The Wellness Club

About Us

How The Wellness Club Came To Be

Dr. Myatt's Wellness ClubIn 1994, after 5 years in medical practice, Dr. Myatt realized that there was no single source of high-quality supplements available to her patients. Instead, many of the best products were coming from a variety of different manufacturers. Most were not available in health food stores, only through physicians.

Dr. Myatt founded The Wellness Club as a way to make quality nutritional products easily available to her nationwide patient population. She also started making scienbtific holistic and natural health information more readily available to all by way of this website.

Later, Dr. Myatt consulted with biochemists and research scientists and founded Dr. Myatt Nutritionals, Dr. Myatt’s own brand of nutritional supplements and herbs.

Our vitamin, mineral and herbal formulas are a result of meticulous medical research combined with exacting production standards. The result is a line of the highest quality and most effective nutritional supplement formulas available anywhere.

Our goal is to continue providing innovative nutritional, dietary and herbal supplements manufactured to these same exacting standards, with the health conscious in mind.

Who Is Dr. Myatt?

View Dr. Myatt’s Biography and certifications here

Who Is Nurse Mark?

View Nurse Mark’s biography and certifications here

No-Flush Niacin (100 Caps)

The Only Cholesterol-Lowering Agent Proven to Reduce Mortality*

Niacin, a member of the B complex vitamin family, is the only “drug” proven to reduce mortality from elevated cholesterol levels. The Coronary Drug Project, an extensive study of cholesterol-lowering drugs, found that niacin was the only “drug” that actually reduced mortality. (Niacin is a “B” vitamin but was tested head-to-head with drugs in the study). Follow-up studies showed that the niacin-treated group had an 11% lower death rate years after niacin therapy was discontinued, but the cholesterol-lowering drug group had an increased death rate. (Example: the Clofibrate group had a 36% higher death rate).(1)

Niacin compares favorably to the “statin” drugs but with an overall better safety profile. Conclusion of most researchers: niacin should be the first “drug” of choice for treating high cholesterol.

Our “No-Flush” inositol hexanicotinate form avoids the uncomfortable but harmless “flush” that can be experienced with high dose niacin therapy.

CAUTION with Prescription “timed release” niacin: Niacin is an inexpensive and proven help for high cholesterol. In typical Big Pharma fashion, this simple vitamin has been made into a “drug.” In order to do this, the drug is sold as a time-released niacin. The problem? Time-released niacin can cause liver toxicity and, rarely, liver failure.(2-6)  This effect has not been seen with regular and no-flush “non drug” varieties of niacin.

Be sure to tell your doctor that you wish to use, or are using, niacin therapy. As with other cholesterol-lowering drug therapy, liver enzymes should be monitored every three months for the first six months of therapy.

Dr. Myatt’s Note: In 21 years of medical practice, I have not seen a single case of elevated liver enzymes caused by no-flush niacin.

NO-FLUSH NIACIN (Inositol Hexanicotinate)

Suggested dose: 1 cap, 3 times per day for two weeks, then increase to 2 caps, 3 times per day thereafter. Take with meals.

Each (one) capsule contains:
Niacin (as inositol hexanicotinate) …………………. 400 mg
Inositol (as inositol hexanicotinate)…………………..100 mg

Product # 155 (100 Capsules) $21.95

Enter Quantity Desired and Click “Add To Cart” Button


1.) Fifteen Year Mortality in Coronary Drug Project Patients: Long-Term Benefit with Niacin,” J Am Coll Cardiol 8 (1986):1245-55.
2. McKenney JM, Proctor JD, Harris S, Chinchili VM. A comparison of the efficacy and toxic effects of sustained—vs immediate-release niacin in hypercholesterolemic patients. JAMA 1994;271:672–7.
3. Knopp RH, Ginsberg J, Albers JJ, et al. Contrasting effects of unmodified and time-release forms of niacin on lipoproteins in hyperlipidemic subjects: clues to mechanism of action of niacin. Metabolism 1985;34:642–50.
4. Gray DR, Morgan T, Chretien SD, Kashyap ML. Efficacy and safety of controlled-release niacin in dyslipoproteinemic veterans. Ann Intern Med 1994;121:252–8.
5. Rader JI, Calvert RJ, Hathcock JN. Hepatic toxicity of unmodified and time-release preparations of niacin. Am J Med 1992;92:77–81 [Review].
6. Knopp RH. Niacin and hepatic failure. Ann Intern Med 1989;111:769 [letter].

ASAP 365 – 24 ppm Silver Gel 1.5 fl oz

ASAP 365 – 24 ppm Silver Gel
24 ppm Silver GelSoothe Damaged And Injured Skin And Promote Healing
A highly effective, safe, everyday, natural healing alternative to chemical-laced hand sanitizers.
Silver is a natural, powerful antibiotic – it is bactericidal, and kills fungus and viruses on contact. (1, 2) Researchers have stated:

Silver nanoparticles have mainly been studied for their antimicrobial potential against bacteria, but have also proven to be active against several types of viruses including human imunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, herpes simplex virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and monkey pox virus.


SNP [Silver NanoParticles] also exhibited good antifungal activity (50% inhibition at 75 microg/mL with antifungal index 55.5% against Aspergillus niger and MIC of 25 microg/mL against Candida albicans).

Colloidal silver is not known to be toxic at any dose – though prolonged ingestion of large amounts may cause a cosmetic condition known as argyria – an otherwise harmless bluish discoloration of the skin.

There is even research that suggests that colloidal silver may be an effective treatment for breast cancer! (3) A Mexican study in 2010 concluded:

“The present results showed that colloidal silver might be a potential alternative agent for human breast cancer therapy.”

Silver has been used as an antimictobial throughout history.

