Dr. Myatt’s Pain Drawing

Dr. Myatt’s Pain Drawing

Please draw in the appropriate location of pain with the symbol that best describes the discomfort that you are presently experiencing. Be as accurate and complete as you can. Then answer the questions below. Patient Name:


Sharp and Stabbing = ++++++
Dull and Achy
Pins and Needles
= ////////////
Spasm or Cramp
Stiff or Tight or Tense







What makes the pain better?

What makes it worse?

Have you ever had this pain before?

If yes, when?

When did the pain begin?

Why did the pain begin? (If you know)

How often do you have the pain?
A – Occasionally
B – Half the time
C – Frequently
D – Constantly

How intense is the pain?
1 – slight
2 – Mild
3 – Moderate
4 – Severe

Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club P.O. Box 900, Snowflake, AZ 85937
1-800-DR.MYATT – FAX: (928) 536 5691
Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club


Blood Work Printable

Blood Chemistry Panel


Related to:

Triglyceride Diabetes BUN
BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Phosphorus Kidney Function
Renal Disease Alkaline Phosphatase
Calcium Bone Function GGT
Total Bilirubin
Total Protein Liver Function Albumin
A/G Ratio Nutritional Status Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol
VLDL Cholesterol
Total Cholesterol : HDL Ratio
Percent HDL Cholesterol Coronary Risk
Disease Risk Serum Ferritin Iron Status hs-CRP Cardiovascular Disease Risk

If you have medical questions or concerns, contact your physician.

CBC – Complete Blood Count

WBC – White Blood Count Infection / Lowered Immune System RBC – Red Blood Count Anemia MCV – Mean Corpuscular Volume
MCH – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
RDW – Random Distribution Width Red Blood Cell Index Platelet Count Coagulation (clotting) Neutrophils
Basophils Infection

The CBC is a complex test and requires physician diagnosis for any specific conditions. If you have abnormal values, we recommend following up with your physician


Natural Anti-Anxiety and Muscle Relaxant Support

Description – Kava Kava (Piper methysticum) is approved in Europe as a treatment for nervous anxiety, depression, insomnia, and restlessness.  Clinical studies have found Kava Kava as effective as benzodiazepine drugs but without the undesirable side effects (impaired mental acuity and addiction).

Kava is also an antispasmodic and  muscle relaxant.  It has anesthetic effects on the urinary tubules and bladder.  With its analgesic properties, Kava is a good remedy for chronic pain. Kava is also effective for intestinal colic (pain) caused by IBS.

Suggested dose: 1 Capsule (40-75 mg kavalactones per cap) 1-3 times per day.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment: I find that kava is much more effective when taken as a tea, which is the way it is traditionally used. Open 4-6 capsules in a cup of hot water. Sweeten to taste. NOTE: kava has a bitter taste that must be “acquired.” Sweetening may help. If you know how much anti-anxiety or muscle tension relief it is going to give you, kava’s taste seems a small price to pay.

Additional Note: You may have heard or read about safety questions concerning kava. As it turns out, only the stem, leaf and peeled root bark cause problems; the whole lateral root does not. This kava product contains whole lateral root only. Read here for more information about the “kava kava mystery.”


Natural Support For This Growing Problem

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), ADD with Hyperactivity (ADHD), and depression represent a continuum of learning and behavioral disabilities that afflict an estimated 5-10% of school-aged children. These conditions also affect adults. In the United States, conventional medical treatment of choice is pharmaceutical intervention.

The definition of ADD is developmentally inappropriate inattention and impulsivity, with or without hyperactivity. The DSM-IV list 14 signs, 8 of which must be present to make the diagnosis. They are:

1.) Fidgets with hands or feet and squirms in seat
2.) has difficulty remaining seated when required to do so,
3.) is easily distracted by external stimuli,
4.) has difficulty awaiting turn in games or group situations,
5.) often blurts out answers before questions are completed,
6.) has difficulty following through on instructions from others (not due to opposition but to failure of comprehension),
7.) has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities,
8.) shifts from one uncompleted task to another,
9.) has difficulty playing quietly,
10.) talks excessively,
11.) often interrupts or intrudes on others,
12.) often does not seem to listen to what is being said,
13.) often loses things necessary for tasks at home or at school,
14.) often engages in physically dangerous activities without considering consequences.

Scope of the Problem: For ADD, ADHD: An estimated 5-10% of school-aged children are affected. Boys are 10 times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. An estimated 3-5% of ADD/ADHD-diagnosed children will be put on Ritalin (methylphenidate). In 1995, over 6 million prescriptions were written for Americans under age 18.

