Holistic Health Hand Book Expanded 4th Edition

Expanded 4th Edition

Description – This 140-page manual covers 70 diseases and natural treatment alternatives, including the latest scientific information on herbs, supplements, exercise and diet. Want to know what your alternative medicine options are for addressing your pressing health concerns? You’ll find it in the Holistic Health Handbook.

This book also features many of the 2007 Wellness Club product offerings with complete description and suggested dosages.

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Dr. Dana Myatt’s Wellness Club

Prescription Fish Oil Now Available!

This just in from the “how dumb does it get?” files…

Enormous amounts of research into the benefits of fish oil have shown that it lowers triglyceride levels, relieves many cases of depression and helps prevent an astonishing number of ailments including osteoporosis, stroke, heart attach, cardiac arrhythmia and some types of cancer. That’s why I’ve been encouraging everyone to add fish oil to their daily health program.

Now, a drug company did another study which showed exactly what we already knew about fish oil—- that it lowers triglyceride levels. They sought and gained FDA approval to offer fish oil as a prescription, at a cost of aprox. 797% more per milligram than Wellness Club brand or other high quality health food store brands. So, instead of a month’s supply at $19.95, you can now enjoy a bottle of 180 caps for $236.89!

As I’ve been warning readers, when the drug companies figure out that a natural substance works, they want a piece of the action. The trouble is, their profit margins will make simple, life-saving natural substances unreachable for most people because of cost.

Meanwhile, There’s even More Reason to Take Fish Oil...

Fish oil could potentially save more lives than cardiac defibrillators, researchers estimate in a new report. In fact, the studies show that the Omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish oil prevent more sudden cardiac deaths due to fibrillation than AED machines. Of course, the makers of these high-tech, high-cost gadgets aren’t going to want you to take fish oil, unless perhaps it’s the $236.89 per bottle prescription brand they can cash in on! What next? Soon we’ll need an Rx. to buy vegetables and fruit at the grocery store because they contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients!

More Dangers of Antidepressant Drugs Found

I’ve always been adamant about my treatments for depression, anxiety and other “mood disorders”: go for the fix, not the band aid. No one has ever suffered a case of depression because of a Prozac deficiency!

Now, researchers have found that many antidepressants are even more dangerous than we knew. Paxil, for example, increases violent behavior and suicidal tendencies in users, especially teenagers. EXCUSE ME? Why in the world would we put a child on a dangerous “head med,” one that makes the likelihood of depression-related suicide over twice as high as the un-medicated?

Of course, the FDA is helpful, as always <I say with tongue in cheek>. The have recommended “stronger warning labels” on Paxil. I’m sure most patients especially teens read these labels—Not.

Now here’s a vision – millions of Americans, from children to seniors, all popping what are touted as “happy pills” – at least that is what the Big Pharma Companies and their FDA lapdogs want us to believe. All is not well in this chemical paradise though: Not only do these supposed “happy pills” cause an increased potential for suicide in those taking them (especially in teenagers according to the latest research), they are also linked to violent behavior in what the study calls “hostility events.” What a great idea! Take stressed, depressed, suicidal Americans, driving around in multi-ton Urban Assault vehicles, riding the ragged edge of road rage at the best of times, just waiting to have a “hostility event.” It boggles the mind even more that the FDA has no intention of removing these chemical time-bombs from the marketplace. That would make too much good sense.

Natural Alternatives Treat Depression Without Risks

Paxil, Prozac and other SSRI’s fool the body into temporarily recycling the neurotransmitter serotonin. Of course, not everyone who is depressed has a serotonin deficiency. In fact, epinephrine (adrenaline), noradrenalin, dopamine, acetylcholine are all brain chemicals that can be altered in depression. And even though laboratory tests exist to evaluate neurotransmitters, they are rarely performed by conventional doctors who simply dish out SSRI’s without knowing if this is even going to be a good “band aid.”

The safer and more sensible way to treat depression is to evaluate the neurotransmitters, then use precursors (raw material) nutrients that so the body can naturally make more of its own serotonin, adrenaline, noradrenalin or whatever neurotransmitter is deficient. Instead of simply throwing an SSRI drug at anything that looks like depression, a simple, accurate neuro-transmitter test followed by corrective nutritional therapy is a cure, not a deadly stop-gap.

How many acts of violence will it take before these drugs are removed from the marketplace? Of course, now you can pay 20 times as much for prescription fish oil, which is helpful in many cases of depression, thanks to its approval as a drug. Rest assured that the FDA has Big Pharmacy’s best interests—- not yours— at heart.

FDA Defends Deadly Vioxx, More Proof of Their Allegiance

Vioxx has been found in several major studies to be the most dangerous COX-2 inhibitor drug, increasing the risk of irregular heart rhythms AND kidney disease according to Researchers at The Department of Epidemiology and Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. A second study at the University of Newcastle in Australia looked at 500,000 healthy people who used Vioxx and found that as drug dosage increased, so did the rate of heart attacks.