Ancient Phonecians kept water and other liquids in silver coated bottles to discourage contamination by microbes.

Many readers may remember the days of fresh milk in “real” glass bottles – and that granny would place a silver coin in the bottle to preserve freshness and prevent spoiling.

The expression “Born with a silver spoon in the mouth” is rooted in old tradition -as the children of weathy parents would be given a silver spoon to suck and teethe on, and the wealthy have long known the benefits of silver dishes and cutlery in preventing food-borne illness.

Silver containing drops have been applied to the eyes of newborns since the late 1800’s to prevent blindness caused by infection – though this practice is declining as drug companies insist that their patented antibiotic drops be used instead.

During the early years of the 20th century silver was used in the treatment of wounds and silver-containing creams are used today in the treatment of burns.

“Hand sanitizers” have become popular in recent years, but few people know their actual contents or risks.

Most hand sanitizers contain substantial concentrations of alcohol. While alcohol is effective as an antimicrobial, it is also harsh on skin – as anyone who has ever accidentally rubbed alcohol into a cut or scratch can attest! Alcohol also poses serious poisoning risks to children.

Most hand sanitizers also contain a variety of other chemicals, from perfumes to pesticides. That’s right, pesticides!

A common chemical used in hand sanitizers is triclosan – which was first registered with the EPA as a pesticide in 1969.(4) While it is effective as an antimicrobial, it is being found to have thyroid and hormone-disruptive effects. (5)

Triclosan has been shown to disrupt thyroid homeostasis in mammalian models (Paul et al. 2010; Rodríguez and Sanchez 2010), and current human exposure levels are in the range of those predicted to have this activity based on laboratory tests (Rotroff et al. 2010). Triclocarban has been shown to amplify endogenous androgen response in mammalian models (Chen et al. 2008).

These are not products that we should be slathering on our hands with out thought for their dangers!

There is an alternative!
Dr. Myatt recommends colloidal silver gel both for it’s valuable effects in soothing and healing damaged skin and for daily use as a non-toxic hand sanitizer. This gel rubs in quickly and easily, is non-greasy, and contains no perfumes or dangerous chemicals. It is a valuable addition to a natural first-aid kit for treating minor burns, wounds, fungal and bacterial infections – there are even those who swear by colloidal silver fir the trestment of “cold Sores” and “Fever Blisters”, and scientific research supports their belief in it’s effectiveness! (1)

ASAP 365 Silver Gel, with it’s non-prescription strength of 24 ppm (parts per million) is gentle enough for everyday use and safe even when used multiple times daily, while being potent enough to be highly effective as an antimicrobial hand sanitizer. This 1.5 fl oz tube is perfect for purse or pocket and is a must-have for your natural first aid kit.

Suggested use: Apply topically as needed to help promote natural healing and sanitize skin.

Contains: 24 ppm silver solution (purified water, silver), carbomer, TEA

ASAP 365 – 24 ppm Silver Gel – Product # N374 (1.5 fl oz tube) $11.49

HealthBeat News

Taking Good Health to Heart

The heart is an indispensable organ that moves blood through thousands of miles of blood vessels every minute. Without a functioning heart, the body can live little more than five minutes. The heart is a muscle, and, like skeletal muscle, grows stronger when more is demanded of it. Also like skeletal muscles, the heart requires sufficient protein intake to rebuild and regenerate itself. The heart also requires adequate blood flow to bring nutrients and oxygen to itself. When atherosclerosis (hardening and narrowing) of the arteries occurs, the heart muscle may not receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients to fully perform these functions.

Atherosclerosis and its complications (coronary heart disease and stroke) account for 20% of all US deaths each year. Overall, heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. But, “take heart”! There are many simple measures you can take to avoid being part of this statistic.

Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Eat a nutritious diet that is high in nutrients and fiber. Fruits and vegetables are the primary sources of minerals and phytonutrients (“Plant nutrients”) that protect the heart. They also contain meaningful amounts of fiber.
  • Get regular aerobic exercise (with your doctor’s clearance if you are overweight, over 30 or deconditioned). Exercise improves circulation and heart muscle pumping ability. it also helps the body use excess calories and cholesterol for energy.
  • Maintain a normal body weight. Each excess pound of fat is supplied by miles of blood vessels. This increased demand puts more workload on the heart.
  • Don’t smoke. Smoking accelerates the development of atherosclerosis. It can also cause blood vessels to spasm, mimicking a heart attack.
  • Practice stress reduction techniques and anger management. people with ‘hot tempers” are at higher risk for cardiac events. (Presumably because adrenaline stimulates heart function – a useful pathway if you need to run away from a tiger but over stimulating to the heart if you are sitting in traffic!).
  • Take a high quality multiple vitamin/mineral supplement. (Hint: the nutrient levels your body needs will NOT fit into a “one per day” tablet or capsule. Expect to be taking 6 to 9 caps per day to achieve optimal doses of nutrients). B complex vitamins (All, but especially B6, B12, folic acid), magnesium, potassium, antioxidants (vitamin C, E, and selenium) and bioflavonoids are particularly important to the heart.

