Ten Rules of Good Health

Dr. Myatt’s Basic Rules For Healthier Living

1. Eat a Nutritious Diet…
The food you eat its quality and amount provide the fuel for your body. Each of your 75 trillion cells depends on you to feed them. Most people understand that their car requires a particular type of fuel. Do you understand that your body does, too? In order to ensure adequate nutrition, practice the following:

  • Eat as much food in the unrefined state as possible.
  • Include at least five servings of vegetables and/or fruits each day.
  • Whole grains are preferable to refined ones; fresh produce is preferable to canned or processed.
  • Have deep fried food, sugar-sweetened food, and alcohol, rarely, if at all.
  • Eat according to your Body Energy Type. For more information on this subject, please see WEIGHT LOSS.

2. Drink Pure Water…
The body is 60% water and requires a replenishment of 6-8 glasses per day of water. Make sure that the water you drink is uncontaminated by heavy metals, chemicals and micro-organisms. Many water supplies, including municipal water supplies, are not pure enough to ensure good health. If you drink tap or well water, have it tested for purity. If you do not know the quality of your tap water, buy purified water or purchase a good water purifier for home use. Drink 48-64 ounces per day of this pure water, either as water or herb tea. (Caffeinated beverages, bottled or canned fruit juice, soda pop and alcohol should not be counted as part of your water intake. They do not have the same solvent properties as pure water).

3. Breathe…
Air provides life-giving oxygen. Like water, the body cannot survive without taking in oxygen. Plenty of fresh, clean air is essential to good health. Here are some ways to get more advantage from each breath you take.

  • Exercise out-of-doors as much as possible, especially in nature. Parks, the sea shore or even local grassy areas provide benefit. Remember, green plants purify the air and give us back more oxygen.
  • If you live in a city where the air quality is compromised (most people do!), have green plants indoors at home and at work as much as possible. Houseplants help purify indoor air.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises. Many people are oxygen-deprived because they do not breathe deeply.
  • Try to live in a place where the air quality is good. Many big cities have notoriously poor air quality. Consider a home air purifier if you live in a particularly bad area.

4. Sunshine:
Ten minutes of sunlight per day, even if only on exposed arms, is enough to encourage normal vitamin D production. Sunlight has mood-elevating effects. It destroys harmful bacteria and stimulates a cascade of positive hormone effects in the body. While excessive sun exposure can be harmful, so can inadequate exposure. Outdoor exercise will give the necessary sunlight without excess. Make it a point to get a modest amount of sunlight each day, whether by outdoor exercise or ten minutes of sunbathing.

5. Exercise:
The human body is designed for movement. Aerobic activity encourages normal circulation of blood and lymph. Heart and structural muscles are strengthened by exercise. Hormone production and utilization is improved by regular exercise. The bowels depend on physical movement to function normally. Metabolism and immune system activity are increased by moderate exercise. Bones require weight-bearing exercise for normal mineral uptake. Movement keeps joints and connective tissue flexible. Exercise encourages deep breathing and increases oxygen utilization and waste exhalation. For cardiovascular and musculo-skeletal conditioning, aim for a minimum of 15 minutes of brisk walking, 5 days per week, or 30 minutes 3 times per week. Gradually increase speed or distance as physical conditioning improves. (See Exercise) For a metabolism boost, a mere 10 minutes each morning of intensive exercise (Exercising to the point where you are breathing hard enough that you could talk if you had to, but you wouldn’t want to) will put your metabolism and fat-burning into high gear for the day.

6. Sleep:
Most people require seven to eight hours of sleep per night. (Some older people may have a decreased sleep requirement). Studies have shown that people perform better with adequate sleep, yet many people are consistently sleep-deprived. Make it a point to get adequate sleep. (See INSOMNIA for tips on how to get a good nights sleep). Sleep deprivation results in hormonal imbalances which can lead to weight gain and many other problems.

7. Avoid negative health behaviors.
It may seem obvious, but one of the easy ways to be healthier is to not engage in unhealthy behaviors. Nicotine, excesses of alcohol and caffeine, and many drugs damage health. Smoking is such a health-destroying habit that I have listed it separately. (See Smoking… Just the Facts). Other health-destroying habits include excessive stress response, multiple sex partners or unprotected sex with infected partners, and failure to wear a seat belt.

