Category: Wellness Club
Wellness Club Membership Renewal
Continue Your Savings on Good Health!
Membership in Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club includes a host of benefits:
- Free shipping on orders over $150.00
- 10% member discount on all orders
- Special “members only” sales and events
A one year membership easily pays for itself with your first order.
Product # 118 – MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL – $30.00
Membership Renewal is for current members ONLY – if you have allowed your membership to lapse you must click on New Membership.
When you renew, first please go to to the My Account page and log in to your account – that way the system will know who you are and will know that you are still an active member.
Due to a glitch in our cart you may see shipping applied to this item – but you will NOT be charged shipping and your final Grand Total charged will be $30.
Quantity Desired and Click “Add To Cart” Button
Please Note: Membership Products are non-returnable and non-refundable due to their personalized nature. Please be certain before you click the ‘buy’ button!
Holistic Medical Tests
Laboratory Tests
The following lab evaluations are not yet routinely used in standard (conventional) medicine. Therefore, they will probably not be ordered by your conventional physician. (It is against the law for physicians to order any test that is not a “standard” conventional test). If your local physician will not order these tests, you may still order them directly from The Wellness Club.
We do not bill or participate in insurance or Medicare. If you plan to submit to your insurance or Medicare, please have your local physician submit a completed claim form including UPIN number, name, address, phone number, prescription and diagnosis code.
All lab fees must be paid in advance. A specimen collection kit, instructions and mailer will be sent to you for each test at the time of your order. A copy of test results will be mailed to you. Wellness Club Members enjoy a 10% discount on all products and medical tests. Join the Wellness Club today and save on your medical testing.
Important Ordering Information: Tests marked (sorry – not available in New York state) ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. These are not our rules – but the rules of the state of New York. The lab will not process any test that was collected in the state of New York or that has a New York address on the lab form!
NOTE: Interpretation of laboratory data is best done in conjunction with a physician. We therefore recommend that you Consult with Dr. Myatt or your local physician for evaluation of lab results. Keep in mind that conventionally-trained physicians may not be familiar with the use and interpretation of these tests.
Please Find Blood Draw Tests Here
Holistic Medical Test Menu
Adrenal Stress Index (sorry – not available in New York state)
Bone Health Marker – urine (sorry – not available in New York state)
NEW! Candida Antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM, Candida antigen) – fingerstick (sorry – not available in New York state)
Celiac / Gluten-Gliaden Sensitivity Panel
Comprehensive Plus Hormone Profile men and women – urine
NEW! Comprehensive Plus Hormone Profile with HGH men, women – urine
Female Hormone Profile (Pre-menopausal) – saliva (sorry – not available in New York state)
Female Hormone Profile (Post-menopausal) – saliva (sorry – not available in New York state)
Gastro-Intestinal (GI) Health Profile with Parasitology (sorry – not available in New York state)
Gluten/Casein Peptides Test (sorry – not available in New York state)
NEW! Heavy Metal / Urine Chelation Test – 6-hour urine specimen
Iodine – (“Spot” and 24-hour loading) – urine; NOW includes bromide and flouride
Liver (Hepatic) Detoxification Profile
Male Hormone Profile – saliva (sorry – not available in New York state)
Stool Candida Test (sorry – not available in New York state)
Thyroid Hormone Profile (sorry – not available in New York state or California)
This test uses saliva samples to evaluate the “stress hormones” that are also associated with accelerated aging. The panel evaluates cortisol ( X 4), DHEA and DHEA-S, Total secretory IgA, Gluten Antibody, insulin (x 2) and 17-OH Progesterone.
This test is indicated for suspected adrenal fatigue, overweight and as part of an anti-aging program.
(sorry – not available in New York state)
Urine and saliva specimens measures rate of bone mineral loss and associated hormones by looking at a breakdown product of bone (DpD). This test also includes hormones DHEA and DHEA-S, estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol (x 2) and FSH (follicular stimulating hormones).
This is an excellent test for monitoring osteoporosis treatment and prevention in both men and women. It gives faster “feedback” about the efficacy of treatment than waiting a year to verify treatment by using a bone density scan. Collect samples in the privacy of home and mail in with a pre-paid mailer.
(sorry – not available in New York state)
Low-level overgrowth of Candida yeast species can cause a wide variety of health problems, but yeast may not be found in a stool specimen. This is because the yeast may have invaded elsewhere in the body, such as in the urinary tract, sinus passages, vagina or elsewhere.