Proposed Causes: Nutritional deficiencies, inborn errors of metabolism, food allergies, heavy metal toxicity, malabsorption, prenatal influences, genetic influence, environmental and cultural factors, yeast infection or overgrowth, food additives, trauma, and developmental factors.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment: A large body of scientific evidence suggests that ADD/ADHD is multi-factorial, meaning that there is usually more than one contributing cause. This presents a special challenge to the diagnosing physician if (s)he is interested in correcting the problem and not just treating symptoms. This may also account for the large number of children placed on drug therapy, which relieves the physician and parents of the responsibility of exploring the numerous causes and contributions to ADD/ADHD. However, due to the far-reaching effects that such attention disorders and behavior problems create, many people have found that it is worthwhile to discover and correct the causes of ADD/ADHD instead of simply “dumbing down” the symptoms with drugs.

Diet And Lifestyle

  • Diet: Elimination/challenge to discover food allergies, then avoidance of offending foods; avoidance of artificial additives and food colorants (Feingold diet); avoidance of simple carbohydrates (sugars and refined flour products).
  • NO stimulants: colas, chocolate, caffeine- containing foods and beverages.
  • Exercise: daily. Exercise helps normalize brain chemistry.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi (adults): 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Children’s Multi (children): dose according to age and body weight as listed on product label. A deficiency of any vitamin, mineral or trace mineral can lead to impaired mental performance.
  • L-glutamine: 2,500-3,000mg per day. (This will vary depending on the age and weight of the patient).
  • Cal-Mag Amino: (calcium/ magnesium) [Target dose: < 10 years, 1,000mg calcium, > 10 years, 1,200- 1,500 mg calcium with corresponding dose of magnesium].
  • Grape Seed Extract: 50 mg, 3 times per day with meals.

Additional Support

Dr. Myatt’s Note:

I recommend for physicians, parents, and teachers: “Hyper Kids” by Lendon Smith, Shaw/Spelling Assoc., 1990. This workbook provides questionnaires to help physicians and parents sort out causes of ADD/ADHD— from nutrient deficiencies and allergies to malabsorption and yeast overgrowth. A very useful resource in differential diagnosis.

Blood Chemistry Panel

A Description of What Blood Tests Relate To

Blood Chemistry Panel


Related to:

Triglyceride Diabetes BUN
BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Phosphorus Kidney Function
Renal Disease Alkaline Phosphatase
Calcium Bone Function GGT
Total Bilirubin
Total Protein Liver Function Albumin
A/G Ratio Nutritional Status Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
HDL Cholesterol
VLDL Cholesterol
Total Cholesterol : HDL Ratio
Percent HDL Cholesterol Coronary Risk
Disease Risk Serum Ferritin Iron Status hs-CRP Cardiovascular Disease Risk

If you have medical questions or concerns, contact your physician.

CBC – Complete Blood Count

WBC – White Blood Count Infection / Lowered Immune System RBC – Red Blood Count Anemia MCV – Mean Corpuscular Volume
MCH – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC – Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
RDW – Random Distribution Width Red Blood Cell Index Platelet Count Coagulation (clotting) Neutrophils
Basophils Infection

The CBC is a complex test and requires physician diagnosis for any specific conditions. If you have abnormal values, we recommend following up with your physician

Giardia and Giardiasis

Giardia is an intestinal parasite that can cause upset stomach, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, loose or watery stools (diarrhea), vomiting, bloating, excessive gas, and unpleasant sulfurous burping.

Giardiasis (AKA “Beaver Fever”) is a very widespread illness that can cause long-lasting problems for some people while for other people it seems to be nothing more than a minor and transient annoyance.

While the initial infection is usually fairly easy to eradicate with simple antibiotics, the organism can cause damage to the cells that line the intestine. This can result in altered absorption of nutrients and medications, and also can cause derangements of other important functions of the gut. Nutrient and vitamin deficiencies and other widespread problems can result. Development of lactose intolerance is common and may become permanant.

It is also thought that Giardia infection in some people may precipitate IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which can further impair digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

If you feel that you may be infected, the place to start is to find out for sure.

You will want to ask your doctor for testing: Immunologic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing is available and provides a 90% or better detection rate.

If you are infected then a course of treatment with a simple and relatively safe antibiotic called metronidazole is usually quite effective.

Whether you are infected or not, and especially after treatment, supportive care for your bowel will be important.

Many of Dr. Myatt’s suggestions from her pages discussing Parasites and Irritable Bowel Syndrome will be very helpful to those suffering from or recovering from giardia infection.

