Ultra Chrome

Natural Support For Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Ultrachrome 500Ultrachrome is a superior form of chromium (4-oxopyridine, 2,6-dicarboxlate) that has the greatest effect on adipose (fat) tissue and insulin levels. It is three times more potent than chromium picolinate.

Ultra Chrome 500

Each Capsule contains: 500 mcg chromium as Ultrachrome.

Suggested dose 1 Capsule per day.

Super Fast Nutritional Supplements

Supplements needed for The Super Fast Diet can be found in your local health food store. However, finding them yourself is sometimes difficult. Because it is MOST IMPORTANT for you to obtain “optimal doses” of ALL nutrients, you will have to add up the nutrient content of 27 vitamins, minerals and trace minerals, plus numerous “green foods,” to be sure that you are getting the target doses without exceeding them. Even if you manage to mix and match and find formulas that fill this bill, you still have no assurance about the quality of the supplements you are purchasing.

In order to make things easier for you and be sure that you get “the right stuff,” I recommend the following products. The basic supplements are my own formulas. Taking these particular formulas ensures that you will obtain the optimal doses of all essential nutrients.

 Basic Super Fast Nutritional Supplements:

Maxi Multi: State-of-the-art formulation of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, antioxidants and bioflavonoids with highly concentrated plant enzymes for easy assimilation. Specially formulated by Dr. Myatt to ensure optimal nutrition during The Super Fast Diet. 1 bottle (270 capsules, a 30 day supply). Regular price $39.95

Maxi Greens:  Complete Green Food / Flavonoid / Phytonutrient-Rich Herb Formula designed by Dr. Myatt. This herbal combination supplies the plant-derived nutrients missing in the Standard American Diet. 1 bottle (270  capsules, a 30 day supply) Reg $43.95 MaxEPA Natural Marine Lipids (fish oils) in soft gel capsules supply Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in the most concentrated form available. MaxEPA is specially processed at low temperatures without chemicals. 1 bottle (200 capsules, a 30 day supply). Reg. $29.95 L-Glutamine Powder: Free-form amino acid that stimulates the production of Growth Hormone (GH), decreases sugar and alcohol cravings and helps prevent muscle tissue breakdown during dieting or strenuous exercise. 1 bottle (10.6 ounces, a one-month supply ) Reg. $29.95



Maxi Health Foundation Bundle

The Foundation Essentials That
You Need For Daily Good Health

Are You Doing It Right But Still Getting It Wrong?

Are you doing your best to be healthy but still not feeling quite as good as you know you could?

Let’s face it – keeping healthy can be hard work. Many people just give up and hope that conventional medicine can fix their health when it breaks – but if you are reading this, you’re not one of those people.

You care enough about your health to take charge, to be pro-active, to do the best you can – but maybe it just doesn’t seem to be enough. You know that if you could just find the right combination you could feel really, really healthy.

Are you trying hard to “eat right” but not sure that you are getting all the nutrition that you should be getting for true good health?

You are careful with your diet. You do your best to eat healthy. But you know that our foods are not as good for us as they should be. Our soils are depleted and vegetables have half the vitamins and nutrients that they did 50 years ago. Many foods are so heavily processed there is little real nutrition left in them. The chemials and synthetics that we are fed is frightning; preservatives, flavor enhancers, artificial flavors, artificial colors – all the things that make processed foods, well, processed.

Modern food preparation strips the nutrients, so foods must be “fortified” with synthetic vitamins. You’re right – these are not the healthy, nutritious foods that our grandparents enjoyed.

Do you try to get some meaningful exercise in on a regular basis, but find that it isn’t as easy as it once was?

Good for you – you try to exercise daily. You walk or run a few miles, or do some weight or resistance training, or dance for fitness, or enjoy a fitness sport. But your energy isn’t what you wish it was, and it isn’t so easy to get started – and the aches and pains afterward are getting more annoying. Exercise just seems to bring on inflammation and soreness – not the satisfied healthy feeling it used to. How did it get this way?

Are you frustrated trying to get all the right vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, plant foods, that you need for good health?

You pay attention to what the experts say. You read the latest research to improve your health. Every day it seems you are bombarded with news about this new vitamin, that new supplement, another new breakthrough formula – all promising to restore some part, or even all, of your health.

This mineral for your bones – no, wait, it’s that mineral. Try this for heart-health. Try that for joint health. And this is the best antioxidant – no, no, try our brand is. But wait a minute, who needs antioxidants at all – just take this new one-a day vitamin!

You know, instinctively, that you really need to be making up for what your diet is lacking – but the cacaphony and clamor of all the research and advice and sale-pitches is dizzying.

How can you be sure that you really are taking the right vitamins for health and not wasting your hard-earned money on supplements you don’t need?

You can make yourself crazy trying this vitamin and that. Or worse, not get enough of anything on a regular basis to do any good at all.

This vitamin was supposed to help the joints – you tried it, and felt no better, so half a bottle sits on your shelf, unused. Another new formula promised to put a spring in your step and make you feel young again – you tried it, and felt every one of your years, just like always, so another half a bottle sits on your shelf. And the heart-health vitamins didn’t seem to do much, so there they sit

Here’s a truth: The most expensive vitamins and supplements are the ones that don’t work. When they sit unused on the shelf they are just money wasted. It is better to have basic good quality supplements that you take faithfully than to have a cupboard full of a hodge-podge of different vitamins and formulas that you can’t remember what they are for and don’t take regularly anyway.

Are you sure that you are getting the optimal amounts of nutrients for best health? After all, you’re taking a “one-a-day” pill...

Okay, so even your conventional doctor has finally “seen the light” and grudgingly admits that maybe a daily multiple vitamin would be a good thing. That’s good advice. “Just take a one-a-day” he said… That’s bad advice.

Oh sure, a one-a-day vitamin pill is better than nothing, but not much. You just can’t squeeze optimal (or even meaningful) amounts of all the vitamins and minerals that a person needs for daily health into one pill – at least not into any one pill that a human being could swallow.

So, while that one-a-day vitamin pill has lots of “stuff” in it, according to the label on the bottle, the doses are tiny. You see, it doesn’t take very much of anything to provide the RDA (which stands for “Reccommended Daily Allowance” or “Really Dumb Advice” depending on your point of view) that the FDA allows. Here’s the truth of it: The RDA figures for nutrients are the minimum amounts of those nutrients that are required to prevent diseases like scurvey or rickets or beri-beri – not the doses required for optimal health.

One-a-day vitamins, and many other supplement “formulas” contain lots of “stuff” -and that looks good on the label. But the amonts of that “stuff” are what we call “fairy dust” – it’s there, but there’s not really enough of it to do much good. So, more money wasted – on a false sense of security.

Well, you are asking, what do I really need then?

How can I get all the nutrients and vitamins I need, in the optimal doses that I need for good health, and yet not break the bank or spend my whole day taking pills?

Here’s what Dr. Myatt recommends to all her patients as their supplement “foundation”

An optimal dose multiple vitamin, mineral, antioxidant and bioflavonoid formula.

A green food formula that provides flavonoids and phytonutrients.

High-potency Omega-3 essential fatty acids.

That’s it – just three basic supplements to cover your bases for good health.

Sure, you can add “extras” if you want – specialty supplements for specific reasons like bone health or joint health or whatever else feels right – but without a solid foundation your best-laid intentions could come crashing down in a jumble of nutrient deficiencies. If you don’t have a solid foundation how will you know if the other supplements you are taking are doing anything? Are your joints sore because that super-duper “joint formula” isn’t working, or are you lacking the most basic vitamins and minerals that a strong nutritional foundation provides for healthy joints? Is your energy still low because you haven’t yet found the right specialty herb or formula, or is it just that you don’t have a solid foundation of the basic vitamins your body needs to feed it’s energy machinery?

Here are the three specific Health Foundation formulas that Dr. Myatt recommends:

Maxi Multi Optimal Dose Daily Multiple Vitamin / Mineral / Antioxidant Formula

Maxi Multi – The Daily Vitamin Foundation

Daily Multiple Formula Vitamin/Mineral/Antioxidant Optimal Dose Vitamins for Women and Men

This optimal potency multiple vitamin/mineral/trace mineral formula performs at least three important roles in maintaining your good health:

I.) Supplies high potency antioxidant nutrients including vitamins C and E, beta carotene, zinc, selenium, copper and manganese. Excess Radical Oxygen Species (ROS) are detrimental to good health.

II.) Multiple vitamins taken daily give your body the materials needed to improve and maintain health and vigor.

III.) Daily supplementation with optimal dose vitamins, minerals and trace minerals helps you to avoid the diseases of nutrient deficiency that our compromised food supply has made increasingly common.

Maxi Multi is a state-of-the-art formulation of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and bioflavonoids with highly concentrated plant enzymes for optimal assimilation.

Maxi Multi contains target doses of the nutrients known to maintain good heath in both men and women.

Maxi Multi typically replaces at least five separate formulas:

  • High potency multiple vitamin /mineral / trace mineral supplement
  • High potency multiple B-complex vitamins
  • High potency antioxidants (A, carotenes, C, E, selenium, zinc)
  • High potency calcium / magnesium (1,000:400) plus other bone-building nutrients (boron, vitamin D)
  • Bioflavonoids

If you only take one daily multiple vitamin supplement, this should be THE ONE!

The addition of Plant Enzymes ensures absorption of nutrients. This formula is hypoallergenic, ultra pure and suitable for even highly sensitive individuals.Gluten-free and yeast-free.

The 270 capsule bottle is a one month supply for one person

Maxi Greens Complete Daily Plant Food Phytonutrient Formula

Maxi Greens – The Daily Phytonutrient Foundation

Complete Green Food / Flavonoid / Phytonutrient-Rich Daily Herb Formula

“The” daily multi formula of herbs and phytonutrients, Maxi Greens reflects the very latest research in holistic health and alternative medicine.

Maxi Greens is a complete herbal phytonutrient formula and contains a full spectrum of the most widely researched flavonoid herbs shown to reduce Radical Oxygen Species (R.O.S. or “free radicals”) and restore and enhance good health:

  • ginkgo biloba
  • Bilberry
  • green tea
  • milk thistle
  • grape seed and pine bark (pycnogenols)
  • PLUS: indole-containing herbs: broccoli and cauliflower
  • AND: High chlorophyll / mineral rich herbs: alfalfa, wheat grass, barley grass, wheat sprout.
  • With gut-healthy probiotics (good gut bacteria) and Fructooligosaccharides (FOS).

