Cal-Mag Caps (90 caps) Temporary Substitute Product

Multi-Nutrient Formula for Strong, Healthy Bones

Strong Bones Need More than Calcium!

Calcium supplements help prevent and reverse osteoporosis. In fact, the protective effect of calcium on bone is one of the few “label claims” allowed by the FDA.
However, most studies also show that isolated calcium supplements have only minor effects on bone. This means that if you are serious about protecting your bone mineral density, calcium alone may not be enough.

July 2024: Many supplements have recently become extremely difficult to obtain. Dr. Myatt’s own special formulation of Cal-Mag capsules is one of those supplements.

Fortunately, Dr. Myatt has been able to source a substitute product that meets her quality and purity standards.

Calcium Magnesium Citrate capsules are now available to our Wellness Club customers.
These vegetarian capsules contain Calcium Citrate 100mg and Magnesium Citrate 100mg and come on a bottle of 100 capsules at the same price as Cal-Mag caps.

Cal-Mag Caps Helps Build Strong Bones Four Ways

Cal-Mag Caps is specially formulated to help build strong bones four ways, by combining nutrients that are essential to healthy bone formation:

Calcium (as amino acid chelate and carbonate). Calcium supplements help prevent osteoporosis. Calcium supplements have an especially important protective effect in post-menopausal women.

Magnesium (as amino acid chelate and oxide). Both bone and blood levels of magnesium have been shown to be low in people with osteoporosis. Magnesium supplements reduce bone loss in men, and supplementing with 250 to 750 mg per day of magnesium halted bone loss or increased bone density in 87% of people with osteoporosis in one two-year trial. Supplementing with magnesium (150 mg per day for one year) also increased bone mass in pre-adolescent and adolescent girls in a double-blind study.

Boron (citrate, aspartate, glycinate forms). Boron, a trace mineral, reduces urinary calcium and magnesium loss.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D increases calcium absorption, and blood levels of vitamin D are directly related to bone strength. Even small vitamin D deficiencies, which are quite common, lead to accelerated bone density loss and increased risk of fracture. In double-blind studies, vitamin D supplementation reduced bone loss in women who consumed too little vitamin D from diet and slowed bone loss in people with osteoporosis.

Vitamin K-2 is vital for effective calcium absorption and healthy bone formation.

Dr. Myatt’s Recommendation for Strong, Healthy Bones

Suggested Dose: For post-menopausal women taking Maxi Multi, take an additional 3 caps of Cal-Mag Caps daily. Pre-menopausal females and men usually get an optimal dose of bone nutrients from Maxi Multi alone.

Recommended calcium dose for post-menopausal women or for those with osteoporosis:1,500 mg calcium with corresponding magnesium, boron and vitamin D.

Dr. Myatt’s comment: Cal-Mag Caps is a very easy to assimilate form of calcium-magnesium plus vitamin D-3, K-2 and boron, all needed for healthy bone formation. I recommend a “balanced” bone formula over a single calcium supplement for keeping bones strong.

Each Serving (3 Capsules) of Cal-Mag Caps provides:

  • Calcium (amino acid chelate, carbonate) 500 mg
  • Magnesium (citrate, oxide) 200 mg
  • Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) 25 IU
  • Boron (as amino acid complex) 500 mcg
  • Vitamin D-3 (cholecalciferol) 200 IU
  • Vitamin K2 (as menaquinone-7) 2.5 mcg

NEW Formulation! Cal-MagCaps with Vitamins D-3, K2 and Boron.

Suggested Use: Adults take 3 capsules daily with a meal or as directed by a health care provider.

Other ingredients: Cellulose, water (vegetarian capsule), magnesium stearate, silica

Contains no: Sugar, salt, dairy, yeast, gluten, corn, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors.