This test uses a drop of blood to evaluate for an immune system reaction to Candida. It assesses IgG, IgA, IgM immunoglobulins to yeast as well as Candida antigen. A positive finding indicates past or present Candida infection and may allow Candida yeast reactions to be found when stool and vaginal specimens are negative or inconclusive.
CANDIDA ANTIBODIES (IgG, IgA, IgM and Candida Antigen) $169
(sorry – not available in New York state)
Celiac Antibody Panel
Celiac disease (CD), also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy or idiopathic sprue, is an hereditary response to gliadin, a protein fraction in wheat. Gluten sensitivity is a non-hereditary response to gluten and shares some similarity of symptoms with celiac disease. Anyone with IBS, chronic diarrhea, gas or other digestive abnormalities of unknown cause should be evaluated for gluten allergy/sensitivity since the condition is far more common than previously thought.
The Celiac Antibody Panel uses drops of blood obtained from finger-stick and the specimen is collected at home and mailed directly to the lab. The test evaluates anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA and immunoglobulins IgG and IgA specific for gliadin. It is considered highly accurate for diagnosing celiac disease and shows gluten sensitivity approximately 50% of the time.
Celiac / Gluten-Gliaden Sensitivity Panel – $175
The CompPlus is one of the most complete, accurate and advanced hormone profiles for both men and women. This test is the “Gold Standard” for balancing male and female sex hormones, adrenal and thyroid hormones. It also includes the 2/16α EQ (estrogen quotient) ratio, an important and modifiable predictor of hormone-related cancer risk.
Why is 24-hour urine testing the “Gold Standard” of hormone evaluation? Sex hormones are released in “pulsed doses” throughout the 24-hour period. Single blood tests can be high or low depending on where in this cycle they occur. They are the least accurate of hormone tests. Saliva is the next best, because saliva represents some degree of “averaging” of the total sex hormones. However, various physical conditions can alter the concentration of hormones in saliva and decrease the accuracy of the test. 24-hour urine testing collects the “peaks and valleys” of hormone release and averages it. This gives an extremely accurate profile of the daily amount of hormones release.
This test also looks at adrenal hormones (which factor into sex hormone production because the adrenals make sex hormones) and the estrogen quotient, a potent risk factor (that can be modified) for hormone-related cancers.
Using a 24-hour urine specimen, the CompPlus evaluates the following:
Estrogens – estrone, estradiol, estriol, 2-hydroxyestrone, 16α-hydroxyestrone, 4-hydroxyestrone, 2-methoxyestrone, 2-methoxyestradiol,
Progesterone – pregnanediol (progesterone metabolite),
Androgens – DHEA, testosterone,
5α -androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol, androsterone, eticholanolone, cortisone, cortisol,
Glucocorticoids (adrenal hormones) pregnanetriol, tetrahydrocortisone, allo-tetrahydrocortisol, tetraqhydrocortisol, 11β-hydroxyandrosterone, 11β-hydroxyetiocholanolone,
Mineralocorticoids (adrenal hormones) aldosterone, allo-tetrahydrocorticosterone, tetrahydrocorticosterone, 11-dehydrotetrahydrocorticosterone,
Thyroid hormones – free T3, free T4
EQ– 2/16α estrogen quotient (EQ) ratio
One of the most important tests for anti-aging, longevity and cancer prevention protocols. Also the best test for female menopause / male andropause – related symptoms.
CompPLUS HORMONE PROFILE with 2/16 EQ $429.00
NEW! CompPLUS HORMONE PROFILE with 2/16 EQand HGH $499.00
The ultimate anti-aging / longevity hormone profile. Same as the CompPlus (above) with Human Growth Hormone (HGH) added.
This panel uses multiple urine samples to measure estriol, estrone, estradiol, progesterone, DHEA, DHEA-S and testosterone in post-menopausal females. See an example of the test results here. The samples are collected on test-strips, a very simple and easy collection method.
I do not use blood tests to measure hormones because they are not particularly accurate. Sex hormones are released in “pulses” over a 24 hour period but a blood test only takes a “snapshot” of what is happening at the moment the blood is drawn. By taking multiple specimens over the course of a day, including the highs and lows, a more accurate picture is obtained.