Prevention of giardia infection is straightforward: handwashing before any handling of food is the first line of defense. For those travelling in the wilderness or where water purity and quality are suspect, boiling water for a full minute minimum is the gold standard of didinfection – and chemical purification (usually with iodine) and filtration can also be effective.

Research has shown that the herb Berberine can be effective in the treatment of giariasis and other protozoan infections:

Based on these findings, it appears that the berberine compounds may be useful as chemotherapeutic agents against the 3 parasites tested. (Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas vaginalis and Entamoeba histolytica)”

Referenced from: Kaneda Y1, Tanaka T, Saw T. Effects of berberine, a plant alkaloid, on the growth of anaerobic protozoa in axenic culture. Tokai J Exp Clin Med. 1990 Nov;15(6):417-23.

For more detailed questions, Dr. Myatt is available for Brief Consultation and can help you to understand your illness and your treatment options.

Dr. Myatt’s Super-Shake

Why You Should be Drinking My “Super Shake”

Ever wish that something which tasted like a yummy treat was also good for you? Have I got great news for you! I have found myself giving individual patients the recipe for what I call my “Super Shake” so frequently in the past few weeks that I realized it’s high time for me to encourage everybody to drink this incredibly tasty, amazingly healthy “milkshake.” (It can also be made as a pudding, too). Before I discuss the recipe and what the individual ingredients will do for you, let’s take a look at the overall health benefits of The Myatt Super Shake.

What My “Super Shake” Will Do for You

Taken at least once, and better yet twice per day, this tasty treat provides a basket full of health benefits. I’ll describe the “whys” and “wherefores” of individual ingredients below so you can see how my Super Shake works it’s “magic,” but first let’s look at all the good this amazing recipe accomplishes. I believe you’ll see why I recommend it so often in my practice.

  • If you are overweight, the Super Shake will help you lose.
  • If you are underweight, the Super Shake will help you gain.
  • The Super Shake helps preserve and build better muscle tone.
  • The Super Shake strengthens the immune system.
  • The Super Shake helps normalize blood sugar levels, so it improves both diabetes and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
  • Ingredients in The Super Shake help lower cholesterol levels.
  • Whey and gelatin in the Super Shake strengthen ligaments, tendons, and bones.
  • Antioxidants and protein contained in my Super Shake help renew, rejuvenate and heal skin.
  • Maxi Fiber and L-glutamine help normalize bowel function and correct constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The Super Shake is high in flavonoids, especially the kind useful for preventing or halting eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinopathy.
  • These same flavonoids plus other ingredient work together to prevent and reverse varicose veins, atherosclerosis, neuropathy and neuralgia (nerve disease and nerve pain).
  • Whey and L-glutamine help protect normal cells during radiation and chemotherapy.
  • My Super Shake is so easily assimilated and so healthy that it is THE beverage of choice when recovering from illness or surgery. Whey is known to speed wound healing.

Best of all, this is a truly delicious drink or pudding, not a “choke-it-down” health concoction. Sound too good to be true? Here’s the recipe and an individual breakdown of the numerous benefits of each of the ingredients.

Dr. Myatt’s Super Shake Recipe

1 scoop vanilla whey protein (with both whey protein concentrate and isolate)
1 heaping teaspoon Maxi Fiber
1 TBS. flax oil
1 packet gelatin (which equals 1 TBS.)
1 TBS. frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon L-glutamine
1 cup crushed ice
1 cup water (1 cup for a soft-serve ice cream consistency, 2 cups for a milkshake)

Add 1 cup ice (crushed is best) to the bottom of an electric blender. Add water. Add blueberries and all dry ingredients. Blend until smooth. This will be the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. If you want it to be a “shake,” add an additional cup of water AFTER the first ingredients are well-blended. Drink or eat and Enjoy! You’re going to love this and so will your body!

Apple Pan Dowdy Pudding (Alternate Recipe)

The same healthy ingredients can also be enjoyed as a pudding, eaten warm or chilled.

1 scoop vanilla whey protein (with both whey protein concentrate and isolate)
2 heaping teaspoons Maxi Fiber
1 teaspoons ground flax seed
1 packet gelatin (which equals 1 TBS.)
1 TBS. frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon L-glutamine
1/8 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Combine ingredients. Add 8 ounces hot water and mix well. Put in 1 or 2 cups. Tastes great both warm or chilled.

Featured Supplements: What’s in the “Super Shake” that Makes it So Great? Let’s take a look at the individual ingredients and see why this Shake is a “Miracle Food.”