Stop guessing about which herbs to take for overall health maintenance and general health improvement.

Stop buying separate herbs to “cover the bases” of a solid herbal program.

Stop wondering if your herbs are the highest quality in optimal doses.

Start taking Dr. Myatt’s Maxi Greens every day. It provides extra phytonutrient herbs as part of a solid foundation for your good health.

The 270 capsule bottle is a one month supply for one person

Maxi Marine O-3 Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids

Maxi Marine O-3 -The Daily EFA Foundation

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids AreAnti-Inflammatory And Are Vital For Heart Health, Neurological Health, and Hormone Health.

Maxi Marine O-3 Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids are

  • Ultra-pure
  • Ultra-high potency
  • Harvested in pristine Norwegian Arctic waters
  • Purity assured by molecular distillation
  • Verified free of PCB’s, heavy metals and pesticides
  • Vitamin E added to maintain maximum freshness
  • Enteric coated to ensure no “fishy” after-taste

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids are an absolute requirement in the human diet and our American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids.

Deficiencies of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which is associated with over 60 diseases including:

  • overweight and obesity
  • heart disease
  • cancer
  • arthritis
  • stroke
  • allergies
  • asthma
  • autoimmune disease
  • neurological disease
  • psoriasis and eczema
  • high blood pressure

Daily supplementation of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids is one of the healthiest choices you can make to prevent these many Essential Fatty Acid deficiency associated diseases.

The Essential Fatty Acids are SO important that the U.S. Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in their diet.

The EPA/DHA content of Maxi Marine O-3 (700mg total) is two and a half times more concentrated than most fish oils.

Marine Lipid Concentrate: 1000mg – which provides:
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 420mg
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 280mg

The 120 softgel capsule bottle is a one month supply for one person

Dr. Myatt is committed to bringing you good health.

The best way to do that is to make basic daily supplementation affordable.

Thousands of customers come back month after month to buy these health-giving supplements at our regular prices.

Sorry – Temporarily Unavailable

Drug Nutrient Interactions

This list provides common drug and nutrient interactions. Please note that the prescription drug listings are not all-inclusive; drugs listed are common examples.
Herb Drug Class Type of Interaction Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) – Leaf Anticoagulants2,4,9
e.g. Warfarin3 Interact
Reduced drug action due to Vitamin K content in alfalfa   Hormone replacement therapy2,4,9 Interact   Oral contraceptive2,4,9 Interact   Xenobiotics3 Increases rate of metabolism Remedies: Nutritional support, retained water, Cholesterol, menopause, addiction, urinary, bowel problems Aloe Vera – (A. vera) Latex Powder All drugs12 Aloe latex will bind all drugs   Antiarrhythmic agents5,11,12 
e.g. Quinidine Interact   Cardiac glycosides2,3,5,11,12
e.g. Digoxin5 Increases toxicity. Increases effect due to potassium loss, hypokalemia   Cortico-adrenal steroids5,11 Increases potassium deficiency   Diuretics3
e.g. Loop diuretics5
e.g. Thiazide diuretics5,11 Increases potassium loss
Interact   Laxative, stimulant20 Increases diarrhea, abdominal pain and fluid loss   Oral drugs3,11 Decreases absorption of drug due to reduction in bowel transit time   Glyburide4 Increases hypoglycemic effect Aloe Vera – Gel or Juice Glibenclamide3,4 Increases hypoglycemic effect Remedies: Immune system, Cancer, Heartburn, Arthritis Anise or Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) – Seed Anticoagulants9 Excessive doses of Anise may interact with anticoagulants   Hormone Replacement Therapy9 Excessive doses of Anise may interact with HRT   Iron5 Enhances iron absorption across the intestinal mucosa   Oral contraceptive9 Excessive doses of Anise may interact   MAOIs9 Excessive doses of Anise may interact with MAOI therapy Remedies: Digestion, Infection, Respiratory problems and infections, Menopause Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) – Root Acyclovir20 Drugs incompatible with herb   Aldesleukin20 Astragalus with low dose Aldesleukin resulted in a 10-fold potentiation of Aldesleukin’s tumor cell killing activity with decreased side effects   Anticoagulants/Antiplatelet20 Increases risk of bleeding Remedies: Alzheimer’s, Common cold, Sore throat, Chemotherapy support Basil (Ocimum basilicum) – Leaf Antidiabetic agents5 May enhance hypoglycemic effects   Insulin5 May enhance hypoglycemic effects   Sulfonylureas5 May enhance hypoglycemic effects Remedies: Digestion, Stomach cramps, Vomiting, Constipation, Anxiety, Headaches Bay (Laurus nobilis) – Leaf Insulin5 Herb enhances hypoglycemic actions – may increase insulin’s effect more than three fold5 Remedies: Stomach problems, Rheumatism Bearberry Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) – Leaf Drugs that acidify the urine3,4,5,7 
e.g. Vita. C (Absorbic Acid) May decrease the urinary antimicrobial action   Drugs known to interact with hydroquinone2 Theoretically, caution should be exercised   Diuretics5 Enhances electrolyte loss Remedies: Arthritis, Urinary problems, Diarrhea, Bronchitis, Fever, Hemorrhoids Bee Pollen Antidiabetic agents5
Hypoglycemic agents5
Insulin5 Interact – May promote hyperglycemia Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) – Fruit Anticoagulants5
e.g. Warfarin4,20 Increases risk of bleeding
Increases bleeding time   ASA4 Interact Bilberry – Leaves Insulin3 May cause hypoglycemia Remedies: Prevent cataracts, Enhance night vision, Blood circulation, Diarrhea, Liver & stomach problems Birch (Betula) – Leaf None reported5,10   Remedies: Lessens inflammation, Diuretic, Joint pain, Urinary tract infections Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa) – Root Antihypertensives5 Increases hypotensive effects   Estrogen7,12 Interact   Hormone treatments14 Interact   Tamoxifen4 Augments antiproliferative action (in vitro) Remedies: PMS, Menstruation problems, Hot flashes Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) – Bark, leaf hull Atropine23 Interact   Codeine23 Decreased absorption Remedies: Candida, Skin problems Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) – Root Angina therapy4,5,9 Interact   Antihypertensives5 Decreases effect of drug, increases blood pressure   Nicotine5 Increases effects of nicotine Remedies: Muscle spasms, Menstrual disorders, Nervous & memory disorders Borage (Borago officinalis) – Seed Oil Epileptogenic drugs20 May manifest seizures (theoretical)   Phenothiazines9 Interact Remedies: Skin & nail health Broom (Cytisus scoparius) – Aerial parts MAOIs23 Contains tyramine   Beta blockers5 Potentiates drug   Antihypertensives5 Interact Remedies: Diuretic, Emetic, Purgative Bugleweed (Lycopus spp) – Aerial parts Thyroid therapy23 Interact   Beta blockers5 May mask symptoms Remedies: Hyperthyroidism, Mood, Overactive heart Bupleurum (Bupleurum spp) – Root Interferon23 May lead to serious lung disease Remedies: Liver disease, Hemorrhoids, Digestion

