Fertility Restore Melatonin 3mg

Maxi Flavone™

Broad-Spectrum Herbal Formula

(Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant and TNF-inhibiting)

Radical Oxygen Species (ROS), elevated TNF-alpha and inflammation are known to play a significant role in many cases of infertility in both men and women.

Radical Oxygen Species (ROS) and Infertility

Radical Oxygen Species (ROS, also called “free radicals”) include the hydroxyl radical, hydrogen peroxide, lipid peroxide, hypochlorite, chloramines, superoxide anion, peroxyl radical to name just a few. Inflammation is a primary cause of increased ROS.

In women, Radical Oxygen Species are detrimental to both natural and assisted fertility.1-8 ROS is also associated with polycystic ovarian disease, endometriosis, spontaneous abortions, preeclampsia, hydatidiform mole, embryopathies, preterm labor, and intrauterine growth retardation.2-3

In men, Radical Oxygen Species have been shown to decrease sperm motility and concentration and is associated with male infertility of unknown cause.9-32 ROS in males also damages DNA and should therefore be corrected even when assisted pregnancy is planned.31,36,40 The effect of ROS on male fertility is so well-established that many fertility specialists consider routinely testing for ROS in sub-fertile men.

Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α) and Infertility

Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-a) is an inflammatory cytokine that stimulates free radical production by mitochondria. Don’t let the term “tumor” alarm you; everyone has TNF-α in their body. Excessive amounts of TNF-α impair fertility.

In women, high TNF-α suppresses ovarian function, increases Natural Killer cells (NK cells) and is associated with infertility. High TNF-α is also associated with recurrent spontaneous abortion.

In men, high TNF-α is associated with decreased sperm count and motility.20

Read more about inflammatory cytokines: Cytokines: A Simplified Look At Messenger Molecules

Maxi Flavone™

Broad-Spectrum Herbal Formula

Maxi Flavone is a broad-spectrum herbal antioxidant formula that affords protection from multiple ROS species, lowers TNF-alpha and is anti-inflammatory. Flavonoid-containing herbs have a synergistic effect when used in combination.41,71

Maxi Flavone supplies therapeutic doses of the most well-studied flavonoid herbs including:

I.) Pycnogenol (Pinus maritima) antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects. Please see the extensive reference list elsewhere on this website:
Grape Seed Extract and Pycnogenol

II.) Red Grape Seed (Vitus vinifera) with seeds, skin and stems which therefore contains Resveretrol. Both have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Resveretrol also suppresses TNF-α.72 Please see the extensive reference list elsewhere on this website: Grape Seed Extract

III.) Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), the most potent of the edible berries (39), has significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties 41-43,73-7. Bilberry inhibits TNF-α43 , lipid peroxidation73-74 and is an active radical scavenger of H2O242,76, superoxide and peroxynitrite.41

IV.) Green Tea (Camillia sinesis) is an antioxidant that suppresses TNF-α.44-48 It has been shown to cause regression of endometriosis in animal models.49-50

V.) Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is an antioxidant that has TNF-α suppressing properties.51-57 Ginkgo raises the radical-scavenging enzymes glutathione, SOD and catalase.51-52 It has also been shown to relieve symptoms of congestive PMS.56

VI.) Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) is an antioxidant and antiinflammatory59-63 that significantly inhibits TNF-α. 58-61,63 It has been shown to modulate immune response in vivo.60

VII.) Citrus Bioflavonoids (with hesperidin, narginen and other flavonoids) have antioxidant64-67,69, antiinflammatory58,60,64,66, and TNF-a inhibiting properties.64

Why Reproductive Immunologists Recommend Maxi Flavone™

Maxi Flavone is a state-of-the-art formulation of flavonoid-containing herbs with synergistic effects specific to fertility enhancement. Only full-spectrum extracts, not isolated flavonoids are included, thus preserving the synergistic activity of all naturally-occurring phytonutrient compounds.

Maxi Flavone contains optimal doses of the flavonoid herbs which quench Radical Oxygen Species (ROS), lower TNF-α and NK cell activity (only when excessive) and decrease excess inflammation.

In addition to the beneficial effect on fertility, these herbs also have numerous beneficial effects on overall health. Maxi Flavone™ is a potent formula providing support for immune function, circulatory health, liver detoxification mechanisms, and antioxidant pathways.

Read more about Maxi Flavone and Interleukin 6 (IL-6) here:

Using Flavones to Lower IL-6: Which is better – Luteolin / Diosmin or Maxi Flavone?

Suggested Dose for Fertility:
Women: 1 capsule per day with a meal.
Men: 1 capsule, 2 times per day with meals.

NOTE: Two capsules of Maxi Flavone™ is equivalent to 10 to 12 tablets or capsules of individual extracts taken separately, resulting in significant cost savings.

Due to strong interest in this formula we may occasionally become backordered, with shipping delayed by up to a week.