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. This daily “multiple” contains high potency antioxidants. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidants (ACES), magnesium, B complex vitamins, and bioflavonoids are particularly important for the heart. Take additional B complex vitamins if your multiple does not contain optimal doses. B vitamins, (especially B6, B12, and folic acid) lower homocysteine levels, an independent risk for heart disease that many researchers feel is more important than cholesterol levels.
  • Max EPA (fish oil): 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals to prevent or reverse inflammation. Take higher doses as directed if your hs-CRP tests are elevated. Flax oil is also beneficial but requires a biochemical conversion in the body, which is deficient in many people, so fish oil is more certain.
  • CoQ10: 50-300mg per day. This powerful antioxidant, produced by the body, diminishes with age. It is especially valuable for all types of heart disease. CHOLESTEROL-LOWERING DRUGS deplete CoQ10. (Amounts will depend on the severity of the disease. Lower doses may be used for health maintenance; higher doses in cases of arrhythmia, angina, and atherosclerosis).
  • Magnesium: 2 taps, 3 times per day with meals (Target dose: 500-1500mg per day. Maxi Multi contains 500mg).
  • Grape Seed Extract: 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals. (Target dose: 150-300mg daily). Proanthocyanidins in grape seed extract act as a potent antioxidants and ACE inhibitors. They also help prevent platelet aggregation (blood cells sticking together) and protect blood vessels from damage.

Additional Support

For Atherosclerosis:

For High Blood Pressure:

For Arrhythmia:

For Heart Failure (CHF):

Heart disease can be serious. Fortunately, the heart is very responsive to good care and many heart ailments are reversible. If you have a heart problem, it is best to work with an holistic (integrative) physician who can help you discover the cause of any existing heart problems and make specific recommendations. Never stop taking heart medication without the guidance of a physician. Bottom line: Be kind to your heart and it will keep you “ticking.”


Dr. Myatt’s Super-Shake

Why You Should be Drinking My “Super Shake”

Ever wish that something which tasted like a yummy treat was also good for you? Have I got great news for you! I have found myself giving individual patients the recipe for what I call my “Super Shake” so frequently in the past few weeks that I realized it’s high time for me to encourage everybody to drink this incredibly tasty, amazingly healthy “milkshake.” Before I discuss the recipe and what the individual ingredients will do for you, let’s take a look at the overall health benefits of The Myatt Super Shake.

What My “Super Shake” Will Do for You

Taken at least once, and better yet twice per day, this tasty treat provides a basket full of health benefits. I’ll describe the “whys” and “wherefores” of individual ingredients below so you can see how my Super Shake works it’s “magic,” but first let’s look at all the good this amazing recipe accomplishes. I believe you’ll see why I recommend it so often in my practice.

  • If you are overweight, the Super Shake will help you lose.
  • If you are underweight, the Super Shake will help you gain.
  • The Super Shake helps preserve and build better muscle tone.
  • The Super Shake strengthens the immune system.
  • The Super Shake helps normalize blood sugar levels, so it improves both diabetes and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
  • Ingredients in The Super Shake help lower cholesterol levels.
  • Whey and gelatin in the Super Shake strengthen ligaments, tendons, and bones.
  • Antioxidants and protein contained in my Super Shake help renew, rejuvenate and heal skin.
  • EZ Fiber and L-glutamine help normalize bowel function and correct constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The Super Shake is high in flavonoids, especially the kind useful for preventing or halting eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, and
  • retinopathy.

  • These same flavonoids plus other ingredients work together to prevent and reverse varicose veins, atherosclerosis, neuropathy and neuralgia (nerve disease and nerve pain).
  • Whey and L-glutamine help protect normal cells during radiation and chemotherapy.
  • My Super Shake is so easily assimilated and so healthy that it is THE beverage of choice when recovering from illness or surgery. Whey is known to speed wound healing.

Best of all, this is a truly delicious drink, not a “choke-it-down” health concoction. Sound too good to be true? Here’s the recipe and an individual breakdown of the numerous benefits of each of the ingredients.

Dr. Myatt’s Super Shake Recipe

1 scoop vanilla whey protein (with both whey protein concentrate and isolate)
1 Tablespoon EZ Fiber
1 TBS. flax oil
1 scoop Red Alert
1 TBS. frozen blueberries
1 teaspoon L-glutamine
1 cup crushed ice
1 cup water (1 cup for a soft-serve ice cream consistency, 2 cups for a milkshake)

Add 1 cup ice (crushed is best) to the bottom of an electric blender. Add water. Add blueberries and all dry ingredients. Blend until smooth. This will be the consistency of soft-serve ice cream. If you want it to be a “shake,” add an additional cup of water AFTER the first ingredients are well-blended. Drink or eat and Enjoy! You’re going to love this and so will your body!

Featured Supplements: What’s in the “Super Shake” that Makes it So Great? Let’s take a look at the individual ingredients and see why this Shake is a “Miracle Food.”

Whey Protein: When processed correctly (to retain whole protein concentrate and at low temperatures to preserve immune factors), whey supplies a biologically superior protein with natural immune factors, including lactoferrin and immunoglobulins. Milk-derived whey protein has been shown to:

  • boost immune function
  • improve liver function
  • bind and safely remove heavy metals
  • speeds wound healing
  • aid muscle growth. (Body builders have long known about the muscle-building benefits of whey).
  • promote healing of bones, skin, and muscle
  • heal cartilage and strengthen joints, tendons and cardiac muscle.

In cancer medicine it has been found that whey offers “considerable protection to the host” over that of other types of protein including soy, especially during chemotherapy and radiation. At low concentrations, whey inhibits the growth of breast cancer cells. Whey also protects cellular glutathione (a body-produced antioxidant) in normal cells during radiation. This effect is not seen with other proteins.

Because the milk-sugar portion is removed, whey is suitable for people who are lactose intolerant. The Super Shake made with whey provides a high quality protein, high nutrient, low carb meal replacement or between-meal snack.

NOTE: NOT ALL WHEY PROTEINS ARE CREATED EQUAL! Many whey powders contain the “isolate” form only, but many of the immune benefits of whey are found in the Whole Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC). Our Wellness Club brand of whey is specially processed to preserve all of these important nutritive factors.