Burdock (Arctium lappa) 
– Fruit & Roots

Oral hypoglycemics2,4,5,9 Increases hypoglycemia   Insulin3,5 Hypoglycemic effect – Leaves Oral hypoglycemics4 Increases hypoglycemia Remedies: Acne, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis Calendula (Calendula officinalis) – Flowers Hexobarbital2,3 Extends duration of drug action (rats) Remedies: Eczema, Gastritis, Sunburn, Minor burns and wounds Catnip (Nepeta cataria) – Aerial parts Dextromethorphan23 Potentiates effect of drug Remedies: Sedation, Colic Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) – Root Bark Anticoagulants5 Potentiates effect of drug   Antihypertensives5 Potentiates effect of drug   Oral contraceptives4 May antagonize effect of drug   Hormone replacement therapy4,7 May antagonize effect of drug   Immunosuppressives4 May antagonize effect of drug   Insulins7 Interact   Ulcer medications10 Interact   Vaccines7 Interact Remedies: Stimulates immune system (taken by HIV and cancer patients), Rheumatism, Gastric, Ulcers, Tumors & Dysentery Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum frutescens) – Fruit All Drugs2 Increases hepatic metabolism   Antihypertensives2,5,9 Interact   ACE Inhibitors3,16 May increase cough   Centrally acting adrenergic agents5
e.g. Clonidine, Methyldopa5 Decreases effect of drug   Hexobarbital3 Increases plasma concentration and sleep with acute use and decreases with chronic use (rats)   MAOI2,5,9 Interact, hypertensive crisis   Theophylline3,16 Increases absorption and bioavailability of drug Remedies: Digestion, Blood circulation, Arthritis, Colds, Sore throat, Sinus problems Chamomile, German (Matricaria recutita) – flowers All Drugs5 Decreases absorption of drugs secondary to Chamomile 
Antispasmodic activity in GI tract   Anticoagulants5,9 Large doses of herb may interact Remedies: Digestion, Diuretic, Sleep aid, Colitis, Diverticulosis, Fever, Headaches, Stress Chaparral (Larrea tridentata) – Aerial Parts Anticoagulants20 Chaparral has been shown to interact with platelet adhesion and aggregation in aspirin-treated patients   Barbiturates4 Inhibits metabolism   MAOIs9 Excessive doses of Chaparral may interact with MAOI therapy Remedies: Diuretic, Laxative w Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) – Berry Dopamine-receptor antagonists1,4,13 
e.g. Antipsychotics & Metoclopramide14 Decreases therapeutic effect of drug (animal)   Dopaminergic drugs Interact   Hormone therapy4 Interact   Oral contraceptives3,4 Interact with efficacy of drug Remedies: Colds, Coughs Chondroitin sulfate Anticoagulants5 Potentiates effects of drug Remedies: Joint health, Arthritis Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum) – Bark None reported1,5   Remedies: Diarrhea, Nausea, Blood circulation, Fungal infection, Digestion Cloves (Syzgium aromaticum) – Buds Anticoagulants9 Potentiates anticoagulant effects of drug Remedies: Antiseptic, Anti parasitic, Digestive aid, Dental problems Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) – Leaf Antihypertensives4,5,9 Interact   Cardiovascular therapy4,9 Interact Remedies: Coughs, Respiratory ailments, Diabetes Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) – Leaf or Root None reported4,5   Remedies: Wounds and many skin problems Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) – Berry Renally excreted drugs5 May increase elimination of some drugs excreted in the urine. Remedies: Urinary tract infections Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) – Root Antidiabetic agents5,9 May potentiate effect of drug, promoting hypoglycemia   Antihypertensives5 Additive or synergistic hypotensive effect   Lithium3,4 Toxic effect of lithium worsened – Leaf Diuretics2,4,5,9 Potentiates the diuretic action of drug (Herb is rich in potassium) Remedies: Constipation, Indigestion, Water retention, Alcoholism Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) – Root Cardiac therapy2,9 Interact   Antiarrhythmic drugs2,4,5 Theoretical possibility of interaction due to herb’s protective action against arrhythmia   Hypo/hypertensive therapy2,9 Interact   Warfarin16 Increases risk of Purpura Remedies: Indigestion, Heartburn and Arthritis Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) – Root Anticoagulants2,5,12 Interact   ASA12 Interact   Warfarin4,20 Herb may enhance the anticoagulant effect of drug   HRT – Hormone Therapy22 Interact Remedies: Breast cysts, Menopause and PMS symptoms Echinacea (Echinacea species) – Root/Leaf Cancer treatments4 Herb stimulated immune system   Econazole nitrate cream3 Recurrence rate of vaginal candida infection decreases when the herb juice is used simultaneously   Immunosuppressive agents2,4,9
e.g. Corticosteroids & Cyclosporine4 Herb stimulates immune system   Hepatotoxic drugs12 Increases liver toxicity with other hepatotoxic drugs   Warfarin4 Increases bleeding time (anecdotal reports) Remedies: Boost immune system to prevent colds, flu, ear infections, sore throats, mouth ulcers (cankers), gingivitis and yeast infections Elder (Sambucus nigra) – Berry None reported1,2,5,10   Remedies: Colds, Herpes simplex, Sore throat, Flu, Inflammation Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis) – Seed Anticoagulants2,14,20 Interact, may reduce platelet aggregation and potentiate drug action   Beta-blockers2,14 Decreases action of herb   Corticosteroids2,14 Theoretically interact   Epileptogenic drugs2,4,9 
e.g. Phenothiazines2,5,9,14,19 Increases epileptic attacks   Lithium carbonate2 Decreases neurotoxicity   NSAIDs2,14 Theoretically interact   Vasodilators20 May potentiate effect of drug Remedies: Arteriosclerosis, Diabetes, Eczema, Fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, Rheumatoid arthritis Fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum) – Seed All Drugs3,5,9,20 Absorption of all drugs may be affected due to mucilaginous fiber content and high viscosity in gut   Anticoagulants5,9,10 Interact   Heart medications10 Interact   Hormonal therapy9,10 Interact   Hypoglycemic therapy5,9 Interact   Insulin3,20 Dose may need adjustment due to hypoglycemic activity   MAOIs9,10 Interact Remedies: Lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels, Diabetes, Arteriosclerosis Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) – Leaf Anticoagulants2,4,12,13
e.g. Warfarin2,4 Potentiates effect of drug   Aspirin12,13 Increases antithrombotic effect   Corticosteroids2 Decreases effect of herb   Imitrex12 Decreases efficacy of drug   NSAIDs2,12 Decreases effect of herb   Tylenol12 Decreases efficacy of drug Remedies: Migraines Flax (Linum usitatissimum) – Seed All Drugs1,3,4,5,13,20 Absorption of drug delayed when herb used as a bulk laxative   Insulin21 Potentiates effect of drug due to delayed absorption of glucose   Laxatives5 Increase in laxative actions of flax   NSAIDs4
e.g. Indomethacin4 Increases prevalence of stomach/intestinal ulcers Remedies: Bone, Nail, Teeth, Skin health Forskohlii (Coleus forskohlii) – Root Clonidine23 Potential interaction Remedies: Allergies, Asthma, Eczema, Irritable bowel syndrome, Menstrual cramps, High blood pressure, Glaucoma

Herb Drug Class Type of Interaction Garlic (Allium sativum) – Bulb Anticoagulants2,4,5,7,9,19
e.g. Warfarin1,3,11,12,16,19,20 Interact   Antiplatelet therapy5 Anticoagulant activity of drug enhances (may double clotting time)   ASA2,9,12 Enhances effects of antiplatelet therapy
Potentiates the anti-thrombotic effect of ASA   Diabetic Therapy2,9
e.g. Insulin3 Dose of drug may need adjusting due to hypoglycemic effects of herb Remedies: Cardiovascular system, Congestive heart failure, Lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels Ginger (Zingiber officinale) – Root All drugs3 Increases absorption of drug   Anticoagulants2,4,5,9,11,19,20 Inhibitory effect on thromboxane synthesis   Cardiac therapy2,9
Interact   Cyclophosphamide3 Side effect of vomiting prevented by prior administration of acetone extract of ginger or its component 6-gingerol (PO in Suncus/shrew)   Diabetic therapy2,9
Interact   Sulfaguanidine3,4 Increases absorption of drug (rats) Remedies: Anti-nausea, Anti-vomiting, Blood circulation, Indigestion Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) – Leaf Anticoagulants1,2,4,5,12,13,14,19 
& Antiplatelet therapy20 Potentiates effect of drug – Monitor coagulation   e.g. Aspirin3,12,16,20 
NSAIDs4 Warfarin16,20 
Ticlopidine20 May introduce spontaneous bleeding
Potentiates effect of drug   MAOIs3,20
May potentiate effects of drug   Papaverine3 Potentiates effect of intracavernosal injection for impotence (in 20% of patients for whom previously ineffective)   SSRIs20
Ginkgo may counter the sexual dysfunction that may be experienced with SSRIs   Thiazide diuretic18 Herb decreases effect of drug, the interaction causes hypertension Remedies: Alzheimer’s disease, Blood circulatory diseases, Depression, Diabetes, Male impotence, Migraine, Multiple sclerosis, Tinnitus Ginseng North American (Panax quinquefolius) – Root Anticoagulation therapy3,4,12,16 
e.g. Warfarin20 Interact
Decreases INR levels   Antihypertensives4 
e.g. Diuretics20 Interact
Decreases diuretic action   Digitalis12
Increases toxicity   Estrogen Therapy4,9 Interact   Oral Hypoglycemia therapy4,5
Interact   Insulin3 Dose adjustment due to hypoglycemic effect   MAOIs1, Interact   Oral contraceptives12 Interact   Psychotherapeutic medication4,12/Antipsychotics19 
e.g. Phenelzine4,9,16,20 Interact   Steroids12,19 Interact Remedies: Flu, Common cold, Sore throat, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s disease, Arteriosclerosis, 
Chemotherapy support, Male reproductive health, Stress, Diabetes Ginseng Siberian (Eleuthero coccus senticosus) – Root Anticoagulants2,4 Interact   Antipsychotics4,9 Interact (Stimulant activity)   Barbiturates2,4
e.g. Hexobarbital3,5 Potentiates effects of drug
Increases effect of drug due to inhibition of its metabolic breakdown   Cardiac therapy2,9 Interact   Diabetes therapy2,4,9 Interact   Digoxin2,5,16,19 Increases serum digoxin levels   Estrogen4 Potentiates effect of drug   Hypertension therapy2,4 Contra-indicated   Hypotension therapy2,9 Interact   Insulin3 May need to adjust dose due to hypoglycemic effect   Monomycin & Kanamycin3 Increases efficacy in treating Shigella dysentery and Proteus enterocolitis probably due to enhancement of t-lymphocyte activity Remedies: Alzheimer’s disease, Attention deficit disorder, Adjunctive chemotherapy, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Common cold, Diabetes, Flu, Fibromyalgia, Stress Glucosamine Sulfate (2-Amino-2-deoxyglucose) Diabetic medication15 Causes a decrease in insulin secretion and in insulin sensitivity (in animal studies) Remedies: Arthritis, Joint pain Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) – Root Anticoagulants4,5,9 Potential interaction   Antihypertensives5
e.g. Beta blockers5
Calcium channel blockers5 Increases effect of drug   Barbiturates2,4
e.g. Barbitu Increases sleeping times (rats)   Cardiovascular medications4
e.g. Digoxin5 Interact
Increases effect of drug   CNS depressants5
e.g. Alcohol, benzodiazepines5 Enhances sedative effects   Oral Hypoglycemia Therapy22 Herb lowers blood sugar levels Remedies: Common cold, Chronic ear infections, Urinary tract infections, Crohn’s disease Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) – Fruit/Juice All Drugs including: 
e.g. Midazolam, triazolam, alprazolam18, Buspirone18 Increases bioavailability
Inhibits metabolism by cytochrome P450-3A enzymes   Calcium Antagonists3,18
e.g. Amlodipine, verapamil, nisoldipine, nifedipine, nitrendipine, felodipine, nimodipine, nicardipine     Carvedilol18     Cisapride18     Clomipramine18     Coumarin3     Cyclosporin3,18     Ethinyl estradiol3,18     HMG CoA reductase inhibitors18 
e.g. Atorvastatin, cerivastatin, lovastatin, simvastatin18     Saquinavir18     Tacrolimus18     Terfenadine3   Remedies: Appetite stimulant, Digestion, Diuretic Grape Seed Extract None reported5   Remedies: Good nutritional value Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) – Leaf All Drugs Green Tea has similar interactions as occur with caffeine   Calcium12 Decreases absorption of calcium   Doxorubicin5 May enhance the antitumor activity of doxorubicin Remedies: Stimulates immune system, Infections, Gum disease, some cancer risk reduction, Lowers cholesterol level, High blood pressure, High triglyceride levels Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) – Aerial parts Antihypertensives5 Increases hypotension   Cardiac glycosides3,5,12,19 
e.g. Digitoxin, Digoxin3, Digitalis1,3,4 Potentiates effect of drug (helps lower digoxin levels where toxicity is a concern)   Cardiac medications7,9 
e.g. Nitrates5 Interact
Increases hypotension   CNS depressants5 Addictive effects Remedies: Angina, Arteriosclerosis, High blood pressure Hops (Humulus lupulus) – Strobiles Alcohol2,9,14,20 Potentiates action of alcohol   CNS depressants5 Increases effect of drug   Cytochrome P450 metabolized drugs2,5 Yet to be evaluated   Pentobarbital3 Increases sleeping time (mice)   Phenothiazine-type antipsychotics5 Combination of herb and drug increases hyperthermia   Sedative-hypnotics2,9,14,20 Potentiates effect of drug Remedies: Anxiety, Insomnia Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) – Seed Anticoagulants3,5
ASA3,5 Increased risk of bleeding Remedies: Varicose veins, Hemorrhoids, Blood circulation Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) – Root Thyroid medications9 Interact Remedies: Coughs, Diuretic, Sinus, Throat and lung problems Juniper (Juniperus communis) – Berry Diuretic therapy2,9 Potentiates effect of drug   Hypoglycemic therapy2,9 Potentiates effect of drug Remedies: Urinary tract infections, water retention Kava (Piper methysticum) – Root Alcohol1,2,3,5,7,12,14 Potentiates action of herb   Anticoagulants19 Interact   Antidepressants7,12 Interact   Antipsychotics7 Interact   Barbiturates1,2,4,5,7
e.g. Hexobarbital2
e.g. Pentobarbital3,5 Potentiates action of barbiturates
Potentiates effect of drug (animals)
Potentiates effect of drug   Benzodiazepines2,3,4,12,14,19/Tranquillizers12
e.g. Alprazolam2,5,20 Potential interaction
Potentiates effect of drug   Centrally acting drugs1,2,4,7,20 Potentiates effect of drug   CNS depressants3,5 Potentiates effect of drug   Levodopa3 Decreases efficacy   Hepato toxic drugs Potentiates effect of drug Remedies: Anxiety Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) – Leaf CNS depressants14 Interact   Hexobarbital3 Enhances effect of drug   Pentobarbital2,3,4 Promotes hypnotic action (mice)   Thyroid medications2,4,14 Interact Remedies: Herpes simplex, Indigestion, Insomnia, Nerve pain, Hyperthyroidism Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) – Root