8. Maintain a positive outlook.
Everybody has problems in life. Most problems we invite or create ourselves. To cure this, see # 9, below. Other problems are just what life deals us. We choose how we will respond to any given situation. You can respond with positivity or negativity. Studies have shown negative health effects from negative mental outlooks. Its bad enough to have a problem; don’t make it worse by a negative mental outlook. Cultivate the habit of positivity. Make the best of every situation. I recommend that you watch my video The Body/Mind Connection. It is an owners manual for everyone with a body and a mind!

9. Strive to elevate yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.
We get what we aim for. Weight lifters grow stronger by lifting weights. Piano players get better by playing the piano. If you want to be healthier, happier, and of greater service, you must seek to move in that direction. Those who say “I can’t” will find they can’t. Those who say “its so hard” will find it hard. You have a wealth of talent and possibility within you. Act like you know it. Make repeated attempts to use that talent to the best of your abilities, and you will find yourself becoming stronger, happier, and healthier.

10. Trust in a Higher Power.
What do you believe about the bigger picture of your life? Do you understand that you are more than just flesh and bone? Seek and cultivate your connection with a Higher Power. I recommend my video “Remembering Who You Are” to stimulate your understanding in this regard.

Black Salve Intensive

Resources for Students

Hello Doctors, Herbalists and Interested Others!

Here is part of the promised follow-up resources from our Black Salve Intensive.

Please Note:

  • The information on this page is presented for educational purposes only.
  • This information is based on Dr. Myatt’s clinical experience with Black Salve. It is not intended as “how to” instruction for anyone using Black Salve.
  • As Dr. Myatt explained in her lectures, Black Salve is not recommended for the removal of cancers other than melanoma.
  • Removal of any cancer with Black Salve is “Chemical Surgery.” If you would not be comfortable cutting a lesion out with a scalpel then you should not be considering the use of Black Salve.

Malignant melanoma: practice visual diagnosis

Here are slides of melanoma, but also look at their NON-melanoma pages for comparison.

More practice pictures: comparisons of benign and malignant lesions

Remember, the “big deal” in dermatology is whether or not you can visually be sure of a melanoma. “When in doubt, cut it out (biopsy),” which in the case of melanoma means “cut it out with a big margin” (bummer, since most lesions are NOT melanoma)
apply the black salve for 30 minutes and see if the lesion changes. If it does,
something is abnormal. Take it out. Here is what a suspicious lesion will look
like in 20-30 minutes after application of the black salve: (slide from the Black Salve Intensive will go here as soon as we convert the pic to digital!). Visualize that little white bump you saw in several slides at the conference.

Making Black and Other Salves

Black Salve

The primary ingredients in black salve are blood root (sanguinaria) and zinc chloride, although chaparral and other herbs have also been used.

Black Salve Recipe 1 & 2

Drawing Salve

Remember that drawing salves will contain charcoal and usually also bentonite  clay as the main “magic” in the formula.

Drawing salve #1

Healing Salve

Most healing salves contain some variation on a theme of comfrey, aloe vera, or calendula.

Healing salve with comfrey

Make this with chamomile and comfrey

I will post additional recipes as I find them. If any of you discover a good recipe, please forward it to me for addition to this page.

Buying Black and Other Salves

1.) Best on Earth I haven’t used their black salve but it’s got all the right ingredients and looks like it should work. They also have “after care” salve, AKA “healing salve.” They do NOT carry a drawing salve.

I have used their non-toxic sunscreen and I love it! It’s light, non-greasy, feels wonderful on the skin and doesn’t contain any potentially harmful ingredients. I now use this myself for my daily sunscreen (face and neck).

2.) Sun Spot (glycoalkaloid) cream (for non-melanoma — basal cell and squamous cells, actinic keratosies and other “pre-cancerous” lesions).

Misc. Black Salve Information

Ingredients, pictures and history of black salve. This is a great page with pictures and history of each ingredient.

Books And Videos by Dr. Dana Myatt

Providing Education and Inspiration

A Physician’s Diary

A Physician's Diary Book Cover

A Physician’s Diary

Case Histories of Hope and Healing with Edgar Cayce’s and Other Natural Remedies

by Dr. Dana Myatt

This book is a confirmation of the innate healing ability of the human body and mind.

