty playing quietly,
  10. Talks excessively,
  11. Often interrupts or intrudes on others,
  12. Often does not seem to listen to what is being said,
  13. Often loses things necessary for tasks at home or at school,
  14. Often engages in physically dangerous activities without considering consequences.

(Depression) ” . . .  sad and unhappy appearance, apathy and withdrawal, reduced capacity for pleasure, feeling rejected and unloved, difficulty in sleeping, somatic complaints (headache, abdominal pain, insomnia), episodes of clowning or foolish behavior, and persistent self-blame.”(2).


The Current Conventional “Going Line”

According to the U.S. Surgeon General and ICD-10-CM, ADHD is a metabolic form of encephalopathy which impairs the release and homeostasis of neurological  chemicals, and reducing the function of the limbic system. Research indicates that the frontal lobes, their connections to the basal ganglia, and the central aspects of the cerebellum (vermis) are most likely involved in this disorder, as may be a region in the middle or medial aspect of the frontal lobe, known as the anterior cingulate.

There is increasing evidence that variants in the gene for the dopamine transporter are related to the development of ADHD [12]. This evidence is consonant with the theory of inefficacy of dopamine in people with ADD/ADHD; according to other recent studies, some people with ADHD usually have relatively high dopamine transporter levels, which clears dopamine from between neurons before the full effect is gained from dopamine. Stimulant medications used to treat ADHD are all capable of either inhibiting the action of dopamine transporter (as methylphenidate does) or promoting the release of dopamine itself (as the amphetamine-class medications do). Therefore, it is theorized that stimulant medication allows the brain to enhance the effect of dopamine by blocking dopamine transporters or increasing the release of dopamine. Currently this is the most widely accepted model of ADD/ADHD etiology in the scientific and medical community.

New studies consider the possibility that norepinephrine also plays a role. Drugs that manipulate norepinephrine levels in certain brain regions, such as atomoxetine, have shown effectiveness for managing the disorder [13] [14].

It also should be noted that despite the repeated references to the genetics of ADHD being unequivocal, according to Joseph Glenmullen, M.D., clinical instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School “no claim of a gene for a psychiatric condition has stood the test of time, in spite of popular misinformation.”

The Holistic “Going Line”

ADD/ADHD can be caused by a number of factors including Nutritional deficiencies (4,5) inborn errors of metabolism (6), food allergies (7,8,9), heavy metal toxicity (10,11), malabsorption (12), prenatal influences (13,14), genetic influence (15,16), environmental (17) and cultural factors (18), yeast infection (12), food additives (7,19,20), trauma (21), and developmental factors (22).

Scope of the Problem

For ADD, ADHD: An estimated 5-10% of school-aged children are affected. Boys are 10 times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. An estimated 3-5% of ADD/ADHD-diagnosed children will be put on Ritalin (methylphenidate). In 1995, over 6 million prescriptions were written for Americans under age 18(3).

DEPRESSION, once thought to be rare in children, has become an increasingly common diagnosis, though actual numbers are uncertain. There is a higher incidence of depression in families with a history of depressive disorder (2). Depression may occur with or without ADD/ADHD.


The “cure” for ADHD relies on determining the cause. Obviously, if a nutritional deficiency is present and causative, this must be corrected. In another child, heavy metal toxicity may be the cause, in which case the treatment will be different than for those symptoms caused by nutritional imbalance.

Neurotransmitter levels should be evaluated with an NT test (urine is the specimen requirement). Heavy metal toxicity can be easily evaluated with a hair mineral analysis. Food intolerance can be screened for with a saliva test, but elimination/challenge diet is the most accurate method of determination. Yeast overgrowth in the intestinal tract can be screened with a stool test. These tests evaluate for the most common causes of ADD/ADHD. Which of them are necessary can be determined by a careful holistic physician who does an accurate history and physical exam.

Less common causes that may require evaluation include inborn errors of metabolism, trauma (especially birth trauma) and musculoskeletal imbalances.


The “one size fits all” approach of conventional medicine has resulted in millions of US children being put on Ritalin, an amphetamine. New studies show that Ritalin can cause permanent changes in the brain and can also result in hallucinations. Clearly, if there are many different causes of this disorder, there must be a number of different treatments, each distinct and particular to the patient.

