HealthBeat News

In This Issue:

A HealthBeat / NurseBeat Update:

Happy Holidays – or are they? How you can beat holiday stresses and safeguard your health.

More FDA foolishness!

Hot Flashes: (Late-Breaking News)

Major study confirms the value of Ginkgo Biloba.

Featured Supplements:

Ginkgo Biloba – Scientifically proven yet again!

Maxi-Multi dietary supplements – a health essential.

Dr. Myatt’s MyPacks – great for travel.

L-5-HTP – the natural alternative to S.S.R.I.’s for depression.

St. John’s Wort – a well-proven natural mood enhancer.

Holiday Gifts Made Easy! Gift Cards from The Wellness Club are an elegant way to say “I love you” for the Holidays!

A HealthBeat / NurseBeat Update:

The holiday season is upon us – like it or not. For most of us this is a wonderful time, filled with joy, and love and giving, and we eagerly look forward to being with family and loved ones over the coming days. Still, even though this is a time of happiness, it is also a time of stress – happy stress for the most part, but stress none-the-less. So what’s wrong with that? Well, stress can leave us tired and compromised in many ways, and susceptible to the colds and flu bugs that make the rounds at this time of year. Many of you will have family visiting from away, or will be travelling to visit family – and are certain to be exposed to colds and flu’s that could make your holidays a misery if you are not prepared. So what can you do? First, make sure you are well rested, and that you are eating healthy, regular meals. Get regular exercise – it helps to boost your immune system. Be sure that you are getting your vitamins and supplements – even if you are away from home. Many “one-a-day” type vitamins claim to be “stress formulas”, but beware – read the label! No “one-a-day” vitamin can really measure up – it takes ‘way more than “one-a-day” of any other brand to equal the potency of Dr. Myatt’s Maxi-Multi dietary supplements. If you want convenience when travelling, check out Dr. Myatt’s MyPacks. These convenient supplement packs have been carefully designed by Dr. Myatt to provide you with the best of what you need, while allowing you to travel light and simple. They are fully described on page 107 of your Holistic Health Handbook, but suffice to say for now that they are a superb “deal” for anyone who wants to be sure they are giving their body the resources it needs to resist the sniffles, colds, and flu bugs that the grandkids are sure to have.

What else can you do? Well, I mentioned exercise – many studies have shown that even a small amount of fairly vigorous exercise is even better than the “head-meds” that your conventional doctor will try to prescribe to you. If you really want to make your exercise effective, and more pleasant besides, combine it with some fresh air and sunshine! The fresh air will help to clear away the “cobwebs” and boost your metabolism, and the sunshine is essential to the body – even a few minutes per day of real, genuine sunshine on your exposed skin goes a long way toward bolstering your immune system and it makes you feel wonderful besides! A daily exposure to sunshine will help those of you who are prone to the “winter blues”, also known as “Seasonal Affective Disorder” (S.A.D.). Some folks really have a bad time with this every winter, and end up being put on medications known as S.S.R.I’s or Selective Seratonin Re-uptake Inhibitors by their conventional doctors. Now, seratonin is essential to the functions of the brain, and these S.S.R.I.’s make it seem like there is more of it in the system by preventing the “re-uptake” of it – that is, by blocking the body’s ability to “recycle” it as it normally would. What if there was a better way? Well, how about giving the body the materials it needs to make seratonin? The supplement L-5-HTP is just exactly that – a “precursor” to seratonin, the raw material needed to keep your neurotransmitters doing their thing the way they should. For a very good discussion of this supplement, see page 115 of your Holistic Health Handbook or click on the featured supplement below.

Other proven mood enhancers include:

  • B Complex Vitamins – these are included in optimal doses in your Maxi-Multi supplement!
  • St. John’s Wort – proven to be as effective, and safer than antidepressant drugs. See page 115 of your Holistic Health Handbook or click on the featured supplement below for more details on this important herbal mood enhancer.

What? You don’t have a copy of the Holistic Health Handbook? Click here to order your copy – every home should have this important reference and information resource! Better yet, join the Wellness Club and you’ll get this and many more benefits included in your membership!

Some more tips for avoiding the holiday blues:

  • Enjoy. Be proactive in planning holiday activities, don’t turn down invitations – go, have fun! Remember though, no one and nothing is ever perfect – don’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself or others. Stuff happens – go with the flow.
  • Don’t let others demand too much of you. Don’t over-commit yourself. Set limits and remember to take it easy – the holidays are supposed to be fun!
  • Simplify – wherever possible. Do the important things and enjoy them, and let someone else do the other stuff. Let “Sara Lee” do some of the baking, let the store do the gift wrapping, trim your gift and card and visit list to include the folks that really matter. Chances are that the person who found themselves on your card list ten years ago for reasons you can’t remember now really won’t notice if there isn’t a card from you this year. Perhaps an e-card would suffice.
  • Are you alone over the holidays? Volunteer! Get out and feel good by giving of yourself and meeting others.
  • Make your budget, and stick to it – you’ll head off the January Blues that arrive with the big bills.
  • Avoid over-indulging – in alcohol, or food, or spending.
  • Most importantly, if the blues set in and won’t go away, get help! Dr. Myatt’s Body / Mind videos are a great help, and you can always call and make an appointment to talk with Dr. Myatt herself.


More FDA foolishness!

You will remember that both Dr. Dana and I have mentioned the FDA in our recent dispatches. This seems to us like a bureaucracy that can be a little out-of-control at times, to say the least! Well, this little snippet came across my desk the other day, and it made my Canadian blood boil. It isn’t bad enough that Canadians have their own problems with governmental regulatory bodies that do the bidding of the big pharmaceutical companies. Now the FDA is trying to tell Canada what to do.

A recent article in the Canadian National Post newspaper said that FDA commissioner Mark McClellan made a trip to Canada last month to persuade officials to lift prescription drug price controls and put an end to cross-border sales. His reasoning? The U.S. foots the bill for quite a bit of drug research, which has lead to the development of many of the most popular drugs. This argument might be valid if, in addition to funding research, the U.S. government also manufactured and distributed drugs. But it doesn’t – the Big Drug Companies do. Besides, Canada’s Patent Act already gives patent protection and financial incentives to drug companies to develop new drugs. A telling comment was made by a spokesman for the Canadian International Pharmacy Association who told the National Post “What’s the job of the FDA? The FDA’s responsibility is patient safety. They should not be commenting on profit margins or research costs.” And he added, “They’re heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry and I think they’re stepping outside their bounds.”

Fortunately good sense prevailed on the Canadian side, and Commissioner McClellan was sent home with little more than an invitation to “come back and visit sometime.” Now, if only we could get them to tend to business here as they are supposed to… by protecting consumers instead of drug company profits. Just my two cents worth of opinion, take it or leave it!

Hot Flashes:

Major study confirms the value of Ginkgo Biloba.