Agents that prolong the QT interval5
e.g. procainamide, quinidine, terfenadine5

May prolong the QT interval   Antihypertensives4,5,12 Interact   Aspirin3,20 Deglycyrrhizinated licorice decreases ulcer formation (rats) & gave greater protection from ASA-induced gastric mucosal damage when used with cimetidine (rats)   Cardiac glycosides2,3,11
e.g. Digitalis1,3,12,20
Digoxin5 Affect potassium levels
Increases toxicity due to decreases in potassium   Cardiovascular drugs4 Interact   Cathartics4
e.g. Stimulant laxatives3 Interact
Additive effect – increases potassium loss   Corticosteroids3,4,5,11,20
e.g. Hydrocortisone2,3,16,
Prednisolone2,16 Interact
Potentiates effect of drug 
Inhibit metabolism, increases plasma concentration   Diuretics3,4,5,11,12,20
e.g. Loop diuretics2,11,
Potassium-sparing diuretics2,
Potassium-excreting agents or amiloride4, Spironolactone3,4,5,11,
Thiazide1,3,11 Affects potassium, potentiates potassium depletion   Hormonal therapy4,9
e.g. Oral contraceptives16 Interact
Hypertension, edema, hypokalemia   Estrogen & antiestrogen2 Interact   Insulin2,3,4,9 Increases electrolyte disturbances   Nitrofurantoin2 Increases bioavailability Remedies: Asthma, Bronchitis, Canker sores, Eczema, Herpes simplex, Indigestion, Heartburn, Peptic ulcer, Chronic fatigue syndrome Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) – Aerial parts Nicotine therapy5 (smoking cessation treatments) Contra-indicated – Nicotine and Lobelin are chemically similar in structure Remedies: Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Flu, cardiovascular, Epilepsy

Herb Drug Class Type of Interaction Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica) – Aerial parts All Drugs2 Herb has similar interactions to those occurring with Ephedrine   Anesthetics4 Interact   Agents that influence urine pH
e.g. Antacids3,4
Acetazolamide20 Interact

Acetazolamide may cause increased concentration of ephedrine due to alkalinization of the urine   ASA4 Potentiates effect of drug   B adrenergic blockers4,5 Interact   Cardiac glycosides1,4,11,13
e.g. Digitoxin7 Disturb heart rhythm 
Interact   Corticosteroids2
e.g. Dexamethasone3 Interact
Increases clearance and thereby reduces effect   Centrally acting medications2,4
e.g. Antidepressants2
Clonidine20 Interact
Clonidine may augment the pressor response to ephedrine   Ephedra alkaloids5 Hypertensive crisis   Ergot alkaloid derivatives11 Interact   Guanethidine1,2,4,7,11,13,20 Increases sympathomimetic effect   Halothane1,2,11,13,20 Disturbs heart rhythm   MAOIs1,2,3,4,7,11,13
e.g. Tranylcypromine, selegiline, phenelzine, moclobemide3, isocarboxazid20 Increases sympathomimetic effect
Severe hypertension   Methyl Xanthines3
e.g. Theophylline2,3,4,5,20 Interact, increases side effect (GI and CNS) of both herb and drug   Oxytocin1,2,4,11,13 Hypertension   Phenothiazine5 Hypotension   Reserpine3,20 Indirect sympathomimetic effects of ephedrine are antagonized   Secale alkaloid derivatives1,2 Hypertension   Sodium Bicarbonate20 Ephedrine toxicity increases due to decreased elimination   Stimulants2 Interact   Sympathomimetic agents4,20 Interact Remedies: Breathing problems, Asthma, Nasal congestion Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) – Root All Drugs1,3,4,5,10 Delays absorption of drug   Dexamethasone4 Potentiates effect of drug   Hypoglycemic therapy9,10 Interact   Insulin5 Increases hypoglycemic effects   Sulfonylureas5 Increases hypoglycemic effects Remedies: Peptic ulcer, Crohn’s disease, Diarrhea, Asthma, Common cold, Sore throat Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) – Leaf/Flower All Drugs2,9

e.g. Anticoagulants2 Herb has similar interactions to those occurring with salicylates
Interact Remedies: Diarrhea, Stomach problems Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) – Seed All Drugs2 Increases live metabolism of all drugs   Acetaminophen4,19 Reduces hepatotoxicity   ASA3,4 Altered metabolism in people with liver cirrhosis might be improved   Butyrophenones20 Reduces lipid peroxidation   Carbon tetrachloride4,19 Reduces hepatotoxicity   Cisplatin3,4 Reduces hepatotoxicity   Cyclosporine4 Reduces hepatotoxicity
Synergistic antiproliferative effect on human ovarian and breast cancer cell lines   Doxorubicin4 Synergistic antiproliferative effect on human ovarian/breast cancer cell lines   Ethanol4,19 Reduces hepatotoxicity   Iron4 Reduces hepatotoxicity   Phenothiazines4,20 Reduces hepatotoxicity   Phenytoin21 Reduces hepatotoxicity Remedies: Gallstones, Psoriasis, Liver health Mistletoe (Viscum album) – Aerial parts Anticoagulant therapies9 Interact   Antihypertensives4,5,10 Increases hypotensive effects/check blood pressure regularly   Antidepressants9,10 Interact   Cardiac drug5,9,10 Increases cardiac depression   Coagulant therapies9 Interact   CNS depressants5 Increases sedative effects   Hypotensive therapies9 Interact   Immunosuppressants5,9 Cytotoxic and immunostimulant effects   MAOIs4 Interact/monitor Remedies: Blood pressure and heart, Mood, Migraine Nettle (Urtica dioica) – Leaf Anticoagulants4/
Coagulant therapy4 Interact   Antihypertensives2,4,9 Interact   CNS depressants4,9 Potentiates effect of drug   Diabetic medication2,4,9 Interact   Diclofenac (low dose)3,4 Leaf extract enhances the inflammatory response effect of diclofenac
Potentiates effect of drug   Diuretics2,5 Potentiates effect of drug   Hypotension medication4,9 Interact – Root Prostatic Hyperplasia Therapy22
e.g. Tamsulosin Potentiates effect of drug Remedies: BPH (enlarged prostate), hay fever Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) – Leaf Barbiturates4
e.g. Hexobarbital, Pentobarbital2,3 Increases hypnotic action
Increases sleeping time (animal)   Centrally Acting Medications2,4,5 Increases hypnotic action and potential for monoamine oxidase inhibition   CNS depressants20 Potential for additive effects and increases sedation   MAOI Antidepressants5,7,9 Interact Remedies: Anxiety, Insomnia Pau D’arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa) – Bark Anticoagulants5,20 May potentiate effects of drug, prolongation of prothrombin time20   Iron5 Decreases absorption of iron Remedies: Infections and yeast infections Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) – Leaf Ulcer treatment e.g. H2
Receptor Blockers May antagonize achlorhydria Remedies: Migraine, Nerves, Stomach disorder, Heartburn, Herpes, Abdominal cramps Pine Bark Extract (Pinus maritima) None reported4,5   Remedies: Chronic venous insufficiency Propolis
– Resin Tetracycline24 Increases effectiveness Remedies: Anemia, Skin healing, Respiratory problems, Immune system support, Digestion Psyllium (Plantago psyllium)
– Seed All drugs1,3 May delay absorption of drugs   Anti-coagulants21 Delays absorption of drug   Anti-convulsants
e.g. Carbamazepine5,20 Decreases absorption and concentration of drug   Cardioactive drug5
e.g. Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, digitalis5 A possibility that the herb enhances digitalis effect of the drug (highly speculative)   Insulin3 Drug dosage must be adjusted due to slowing of dietary carbohydrate absorption   Lithium3,5,16 Decreases concentration due to reduction of drug absorption Remedies: Constipation, Diarrhea, Hemorrhoids, Irritable bowel syndrome, Obesity, Arteriosclerosis, High cholesterol, High triglyceride level, Psoriasis Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris) None reported4   Remedies: Vitiligo (whitening of skin), Impotence, Female infertility, Urinary problems Pygeum (Prunus africana) – Bark Antibiotics for prostate and bladder infections4 Enhances effectiveness of drug Remedies: Urinary problems, Enlarged prostate Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) – Blossoms Anticoagulants5,9,10
e.g. Heparin, Warfarin5 May increase risk of bleeding   Antiplatelet agents5
e.g. ASA, clopidogrel, ticlopidine5 May increase risk of bleeding   Hormone Replacement Therapy9,10 Interact   Oral Contraceptive5,9,10 May enhance action of drug by increasing estrogen components Remedies: Coughs Eczema, Possible cancer reduction Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) – Leaf Antidiabetic agents5,9 Increases effectiveness of hypoglycemic action Remedies: Menstrual problems, Diarrhea, Canker sores Red Yeast Rice lovastatin23 
Atorvastatin23 Additive effect similar in (Cholestin) Remedies: Lowering cholesterol levels Rose Hips (Rosa canina) None reported5   Remedies: Colds, Infection Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) – Leaf Disulfiram5 Disulfiram reaction if herbal product contains alcohol Remedies: Circulatory system, Heart problems, High blood pressure, Menstruation Royal Jelly Antidiabetic agents5 May lead to loss of glycemic control in diabetic patients Remedies: Appetite stimulant, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Liver disease, Insomnia, Multiple sclerosis