Because of this we recommend that our Maxi Flavone customers consider ordering two bottles, re-order when they have completed the first bottle and never worry about running out of this important flavonoid / antioxidant / TNF-inhibiting formula.

For our fertility patients and customers, Dr. Myatt recommends that this formula be continued through conception and for the duration of pregnancy.

Product # F307 (60 Caps) $46.95 – Enter Quantity Desired and Click “Add To Cart” Button

(Please note: there have been rare reports of this item refusing to “add to cart” – especially for iPad / i phone users – and we are working to find the problem – if this happens to you, please just call us and we’ll be happy to take your order – 1-800-376-9288)

Yes, we can ship to Great Britain. Please contact us for details.


What some Maxi Flavone users have said:

We have come across some user experiences on the fertility forums. We do not know these people, and we are not associated with them in any way except that they have purchased Maxi Flavone from us (we are the only place to obtain it) so these comments are just captures from the open internet.

From a Yahoo! Immunology Support group; You buy it online…found it by research only and I think someone once mentioned it here.  It was not prescribed or recommended by anyone but myself!  No prescription needed…all herbs and antioxidants.  Just google Maxi Flavone and Dr. Myatt and it will come up.  My cytokines were lowered in just one month!

And another Post on the Yahoo! Immunology Support group; After getting my order of MaxiFlavone (I had run out a couple of times and was too confident!) I resumed taking it and tested again , I used to test every 4 weeks and then now every 2 weeks but won’t be testing anymore this year because I have a different insurance.  Anyway, after taking and retesting again my levels ALWAYS went back to normal.  I have taken it 70-80% of my pregnancy.  I continue to take it now.  Intralipds  may often raise cytokines, everyone is different, and at that time when they spiked after intralipid or pregnancy???? I had IVIG and then MaxiFlavone  for maintenance.
I use Wobenzyme for my NK’s…which have stayed in range after IVIG almost whole pregnancy except for now…my problem was with cytokines spiking the three times I stopped taking MaxiFlavone.  Coincidence?????  I have come to the conclusion that MaxiFlavone REALLY does work!  J

A post on a Conception Support website: I have chronic inflammation from my endometriosis. I recently started a vitamin endorsed by a well known reproductive immunologist called Maxi Flavone. Within 2 days I was off my pain killers and if I miss my dose of the Maxi Flavone by even an hour the inflammation comes back, but once I take it again it disappears soon after. If there’s any sort of suspected autoimmune issues it’ll support that as well.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Capsule (60 Caps per bottle)

Amount Per Capsule % Daily Value

Pycnogenol®** Pine Bark (Pinus maritima)dried extract 5 mg *

Red Grape (Vitis vinifera) seeds, skin, and stems, dried extract with resveratrol 100 mg *

Bilberry (Vaccinum myrtillus) fruit, dried extract, min. 25% anthocyanosides 60 mg *

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf, dried extract, min. 50% catechins (polyphenols) 180 mg *

Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba) leaf, dried extract, min. 24% ginkgo flavone glycosides and 6% terpene lactones 40 mg *

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) fruit, dried extract, min. 80% silymarin 100 mg *

Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex, min. 50% bioflavonoids 125 mg *

* Daily value not established


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60.) Johnson VJ, He Q, Osuchowski MF, Sharma RP. Physiological responses of a natural antioxidant flavonoid mixture, silymarin, in BALB/c mice: III. Silymarin inhibits T-lymphocyte function at low doses but stimulates inflammatory processes at high doses. Planta Med. 2003 Jan;69(1):44-9.
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71.) Sagar SM, Yance D, Wong RK. Natural health products that inhibit angiogenesis: a potential source for investigational new agents to treat cancer-Part 1. Curr Oncol. 2006 Feb;13(1):14-26.
72.) Manna SK, Mukhopadhyay A, Aggarwal BB. Resveratrol suppresses TNF-induced activation of nuclear transcription factors NF-kappa B, activator protein-1, and apoptosis: potential role of reactive oxygen intermediates and lipid peroxidation. J Immunol. 2000 Jun 15;164(12):6509-19.73.) 35.) Bao L, Yao XS, Tsi D, Yau CC, Chia CS, Nagai H, Kurihara H.Protective effects of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extract on KBrO3-induced kidney damage in mice.J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Jan 23;56(2):420-5. Epub 2007 Dec 20.
74.) 36.) Bao L, Yao XS, Yau CC, Tsi D, Chia CS, Nagai H, Kurihara H. Protective effects of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extract on restraint stress-induced liver damage in mice. J Agric Food Chem. 2008 Sep 10;56(17):7803-7. Epub 2008 Aug 9.
75.) 37.) Zafra-Stone S, Yasmin T, Bagchi M, Chatterjee A, Vinson JA, Bagchi D. Berry anthocyanins as novel antioxidants in human health and disease prevention. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2007 Jun;51(6):675-83.
76.) 38.) Milbury PE, Graf B, Curran-Celentano JM, Blumberg JB. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) anthocyanins modulate heme oxygenase-1 and glutathione S-transferase-pi expression in ARPE-19 cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007 May;48(5):2343-9.
77.) 39.) Katsube N, Iwashita K, Tsushida T, Yamaki K, Kobori M. Induction of apoptosis in cancer cells by Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) and the anthocyanins. J Agric Food Chem. 2003 Jan 1;51(1):68-75


Dr. Myatt’s Cardiovascular Risk Checklist

A Medical White Paper Presented By Dr. Dana Myatt

February is “Heart Month.” Here’s Your Heart-Risk Checklist.