A large body of scientific evidence suggests that ADD/ADHD is multi-factorial, meaning that there is usually more than one contributing cause. This presents a special challenge to the diagnosing physician if (s)he is interested in correcting the problem and not just treating symptoms. This may also account for the large number of children placed on drug therapy, which relieves the physician and parents of the responsibility of exploring the numerous causes and contributions to ADD/ADHD. However, due to the far-reaching effects that such attention disorders and behavior problems create, many people have found that it is worthwhile to discover and correct the causes of ADD/ADHD instead of simply “dumbing down” the symptoms with drugs.

Nutritional strategies include:

Diet And Lifestyle:

Diet: Elimination/challenge to discover food allergies, then avoidance of offending foods; avoidance of artificial additives and food colorants (Feingold diet); avoidance of simple carbohydrates (sugars and refined flour products). NO stimulants: colas, chocolate, caffeine- containing foods and beverages unless indicated by an NT evaluation.

Exercise: daily. Exercise helps normalize brain chemistry.


I.) Children’s Multi Vitamin: Optimal dosage according to age and body weight as listed on product label. A deficiency of any vitamin, mineral or trace mineral can lead to impaired mental performance.

II.) Omega-3 Fish Oil: A recent randomized double-blind experiment compared a fatty acid supplement with placebo in children with developmental coordination disorder (which exhibits a high degree of overlap with ADHD diagnoses). Fatty acid supplements improved spelling, reading, and behavior after three months (48). Numerous studies have shown an improvement in cognitive function, in mood, and in vision when omega 3 fatty acid supplements are given. While not directly showing a causal link between ADHD and fatty acids, increased levels of fatty acids have a beneficial effect on related behavior.

Furthermore, creating a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in pregnant rats produces pups that are hyperactive and that have altered brain levels of dopamine in the same brain regions as seen in humans and other rat models of hyperactivity. More research, however, is clearly needed before dietary supplements, such as those involving fatty acids can be recommended for clinical use.

III.) L-glutamine: 2,500-3,000mg per day. (This will vary depending on the age and weight of the patient).

IV.) Cal-Mag Amino: (calcium/ magnesium) [Target dose: < 10 years, 1,000mg calcium, > 10 years, 1,200- 1,500 mg calcium with corresponding dose of magnesium].

V.) Grape Seed Extract: 50 mg, 3 times per day with meals.

VI.) L-5-HTP (if indicated by an NT evaluation): dose according to weight in children. In adults, begin with 1 cap, 3 times per day and increase to 2 caps, 3 times per day after two weeks. Use only with medical supervision if antidepressant medications are also being taken.