Herb Drug Class Type of Interaction Sage (Salvia officinalis) – Leaf Anticonvulsants5,9 Lowers seizure threshold   Antidiabetic agents5,9
e.g. Insulin5 Antagonizes glycemic control   Sedatives9 Herb may potentiate sedative effects of other drugs Remedies: Menopause, Tonsillitis, Fever Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) – Berry Hormone replacement therapy2,4,9 Interacts because of its anti-androgen and estrogenic activity   Oral contraceptives2,4,9 Interacts because of its anti-androgen and estrogenic activity Remedies: BPH (enlarged prostate) Schisandra (S. chinensis) – Berry Acetaminophen23 Reduces hepatotoxicity Remedies: Coughs, Asthma, Urinary problems, Tonic Scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) – Aerial parts Centrally-acting medications2 Potentiates effect of drug   Sedatives and tranquillizers3,4 Interact Remedies: Infertility, Nerve disorders Scullcap, Chinese (Scutellaria baicalensis) – Root Immunosuppressives5 Possible interaction   Platelet aggregation inhibitors3,4 Potentiates effect of drug   Senna (Cassia spp) – Leaf, Pod Indomethacin5 Decreases drug levels   Calcium channel blockers5 Potentiates potassium depletion   Digoxin23 Interacts Remedies: Sore throat, Fevers, Heart problems Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) – Aerial parts All Drugs7 May interfere with the absorption of drugs taken simultaneously Remedies: Gastritis, Crohn’s disease, Cough, Common cold, Sore throat St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) – Aerial parts All Drugs21,22 Drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme system have potential to interact   Antabuse12 Interact   Antidepressants4,5,12,17
e.g. Trazodone
see MAOIs & SSRIs below Serotonin syndrome   Anti-epilepsy drugs17
e.g. Phenytoin
phenobarbital17 Interact   Anti-retroviral drugs
e.g. Indinavir Interact   Atypical antipsychotics12
e.g. Olanzapine, risperidone12 Interact   Beta2 agonists12 Interact   Dextromethorphan2,12 Interact   Dibenzazepine Derivatives2
e.g. Amitriptyline, doxepin, carbamazepine2 Interact   Digoxin5,16,17 Interact   Dopamine agonists12 Interact   Immunosuppressants17
e.g. Cyclosporine16,17,20 Interact – Decreases cyclosporine plasma concentration20   Meperidine2 Interact   Metronidazole12
Midodrine20 Interact
Enhances pressor effect   Migraine therapies17 Interact   Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)2,3,5,9,12,20
e.g. Phenelzine, tranylcypromine, isocarboxazid Interact   Narcotics5
e.g. Morphine2 Interact   Oral Contraceptives16,17 Interact – can make ineffective   Reserpine3 Decreases effect of drug (mice)   Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)2,3,4,5,7,12,16,17,20
e.g. Fluoxetine, paroxetine5, sertraline Serotonin syndrome   Sympathomimetics2,5,12
e.g. Ephedrine, methyldopa, dopamine, tryptophan Interact   Theophylline4,12,16,17,20 Interact   Tyramine containing foods2,5 Decreases theophylline level
Interact (speculative)   Warfarin17 Interact Remedies: Depression, Vitiligo (whitening of skin), Recurrent ear infections Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) – Leaf None reported2,4,5,12   Remedies: Yeast infection, Vaginitis, Athletes foot, Acne Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) – Leaf & Flower None reported1,2,5   Remedies: Digestion, Fever, Headache, High cholesterol, Skin problems Turkey Tail (Coriolus versicolor) Cyclophosphamide23 Cyclophosphamide23 Remedies: Respiratory problems, Mood, Tonic Tumeric (Curcuma longa) – Root Anticoagulants5 Additive effects on platelets   Immunosuppressants5 Decreases effects of drug   NSAIDs5 Inhibits platelet function and increases risk of bleeding   Reserpine and indomethacin3 Tumeric root solid alcoholic extract reduces the frequency of gastric and duodenal ulcer (rats) Remedies: Bursitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Liver health, Arteriosclerosis Uva Ursi see Bearberry     Remedies: Urinary tract infection Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) – Root Alcohol5,11,16 Potentiates effects of alcohol   Anticonvulsants12 Increases seizures   Barbiturates19
e.g. Pentobarbital, thiobarbital3 Increases sleeping time   Benzodiazepines3,19
e.g. Diazepam3 May be helpful in withdrawal from benzodiazepines   CNS depressants2,5,14,19 Potentiates effects of drug   Sedative medications4,9,11,12,14 Potentiates effects of drug Remedies: Insomnia Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa) – Root Oral Contraceptive22 Interact – may interfere with effectiveness of contraceptive Remedies: High cholesterol, High triglyceride levels, Abdominal cramps, Menopause, Muscle pain and spasms Willow (Salix) – Bark All Drugs1,2,9 Willow has similar interaction to those occurring with salicylates. Irreversible inhibition of platelet aggregation by aspirin cannot be induced by structurally different salicin21   Anticoagulants5,9 Increases bleeding   Antihypertensives5 Reduces effect   Diuretics5 Increases risk of salicylate toxicity (highly speculative)   Methotrexate9 Interact   Metoclopramide9 Interact   NSAIDs5,13 Interact   Phenytoin9 Interact   Probenecid9 Interact   Salicylates9,13 Interact (no cases reported)   Spironolactone9 Interact   Valproate9 Interact Remedies: Headache, Pain, Backache, Nerve pain, Toothache Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) – Aerial parts Antacids4 Interact   Anticoagulant therapy4,5,9 Interact   CNS depressants5 Increases sedation   Diuretics4 Interact   H2receptor antagonists4 Interact   Hypertensive4,5,9 / Hypotensive therapy4,9 Interact   Sedatives4 Interact Remedies: Inflammation, Improves blood clotting, Diuretic, Fever, Some inflammatory disorders Yohimbe (Pausinystalia yohimbe) – Bark a-adrenoceptor blocking agents3
e.g. Phenoxybenzamine, phentolamine3 Increases toxicity of yohimbine   Amobarbital3 Interact   Antidepressants5,7,20 Interact   Atropine3 Interact   Beta blockers3
e.g. Propranolol, penbutolol, metoprolol3 Protects against yohimbine toxicity (mice)   Central a2-adrenergic agonists3
e.g. Guanabenz, a-methylnorepinephrine3 Reverses hypotensive effects   Clonidine3 Reverses hypotensive effects   Hypotensive drugs1,20 Potentiates   MAOIs1,3,20 Potentiates   Naloxone3,20 Affects synergistically enhances   Phenothiazines3
e.g. Chlorpromazine, promazine3 Increases toxicity of yohimbine   Reserpine3 Interact   Sedatives3 Increases effect of drug   SSRIs5 Increases stimulation   Sympathomimetics3,5,10
e.g. Epinephrine, ephedrine, amphetamine, cocaine3 Increases toxicity of yohimbine   Thioxanthenes3
e.g. Chlorprothixene3 Increases toxicity of yohimbine   Tricyclic anti-depressants3,5,16
e.g. Clomipramine3,20, imipramine, amitriptyline3 Combination of herb and drug may cause hypertension
Lower doses of yohimbine may have favorable effect in orthostatic hypotension induced by tricyclic anti-depressants   Tyramine containing foods5,20 Increases blood pressure Remedies: Depression, Male impotence