A study released last month by UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric institute has again confirmed the value of Ginkgo Biloba in improving symptoms of age-related memory impairment. Here are a few quotes from the article:

“The UCLA study, released at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, held Nov. 8­12, in New Orleans, LA, used positron-emission tomography (PET) and found that for subjects taking gingko biloba, improved recall correlated with better brain function in key brain memory centers.”

“The research (also) raises questions regarding the significance of supplement quality and treatment duration,” said principal investigator Dr. Gary Small, a UCLA professor on aging and director of the Aging and Memory Research Center at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute. “The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate dietary supplements, and the quality of retail supplies varies widely. We used only the highest grade of ginkgo biloba in conducting our research.” (italics and highlighting added)

“Small also noted that the six-month UCLA study is one of the first to measure the effects of gingko biloba over a longer period of time. Most previous studies have measured the effect of the supplement over 12 weeks or less.”

Nurse Mark’s comment: Dr Dana made mention of Ginkgo in the last HealthBeat, and suggested that it should be a part of a longevity protocol for anyone over the age of 50. Well, this just adds credence to that. Take note, however, of the comments of Dr. Small in the second paragraph, above. As I mentioned in my first NurseBeat, the quality and purity of your supplements is incredibly important. You get what you pay for, and those “bargain” supplements from other sources may not be such a bargain after all – some may even contain toxic impurities! Dr. Myatt herself has carefully selected every supplement sold by Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club, and she will accept nothing but the very highest of quality and purity in her products – so that you know you are getting the very best. Don’t endanger your health by settling for less!

Featured Supplements: Click on any one to get a full description and to order yours today.

Ginkgo Biloba – Scientifically proven yet again!

Maxi-Multi dietary supplements – a health essential.

Dr. Myatt’s MyPacks – great for travel.

L-5-HTP – the natural alternative to S.S.R.I.’s for depression.

St. John’s Wort – a well-proven natural mood enhancer.



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Dr. Myatt’s Cardiovascular Risk Checklist

A Medical White Paper Presented By Dr. Dana Myatt

“…As many as fifty percent of all first heart attacks are last heart attacks. Half of all people who have a heart attack die from “sudden cardiac death.” People with NO conventional risk factors are more likely to die “sudden death” from a first heart attack. Sudden cardiac death is the first and only sign of heart disease in this group…”

Hi ,

Thank you for requesting Dr. Myatt’s Cardiovascular Risk Factors Medical White Paper. You have just taken the first step to ensuring that you are not one of the 50%!

Your next step is to check your email at the address that you gave us when you signed up.

There you will find an email from Dr. Myatt containing your download link for your free Cardiovascular Risk Factors Medical White Paper.

Please download and print your White Paper – you will want to have it with you when you visit your doctor or cardiologist so that you can talk about the risk factors that Dr. Myatt discusses.

You will also receive medical updates and health news from Dr. Myatt from time to time.

If you do not want these valuable updates you can easily unsubscribe at any time. Be assured that we respect your privacy and your email will never be given to anyone else.

Please note: We receive hundreds of requests daily – we cannot participate in any of the “click here to confirm your email to be whitelisted by my email program” anti-spam schemes that some folks have on ther email programs. (we would have to hire somebody to do nothing but that!)

If you have such a program please manually enter Dr. Myatt’s email address to ensure delivery of your free Cardiovascular Risk Factors Medical White Paper.

Please Click Here To Return To
Dr. Myatt’s Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Medical White Paper Webpage

Dr. Myatt’s FAQ Page

Dr. Myatt and her staff hear many of the same questions frequently. Here are some of the more common questions, and some answers to them:

What kind of a doctor is Dr. Myatt? – click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor fully licensed in the State of Arizona

Is Dr. Myatt a “real” doctor?click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt is a Licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor. She can perform surgery. She can prescribe drugs. She has a DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) number that allows her to prescribe controlled substances like narcotics. She can order lab and diagnostic tests. If those things mean “real doctor” to you then yes, she is a real doctor.

Dr. Myatt has all the training and education of a regular allopathic doctor, and she also has additional education and training in alternative and natural medicine.

Did Dr. Myatt go to a “real” medical school?click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt attended the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) – a Federally and Regionally Accredited Naturopathic Medical School located in Portland, Oregon.

The training curriculum at NCNM provides 4668 hours of medical education – 357 hours more than that required of a Yale University trained doctor! To see how the training of naturopathic medical doctors exceeds the training of conventional medical doctors see this comparison page:

If Dr. Myatt is a real doctor why doesn’t she take insurance?click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt gave up her Universal Provider Number (UPN) years ago when it was still legal to do so. Now she is now free to spend her time concentrating on your case and care – not on satisfying insurance paperwork. Dr. Myatt believes that your doctor should work for you – not for your insurance company.

But if I get the doctor to fill out and sign these forms I can get reimbursed – will Dr. Myatt just do that?click to show/hide

Sure! At her regular billing rate of $240 per hour, with a 1/2 hour minimum, billed in 1/2 hour increments, Dr. Myatt will complete your insurance paperwork. Additional interaction with your insurance company, and there will inevitably be additional questions and demands for justification for your claim, will be similarly billed at this same rate. Please be aware that this back-and-forth with insurance companies can be very time consuming and rarely results in the insurance company paying for the cutting-edge naturopathic treatments that Dr. Myatt provides.

Where is Dr. Myatt’s clinic – I would like to see to show/hide

Dr. Myatt does not operate a “clinic” in the usual sense. Dr. Myatt manages her Concierge Care patients by telephone and the internet. This allows her to help people all across our country and even around the world.

But I really want to see her in person!click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt’s Concierge Care patients will sometimes arrange to see Dr. Myatt in person, here in Arizona. Not surprisingly, this usually happens in the winter months when it is cold and miserable elsewhere in the country. Patients will fly or drive to Phoenix, Tucson, or other places in Arizona and make arrangements with Dr. Myatt for a visit.

More rarely, Dr. Myatt may arrange “The Ultimate House Call,” making a visit to see a Concierge Care patient who cannot travel to see her. This may be because of physical limitations, or privacy / confidentiality / security issues. Dr. Myatt travels by private motorcoach or in her personal private plane.

Dr. Myatt’s staff will discuss and assist with requests to see Dr. Myatt in person.

But how can Dr. Myatt do anything for me if she hasn’t seen me in person? That just doesn’t seem right!click to show/hide

When you see your regular doctor he or she will likely spend between 7 and 12 minutes with you. If you are fortunate, your doctor may listen to your heart and lungs and do a very minimal “physical exam” and glance at your lab results before either writing you a prescription or passing you off to a “specialist” with a “referral” and running off to see the next patient.

When you work with Dr. Myatt you have her full attention. She and her staff have reviewed your case thoroughly and have gone over your medical records and history in detail. She will spend up to an hour at a time with you, hearing your side of the story, getting more detail, educating, collaborating, and generally working with you to find solutions to your concerns. And she will do this as often as needed, until you get the results you and she agree on.