Shocking Facts about Heart Attacks

February is heart month, and in honor of your heart, I have prepared a special heart-risk assessment and report for you. First, some surprising statistics about heart disease. These “fast facts” will help you know why my heart-risk checklist is so potentially important.

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the US.1 2,200 people die every day from heart disease.

As many as 50% of all people who have a heart attack do not have ANY classic risk factors, although one study argues that this number is actually only 20%.  “Only” a 20% chance of having a heart attack with no known risk factors? I don’t know about you, but that still sounds like a big risk to me.

As many as fifty percent (50%) of all first heart attacks are last heart attacks if you get my drift. Half of all people who have a heart attack die from “sudden cardiac death.” No second chances. No “jump-starting” the heart with a defibrillator. No bypass surgery or stents. Just gone in a heartbeat.

People with NO conventional risk factors are more likely to die “sudden death” from a first heart attack.  Sudden cardiac death is the first and only sign of heart disease in this group.

You could be a non-smoker with a normal body weight, total cholesterol below 200, LDL below 100, HDL above 50. You don’t smoke, are not diabetic and have no family history of heart disease. Good for you. You doctor has just given you a clean bill of health and told you your heart is fine. And you could die of a heart attack as you leave the doctor’s office. Remember, twenty to fifty percent of all people who have a heart attack do not have ANY conventionally-tested heart risks.

Emerging Risk Factors: The “Other Risks” No One Is Telling You About

Routinely screened conventional risk factors include blood fats (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL), blood pressure, smoking, and diabetes.4 Additional testing might include a cardiac stress test (the “treadmill test”). Overweight/obesity, family history and activity levels should also be considered.

Unfortunately, 20-50% of people who have heart attacks are “normal” for all of these tests and markers. It’s the folks with “all normal” risk factors who have the greatest likelihood of having a fatal heart attack.

Conventional medicine acknowledges that there are a number of other risk factors for heart disease. These are called “emerging risk factors” because the information is still “emerging” or coming to light.

Unfortunately, tests for these “emerging risk factors” are not yet ordered by most conventional physicians nor are they typically covered by insurance. Many of them will be “standard of care” in conventional medicine some day in the future. Will “some day” be soon enough for you or me?

Good News About “Emerging Risk Factors”

The good news is many of the most important of these “other risks” can be tested at an affordable price. They are not obscure tests with thousand-dollar price tags.

The OTHER good news is that there are safe, natural, proven options for correcting abnormalities if and when they are found. After all, what good would it be to know about a risk factor if there was nothing you could do about it?

To receive your free copy of Dr. Myatt’s Cardiovascular Risk Factors Medical White Paper please enter your name and email address in the area to the right.

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Important: If you have previously downloaded this White Paper (if you are “Already Subscribed”) and you have lost or misplaced your copy please email NurseMark at DrMyattsWellnessClub.com for a replacement.

Please print this Medical White Paper, including the pages of references, so that you can show it to your doctor / cardiologist. When he / she tells you that 1) he has never heard of some of these tests, 2) you don’t need them, 3) he’s not going to order them for you, and 4) your insurance won’t pay for them anyway, please note that Dr. Myatt will make these tests available to you here at a very reasonable cost.

Dr. Myatt’s Cardiovascular Risk Checklist Lab Tests

From Dr. Myatt’s Medical White Paper on Cardiovascular Risk Factors:

“…As many as fifty percent of all first heart attacks are last heart attacks. Half of all people who have a heart attack die from “sudden cardiac death.” People with NO conventional risk factors are more likely to die “sudden death” from a first heart attack. Sudden cardiac death is the first and only sign of heart disease in this group…”

Dr. Myatt has been able to locate and provide a comprehensive Cardiac Risk Profile that includes both currently accepted Cardiac Risk Factors and the New Emerging Cardiac Risk Factors that she discusses in her Medical White Paper.

These “emerging Risk Factors” are the ones that your conventional doctor – even your conventional cardiologist – will not test for.

Sorry – Currently unavailable – please check back soon!