1.) American Psychiatric Assoc. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition, (DSM-IV).
2.) Berkow, Robert, MD, editor-in-chief, et al. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment, Sixteenth Edition. Merck and Company, N.J., 1992, p. 2269.
3.) John Robbins. Reclaiming our Health: Exploding the Medical Myths and Embracing the Source of True Healing. H.J. Kramer, Inc., 1996.
4.) Prinz RJ, Roberts WR,  Hartman E. Dietary correlates of hyperactive behavior in children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1980, 48: 760-769.
5.) Thompson HL Malnutrition as a possible factor in Learning Disabilities. Journ Learn Disab 4:27, 1971.
6.) Trattler R. Better Health Through Natural Healing. McGraw-Hill, 1988,p. 360.
7.) Feingold BF. Why Your Child is Hyperactive. New York: Random House, 1975.
8.) Trites RL, Tryphonas H,  Furguson HB. Treatment of hyperactive and learning disordered children. Baltimore, Univ. Park Press, 1980.
9.) Crook WG. Can What a child eats make him dull, stupid, or hyperactive? Journ learn Disab 13:53-58, 1980.
10.) Needleman HL, Gunnoe C, Leviton A, et al. Deficits in psychological and classroom performance of children with elevated dentine lead levels. New Engl Jour of Med, 1979, 300, 13:689-695.
11.) Thatcher RW. Effects of Low Levels of Cadmium and Lead on cognitive functioning in children. Arch Environ Health 37: 159-166, 1982.
12.) Smith, L. Hyper Kids, Shaw/Spelling Assoc., Santa Monica, CA. 1990.
13.) Winick, M. Fetal Malnutrition and Growth Processes. Hospital Practice, 5:300, May 1970.
14.) Austin P, Thrash A,  Thrash C. More Natural Remedies. Thrash Publications, Seale, AL, 1983, p.64.
15.) Willerman L. Activity level and hyperactivity in twins, Child Devel, 1968,27-34.
16.) Cantwaell D. Psychiatric Illness in the families of Hyperactive Children, Arch Gen Phych, 27:414, 1972.
17.) O’Leary KD, Rosenbaum A, et al.: Flourescent Lighting: A purported source of hyperactive behavior, Jour of Abnorm Child Psych, 6: 1978, p.285-289.
18.) Bandura A, Walters RH. Social Learning and Personality Development. New York: Holt, Reinhart & Winston, 1963.
19.) Rose TL. The functional relationship between artificial food colors and hyperactivity, Jour of Applied Behav Anal, 1978. P.439-446.
20.) Schoenthaler S, et al.: The impact of a low food additive and sucrose diet on Academic performance in 803 New York City public schools. Intl J of Biosoc Rec, 8:185-195, 1986, tacoma, WA.
21.) Silver L. Dr. Larry Silver’s Advice to Parents on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, American Psychiatric Press, Washington, D.C. 1993, p.119; p. 175-178.
22.) Dr. Myatt’s personal experience using “Patterning” and “Neurological reprogramming” techniques at the A.R.E. Clinic in Phoenix, AZ.,  based on the work of  Drs. Doman and Delicato of the Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia, PA.
23.) ChevallierA. The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, D.K. Publishing, New York: 1996.
24.) O’Leary KD. Mommy, I Can’t Sit Still, New Horizon Press, 1984, p.90.
25.) Mabey R. The New Age Herbalist, Collier Books, New York:1988.
26.) Duke, J. The Green Pharmacy. Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA: 1997.
27.) Langton J. Orange-flavored Prozac to be aimed at children. Electronic Telegraph @ Issue 814, August 17, 1997.
28.) Weiss RF. Herbal Medicine. AB Arcanum, Gothenburg, Sweden, 1988.
29.) Holzl J. Constituents and mechanism of action of St. John’s Wort. Zeitschr Phytother 1993;14:255-264.
30.) Ernst E. St. John’s Wort, an anti-depressant? A systematic, criteria-based review. Phytomed, 1995; 2:67-71.
31.) Vorbach EU, et al. Effectiveness and tolerance of the Hypericum extract LI 160 in comparison with imipramine: Randomized double-blind study with 135 outpatients. J Ger Psychiatry Neurol 1994; supplement 1:19-23.
32.) Werbach M, Murray M. Botanical Influences on Illness. Third Line Press, Tarzana, California, 1994, p. 31.
33.) Forester HB, et al. Planta medica, 40:4, p 309, 1980.
34.) Lutomski J, et al. Planta Medica, 27:112, 1975.
35.) Hendriks H, et al. Planta Medica, 45:150, 1982.
36.) Lindhal G, Lindwall L. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1989;32:1065-66.
37.) Leathwood P, Chauffard F, et al. Aqueous extract of valerian root (Valerian officinalis) improves sleep quality in man. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1982; 17:65-71.
38.) Leathwood P, Chauffard F. Aqueous extract of valerian reduces latency to fall asleep in man. Planta Medica 1985; 51:144-148.
39.) Dressing H, Riemann, D, Low M, et al. Are valerian/melissa combinations of equal value to benzodiazepine? Therapiewoche 1992; 42:726-36.
40.) Mennini T, Bernasconi P, In vitro study on the interaction of extracts and pure compounds of valeriana officinalis roots and GABA, benzodiazepine and barbiturate receptos. Fitoterpia 1993; 64:291-300.
41.) Wohlfort R, Hansel R, Schmidt H. Planta Medica 48:120, 1983.
42.) Hoffman D. The Nervous System, Pacific NW Herbal Symposium conference notes, 1996, P. 74-85.
43.) Csupor L. Quantitative determination of kava lactones in Piper methysticum (Forster), Arch Pharm Ber Dtsch Pharm Ges 303 (3): 193-200, March 1970.
44.) Davies LP, Drew CA, Duffield P, et. al.: Kava pyrones and resins: studies on GABAA, GABAB and benzodiazepine binding sites in rodent brain. Pharmacol Toxicol 71 (2): 120-126, Aug 1992.
45.)MunteTF, Heinze HJ, Effects of oxazepam and an extract of kava roots on event-related potential in a word recognition task. Neuropsychobiology 27 (1):46-53, 1993.
46.) Volz HP, Keiser M. Kava-kava extract WS 1490 versus placebo in anxiety disorders— a randomized, placebo controlled 25-week outpatient trial. Pharmacopsychiatry 30 91): 1-S, jan. 1997.
47.) Ruze P.Kava-induced dermopathy: a niacin deficiency? The Lancet 335 (8703):1442-1445, June 1990.
48.) Richardson and Montgomery, Pediatrics, 2005, 115:1360-1366)