Whey Protein: When processed correctly (to retain whole protein concentrate and at low temperatures to preserve immune factors), whey supplies a biologically superior protein with natural immune factors, including lactoferrin and immunoglobulins. Milk-derived whey protein has been shown to:

  • boost immune function
  • improve liver function
  • bind and safely remove heavy metals
  • speeds wound healing
  • aid muscle growth. (Body builders have long known about the muscle-building benefits of whey).
  • promote healing of bones, skin, and muscle.
  • heal cartilage and strengthen joints, tendons and cardiac muscle.

In cancer medicine it has been found that whey offers “considerable protection to the host” over that of other types of protein including soy, especially during chemotherapy and radiation. At low concentrations, whey inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. Whey also protects cellular glutathione (a body-produced antioxidant) in normal cells during radiation. This effect is not seen with other proteins.

Because the milk-sugar portion is removed, whey is suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. The Super Shake made with whey provides a high quality protein, high nutrient, low carb meal replacement or between-meal snack.

NOTE: NOT ALL WHEY PROTEINS ARE CREATED EQUAL! Many whey powders contain the “isolate” form only, but many of the immune benefits of whey are found in the Whole Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC). Our Wellness Club brand of whey is specially processed to preserve all of these important nutritive factors.

Flax Seed Oil: You’ve heard me wax eloquent numerous times about the importance and benefit of Omega-3 fatty acids (Flax and fish oil are the primary sources). The American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids (Which are Essential Fatty Acids, or EFA’s). Deficiencies of Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which in turn is associated with over 60 known diseases including heart disease, stroke, arthritis, allergies, asthma, cancer, overweight and obesity, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure to name only a few. Daily supplementation of Omega-3 fatty acids, derived primarily from flax and/or fish oil (salmon is a rich source) are one of the healthiest things a person can do to prevent these many EFA-deficiency associated diseases. The essential fats are SO important that the Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.

L-Glutamine: This amino acid is a major component of muscle tissue. It is also a major source of energy for cells of the GI tract. It stimulates the production of Growth Hormone (GH) and decreases sugar and alcohol cravings.

Athletes use Glutamine to help build muscle (anabolic), but it can also be used by non-athletes, even the frail elderly, to help prevent muscle tissue breakdown. It is useful for rejuvenating the lining of the GI tract and can therefore assist in healing after GI surgery and in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Glutamine stimulates the immune system and should be used when recovering from any surgery or illness. In weight loss, it is useful for reducing alcohol and sugar cravings. Because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts as a ready supply of energy for the brain, it is also used in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD).

Maxi Fiber: A powdered, great-tasting, easy-to-mix high fiber blend. This formula makes it easy to add extra fiber to your diet. Maxi Fiber is sugar-free, low calorie and low carb, and contains all seven classes of fiber. This mix of fiber is known to:

  • Bind intestinal toxins and soften and bulk stools
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Helps correct constipation and diarrhea
  • Helps remove heavy metals and toxins
  • Clears out excess bowel mucous and alleviates gas
  • Deodorizes and cleans the digestive tract
  • Helps heal and soothe the G.I. tract

Gelatin: OK, total vegetarians and vegans, just leave this ingredient out of the Shake. For the rest of us, gelatin has an amino acid profile with the following benefits:

  • promotes joint health. Two of the amino acids found in gelatin are substances the body uses to make collagen, a primary component of connective tissues such as cartilage.
  • promotes nail health.

Blueberry: (and its cousin bilberry which can be taken in capsule form if preferred) is an herb which acts as a potent antioxidant and serves to strengthen and stabilize veins. It is used for: Atherosclerosis, cataracts, diabetes mellitus, neuropathy and neuralgia, retinopathy, varicose veins, and macular degeneration. Bilberry has a special affinity for the eyes and veins. It also improves skin tone because of its antioxidant and capillary-strengthening properties.

BOTTOM LINE on My Super-Shakes: Why not have at least one, and better yet two, of these wonderful health-enhancing drinks per day for one month and give yourself the opportunity to experience a great number of health benefits in one tasty glass? And DO drop me a line and tell me of your experiences. I get “fan mail” for the Shakes on a daily basis and I’d like to hear yours!

Dr. Myatt’s Super-Shake

The Healthiest “Milkshake” You’ll Ever Drink!

Did you ever wish that something like a rich, creamy milkshake could also be healthy? I’ve got great news for you!