You already have a conventional doctor who has done a basic physical examination. Dr. Myatt will have you send her all your medical records, which will include records of all physical exams and labs and other diagnostics. There is usually no need to duplicate that basic work. If there are things that could be done that would be covered by conventional insurance, Dr. Myatt will tell you how to ask your conventional doctor for them. Your conventional doctor will still be available to you for medical emergencies such as cuts or injuries, and for such things as hospital admissions in cases of accident or sudden illness.

So, what if I need drugs or x-rays or a cardiogram or other prescriptions or doctors orders?click to show/hide

Dr. Myatt is fully licensed, and can prescrive drugs and order tests when needed. However, in many instances she will advise you how to ask your local “insurance doctor” for these things so that they can be covered by your insurance.

My case is very rare / special and I can’t afford Dr. Myatt – doesn’t she ever do ‘Pro Bono’ or charity work for reduced fees?click to show/hide

No. It is our experience that people assign “value” to something according to what it has cost them in time, effort, or money. “Free advice” is considered to be worth exactly what was paid for it, and is rarely followed. Dr. Myatt is highly “results oriented” and she has found that people who are getting “free medical advice” rarely achieve the results that they or she would like to see.

For free advice, please read through the pages of Dr. Myatt’s website – the information presented there is scientifically verified and the protocols offered are the result of Dr. Myatt’s years of clinical experience.

Isn’t it a bit hard-hearted to refuse to take ‘Pro Bono’ cases?click to show/hide

No. Dr. Myatt is a very compassionate healer and is keenly aware of the suffering and needs of her patients.. Please see The Shaman’s Lesson of Worth

Telephone Consultations with Dr. Myatt

Telephone Consultations
with Dr. Myatt

Get Fast Health Answers from a Natural Health Expert OR a Doctor-Designed Advanced Natural Health Program In the Comfort and convenience of Your Own Home

Would You Like to Turn the Clock Back 10 Years or More
And Have a Brand-New Lease on Life?

  • Brief Telephone Consultations (20 minutes)
  • General Health and Wellness Package
  • Health Recovery Program
  • Health Optimization Program (Anti-aging and Longevity)
  • Advanced Disease Rescue

What Natural Medicine Can Do for You — That Conventional Medicine Can’t

Modern conventional medicine performs amazing “heroic” care. If your broken body is found at the site of a serious car accident, conventional medicine’s ability to air-lift you to a hospital, CT scan you, set and pin broken bones, and keep you on life-support while you heal is what high-tech conventional medicine does best. And we are great at that — probably some of the best in the world.

But modern conventional U.S. medicine is NOT the best at everything. It it NOT the best solution for most day-to-day problems and most diseases. If it were, we would have some of the longest life expectancy — and health expectancy —- in the world. Yet here’s what the statistics show about health in the U.S.A.:

  • Americans spend 17+% of their GNP for health care, more than any other country in the world.
  • Life expectancy in America ranks 49th in the world, lagging far behind many countries who spend far less than we do for health (disease) care. (1)
  • Sixty-eight percent (two-thirds!) of Americans are overweight, thirty-three percent of these SEVERELY overweight (obese). (2)
  • Over ten million Americans take anti-depressants.
  • 50 percent of people over 85 will have Alzheimer’s Disease.
  • * Someone dies of heart disease every 34 seconds.
  • * One in six Americans suffers from an Anxiety Disorder.
  • * One in six Americans is either pre-diabetic or diabetic.

Modern medicine is an all but complete failure at curing or controlling chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and anxiety/depression. Instead, the best conventional medicine can offer is a temporary “patch” for the major diseases of our time. In many instances, such as cancer treatment, the “medicine” often kills the patient before the disease would.

Beyond Conventional Drugs and Surgery — Natural Medicine Treats the Cause, Not Just the Symptom

Natural medicine and lifestyle counseling can prevent and reverse disease. This is because natural medicine looks for the cause of disease instead of merely treating symptoms. For example: depression has never been shown to be caused by a Prozac deficiency! But B complex vitamin deficiencies, lack of precursor amino acids (which are necessary to manufacture neurotransmitters), food allergies, heavy metal or other toxicities and emotional factors can all cause depression. Why mask a problem when the cause can be found and corrected? Genuine cure is more profound and certain than a Band-Aid will ever be.

Natural Medicine Treats the Patient, Not the Disease

No two people with the same disease have that disease for the exact same reason. Therefore, there can be no effective “one size fits all” medicine, yet this is how we are trained to treat people in the conventional medical model. For example: one person with irritable bowel syndrome is suffering because of a food allergy. Another may have the exact same diagnosis because of a lack of gastric acid function. A third may have IBS because of a yeast overgrowth in the colon. Yet the drugs prescribed for each of these patients is the same. Does this seem right to you?

Dr. Myatt Isn’t “Against” Drugs! (Especially Safe and Effective Ones)

Dr. Myatt practice complementary, integrative medicine, which means that she will use or recommend the best available treatment from both conventional and natural medicine. When  a drug or surgery seems like the best option, that is the advice she will give you.

If in her opinion you will benefit from a drug, that is what she will recommend and prescribe.

So often, however, our conventional drugs and treatments cause more harm than good. As a Naturopathic Medical Doctor, Dr. Myatt is trained to look for the cause of disease. Once the cause is known, there is opportunity for a genuine cure. The cure almost always entails natural methods, such as good nutrition, eliminating aggravating factors and restoring the body to a state of balance. These things are rarely if ever accomplished by drugs alone.

Dr. Myatt Finds “The Rest of The Story” that Modern Medicine Overlooks

If a person has a clear-cut set of symptoms, conventional medicine is good at giving the problem a name. We call this “diagnosis.” Just because we have named the problem does not imply that we know the cause, and in conventional medicine, it doesn’t even mean that we continue to look for a cause. You suffer from arthritis? There — we’ve got a name and we have a small collection of drugs that we will try until you feel pain relief. When your pain stops, our work is done. If none of our drugs stop your pain, oh well, we’ll just keep trying different drugs in different combinations.

The problem with this method of diagnosis and treatment is several-fold. First, because we are treating symptoms and not the cause, we might not be able to “cure” the problem with any of our available drugs. Secondly, since the treatment is a band-aid and doesn’t address the cause, the underlying problem is still going on with all the associated negative physical consequences. Finally, the drugs themselves usually have adverse consequences, up to and including death. Conventional treatment might offer some temporary pain relief, but at what cost?

Dr. Myatt looks for “the rest of the story.” If your diagnosis is arthritis, wouldn’t you like to know why your joints are deteriorating? The “wear and tear” theory has never been proven to be a cause of arthritis. Elderly marathon runners suffer far less arthritis than age-matched non-exercisers.

Is it a lack of bone and joint nutrients in the diet? An excess of inflammatory substances in the blood (which also increases heart disease and cancer risk)? A food allergy? Excess of a toxic substances or heavy metals? Once the underlying cause or causes are found, we not only have a better idea of how to stop pain, we have a genuine shot at a cure. And the side effects from natural remedies are that other complaints are often also corrected! Good things happen when we look for and treat the cause of a problem, not just the symptoms.