Botanical Materia Medica

Group I Medications: Stimulants (Commonly used drugs in this category include methylphenidate [Ritalin], dextroamphetamine [Dexedrine], and pemoline [Cylert]). Mechanism of action: unknown, but proposed to increase the concentration of deficient norepinephrine at the nerve interface (21) or by neurotransmitter modulation at the limbic level (12).

COFFEA arabica, C. canephora – COFFEE
Coffee contains 0.06-0.32% caffeine, theobromine, theophylline and tannins. Caffeine is a strong stimulant, with bronchodilatory and diuretic effects. It’s point of action is the CNS, temporarily improving perception and motor performance (23).  Some physicians have found coffee to be an acceptable alternative to psychostimulant medication, although controlled studies have shown it to be less effective then Ritalin at controlling hyperactivity (24).

COLA acuminata, C. vera, C.nitida- KOLA NUT
Cola nut contains up to 2.5% caffeine (higher than coffee), theobromine, phlobaphene, tannins, anthocyanin, proteins, fats, starch and sugars. The large seeds (nuts) have been used as a digestant and tonic for thousands of years. Kola nut stimulates the CNS (25), increases muscular strength and alertness, and counters lethargy. It has been used historically as an anti-depressant (23).

EPHEDRA sinica, E. vulgaris- EPHEDRA, MA HUANG (Chinese), MORMON TEA
Ephedra contains ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, tannins, saponins, flavones and volatile oils. The main ingredient, ephedrine, mimics adrenaline in the body and acts as a sympathetic nervous system stimulant.  The synthetic alkaloid is a racemic mixture, unlike the whole herb which is levorotatory (28). This may explain why many practitioners find that the whole herb product has significant therapeutic effect at lesser dosages and with fewer side-effects than isolated ephedrine (23).

The seed pulp contains xanthines, a fixed oil, and many unidentified constituents responsible for cocoa’s characteristic flavor. The seeds are also reported to contain an endorphin-like substance that may account for chocolate’s popularity as an antidepressant substance (23).

Damiana contains arbutin, volatile oils, cyanogenic glycosides,resins, gums, and a bitter amorphous principal (damianin). Damiana is best-known as an aphrodisiac and sex stimulant, although there are no reputable studies to support this claim (26). Damiana’s reputation as a CNS tonic and antidepressant is not well-substantiated, but it has been widely esteemed as a stimulant, especially when depression and anxiety occur together (23).

Other stimulant herbs to consider:

PAULLINA cupana, P. sorbilis- GUARANA
Guarana contains the same xanthine derivatives as coffee, with up to 7% caffeine, plus tannins and saponins. Indications are the same as for coffee, but long-term use is not recommended because the high tannin content can impair intestinal absorption (23).

ILEX paraguariensis-MATE
Although Mate contains xanthine derivatives in therapeutically usable amounts (0.2-1.5%), the high tannin content (16%) (23) makes it unsuitable for long-term use, especially in children.

Group II Medications: Antidepressants (Commonly used drugs in this category include tricyclics [Tofranil, Elavil, Norpramin], monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI’s) [Marplan, Nardil], phenothiazines [Mellaril], and serotonin uptake inhibitors [Prozac]). A reported 70-80% of ADD/ADHD children will respond to one of the medications in category I or II or a combination of both (21) and the use of Prozac as a Group II medication is becoming increasingly common in children (27).

