The Enzyme Activator
Zinc is a mineral that functions as a co-factor in numerous metabolic processes. In fact, zinc is a co-factor in over 200 enzymes in the body.
Zinc deficiency is associated with:
- prostate enlargement
- immune deficiency
- atherosclerosis
- malabsorption syndromes
- slow wound healing
- loss of taste or smell
- impaired glucose tolerance
- skin disorders of every type
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
- inflammatory bowel disease (IBS)
- abnormal menstruation
The adult daily dose range is from 15-50 mg.
Food sources include wheat germ, wheat bran, pumpkin seed, avocado, sea food.
Caution: Large doses (more than 50mg/day) can cause a copper deficiency & other mineral imbalances. Copper should be supplemented when using zinc in high doses.
Optimal daily amounts of Zinc are easily obtained from Dr. Myatt’s Maxi Multi – a comprehensive multiple vitamin and mineral nutrient formula. Click here for full information.