(sorry – not available in New York state)
This panel uses saliva samples to measure free estradiol, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, FHS and LH in pre-menopausal females, following hormone levels throughout the monthly cycle. The test requires 11 saliva samples taken over one complete female cycle.
Dr. Myatt’s comment: Useful in discovering hormone imbalances related to infertility, PMS, irregular cycles, polycystic ovary disease, endometriosis, fibroids and to determine overall sex hormone levels consistent with peri-menopause.
Click here to download an informational brochure on the Pre-menopausal Female Hormone Profile
(sorry – not available in New York state)
Uses saliva to test for sensitivities to cow’s milk, eggs, soy and gluten.Collect the saliva speciment at home and send it in to the lab in the pre-paid mailer. Results include salivary IgA antibody’s to these four common food allergens.
Food allergies are a common, undiagnosed cause of many health problems. This test screens for antibodies against 96 different foods commonly found in a typical American diet. (95 foods in the vegetarian panel). The test provides the same clinical results that can be obtained from a local laboratory without the added expense and inconvenience because you collect the blood specimen yourself using a simple finger-stick method.
The kit includes all collection materials and the means to ship the specimen to the lab free of charge. Results are provided within 10-14 days from the time the test was received at the lab. Each patient report comes complete with a customized 4-Day Elimination/Rotation Diet Guideline and an easy-to-read food family booklet.
Due to state regulations, this test is not available to New York and New Jersey residents.
This kit contains everything you need to perform a simple “self-test” of your stomach acid function. Kit includes easy-to-understand instructions, a symptom check list, explanation of the “low stomach acid” problem, a packet of 10 hydrochloric acid capsules (HCL) and 6 Alka-Aid tablets necessary to perform the test. This kit contains enough HCL to test one person. Order additional packets of HCl if more than one person will be performing the test.
NOTE: Due to the nature of the HCL and Alka Aid packets, this test cannot be returned.
Additional HCL CAPSULES 10 CAP Packet (for self-test) #255 $4.95
Please Note: This test is completed in the comfort and privacy of your own home. This test does not involve the collection of any blood or other samples and does not involve swallowing any testing devices. Full, detailed instructions are included with the test. The knowledge you will obtain from the instructions will allow you to repeat the test as often as you wish.
Comprehensive Gastro-Intestinal (GI) Health Profile with Parasitology
This test uses 3 stool and 2 saliva specimens to evaluate for: yeast/fungus, parasites (C. difficile toxins, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Ameba histolytica, Tapeworm, Roundworm, Toxoplasma, Trichinella), pathogenic bacteria, H. Pylori, Clostridium dificile antigen, digestive function (chymotrypsin), occult blood (hidden GI bleeding), anti-Chymotrypsin (intestine inflammation marker) and lysozyme (colon inflammation marker).
This profile provides a complete assessment of gut function and often identifies problems overlooked by conventional intestinal tests such as barium studies and endoscopy. A useful tool in any chronic GI complaint (IBS, GERD) and in systemic disease (cancer, autoimmune, chronic respiratory infections, etc.).
Immune globulins (IgA) to cow’s milk, soy and egg are also evaluated.
Comprehensive GI Health Profile with Parasitology GI-2 #984 $429.00
(sorry – not available in New York state)
Gluten/Casein Peptides Test
The Gluten/Casein Peptides Test
An inability to completely digest gluten (found in wheat, rye barley and oats) and/or casein found in milk can result in the production of neuropeptides which are chemically similar to morphine.
These peptides, called gliadorphin and casomorphin, can have opiod effects in the body and brain.
This test requires a small amount of first morning urine to evaluate for both gluten and casein peptides.
Gluten/Casein Peptides Test #N365 $129.00
(sorry – not available in New York state)
Hair mineral analysis is an accurate, inexpensive test for heavy and toxic metals in the system. It is less reliable for nutritional minerals and the results must be evaluated in context.
Test requires 1 Tablespoon of hair, preferably from nape of neck. A measuring device and instructions are included with the collection kit.
Heavy Metal / Urine Chelation Test.
The most accurate test for heavy metals in the body.
Heavy metals — including mercury, lead, cadmium, iron and arsenic — can be an overlooked cause of high blood pressure, neurological diseases and symptoms, chronic fatigue and other complaints for which there is no clear diagnosis.
Blood tests for heavy metals are virtually useless because the body clears toxic metals from the bloodstream very rapidly and stores them in tissues such as bone and metabolically active tissues where they will cause less damage.