Eric Ding, who co-authored the Harvard study, felt strongly that “The risks of these drugs should have been made known to the public much earlier.”

Dr. David J. Graham, associate director for science in the FDA’s Office of Drug Safety, blew the whistle on both Vioxx maker Merck and the FDA itself, stating “It is clear that Vioxx increases the risk of heart attack, and that increase in risk begins with the first tablet a patient takes.”

In spite of the known dangers and mounting evidence against Vioxx, the FDA offered a “spin control” press release stating that “the FDA does not believe the available data rise to the level required to support an official FDA regulatory decision regarding comparative safety and efficacy of the available COX2-selective and non-selective NSAIDs.”

Don’t you sleep better knowing that the FDA is “protecting” us from affordable, safe, proven remedies like fish oil while ensuring that dangerous drugs such as Paxil and Vioxx remain on the market? I know I do.

In Health,
Dr. Myatt

Hepatitis C

Some thoughts and discussion by Dr. Myatt

Hepatitis C and/or Iron Toxicity?

Hepatitis C virus causes inflammation of the liver and is the most common chronic blood-borne infection in the United States. The virus can be spread by sex with an infected person, transfusion of infected blood or contaminated needles. HCV infection often results in chronic liver disease. High iron levels are a major factor in many cases of hepatitis C.

How to Properly Diagnose Iron Overload

Iron overload, or hemochromatosis, is actually the most common inherited disease. Excess iron has been known to be associated with infection for 30 years. When excess iron is present, the body’s normal antibacterial mechanisms become severely compromised, making one more susceptible to infectious disease.

Measuring serum iron is a poor way to do diagnose iron overload, because frequently the serum iron will be normal. The most useful of the indirect measures of iron status in the body a measure of the serum ferritin level in conjunction with a total iron binding level. Ferritin shows us how much iron is stored in the body.

Help and Hope for Hepatitis C

Conventional medicine takes a “Band-aid” approach to HCV. Many of the treatments are “supportive” only, meaning they are designed to manage symptoms but not intended to cure the disease. Interferon, the “latest and greatest” bug guns treatment for HCV has many devastating side effects. Unfortunately, we do little in conventional medicine to find and correct HCV at the causative level.

In Alternative and natural medicine, we go looking for the cause. Iron overload, as described above, is a major factor. Causes of immune weakness, including nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, increased intestinal permeability, heavy metal toxicity (other than iron) are a few of the factors to be considered.

With the help of an experienced holistic physician, the cause of Hepatitis C can usually be discovered and the disease either cured or put into sustained remission. A normal life span and health span can be expected in HCV when the disease is diagnosed and treated correctly.


Natural Support For This Dietary Imbalance

Hypoglycemia results when there is an abnormally low level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. This condition is often caused by an excess secretion of insulin from the pancreas. Symptoms of hypoglycemia can mimic many other conditions. Any or all of the following can be experienced during a hypoglycemic episode: weakness, heart palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, headache, depression, weakness in the legs, tightness in the chest, numbness and/or tingling of body parts, insomnia, confusion, craving for sweets or starches, and nervous habits. Poor adrenal function and abnormal carbohydrate metabolism often occur with hypoglycemia.

Although heredity can play a role, the most common cause of hypoglycemia is dietary imbalance. Nutritional deficiencies compound the problem. A diet that is high in refined carbohydrates will aggravate or even cause hypoglycemia. Paradoxically, these foods will give temporary relief of symptoms during a low blood sugar “episode” and are therefore often eaten by hypoglycemics.

If ignored, the condition may predispose to development of Type II (adult-onset) diabetes. Because of their high sugar intake, many hypoglycemics also develop candidiasis.


  • Eat only unrefined (complex) carbohydrates. Avoid all processed grains and sugars (except fresh fruit) The Super Fast Diet is EXCELLENT for hypoglycemics.
  • Always eat breakfast and include protein with this meal. (Eggs, tofu, Super Pro ‘96, whey powder, etc.)
  • Do not use coffee, tobacco, alcohol, or sugar.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • Practice stress reduction techniques: meditation, prayer, biofeedback, deep breathing. Stress releases excess adrenalin which lowers blood sugar levels.


  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidants (ACES), magnesium, B complex vitamins, and chromium are particularly important for correcting hypoglycemia.
  • Ultra-Chrome (chromium 4-oxopyridine, 2,6 dicarboxylate): 200-500mg daily in addition to multiple vitamin/mineral dose. (This form of chromium is 3 times more potent than chromium picolinate!)
  • Fiber: Maxi Fiber: 1 teaspoon, 3 times per day 10 minutes before meals, OR Fiber Formula: 4-6 caps, 3 times per day before or during meals.


  • Multi-B-Complex: 1 cap, 2 times per day with meals IF you are not taking the Optimal Doses of B vitamins contained in Maxi Multi.
    • Support any organ system that scored “high” on the Self-Health Questionnaire, pages 6-8 in your Holistic Health Handbook.