I have found myself giving individual patients the recipe for what I call my “Super Shake” so frequently in the past few weeks that I realized it’s high time for me to encourage everybody to drink this incredibly tasty, amazingly healthy “milkshake.” (It can also be made as a pudding, too). Before I discuss the recipe and what the individual ingredients will do for you, let’s take a look at the overall health benefits of The Myatt Super Shake.

What My “Super Shake” Will Do for You

Taken at least once, and better yet twice per day, this tasty treat provides a basket full of health benefits. I’ll describe the “whys” and “wherefores” of individual ingredients below so you can see how my Super Shake works it’s “magic,” but first let’s look at all the good this amazing recipe accomplishes. I believe you’ll see why I recommend it so often in my practice.

  • If you are overweight, the Super Shake will help you lose.
  • If you are underweight, the Super Shake will help you gain.
  • The Super Shake helps preserve and build better muscle tone.
  • The Super Shake strengthens the immune system.
  • The Super Shake helps normalize blood sugar levels, so it improves both diabetes and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
  • Ingredients in The Super Shake help lower cholesterol levels.
  • Whey and gelatin in the Super Shake strengthen ligaments, tendons, and bones.
  • Antioxidants and protein contained in my Super Shake help renew, rejuvenate and heal skin.
  • Maxi Fiber and L-glutamine help normalize bowel function and correct constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The Super Shake is high in flavonoids, especially the kind useful for preventing or halting eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinopathy.
  • These same flavonoids plus other ingredient work together to prevent and reverse varicose veins, atherosclerosis, neuropathy and neuralgia (nerve disease and nerve pain).
  • Whey and L-glutamine help protect normal cells during radiation and chemotherapy.
  • My Super Shake is so easily assimilated and so healthy that it is THE beverage of choice when recovering from illness or surgery. Whey is known to speed wound healing.

Best of all, this is a truly delicious drink or pudding, not a “choke-it-down” health concoction. Sound too good to be true? Here’s the recipe and an individual breakdown of the numerous benefits of each of the ingredients.

Dr. Myatt’s Super Shake Recipes:

1.) Our full original recipe:
1 scoop vanilla whey protein (with both whey protein concentrate and isolate)
1 heaping teaspoon Maxi Fiber
1 TBS. flax oil
1 packet gelatin (which equals 1 TBS.)
1 TBS. frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon L-glutamine
1 cup crushed ice
1 cup water (1 cup for a soft-serve ice cream consistency, 2 cups for a milkshake)

Add 1 cup ice (crushed is best) to the bottom of an electric blender. Add water. Add blueberries and all dry ingredients. Blend until smooth. This will be the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. If you want it to be a “shake,” add an additional cup of water AFTER the first ingredients are well-blended. Drink or eat and Enjoy! You’re going to love this and so will your body!

2.) Our new, simplified recipe:
1 scoop vanilla whey protein (with both whey protein concentrate and isolate)
1 heaping teaspoon Maxi Fiber
1 TBS. frozen blueberries
1 scoop Red Alert
1 cup crushed ice
1 cup water (1 cup for a soft-serve ice cream consistency, 2 cups for a milkshake)

Add 1 cup ice (crushed is best) to the bottom of an electric blender. Add water. Add blueberries and all dry ingredients. Blend until smooth. This will be the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. If you want it to be a “shake,” add an additional cup of water AFTER the first ingredients are well-blended. Drink or eat and Enjoy! You’re going to love this and so will your body!

This recipe gives you the equivalent of 10 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables!

3.) Our deluxe, full-meal-deal recipe: (Nurse Mark’s Every-Day Favorite!)
1 scoop vanilla whey protein (with both whey protein concentrate and isolate)
1 heaping tablespoon Maxi Fiber
1 TBS. frozen blueberries
1 scoop Red Alert
2 tablespoons Organic India psyllium
2 tablespoons fresh ground flax seed
1 egg
1 cup crushed ice
1 cup water (1 cup for a soft-serve ice cream consistency, 2 cups for a milkshake)

Add 1 cup ice (crushed is best) to the bottom of an electric blender. Add water. Add blueberries and all dry ingredients. Blend until smooth. This will be the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. If you want it to be a “shake,” add an additional cup of water AFTER the first ingredients are well-blended. Drink or eat and Enjoy! You’re going to love this and so will your body!

This recipe provides a great helping of dietary fiber – perfect for weight loss dieters, diabetics, cholesterol management, and bowel regularity. With the added egg it is a full meal.

For all of these recipes, the secret to a creamy, smooth shake is to blend well.

To make your shake extra-creamy and rich try adding a quarter-cup of regular (not low-fat) yoghurt or kefir.