When No One Knows What’s Wrong

In conventional medicine, if your complaint fits into a neat little category that we can give a name to, we also know the drugs or surgeries that we are supposed to prescribe. They are in “the doctor cookbook.” But what if you have vague or unusual symptoms that don’t fit into any existing diagnosis?

If you have good insurance, you’ll get ATKTM — All Tests Known To Man (or all tests know to modern medicine). You may find yourself being CAT-scanned for an irritable bowel complaint and MRI’d for joint pains. Such ATKTM only rarely finds an anatomical cause for disease, and it NEVER locates a functional cause of disease.

Diagnostic tests are supposed to complement the doctor’s comprehensive evaluation, helping to “rule in” or “rule out” a suspected cause. Today, however, many physicians order tests in lieu of careful case study and patient evaluation. This “hit and miss” method of diagnosis is expensive, time-consuming and rarely productive. And when ATKTM comes back negative and you still have the complaint, then what? For conventional doctors it’s time to give you a “head med,” because if modern medical tests haven’t shown anything, the problem must be in your head.

The natural medical approach, which is Dr. Myatt’s approach, is to do a meticulous case study. By reviewing your symptoms, lab work, lifestyle and diet histories, family and personal medical histories, she is able to develop a solid “rule out” list of possible causes of your complaint.

Next, medical tests are ordered if they will rule in or out each of the items on the list. Like peeling the layers of an onion, she carefully explores the potential causes of your complaint until she finds it. In rare cases finding a cause is impossible, but most times it is merely difficult!

Using a combination of both conventional and alternative diagnostic measures, Dr. Myatt is able to find answers for many people who have been “given up on” by conventional medicine.

Why Dr. Myatt is The Doctor of First Resort — Prevention is Easier than Cure

Or stated differently, “If it ain’t broke, fix it before it breaks!”

Dr. Myatt and her team specialize in Health Optimization — making diet, lifestyle and other changes to prevent disease before it can establish a foot-hold.

Why wait until you have diabetes to make positive diet changes? Early signs, symptoms and lab abnormalities can predict your risk factors for many diseases years before they appear. The easiest time to correct a problem is before it even gets started. This is known as “preventive medicine,” and it is one of Dr. Myatt’s specialties. In the case of Health Optimization, a yearly review of your diet, symptoms, and lab results are recommended. From this, Dr. Myatt formulates a “Health Optimization Protocol” which is your personal guide to continued wellness for the coming year.

And Why She Is The Doctor of Last Resort — For “The Incurables” 

Prevention is always easier than cure, but perhaps you are past the point of prevention. If you already have a medical condition — even a serious one — Dr. Myatt can help. Her patients include people with advanced metastasized cancer, life-threatening heart conditions, autoimmune problems, neurological diseases and numerous other “incurable” problems.

With careful case-study and evaluation, Dr. Myatt makes health and life-saving recommendations to patients with all types of serious medical conditions.

Dr. Myatt’s patients have proven time and again that “where there’s life, there’s hope.”

Anti-Aging and Longevity Are Within Reach

Scientists estimate that the genetic lifespan of humans should be on the order of 120 years, yet the average US life expectancy for men and women is in the 70’s (and we rank 49th in the world for life expectancy).

For those who manage to live to 70’s 80’s and beyond, the way is often fraught with disease and disability for the last 20 or more years of life (the number of years of life spent in good health is known as “Health Span”). Why are we falling so short of our genetic potential for both lifespan and healthspan, in spite of the fact that we spend more on “health care” than any other nation on earth?

Modern medicine doesn’t really deliver “health care.” Instead, it is a model of “disease care,” waiting for a problem to happen  before taking action. Even then, the “action” taken is usually a Band-Aid instead of a cure. When it comes to prevention, health optimization and advanced methods of life extension, conventional medicine is woefully inadequate.

By identifying obstacles to good health and utilizing the vast body of longevity-enhancing techniques available, it is possible to extend both lifespan and healthspan. Much more is known about anti-aging and longevity than we currently utilize in conventional medicine.

Fortunately, alternative and complementary medical practices take advantage of this knowledge. Anti-aging and Longevity is one area of special interest and study for Dr. Myatt. She can help you know how to take advantage of your genetic potential for long life and good health.

You Can Consult Dr. Myatt In The Comfort of Your Home…. by Phone

Health Optimization requires careful medical detective work. Dr. Myatt evaluates your family history, personal past medical history, diet, lifestyle, risk factors, symptom profile and physiological stressors. She carefully reviews your laboratory reports and medical records, all pertinent medical data, and medications. Finally and most importantly, she listens carefully to your description of symptoms, complaints, and health goals. All of these factors are carefully weighed as Dr. Myatt and her medical team perform an exhaustive evaluation of your case.

Following your telephone consultation and case study by Dr. Myatt, you will receive your personalized Health Optimization Protocol. This report will include specific recommendations for diet, exercise, nutritional supplements, herbs and other conventional and/or complementary care — a complete “action plan” to put you on the path to Optimal Health, whether you are already healthy and looking to stay that way, or you suffer from a serious medical condition, or something in-between.

How Can Dr. Myatt Help Me Without Seeing Me in Person?

Dr. Myatt’s care does not replace your personal general physician. In fact, she insists that everyone have a personal family doctor in their local area. When the need arises, you should have someone locally who can listen to your lungs and heart with a stethoscope, perform routine examinations and stitch up boo-boos. Everyone needs a general family physician.

Dr. Myatt practices the advanced medical specialty of holistic and integrative medicine. Her evaluation of your case will go far beyond the type of medicine practiced conventionally. And because Dr. Myatt is also trained in conventional medicine, she can review and incorporate your conventional medical evaluations as part of your comprehensive work-up.

If you have asthma, for example, your local physician or health professional will have already listened to your lungs, referred your for breathing tests and prescribed medication. Dr. Myatt does not need to repeat this basic medical evaluation. She will, however, refer you to the appropriate type of medical practitioner when it appears that you have not had the complete “look” that should have been done. And she may suggest additional testing which has not been done by your conventional physician if it appears appropriate and necessary. This is all arranged by distance. Dr. Myatt writes prescriptions and lab orders for patients in every state and in countries around the world.

How Do I Enlist Dr. Myatt’s Services?

Use this link to schedule a brief telephone consultation. After you have completed purchase of your brief consultation, Dr. Myatt’s office will be in touch with you via email to schedule a time for this initial visit. Brief consultations can usually be scheduled quickly, usually within a matter of days.

All advanced patient programs begin with a brief telephone consultation. During this time, you will discuss your case with Dr. Myatt so that she can advise you as to which program / patient track is best suited to your unique situation.

If you elect to become a patient of Dr. Myatt’s after this initial visit, the cost of your brief phone consultation will be deducted from your program fees.