Remembering Reagan, Avoiding Alzheimer’s

One More for “The Gipper”

Ronald Reagan was one of America’s most memorable Presidents. Even those who disagreed with his politics were attracted to his unflinching optimism, eloquent speech and fierce belief that America was and should always be the “beacon of light in a world of darkness.” For a moving recount of the life and times of this Great American Dreamer, we offer this link to Newsweek Magazine:


Alzheimer’s Disease: The “Retirement Robber”

We salute a life well lived in public service, in Hollywood and in politics by a man who kept himself fit, optimistic and intimately involved in life. What should have been a golden last decade in the life of Ronald Reagan was instead spent with a swiftly diminishing mental and physical capacity. Alzheimer’s disease robbed he and his wife of 52 years of the noble retirement they deserved.

What Alzheimer’s Is — and Isn’t

Alzheimer’s disease, first described in 1907 by German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer, is a degenerative condition of the brain that results in progressive memory loss. In its most severe stage, afflicted people become unable to care for themselves, lose bowel and bladder control and are often unable to swallow and eat. Death usually ensues from infection, often pneumonia.

There are many causes of memory loss besides Alzheimer’s. It is estimated that an approximately equal number of people over age 60 suffer from senile dementia and Alzheimer’s. (Four million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease at a cost of $90 billion annually). While dementia is most frequently caused by atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s is caused by the deposition of an abnormal protein — beta amyloid — in the brain. These protein deposits are accompanied by “neurofibrillary tangles,” (tangles of tiny filaments in the brain) and a loss of many nerve cells. The two conditions are often difficult to differentiate.

Any memory loss with age COULD be serious, but many causes of decreased memory are due to correctable abnormalities such as low thyroid function, nutrient deficiencies, atherosclerosis and tumors. Some decreased capacity to recall names is not necessarily a sign of anything worrisome. One expert described the difference between benign age-related memory changes and Alzheimer’s like this: aging memory is forgetting where you put the car keys; Alzheimer’s is forgetting how to drive the car. Benign aging memory is forgetting an old high school friend’s name; Alzheimer’s is forgetting your spouse’s name.

When to be Concerned about Memory Loss

Any persistent memory changes in a person of ANY age should be evaluated by a physician. Again, there are many correctable causes of memory loss. Many of these corrections are best made as early as possible. For example, deficiencies of B6, B12 and folic acid are associated with increased levels of homocysteine. Increased homocysteine, in turn, is associated with memory loss. This nutrient-related memory decline is felt to be completely reversible within the first 6-12 months. After that, although further memory decline can often be prevented, the existing memory deficits are most often irreversible. (Another good reason to take your daily Maxi Multi, which contains the optimal target doses of these nutrients).

Again, any memory or personality changes should be thoroughly evaluated by a physician. Don’t wait to see your doctor for memory concerns.

Causes of Alzheimer’s

The major abnormalities seen in Alzheimer’s are beta amyloid plaque deposition, neurofibrillary tangles, and loss of neurons. The cause of this collection of abnormalities is not known, although strong evidence exists to support several mechanisms.

1.) Genetics. There appears to be some genetic predisposition to the disease, with 15-20% of cases running in families.

2.) Free Radical Damage (oxidative stress). Brain lesions in Alzheimer’s patients exhibit typical free-radical damage, including damaged DNA, lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation and Advanced Glycosylation end products (AGE’s, see # 3 below).

3.) Inflammation. The same inflammatory cascade that is a known risk factor for heart disease appears in Alzheimer’s at the site of beta amyloid desposition. These inflammatory products accelerate the loss of neurons (brain cells). The hs-CRP test that I encourage all patients to have on an annual basis to help predict heart-disease risk is an indication of this type of low-grade inflammation.

4.) Advanced Glycolsylation End products (AGEs). Glycation is a process whereby a protein binds irreversibly to a sugar molecule, producing an abnormal complex that impairs tissue elasticity. Evidence for AGEs as a cause of Alheimer’s relates to the fact that AGEs are found in the neurofibrillary tangles characteristic of the disease. Many researchers feel that AGEs may be a more important cause of Alzheimer’s that beta amyloid.

5.) Aluminum toxicity. Although this potential cause is dismissed by conventional medicine, the evidence is strong in favoring aluminum as a causative factor. First, the senile plaques chracteristic of Alzheimer’s patients have been found to accumulate aluminum. Lab animals injected with aluminum will develop neurofibrillary tangles as seen in Alzheimer’s. One study (McLachlan, et al. 1996) found a 250% increase of Alzheimer’s disease in people drinking municipal water with high aluminum levels for 10 years or more. Finally, one drug used to treat Alzheimer’s (desferrioxamine) shows a significant benefit in slowing progression of the disease. This drug chelates aluminum.

6.) Homocysteine. This metabolic intermediate, clearly recognized as a risk factor for coronary artery disease, non-Alzheimer’s dementia, and stroke, is now felt to be a significant risk for Alzheimer’s disease as well. Elevated homocysteine levels results from deficiencies of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid.