1.) Tang BM, Eslick GD, Nowson C, Smith C, Bensoussan A.
Use of calcium or calcium in combination with vitamin D supplementation to prevent fractures and bone loss in people aged 50 years and older: a meta-analysis. Lancet. 2007 Aug 25;370(9588):657-66. Review.
2.) Gennari C. Calcium and vitamin D nutrition and bone disease of the elderly. Public Health Nutr. 2001 Apr;4(2B):547-59.
3.) Rulm LA, Sakhaee K, Peterson R, et al. The effect of calcium citrate on bone density in the early and mid-postmenopausal period: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Am J Ther 1999;6:303–11.
4.) Bonjour JP, Carrie AL, Ferrari S, et al. Calcium-enriched foods and bone mass growth in prepubertal girls: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Clin Invest 1997;99:1287–94.
5.) Reid IR, Ames RW, Evans MC, et al. Long-term effects of calcium supplementation on bone loss and fractures in postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Med 1995;98:331–5.
6.) Welten DC, Kemper HC, Post GB, et al. A meta-analysis of the effect of calcium intake on bone mass in young and middle aged females and males. J Nutr 1995;125:2802–13.
7.) Cohen L, Laor A, Kitzes R. Magnesium malabsorption in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Magnesium 1983;2:139–43.
8.) Cohen L, Kitzes R. Infrared spectroscopy and magnesium content of bone mineral in osteoporotic women. Isr J Med Sci 1981;17:1123–5.
9.) Geinster JY, Strauss L, Deroisy R, et al. Preliminary report of decreased serum magnesium in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Magnesium 1989;8:106–9.
10.) Dimai HP, Porta S, Wirnsberger G, et al. Daily oral magnesium supplementation suppresses bone turnover in young adult males. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998;83:2742–8.
11.) Stendig-Lindberg G, Tepper R, Leichter I. Trabecular bone density in a two year controlled trial of peroral magnesium in osteoporosis. Magnesium Res 1993;6:155–63.
12.) Carpenter TO, DeLucia MC, Zhang JH, et al. A randomized controlled study of effects of dietary magnesium oxide supplementation on bone mineral content in healthy girls. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006;91:4866–72.
13.) Brot C, Jorgensen N, Madsen OR, et al. Relationships between bone mineral density, serum vitamin D metabolites and calcium: phosphorus intake in healthy perimenopausal women. J Intern Med 1999;245:509–16.
14.) Sahota O. Osteoporosis and the role of vitamin D and calcium-vitamin D deficiency, vitamin D insufficiency and vitamin D sufficiency. Age Ageing 2000;29:301–4.
15.) Dawson-Hughes B, Dallal GE, Krall EA, et al. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on wintertime and overall bone loss in healthy postmenopausal women. Ann Intern Med 1991;115:505–12.
16.) Adams JS, Kantorovich V, Wu C, et al. Resolution of vitamin D insufficiency in osteopenic patients results in rapid recovery of bone mineral density. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1999;84:2729–30.
17.) Pfeifer M, Begerow B, Minne HW, et al. Effects of a short-term vitamin D and calcium supplementation on body sway and secondary hyperparathyroidism in elderly women. J Bone Mineral Res 2000;15:1113–8.
18.) Nielson FH, Hunt CD, Mullen LM, Hunt JR. Effect of dietary boron on mineral, estrogen, and testosterone metabolism in postmenopausal women. FASEB J 1987;1:394–7.

Multi-Nutrients Multiple Vitamin (Maxi Multi substitute)

Maxi Multi Remains unavailable.

The events surround the COVID pandemic has seriously disrupted the supply chain for raw materials used in Maxi Multi. In addition to the rigorous testing on each ingredient that we perform (which takes time), raw materials are now being quarantined before they can even be tested. Although some raw materials are still domestically available, most do not meet my quality standards. Bottom line: we’re struggling to bring Maxi Multi back to the marketplace but I don’t know when that will happen. I will keep you posted.

My plan B: I recommended an alternate multiple, Nutrizyme, that we have always also offered and now they, too, are out of stock! Sheesh!

Plan C: I have selected another multiple as an alternate: Vital Nutrients Multi-Nutrients. The quality on this product rivals my own products; they have some of the highest quality standards in the industry. The main difference between this and Maxi Multi is potency. However, by following my recommendations for use, and taking additional calcium/magnesium if needed (for example, if you are a post menopausal female), you will be able to obtain optimal doses of all the essential vitamins and minerals and ensure the same quality as my own private brand.

In order to achieve the same potency with this multiple vitamin as with Maxi Multi I am recommending that you take 3 capsules twice a day, not once a day as recommended on the label.

Each bottle contains 180 capsules and at 6 capsules daily will be a month’s supply, like Maxi Multi.

Maxi Multi contains higher amounts of calcium and magnesium, so if you want to duplicate that you will need to add 3 Cal-Mag capsules daily to your regimen.