Next Steps: If You Are Accepted As a Patient

Before your initial one-hour intake visit, you will be asked to complete the following:

Patient information This form explains your relationship with Dr. Myatt, and how you will work together towards your best health ever.
Authorization to Release Medical RecordsThis form, signed and given to your other health care providers will allow them to send your medical records to Dr. Myatt for her study and analysis.
Patient Registration and Comprehensive IntakeThis form sounds simple, but here you will provide a great deal of information about yourself, your health, family history, medical history, diet, history of current illness and what you wish to achieve as you work together with Dr. Myatt.
Comprehensive Symptom SurveyThis 9 page health questionnaire and symptom survey will make you think hard. By completing it fully and honestly, you will provide Dr. Myatt with valuable insights to your body systems and clues to help her in her investigations as she develops your personalized Health Action Plan.

Copies of available medical records should be included (a records request form is included in case it is needed).

On the appointed day and time, Dr. Myatt will call you for your appointment. This initial “visit” is one hour long. Your Health Optimization Protocol will be mailed to you several days to a week later (to allow sufficient time for case study) and will contain a complete set of instructions and recommendations for everything needed to begin a healthier lifestyle.

Follow-Up and Ongoing Care

Everyone has different needs, hence the different levels of programs and services. A person with advanced heart disease or cancer will require much more contact and ongoing monitoring that a healthy person seeking to improve further on their good health. These factors are taken into account when Dr. Myatt advises which level of service your care requires.

Unless you are quite healthy and simply seeking expert advice on the best diet and nutritional supplement program, you will need to follow-up with Dr. Myatt via phone and internet (email) to insure proper execution of your program.

Adjustments and corrections may need to be made to your protocol, depending in large part on how you respond to treatment, your ability to follow the program as closely as possible, and other intervening factors. Dr. Myatt has taken the requisite follow-ups into account in the various levels of service she provides.

Your care will include follow-up and a “retainer”-based program for the email answers and other feedback you may need to keep you moving toward health at the fastest, most effective pace.

How Come Dr. Myatt Charges More Than Other Doctors?

She doesn’t. A specialist who sees you in-office for 15 minutes, for example, may charge $90. However, after you leave the office, this doctor spends no additional time reviewing your case.

Dr. Myatt will spend an initial hour discussing your health concerns, then she and her team go to work studying your case, including review of all relevant medical data. This “case study” typically takes from 4-12 hours depending on the nature and complexity of your health concerns. This often involves not just case study but also medical research on your behalf. Then and only then does Dr. Myatt create your “Recommendations,” a complete, written protocol for you to follow. When you consider the level of time, care and attention that each patient receives, Dr. Myatt’s fees are a bargain.

Why the “Retainer” and Pre-Paid Follow-Up Visits?

Dr. Myatt has found that the inclusive follow-ups and retainer program is in the best interest of her patients for the following reasons:

  1. Patients who have made a commitment are more likely to follow through. Follow-through produces positive results.
  2. Prevents “treatment failures.”  The initial recommendations are a solid “starting place” for good health, but the program must be adjusted and “tweaked” as circumstances change, new information becomes available and patient health improves.Some patients, after paying the initial consult fee, either drop out (fail to follow-through) because they don’t want to incur additional visit expenses OR because they expect unlimited email follow-up at no charge.By incorporating the predicted follow-up visits into program costs, patients are far more likely to follow-up. Making the necessary “course corrections” with Dr. Myatt’s careful guidance produces far better results than an initial visit with no follow-up.
  3. Get the answers you need — ALL of them. Your program fees include significant email follow-up. Got a question? No reason to stumble on your health program, get bad advice off the internet, or simply let a question go answered. All you have to do is email Dr. Myatt and she will respond with the information, assurance and guidance you need to keep you on track to a healthier life.
  4. Better cost predictions. How much will that “only $90” visit cost if you have to return to the doctor dozens of times over the same health concern? Costs for holistic care can add up to a big “unknown.” Although it is possible that a person may exceed their annual program allowance with Dr. Myatt, this is unusual. By having pre-paid for your care and follow-up, you can have a much better idea of what your advanced holistic care will cost.

Can Anyone Become a Patient? Why Does Dr. Myatt “Screen” New Patients?

Dr. Myatt is big on results, something even her advanced cancer patients will attest to.  Because of this, she is very particular about who she will accept as a patient. Only those who seem truly ready to put forth the necessary effort to get well, or improve health, are accepted.

And because each individual patient is given so much time and attention, Dr. Myatt must necessarily limit her services to only as many patients as she can truly devote herself to at any one time. When you are under Dr. Myatt’s care, you can rest assured that you are being watched over very carefully. She does not “spread herself thin” and accept more patients than she can be totally devoted to.

There are also some patients who have ideas and desires that would make them unsuited to Dr. Myatt’s method of practice.

For example, Dr. Myatt is a firm believer in scientific holistic medicine. She does not practice “esoteric” or unproven techniques although she is familiar with most of them. Patients who want “chakra balancing,” “aura cleansing” or recommendation of nutritional supplements by crystal pendulum dowsing would not be happy with Dr. Myatt’s highly scientific, well-researched and proven methods of practice.

How Dr. Myatt’s Health Optimization Program is Different from other Healthcare Practices

  • Dr. Myatt takes the time to listen. No “quickie” initial or follow-up visits. Dr. Myatt takes the time to truly listen to your symptoms, complaints, questions and health goals. She and her team also spend an extensive amount of time reviewing your individual case. Very few physicians — even holistic and naturopathic practitioners — spend so much time entirely devoted to each individual patient.
  • Dr. Myatt and Team perform an in-depth analysis for each patient. Our testing is typically more comprehensive than traditional laboratory testing. We use “optimal,” not just “normal” values for lab interpretation. We look beyond the bounds of conventional “disease diagnosis” and try to truly understand the underlying causes and imbalances contributing to an individual’s symptoms.
  • “Tolle causum” — treat the cause. We are totally devoted to discovering the “hidden causes” of your health challenges in a way that goes far beyond conventional medical diagnosis and treatment. From this, we develop a customized treatment plan exclusively for you. No two people, even with the same diagnosis, will have the same treatment plan because all of our work is highly individualized.
  • “Vis Medicatrix Naturae” — with the healing power of nature. The human body is, to a great extent, self-healing when given the proper conditions. We cooperate with nature by using TLC — Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes — and natural remedies to stimulate the body to heal itself.

Modalities that Dr. Myatt Uses to Treat Disease and Optimize Health

Dr. Myatt is trained and licensed in conventional medical treatment including convention laboratory and physical diagnosis of disease. She can write prescriptions for drugs, deliver babies, commit surgeries, and sign death certificates.