Hair mineral analysis for heavy metals is more accurate than blood testing but is subject to “false negatives.” If one or more metals are found to be high based on a hair mineral analysis, there is definitely a toxic mineral problem. But if the hair test comes back negative, that doesn’t prove that you’re free from heavy metal toxicity. The metal can be stored in other tissues in the body, not the hair.
The best test for the presence of heavy metals is a chelation test. This test uses a “chelating agent” (EDTA, DMSA) to pull metals out of storage sites where they are then eliminated in the urine. Older versions of the test required in-office IV chelation prior to testing.
Fortunately, there is a newer oral chelation challenge / urine test that many holistic physicians feel is just as accurate as IV chelation testing, at a fraction of the cost and inconvenience.
The test entails fasting for several hours, then taking an oral chelating agent called DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic Acid), a potent chelating agent. The urine is then collected for the next 6 hours and a send a sample of this to the lab in a pre-paid mailer.
This test kit includes DMSA sufficient to complete the test
Heavy Metal / Urine Chelation Test # N267 $279
COMPREHENSIVE IODINE with bromide and flouride
Iodine, an essential trace nutrient, is a common deficiency in the American diet. Learn more about the importance of iodine here.
This test includes a “spot test” which evaluates current levels of iodine in the body, plus a 24-hour loading test which evaluates whole body sufficiency following a dose of 50mg of iodine. This test now includes bromide and flouride, a mineral which can interfere with the absorption of iodine AND give a “false normal” iodine reading.
Liver (Hepatic) Detoxification Profile
The liver processes toxins, drugs and even components of food in a two-step enzymatic process. If either of these “Phase I” or “Phase II” liver enzymes are out of sync, toxins can be rendered more toxic and remain in the body longer.
This simple urine test (a single collection of first-morning urine) shows:
- The status of phase I and phase II detoxification enzymes
- Assessment of chemical exposure and impaired liver function
This test is also a reliable marker for exposure to toxic chemicals as seen in the D-glucaric acid levels.
Liver (Hepatic) Detoxification Profile – #N348 – $218
This test uses a saliva sample to measure e DHEA, DHEA-S, testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), androstenedione, estrone and progesterone in males.
Dr. Myatt’s comment: Especially valuable for tailoring anti-aging hormone replacement therapy. Men can suffer bone loss, depression, loss of libido and other “menopausal” symptoms due to declining sex hormones.
Please NOTE: this test is best used by men who have NOT been on hormone replacement or suppression therapy, not as a follow-up to therapy. The Comp. Plus Hormone Profile is much more accurate and provides “preventive” information like the androgen ratios and intermediates for prostate cancer prevention and treatment which the saliva test does not. I highly recommend the Comp Plus Profile over the saliva testing. — Dr. Myatt
(sorry – not available in New York state)
This test uses a urine sample to evaluate serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine (adrenaline).
Neurotransmitter testing is indicated in attention deficit disorders, memory problems, depression, anxiety, low energy, migraine, addictions (alcohol, tobacco, food), PMS, PTSD, IBS, high blood pressure and neurological conditions and diseases.
Currently Not Available
This test uses a stool specimen to evaluation for yeast (Candida) overgrowth in the large intestine (LI). It evaluates the gut for both amount of yeast (an overgrowth represents Candidiasis) and species so that correct treatment can be initiated.
(sorry – not available in New York state)
Thyroid Hormone Profile
Thyroid function tests that you can collect at home — no blood draw needed!
This test uses blood from a simple finger stick. Collect the specimen yourself and mail to the lab in the pre-paid mailer. Tests include TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), free T3, free T4 and TPO (thyroid peroxidase).
These are the basic tests that Dr. Myatt recommends for a thorough evaluation of thyroid function.
N346 – Thyroid Hormone Profile – $276
(sorry – not available in New York state or California)
Low levels of vitamin D are emerging as an important risk factor for immune function, cardiovascular health, cancer prevention and more.