Product N405 Multi-Nutrients





Serving size: 3 vegetarian capsules

Servings Per Container: 60

per serving
percent daily value
Vitamin A (80% as beta carotene with mixed carotenoids and 20% as vitamin A acetate) 6.75mg 750%
Vitamin C 500mg 556%
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 400IU 10mcg 50%
Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 200IU 165.3mg 1102%
Thiamin (as thiamine HCl) 50mg 4167%
Riboflavin 7.5mg 577%
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCl) 7.5mg 441%
Folate (as L-5-MTHF) Metafolin® 200mcg 340mcg DFE 85%
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) 250mcg 10417%
Biotin 200mcg 667%
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) 200mg 4000%
Calcium (89% as dicalcium malate**-11% as calcium pantothenate) 150mg 12%
Magnesium (as dimagnesium malate**) 100mg 24%
Zinc (as zinc citrate) 7.5mg 68%
Selenium (as selenomethionine) 100mcg 182%
Copper (as copper glycinate) 1mg 111%
Manganese (as manganese citrate) 1.5mg 65%
Chromium (as chromium polynicotinate) 100mcg 286%
Molybdenum (as molybdenum aspartate) 50mcg 111%
Potassium (as potassium chloride) 49.5mg 1%
Riboflavin 5’ Phosphate 5mg *
Niacinamide 50mg *
Pyridoxal 5’ Phosphate 5mg *
Boron (as boron citrate) 250mcg *
Vanadium (as vanadium citrate) 100mcg *
* Daily Value not established
**Albion® Minerals

Other ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose Capsule, Magnesium Silicate, and Ascorbyl Palmitate.

Warning: If pregnant, consult your physician before taking.


NasoSympatico Compound®

EssentialOil Blend for the Nasal Passages

NasoSympatico is an incredible essential oil blend for healing, clearing and opening the nasal passages.It feels wonderful, smells great, and has potent antiseptic and healing effect on the nasal passages.

Contains: Essential oils of thyme, eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender in a base of almond oil.

To Use: Swab nasal passages with a cotton-tipped swab (Q-tip) dipped in NasoSympatico, 2-4 times per day.

We regret that this much-loved formula is no longer available.

The bureaucrats at your FDA (Food and Drug Administration) have taken it upon themselves to protect you from yourself by making it impossible for you to obtain any health care product that has not been fully, extensively, exhaustively tested and had all approval and licensing fees fully paid to the FDA.

Since this testing and paying of fees can run to the many millions of dollars, it effectively shuts out all but the huge and wealthy pharmaceutical corporations who can afford to patent their formulations.

The smaller companies that make formulations like NasoSympatico have been told by the FDA that to continue to make and sell products like this could result in raids and jail time for anyone involved in dealing with what the FDA is now calling an “unapproved drug.”

Fortunately we still have the the First Amendment to our U.S. Constitution which affords us protection to speak (and write) freely.

Here, for entertainment and educational purposes only, is the exact recipe for NasoSympatico (this would be to create a batch of 2 fluid ounces):

  • Almond oil – 53.825 ml (1.82 fluid ounces)
  • Eucaplyptus Essential Oil – 1.475 ml (0.05 fluid ounces)
  • Peppermint Essential Oil – 1.475 ml (0.05 fluid ounces)
  • Thyme Essential Oil – 1.475 ml (0.05 fluid ounces)
  • Lavender Essential Oil – 0.875 ml (0.03 fluid ounces)

For anyone tempted to experiment with this recipe – please remember that these essential oils in their pure undiluted form can be damaging to tissues. They MUST be well-diluted before being applied to any tissue, skin or mucous membrane. Dr. Myatt and The Wellness Club can assume no responsibility for your use of this recipe or the product that anyone may create from it.

Do Not alter this recipe. Do Not use questionable ingredients. Be sure your ingredients are pure and are what they claim to be. Check your math – and check it again. DO NOT TAKE CHANCES!

Essential Oils

Concentrated “Plant Hormones”

Essential oils are highly concentrated, volatile oils found in many plants. In plants, they serve a variety of functions similar to human hormones.

Essential oils can be used, diluted, for topical application (all essential oils are highly anti-microbial), aromatherapy, or (in the case of lavender and tea tree) applied directly to the skin (undiluted) for healing.