Flax Seed Oil: You’ve heard me wax eloquent numerous times about the importance and benefit of Omega-3 fatty acids (Flax and fish oil are the primary sources). The American diet is grossly deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids (Which are Essential Fatty Acids, or EFA’s). Deficiencies of Omega-3 fatty acids contribute to subtle body-wide inflammation which in turn is associated with over 60 known diseases including heart disease, stroke, arthritis, allergies, asthma, cancer, overweight and obesity, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, psoriasis, eczema, high blood pressure to name only a few. Daily supplementation of Omega-3 fatty acids, derived primarily from flax and/or fish oil (salmon is a rich source) are one of the healthiest things a person can do to prevent these many EFA-deficiency associated diseases. The essential fats are SO important that the Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.

L-Glutamine: This amino acid is a major component of muscle tissue. It is also a major source of energy for cells of the GI tract. It stimulates the production of Growth Hormone (GH) and decreases sugar and alcohol cravings.

Athletes use Glutamine to help build muscle (anabolic), but it can also be used by non-athletes, even the frail elderly, to help prevent muscle tissue breakdown. It is useful for rejuvenating the lining of the GI tract and can therefore assist in healing after GI surgery and in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Glutamine stimulates the immune system and should be used when recovering from any surgery or illness. In weight loss, it is useful for reducing alcohol and sugar cravings. Because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts as a ready supply of energy for the brain, it is also used in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD).

EZ Fiber A delicious mild berry flavor fiber complex of Brans, Gums, Mucilage, Cellulose, Hemicellulose and Pectins. Each level teaspoon provides 7 grams of fiber and 7 grams of carbs. (Zero grams effective carbs). Mixes easily, does NOT go “gummy” and tastes great.  Fiber is known to:

  • Bind intestinal toxins and soften and bulk stools
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Helps correct constipation and diarrhea 
  • Helps remove heavy metals and toxins 
  • Clears out excess bowel mucous and alleviates gas 
  • Deodorizes and cleans the digestive tract 
  • Helps heal and soothe the G.I. tract

Blueberry: (and its cousin bilberry which can be taken in capsule form if preferred) is an herb which acts as a potent antioxidant and serves to strengthen and stabilize veins. It is used for: Atherosclerosis, cataracts, diabetes mellitus, neuropathy and neuralgia, retinopathy, varicose veins, and macular degeneration. Bilberry has a special affinity for the eyes and veins. It also improves skin tone because of its antioxidant and capillary-strengthening properties.

BOTTOM LINE on My Super-Shakes: Why not have at least one, and better yet two, of these wonderful health-enhancing drinks per day for one month and give yourself the opportunity to experience a great number of health benefits in one tasty glass? And DO drop me a line and tell me of your experiences. I get “fan mail” for the Shakes on a daily basis and I’d like to hear yours!



The CompPlus is one of the most complete, accurate and advanced hormone profiles for both men and women. This test is the “Gold Standard” for balancing male and female sex hormones, adrenal and thyroid hormones. It also includes the 2/16α EQ (estrogen quotient) ratio, an important and modifiable predictor of hormone-related cancer risk.

Why is 24-hour urine testing the “Gold Standard” of hormone evaluation? Sex hormones are released in “pulsed doses” throughout the 24-hour period. Single blood tests can be high or low depending on where in this cycle they occur. They are the least accurate of hormone tests. Saliva is the next best, because saliva represents some degree of “averaging” of the total sex hormones. However, various physical conditions can alter the concentration of hormones in saliva and decrease the accuracy of the test. 24-hour urine testing collects the “peaks and valleys” of hormone release and averages it. This gives an extremely accurate profile of the daily amount of hormones release.

This test also looks at adrenal hormones (which factor into sex hormone production because the adrenals make sex hormones) and the estrogen quotient, a potent risk factor (that can be modified) for hormone-related cancers.

Using a 24-hour urine specimen, the CompPlus evaluates the following:
Estrogens – estrone, estradiol, estriol, 2-hydroxyestrone, 16α-hydroxyestrone, 4-hydroxyestrone, 2-methoxyestrone, 2-methoxyestradiol,
Progesterone – pregnanediol (progesterone metabolite),
Androgens – DHEA, testosterone,
5α -androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol, androsterone, eticholanolone, cortisone, cortisol, 
 (adrenal hormones) pregnanetriol, tetrahydrocortisone, allo-tetrahydrocortisol, tetraqhydrocortisol, 11β-hydroxyandrosterone, 11β-hydroxyetiocholanolone,
Mineralocorticoids (adrenal hormones) aldosterone, allo-tetrahydrocorticosterone, tetrahydrocorticosterone, 11-dehydrotetrahydrocorticosterone,
Thyroid hormones – free T3, free T4
– 2/16α estrogen quotient (EQ) ratio

One of the most important tests for anti-aging, longevity and cancer prevention protocols.Also the best test for female menopause / male andropause – related symptoms.

CompPLUS HORMONE PROFILE with 2/16 EQ $429.00

NEW! CompPLUS HORMONE PROFILE with 2/16 EQand HGH $499.00

The ultimate anti-aging / longevity hormone profile. Same as the CompPlus (above) with Human Growth Hormone (HGH) added.



The CompPlus is one of the most complete, accurate and advanced hormone profiles for both men and women. This test is the “Gold Standard” for balancing male and female sex hormones, adrenal and thyroid hormones. It also includes the 2/16α EQ (estrogen quotient) ratio, an important and modifiable predictor of hormone-related cancer risk.

Why is 24-hour urine testing the “Gold Standard” of hormone evaluation? Sex hormones are released in “pulsed doses” throughout the 24-hour period. Single blood tests can be high or low depending on where in this cycle they occur. They are the least accurate of hormone tests. Saliva is the next best, because saliva represents some degree of “averaging” of the total sex hormones. However, various physical conditions can alter the concentration of hormones in saliva and decrease the accuracy of the test. 24-hour urine testing collects the “peaks and valleys” of hormone release and averages it. This gives an extremely accurate profile of the daily amount of hormones release.