What’s in the “Super Shake” that Makes it So Great?

Let’s take a look at the individual ingredients and see why this Shake is a “Miracle Food.”

Whey Protein: When processed correctly (to retain whole protein concentrate and at low temperatures to preserve immune factors), whey supplies a biologically superior protein with natural immune factors, including lactoferrin and immunoglobulins. Milk-derived whey protein has been shown to:

  • boost immune function
  • improve liver function
  • bind and safely remove heavy metals
  • speeds wound healing
  • aid muscle growth. (Body builders have long known about the muscle-building benefits of whey).
  • promote healing of bones, skin, and muscle.
  • heal cartilage and strengthen joints, tendons and cardiac muscle.

In cancer medicine it has been found that whey offers “considerable protection to the host” over that of other types of protein including soy, especially during chemotherapy and radiation. At low concentrations, whey inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. Whey also protects cellular glutathione (a body-produced antioxidant) in normal cells during radiation. This effect is not seen with other proteins.

Because the milk-sugar portion is removed, whey is suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. The Super Shake made with whey provides a high quality protein, high nutrient, low carb meal replacement or between-meal snack.

NOTE: NOT ALL WHEY PROTEINS ARE CREATED EQUAL! Many whey powders contain the “isolate” form only, but many of the immune benefits of whey are found in the Whole Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC). Our Wellness Club brand of whey is specially processed to preserve all of these important nutritive factors.

You’ve heard me wax eloquent numerous times about the importance and benefit of Omega-3 fatty acids (Flax and fish oil are the primary sources). The American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids (Which are Essential Fatty Acids, or EFA’s). Deficiencies of Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which in turn is associated with over 60 known diseases including heart disease, stroke, arthritis, allergies, asthma, cancer, overweight and obesity, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure to name only a few. Daily supplementation of Omega-3 fatty acids, derived primarily from flax and/or fish oil (salmon is a rich source) are one of the healthiest things a person can do to prevent these many EFA-deficiency associated diseases. The essential fats are SO important that the Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.

L-Glutamine: This amino acid is a major component of muscle tissue. It is also a major source of energy for cells of the GI tract. It stimulates the production of Growth Hormone (GH) and decreases sugar and alcohol cravings.
Athletes use Glutamine to help build muscle (anabolic), but it can also be used by non-athletes, even the frail elderly, to help prevent muscle tissue breakdown. It is useful for rejuvenating the lining of the GI tract and can therefore assist in healing after GI surgery and in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Glutamine stimulates the immune system and should be used when recovering from any surgery or illness. In weight loss, it is useful for reducing alcohol and sugar cravings. Because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts as a ready supply of energy for the brain, it is also used in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD).

Maxi Fiber: A powdered, great-tasting, easy-to-mix high fiber blend. This formula makes it easy to add extra fiber to your diet. Maxi Fiber is sugar-free, low calorie and low carb, and contains all seven classes of fiber. This mix of fiber is known to:

  • Bind intestinal toxins and soften and bulk stools
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Helps correct constipation and diarrhea
  • Helps remove heavy metals and toxins
  • Clears out excess bowel mucous and alleviates gas
  • Deodorizes and cleans the digestive tract
  • Helps heal and soothe the G.I. tract

Gelatin: OK, total vegetarians and vegans, just leave this ingredient out of the Shake. For the rest of us, gelatin has an amino acid profile with the following benefits:

  • promotes joint health. Two of the amino acids found in gelatin are substances the body uses to make collagen, a primary component of connective tissues such as cartilage.
  • promotes nail health.

Blueberry: (and its cousin bilberry which can be taken in capsule form if preferred) is an herb which acts as a potent antioxidant and serves to strengthen and stabilize veins. It is used for: Atherosclerosis, cataracts, diabetes mellitus, neuropathy and neuralgia, retinopathy, varicose veins, and macular degeneration. Bilberry has a special affinity for the eyes and veins. It also improves skin tone because of its antioxidant and capillary-strengthening properties.

BOTTOM LINE on My Super-Shakes:

Why not have at least one, and better yet two, of these wonderful health-enhancing drinks per day for one month and give yourself the opportunity to experience a great number of health benefits in one tasty glass? And DO drop me a line and tell me of your experiences. I get “fan mail” for the Shakes on a daily basis and I’d like to hear yours!

To make one shake each for two people or two shakes for one person (per day) for one month, you will need to order:


Powerful Cancer-fighting Herb
that drug companies are rushing to imitate.