Lavender Essential Oil – Skin’s Healing Friend

Essential oil of lavender can be applied undiluted to the skin for burns, bites and general irritation. It is the single best healing oil for all skin types. Used as aromatherapy, lavender has a balancing, relaxing and uplifting effect. Apply several drops to a cotton ball or diffuser to help drift peacefully off to sleep.

Myrrh Essential Oil – Soothe Irritated Gums

Essential oil of Myrrh is a classic for healing sore, irritated gums. Apply at gumline with a finger or Q-tip swab.

Myrrh Essential Oil is increasingly expensive and difficult to obtain. Dr. Myatt is able to special-order this rare oil but availability, price, and delivery times are variable. Please call for a quote.

Tea Tree Essential Oil – Nature’s Anti-Fungal

Essential Oil of Tea Tree can be applied directly to the skin for fungal infections, including toe and fingernail fungus, athlete’s foot, jock itch and ringworm.

Vitamin A

The Healthy Skin and Eye Vitamin

Vitamin A and carotenes are a widespread group of plant pigments that serve as antioxidants in the body. Vitamin A is important for bone formation, skin health, and vision. Deficiencies of Vitamin A are associated with night blindness, dry eyes, and skin diseases.

The optimal adult dose range is 5,000-10,000 IU. Higher doses of pre-formed vitamin A can accumulate in the body and become toxic. Carotene supplements are a safe and effective way to obtain vitamin A activity without toxicity.

Fish liver oils are a good dietary source of vitamin A.

Caution: Do not take more than 50,000 IU per day for 3 months without medical supervision. Pregnant women or women who may become pregnant are advised not to take more than 5,000IU per day of vitamin A.

Beta Carotene: Fat-soluble Antioxidant Vitamin

Carotenes are plant pigments with vitamin A and antioxidant activity. They perform many functions, including maintenance of eye health, cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention, immune-system enhancement and skin/epithelial health.

Dr. Myatt’s comment: Use only natural beta carotene. Synthetic carotenes have been shown to have negative health effects.


Gastric Acid Function Self-Test


This kit contains everything you need to perform a simple “self-test” of your stomach acid function. Kit includes easy-to-understand instructions, a symptom check list, explanation of the “low stomach acid” problem, a packet of 10 hydrochloric acid capsules (HCL) and 6 Alka-Aid tablets necessary to perform the test. This kit contains enough HCL to test one person. Order additional packets of HCl if more than one person will be performing the test.


NOTE: Due to the nature of the HCL and Alka Aid packets, this test cannot be returned.

Additional HCL CAPSULES 10 CAP Packet (for self-test) #255 $4.95

Please Note: This test is completed in the comfort and privacy of your own home. This test does not involve the collection of any blood or other samples and does not involve swallowing any testing devices. Full, detailed instructions are included with the test. The knowledge you will obtain from the instructions will allow you to repeat the test as often as you wish.

Read more about Gastric Acid function and about the problems that Gastric Acid Deficiency can cause along with more information about the Gastric Acid Function Self-Test here.

Dr. Myatt’s HealthBeat Newsletter

April 14, 2006

In this issue:

Vitamin-less Vegetables: The New Nutrient Deficiency. Vegetables and some fruits contain nutrients critical to good health. Current government recommendations suggest that a minimum of 5-9 servings should be eaten daily to prevent disease, but many scientists feel this number should be increased to 10-18 servings. Find out why we need to eat so many veggies (it’s a scandal!), and how you can achieve this goal without turning into a wabbit!

Powerful Cancer-fighting Herb that Drug Companies are Rushing to Imitate. You probably have some in your spice cabinet right now. Use more of it, and you can hedge your bet against cancer, arthritis and blood clots.

The Healing Power of Flowers. Humans spend much time and money cultivating flowers. Science has finally cracked the code on our fascination with these delightful gifts of nature. PLUS: it’s not too late to send flowers for Easter. You’ll want to lavish them on friends and family once you read the studies!

Health Freedom Alert: Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy Under Attack. Bio-identical (natural) hormone replacement therapy (nHRT) is far safer than synthetic and horse-urine hormones used in conventional medicine. It has helped thousands if not hundreds of thousands of women and men over the last several decades. Now, the makers of Premarin© and Prempro© (the dangerous, un-natural hormones) has petitioned the FDA to outlaw our right to prescribe these custom-formulated hormones. Act today to preserve this important health freedom!