Dr. Dana Myatt, a practicing naturopathic family physician, is in the vanguard of a growing number of health professionals who know and practice better health and healing through the use of natural remedies.

Her book will take you on a fascinating journey as she embarks on a career of medicine-as-usual, only to be drawn toward the art of natural healing as encouraged by Edgar Cayce and others who believe in the healing power of nature.

The case histories of her patients offer compelling evidence that there are other ways to heal the body instead of only drugs and surgery, and she makes a strong case for the practice of complementary medicine, where different healing disciplines work together in the highest interest of the patient.

This is a book for everyone who seeks to better understand how natural methods can heal, and also how the body and mind cooperate to create healing.

233 pages of information and inspiration. Softcover.

Personally autographed and dedicated by Dr. Myatt upon request.

Order A Physician’s Diary Here 

Not only was this book offered as a member benefit for the 25,000 members of The Association of Research and Enlightenment and featured on CNBC’s Alive and Wellness, it has become a very popular read for students of alternative healing disciplines, like BMc who wrote:

Hi Dr Myatt,

Just wanted to send you a short note to let you know how much I have been enjoying your book, A Physician’s Diary. I bought this book with the intention of giving it as a gift to a classmate. However, as I leafed through it, I found it fascinating. Now I’ve almost finished it.

What a wonderful book. I am an older (50ish) student who recently left her job to start a Master’s degree in Acupuncture here in Maryland. I have found myself regularly wondering if I am doing the right thing (usually when I have to pay tuition or buy books). Reading your book has helped keep me focused.


Videos With Dr. Dana Myatt

Body 101: The Body/Mind Connection

Our thoughts have direct influence on our bodies. Modern medicine now recognizes the power of thought to control bodily functions, and the discipline of psychoneuroimmunology has been the result.

Dr. Myatt explains the Body/Mind Connection in terms of easy-to-understand physiology. She explains how thoughts become translated into flesh via the endocrine and nervous system. And she explains how we can draw upon that knowledge to change unproductive habits, heal our bodies, and create new circumstances.

Dr. Myatt’s Videos are now available in both VHS and DVD formats!

Order the The Body/Mind Connection in VHS Format Here
VIDEO (60 minutes Running Time)

Order the Body/Mind Connection in DVD Format Here
VIDEO (60 minutes Running Time)

Spirit 101:Remembering Who You Are

Recognition and remembrance of our true nature has always been the goal of both science and religion. It is a necessary component of the healing process, whether of body, mind, or spirit.

Drawing from well-accepted scientific principals, plus wisdom from a variety of the worlds great religions, you will be led on a journey of remembrance that may prove to be the most valuable tool of your entire existence.

Dr. Myatt’s Videos are now available in both VHS and DVD formats!

Remembering Who You Are in VHS Format Here
VIDEO (60 minutes Running Time)

Order Remembering Who You Are in DVD Format Here
VIDEO (60 minutes Running Time)

Dancing The Lord’s Prayer Video and Booklet

A spiritual exercise program

Currently Unavailable

Please Note: Books, Videos, and DVDs are non-returnable and non-refundable unless defective. Please be certain before you click the ‘buy’ button!

HCL CAPSULES 10 CAP Packet (for self-test)


This kit contains everything you need to perform a simple “self-test” of your stomach acid function. Kit includes easy-to-understand instructions, a symptom check list, explanation of the “low stomach acid” problem, a packet of 10 hydrochloric acid capsules (HCL) and 6 Alka-Aid tablets necessary to perform the test. This kit contains enough HCL to test one person. Order additional packets of HCl if more than one person will be performing the test.


NOTE: Due to the nature of the HCL and Alka Aid packets, this test cannot be returned.

Additional HCL CAPSULES 10 CAP Packet (for self-test) #255 $4.95

Please Note: This test is completed in the comfort and privacy of your own home. This test does not involve the collection of any blood or other samples and does not involve swallowing any testing devices. Full, detailed instructions are included with the test. The knowledge you will obtain from the instructions will allow you to repeat the test as often as you wish.