This test also looks at adrenal hormones (which factor into sex hormone production because the adrenals make sex hormones) and the estrogen quotient, a potent risk factor (that can be modified) for hormone-related cancers.

Using a 24-hour urine specimen, the CompPlus evaluates the following:
Estrogens – estrone, estradiol, estriol, 2-hydroxyestrone, 16α-hydroxyestrone, 4-hydroxyestrone, 2-methoxyestrone, 2-methoxyestradiol,
Progesterone – pregnanediol (progesterone metabolite),
Androgens – DHEA, testosterone,
5α -androstanediol, 5β-androstanediol, androsterone, eticholanolone, cortisone, cortisol, 
 (adrenal hormones) pregnanetriol, tetrahydrocortisone, allo-tetrahydrocortisol, tetraqhydrocortisol, 11β-hydroxyandrosterone, 11β-hydroxyetiocholanolone,
Mineralocorticoids (adrenal hormones) aldosterone, allo-tetrahydrocorticosterone, tetrahydrocorticosterone, 11-dehydrotetrahydrocorticosterone,
Thyroid hormones – free T3, free T4
– 2/16α estrogen quotient (EQ) ratio

One of the most important tests for anti-aging, longevity and cancer prevention protocols.Also the best test for female menopause / male andropause – related symptoms.

NEW! CompPLUS HORMONE PROFILE with 2/16 EQand HGH $499.00

Glucosamine Sulfate 750mg (90 Caps)

Glucosamine Sulfate

Proven Joint Repair

Glucosamine Sulfate is the only form of glucosamine proven by over 300 scientific investigations and 20 double-blind studies to stimulate joint repair and relieve pain.

Glucosamine is a molecule manufactured by the body. Inside the joint, it stimulates the production of glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s) which are the main structural material of joints. Studies suggest that a decline of the body’s manufacture of glucosamine may be the primary cause of osteoarthritis.

Elemental sulfur is a carrier molecule for glucosamine and it stimulates the production of joint substances (GAG’s) in it’s own right. When bound to glucosamine, sulfur acts to carry the glucosamine molecule into the joint. It is both a carrier for the glucosamine and an activator of joint substance production.

Other forms of glucosamine, including glucosamine hydrochloride and N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG) do not have the carrier/activator sulfate molecule present. There is far less scientific validation for their use. Chondroitin sulfate is poorly absorbed orally (less than 13%) and does not have the proven effect and research behind it that glucosamine sulfate does.

Pharmaceutical grade Glucosamine Sulfate is proven to:

  • Stimulate joint repair (by increasing GAG synthesis)
  • Offer significant pain relief (at 2 weeks of treatment, pain relief is greater with NSAIDs. At 4 weeks of treatment, pain relief is greater with glucosamine sulfate.)

Glucosamine sulfate has no known side effects unless a person is allergic to seafood.

Glucosamine Sulfate

We offer only pure, pharmaceutical grade Glucosamine Sulfate, shown in numerous studies to reduce pain and inflammation of arthritis and stimulate joint repair.

Each Capsule contains: 750 mg pure pharmaceutical grade Glucosamine Sulfate from GlucosaPure® brand GS.

Suggested dose: 2 Capsules 2 times per day for 6 weeks, then 1 Capsule 2 times per day thereafter.

Product # 181 (180 Caps) $59.95Supplement Facts: Dr. Myatt’s Specially Formulated Glucosamine Sulfate contains per each one vegetarian capsule:

  • Potassium (as chloride) 132 mg
  • Glucosamine Sulfate** (from 1000 mg of glucosamine sulfate potassium chloride) 750 mg

Other ingredients: Capsules (cellulose, water), (May contain one or more of the following; rice powder, magnesium stearate and silica).

Please Note: Most glucosamine products are derived from shellfish. GlucosaPure® is shellfish free, eliminating the possibility of having a shellfish allergic reaction. We have encapsulated our shellfish free glucosamine sulfate in a vegetarian capsule making it suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

**GlucosaPure® is the only patented, fully-reacted glucosamine sulfate potassium chloride available (U.S. patent #5,843,932).

Candidiasis (Chronic)

Natural Strategies Yeast Overgrowth

Everyone carries the common yeast Candida albicans in their intestinal tract. Other strains of Candida may also inhabit the colon. Yeasts are normal but apparently non-essential residents of the large intestine. Sometimes, these co-inhabitants of the intestinal tract can grow out of control.

An overgrowth of yeast can cause many problems. The yeasts release waste products that, when absorbed into the blood stream, are toxic to many body systems. These byproducts can be recognized by the immune system and create and immune reaction.

Candida overgrowth results from conditions inherent to modern life: use of antibiotics and other drugs, a Standard American Diet (S.A.D. – especially sugar and simple carbohydrates), a lack of digestive enzymes, and stress. Overuse or misuse of antibiotics is another common cause of Candida overgrowth.

The Elusive Diagnosis

The diagnosis of Candidiasis is often overlooked in conventional medicine. Many doctors say they “Don’t believe in Candidiasis,” even though there is ample scientific evidence to document the condition. It is difficult to say exactly why this condition is ignored by conventional medicine in spite of the vast scientific evidence, but I offer you my theories for such conventional medical ignorance:

  • The symptoms of Candidiasis are widespread and can mimic many other diseases. There is no definitive lab test that confirms the disease. This makes correct diagnosis difficult.
  • Some “holistic” practitioners diagnose everything as Candidiasis, thereby missing other important diagnoses. This has given the problem of Candidiasis a “pop diagnosis” reputation among many physicians. As a result, non-holistic doctors are then reluctant to recognize true cases of Candidiasis.
  • One of the primary causes of Candidiasis is the overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills and other drugs. To acknowledge Candidiasis as a disease is to also acknowledge a problem often caused by drugs!