Authorization to Release Medical Records
Patient Name ____________________________________________________________
Birthdate ______________________ Soc. Sec. Number __________________________
I hereby authorize release of the requested records of the above named patient from:
(Name and address of doctor/facility that the records are being requested from: )
including progress notes, laboratory reports, X-ray reports (no films), procedure notes, discharge
summaries, history and physical exams, misc. records __________________________
(to include all confidential HIV related information if initialed here _____), alcohol and drug abuse
related information and confidential mental health diagnosis and treatment information unless
specified otherwise here in writing: ___________________________________________
Please send records to:
Dr. Dana Myatt
P.O. Box 900
Snowflake, AZ 85937
FAX: (928) 536-5691
For the purposes of ___ continuing care ___ consultation ___other: _______________
Including dates from _________________________to _____________________
This consent will expire 60 days after the date signed below. I have given my consent freely,
voluntarily and without coercion.
___________________________________________ _____________________
Signature of Patient or Guardian (if under 18) and Date
___________________________________________ _____________________
Witness Signature and Date
International Orders:
Please Read This Information Before Placing An Order From Outside The USA
Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club is pleased to provide our products to people all around the world. We have many satisfied international customers, patients, and Wellness Club Members.
Please be aware that every country has different regulations and laws regarding what is allowed to be imported into that country, and those regulations and laws change frequently and often without notice. It is your responsibility to ensure that the items that you order are legal in your location. Failure to do so can result in your order being seized and confiscated by your customs bureau – this is beyond our control.
Some of our products, such as hormones like Melatonin or DHEA may require a prescription from your doctor in order to clear your customs. It is your responsibility to determine this and obtain a prescription if it is required.
Please remember, if you are unable to obtain a vitamin, herb, supplement or other product locally in your country then it is likely that it is not permitted there for some reason.
Unfortunately, credit card fraud has become all-too-common in international orders. Attempts to verify international credit cards are extremely time consuming, expensive, and often futile. This results in increased costs for all of our customers.
In order to reduce our losses from credit card fraud and keep our prices as low as possible, we are no longer able to accept credit cards from international customers. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Yes, we understand that you may be a US Citizen living abroad with a credit card billing address in the US. Unfortunately, a common fraud technique is to order products using a stolen card number for shipment to a foreign country. Please don’t ask – we will not do this.
Further, we will not provide banking information so that you can make a “Bank Transfer” or “Wire Transfer” or any other scheme. Please don’t even ask.
A Suggestion For International Orders:
When we ship an international order we are required to complete and submit customs declaration documents which list the exact contents of the shipment and the exact value of those contents. There are no exceptions.
We cannot list shipments as “gifts” or “samples” – they must be listed as merchandise.
Penalties for false statements on a Customs Declaration Form are severe and we will not risk them – please do not ask us to falsify customs or shipping documents for you so that you may avoid paying customs fees or taxes.
We have been told by customers that international shipments from private individuals may attract less attention from both US Customs and the customs bureau of the receiving country and may undergo less scrutiny.
Our suggestion to international customers wishing to have “special” or “creative” customs declarations:
If you know someone in the United States, have them place the order for you for delivery to their United States address. We will ship promptly and they will usually receive your items in 2 to 3 days.
They may then send your items along to you by whatever manner you wish, with whatever customs declaration information you direct them to submit – they can list your items as anything you choose, at any value that you wish.
Thank you for your understanding
We are happy to fill and ship international orders on the following basis:
- Orders will be shipped only after they have been fully paid for, including shipping and handling costs.
- We will ship via the most expedient and cost effective method at our discretion. Please do not request specific shipping methods – the courier service or shipper that is popular in your region or country may not be readily available to us here.
- Shipping costs will be passed along to you at as close to actual cost as possible.
- We are responsible for ensuring that your shipment arrives safely to your customs, not your final shipping address. We have no control over your customs, and once the package or shipment is in their custody, our responsibility for it ends. We cannot give refunds for items that are denied entry by your customs. Be sure before you order!
- To place an order, please email us with your needs. We will calculate the cost, including shipping, and email you with a total.
- Payment may be made by:
a.) International Money Order. Your order will ship once the money order has been fully cleared by our bank. Be aware that in some cases this can take several weeks.
b.) Western Union ( has convenient locations in most countries world wide. They are able to accept payment on-line in many countries, and will forward your Western Union Money Order very quickly to us. We will begin preparing your order upon notification from Western Union that your payment has been initiated, and will ship your order as soon as your payment arrives and has cleared our bank. Please have Western Union payments sent to:Dr. Dana Myatt or Mark Ziemann RN
P.O. Box 900
Arizona 85937
USAYour order will ship once the money order has been cleared by our bank.
- Please do not ask us to ship your order to a country or address different from your Western Union account address.
Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation
We look forward to serving you!
Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club include_bottom Disclaimer
Copyright © 1994 – 2010 Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club, All Rights Reserved
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. No information on this website is intended as personal medical advice and should not take the place of a doctor’s care.
All material on this alternative medicines website is intended for educational and informational purposes only; it is not a substitute for personal medical care. Please consult your physician or healthcare provider regarding the applicability of any information contained herein. Please read A Letter from Dr. Myatt: Read This First to gain a complete understanding of how best to utilize alternative medicines and this website. If you are confused about your alternative medicines options, a telephone consultation with Dr. Myatt will put you on the road to good health. Click here for your alternative medicines consultation. Finally, * none of the statements made in this website have been approved by the FDA or any other government organization, although all information contained herein is scientifically verifiable. Use this information at your own discretion as a free American.
Insurance FAQ
How Our Office Handles Insurance
Q: Does Dr. Myatt Accept Medicare or Medicaid?
A: No. Dr. Myatt “opted out” of Medicare years ago. Without a UPN number (Universal Provider Number – required by Medicare), there is no way for Medicare to cover Dr. Myatt’s services. Further, Medicare rarely covers the type of progressive, alternative care that Dr. Myatt and other holistic physicians provide.
Q: Does Dr. Myatt accept insurance?
A: No. Services are due and payable on the day they are rendered.
Q: Will Dr. Myatt fill out insurance paperwork if I file a claim myself?
A: Yes. Dr. Myatt will gladly complete any necessary insurance paperwork including writing letters of medical necessity, as required by your insurance company for you to file a claim yourself. However, all time spent completing insurance paperwork or writing such letters is billed at the Doctor’s usual hourly fee of $240. For example, if it takes Dr. Myatt one-half hour to complete insurance paperwork, the patient will be billed $120.
Q: Why does Dr. Myatt charge for filling out insurance paperwork? My other doctor does this for free.
A: Your other doctor spends 5-10 minutes with you and charges for a complete office visit. Dr. Myatt charges for the office visit (typically one hour, the entire time of which is devoted to your care), then spends an average of 2-6 hours in “case study” following your exam or phone consultation. This additional time spent on case study is not charged for but is included in your visit. Very few physicians spend so much time and attention on an individual patient.
Insurance paperwork is incredibly complex and time-consuming. This is valuable time that Dr. Myatt prefers to spend studying the patient’s case in order to get the patient well, not shuffling papers.
When you consider the true amount of time Dr. Myatt spends on an individual case, you will see that her fees are a bargain. When you find yourself recovering from an “incurable” illness, you will further understand why Dr. Myatt’s case-study time is so valuable and why we charge for the non-wellness time spent on paperwork.
HealthBeat News
Hello Patients, Members and Friends:
I hope this edition of HealthBeat finds you enjoying some warm and wonderful Spring weather! If you’ve been hibernating indoors during the cold Winter months, now is the time to get out for some fresh air, sunshine and exercise. How about a nice walk through a local park to enjoy the flowers as they burst forth for the season?
It is with pleasure that I introduce a new staff member to you, Jamie Jameson-White. Jamie will be taking over the editorial duties of HealthBeat, thus allowing me to continue to put the necessary time into my private practice and careful oversight of The Wellness Club. Jamie’s presence on staff will also allow me time to continue to research and develop cutting-edge nutritional products and services. Her background in journalism should be a welcome addition.
Make no mistake about my having an editor: HealthBeat will still be researched and written by me. Jamie will smooth out my rough text, ask pertinent questions to refine articles, and do independent reporting on her own, but HealthBeat is still very much “my voice” to you. Without further ado, let me turn this over to Jamie so she can introduce herself…
Hello All!
I’m thrilled to be able to work with Dr. Myatt and be a part of Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club. I believe my background in journalism will ensure that Healthbeat continues to be the dynamic newsletter you’ve come to expect from Dr. Myatt, while allowing her sufficient time to do the research necessary to keep us all on the leading-edge of medical science and health breakthroughs. It has been a long and interesting road since I first met The Good Doctor.
Seven years ago, I attended a lecture given by Dr. Myatt in the Chicago area. I enjoyed her speaking so much— easy to understand, no hype, great information delivered straight from the heart. I had learned about Dr. Myatt from reading her book, “A Physician’s Diary,” loaned to me by a friend.