Although other theories of the genesis of Alzheimer’s disease exist, the above-listed causes appear to have the most research and relevance behind them.

Avoiding Alzheimer’s: Prevention Steps to Take NOW

With the exception of genetics, all of the most widely supported causes of Alzheimer’s are amenable to preventive and possibly even corrective measures. This is good news, because it means we are not helpless to prevent such a devastating disease. Here are the most-proven methods for addressing the causes of Alzheimer’s:

1.) Prevent Free Radical Damage to the brain and elsewhere. This is a two-step process. First, avoid or minimize exposure to factors that cause free radicals in the body. These factors include first and second-hand smoke, excessive exposure to X-rays, excessive sun exposure, dietary trans fatty acids, heavy metal toxicity. Secondly, take an abundance of nutritional antioxidants to neutralize free radicals in the body. Common antioxidants inlude: vitamin A, C, E, beta carotene, flavonoids, CoQ10 and acetyl-L-carnitine. The herb Ginkgo biloba is also a potent antioxidant.

2.) Prevent and Reverse Subtle Inflammation. The herb turmeric (curcumin), is a potent anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrin substance. It is also a potent antioxidant with liver-protecting properties. Ginkgo is another anti-inflammatory herb (actually mentioned in The Merck Manual of conventional medicine as being helpful for Alzheimer’s). Essential Fatty Acids, such as those found in flax and fish oil, are anti-inflammatory.

3.) Reduce Advanced Glycosylation End products (AGEs). This is best accomplished by means of a lower carbohydrate diet. In the absence of chronic high blood sugar, AGEs form much less, if at all. The Super Fast Diet is an example of a health-restoring diet that minimizes the production of AGEs by lowering average daily blood sugars and insulin levels. Vitamin B1 and B6 decrease AGE formation.

4.) Chelate Toxic metals, especially aluminum. A hair analysis should be employed to evaluate for heavy and toxic metal toxicity. This inexpensive test costs $65. Call 1-800-Dr.Myatt (376-9288) to order a hair mineral analysis kit or see page 135 of the Holistic Health Handbook for more information.  An excess of ANY toxic metal should be chelated with the guidance of a physician. In most cases, this can be accomplished by taking an oral chelating agent (the agent will differ depending on which toxic metal is accumulated). For severe toxicity, IV chelation is sometimes more expeditious.

5.) Lower Homocysteine Levels. This can almost always be easily accomplished by taking optimal doses of B6, B12 and folic acid.

A Simplified Action Plan for Preventing Alzheimer’s

1.) Take Daily Multi Vitamin and Mineral Supplement. This should include vitamins A,C,E, beta carotene, bioflavonoids, B complex vitamins (especially B1, B6, B12, folic acid), and selenium. Maxi Multi contains optimal daily doses of these nutrients.

2.) Max EPA (fish oil): 1 cap, 3 times per day with meals to prevent or reverse inflammation. Take higher doses as directed if your hs-CRP tests are elevated. Flax oil is also beneficial but requires a biochemical conversion in the body which is deficient in many people, so fish oil is more certain.

3.) Extra protection: take any or all of these proven neuro-protective substances:

I.) CoQ10: 50-300mg per day. This powerful antioxidant, produced by the body, diminishes with age. It is especially valuable for all types of heart disease. CHOLESTEROL-LOWERING DRUGS deplete CoQ10.

II.) Turmeric: 1 capsule, 3 times per day (target dose: 900mg). Potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrin herb, turmeric acts by three different mechanisms to help protect the brain from the presumed causes of Alzheimer’s.

III.) Ginkgo biloba: 1 cap, 2 times per day. [target dose: 240mg of a 24% flavoneglycoside formula]. Ginkgo is a potent antioxidant that also improves cerebral circulation. This herb is mentioned in The Merck Manual of (conventional) Medicine as being helpful for Alzheimer’s!

IV.) Phosphatidyl Serine: 1 cap (100mgPS), 3 times per day. PS increases brain cell communication by improving membrane fluidity.

V.) Acetyl-L-Carnitine: 1 cap (500mg), 3 times per day between meals. A-LC acts as a powerful antioxidant in the brain.

VI.) Alpha-Lipoic Acid: 1 cap, 2-3 times per day. This neurological antioxidant chelates free iron from the forebrain, thereby protecting against free-radical induced brain aging.

VII.) Melatonin: this hormone decreases with age. It is a potent antioxidant and one of the only ones to cross the blood-brain barrier. It should be used in almost all cases of any neurological disease and is an important part of longevity and anti-aging programs.

Alzheimer’s disease is not an inevitable part of aging even though it is common in our country. Don’t let this memory-robbing disease deprive you of YOUR Golden Years!

In Health,

Dr. Dana Myatt


There is a safe

 There is a safe, easy, natural way to cure mood disorders and reclaim a life of health and happiness without spending a fortune or relying on dangerous (and often ineffective) drugs.