Age Spots (Liver Spots)

Natural Treatment for Brown Skin Discolorations.

“Liver spots,” also called “age spots,” are caused by an accumulation of cellular debris. This debris, called lipofuscin (ly-poh-fusk-in), accumulates in many areas of the body, including the heart, nerves, muscles, kidney and brain. The skin is the place where we can see the accumulation.

Lipofuscin is caused by free radical damage to cells. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and help prevent lipofuscin deposits, or liver spots.

The way to prevent and to a significant extent reverse liver spots is to

1.) Minimize exposure to sources of free radicals, including smoking, alcohol, fried and processed foods, trans fats, X-rays.
2.) Consume a generous dose of dietary antioxidants.
3.) Protect skin from excess UV (sunlight) exposure and use antioxidants in topical form as well. Although natural vitamin D from sunlight exposure is healthy, high levels of unprotected UV exposure on face, hands and chest can contribute to age spots in these areas.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Include foods that are rich in antioxidant nutrients in your diet.
  • Drink 8 glasses of pure water daily.
  • Minimize your exposure to sources of free radicals (smoking, alcohol, fried foods, X-rays).
  • Practice moderation of sun exposure: wear sunscreen on high-exposure areas like face, hands and chest.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This daily “multiple” contains high potency antioxidants.
  • Maxi Greens: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This broad-spectrum blend of plant antioxidants and flavonoids provides additional protection from free radical damage.
  • Rejuvenex™ Cream: Apply morning and at bedtime to clean skin (face).

Additional Support

  • Grape seed extract (PCO’s): 100 mg, 1- 3 times per day with meals. Grape seed acts as both a potent antioxidant AND it stabilizes collagen fibers, the underlying support structure of skin. This double benefit may include improvement and prevention of age spots and additional protection from wrinkles.
  • Milk Thistle Plus: 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals. Improving liver function can help the body “reclaim” lipofuscin, thereby fading age spots and preventing new ones.

For Already-Damaged Skin

  • Sunspot Gel (formerly Skin Answer®) : Apply to already-existing sun-spots, especially if they are raised. Use as directed.

HealthBeat News

Not Just Health News… Daily Health News!

Hello All:

Do you want to keep your finger on the pulse of alternative, holistic and conventional medicine? Have I got BIG NEWS for you!

I feel privileged to have spent a week with Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark. Yup… staying at their home, eating, sleeping (well, in a guest room!), and just plain ol’ living with them. The purpose of my visit was to gain a clearer understanding of Dr. Myatt’s needs regarding HealthBeat, but I learned a whole lot more than I bargained for.

For starters, they really do practice the things they talk about. Up at 6 AM(ish) in the morning, they each exercise (Nurse Mark goes for a run with their two dogs, Dr. M rides her bike). Then they return home and have a “Super Shake” and their before-breakfast supplements without fail. By 7am they are both at their computers, drinking freshly-brewed coffee (made with pure water and no chlorine filters — they brew this elixir in a Bodum – AKA “French Press” –  that requires no paper filter). But the BIGGEST NEWS is that they are both reading the news, live on computer, even before they have breakfast and start their workday!

Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark each have a collection of on-line newsletters that they read every morning. Dr. Myatt’s list includes JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), BMJ (British Medical Journal), NEJM (New England Journal of Medicine), Medline, plus holistic medical newsletters from Dr. Whittaker, David Williams, Atkins, Health Sciences Institute, Natural HealthLine, The Daily Times, CBS, NBC and a boat-load of smaller news feeds you’ve probably never heard of. Nurse mark’s list reads just as long, only with a different palette of sites. They review ALL OF THESE over their first 1-2 cups of morning coffee. If there’s something of interest, they e-mail each other with the news and discuss it. I feel comfortable in telling you that there is NO BREAKTHROUGH that has occurred overnight in any field of medicine that this medical team will not know about! Their diligence with tracking all late-breaking medical news is truly astounding.


[SIDEBAR: I had to laugh, maybe you will, too. While I was there, Dr. Myatt received patient and member e-mail notes (I didn’t see the notes, she just told me the “gist” of them) like the following: “Have you ever heard of glyconutrients”? and “I got this e-mail about coral calcium and I am taking it. Any good”? I’m here to tell you: if any “new nutrient” has merit, Dr. Myatt has heard about it AND reported it to you. If you haven’t heard about it from her, consider it marketing hype on the internet. I just don’t see how there could be ANYTHING of true merit or “breakthrough” status that Dr. Myatt hasn’t heard about, and probably LONG before you have, because of the multiple news feeds she monitors every morning. She also has the scientific background to sort out “marketing hype” from true science. Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark really do this, every single morning without fail, even on weekends.]


SO… as the new HealthBeat newsletter editor, my mind was racing….