However, her primary methods of treatment — “Vis Medicatrix Naturae” — include:

  • Diet and nutrition / nutritional supplements
  • Botanical medicine
  • Exercise and fitness programs
  • Bio-identical hormone therapy
  • Detoxification programs
  • Immune Enhancement
  • Lifestyle Counseling

Dr. Myatt’s Specialties Include:

  • Anti-aging and Longevity Medicine
  • ADD / ADHD
  • Auto-immune Disease
  • Heart Disease Prevention and Reversal
  • Cancer Prevention and Treatment Options
  • Natural (bio-identical) Hormone Replacement Therapy
  • Diabetes Managements and Type II Diabetes CURE
  • Anxiety, Depression and other Mood Disorders
  • Adrenal and Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Weight Loss and Maintenance
  • Digestive Difficulties (IBS, constipation, diarrhea, GERD)
  • Osteopenia / Osteoporosis
  • Infertility
  • Health Optimization
  • “Real” — Carefully Researched And Considered — Second Opinions

What Level of Care Best Suits Your Needs?

Health and Wellness Review 1 *Health and Wellness Review 2 *Anti-aging / Health OptimizationHealth Recovery ProgramAdvanced Health Rescue
Who is this for?People with no diagnosed disease and minor or no health problems who want an holistic review of their diet, lifestyle, and recent medical (lab) reportsPeople with diagnosed disease and minor to moderate health problems who want an holistic review of their diet, lifestyle, and recent medical (lab) reportsHealthy people (no disease) who want to optimize their health further and implement an anti-aging programPeople with health problems for which no conventional diagnosis has been found OR with non-life threatening diagnoses not well-addressed by conventional medicinePeople with serious medical conditions: heart disease, cancer (stage 3-4),  diabetes, auto-immune disease, etc.
Initial visit
Personal Health Report
30 mins60 minsunlimitedunlimitedunlimited
60 mins60 minsunlimitedunlimitedunlimited
* Health and Wellness Review follow-ups must be completed within 45 days** This is a Six Month Program** This is a Six Month Program** This is a Six Month Program*** Can be paid in monthly installments / one year program

Please Note: Dr. Myatt will apply the cost of the Health and Wellness Review toward any of her more advanced care programs.

Most people spend more money maintaining their car than they do maintaining their health. Dr. Myatt’s patients recognize that an investment in their health is one of the best investments they can make. Without your health, all other things in life — family, friends, possessions, hopes, dreams and plans for the future cannot be enjoyed to their fullest. What is your health worth to you?

What is it worth to add 10, 20, or more active years to your life?
What is it worth to have a slim, fit figure?
What is it worth to avoid a fatal heart attack? A stroke?
What is it worth to put an advanced cancer into remission?
What is it worth to turn back the clock and be healthy and full of life again?

Health Optimization Programs with Dr. Myatt: Affordable.
Good Health: PRICELESS.

Book A Brief Consultation Here To Get Started

Learn More About Consulting With Dr. Myatt Including “The Ultimate House Call”!


1.) CIA World Factbook accessed 10-29-10.
2.) Flegal, KM, Carroll, MD, Ogden, CL, Curtin, LR. Prevalence and Trends in Obesity Among US Adults, 1999–2008. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2010; 235–241.

HealthBeat News

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Supplementation Reduces Body Fat Mass, et al.

The following list is taken from Medscape, a medical site which brings medical journal articles and breaking news to physicians. Dr. Myatt reads this daily.

I can’t offer direct links to the articles because the website is a password-protected, physician’s only site, but the following list is grabbed directly from the front page. “CME” refers to the fact that reading the article and taking a post-test qualifies for Continuing Medical Education credits for doctors. I have bolded the topics that I believe will be of particular interest to laymen. Here’s the list:


Top 10 Most Read Articles — June 2004

1.) CME Conjugated Linoleic Acid Supplementation Reduces Body Fat Mass

2.) CME Symptom Patterns May Suggest Ovarian Cancer

3.) An Expert Interview With Dr. John Sarno, Part I: Back Pain Is a State of Mind

4.) CYP3A4 Inhibitors Raise Trazodone Levels, Causing Nausea, Hypotension, and Syncope

5.) Dark Chocolate Improves Endothelial Function in Healthy Adults

6.) CME COX-2 Inhibitors Given Perioperatively Improve Surgical Outcome

7.) Toward a Higher Standard: Raising HDL in Clinical Practice

8.) Gonadal Hormone-Related Insomnia in Women

9.) CME Prostate Cancer Not Rare in Patients With PSA Levels Less Than 4 ng/mL

10.) Food Additives Associated With ADHD Symptoms


I find it interesting to note that a number of these “Top Topics” from the doctor journals actually pertain to information most people have already heard from the alternative and holistic medical camps. For example, holistic physicians have been telling us for years that food additives can cause Attention Deficit Disorder, but it finally made the conventional journals just last month! But now for what I personally find to be the most exciting topic on this list…..


Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Supplementation Reduces Body Fat Mass

Here’s how the article starts: “May 28, 2004 — Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplementation reduced body fat mass (BFM) in healthy, overweight adults, according to the results of a randomized, double-blind trial published in the June issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.”

The idea to examine the use of CLA in overweight came from a Norweigan scientific group who noted that extracts of CLA from fried beef had anticarcinogenic (anti-cancer) properties. In this most recent study, overweight individuals who took CLA lost approximately 9% more body fat, and gained 2-4% lean body mass (muscle) than the unsupplemented group. This difference was not due to diet, exercise or any other variable.

Other effects/benefits of CLA include:

* decreases body fat

* adds or maintains lean body mass (muscle)

* improves immunity

* is anticarcinogenic

Doses used in the study were easily obtainable from supplementation.


New Wellness Club Website Due This Week!

Get ready, because the new website will blow your socks off! It is user-friendly and has a TON of up-to-the-minute health information on it! We’ve had some challenges getting it finished (did I mention that it’s HUGE?), and also some challenges with the server. But fear not! The~Z~Team (Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark Ziemann) have been spending nearly all their waking hours tweaking and tuning the site (and recruiting all the rest of us to help!) and we are close. If the server cooperates, we’ll be up and running this week.


I’ll be commenting further on that “Top 10” list in the next HealthBeat. In the meantime, I’m off to take my CLA and see if I can lose these last stubborn 5 pounds with a bit greater ease…..

Jamie Jameson-White

Editor, HealthBeat Newsletter


Ask Dr. Myatt

Your opportunity to ask Dr. Myatt questions of a general nature

Please remember that we cannot provide medical advice or recommendations to persons who are not patients of Dr. Myatt.

We cannot provide information regarding the use or dosage of herbs, vitamins and dietary supplements beyond that information which is provided freely within this website to persons who are not patients of Dr. Myatt.

Finally, we cannot comment on or provide information about products not purchased from us. If you bought something from your local health food store or elsewhere and need information about that product or how to use it, please go and ask for that information at the place where you purchased it.

Please Note:

Dr. Myatt and the team at The Wellness Club receive hundreds of emails and questions and requests for information every day. It is impossible to answer each one individually.

Please read through the information on our website first as most questions are answered here. If your question is not already answered on our website, and we feel it is of interest to our Wellness Club members and HealthBeat News readers, Dr. Myatt or Nurse Mark may answer it in our HealthBeat Newsletter – please be sure that you are subscribed!