If You or Someone You Love
 Suffers From Depression, Anxiety,
Insomnia, Attention Deficit or Any “Mood Disorder,”
This May Be The Most Important Letter
You’ll Ever Read

From: Dr. Dana Myatt
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Myatt’s Wellness Club
People Suffering from Mood Disorders


                        Dear Friend:

                        There is a “dirty little secret” known in many medical and scientific circles about “mood disorders” (depression, anxiety, etc.) …
                         a secret you will probably never hear from your doctor …and the Big Drug Companies want it that way.

                        This “dirty little secret” is the reason that 72% of people diagnosed with a mood disorder don’t feel better
                        regardless of what “head med” (drug) they take, and why even those who do feel somewhat better
                        with drugs often find that the “improvement” stops working after a while or still doesn’t make them feel
                        really good. If you knew the “dirty little secret” that is known to medicine’s “inner circle,” you would find yourself able to:

                                    * not just feel “better,” but truly goodagain …

                                    * end fatigue, lethargy, anxiety and hopelessness in a few days, sometimes overnight …

                                    * skyrocket your energy levels without stimulants …

                                    * sleep like a baby all night long and wake rested and refreshed….

                                    * say “goodbye” to depression and anxiety without drugs….

                                    * reclaim your happy, energetic self in record time with NO dangerous drug side-effects


                        The best part is, you won’t need to take costly “head meds” or stimulants indefinitely
                        (which don’t work well anyway), pay thousands of dollars for often-ineffective counseling,
                        and still spend the rest of your life feeling only “half alive” because of a mood disorder. All you need to
                        know is the “dirty little secret” that has been kept behind closed doors… until now.

3 Lies Your Doctor Probably Told You About Mood Disorders
and he doesn’t even know they’re lies…)

Lie # 1: Mood disorders are caused by a serotonin deficiency. In some cases, this is true. (Note: did your doctor ever actually TEST your serotonin levels to verify this? Answer: Almost certainly “NO”). Even if serotonin deficiency is your problem, as it is for some people with mood disorders, conventional drugs like Prozac and Zoloft only block the re-uptake of this neurotransmitter, giving your body the false impression that more serotonin is available. Treating “serotonin deficiency” without a test is not only a “shot-in-the-dark,” but the treatment itself is a “patch-job,” instead of a “fix.” Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) do not increase serotonin levels, and the artificial blocking of re-uptake eventually depletes serotonin levels even more.

Lie # 2:  Drugs are the best treatment for mood disorders. Come on. Do you really think depression is caused by a Prozac deficiency? Or that anxiety is caused by a Trazadone deficiency? Changes in brain chemicals (called Neuro-Transmitters) cause the symptoms we collectively call “mood disorders.” These changes in brain chemistry can be identified and corrected by natural means, restoring them to normal levels.
Lie # 3:  There is no way to test Neurotransmitter levels. Actually, NeuroTransmitter Testing has been around for years. Your doctor could test and know exactly what “head hormones” (neurotransmitters) you are low or high in and make specific corrections. But keep reading and you’ll find out why he/she probably doesn’t even know about this test, and if they do, why they can’t (won’t) order it for you…..


The Real Cause of Mood Disorders That
Big Drug Companies Hope You Never Find Out


                        Doctors know that brain chemicals — called Neuro-Transmitters, or “NT’s” for short—- control everything from mood and sleep to food cravings. Most people have heard of at least one of these Neurotransmitters,  serotonin, but there are other major NT’s including epinephrine (adrenaline),norepinephrine, dopamine,                                     GABA, PEA and histamine. Together, these major Neuro-Transmitters control mood, libido, food cravings, sleep patterns and energy levels to name only a few. When any one of these NT’s are out of balance (as they are in an estimated 85% of the population with mood disorders), the implications can be enormous:


                                           Too little can cause depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, uncontrolled appetite, migraine headaches, obsessive/compulsive disorders and PMS complaints.

                                           Too much serotonin is rare and is caused by excess drugs or other serotonin-increasing treatments. Serotonin overdose can be life-threatening.


                             Epinephrine (adrenaline): too much can causes sleep disturbances, anxiety and ADHD. Too little causes fatigue,  depression, lack of focus and difficulty losing weight.       

                             Norepinephrine (NE): Too much causes anxiousness, stress, hyperactivity and high blood pressure. Too little causes fatigue, lack of focus and difficulty losing weight.

                             Dopamine: responsible for feelings of pleasure and satisfaction. Low levels play a role in Parkinson’s  disease and also in addictions and food cravings.  High dopamine is seen in people with autism,  attention disorders and GI disturbances. 