This amazing medical duo (known locally as “The~Z~Team”) get daily updates in every field of health and medicine, but the HealthBeat newsletter comes out twice, and sometimes three times monthly. These two have a LOT more information to convey than that! So here’s what I suggested (you may send thank-you notes to me at my wellness club address!) and they went for it: a HealthBeat news “blog.” For those who don’t know, a blog is something that can be easily updated regularly if not DAILY. I set this up so Dr. Myatt can “flash” news briefs to you on a daily basis if she so chooses. I’ve made it easy and simple for her. And here’s what it means to YOU:

Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark will continue their daily medical updates (I don’t think wild horses could stop them!). THEN, they can instantly post any important medical updates to the HealthBeat Blog. Although Dr. Myatt may be away from her computer for a day or two, you can expect (for the most part) this medical news to be updated Monday through Friday and sometimes on weekends. In other words, instead of only the bi-monthly HealthBeat, you will have access to an almost-daily HealthBeat update. Not only will you get daily breaking news, but you will have the benefit of the “new news” being screened and commented on by a physician who is an exacting scientist, thus helping you separate the “hype” from the true medical news.

TWO WAYS TO GET YOUR Daily Dose of News

Method one: If you are an RSS user, simply sign up for the newsletter and it will be “fed” to your news aggregator. If you have no idea what this means, then you are not using a service to read blogs, so you’ll use method two.

Method two: simply go to this blog link every morning.
Here it is if you need to cut and paste the link into your browser: http://radio.weblogs.com/0139131/

Once there, you will want to bookmark this link in your browser by clicking on “bookmarks.”

That’s it! Daily medical news delivered. Why not check this our right now and let me know what you think?

Jamie Jameson-White

Editor, HealthBeat Newsletter


Foiling Colds and Flu

Colds and flu (influenza) affect an estimated 1 billion people in the U.S. each year. Influenza kills some 36,000 Americans annually, while 25,000-75,000 require hospital care. The rate of colds and flu increase from November to March as cold weather forces more people to stay indoors, increasing exposure to drier air conditions and to people already infected. (Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and viruses survive better in colder, drier weather with lower levels of humidity). The elderly, the sick, and children are especially vulnerable to the viruses that cause colds and flu.

Is It a Cold, or Is It The Flu?

How can you tell if your symptoms are a cold or the flu? While not everyone will have the same symptoms, here are common guidelines for cold and flu:

Fever: Rare with colds; common for flu, lasting for 3-4 days, with high temperatures (102-104°F).

Headache: Rare with colds; common with flu.

General aches and pains: Not serious with colds; common and severe with flu.

Fatigue, weakness: Mild with colds; May last up to 2-3 weeks with flu.

Extreme exhaustion: Unusual with colds; with flu, common and found to start early.

Stuffy nose: Common with colds; may appear be present with flu.

Sore throat: Common with colds; may appear with flu.

Chest discomfort, cough: With colds, mild to moderate discomfort possible; common and potentially severe with flu.

Cold symptoms rarely last longer than 1-2 weeks. Contrary to popular opinion, they are NOT caused by being in a draft. Allergies, stress (psychological or physical) and menstruation may contribute to susceptibility. Diets high in sugar or deficient in nutrients (vitamins and minerals) suppress the immune system and increase susceptibility. Colds are transmitted in various ways, including touching your eyes or nose after touching infectious respiratory fluids found on the skin, or by inhaling air-borne particles or droplets of infected liquid.

The flu starts out like a bad cold, but quickly worsens. Many symptoms, including high fever, headaches, muscle aches, and cough, are more dramatic. If untreated, flu can lead to more serious conditions, including dehydration and bacterial pneumonia, and can cause chronic medical conditions (congestive heart failure, asthma, diabetes) to worsen. Certain individuals — those 50 or older, health care workers, those with weakened immune systems, or conditions affecting the kidneys, lungs or heart — may be at higher risk. Children may also be susceptible to ear infections and sinus problems.
To defend against flu, you should follow many cold prevention steps, including hand-washing, not touching your eyes or nose, using tissues, and covering your mouth when coughing. The influenza virus can live on a plastic or metal surface for days, and can be caught by mere touching. It can also be caught by sick people sneezing or coughing.

Should You Get A Flu Shot?

Flu shots are recommended for people over 65 years of age, especially those with lung or heart conditions or cancer. Children may also benefit from vaccination. When the vaccine is well-matched to the virus, vaccines can decrease the rate of infection by 38-52%.

Flu Shots Alone Are Not The Answer

Flu shots are designed to protect us from 1 to 3 different viruses each season. Which viruses the vaccine protects from is based on an educated guess as to which viruses we will be exposed to. There are over 700 different strains of viruses that cause colds and flu; the vaccine will confer protection for one, two or three of these. Even when the vaccinations work, we are still at risk for contracting a cold or flu due to the other 698 viruses that we have NOT been vaccinated for!

What Can You Do To Foil Colds and Flu?