Read more about Gastric Acid function and about the problems that Gastric Acid Deficiency can cause along with more information about the Gastric Acid Function Self-Test here.


Chlorophyll (water soluble)

For Intestinal Detoxification

Chlorophyll is a water-soluble substance derived from plants. It acts as a natural detoxifier.

We no longer carry pure chlorophyll (Inner Fresh Pro) but instead recommend Maxi Greens or Greens First as a way to obtain full-spectrum chlorophyll and other plant phytonutrients.

Selenium 200 mcg – SelenoExcel (formerly Selenomax)

An Essential Mineral Antioxidant

Selenium is an essential mineral, meaning that the body must obtain selenium from food or supplementation. Selenium’s primary role is that of antioxidant. Selenium works in conjunction with vitamin E to prevent damage to cell membranes.

Selenium deficiency is correlated with numerous diseases, and selenium supplementation is known to benefit a variety of conditions including:

  • cancer (all types, but especially prostate cancer)
  • cardiovascular disease
  • inflammatory conditions
  • cataracts
  • viral conditions
  • low immunity

Selenium deficiency is prevalent in the modern American diet due to depletion of selenium in the soil.

Dose: Daily optimal dose of selenium is 200mcg, but doses as high as 1,000mcg may be useful for herpes prevention, immune stimulation and in cancer and heart disease care under the recommendation of an holistic physician. Higher doses of selenium are warranted in cases of decreased viral immunity.

NOTE: Maxi Multi contains 200mcg of selenium. Unless you have a specific reason to take additional selenium, you may not need to supplement separately if you are taking Maxi Multi multiple vitamins.

Each Capsule Contains: 200 mcg of L-Selenomethionine per capsule.

Selenomax  product # 184  60 capsules  $9.95

Escali Kitchen Scale

Calorie Counter and More!

The Escali Cibo digital nutritional scale is a dieter’s best friend. This incredible scale  has easy to use features to display nutritional values, including carbohydrates, fat and protein. It will let you measure food portions down to the gram or fraction of an ounce. I highly recommend it for any health conscious consumer who wants to get an accurate “handle” on food intake.


  • Capacity: up to 6.6 lbs. or 3000 grams
  • Measuring units: Pounds, Ounces, Kilograms, and Grams
  • Accurately measures in 0.1 oz or 1 gram increments
  • Displays Calories, Sodium, Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, Cholesterol or Fiber via the input of 999 different food codes
  • Calculates total nutritional value of up to 99 different meal components
  • Tare Feature lets you reset the scale back to zero. When using a container, scale can subtract the containers weight to obtain the weight of its contents feature (Add & Weigh)
  • Automatic shut-off The scale will automatically turn off when it is not used for a set time feature ensures long battery life (heavy duty 9V included)
  • Removable Stainless Steel platform
  • Dimensions 8.5″x8″x2″ (22cm x 20cm x 5cm)

Dr. Myatt’s Comment: You will NOT be disappointed in the accuracy and ease-of-use of this great little scale. I recommend this scale for anyone following The Myatt Diet OR anyone who is serious about counting calories or carbohydrates.

Flax Seed

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s)

Anti-Inflammation, Hormone Regulating Fats

Essential Fatty Acids, especially Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, are an absolute requirement in the human diet, hence the term “essential.” The American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids. Flax and fish oil are the primary sources of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids.

Deficiencies of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which in turn is associated with over 60 known diseases including:

  •  overweight and obesity
  •  heart disease
  •  cancer
  •  arthritis
  •  stroke
  •  allergies
  •  asthma
  •  autoimmune disease
  •  neurological disease
  •  psoriasis and eczema
  •  high blood pressure

The list above mentions only a few of the 60+ diseases associated with Essential Fatty Acid deficiency! Daily supplementation of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids is one of the healthiest choices one can make to prevent these many Essential Fatty Acid deficiency-associated diseases. The Essential Fatty Acids are SO important that the U.S. Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in their diet.

The best sources of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids are derived primarily from flax and fish oil (salmon is a rich source).