  1. Blumenthal, Mark, Goldberg, Alicia, & Brinckmann, Josef. (2000). Herbal medicine: Expanded commission E monographs. Newton, MA: Integrative Medicine communications.
  2. Boon, Heather, & Smith, Michael. (1999). The botanical pharmacy: The pharmacology of 47 common herbs. Kingston, ON: Quarry Press Inc.
  3. Brinker, Francis. (1998). Herb contraindications and drug interactions: With appendices addressing specific conditions and medicines (2nd ed.). Sandy, OR: Eclectic Medical Publications.
  4. Chandler, Frank. (Ed.). (2000). Herbs: Everyday reference for health professional. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Pharmacists Association and the Canadian Medical Association.
  5. Fetrow, Charles W., & Avila, Juan R. (1999). Professional’s handbook of complementary and alternative medicines. Springhouse, PA: Springhouse Corp.
  6. Karch, Steven B. (1999). The consumer’s guide to herbal medicine. New York: Advanced Research Press Inc.
  7. Lininger, Schuyler W. Jr., Gaby, Alan R., Austin, Steve, Brown, Donald J., Wright, Jonathan V., & Duncan, Alice. (1999). The natural pharmacy (2nd ed.). Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing.
  8. [Interactions not included in manual due to time constraints] Miller, Lucinda G., & Murray, Wallace J. (Eds.). (1998). Herbal medicinals: A clinician’s guide. New York: Pharmaceutical Products Press.
  9. Newall, Carol A., Anderson, Linda A., & Phillipson, J. David. (1996). Herbal medicines: A guide for health-care professionals. London: Pharmaceutical Press.
  10. Peirce, Andrea. (1999). The American pharmaceutical association practical guide to natural medicines. New York: William Morrow and Company Inc.
  11. World Health Organization. (1999). WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants – Volume 1. Geneva.
  12. Kuhn, Merrily A. (1999). Complementary therapies for health care providers. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
  13. Gruenwald, Joerg, Brendler, Thomas, & Jaenicke, Christof. (Eds.) (1998). PDR for herbal medicines (1st ed.). Montvale, New Jersey: Medical Economics Company.
  14. Wong, Albert H.C., Smith, Michael, & Boon, Heather. (1998). herbal remedies in psychiatric practices. Archives of General Psychiatry 55, 1033-1044.
  15. Bedard, Mario. (2000). Glucosamine. CPJ 133, 5, 22-23.
  16. Fugh-Berman, Adriane. (2000). Herb-drug interactions. The Lancet 355, 9198, 134-138.
  17. Health Canada. (April 7, 2000). Advisory letter to healthy care professionals.
  18. Canadian Pharmacists Association. (2000). CPS (35th ed.). Ottawa.
  19. Nemecz, George, & Combest, Wendell L. (2000). Herbal Remedies. In Loyd V. Allen Jr., Rosemary R. Berardi, Edward M. DeSimone II, Janet P. Engle, Nicholas G. Popovich, Wendy Munroe Rosenthal, & Karen J. Tietze (Eds.), Handbook of Non-Prescription Drugs (2nd ed., pp. 953-982). Washington: American Pharmaceutical Association.
  20. AltMedDex System: Complementary and Alternative Monographs. [Electronic database]. (2000). Micromedex, Inc.
  21. Blumenthal, M Herbalgram 49, 2000.
  22. Rogers, Robert, Evidence Gathered in Clinical Practice.
  23. Meletis, Chris (2001) Instant Guide to Drug Herb Interactions, New York, Dorling Kindersley Publishing.
  24. W. Krol et al, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1996. Vol. 55.

Immune System Health

Your Defense Against Disease

So many basic vitamins and minerals are essential to immune health that an optimal-potency multiple vitamin/mineral formula should be the basis of any immune-enhancing protocol. I recommend my own optimal daily formula, Maxi Multi. It contains optimal dose nutrients (not minimal doses, like many “one a day” formulas).  Nutrients especially important to immune system health including vitamin A, carotenes, vitamins C, E, D, and the minerals zinc, selenium, copper, chromium plus bioflavonoids and larch arabinogalactans.

Top Immune System Recommendations and Immune-Related Health Concerns

Immune System Supplements Immune System-Related Health Concerns Maxi Multi
Vitamin C
Echinacea / Goldenseal
Echinacea Royale
Energy Rehab
Essential Fatty Acids
Immune Boost
Immune Support
Korean (Panax) Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng
Whey Protein

Your Immune System “Medicine Chest” (Acute Immune Remedies)

Charcoal Caps
Immune Boost
Throat Mist
Vitamin C

Autoimmune Disorders
Cancer Prevention
Chronic Fatigue
Colds and Flu
Food Allergy
Hepatitis C
Immune Function
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sinus Infection

HealthBeat News

The 5 Most Important Supplements For Health and Longevity

Many nutritional supplements and herbs have documented value in maintaining health and possibly also extending lifespan. The following list of recommendations comprises my picks for the 5 most important supplements the average person should take to preserve or reclaim optimum health and vitality. I have chosen this list based on what I call the “preponderance of evidence” (scientific data). Although many substances have proven value for various conditions, this list includes only those that have a substantial amount of scientific study and data behind them. Substances tested for 3 weeks in lab rats do not make my list. Neither do supplements tested in only poorly-controlled or small samplings of people. The supplements and substances on my “A” list have all been thoroughly tested and proven, and the body of scientific documentation leave little doubt as to their importance.

The list is given in order of priority. Please keep in mind, however, that an individual might need a specific nutrient lower on the list or something not on this list at all for the prevention or reversal of a particular illness. For most healthy people, these are the nutrients of highest importance if one is concerned about maintaining health and promoting longevity.

The Five Most Important Supplements For Health and Longevity

1.) Optimal Potency Multiple Vitamin / Mineral / Trace Mineral Supplementation (Maxi Multi)including:

I.) Broad-spectrum vitamin & mineral formula. Many Americans take nutritional supplements for good reason. A wide variety of illnesses have known links to nutritional deficiencies. Adding certain nutrients in supplemental form is an inexpensive insurance policy against some of the worst diseases of modern times. Here are just of few of the known deficiency / disease connections:

A deficiency of antioxidant nutrients (especially beta carotene, vitamins C & E, and selenium) is associated with higher incidence of cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, mouth, lungs and skin. Some researchers believe that antioxidant deficiencies may be related to higher incidence of all cancers.

A mineral deficiency, especially magnesium and potassium but also calcium, is associated with high blood pressure.

Deficiencies of vitamin E, C, B6, B12, folic acid (a B vitamin), and bioflavonoids are associated with cardiovascular disease. The connection between vitamin E and heart health is so well established that conventional medical cardiologists are instructed to recommend vitamin E to their patients.

Healthy bones, and the prevention of osteoporosis, depend on sufficient levels of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper, B vitamins, and vitamin D.

In males, benign prostatic hypertrophy is associated with decreased levels of zinc. Zinc deficiency also correlates to decreased immune function. Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetes (high blood sugar) occur more frequently in people who are chromium deficient. After diabetes is present, low levels of vitamin A, C, E, plus zinc, selenium, choline, bioflavonoids and B complex vitamins are associated with more complications from the disease.

This list could go on for pages, but you get the idea. Deficiencies of key nutrients are correlated with disease. Such deficiencies are also common in the modern American diet. Depleted soils result in lowered nutritional content in produce AND Americans eat less fresh produce than ever before. Much of our food is highly processed, removing not only nutrients but also fiber and enzymes.

The best health insurance may not be an expensive medical policy, but the addition of sufficient nutrients to fill in the gaps in our day-to-day nutritional status.

II.) High potency antioxidant formula (“ACES”: vitamins A,C,E, and selenium and bioflavonoids). Antioxidants are molecules which “quench” and render free radicals harmless. Free radicals are unstable molecules that steal electrons from other molecules and thereby cause damage to normal cells. The damage they cause in the body is called oxidation, and it is the body-equivalent to rust on a piece of tin. Free radical damage is linked to heart disease, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, cancer, cataracts, macular degeneration, immune suppression and aging in general.

Although the body produces many of it’s own antioxidants (such as CoQ10 and glutathione), exposure to environmental chemicals in food, air and water, plus the effects of stress, smoking excess alcohol and sunlight can generate more free radicals than the body’s antioxidants can “quench.” Internal antioxidant production also declines with age. Since so many diseases are associated with declining antioxidants and numerous studies have proven the benefit of keeping these levels high, it is recommended that a high potency antioxidant formula be a part of every basic supplementation program.

III.) Calcium / magnesium / boron / vanadium (bone nutrients) Calcium and magnesium are the primary minerals comprising bone, and inadequate levels can lead to osteoporosis. In combination with trace mineral boron, vanadium and vitamin D, these nutrient serve to protect bone health. Calcium and magnesium have a much more widespread function in the body than preserving bone health, however.

Calcium and magnesium are necessary for normal heart function and blood pressure. Deficiencies of either can lead to heart disease and high blood pressure. Magnesium is necessary for normal energy processes including nerve function and enzyme activation. Deficiencies are associated with cardiac arrhythmias.

Insufficient calcium has recently been shown to be associated with colon cancer, and people who have generous calcium intakes are less susceptible to this condition.

These two major minerals are frequently insufficient even in a “good” diet. Because they take up a lot of space in a capsule, it is impossible to get an optimal daily dose in any “one-a-day” formula. A suggested daily dose is 1,000 -1,500mg per day of calcium and 250-500mg magnesium for both men and women.

IV.) B Complex vitamins (higher doses than in most multiples). B vitamins are used in the body individually and in combination with enzymes to help release energy from food. They are also of extreme importance to the nervous system. B vitamins are required by the metabolic pathways that generate the energy. Every system in the body depends on these vitamins for their role in energy production, and a deficiency of even a single B vitamin can have widespread and serious health consequences. Unfortunately, the B complex vitamins are routinely deficient from the Standard American Diet, because these nutrients are removed when grains and sugars are processed. Deficiencies of B complex vitamins are too numerous to mention here, but the most serious consequences include heart disease (B6, B12 and folate), depression, neuropathy, high cholesterol, cataracts, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and fatigue to name only a few. Because deficiencies of the b vitamins are so common even in a “good” diet, they higher potency formulas should always be part of a basic multivitamin supplement program.

Recommendation: Maxi Multiis a superior formula of vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, flavonoids and high potency antioxidants that provides the optimal nutritional levels of all four formulas listed above in a single supplement. Whether you take four separate formulas or enjoy the convenience and savings of Maxi Multi, this Optimal Potency Vitamin / Mineral / Trace Mineral program should be the cornerstone of any supplement program because it provides so many well studied nutrients. Dose: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals (9 per day total) or as directed by physician.

2.) Green Food Herbs and Veggies (Maxi Greens)

The Federal government, the USDA and multiple other government agencies are advocating that Americans consume more fruits and vegetables for a healthier life style. As we discussed in the last issue of HealthBeat, however, the nutritive value of these foods has declined dramatically within the last 30 years. In addition to this, few Americans obtain the daily recommended target of 5 fruits and/or veggies.

Plants contain hundreds of non-vitamin, non-mineral substances known as “Phytonutrients” (Phyto=plant). Although not absolutely essential to life like vitamins and minerals are, these plant-derived nutrients never-the-less perform many important functions. Phytonutrients act as detoxifiers, antioxidants, oxygenators, immune stimulators, and anti-mutagenics (Preventing cancerous changes in cells). The typical American diet is far too low in produce, and the produce we do eat is nutritionally deficient, so plant-derived nutrients are often lacking.