Symptoms of Candidiasis

Toxins absorbed from Candida can affect any tissue. Those systems most commonly affected include the gastrointestinal (GI), genito-urinary (GU), nervous, and immune systems. A person suffering from Candidiasis may have any of these symptoms:

  • In the intestinal tract: bloating, excessive feeling of fullness, diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea and constipation, “rolling gas,” abdominal cramping, heartburn, indigestion, gas or belching, mucous in the stool, hemorrhoids.
  • In the female genital tract: recurrent yeast vaginitis, persistent vaginal itching or burning, persistent vaginal discharge, endometriosis, PMS.
  • In the male genital tract: prostatitis, impotence, loss of sexual desire.
  • In the urinary tract: urgency or urinary frequency, recurrent urinary tract “infections” but bacteria are NOT found to be the cause.
  • In the nervous system: numbness, burning, or tingling, spots in front of the eyes, erratic vision, incoordination, irritability or jitteriness, dizziness or loss of balance, failing vision, ear pain or deafness.
  • In the immune system: rashes, post nasal drip, sore or dry throat, wheezing or shortness of breath, recurrent infections, burning or tearing of eyes, cough.
  • In the skin and mucous membranes: recurrent skin fungal infections, nail-bed fungus, “jock itch,” thrush (yeast overgrowth in the mouth and esophagus), psoriasis, rashes of unknown origin.
  • In general: fatigue, mental “cloudiness,” joint aches and pains, obesity, depression, memory loss.

How Is Candida diagnosed?

Symptoms of Candida overgrowth suggest the diagnosis. In addition, other causes of a complaint must be “ruled out.” For example, if a patient complains of extreme fatigue, we would first determine that this complaint was NOT caused by other factors, such as anemia, low thyroid function, or viral infection. When other known causes of fatigue have been ruled out, especially if the patient has additional symptoms or history that suggest Candida overgrowth, further testing for Candidiasis is warranted. Treatment can be started “presumptively,” (meaning before we are sure of Candida overgrowth).

Personal history also suggests the diagnosis. Antibiotic use without bacterial replacement therapy, birth control pills, cortisone therapy, and a history of dietary imbalance (especially sugar, simple carbohydrate or alcohol use or cravings) are also indicators.

A Candida stool test can aid in the diagnosis and guide treatment. Since yeast is a normal inhabitant in everyone’s intestinal tract, some amount of yeast can almost always be recovered in a stool sample. Only when recovered amounts are abnormally high is the diagnosis clear. Because Candida can “invade” directly into the tissue of the GI tract, it is possible to have a Candidal overgrowth but a “normal” amount of yeast in the stool. Since a lack of normal bowel bacteria OR an increase in abnormal bowel bacteria often accompanies yeast overgrowth, a Gastro-intestinal health profile with parasitology is often more useful for diagnosis than the Candida stool test alone.

A Candida Antibodies Test is also available. This test uses a drop of blood to evaluate for an immune system reaction to Candida. It assesses IgG, IgA, IgM immunoglobulins to yeast as well as Candida antigen. A positive finding indicates past or present Candida infection and may allow Candida yeast reactions to be found when stool and vaginal specimens are negative or inconclusive.

Careful consideration of a patient’s symptoms, “ruling out” other known causes of the complaint, evaluation of dietary and drug history, and use of laboratory tests are the way that Candidiasis is accurately diagnosed. Diagnosis can be challenging because Candidiasis shares symptoms with many other conditions. For this reason, it is recommended that you consult an holistic physician for correct diagnosis and treatment.

What is the Treatment?

Cessation of the causative factors is most important. Whether it be a particular drug, a high sugar/refined carbohydrate diet, or an excess response to external events (more commonly known as “stress”), these triggers must be corrected. An anti-yeast substance with concomitant bacterial replacement therapy, corrective diet, stress reduction and immune system boosting are all crucial to the success of the treatment. Your holistic physician will be able to help you determine your best course of action in treating this modern-day “plague.”

Yeast “Die-Off”: Avoiding the Herxheimer Reaction

Yeast cells that are quickly killed by treatment cause a “die-off” reaction known as the Herxheimer reaction. Die-off is caused by the release of large amounts of toxins from dying Candida cells. These toxins pass through the gut wall and enter the bloodstream where they can trigger immune reactions. Die-off reactions can last from a few days to several weeks but usually clear up in less than a week.

In order to avoid die-off reactions, I recommend high doses of activated charcoal and plenty of fluids. The charcoal adsorbs the killed yeast cells and their toxic waste products and carries them out of the body in the stool before they are absorbed into the bloodstream and can create a Herxheimer reaction.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Avoid ALL foods that are high in simple carbohydrates (sugar, corn syrup, honey, molasses, fruit juice, dried fruit, other sugars or foods containing them), yeasts (all raised, yeasted dough: bread, crackers, bagels), ferments and molds (mushrooms, alcohol, vinegar, peanuts, cantaloupe), milk products except yogurt (milk is high in the sugar lactose), high carbohydrate vegetables (potatoes, corn, parsnip). Eat “Super Foods” plentifully, especially fresh garlic.
  • Avoid all known food allergens (see Food Allergies).
  • Avoid antibiotics, birth control pills, steroids, immune suppressing drugs unless absolutely medically necessary. (Do NOT stop medications without physician guidance).