Whole Flax Seed

Essential Fatty Acids PLUS Superior Fiber

Whole flax seeds are the very best way to obtain Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids AND superior fiber. Consider these benefits:

  1. Flax oil is fragile and goes rancid quickly. When the Omega-3’s Essential Fatty Acids are released from freshly ground flax, the oil is absolutely fresh. No problems with rancidity! Whole flax seed is very stable and will keep for months, sometimes even years, in the unground state.
  2. Lignans: this special class of fiber is found in some vegetables, but highest in flax. Lignans are powerful anti-cancer agents that help keep hormone levels normal. Lignans may be more potent than the drug Tamoxifen for lowering / normalizing female estradiols. (Potent estrogens associated with cancer). Lignans also add to daily fiber consumption and help improve bowel tone.

Fresh flax is easily ground (takes about 6 seconds), adds easily to food or beverages (see recipes on page 130 of The Holistic Health Handbook) and has a sweet, mild, nutty flavor the whole family will enjoy.

Product # 924 $9.75

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s)

Anti-Inflammation, Hormone Regulating Fats

Essential Fatty Acids, especially Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, are an absolute requirement in the human diet, hence the term “essential.” The American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids. Flax and fish oil are the primary sources of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids.

Deficiencies of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which in turn is associated with over 60 known diseases including:

  •  overweight and obesity
  •  heart disease
  •  cancer
  •  arthritis
  •  stroke
  •  allergies
  •  asthma
  •  autoimmune disease
  •  neurological disease
  •  psoriasis and eczema
  •  high blood pressure

The list above mentions only a few of the 60+ diseases associated with Essential Fatty Acid deficiency! Daily supplementation of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids is one of the healthiest choices one can make to prevent these many Essential Fatty Acid deficiency-associated diseases. The Essential Fatty Acids are SO important that the U.S. Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in their diet.

The best sources of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids are derived primarily from flax and fish oil (salmon is a rich source).

The Wellness Club Offers You 3 Convenient Choices for Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid Supplementation:

Organic Flax Oil Capsules

Essential Fatty Acids in Capsule Convenience

Description- The richest source of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid. Only 100% certified organic flax seed is used, and the oil is mechanically cold-pressed below 96F to ensure potency and purity.

Suggested dose 1-2 Capsules, 3 times per day.

Dr. Myatt’s comment: Flax oil is the most cost-effective Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid oil. Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid oils are derived primarily from fatty fish and flax seeds. Supplementation with Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids can “tip the scales” in favor of anti-inflammation.

Each (1) softgel capsule contains:

Flax seed oil – 1,000 mg, from 100% organic, unrefined virgin flax seed.

Average analysis:
Alpha-linolenic acid 550-600 mg,
Linolenic acid 160-200 mg,
Oleic acid 180-200 mg

Product # 149: Organic Flax Oil Capsules (180 softgel Caps) $16.95

Enter Quantity Desired and Click “Add To Cart” Button

Whole Flax Seed

Essential Fatty Acids PLUS Superior Fiber

Whole flax seeds are the very best way to obtain Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids AND superior fiber. Consider these benefits:

  1. Flax oil is fragile and goes rancid quickly. When the Omega-3’s Essential Fatty Acids are released from freshly ground flax, the oil is absolutely fresh. No problems with rancidity! Whole flax seed is very stable and will keep for months, sometimes even years, in the unground state.
  2. Lignans: this special class of fiber is found in some vegetables, but highest in flax. Lignans are powerful anti-cancer agents that help keep hormone levels normal. Lignans may be more potent than the drug Tamoxifen for lowering / normalizing female estradiols. (Potent estrogens associated with cancer). Lignans also add to daily fiber consumption and help improve bowel tone.

Fresh flax is easily ground (takes about 6 seconds), adds easily to food or beverages (see recipes on page 130 of The Holistic Health Handbook) and has a sweet, mild, nutty flavor the whole family will enjoy.

Product # 924 (24 ouncess organic flax seed) $9.75

Enter Quantity Desired and Click “Add To Cart” Button

MAX-EPA (Omega-3 Fish Oil)

Nature’s Most Concentrated Essential Fatty Acids

Natural Marine Lipids (fish oils) in soft gel capsules supply Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in the most concentrated form available. Max EPA is processed at low temperatures without chemicals.