Hypericum contains a volatile oil (carophyllene), glycosides ( hypericin and pseudohypericin),  flavonoids, tannins, and resins (23, 25).  It  occupies a special place among antidepressants of all types, being the only proven intermediary between the most powerful psychoactive drugs (Prozac, morphine, opium) and the gentle nervous system effectors such as valerian and hops (28) Various studies have found hypericum as or more effective than certain tricyclics (imipramine, maprotiline) in relieving depression (29,30, 31), with photosensitivity being the only adverse side effect (32).

Group III Medications: “Misc.”:  Antipsychotics and Anti-Seizure Medications (Commonly used drugs in this category include antipsychotics [thioridazine] and anti-seizure medications [Tegretol]). Herbal analogues may have different points of action but serve as antianxiolytics and calmatives. Herbal nervines (tonics) have no equivalent in chemical medicine.

CODONOPSIS pilosula- DANG SHEN (Chinese)
Codonopsis contains triterpenoid saponins, alkaloids (perlolyrin), sterins, glycosides, polysaccharides and Tangshenoside I. Most research on the herb has been conducted in China, where it is regarded as a milder tonic and stimulant than ginseng. Codonopsis has been reported to reduce adrenaline levels (23).

Lemon balm contains flavonoids, triterpenes, polyphenols, tannin and up to .2% volatile oils (citral, carophyllene oxide, linalool, and citronellal). The volatile oils are thought to be the active ingredients (23). German studies have shown that the volatile oils have a CNS calmative effect (33). Balm also has carminative and antispasmodic properties, making it useful in cases where dyspepsia is part of the symptom picture (28). Although relatively safe, it should be used judiciously for long-term management due to its antithyroid effect.

Passion flower contains flavonoids, cyanogenic glycosides, and maltol. Its indole alkaloid content remains in dispute (23).  Passion flower is well researched as a gentle nervous system relaxant and nonaddictive sedative, although it’s mechanism of action is unknown (34).

Skullcap contains flavonoid glycosides (including scutellonin and scutellanein), volatile oil, bitter principals and tannins. The herb enjoys a solid reputation as a nervine, although research is sorely lacking (23,25). The Physiomedicalists (19th-century herbal practitioners) regarded skullcap as a premier herb for hysteria, epilepsy, and rabies – hence the common name “Mad-dogweed.”(23).

Valerian contains valpotriates, glycoside, up to 2% volatile oils (including limonene), alkaloids, choline, tannins and other constituents. Valpotriates are thought to be important in giving valerian its CNS-sedative effect (35). Numerous European studies have confirmed that valerian decreases the sleep latency period and increases quality of sleep without morning “hangover” (36,37,38) and some studies have found it to be superior to the benzodiazepine triazolam (Halcion) (39). Valerian reduces nervous activity by binding to barbiturate (GABA-A) and peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (40).

Hops contains bitter principals (lupulin,lupulon and valerianic acid), up to 1% volatile oils, flavonoids, estrogenic substances and over 100 other compounds (23,25). Hops has a proven sedative action with gastric antispasmodic effects (41).

AVENA sativa- OATS
Oats contain saponins, alkaloids, sterols, flavonoids, starch, proteins (including gluten), fats, minerals (calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, silica and zinc) and B vitamins. Oats have long been used as a nervine; the alkaloid avenine stimulates the CNS in small doses, while larger doses appear to have sedative action (28).

California poppy contains flavone glycosides and alkaloids (protopine,crytopine and chelidonine), which are in the same group of isoquinolines as papverine and narcotine. The effects of poppy are considered to be nervine rather than narcotic, and its antispasmodic and analgesic effects make it useful in children for treating anxiety, nervous tension, and sleep difficulties (42).

PIPER methysticum-KAVA KAVA
Kava kava contains resins (kava lactones) and piperdine alkaloids (43). It is considered a moderately potent anxiolytic, producing stimulation followed by CNS sedation. Large doses may induce sleep. The anti-anxiety effects are similar to oxazepam (44,45), making  it useful in non-psychotic anxiety with or without depression (46). Long-term use may produce “kava dermopathy,” a skin lesion of pigmented scales that occurs predominantly on the soles, palms, forehead, back and shins. The dermopathy retreats with discontinuance of the herb, and there is evidence that this reaction is due to a niacin deficiency (47).