Wellness Club Website Wins Award. Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club website was nominated, reviewed, and awarded the “A Better Way Award” for noteworthy contribution to the Natural Health Community. You’ll see us sporting our award logo on the left side of our pages. Interestingly, the logo for the award is a big, red apple—- the same as our Wellness Club logo!

Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark to Speak in Phoenix. The~Z~Team (Dr. Myatt-Ziemann and Mark Ziemann, R.N.) will be speaking in Phoenix the end of April to both public and medical audiences. The public presentation, titled ADD/ADHD in Children: are there Really Alternatives to Ritalin and Prozac? Is free and open to the public. The second presentation, Nutritional and Botanical Considerations in Cancer Treatment: 2006 Update, will be presented to physicians at the semi-annual AZNMA Medical Conference.

The Shaman’s Lesson of Worth. Think you can’t afford alternative health care? I have people on a daily basis asking me to do pro bono medical consultations. Find out what I learned from an Indian Shaman in my first year of medical practice that makes me say “no” every time to these requests for free services.

Do you have a specific health question? Visit Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club website and find recommendations for over 100 medical conditions. If you want personalized medical attention, please consider a telephone consultation with Dr. Myatt.


A Bluish Discoloration Of Tissues (esp. Skin) Due To Silver

Regarding reports of silver turning skin blue in humans:

It is certainly possible to over-ingest silver-containing solutions abd cause a permanant bluish discoloration of skin and other tissues. To achieve this effect requires massive ingestion of silver far in excess of anything therapeutic or sensible.

The following information comes from Wikipedia:

A prominent case was that of Stan Jones of Montana, a Libertarian candidate for the United States Senate in 2002 and 2006. Jones acquired argyria through consumption of a home-made silver product that he made due to fears that the Year 2000 problem would make antibiotics unavailable. The peculiar colouration of his skin was featured prominently in media coverage of his unsuccessful campaign, though Jones contends that the best-known photo was “doctored”. Jones promised that he was not using his silvery complexion as a gimmick. He continues to promote the use of colloidal silver as a home remedy. He has said that his good health, minus the unusual skin tone, is the result of his use of colloidal silver.

On December 20, 2007 the world press published stories about Paul Karason, a California man whose entire skin gradually turned blue after consuming colloidal silver made by himself with distilled water, salt and silver, and using a silver salve on his face in an attempt to treat problems with his sinus, dermatitis, acid reflux, and other issues. This happened because he drank gallons of colloidal silver per week for years.

In our opinion, neither of the cases cited above represents sensible or prudent use of colloidal silver – in fact there is ample evidence that the home-made soludions used by these two persons are not in fact true colloidal suspensions!

Silver has a long and honorable history of use in human healing. There is ample literature attesting to it’s safety and efficacy. Here is an abstract from just one article:

Silver has a long and intriguing history as an antibiotic in human health care. It has been developed for use in water purification, wound care, bone prostheses, reconstructive orthopaedic surgery, cardiac devices, catheters and surgical appliances. Advancing biotechnology has enabled incorporation of ionizable silver into fabrics for clinical use to reduce the risk of nosocomial infections and for personal hygiene. The antimicrobial action of silver or silver compounds is proportional to the bioactive silver ion (Ag(+)) released and its availability to interact with bacterial or fungal cell membranes. Silver metal and inorganic silver compounds ionize in the presence of water, body fluids or tissue exudates. The silver ion is biologically active and readily interacts with proteins, amino acid residues, free anions and receptors on mammalian and eukaryotic cell membranes. Bacterial (and probably fungal) sensitivity to silver is genetically determined and relates to the levels of intracellular silver uptake and its ability to interact and irreversibly denature key enzyme systems. Silver exhibits low toxicity in the human body, and minimal risk is expected due to clinical exposure by inhalation, ingestion, dermal application or through the urological or haematogenous route. Chronic ingestion or inhalation of silver preparations (especially colloidal silver) can lead to deposition of silver metal/silver sulphide particles in the skin (argyria), eye (argyrosis) and other organs. These are not life-threatening conditions but cosmetically undesirable. Silver is absorbed into the human body and enters the systemic circulation as a protein complex to be eliminated by the liver and kidneys. Silver metabolism is modulated by induction and binding to metallothioneins. This complex mitigates the cellular toxicity of silver and contributes to tissue repair. Silver allergy is a known contra-indication for using silver in medical devices or antibiotic textiles.