Questions of a more specific nature or that relate to individual health circumstances often require more research and are dealt with on a priority basis when time permits – after Dr. Myatt’s private practice patients and our Wellness Club members have had their needs attended to.

If you feel that your question is especially important and you have not received a reply in a sufficiently timely manner please understand that we are not ignoring you – it is also possible that your question goes beyond what we can answer for someone who is not a patient of Dr. Myatt.

If you wish to have your questions answered more quickly please consider booking a Brief Phone Consultation with Dr. Myatt.

(Please remember that we can not offer specific medical advice to persons who are not patients: Please consider a consultation if you require detailed advice!)


Super Fast Diet

Lose Weight Faster Than Fasting And Keep It Off For Good!

The Super Fast Diet is an e-book – when you purchase this book you will be sent a download link that will allow you 3 days and 3 opportunities to download this book to your computer.

The Super Fast Diet – only $39.95

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Consultations With Dr. Dana Myatt

Help Yourself To Good Health

Notice To New Patients:

Because of Dr. Myatt’s reputation of being the doctor to call when conventional medicine gives up she has been inundated with a number of extremely complicated patients.

In order that she may continue to provide all her patients the high levels of care and attention that they have come to rely upon she is accepting only very select new patients.

In order to determine suitability to be added to her caseload Dr. Myatt is requiring all those who wish to be taken on as new patients to first speak with her in a Brief Telephone Consultation.


Member: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (eligible)
President: ECAFH Foundation, Inc. (Exploring Complementary Answers for Health)
Author: A Physicians Diary
Professor: Atlantic University
Graduate: National College of Naturopathic Medicine

How May I Help You? Herbs Homeopathy Nutritional Evaluations Lifestyle Counseling Chinese Medicine Edgar Cayce Remedies Health Optimization Immune Enhancement Detoxification and Fasting Stress Reduction Health Education Weight Management


Special Programs

  • Executive Wellness & Longevity
  • Cardiovascular disease prevention and reversal / high cholesterol reversal
  • Overweight/obesity
  • CANCER prevention/options
  • Digestive difficulties and parasites
  • Allergies and hypersensitivities
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Viral Syndromes including HIV, herpes, Epstein Barr (EBV), hepatitis
  • Infertility (male and female)
  • Athletic performance

Help Yourself to Health

Click Here To Learn Why You Should Consult Dr. Myatt

click here to see Dr. Myatt’s telephone consult brochure

call 1-800-DRMYATT (1-800-376-9288)

Please also see: How Our Office Handles Insurance

Do Doctors Still Make House Calls?

Dr. Myatt And Nurse Mark Make “The Ultimate House Calls”!

Many of our private practice patents and Wellness Club Customers know that Dr. Myatt travels often to speak, teach, and lecture. When her travels bring her to areas where her patients live she is happy to schedule them for an in-person consultation, including examination and other therapeutic treatments. Patients may be seen in Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club coach or even in the comfort of their own home. When visits can be scheduled to coincide with Dr. Myatt’s travel itinerary her customary consultation fees apply.

Your Own Private Naturopathic Doctor And Nurse – In Attendance:

For those who need the undivided attention of this unique doctor and nurse team, Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark can travel to your location where they will attend to your holistic health needs 24/7 if need be. This may include not only intensive care for the patient, it may include teaching for family members and caregivers or for staff such as personal chefs, personal assistants, housekeepers, or security staff.

You can be assured of absolute, inviolate confidentiality and respect for your privacy when working with Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark.

This is a unique and specialized service and it is not inexpensive. Not all patients will qualify for or benefit from this intensive in-home naturopathic medical care. Please contact Dr. Myatt for cost and availability and to determine your suitability for this ultimate health-restorative opportunity.

Is your situation more urgent?

Do you need Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark to attend you more quickly than is possible with road travel? (for road travel figure 500 miles per day from northern Arizona to your location)

Dr. Myatt will not travel by commercial (public) air carrier. She will consent to travel by private business aircraft and there is an airfield near her location that will accommodate this class of aircraft. (KTYL) Contact The Wellness Club to discuss this option.

Dr Myatt can also arrange to travel to your location by private plane. Nurse Mark is a licensed Private Pilot and their airplane allows them to reach you quickly and discretely. Requirements for visitations of this kind will include a destination airport with adequate runways and secure tie-downs and available fuel, appropriate transportation arrangements on arrival and during the visit, and appropriate accomodations for Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark while on location.

Piper Warrior II Private Airplane
Dr. Myatt and Nurse Mark can be at your side quickly if need be. Click on the picture above for more information about their aircraft.

Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club Coach is 36 feet in length. She maintains contact with her patients and the internet via 2-way satellite. When in location she requires electrical service for her communications: 20 amps minimum.

Brief Consultations

Brief Consultations by telephone are available between 9 AM and 5 PM, Tuesday through Friday, Arizona time. When you checkout please tell us what times and dates would be best for your consultation – we will make every effort to accommodate your needs, subject to prior scheduling commitments. Please be sure that we have both a valid email and telephone number so we can contact you to arrange your appointment.

Please Note: Be sure that you are available at the telephone number you provide, at the time you have arranged, when Dr. Myatt calls you – there are no refunds for missed appointments!

In the very unlikely event that a medical emergency prevents Dr. Myatt from calling at your appointment time, you will be offered a full refund or a rescheduled appointment – your choice.

DO NOT send Dr. Myatt lab reports, medical records or summaries, or any other medical information unless you are booking a New Patient Visit Consultation! Any medical information that is received unsolicited will be treated as confidential medical records and will be destroyed immediately.

Medical records and other documentation can be sent to:

Dr. Myatts Wellness Club
Attn: Medical Records
PO Box 900
Snowflake, AZ 85937

It is of no benefit to send via “overnight” courier – USPS Priority Mail provides timely and inexpensive delivery to our location – usually as quickly as any “overnight” courier!

Diabetes (Adult Type II)

Natural Support To Prevent And Reverse This Condition

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition of abnormally high fasting blood sugar (above 126mg/dl) measured on two separate occasions.

Type I diabetes is caused by a destruction of pancreatic cells that produce insulin. It is a more serious condition, and more difficult to control, than type II.

Type II diabetes is related to Western diet and lifestyle and can almost always be controlled by diet and lifestyle changes alone.

A less recognized form of diabetes is Type 1.5 which may combine features of both Type I and Type II with some loss of endogenous insulin production as well as reduced sensitivity to available insulin. This type also responds very well to dietary and lifestyle changes and supplementation.

Uncontrolled diabetes (blood sugars that continue to go above the normal 120mg/dl) result in a four-fold increased risk of atherosclerotic heart disease and a five-fold increased risk of stroke. Diabetes also increases the risk of nerve damage leading to eye disease, peripheral neuropathy (nerve disorder), increased risk of infection, and compromised circulation sometimes resulting in gangrene. Persistent high blood sugar levels can stress and damage kidney (renal) function.