1.) Basic hygiene. Wash your hands often and be careful not to touch your eyes or nose. If possible, try to avoid being around sick people. If you’re already infected, cover your mouth when coughing and sneeze into a tissue which you should quickly throw away. Rubbing alcohol should be used to disinfect any surfaces that you come into contact with. If you have a cold or the flu, you’d do yourself and others a big favor by staying home from work.

2.) Basic good health practices.

I.) Multiple vitamin/mineral supplements. A number of placebo-controlled studies have shown that adults who consistently take a high potency vitamin/mineral supplement dramatically decrease their risk of infection. When supplemented individuals DO get sick, their symptoms tend to be milder and of shorter duration. These same studies have shown that the number of natural killer T cells, the “police” of the immune system, can be increased by up to 50% by supplementation.

“Once a Day” supplements (one or two tabs per day) were NOT found to increase immunity or confer protection. This is because the potencies of nutrients are too low in one or two tablets to be effective. In order to secure the virus-protective benefits of supplements, they should be taken in optimal (high potency) doses. This will typically be from 6 to 9 capsules or tablets per day.

II.) Adequate sleep and exercise. Lack of either sleep or exercise decreases immunity and increases susceptibility to viruses of every type.

3.) Prevention Specifics.

I.) Vitamin C. In over twenty scientific studies, vitamin C has been shown to protect from flu and cold viruses. In fact, the number of respiratory infections of all types (not just the flu) was decreased by 50% in the vitamin C supplemented group. As with multiple vitamins, the severity and duration of infection was milder in the supplemented group when they did contract a cold or flu. [NOTE: Maxi Multi’s contain 1,000mg of vitamin C when taken in 9-per-day recommended doses].

II.) Immune Support. Keep your immune system healthy on a daily basis with this superior formula of immune-enhancing herbs. High potencies of Astragalus, Ligustrum, and Echinacea in addition to a full spectrum of medicinal mushrooms and support nutrients increase natural immunity.

Cold and Flu “Kit” (What to do if you “catch” a virus anyway)

Have your cold and flu first aid remedies on hand before you need then. All remedial measures work best when they are started immediately at the first sign of symptoms. Besides, once you start feeling bad, that’s not the time you’ll want to run around town trying to find a remedy!

At The First sign of any infection:

I.) Immune Boost Liquid Tincture: “Fast Blast” for the Immune System. The immune system has a wide variety of different cells and functions to protect the body. This formula contains herbs to stimulate every aspect of immune function. Potent liquid tincture goes to work “lightning fast” to enhance immunity.

II.) B.A.M. (Broad Anti-microbial) Tincture: Herbal Antibiotic Formula. That’s right, we don’t know what’s wrong. It could be a fungus, bacteria, virus, mycoplasma – or any combination thereof – and this tincture gets serious with all of them. Take during an acute infection to put the “bad guys” in their place. A potent broad spectrum “anti-bug” formula designed for acute infections.

III.) Selenium: 800mcg per day in addition to the 200mcg in Maxi Multis. Continue for 10 days.

Also helpful: Echinacea is one of the most popular herbs for stimulating and boosting the immune system. It acts as an immune stimulant, immune modulator (balances the immune system), anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

For colds, nasal or lung congestion, bronchitis, pneumonia

I.) Bromelain: 2 capsules, 3 to 4 times per day between meals for acute infection, decrease to 1 cap, 3-4 times per day as condition resolves. Bromelain, a digestive enzyme from pineapple, acts to increase the effect of other immune cells by dissolving the mucous coat that bacteria use to “shield” themselves from the immune system. Some studies have shown it to be as effective as antibiotics for treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, and dental, skin and kidney infection.

II.) Inspirol inhalant: this powerful herbal inhalant prevents respiratory infections from becoming more severe. it also opens the airways and improves breathing. Use for colds, flu, hay fever, sinusitis, coughs, congestion, and bronchitis.

For cough:

Herbal Cough Elixer II : 1 tsp. every 1-2 hours as needed for cough.

For sore throat:

Throat Mist: Use every hour as needed for sore throat.

Renew Energy after Illness

Energy Rehab: Infections can weaken the body, drain energy, and prolong recovery time. This formula supports the body’s energy systems typically affected by any type of infection. Energy Rehab may be continued after the infection has passed to ensure complete energy and immune recovery.

An ounce of prevention will go a long way toward keeping you free from colds and flu this Winter.

Stay well and have Joyful Holidays!

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt


Foiling Colds and Flu

Colds and flu (influenza) affect an estimated 1 billion people in the U.S. each year. Influenza kills some 36,000 Americans annually, while 25,000-75,000 require hospital care. The rate of colds and flu increase from November to March as cold weather forces more people to stay indoors, increasing exposure to drier air conditions and to people already infected. (Colds and flu are caused by viruses, and viruses survive better in colder, drier weather with lower levels of humidity). The elderly, the sick, and children are especially vulnerable to the viruses that cause colds and flu.