A few months after this lecture, I started having aches and pains in my joints. It was hard to get going in the morning, the pain in my feet and ankles made me feel so old! (I was only 28 at the time). After several visits to my general doctor and two specialists, I still had no diagnosis. What I DID have were three prescription drugs, none of which alleviated the pain. I remembered Dr. Myatt telling us during her lecture that she could help a person via telephone consultation. I also remembered the deep feeling of trust and confidence she inspired in me when she spoke, so I gave her a call.
Dr. Myatt’s office nurse convinced me to schedule a bona fide consultation, get my medical records to her, and fill out the extensive set of intake forms, including a six-page “symptom survey.” It seemed like a long shot that anyone could help me over the phone when the local doctors who had examined me in person were still stumbling, but the pain and disability convinced me that I needed to try something radical. Dr. Myatt was my “something radical.”
I felt better after that first one-hour consultation even though I hadn’t really done anything different yet! I’m sure it was because Dr. Myatt was so confident that she could help me.
“Has anyone told you that you have rheumatoid arthritis?” Her question surprised me.
“No, none of my doctors have mentioned that.”
“Well, by conventional diagnostic standards, that’s what we’ll have to call it. Your rheumatologist will give you this same diagnosis after he takes time to look at all your lab reports.”
“But he HAS looked at my lab reports!” I couldn’t understand why no one had mentioned this term to me before.
“Doctors get busy,” Dr. Myatt explained. “It was an oversight not to have seen this, but I’m sure when he reviews your case again, he’ll see it. Besides, the name of your condition doesn’t matter too much. What matters is that we help you out of it….”
With that, my journey back to health began. It wasn’t all that difficult, really. Dr. Myatt helped me discover that I was allergic to several foods, and I had to stop eating them. Within just a week, the improvement was noticeable. I started taking the nutritional supplements and herbs recommended by Dr. Myatt, sort of. Instead of getting high quality products (I thought they were all about the same), I bought brands at my local health food store that were the cheapest. The following month, though I felt pleased with my improvement, Dr. Myatt was underwhelmed. She said she expected even MORE improvement than I was reporting. When she questioned me about my supplements, I assured her that I had taken everything as prescribed, all purchased from the local health food store. It was then that Dr. Myatt taught me about the lack of quality control in the nutritional industry and convinced me to try Wellness Club supplements for a month. The difference was amazing! My improvement progressed at lightening speed after that.
It took about four months for the stiffness and discomfort to completely subside. During that time, my local doctor “discovered” that I had rheumatoid arthritis and wanted me to go on even stronger drugs, but I declined. I didn’t need them. My pain resolved and has not returned to this day. Needless to say, Dr. Myatt has been my “medical hero” ever since.
When I heard through the grapevine that Dr. Myatt was looking for an editorial assistant to help with HealthBeat, I jumped at the opportunity. It will be my privilege and pleasure to be working with all of you, helping you stay at the front of the pack when it comes to health news and breakthroughs. Please let me know what topics you are interested in and I’ll do my best to see that your requests are featured in future editions of HealthBeat. I’m looking forward to working with Dr. Myatt and with you!
Glad to be On Board!
Jamie Jameson-White
Editor, HealthBeat Newsletter
Natural Fertility Treatment
Reproductive Immunologist
Dr Jeff Braverman Specializing in the correction of conditions that lead to Recurrent Miscarriages and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) Jeffrey Braverman, MD
Medical Director BIRMS
Dr. Dana Myatt is pleased to welcome the valued addition of Dr. Jeff Braverman to the Wellness Club team of medical experts. Dr. Myatt and Dr. Braverman will be combining the very best of conventional and natural medicine in the treatment of infertility.
About Dr. Braverman
Dr. Braverman is currently the Director of Reproductive Immunology at Wyckoff Hospital in Brooklyn New York (an affiliate hospital of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital System). He is also the Medical Director at Braverman Reproductive Immunology with offices in Long Island and Manhattan. He formerly held the position of Medical Director of SIRM on Long Island.
Dr. Braverman was honored as the youngest graduate at New York University where he was accepted at the age of 14. He went on to attend Medical School at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan and completed his internship and residency at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York.
After completing his residency Dr. Braverman established a private medical practice in Long Island, New York. For more than 20 years, Dr. Braverman has been treating patients with all complications related to Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and has become one of the nation’s leading authorities in the field of Reproductive Immunology.