Some examples of phytonutrients include:

Indole-3-carbinol (IC3) from cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts). This phytonutrient has been shown to prevent cancer through multiple mechanisms including I.) Protecting the genomic structure of DNA. II.) Converting dangerous estrogens (16-alpha-hydroxyestrone) that cause the development of cancer into safer forms of estrogen (2-hydroxyestrone) that prevent the development of cancer. III.) Blocking estrogen receptor sites on the membranes of breast and other cells. IV.) Inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer cells. V.) Protecting cells against the effects of pesticides and other environmental pollutants including dioxin that mimic estrogen in the body. VI.) Slowing the propagation of aberrant breast and prostate cells.

Pycnogenols (OPC’s) and resveratrol from grapes seed and skin exhibit 50 times more antioxidant power than vitamin E and 20 times more than vitamin C. They easily cross the blood-brain barrier and prevent free radical damage to the brain and nervous system. OPC’s bind to collagen and help increase elasticity of skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It also acts as a smooth muscle relaxant in blood vessels. OPC’s have antihistamine effects that make it useful for allergies and asthma.

Catechins from green tea have been shown to neutralize cancer-causing agents and prevent cellular mutations leading to cancer. In addition, green tea prevents abnormal blood clotting, reduces total cholesterol, aids high blood pressure and protects arterioles.

Silymarin from milk thistle has been the subject of over 100 clinical trials. It powerfully protects the liver from the effects of environmental toxins. Is also stimulates liver cell regeneration and is useful for all types of liver disease including the liver-toxic effect of many drugs.

Flavoglycosides in ginkgo biloba are one of the most well-studies herbs for age-related memory changes. ginkgo is a potent antioxidant that increases circulation to small-diameter blood vessels (such as those in the brain and extremities) Studies have verified ginko’s effectiveness in early-stage Alzheimer’s, multiple infarct dementia (“mini strokes”), age-related depression, glaucoma, impotence, vascular insufficiency and MS. It has anti-allergy effects that make it useful for chronic respiratory allergies and asthma.

THIS IS JUST A SMALL SAMPLE of they types of “phytonutrients” found in herbs and vegetables.

Recommendation: Take specific herbs for any medical condition you may have, but for general prevention and health maintenance, Maxi Greenscombines a broad spectrum of these important plant substances. Daily dose: 2 to 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals.

3.) Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids: Max EPA or Flax Oil

On May 27, 2003, The White House urged government health agencies to encourage Americans to increase their consumption of foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and decrease their intake of trans fatty acids. The release from the Executive Office of The President stated:

“Health researchers have found that Americans can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease with a modest change in their diets. The government should make this life-saving information as widely available as possible.”

This Executive initiative is based on the new guidelines of the American Heart Association which now recommends eating cold-water fish at least twice a week and other oils and food sources high in omega-3 fatty acids. (Fish and flax oil are the richest sources). The Office of The President also cited the “growing body of scientific evidence, both experimental and epidemiological, that suggests that consumption of trans fatty acids increases the risk of coronary heart disease.”

Recommendation: Americans eat far too little Omega-3 fatty acids and far too much trans fat (any amount of “trans” is too much). Eating or and/or supplementing Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil and flax oil) is known to help prevent over 60 illnesses including heart disease. Dose: 1 TBS. of flax oil OR 6 capsules of flax oil OR 3-6 capsules of MaxEPA (fish oil) OR 2 TBS. ground flax seed meal daily. Some people lack the enzyme to convert flax oil to EPA & DHA (the “active ingredients” from these oils). These people should use the fish oils (MaxEPA) exclusively.

4.) CoQ10(ubiquinone)

Coenzyme Q10 is a potent antioxidant produced by the body. It functions as an “energizer” to the mitochondria, the body’s energy producing units. Dr. Michael Murray says to think of CoQ10 as the body’s “spark plugs.” Mitochondria, which produce energy, require CoQ10 to “spark” their production on energy units (ATP). Muscles, and the heart in particular, have high requirements for CoQ10. Although it is manufactured in the body, aging humans produce only 50% of the CoQ10 that young adults do. This finding makes CoQ10 one of the most important nutrients for people over 30. Cholesterol-lowering drugs including statins are known to lower CoQ10 levels.

CoQ10 is beneficial in ALL types of heart disease (mitral valve prolapse, angina, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, high blood pressure, arrhythmia), periodontal disease, immune deficiency, cancer, chemotherapy side-effects, overweight and obesity, muscular dystrophy, fatigue and for enhancing athletic performance. The suggested dose is 50mg per day for health maintenance and 100-400mg per day for heart disease, cancer and weight loss programs.

Recommendations: For primary prevention, 50-100mg CoQ10 daily should be used. Higher doses (100-400mg) are recommended for heart disease, cancer, and overweight/weight loss programs.

5) Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone manufactured from serotonin in the pineal gland. This hormone helps regulate the sleep/wake cycle and set the Circadian rhythms (24-hour cycle) of the body. This, in turn, regulates the release of all other hormones.

Melatonin is a potent antioxidant that helps protect the central nervous system from disease, free-radical injury and aging. Melatonin increases the production of immune cells and is used in cancer medicine for its immune-enhancing and antioxidant effects. (DO NOT use in leukemia or lymphoma until more is known). Recent studies have shown that melatonin helps reduce high blood pressure.

Many researchers consider melatonin to be one of the most powerful anti-aging substances available, but like many other hormones, secretion of melatonin declines with age.

Recommendation: A typical preventative dose is 3mg at bedtime, although higher doses are used (10-20mg) in cancer and certain advanced disease states. Anyone with a neurological disease should certainly be taking melatonin.


Health Freedom Restrictions Predicted by Country’s Founding Fathers

 2004 © Dr. Dana Myatt
 Dr. Benjamin Rush and Thomas Jefferson, signers of the Declaration of Independence (in case you forgot), knew 200+ years ago that our health freedoms were in danger of restriction. They said:
 “The Constitution of this Republic should make special provision for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom… To restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others will constitute a Bastille [prison] of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.” — Benjamin Rush, M.D., signer of the Declaration of Independence
 “I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves: and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform them.” — Thomas Jefferson, signer of the Declaration of Independence
 Today, the FDA wants to restrict your health freedom and doesn’t believe you are smart enough to make your own decisions. Many “FDA approved” drugs have been found to be dangerous and even lethal, their approval later withdrawn (or not—most recent example: Vioxx), while many vitamins and herbs have been “outlawed” even though they continue to be found safe after hundreds of years of use.
 Instead of taking safe and effective supplements off the market because they are making “health claims” that do not meet FDA approved standards, wouldn’t it be more “American” (in the old, Declaration of Independence sense of the word), to require labels which state: these health claims are supported by scientific evidence but have not been approved by the FDA.” Then you and I would know that the claims made were not blessed with Holy Water by the FDA (which only means a company has $$$, not good science). As free adult Americans, shouldn’t we be allowed this choice?
 In Health,
 Dr. Dana Myatt (who still believes in American Democracy and the U.S. Constitution)


How to Use Herbs for Health and Healing

How Herbs Work

Herbs regulate, cleanse, and nourish the human body. They may have specific effects on physical function, but herbs also nourish and balance many parts of the body at one time.

Why Use Herbs

Because they balance the body, herbs treat the cause of disease, not just the symptoms. When used with knowledge, herbs are far safer than most pharmaceutical drugs.

Infusions are teas made from aromatic herbs. Use fresh or dried herbs or tea bags. Add one tea bag (or one teaspoon dry herb) to a small tea pot. Pour boiling water over the herbs. Allow to steep for 5-10 minutes. Drink. Decoctions are teas made from woody plant parts such as barks and roots. Bring water to a boil. Add herbs, turn off heat, cover and allow to steep for 15 minutes. Do NOT boil herbs. Cool and drink. Tinctures are alcohol or vinegar extractions of herbs. They are more concentrated than teas and capsules (unless standardized) depending on their method of preparation. They can be taken alone, or added to teas, or used in poultices. Capsules/Tablets consist of dried herb material. They may consist of the unadulterated herbs OR they may be standardized according to the concentration of a particular ingredient. These herbs are to be taken internally. Poultices are external applications of fresh or dried (powered) herbs, made into a paste and applied on a piece of gauze directly to the skin. (Herbs in tea bags can be moistened and used as small poultices). Used to treat the skin and eyes. Essential Oils are highly concentrated extracts of aromatic plant oils. They are extremely potent. They can be used on the skin (diluted in a “fixed” oil), the scents inhaled (“aromatherapy”), in baths, poultices, and vaporizers.

General guidelines for dosing herbs (adults):

Teas: 1 tea bag or 1 teaspoon herb per cup water. 1-3 cups per day.

Tinctures: 30-40 drops, 2-4 times per day, taken in water.

Caps: 1-2 caps, 2-4 times per day.

Children’s dosages: (also use for frail seniors)

Child’s weight in pounds ÷ 150 pounds = fraction of adult dose


Important Information About These Natural Remedies

 Herbs for Health and Healing

How Herbs Work
Herbs regulate, cleanse, and nourish the human body. They may have specific effects on physical function, but herbs also nourish and balance many parts of the body at one time. Why to Use Herbs
Because they balance the body, herbs treat the cause of disease, not just the symptoms. When used with knowledge, herbs are far safer than most pharmaceutical drugs. Herb Tinctures are alcohol or vinegar extractions of herbs. They are more concentrated than teas and Capsules (unless standardized) depending on their method of preparation. They can be taken alone, added to teas, or used in poultices. Herb Capsules/Tablets consist of dried herb material. They may consist of the unadulterated herbs OR they may be standardized according to the concentration of a particular ingredient. These herbs are designed to be taken internally. Dosing for herbs: General ADULT guidelines for dosing herbs:
Tinctures: 30-40 drops, 2-4 times per day, taken in water.
Caps: 1-2 Caps, 2-4 times per day.
Teas: 1 tea bag/1 teaspoon herb per cup water. 1-3 cups per day.

Children have smaller dose requirements than adults. The basic formula for determining a child’s dose is: age ÷ (age + 12). The resulting number equals the portion of an adult dose to give. For example, the correct dose for a 6-year-old would be 6 ÷ 18 = one-third of an adult dose.

If PREGNANT, consult an holistically-trained physician before using herbs. Not all herbs are safe during pregnancy.