Lansdown AB (2006). “Silver in health care: antimicrobial effects and safety in use”. Current Problems in Dermatology 33: 17–34.

Zuppa Tuscano

Dr. Myatt Approved Version Of This Classic Comfort Food

Zuppa Tuscano - Served, ready to eatZuppa Tuscano is a hearty, filling soup that has been popularized by restaurants like The Olive Garden. It is delicious, but also unfortunately high in carbohydrates.

This simple recipe is perfect for those low-carb, ketogenic, Myatt Diet dieters who crave the delicious taste and hearty, filling nature of this classic comfort food, without the carbohydrates.

Amazingly easy to prepare, the ingredients are few, cooking utensils are minimal, and cleanup is quick.

So, here in words and pictures is our recipe for Zuppa Tuscano made with cauliflower. It is very simple – don’t try to make it complicated. There are only 5 ingredients: cauliflower, broth, spicy Italian Sausage, bacon, and kale. Diced onion can be added if desired, for a total of 6 ingredients.

You will need:

  • a stick blender
  • a stock pot to cook and blend in
  • a covered microwaveable dish or bowl to cook / steam the cauliflower
  • a microwave oven (or steam cook it on your stove-top)
  • a large cauliflower
  • spicy Italian sausage ( a couple of links; perhaps a half pound)
  • a quarter cup or so of cooked chopped bacon
  • (optional) a small to medium white or yellow onion, chopped fine
  • a quart of broth – chicken broth is what we use, but vegetable broth will work too.
  • a few kale leaves, chopped

How to do it:

  1. Get a big cauliflower.
  2. Trim away the leaves and stem.
  3. Put it into a microwave-safe bowl with a snug lid and cut it up so the lid will fit.
  4. Add a splash of water – about a quarter of a cup – to make steam.
  5. Place in the microwave and cook on high until the cauliflower is soft to a fork. Our microwave takes about 20 minutes to do this. (or steam on the stove-top until soft)
  6. While the cauliflower is cooking prepare a quart or so of broth in your stock pot,
  7. Fry a few slices of bacon,
  8. and then brown a couple of links of spicy Italian sausage. (same fry pan)
  9. If you wish to add onion, chop one small to medium onion finely and saute briefly in the same pan.
  10. Put the cooked cauliflower into the stock pot with broth.
  11. Using your stick blender blend the cooked cauliflower with the broth.This may take several minutes of blending to get it completely smooth and free of lumps. You may need to add water to achieve the desired “soup” consistency – some people like thicker soup than others.
  12. Cut up and add the spicy Italian sausage, and chop and add the cooked bacon. Add the optional sauted onion if you wish.
  13. Stir all ingredients together and cook over low to medium heat until boiling gently.
  14. Using the same fry pan, saute the chopped kale very briefly – just a few seconds in a hot pan will do -and add it to your Zuppa and stir in.
  15. Serve hot and enjoy – you may wish to sprinkle some grated Parmesan cheese over the top for extra special flavor.

Here is most everything needed to make Zuppa: (left to right, back to front) A stock pot, a microwave-safe covered bowl, a frypan, vegetable or chicken broth, a cauliflower, bacon, a stick blender, a few kale leaves, and a couple of links of spicy Italian sausage.

Items needed for Zuppa

Trim away the leaves and hard stem from your head of cauliflower.

Here is the cauliflower chopped up to fit into a simple glass cooking bowl with a lid – nothing fancy. Add a quarter cup water to steam.

Put the lid on, and place into the microwave – about 20 minutes on high in our microwave.

Worried about microwave cooking? Don’t be – read about it here: Microwave Oven Safety – A Special Investigative Report

Or, steam until soft on the stovetop.

While the cauliflower is cooking / steaming I have cooked and chopped up the bacon and browned the spicy Italian sausages.

Sausage and bacon for Zuppa

I’m also preparing a quart or so of broth – I prefer the flavor of chicken broth, but feel free to use whatever you prefer.

Broth for Zuppa

When the cauliflower is cooked it will be soft to your fork – it’s ready to blend easily now.

Just add the cooked cauliflower to the broth…

And blend until very smooth and free of any lumps (unless you like lumps!) If it seems too thick, add a little water until it is “just right.”