An ever-growing body of scientific evidence demonstrates that turmeric — the bright yellow spice herb used in East Indian cooking — has potent anti-cancer properties. According to Bharat Aggarwal, chief of cytokine research at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, the research to date shows that turmeric’s anti-cancer “promise is enormous.” This evidence and opinion was reported at the recent Society for Integrative Oncology conference and is also posted on the American Cancer Society’s website (www.cancer.org).

Turmeric, and it’s primary active ingredient curcumin, is the main ingredient in curry and a member of the ginger family. In addition to it’s anti-cancer properties, turmeric is a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and liver-protecting herb. Expect to see and read a lot more about this herb in the future, although Wellness Club members have known about the benefits of turmeric for over a decade!

You can learn more about turmeric and find one of the most potent turmeric supplements available on The Wellness Club website by visiting Turmeric: Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-Cancer Herb.


1.) Curcumin inhibits the mammalian target of rapamycin-mediated signaling pathways in cancer cells. Beevers,Li,Liu,Huang. Int J Cancer. 2006 Mar 20
2.) Antitumor action of curcumin in human papillomavirus associated cells involves downregulation of viral oncogenes, prevention of NFkB and AP-1 translocation, and modulation of apoptosis. Divya CS, Pillai MR. Mol Carcinog. 2006 May;45(5):320-32.
3.) Curcumin mediates ceramide generation via the de novo pathway in colon cancer cells. Moussavi M, Assi K, Gomez-Munoz A, Salh B. Carcinogenesis. 2006 Feb 25; [Epub ahead of print]
4.) Overexpression of p65/RelA potentiates curcumin-induced apoptosis in HCT116 human colon cancer cells. Collett GP, Campbell FC. Carcinogenesis. 2006 Feb 23; [Epub ahead of print]
5.) Induction of G2/M arrest and inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 activity by curcumin in human bladder cancer T24 cells. Park C, Kim GY, Kim GD, Choi BT, Park YM, Choi YH. Oncol Rep. 2006 May;15(5):1225-31.
6.) Molecular targets of dietary agents for prevention and therapy of cancer. Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S. Biochem Pharmacol. 2006 Feb 23; [Epub ahead of print]
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15.) Curcumin inhibits human colon cancer cell growth by suppressing gene expression of epidermal growth factor receptor through reducing the activity of the transcription factor Egr-1. Chen A, Xu J, Johnson AC. Oncogene. 2006 Jan 12;25(2):278-87.



Vitaline Co-Q10 300 mg 60 chewable wafers WITHOUT Vit.E

CoQ10 (ubiquinone)

Super-Energizer and Potent Antioxidant

CoQ10 is a naturally-occurring antioxidant produced in the human body. It is vitally involved in energy production. CoQ10 functions as an “energizer” to mitochondria, the body’s energy producing units. Mitochondria, which produce energy the body’s “energy currency,” ATP, require CoQ10 to “spark” their production of energy units (ATP). Muscles, and the heart in particular, have high requirements for CoQ10.

CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant beneficial for:

  • Heart Disease (angina, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction (1-18)
  • High Blood Pressure (1,3,4,14, 53, 55)
  • Neurological disease (Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s) (19-37)
  • Immune deficiency and AIDS (40-45,52)
  • Periodontal disease (38-39)
  • Cancer (40, 44-49)
  • Chemotherapy side-effects (50-52)
  • Diabetes (53-56)
  • Muscular dystrophy (57-58)
  • fatigue / chronic fatigue / fibromyalgia (59-61)
  • migraine headache (62-63)
  • enhancing athletic performance (64-68)
  • male infertility (69-73)

CoQ10 is produced by the body, but age, nutrient deficiencies, disease and some medications can lower the body’s CoQ10 levels. Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) deplete CoQ10. (15,54,74-77)

Studies have shown that the oil-preserved form is up to 3 times better absorbed than other forms. (78-80)

Although many claims are currently made for a “new” form (ubiquinol) being “more absorbable” than ubiquinone, this has never been proven or well-studied. Learn more about this issue here:Ubiquinone (CoQ10) versus Ubiquinol: Which Is Better?