Author’s Note:

Recommended for physicians, parents, and teachers: “Hyper Kids” by Lendon Smith, Shaw/Spelling Assoc., 1990. This workbook provides questionnaires to help physicians and parents sort out causes of ADD/ADHD – from nutrient deficiencies and allergies to malabsorbtion and yeast overgrowth. A very useful resource in differential diagnosis.

Anti-aging and Longevity:

The Science of Aging Well

Every living species appears to have a genetically-programmed maximum lifespan. Scientists and geneticists believe that the human lifespan should be around 120 years. For as technologically advanced as modern medicine is, one wonders why we still have so many “incurable” diseases and why the average life expectancy in the US is still only 70 years. (According to the World Health Organization, The United States rated 24th in the world for life expectancy; an average of 70.0 years of healthy life for babies born in 1999).

This means that most people aren’t even reaching 2/3 of their life expectancy! And for many, even a significant number of those “70-ish years” are spent in poor health and decreased capabilities.

A lot more is known about slowing the aging process than you’ll ever hear from conventional medicine. Remember, conventional medicine is in business to sell drugs and surgery to “band aid” disease, not prevent disease, cure disease (especially chronic disease) or slow the aging process.

There are many life-extending scientific findings that never find their way into mainstream medicine. The following are some of the most well-researched anti-aging and longevity measures you can take to slow the aging process and enjoy more years of good health.

Top Anti-Aging Supplements and Herbs

Anti-Aging Therapies
Table of Contents

Age-Related Health Concerns
by Topic

Multiple Vitamin/Mineral Formula Age-Related Memory Changes CoQ10 Age-Related Vision Loss Acetyl L-Carnitine Atherosclerosis Alpha Lipoic Acid Arthritis-Osteoarthritis Vitamin D Arthritis-Rheumatoid DHEA Blood Pressure – High Melatonin Cancer Prevention Male hormones Cancer Treatment Female hormones Hair Loss Ginkgo Menopause, Female Vinpocetin Menopause, Male (Andropause) Glucosamine sulfate Neurological Disease Grape Seed Extract Osteoporosis Other Anti-Aging Supplements Prostate Cancer Prostate Enlargement Stroke

Multi Vitamin/Mineral Formula – Not a “once per day” pill (they don’t contain enough of anything to have any effect except preventing severe deficiency disease). A complete anti-aging multiple should include optimal doses of antioxidants like vitamin C, E and carotenes, B complex vitamins, minerals such as zinc, selenium, calcium and magnesium. Here is a list of the optimal daily doses of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals that should be included in your daily anti-aging multiple vitamin.

If you only take ONE NUTRITIONAL FORMULA for your health, a quality Optimal Multiple Vitamin/Mineral such as Maxi Multi should be The One.

CoQ10 is a naturally-occurring antioxidant produced in the human body. It is vitally involved in energy production. CoQ10 functions as an “energizer” to mitochondria, the body’s energy producing units. Mitochondria, which produce about 95% of the body’s energy, require CoQ10 to “spark” their production of energy units (ATP). Muscles, and the heart in particular, have high requirements for CoQ10.

CoQ10 is essential to the functioning of the mitochondria and many age-related diseases have been linked to lower mitochondrial function. Since CoQ10 production typically declines by about 50% with age, most longevity specialists consider it one of the most important anti-aging nutrients to supplement.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC), a derivative of the amino acid L-carnitine, is a vitamin-like compound that transports fatty acids (“fuel”) into cells. It has been approved in Europe as a “drug” to treat heart and neurological disease. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant in the brain. The acetyl form of L-carnitine (ALC) was found to be substantially more active than L-carnitine in brain cells.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, a Neurological Antioxidant and Energy Transporter, improves mitochondrial function (the “energy producing units” of the cell) and works well in combination with CoQ10 and Acetyl-l-Carnitine to enhance energy production. A decrease of mitochondrial function is believed by many researchers to be one of the primary causes of aging. Lipoic acid is also involved in the conversion of carbohydrates to energy

Vitamin D increases calcium absorption. Deficiencies of Vitamin D are associated with osteoporosis, rheumatic pains, and dental disease. Higher intakes of vitamin D have been shown to protect the body from cancer, especially prostate and breast cancer. Many authorities are recommending that the recommended adult daily dose should be raised from 400 IU to 1,000 IU. Doses of 1,000-2,000 are not only safe, they may be needed for disease prevention.