Is It a Cold, or Is It The Flu?

How can you tell if your symptoms are a cold or the flu? While not everyone will have the same symptoms, here are common guidelines for cold and flu:

Fever: Rare with colds; common for flu, lasting for 3-4 days, with high temperatures (102-104°F).

Headache: Rare with colds; common with flu.

General aches and pains: Not serious with colds; common and severe with flu.

Fatigue, weakness: Mild with colds; May last up to 2-3 weeks with flu.

Extreme exhaustion: Unusual with colds; with flu, common and found to start early.

Stuffy nose: Common with colds; may appear be present with flu.

Sore throat: Common with colds; may appear with flu.

Chest discomfort, cough: With colds, mild to moderate discomfort possible; common and potentially severe with flu.

Cold symptoms rarely last longer than 1-2 weeks. Contrary to popular opinion, they are NOT caused by being in a draft. Allergies, stress (psychological or physical) and menstruation may contribute to susceptibility. Diets high in sugar or deficient in nutrients (vitamins and minerals) suppress the immune system and increase susceptibility. Colds are transmitted in various ways, including touching your eyes or nose after touching infectious respiratory fluids found on the skin, or by inhaling air-borne particles or droplets of infected liquid.

The flu starts out like a bad cold, but quickly worsens. Many symptoms, including high fever, headaches, muscle aches, and cough, are more dramatic. If untreated, flu can lead to more serious conditions, including dehydration and bacterial pneumonia, and can cause chronic medical conditions (congestive heart failure, asthma, diabetes) to worsen. Certain individuals — those 50 or older, health care workers, those with weakened immune systems, or conditions affecting the kidneys, lungs or heart — may be at higher risk. Children may also be susceptible to ear infections and sinus problems.
To defend against flu, you should follow many cold prevention steps, including hand-washing, not touching your eyes or nose, using tissues, and covering your mouth when coughing. The influenza virus can live on a plastic or metal surface for days, and can be caught by mere touching. It can also be caught by sick people sneezing or coughing.

Should You Get A Flu Shot?

Flu shots are recommended for people over 65 years of age, especially those with lung or heart conditions or cancer. Children may also benefit from vaccination. When the vaccine is well-matched to the virus, vaccines can decrease the rate of infection by 38-52%.

Flu Shots Alone Are Not The Answer

Flu shots are designed to protect us from 1 to 3 different viruses each season. Which viruses the vaccine protects from is based on an educated guess as to which viruses we will be exposed to. There are over 700 different strains of viruses that cause colds and flu; the vaccine will confer protection for one, two or three of these. Even when the vaccinations work, we are still at risk for contracting a cold or flu due to the other 698 viruses that we have NOT been vaccinated for!

What Can You Do To Foil Colds and Flu?

1.) Basic hygiene. Wash your hands often and be careful not to touch your eyes or nose. If possible, try to avoid being around sick people. If you’re already infected, cover your mouth when coughing and sneeze into a tissue which you should quickly throw away. Rubbing alcohol should be used to disinfect any surfaces that you come into contact with. If you have a cold or the flu, you’d do yourself and others a big favor by staying home from work.

2.) Basic good health practices.

I.) Multiple vitamin/mineral supplements. A number of placebo-controlled studies have shown that adults who consistently take a high potency vitamin/mineral supplement dramatically decrease their risk of infection. When supplemented individuals DO get sick, their symptoms tend to be milder and of shorter duration. These same studies have shown that the number of natural killer T cells, the “police” of the immune system, can be increased by up to 50% by supplementation.

“Once a Day” supplements (one or two tabs per day) were NOT found to increase immunity or confer protection. This is because the potencies of nutrients are too low in one or two tablets to be effective. In order to secure the virus-protective benefits of supplements, they should be taken in optimal (high potency) doses. This will typically be from 6 to 9 capsules or tablets per day.

II.) Adequate sleep and exercise. Lack of either sleep or exercise decreases immunity and increases susceptibility to viruses of every type.

3.) Prevention Specifics.

I.) Vitamin C. In over twenty scientific studies, vitamin C has been shown to protect from flu and cold viruses. In fact, the number of respiratory infections of all types (not just the flu) was decreased by 50% in the vitamin C supplemented group. As with multiple vitamins, the severity and duration of infection was milder in the supplemented group when they did contract a cold or flu. [NOTE: Maxi Multi’s contain 1,000mg of vitamin C when taken in 9-per-day recommended doses].

II.) Immune Support. Keep your immune system healthy on a daily basis with this superior formula of immune-enhancing herbs. High potencies of Astragalus, Ligustrum, and Echinacea in addition to a full spectrum of medicinal mushrooms and support nutrients increase natural immunity.

Cold and Flu “Kit” (What to do if you “catch” a virus anyway)

Have your cold and flu first aid remedies on hand before you need then. All remedial measures work best when they are started immediately at the first sign of symptoms. Besides, once you start feeling bad, that’s not the time you’ll want to run around town trying to find a remedy!