A large majority of Dr. Braverman’s patients come to him suffering from Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Failure to Initiate and Successfully Complete a Pregnancy. (RPL and FISCP). He has managed thousands of cycles of IUI and IVF and has consistently maintained one of the highest success rates in New York despite the complexity of his case load.
For the last two years his practice has been voted the Best Infertility Practice on Long Island in an internet poll conducted by the Long Island Press.
Dr. Braverman has published articles in the field of high risk obstetrics related to IUGR, Gestational Diabetes, and Fetal Distress and has gained unequaled experience managing as well as delivering this High Risk group of patients. In fact Dr. Braverman has delivered well over 5000 babies in his career .
He has been featured with his RPL autoimmune patients on Discovery Channel’s Baby Story, local TV news stations, and has hosted numerous radio shows on reproductive immunology and fertility. He assists and consults with patients from around the world with problems related to RPL and FISCP. He has designed the most complete panel for the diagnosis and management of immune related pregnancy complications, as well as one of the most comprehensive thrombophilia (blood clotting) panels available. He is currently assisting in designing a computer chip that will test DNA for most of the hundreds of known genetic defects associated with RPL. He assisted in the Fertility Project for the development of nutritional supplements now used for the treatment of RPL and FISCP.
His current office staff have all been part of his practice for at least 12 years and most longer than that. This has also been one of the most important elements in maintaining the consistency Dr. Braverman’s care. You will always get someone knowledgeable when you call the office. Dr. Braverman performs all his own consults and sonograms. You will never get a “fill in “when you call for a consult or come in for a visit. He manages every case from start to finish. Most patients have his cell phone number and email and feel free to contact him with any questions. Many of Dr. Braverman’s patients from around the country learn about him in numerous immunology and fertility chat rooms on the internet, where he has developed a loyal following.
Dr. Braverman is a member in good standing with the American Society of Reproductive Immunology, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, the European Society of Reproductive Immunology, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the New York State Medical Society, the Nassau County Medical Society and is actively Board Certified from the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Dr. Jeff Braverman is available to consult and discuss any of your infertility issues. His specialty is immunologic causes of recurrent pregnancy loss as well as the diagnosis and treatment of previously failed infertility cycles.
Visit Dr. Braverman’s website here
Dr. Braverman’s offices in Manhattan and Long Island, NY may be reached at (516) 584 8710
A Letter from Dr. Myatt
Dear Patients, Wellness Club Members, and Friends:
It is a pleasure and privilege to share my knowledge of natural and alternative medicine with you. The information on this website contains the most up-to-date research in both conventional and alternative medicine combined with my years of clinical experience.
This is the medical advice I give to patients; the products I recommend are the ones I use myself. The only way I could do a better job of advising you is to work with you personally. Please keep several caveats in mind as you read.
First, I always recommend conventional medical evaluation and diagnosis from a physician or other qualified health practitioner. Annual physical exams with appropriate lab work remain one of our most powerful preventive “tools.” I may use additional “unconventional” or “complementary” diagnostic methods for further evaluation, but I always start with a basic medical exam. I recommend that you do, too. You may or may not elect to follow conventional methods of treatment, but at least you will know what options are available to you from conventional medicine.
Secondly, although every statement on this website is accurate and up-to-date to the best of my ability, remember that things change. The day after this information is published, a new piece of information may be found that contradicts or updates something I’ve said herein. Such is the fast-paced, ever-changing face of medicine. (This is a good reason to join The Wellness Club. I keep members constantly informed of updates and breakthroughs in every field of medicine). Also, none of these statements have been blessed by the FDA, the CDC or any other GAG (Government Acronymed Group), although all information contained herein is scientifically verifiable.
Also keep in mind that although my advice and statements are supported by scientific research, experts do not always agree on the meaning and interpretation of research data. Another physician might look at the same information and draw a different conclusion. This is why it makes good sense to get a second (and even a third and fourth!) medical opinion before undergoing invasive surgery, using potentially toxic drugs, or giving up hope of finding help.
What you do for yourself on a regular basis is far more powerful than any medicine or surgery. This website is designed to assist you in making good decisions for self-care. It is NOT meant to replace the care of a physician.
I am available for consultation by telephone. If I can be of further assistance to you by way of an appointment, please call. You are invited to join my Wellness Club if you are not already a member. This will allow me to keep you abreast of the most current information in the field of conventional medicine, holistic medicine, and healing.
All the Best of Health and Happiness!
Dr. Dana Myatt
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