DHEA is a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. It is a precursor (“master hormone”) for many other steroid hormones including male and female sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) and corticosteroids. DHEA levels often decline dramatically with age.

Low DHEA levels in the brain and blood are thought to contribute to many of the problems associated with aging including age-related memory and mental decline, decreased strength and muscle mass, lowered immune system response, heart disease and atherosclerosis, and age-related weight gain

Melatonin, a hormone manufactured by the pineal gland, is best-known as an aid for insomnia. Beyond it’s use as a sleep aid, melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant that crosses the blood/brain barrier and helps protect the central nervous system against injury, disease, and aging. Melatonin levels decrease with age, and this reduction in melatonin levels results in many age-related concerns and complaints: sleep difficulties, an increased susceptibility to stress-related diseases, reduced immunity, and increased susceptibility to damage and disease caused by free radicals. Many researchers consider melatonin to be one of the most powerful anti-aging substances available.

Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, pregnenelone) Both women and men appear to benefit from natural hormone replacement therapy after age 40. By “natural,” I mean using hormones that are identical to what the body manufactures and in amounts that a healthy body produces in early adulthood. This is a very different type of hormone replacement from the semi-synthetic forms and doses used in conventional medicine.

Male hormones: testing and replacement

Female hormones: testing and replacement

Ginkgo is one of the most well-studied herbs for age-related memory changes. It is also a potent antioxidant. Ginkgo increases circulation to small-diameter blood vessels (such as those in the brain and extremities) and inhibits platelet aggregation (decreases blood “stickiness”). Ginkgo also has anti-allergy effects. Ginkgo is one of the best-selling natural remedies worldwide. Many alternative physicians and researchers feel that ginkgo should be part of the Longevity Protocol for everyone over age 50.

Vinpocetin is derived from the periwinkle plant. More than 100 studies have shown that vinpocetin increases cerebral circulation (blood supply to the brain) AND improves brain energy production (ATP) and oxygen use. The potential benefits of vinpocetin include treatment of stroke, inner ear problems that result in dizziness, hearing loss, vision loss, neurological disorders, memory loss.

Glucosamine Sulfate is the only form of glucosamine proven by over 300 scientific investigations and 20 double-blind studies to stimulate joint repair and relieve pain.

Glucosamine is a molecule manufactured by the body. Inside the joint, it stimulates the production of glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s) which are the main structural material of joints. Studies suggest that a decline of the body’s manufacture of glucosamine may be the primary cause of osteoarthritis.

Grape Seed Extract (OPC’s) is an antioxidant that exhibits 50 times more antioxidant power than vitamin E and 20 times more than vitamin C. OPC’s from Grape Seed Extract easily cross the blood-brain barrier and prevent free radical damage to the brain and nervous system. Grape seed extract also improves blood viscosity (the same “magic” as red wine but without the calories, carbs or liver toxicity).

Grape Seed Extract (OPC’s) binds to collagen and helps increase elasticity of skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Many people take grape seed extract as part of their skin rejuvenation program. Grape seed extract (OPC’s) has been proven by over 25 years of clinical studies to be useful for stroke prevention (grape seed extract helps keep blood viscosity normal), skin rejuvenation and/or wrinkle prevention (strengthens collagen), arthritis and musculoskeletal complaints (antioxidant and strengthens collagen), blood clot prevention (improves blood viscosity), respiratory allergies (antihistamine), food allergies (antihistamine), asthma (antihistamine), ADHD (many cases are allergy-related), longevity and rejuvenation programs (blood viscosity and collagen-strengthening effects)

Other Anti-Aging supplements include lutein, SAMe, fish oil, green tea extract, and COX-2 Support. Maintenance of a normal body weight is the single most important dietary/lifestyle measure associated with longevity and good health.

To learn more about specific protocols for age-related topics, please visit specific health concerns here:

Age-Related Cognitive Decline (Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Senility)

Age-Related Vision Loss (Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma)




Blood Pressure – High

Cancer Prevention and Cancer Treatment

Male Pattern Baldness

Menopause, Female

Menopause, Male (Also called “Andropause”)

Neurological Disease (ALS, MS, Parkinson’s)


Prostate Cancer

Prostate Enlargement