At The First sign of any infection:

I.) Immune Boost Liquid Tincture: “Fast Blast” for the Immune System. The immune system has a wide variety of different cells and functions to protect the body. This formula contains herbs to stimulate every aspect of immune function. Potent liquid tincture goes to work “lightning fast” to enhance immunity.

II.) B.A.M. (Broad Anti-microbial) Tincture: Herbal Antibiotic Formula. That’s right, we don’t know what’s wrong. It could be a fungus, bacteria, virus, mycoplasma – or any combination thereof – and this tincture gets serious with all of them. Take during an acute infection to put the “bad guys” in their place. A potent broad spectrum “anti-bug” formula designed for acute infections.

III.) Selenium: 800mcg per day in addition to the 200mcg in Maxi Multis. Continue for 10 days.

Also helpful: Echinacea is one of the most popular herbs for stimulating and boosting the immune system. It acts as an immune stimulant, immune modulator (balances the immune system), anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

For colds, nasal or lung congestion, bronchitis, pneumonia

I.) Bromelain: 2 capsules, 3 to 4 times per day between meals for acute infection, decrease to 1 cap, 3-4 times per day as condition resolves. Bromelain, a digestive enzyme from pineapple, acts to increase the effect of other immune cells by dissolving the mucous coat that bacteria use to “shield” themselves from the immune system. Some studies have shown it to be as effective as antibiotics for treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, and dental, skin and kidney infection.

II.) Inspirol inhalant: this powerful herbal inhalant prevents respiratory infections from becoming more severe. it also opens the airways and improves breathing. Use for colds, flu, hay fever, sinusitis, coughs, congestion, and bronchitis.

For cough:

Herbal Cough Elixer II : 1 tsp. every 1-2 hours as needed for cough. For sore throat: Throat Mist: Use every hour as needed for sore throat.

Renew Energy after Illness

Energy Rehab: Infections can weaken the body, drain energy, and prolong recovery time. This formula supports the body’s energy systems typically affected by any type of infection. Energy Rehab may be continued after the infection has passed to ensure complete energy and immune recovery.

An ounce of prevention will go a long way toward keeping you free from colds and flu this Winter.

Stay well and have Joyful Holidays!

Yours In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt


PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a tragedy because it affects so many young women who desperately want to have babies of their own – and it affects their partners and other family members as well.

What is PCOS?

PCOS is a condition in which a woman’s ovaries and, in some cases the adrenal glands, produce more androgens (a type of hormone) than normal.  High levels of these hormones interfere with the development and release of eggs as part of ovulation.  As a result, fluid-filled sacs or cysts can develop on the ovaries.

Because women with PCOS do not release eggs during ovulation, PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility.

How does PCOS affect fertility?

A woman’s ovaries have follicles, which are tiny, fluid-filled sacs that hold the eggs. When an egg is mature, the follicle breaks open to release the egg so it can travel to the uterus for fertilization.

In women with PCOS, immature follicles bunch together to form large cysts or lumps. The eggs mature within the bunched follicles, but the follicles don’t break open to release them.

Normal and PolyCystic Ovaries

Image courtesy U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

As a result, women with PCOS often have menstrual irregularities, such as amenorrhea (they don’t get menstrual periods) or oligomenorrhea (they only have periods now and then). Because the eggs are not released, most women with PCOS have trouble getting pregnant.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

In addition to infertility, women with PCOS may also have:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Hirsutism, or excess hair growth on the face, chest, stomach, thumbs, or toes
  • Male-pattern baldness or thinning hair
  • Acne, oily skin, or dandruff
  • Patches of thickened and dark brown or black skin

Also, women who are obese are more likely to have PCOS.

Although it is hard for women with PCOS to get pregnant, some do get pregnant, naturally or using assistive reproductive technology.  Women with PCOS are at higher risk for miscarriage if they do become pregnant.

Women with PCOS are also at higher risk for associated conditions, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome—sometimes called a precursor to diabetes, this syndrome indicates that the body has trouble regulating its insulin
  • Cardiovascular disease—including heart disease and high blood pressure

What is the treatment for PCOS?

Conventional medicine says here is no cure for PCOS, but holistic doctors like Dr. Myatt believe that many of the symptoms can often be managed, improved greatly, or even eliminated with carefully targeted natural therapies.

It is important to have PCOS diagnosed and treated early to help prevent associated problems.

Conventional medicine will offer medications that may help control the symptoms, such as birth control pills to regulate menstruation, reduce androgen levels, and clear acne. Other medications can reduce cosmetic problems, such as hair growth, and control blood pressure and cholesterol. Many of these medicines have significant, serious, even dangerous side effects.

Naturopathic physicians like Dr. Myatt can offer more natural solutions including metabolic modification diets, hormone testing and balancing, strategies for the reduction of inflammatory factors, and more.