Twelve Important Herbs to Know

Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Actions: Potent antioxidant; strengthens/stabilizes veins USES: Atherosclerosis; cataracts; diabetes mellitus; neuralgia and neuropathy; retinopathy; varicose veins; macular degeneration NOTE: Bilberry has a special affinity for the eyes.

Bromelain (Ananas comosus) a.k.a. Pineapple
Actions: Anti-inflammatory; dissolves mucous; protein digestant USES: Atherosclerosis; inflammation (all types); infection (all types); sinusitis; sports injuries; wound healing.

Curcumin (Curcuma longa) a.k.a. Turmeric
Actions: Potent antioxidant (highest antioxidant rating); anti-inflammatory; liver protectant; anti-cancer; anti-tumor USES: Allergies; arthritis; atherosclerosis; autoimmune disease; cancer; gallbladder disease; hepatitis; high cholesterol; inflammation; rheumatoid arthritis.

Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus)
Actions: Adaptogenic (helps the body adapt and work under physical and mental stress); tonic; mild stimulant USES: Stress adaptation; fatigue; depression; rejuvenation; athletic performance; enhancing physical performance.

Grape Seed Extract (Vitis vinifera) a.k.a. pycnogenols
Actions: Potent antioxidant; protects collagen from destruction; anti-inflammatory USES: Atherosclerosis; diabetes mellitus; easy bruising; macular degeneration; varicose veins; stroke prevention; retinopathy; skin rejuvenation.

Hawthorne (Cratageus oxycantha)
Actions: Cardiovascular tonic; adrenal tonic; anti-atherosclerotic; high in bioflavonoids USES: Heart disease of all types: atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, palpitations, high or low blood pressure, congestive heart failure; peripheral vascular disease.

Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia or purpura)
Actions: Immune stimulant; immune modulating (balances the immune system); anti-viral; anti-bacterial USES: Infections of every type ; immunosuppression (AIDS/HIV/EBV); cancer; Candidiasis. NOTE: Use short-term to bolster the immune system.

Garlic (Allium sativa)
Actions: Broad-spectrum anti-microbial: effective against bacteria, viruses, worms, fungi; anti-atherosclerotic; cardiovascular tonic USES: Infections, parasites, Candidiasis; atherosclerosis; high blood pressure; high cholesterol; diabetes; allergy; AIDS; immune suppression; cancer and cancer prevention.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
Actions: Increased blood flow to the brain and extremities; stimulates neurotransmitters (brain hormones); potent antioxidant with nervous system affinity USES: Impotence; neuralgia and neuropathy; Age-related memory, eyesight, and hearing changes; atherosclerosis; allergy; depression ; retinopathy; diabetes mellitus; Raynauds disease.

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Actions: (Protects the liver from the effects of toxins); antioxidant USES: Environmental exposure to toxins; hepatitis; drug, alcohol or nicotine use; gallbladder disease; detoxification; daily life!

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens or serrulata)
Actions: inhibits dihydrotestosterone (the hormone that causes the male prostate gland to enlarge); tonic to the neck of the bladder; reproductive organ tonic (male and female) USES: benign prostate enlargement; low libido and impotence (male and female); painful menstrual periods; urinary incontinence (male and female); polycystic ovaries

St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Actions: Anti-depressant; anti-viral; relieves pain USES: Depression; anxiety; insomnia; neuralgia; immune suppression (AIDS/HIV/Epstein-Barr virus); chronic hepatitis.

More Useful Herbs to Know

Artichoke (Cynara scolymus)
Actions: Liver protective properties (similar to milk thistle); bile secretion USES: Liver protection; liver disease; gallbladder disease.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)
Actions: Immune stimulant; adaptogenic; vasodilator; anti-viral USES: Tonic and endurance remedy; immune stimulant (not an acute remedy, like Echinacea, but for long-term use to improve immune function); night sweats.

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)
Actions: Antispasmodic; anti-inflammatory; slight estrogenic effect; nervine USES: Muscle pain ; arthritis; rheumatism; back pain; menstrual cramps; nervous tension. NOTE: high doses can cause headache.

Cayenne (Capsicum frutescense)
Actions: Circulatory stimulant; digestant; tonic; anti-atherosclerotic USES: Atherosclerosis; poor circulation; shock; hemorrhage; heart attack; “synergistic” with many herbs. Cayenne is the premier circulatory stimulant herb.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
Actions Anti-inflammatory; anti-spasmodic; carminative (counters gas); anti bacterial; nervine USES: Stomach complaints: colitis, intestinal spasm, colic (good for colic in babies, too: use in tea form); respiratory infections; wound healing; anxiety; restlessness.

Chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa)
Actions: Detoxifier; high in minerals and phytonutrients USES: Detoxification; heavy metal toxicity; blood building; general antioxidant protection; intestinal detoxification.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
Actions: Nutritive (high in minerals); diuretic; tonic; liver-protective USES: skin disease; liver disease; anemia; water retention ; CHF; fatigue; arthritis.

Ginger (Zingiber officianle)
Actions: Anti-emetic; digestant; circulatory stimulant; anti-inflammatory; antiseptic. [Curcuma longa (tumeric) is a close relative] USES: nausea and motion sickness; morning sickness; high blood pressure and atherosclerosis; digestive upsets, gas, and colic; colds, flu, and fever.

Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
Actions: Anti-microbial; anti-parasidal; GI tonic; laxative; immune stimulant. USES: Infections of all kinds; infectious diarrhea; skin diseases; conjunctivitis; candidiasis; intestinal toxemia; intestinal parasites.

Hops (Humulus lupulus)
Actions: Antispasmodic; nervine; GI tonic; anodyne (relieves pain); estrogenic effects. Uses: Menopause; insomnia; nervous tension headache; anxiety; intestinal cramps; neuralgia.

Kava Kava (Piper methysticum)
Actions: Stimulant; tonic; anti-anxiety; sleep-inducer USES: Anxiety ; arthritic conditions; chronic pain; insomnia.

Nettles (Urtica dioica)
Actions: Nutritive; tonic; detoxifying; encourages the removal of excess tissue acids USES: Acne; allergies & hayfever; arthritis; eczema; general detoxification.

Reishi (Ganoderma) & Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) Mushroom
Actions: Immune stimulants; anti-tumor activity USES: General immune tonic; cancer and cancer prevention.

White Willow (Salix alba)
Actions: Anti-inflammatory (contains salicin, a natural form of aspirin) Uses: rheumatism; arthritis; headache; fever; musculoskeletal aches and pains.

Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa)
Actions: Antispasmodic; anti-inflammatory; hormone-enhancing effects; [Chinese herbology: chi (energy) tonic] Uses: Flatulence; intestinal colic; gallstone colic; arthritis (rheumatoid and osteo); urinary tract infections; muscle strain; poor circulation; neuralgia; menopause; uterine cramping; general energy tonic.

The End Of Free Access To Supplements?

Pending U.S. House Bill Will Limit Access to Nutritional Supplements

H.R. 3045 CAFTA, the Central American Free Trade Agreement comes before the House in the next few days, to the President within a week.

CAFTA has already passed the U.S. Senate on June 30 by an unusually close vote (for a big trade agreement) of 54-45. The vote in the House of Representatives is expected to come on Wednesday or Thursday, July 27 or 28, 2005.

The full name of CAFTA is CAFTA-DR, for “Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement.” If approved by the House and signed by President Bush (who is a big supporter), it is estimated that more than 80% of U.S. consumer and industrial exports and over half of U.S. farm exports to the countries involved would become duty-free. The countries are the U.S., Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.

Support for, and opposition to, CAFTA is intense. Most Democrats and many “progressives” oppose it. But so do some elements on the right, including a number of Republicans and Libertarians. Most of the debate has been about the prospect of further U.S. job losses and the decimation of domestic industries like textiles, and the loss of national sovereignty to international trade organizations.

CAFTA will limit Americans’ freedom to access nutritional supplements.

CAFTA, along with NAFTA, GATT, activities of the United Nations’ (UN) WHO (World Health Organization), FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), and CODEX, is one of an alphabet soup of policies, programs, and highly bureaucratized and unresponsive international agencies that, in the context of an increasingly globalized one world economy, are coming together to change the way of life and impact personal freedom in individual nations, including the United States. As has become clear only recently, CAFTA represents a potentially serious threat to Americans’ (that is, residents of the United States’) ability to purchase nutritional supplements, especially at therapeutic (high) dose levels.

Kent Snyder, executive director of the Liberty Committee, issued an “action alert” on CAFTA and CODEX on July 13. In the alert, Snyder writes, “Will the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) finally force you to get a doctor’s prescription just to buy vitamin C, or E, or other dietary supplements you currently pick up ‘over the counter’ in America? Powerful special interests are banking on it.

“Since 1995, Big Medicine has spent billions of dollars trying to get Washington to regulate your dietary supplements just as European governments do. So far, that effort has failed in America. But you may lose the battle for health freedom if CAFTA entangles the U.S. in Europe’s infamous Codex Alimentarius (Codex).

“And if you think CAFTA — the bogus ‘free trade’ agreement — really has nothing to do with limiting the manufacture and distribution of dietary supplements, then why does it specifically mention Codex? . . .

“The pharmaceutical companies want government to ‘manage’ the dietary supplement industry under Codex in order to drive out competitors so only they can manufacture and distribute vitamin C and other dietary supplements. If that happens, as it already has in Europe, the supplements you now take will be available only by prescription and at a much higher cost — if they are available at all.

“We will fight CAFTA, NAFTA, WTO and the like because they subjugate our national sovereignty to the ‘rulings’ of global institutions and the whims of the unelected bureaucrats-for-life who run them. As this web of global governance grows, our freedom to choose shrinks — and health freedom is just one example.”

We at the Wellness Club are VERY worried about this – we believe that if this, and Codex passes you will no longer be able to obtain vitamins and supplements without a doctor’s prescription, and even with that prescription some supplements may be completely unavailable – prohibited, just like heroin! If this passes, it will drive most vitamin and supplement suppliers out of business – and with no one to supply the vitamins and supplements that you are used to taking, it won’t matter if you can get a prescription to buy them or not – you just won’t be able to get them at all, at any price.

Please think about what this means to you, to your health, to your family’s health. Contact your representative today and tell them that you won’t stand for this assault on your health freedoms!

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt and Nurse Mark