Each (one) capsule contains:

Marine Lipid concentrate – 1,000 mg
EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) – 180 mg
DHA (Docosahexanoic Acid) – 120 mg
Vitamin E – 2 IU

Suggested Dose: 3-6 capsules per day with meals.

Product # 150 (100 capsules) $19.95

A Special Look At Women’s Health

Although men and women are susceptible to many of the same diseases, the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of women’s health concerns can vary greatly from those of men. Because these differences have finally been recognized by modern medicine, a special “Women’s Health Month” has been designated to help educate and inform physicians and the general public.

Women’s Health Concerns

Heart disease is the #1 killer of women, although for many years it was mistakenly thought that women were less susceptible to heart disease. Cancer is # 2, with lung cancer (not breast cancer), being predominant. Stroke, diabetes, and osteoporosis are also major women’s health concerns. Menopause and peri-menopause aren’t diseases, but female hormone changes can cause many uncomfortable side effects and may predispose to other illnesses (such as osteoporosis) and premature aging. SO, let’s explore some simple ways to prevent common women’s health problems. (Don’t worry, gentlemen—- I’ll have plenty to say about men’s health in upcoming newsletters!) …..

What Women Need: The Basics

1.) A High-Quality Daily Multiple Vitamin/Mineral Supplement

Optimal (not just minimal) doses of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants should be the foundation of every good health program. Such optimal doses of nutrients are virtually impossible to obtain from diet, even a “good diet,” because modern food processing and agricultural practices have left our food supply depleted. In addition, we are exposed to many more pollutants, stresses, impure water and contaminants in our environment, increasing our need for these protective antioxidants.

Taking vitamins is a wise health and prevention measure. Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals cause many diseases. Adding vitamins and minerals in supplemental form is an inexpensive “insurance policy” against some of the worst diseases of modern times. Consider just a few reasons to take a good multiple vitamin/mineral formula:

A deficiency of antioxidant vitamins and minerals (especially beta carotene, vitamins C & E, and selenium) is associated with higher incidence of cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, mouth, lungs and skin. Some researchers believe that antioxidant vitamin and mineral deficiencies may be related to higher incidence of all cancers.

A mineral deficiency, especially magnesium and potassium but also calcium, is associated with high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia.

Deficiencies of vitamins E, C, B6, B12, folic acid (a B vitamin), and bioflavonoids are associated with cardiovascular disease. The connection between vitamin E and heart health is so well established that conventional medical cardiologists are instructed to recommend vitamin E to their patients.

Healthy bones, and the prevention of osteoporosis, depend on sufficient levels of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper, B vitamins, and vitamin D.

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and diabetes (high blood sugar) occur more frequently in people who are chromium deficient. After diabetes is present, low levels of vitamins A, C, E, plus zinc, selenium, choline, bioflavonoids and B complex vitamins are associated with more complications from the disease.

This list could go on for pages, but you get the idea. Deficiencies of key vitamins and minerals are correlated with disease. The best health insurance may not be an expensive medical policy, but the addition of sufficient vitamins to fill in the gaps in our day-to-day nutritional status.

2.) Essential Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acids, especially Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, are an absolute requirement in the human diet, hence the term “essential.” The American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids. Flax and fish oil are the primary sources of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids.

Deficiencies of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which in turn is associated with over 60 known diseases including: overweight and obesity, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, stroke, allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, psoriasis and eczema, high blood pressure.

The list above mentions only a few of the 60+ diseases associated with Essential Fatty Acid deficiency! Daily supplementation of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids is one of the healthiest choices one can make to prevent these many Essential Fatty Acid deficiency-associated diseases. The Essential Fatty Acids are SO important that the U.S. Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in their diet.

3.) Extra Bone Nutrients. (Calcium/magnesium/vitamin D and boron)

Vitamin D and magnesium are two extremely common American dietary deficiencies. In addition to their importance for heart-health, these nutrients, together with calcium, are also needed to keep bones strong and prevent or reverse osteoporosis. Women also have a higher requirement for calcium than men.

In elderly women, death from complications of hip fracture are nine times more common than death from breast cancer, yet few people realize the potential seriousness of this disease. Although osteoporosis is more common in post-menopausal women, it also occurs in men and in all age groups. White and Asian women are at greatest risk because their bones tend to be less dense to begin with. The current guidelines recommend 1,000mg per day of calcium (and corresponding amounts, about 1/2, of magnesium) for pre- and peri-menopausal women and 1,500mg per day for post-menopausal women.