                             glutamate is the major excitatory neuro Transmitter in the brain. Excess glutamate is associated with neurological diseases such as Huntington’s disease, parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia, ALS, Tourette’s syndrome and Korsakoff syndrome. While excess glutamate alone probably does not cause these diseases, it is felt that high levels of glutamate may be toxic to nerve cells and indicate toxicity elsewhere in the body.                                                  


                        Doctors use various “head meds” (like Prozac or Zoloft) to increase serotonin’s effects. (Notice I said effects; these drugs do not increase actual serotonin levels). Sometimes these drugs help depression, but often not. That is because the other major Neurotransmitters’s — epi, NE, dopamine, GABA and glutamate — are also intimately involved in mood and “feel good” control. “Tinkering” with only one neurotransmitter — serotonin — may not help much if any of the other five major neurotransmitters are out of balance. In many people with anxiety, depression or other mood disorder, serotonin levels are not the only problem or not even the problem at all. Many cases of mood disorder havenothing to do with serotonin but instead involve one or more of the other major neurotransmitters.

So why doesn’t “Big Medicine” and “Big Pharma” want you to know that other neurotransmitter imbalances may be the cause of your depression? Because NT imbalances can be corrected with a few simple diet changes and some inexpensive over-the-counter supplements. Drug companies don’t have drugs to effectively correct other neurotransmitter except serotonin and norepinephrine. Depression medications like prozac, zoloft, XXX and XXXX are BIG BUSINESS, raking in $XXXXX of dollars for major drug companies each year. If even a small percentage of the 19 million depressed Americans discovered how to correct their depression without drugs, Big Pharma income from these drugs could drop precipitously. Or imagine if XXXX million children and adults no longer needed Ritalin and other stimulants! Believe me, the Big Drug Companies will do everything they can to make sure this doesn’t happen — including convincing your doctor and you that your only hope for treating a mood disorder is dangerous drugs. Even more appalling is that these drugs effects only ONE, or at most TWO major neurotransmitters — even if you have never had your neurotransmitters levels tested!


Your Secret Weapon for Conquering Mood Disorders

                        Balancing the body’s six major neurotransmitters —  serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, GABA and glutamate — is the secret to feeling good and getting out from under the dark cloud of depression, anxiety, insomnia, attention deficit or any other mood disorder you may suffer from. Other “side-effects” of balanced NT’s (as if being free from depression or anxiety weren’t enough!) include sound sleep, improved libido and energy, normal appetite and better fat-burning. If you are over or under weight, body weight tends to normalize because mood disorders are a common cause of over and under-eating.

                        As you’ll learn, there are simple, natural ways to increase or decrease neurotransmitters. For example, two amino acids (both readily available in any health food) provide the raw materials that the body uses to produce epinephrine and norepinephrine. By supplementing these amino acids, a person who is low in epinephrine (adrenaline) or norepinephrine can improve their neurotransmitters levels without drugs, just by taking these amino acids between meals. By using “precursors” (raw materials that the body uses to make NT’s), the resulting increased NT levels are a true “fix,” not just a “band aid.”

                        Normal neurotransmitter levels are the key to a happy, energetic, symptom-free life. The correction for imbalanced neurotransmitters involves a few simple diet changes and some inexpensive, easily obtainable nutritional supplements. So what is holding you back? Obviously, you need to know which neurotransmitters are out of balance before you can begin an NT-improvement program. As you can see from the list of NT’s above, excesses cause just as many problems as deficiencies. The secret to normal neurotransmitter balance begins with knowing your neurotransmitter levels.
The Medical Test
That Can Save Your Life



Perhaps You’re Wondering,
“Why Didn’t My Doctor Order This Test…?”

Your doctor did not order a NeuroTransmitter test fortwo important reasons:

First, because he or she doesn’t know about it!Big Drug Companies aren’t “pushing” these tests yet because they don’t have drugs to address every neurotransmitter imbalance. Would you want to continue taking a serotonin-effecting drug, for example, if you found out you were low in epinephrine instead? And what about your doctor? The pharmaceutical industry is responsible for most of a doctor’s training, including the medical school curriculums. American medical schools are still marching to the Big Pharma tune. And Big Pharma isn’t ready for you or your doctor to know about simple ways to correct Neurotransmitter imbalances, especially when “head meds” are such Big Business.

Second (and this one may shock you), a doctor can besued by either your insurance company OR the federal government for ordering a “non standard” medical test. You read that right. The Big Drug Companies have such a stronghold on doctors and the government that a doctor can only order those tests that the drug companies “approve of.” Big Pharma isn’t going to let the cat out of the bag about Neurotransmitter Testing until they have drugs to sell you to “correct” any NT imbalance that testing discovers. And while norepinephrine drugs have just recently been introduced (which means we are the “guinea pigs for testing their safety), there are no other “head meds” on the horizon. That means that you’ll be waiting for years— perhaps even a decade or more—before your doctor will know about this test and  order it for you.

As I showed you in the first half of this report, your doctor is telling you some potentially deadly lies-and he doesn’t even know it.