Diet And Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Diet: work with an alternative medicine physician to discover optimal diet. High carbohydrate, low calorie diets are often prescribed for diabetics, but low carbohydrate diets have been shown to work much better for most type II diabetics. A special version of the ketogenic diet — what Dr. Myatt calls “The Ketone Zone” — works fast and reliably to reverse DM. Individual guidance in diet will almost always correct Type II DM and help control Type 1.5 DM.
  • Maintain a normal weight. Overweight makes the body resistant to its own insulin. A low carbohydrate diet will reduce weight quickly and even modest weight loss helps significantly with blood sugar control.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise improves the body’s response to insulin, decreases blood sugar levels, normalizes weight and improves circulation.
  • Drink 64 ounces of pure water daily. Adequate water intake has a wide number of health benefits and specific to diabetes these include improved blood sugar regulation and improved liver and kidney function.

Primary Support

  1. Maxi Multi: 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Optimal (not minimal) doses of antioxidants (ACES), B complex vitamins, magnesium, chromium, vanadium and bioflavonoids are particularly important in correcting diabetes and preventing the damage that diabetes causes. Chromium picolinate is known to help improve insulin sensitivity.
  2. Omega 3 fatty acids – any or all of these:
    Flax seed meal, 2 teaspoons per day with food
    Flax seed oil capsules: 2-4 caps, 3 times per day
    Flax seed oil: 1 tablespoon per day
    MaxiMarine O3 (Omega-3 rich fish oil): 1 cap, 2 times per day with meals. Omega 3 deficiency contributes to insulin resistance and supplementation can reverse it.
    Diabetes increases cardiovascular risk factors in part through the inflammatory action of abnormally high blood sugars. O3 fatty acids have a potent anti-inflammatory effect. The Essential Fatty Acids are SO important that the U.S. Government officially recommended in 2003 that Americans get more Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids in their diet.
  3. Maxi Greens (Advanced Phytonutrient Formula): 3 caps, 3 times per day with meals. Bilberry, grape seed extract and ginkgo are particularly important since these potent antioxidants serve to strengthen blood vessels and protect the circulatory system.
  4. CoQ10 (50-100mg): 1 cap, 2-3 times per day with meals (target dose range: 150-400mg per day). CoQ10 is essential to mitochondrial function which can be comprimized in diabetes and should be considered a mandatory supplement for anyone taking statins fo cholesterol or by anyone with any cardiac risk factors.
  5. Increased Fiber Intake: A minimum of 20 grams of fiber daily will stabilize blood sugars and provide a host of other health benefits. Dietary fiber can be difficult to obtain in adequate amounts and most Americans get woefully little in their diet. Dr. Myatt has developed a “bread” substitute that is very low carb and very high fiber.
  6. Fiber Formula: 6-12 caps per day can be useful in maintaining a good fiber intake, especially when travelling and unable to make the “Myatt Bread” mentioned above.
  7. Berberine (200mg): I cap, 3 times per day with meals. Berberine has been found to be as effective for blood sugar control as the prescription drug metformin. Do not take both metformin and berberine – take one or the other. Do NOT stop taking metformin if it has been prescribed to you without discussing it with your doctor or other health care provider.

Additional Support

Urinary Tract Health:

  • D-mannose works by preventing bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract and not by direct antibiotic action soit does not have any of the potential for negative side-effects that antibiotics do. One teaspoon in 6 ounces of water drunk twice daily can help to prevent the urinary tract infections common in diabetics, and double that (i.e.: 4 times daily) can help to resolve urinary tract infections.

With High Cholesterol:

  • Red Yeast Rice: 2 caps, 2 times per day with meals. (Target Dose 2000 mg per day) Unlike isolated “statin” drugs, Red Rice Yeast contains a mixture of related but different statins that act synergistically. As a result, lower (and safer) doses of any one statin are taken. Red Rice Yeast has been shown to lower total cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL levels.
  • Berberine (200mg): I cap, 3 times per day with meals. Berberine is a potent lipid-lowering compound and also has a moderate weight loss effect.

With Neuopathy (nerve pain):

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine: 500-1,000 mg, 2-3 times per day with meals. (Target dose range: 1,000- 2,000mg per day).Acetyl-L-Carnitine helps to restore insulin sensitivity.
  • Alpha lipoic acid: 300-1200 mg daily. Improves insulin sensitivity and reduces symptoms of neuropathy.

Since these two supplements create a powerful synergy when used together Dr. Myatt offers a high-potency supplement which combines both nutrients in a single formula. One bottle of ALA-ALC is equivalent to two bottles each of our separate ALA and ALC formulas. For those who need to take both nutrients in higher potencies, this represents asignificant savings and convenience.

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid / Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALA / ALC) One or two caps daily to improve insulin sensitivity and relieve symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. This combination also improves mitochondrial function (the “energy producing units” of the cell) is also involved in the conversion of carbohydrates to energy.

Dr. Myatt’s Comment

Diabetes leads to serious health complications. All of the problems associated with aging—-impaired circulation, decreases of hearing and eyesight, and heart disease are accelerated in uncontrolled diabetes. Fortunately, Type II diabetes is almost always controllable through diet, lifestyle, and corrective nutrients and herbs. Insulin is sometimes but rarely necessary (in instances of Type 1.5 diabetes) and may be preferable to other glucose-lowering drugs. It is important to keep blood sugar levels within a normal range, thus avoiding the multiple health risks and premature aging that diabetes causes.

I find that well over 90% of Type II diabetic patients can achieve normal-range glucose control by following a ketogenic diet and the above-listed primary support measures. If blood sugars are not dramatically improved (usually completely corrected!) after three months on this program, consult with an alternative medicine physician who can help you find the best diet and supplement program. I am available for consultation by telephone and I have an excellent success rate with type II diabetic patients.


Kalman D. Chromium picolinate and type 2 diabetes. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2003; 78(1): 92.

Artemis P. Simopoulos, Dietary Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency and High Fructose intake in the Development of Metabolic Syndrome Brain, Metabolic Abnormalities, and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Nutrients. 2013 Aug; 5(8): 2901–2923.
Published online 2013 Jul 26. doi: 10.3390/nu5082901
PMCID: PMC3775234

Power RA, Hulver MW, Zhang JY, Dubois J, Marchand RM, Ilkayeva O, Muoio DM, Mynatt RL.Carnitine revisited: potential use as adjunctive treatment in diabetes. Diabetologia. 2007 Apr;50(4):824-32. Epub 2007 Feb 20.

Ziegler D, Ametov A, Barinov A, Dyck PJ, Gurieva I, Low PA, Munzel U, Yakhno N, Raz I, Novosadova M, Maus J, Samigullin R. Oral treatment with alpha-lipoic acid improves symptomatic diabetic polyneuropathy. Diabetes Care 2006; 29(11): 2365-70.