Lifestyle changes such as corrective diet and regular exercise will aid weight loss and help reduce blood sugar levels and regulate insulin levels more effectively.  Weight loss can help lessen many of the health conditions associated with PCOS and can make symptoms be less severe or even disappear.

Surgical treatment may also be offered as an option, but it is not recommended as the first course of treatment.

Recent research has also examined the effects of the anti-diabetes drug metformin on fertility in women with PCOS. Dr. Myatt can help her patients to understand the mechanisms of this option.

Extensive recent human research also shows that myo-Inositol, a part of the B-complex family, helps to support healthy ovulatory activity, ovarian function, and reproductive system function

How is PCOS diagnosed?

Your health care provider will take a medical history and do a pelvic exam to feel for cysts on your ovaries.  He or she may also do a vaginal ultrasound and recommend blood tests to measure hormone levels.

When examining hormone levels, remember that your conventional doctor will almost always order a blood test. (and it is likely that a blood test is the only hormone test your disease insurance will pay for) This blood test, while technically accurate, is only a “snapshot” – an accurate picture of your hormone levels only at the moment the test was performed.

Sex hormones are made and secreted in “waves” over a 24 hour period and a blood test cannot show the averages of those waves or highs and lows.

A more accurate test is an examination of saliva – this will provide a look at hormone levels over the past few hours. It still runs the risk of catching a “peak” or “trough” of a hormone level and thus providing an erroneous result. Dr. Myatt finds this to be a useful test when performed and interpreted correctly and offers it as an economical alternative to more expensive (and more accurate) 24 hour urine testing – find more information here.

The “Gold Standard” of hormone testing is considered to be the 24 hour urine collection. While it may be a bit time-consuming and awkward for someone who is busy and “on-the-go” it will provide the most accurate possible look at overall hormone health as it will show your body’s hormone production over a full 24 hour period.

Dr. Myatt finds that the 24 hour  COMPREHENSIVE PLUS HORMONE PROFILE is the most accurate and useful of the hormone tests when performed and interpreted correctly. Interpretation of the results of this test, which includes and examination not only of the major sex hormones but of their intermediates and metabolites as well, is time consuming and complicated – this may be one reason most conventional doctors are reluctant to perform it. Dr. Myatt spends a great deal of time analysing the results of this test for her patients and she offers Brief Phone Consultations to non-patients.

Other tests may include measuring levels of insulin, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides. Vitamin D levels, and Iodine levels.

Iodine Testing is especially important to PCOS since so many Americans are Iodine deficient and Iodine Deficiency is a major contributor to cystic conditions of all sorts – especially the breasts, ovaries, and thyroid.  Learn more about Iodine testing here – Dr. Myatt offers two accurate Iodine tests.

A Letter from Dr. Myatt


Dear Patients, Wellness Club Members, and Friends:

It is a pleasure and privilege to share my knowledge of natural and alternative medicine with you. The information on this website contains the most up-to-date research in both conventional and alternative medicine combined with my years of clinical experience.

This is the medical advice I give to patients; the products I recommend are the ones I use myself. The only way I could do a better job of advising you is to work with you personally. Please keep several caveats in mind as you read.

First, I always recommend conventional medical evaluation and diagnosis from a physician or other qualified health practitioner. Annual physical exams with appropriate lab work remain one of our most powerful preventive “tools.” I may use additional “unconventional” or “complementary” diagnostic methods for further evaluation, but I always start with a basic medical exam. I recommend that you do, too. You may or may not elect to follow conventional methods of treatment, but at least you will know what options are available to you from conventional medicine.

Secondly, although every statement on this website is accurate and up-to-date to the best of my ability, remember that things change. The day after this information is published, a new piece of information may be found that contradicts or updates something I’ve said herein. Such is the fast-paced, ever-changing face of medicine. (This is a good reason to join The Wellness Club. I keep members constantly informed of updates and breakthroughs in every field of medicine). Also, none of these statements have been blessed by the FDA, the CDC or any other GAG (Government Acronymed Group), although all information contained herein is scientifically verifiable.

Also keep in mind that although my advice and statements are supported by scientific research, experts do not always agree on the meaning and interpretation of research data. Another physician might look at the same information and draw a different conclusion. This is why it makes good sense to get a second (and even a third and fourth!) medical opinion before undergoing invasive surgery, using potentially toxic drugs, or giving up hope of finding help.

What you do for yourself on a regular basis is far more powerful than any medicine or surgery. This website is designed to assist you in making good decisions for self-care. It is NOT meant to replace the care of a physician.

I am available for consultation by telephone.  If I can be of further assistance to you by way of an appointment, please call. You are invited to join my Wellness Club if you are not already a member. This will allow me to keep you abreast of the most current information in the field of conventional medicine, holistic medicine, and healing.

All the Best of Health and Happiness!

Dr. Dana Myatt

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