Beyond the Basics: Female Hormone Balance

Those areas of women’s health that pertain to the sex hormones and female sex organs vary greatly from those of a man. Maintaining the correct balance of female sex hormones is one of the unique and most important aspect of a women’s health.

Normal weight is crucial to hormone balance. Fat cells manufacture estrogen. This can lead to an excess of estrogen in both men and women. Maintaining normal weight is important for balanced hormones. This is believed to be the reason that hormone-related cancers (breast, uterine, endometrial) are seen more frequently in overweight and obese women.

Although synthetic and horse-urine derived hormones have been the standard in conventional medicine for years, such forms of hormone replacement therapy are unsafe. Higher risk of heart disease and hormones-related cancers are the most worrisome side effects of conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Most holistic physicians prefer to use natural HRT (nHRT), an alternative that actually reduces the risk of heart disease, hormone related cancers, osteoporosis and premature aging.

Those seeking self-help measures should try the following approach to hormone balance. If symptoms persist (hot flashes, depression, loss of libido, skin aging, bone loss, elevated cholesterol or heart disease), then consultation with an holistic physician and determination of a customized natural hormone Rx. should be considered.

Herbal Help for Hormone Balance

  • Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) has long been used in traditional medicine for relief of menstrual cramps and hot flashes. Western medical studies have confirmed Black cohosh’s estrogenic effects.
  • Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis) has known estrogenic effects coupled with the ability to stabilize blood vessels. This “stabilization” is believed to be partly responsible for menopausal hot flash relief.
  • Chasteberry (Vitex angus-castus) helps normalize sex hormone levels by acting on the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

Natural Progesterone for Osteoporosis Prevention

Natural hormone precursors are being discovered to be safer and more effective than synthetic hormones. Many studies have shown that progesterone is more important than estrogen in preventing and reversing osteoporosis. Symptoms of progesterone deficiency include: fluid retention, bleeding between periods, polymenorrhea (abnormally frequent periods – every 2-3 weeks), hypermenorrhea (heavy periods), endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, ovarian cysts. In a post-menopausal female, symptoms can include hot flashes and fluid retention.

Dr. Myatt’s “Healthy Woman” Protocol


  • Diet: eat a diet high in nutrient-rich foods.
  • Achieve and maintain a normal weight.
  • Exercise regularly. 30 minutes, 3 times per week minimum.
  • Don’t smoke! The climacteric (menopause) occurs sooner in women who smoke. (Heart disease and cancer risk are also greatly elevated by smoking).

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi optimal dose multiple vitamins: 2 capsules, 3 times per day with meals OR Nutrizyme with iron: 1 tab, 3 times per day with meals (ONLY for women who have been told by their doctor to take iron for anemia).
  • Max EPA (fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals. (take the higher dose if you do not eat salmon, mackerel or herring at least twice per week). Flax oil is also beneficial but requires a biochemical conversion in the body, which is deficient in many people, so fish oil is more certain.
  • Cal-Mag Amino: as needed to increase calcium intake to 1,500mg per day (post menopausal) or 1,000mg per day (pre and peri-menopausal). Maxi Multi contains 1000mg calcium & 500mg magnesium. Post menopausal females take 3 caps per day with meals in addition to Maxi Multi.

Additional Support for Hormone Balance

  • Black Cohosh Plus+ : 1-2 capsules, 3 times per day as needed. When symptoms improve, decrease the dose to the smallest amount needed to maintain wellbeing.
  • Natural Progesterone Cream one pencil-eraser sized dab of cream, rubbed into the wrist, inner thigh or abdomen, 1-2 times daily or as needed to control hot flashes. Decrease the dose when symptoms subside and maintain the lowest dose needed to maintain wellbeing.

In Summary

Given a little bit of proper care and attention, your body will serve you well for many years. I guarantee you’ll be delighted at the improved health, energy and vitality you will experience from making a few small changes in your diet, supplements and lifestyle.

Please write and let me hear about your successes!

Yours In Health,

Dr. Myatt