Primary Support

  • Maxi Multi: A deficiency of any vitamin, mineral or trace mineral can weaken this immunity and predispose to Candida overgrowth. For this reason, a high potency multiple vitamin/mineral/trace mineral formula is a critical first step in treating Candida. Be SURE that only yeast-free, hypoallergenic supplements are used. Maxi Multi is yeast and additive-free and hypoallergenic. Dose: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Similase: digestive enzymes reduce bowel inflammation, improve digestion which in turn nourishes normal gut flora (good bacteria) and decreases yeast die-off reaction. Dose: 1-2 caps, 3 times per day with meals.
  • Berberine: Highly effective against candida. Dose: one capsule two times daily for up to fourteen (14) days with water at mealtimes
  • Activated Charcoal: charcoal binds toxins released as yeast dies. This prevents them from being reabsorbed into circulation and carries them out in the stool. Charcoal is especially good for preventing the “Herxheimer Reaction” (yeast die-off, see above).
    Charcoal capsules: Dose: 12 capsules 2 times per day, once between breakfast and lunch and once at bedtime with a full glass of water.
  • Suprema-Dophilus (Ultra high-potency probiotic): Replacement of normal “good bacteria” helps crowd out yeast and prevent their recurrence. Note that many probiotic formulas are not enteric coated and therefore do not survive stomach acid before making their way to the colon. SupremaDophilus is enteric coated to insure proper delivery to the colon. Dose: 1 cap before bed.
  • 35 Billion ProBiotic is “Supremadophilus on Steroids” – Sometimes, bigger really is better. Our new super-high-potency Supremadophilus has 35 billion viable probiotics compared to 5 billion in Supremadophilus. Recommended during and after antibiotic treatment and for those times when a more vigorous gut bacterial replacement is indicated. Dose: one capsule per day at bedtime or as directed.
  • Immune Support: Dose: 2 caps, 2 times per day with meals


  • Tea Tree oil: Essential oil of tea tree can be used on skin and nails for fungal infections. Tea tree oil may be used in water as a douche for yeast vaginitis.


  • Candida stool test. A culture can be done by a specialized lab to determine which anti-yeast herbs or drugs will be more effective.
  • CANDIDA ANTIBODIES: Low-level overgrowth of Candida yeast species can cause a wide variety of health problems, but yeast may not be found in a stool specimen. This is because the yeast may have invaded elsewhere in the body, such as in the urinary tract, sinus passages, vagina or elsewhere.
    This test uses a drop of blood to evaluate for an immune system reaction to Candida. It assesses IgG, IgA, IgM immunoglobulins to yeast as well as Candida antigen. A positive finding indicates past or present Candida infection and may allow Candida yeast reactions to be found when stool and vaginal specimens are negative or inconclusive.
  • Gastro-intestinal health profile with parasitology is often more useful for diagnosis than the Candida stool test alone because it also examines normal and abnormal gut bacteria and parasites.

Digestive Enzymes

Good Digestion Begins With Enzymes

Digestive Enzymes are made by the pancreas and are necessary for the assimilation of nutrients from food. Without these enzymes, the body cannot absorb nutrients (vitamins and minerals) efficiently

Incompletely digested food is associated with a number of health problems including:

  • gas
  • bloating
  • a sense of “fullness” after eating (not related to simple over-eating)
  • indigestion
  • irritable bowel (constipation and/or diarrhea)
  • abdominal cramps.

Other health problems also arise from incomplete digestion:

  • arthritis
  • chronic nasal mucous
  • allergies
  • joint aches and pains
  • candidiasis
  • high blood pressure
  • decreased vitality.

Digestive enzymes taken with meals assist in digestion and help correct the problems caused by incomplete breakdown of foods. When digestive enzymes are taken between meals, they have an anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting effect.

Similase Digestive Enzymes for Adults

Similase™ This highly concentrated Plant Enzyme digestive formula is for people on a “mixed” diet containing fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber & dairy products.

NOTE: Do not use if gastritis or duodenal ulcer is present. (Use Gastric Complex, described below, instead).

Suggested dose 1-2 Capsules with each meal.

Dr. Myatt’s comment: I believe that virtually everybody can benefit from added digestive enzymes. Enzymes help ensure proper assimilation of nutrients, as well as preventing intestinal toxemia. Plant enzymes are preferred because they function in a broader pH range than animal-derived enzymes.

Similase – Product # 220 (180 Caps) $39.97

Similase GFCF

Similase is a highly concentrated Plant Enzyme digestive formula for people on a “mixed” diet containing fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber & dairy products.

Similase GFCF adds an additional enzyme to protect those on gluten free and casein free diets from exposure to hidden sources of these proteins.

Suggested dose 1-2 Capsules with each meal.

Similase GFCF (120 capsules) prod. # N370 $24.97

Similase Jr. Digestive Enzymes for Children

Digestive enzyme deficiencies in children often appear as food allergies, constipation, diarrhea, “tummy ache,” and gas. Similase Jr. is used by parents who want to enhance the delivery and assimilation of food nutrients and supplements in their child’s diet.

Special order – contact for details

Gastric Complex Digestive Enzymes for Adults

NOW CALLED: Similase Sensitive Stomach – same product, new name

Gastric Complex™ / Similase Sensitive Stomach is a highly concentrated Plant Enzyme digestive formula with added botanical synergists (herbs) to soothe the digestive tract.

Dr. Myatt’s comment: Use this instead of regular Similase™ if you have gastritis or ulcer.