CoQ10 and it’s use in CHF (Congestive Heart Failure):

“… Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is essential for electron transport within the mitochondria and hence for ATP generation and cellular energy production. We recently demonstrated that plasma levels of CoQ10 are an independent predictor of survival in a cohort of 236 patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) followed for a median of 2.69 years. This is consistent with previous studies which have shown myocardial CoQ10 depletion in CHF, and correlated with the severity of the underlying disorder. Several intervention studies have been undertaken with CoQ10 in CHF, including randomized controlled trials with mostly positive outcomes in relation to improvement in plasma levels of CoQ10. A meta-analysis showed that CoQ10 resulted in an improvement in ejection fraction of 3.7% (95%CI 1.59-5.77) and the mean increase in cardiac output was 0.28 L/minute (95%CI 0.03-0.53). In a subgroup analysis, studies with patients not taking ACE inhibitors found a 6.7% increase in ejection fraction. The ongoing Q-SYMBIO trial will address whether CoQ10 supplementation improves survival in CHF patients. CoQ10 depletion may also be a contributory factor for why statin intervention has not improved outcomes in CHF. There is an emerging evidence base in support of CoQ10 as an adjunctive therapy in CHF.”

“…The majority of the clinical studies concerned the treatment of heart disease and were remarkably consistent in their conclusions: that treatment with CoQ10 significantly improved heart muscle function while producing no adverse effects or drug interactions. …”

Dr. Myatt’s Conclusion:
CoQ10 is beneficial for nearly every type of Heart Disease (angina, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction (1-18)

Suggested dose:

50-100 mg per day for health maintenance and anti-aging / longevity programs.

200 to 400 mg per day for heart problems, cancer, weight loss programs and other indications.

Studies performed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) using Vitaline ™ brand CoQ10, have used 300-400 mg (or more under medical direction) per day.

Each Capsule contains:

50 or 100 mg capsules are Wellness Club brand oil-preserved CoQ10 in easy to swallow gel Caps with Vitamin E & Beta carotene as natural preservatives.

300 and 400mg tablets are Vitaline/Integrative Therapeutics chewable wafers, the exact formulas used in the NIH Parkinson’s trials.Vitaline CoQ10

Vitaline brand CoQ10 is THE CoQ10 that has been the subject of NIH studies and a recent trial showing its potential value in Parkinson’s patients.

Co10 has been shown to be potentially helpful for:

  • neurological health
  • cardiovascular health
  • anti-aging and longevity

NOTE: Vitaline® brand CoQ10 is available under several different labels.

Integrative Therapeutics
is the “Doctors Only” label
Enzymatic Therapy
is the “Health Food Store” label
Vitaline under the “Vitaline Formulas” Label is the same product

All are made by Vitaline and given different labels.

Product # N334 Vitaline (60 chewable wafers 300 mg WITHOUT Vit. E)97.00


Vitaline, Vitamin E, and Vitamin E safety:

Some people (including some doctors) have a mistaken fear of Vitamin E, believing that “too much is dangerous.”

We have been unable to find any evidence in medical or scientific literature of any danger from taking large doses of Vitamin E. The National Institutes for Health (NIH) a US government authority places the maximum daily intake of Vitamin E at 1500 IU for healthy adults.

High intake of Vitamin E intake does tend to “thin” the blood, affecting coagulation by inhibiting platelet aggregation. People using antigoagulants or who bleed too easily may wish to discuss the use of Vitamin E with theri doctor.It has also been reported that Vitamin E in high doses may block the action of Vitamin K which is known as “the clotting factor.”

According to the label information and the Enzymatic Therapy website:

Vitaline® CoQ10 – 300 mg WITH Vitamin E contains 300 IU Vitamin E per chewable tab.

Vitaline® CoQ10 – 400 mg WITH Vitamin E contains 200 IU Vitamin E per chewable tab.

In order to achieve the daily intake of Vitamin E that you or your health care provider wish you to have you can either use a different tablet strength, either 300 or 400 mg to achieve 1200mg per day or mix your intake between Vitaline WITH and Vitaline WITHOUT Vitamin E to achieve your preferred daily intake of Vitamin E.

Vitaline 400 mg WITHOUT Vitamin E (Cherry-Vanilla flavor)
Serving Size: 3 Chewable wafers Amount/Serving %DV
Calories 35
Calories from fat 15
Total fat 1.5 gm 2%**
Total Carbohydrate 5 gm 2%**
Sugars 5 gm *
Natural Coenzyme Q10 (trans-CoQ10) (ubiquinone 10) 1.2 gm *
This product does not contain

  • all colors used are from natural sources
  • artificial flavoring
  • corn
  • dairy products
  • gluten
  • ingredients of animal origin
  • preservatives
  • salt
  • soy
  • sucrose
  • wheat
  • yeast


If pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use.

Manufactured by a Drug GMP audited facility.

**Based on 2000 calorie diet.

Other Ingredients

fructose, dextrose, beet juice color, silicon dioxide, natural flavors, hydrogenated vegetable oil, magnesium stearate, and malic acid.