You might want to leave it just a little thick for now, since you can always make a final adjustment before you serve the finished Zuppa.

Cauli blended in broth

Now that the sausage has cooled a bit I have chopped it up ready to add to the pot. These pieces are thumbnail sized – you may like them smaller or larger – it’s your Zuppa!

Spicy sausage chopped for Zuppa

So, we’ll add the chopped bacon,

And add the chopped sausage. The pot can be put on a burner at low to medium heat now and brought to a very low boil.

Sausage and bacon added

While the pot is heating we’ll ready some kale for a very quick trip through the frying pan. These are baby kale leaves – I didn’t have any mature kale. You could also use spinach or another green if you prefer – the variety of green is not critical!

Our frying pan is getting a workout today – the baby kale is in there just long enough to wilt it and warm it a bit.

Saute the greens

Then, into the pot with everything else, and stir.

And there you have it – a satisfying Zuppa Tuscano, ready to serve!

This recipe should make enough for 4 to 6 servings, or more if you want to stretch it out with a little more water.

Feel free to add a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese over the top for extra special flavor.

No need to tell that it’s made with cauliflower and not potato – it is so delicious that no one will care!

Zuppa-ready to serve

Similase GFCF 120 capsules


For Good Digestion and “Happy Gut”

Digestive assistance for people with gluten and casein sensitivities

Similase is a highly concentrated Plant Enzyme digestive formula for people on a “mixed” diet containing fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber & dairy products.

Similase GFCF adds an additional enzyme to protect those on gluten free and casein free diets from exposure to hidden sources of these proteins.

Dr. Myatt believes that virtually everybody can benefit from added digestive enzymes. Enzymes help ensure proper assimilation of nutrients, as well as preventing intestinal toxemia. Plant enzymes are preferred because they function in a broader pH range than animal-derived enzymes.

Why are gluten and casein a concern?

Many people experience digestive discomfort when they eat foods with these two common but harmful proteins – even when they try to avoid obvious sources.

Hidden gluten and casein can cause gas, bloating, and indigestion. However, the right digestive enzymes can make a difference when trying to support a gluten free and casein free lifestyle.

Why use Similase GFCF?

Similase GFCF is specifically formulated to defend against hidden gluten and casein.

Gluten and casein are found where you’d never expect them – salad dressings, cold cuts – even toothpaste! Similase GFCF features DPP IV (dipeptidyl peptidase) activity, from a protease enzyme specific to digestion of gluten and casein.

Suggested dose 1-2 Capsules with each meal.

Similase GFCF (120 capsules) prod. # N370 $24.97

Enter Quantity Desired and Click “Add To Cart” Button

Nutrition Information

Serving Size: 2 Veg Capsules Amount/Serving %DV Total Carbohydrate <1g <1%**

Pure Plant Enzymes™ Assay Method 543mg *

DPP IV Protease Blend (Protease I,II,III,IV,V) FCC (pH 4.7) 134,600HUT

FCC (pH 7.0) 22,660PC

USP (pH 7.5) 12,556USP

Amylase FCC (pH 4.8) 9,530DU

USP (pH 6.8) 12,800USP

Lipase I,II FCC (pH 6.5) 408LU

FIP (pH 7.0) 882FIP

Phytase Phytic Acid (pH 6.0) 0.67PU

Lactase I,II FCC (pH 4.5) 642ALU

Cellulase I, II FCC (pH 4.5) 141CU

Sucrase (Invertase) FCC (pH 4.6) 119INVU

This product does not contain

  • artificial coloring
  • artificial flavoring
  • corn
  • dairy products
  • gluten
  • ingredients of animal origin
  • preservatives
  • salt
  • soy
  • sugar
  • wheat
  • yeast

This product contains natural ingredients; color variations are normal.


Caution: While Similase GFCF will reduce the level of reactive gliadin and gluten proteins in a meal, it is advised that celiac disease sufferers continue with their normal gluten exclusion diet as even small amounts of gliadin can cause adverse reactions in the most sensitized individuals. If pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use.

**Based on 2000 calorie diet.

Other Ingredients

cellulose, vegetable capsule (modified cellulose), inulin (from chicory root), and silicon dioxide.

UPC Codes: 871791003866
Product Numbers: 106002, 136001, 74239