Gastric Complex – Product # N255 (180 Caps) $34.95

For nutrition composition of these products please see below:

Nutrition composition of Similase Digestive Enzymes for Adults

Serving Size: 2 Veg Capsules Amount/Serving %DV Pure Plant Enzymes™ Assay Method 613mg *

Amylase USP (pH 6.8) 32,000USP

FCC (pH 4.8) 23,800DU

Protease I, II, III, IV USP (pH 7.5) 30,000USP

FCC (pH 7.0) 48,750PC

FCC (pH 4.7) 82,000HUT

Lipase I, II FIP (pH 7.0) 2,100FIP

FCC III (pH 6.5) 970LU

Lactase I, II FCC III (pH 4.5) 1,600ALU

Phytase Phytic Acid (pH 6.0) 1.7PU

Cellulase I, II FCC (pH 4.5) 350CU

Sucrase (Invertase) FCC (pH 4.6) 300INVU

Maltase (Malt Diastase) FCC (pH 4.6) 32,100DP°

This product does not contain

  • artificial coloring
  • artificial flavoring
  • corn
  • dairy products
  • ingredients of animal origin
  • preservatives
  • salt
  • soy
  • sugar
  • wheat
  • yeast

This product contains natural ingredients; color variations are normal.


If pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use.

Not recommended for use if peptic ulcer, gastritis or heartburn is present.

Integrative Therapeutics’ evidence-based natural medicines are the only choice of doctors who rely on the fact base of premier science to deliver patient results.

Distributed by an FDA-registered Drug Establishment.

Other Ingredients

vegetable capsule (modified cellulose) and cellulose.

UPC Codes: 871791000599

Nutrition composition of Simlase® Jr 90 caps

Serving Size: 2 Veg Capsules Amount/Serving %DV Pure Plant Enzymes™ Assay Method 315mg *

Amylase USP (pH 6.8) 6,700USP %

FCC (pH 4.8) 6,000DU %

(Provides Dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPP IV), Exopeptidase, Endopeptidase, and Peptide Peptidohydrolase activity) USP (pH 7.5) 14,500USP %

FCC (pH 7.0) 20,200PC %

FCC (pH 4.7) 34,300HUT %

(pH 7.0) 2,000CFAU

Lactase FCC III (pH 4.5) 2,400LacU

Cellulase FCC (pH 4.5) 124CU

Lipase FIP (pH 7.0) 630LU

FCC III (pH 6.5) 300LU

Sucrase (Invertase) FCC (pH 4.6) 300INVU %

Phytase Phytic Acid (pH 6.0) 0.64PU %

Maltase (Malt Diastase) FCC (pH 4.6) 10,800ALU %

This product does not contain

  • artificial coloring
  • artificial flavoring
  • corn
  • dairy products
  • ingredients of animal origin
  • preservatives
  • salt
  • soy
  • sugar
  • wheat
  • yeast

This product contains natural ingredients; color variations are normal.


Not recommended for use if peptic ulcer, gastritis or heartburn is present.If pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use.

Distributed by an FDA-registered Drug Establishment.

Other Ingredients

vegetable capsule (modified cellulose), cellulose, and ascorbyl palmitate.

UPC Codes: 871791001947

Nutrition composition of Similase Sensitive Stomach / Gastric Complex

Serving Size: 2 Veg Capsules Amount/Serving %DV Calories 5

Total Carbohydrate <1g <1%**

Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) Bark 240mg *

Pure Plant Enzymes™ Assay Method 220mg *

Amylase USP (pH 6.8) 21,170USP *

FCC (pH 4.8) 15,750DU *

Cellulase FCC (pH 4.5) 38CU *

Lipase FCC III (pH 6.5) 54LU *

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Root Extract 3:1 200mg *

Gamma-Oryzanol (from rice bran) 170mg *

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) Root Extract 3.5:1 80mg *

This product does not contain

  • artificial coloring
  • artificial flavoring
  • corn
  • dairy products
  • gluten
  • ingredients of animal origin
  • preservatives
  • salt
  • soy
  • sugar
  • wheat
  • yeast

This product contains natural ingredients; color variations are normal.


If pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use.

Distributed by an FDA-registered Drug Establishment.

**Based on 2000 calorie diet.

Other Ingredients

vegetable capsule (modified cellulose), cellulose, and ascorbyl palmitate.

UPC Codes: 871791001251

Nutrition composition of Similase GFCF

Serving Size: 2 Veg Capsules Amount/Serving %DV Total Carbohydrate <1g <1%**

Pure Plant Enzymes™ Assay Method 543mg *

DPP IV Protease Blend (Protease I,II,III,IV,V) FCC (pH 4.7) 134,600HUT

FCC (pH 7.0) 22,660PC

USP (pH 7.5) 12,556USP

Amylase FCC (pH 4.8) 9,530DU

USP (pH 6.8) 12,800USP

Lipase I,II FCC (pH 6.5) 408LU

FIP (pH 7.0) 882FIP

Phytase Phytic Acid (pH 6.0) 0.67PU

Lactase I,II FCC (pH 4.5) 642ALU

Cellulase I, II FCC (pH 4.5) 141CU

Sucrase (Invertase) FCC (pH 4.6) 119INVU

This product does not contain

  • artificial coloring
  • artificial flavoring
  • corn
  • dairy products
  • gluten
  • ingredients of animal origin
  • preservatives
  • salt
  • soy
  • sugar
  • wheat
  • yeast

This product contains natural ingredients; color variations are normal.


Caution: While Similase GFCF will reduce the level of reactive gliadin and gluten proteins in a meal, it is advised that celiac disease sufferers continue with their normal gluten exclusion diet as even small amounts of gliadin can cause adverse reactions in the most sensitized individuals. If pregnant, nursing, or taking prescription drugs, consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use.

**Based on 2000 calorie diet.

Other Ingredients

cellulose, vegetable capsule (modified cellulose), inulin (from chicory root), and silicon dioxide.

UPC Codes: 871791003866
Product Numbers: 106002, 136001, 74239