But it isn’t his fault. He simply never learned in medical school or in mainstream journals about the safe, natural miracle-cures that are all around us, but known only to an unorthodox, yet dedicated few. It’s a shame, but the modern medical establishment is so dominated by the pill and scalpel that these un-patentable (read: inexpensive and difficult to regulate) cures get swept under the rug by our Big Pharma-friendly government…



Ignorance Isn’t Bliss, It’s Blistered

As we discussed earlier in this report, your doctor is telling you some potentially deadly lies-and he doesn’t even know it.

But it isn’t his fault. He simply never learned in medical school or in mainstream journals about the safe, natural miracle-cures that are all around us, but known only to an unorthodox, yet dedicated few. It’s a shame, but the modern medical establishment is so dominated by the pill and scalpel that these un-patentable (read: inexpensive and difficult to regulate) cures get swept under the rug by our Big Pharma-friendly government…



3 Reasons Why I Know You’ll Find Your
Neurotransmitter Improvement Program So Valuable

1.) Knowledge is Power. Whether you choose conventional drugs, natural (corrective) remedies or a combination of both, at least you will know exactly what neurotransmitters need to be normalized, instead of just going along with the conventional medical “guess” and treating only serotonin levels.

2.) You’ll know your Options.  Your follow-up report will detail which drugs, supplements, diet and lifestyle changes are available to correct your particular neurotransmitter imbalances.

3.) You’ll discover proven ways to live a healthier, happier life.  When you balance your brain chemistry through corrective measures, you’ll not only feel happier, you’ll be genuinely healthier.


Lift DEPRESSION Overnight
By Pressing Your “Happy Buttons”


What Patients Have To Say
About the Neurotransmitter Improvement Program….
(testimonials here)

“You Have Make A Huge Difference…”
“I feel like I have my life back. I really didn’t realize how depressed I was. Things seemed  better after I started taking Zoloft, but it was only after we discovered that I was low in epinephrine and norepinephrine, and made some changes, that I could tell the difference beween ‘just getting by’ and really living. It’s hard for me to find the words to express how greatful I am for this test and your recommendations.” John Abrams, Phoenix, Arizona

“I Have Already Experienced Great Changes In Myself Because Of The Principle #1 Exercise…”
” I started taking the recommended supplements just two days ago and I can already feel a difference. I slept better last night than I have in years. I really do believe with such fast improvement in my sleep that help is on the way…” Katherine K., Poduk MI

“Your NT Program Recommendations Are Easy To Follow…”
“I learned through NT testing that I had three neurotransmitter imbalances (none of which was serotonin, which explains why Prozac wasn’t helping me). But I was afraid that “natural treatments” would involve some strict diet and exercise plan and eating foods I don’t like, like tofu. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Dr. Myatt’s recommendations were simple and easy to follow. Even better, I have experienced dramatic results in only two weeks. THANK YOU SO MUCH DR. MYATT!”

“TheNIP Program Has Empowered Me To Take Control Of My Life…”

“NIP Has Truly Changed My Life…”

” TheNT Test and Program Have Accomplished in Three Weeks what Drugs and Counselling Failed to Produce in Three Years…”


Your Personal Neurotransmitter Improvement Plan (NIP) will be:

Simple — That’s because simple is the thing that works the best.

Fast Results — When you invest in this course, or in anything, you are doing so because you want results sooner rather than later.owever, you have to be open to fast results. This sounds crazy, but if you believe in the saying “anything worth having is worth waiting for” than you are going to live a life waiting. Let’s start getting results right now – fast, immediate – with these 11 Principles.

Real Life
— Principles from the real world always work better (or else they would not be principles) than the “should be’s” some people try to get you to believe.

Realistic, A Game Plan — Do you agree that information without a plan that shows you how to use it is worthless information. That means even poor information, if it at least comes with a game plan, will benefit you.

So imagine what superior information, with a specific, easy to follow game plan like the 11 Principles course is worth to you… Not only do you learn each of the 11 Principles, you also see how other people like yourself have used them. And most importantly, you are given an easy to follow game plan to quickly and simply put each Principle into use for yourself.






Don’t just swallow a pill (and the marketing hype that goes with it) and carry on with business as usual. True neurotransmitter-balancing treatment is worth its weight in gold -and far outweighs the use of tranquilizers, anti-depressants, sleeping pills and other synthetic mood-altering drugs. So stop the drain on your health and feel like yourself again.


                        Drug-free treatments work like Prozac without dangerous side effects. Prozac and other antidepressants work by boosting your levels of the mood-enhancing chemical serotonin. Yet researchers have now discovered a technique that does the very same thing — without drugs!

Believe me, this isnot “pop medicine.” Just the opposite. These unpublicized techniques were revealed to our editors by a team of over 250 leading physicians and scientists, then carefully double-checked against the latest research. You won’t find them in the popular press — and unlike the fluff printed there, these things work.


We are supposed to have freedom of speech in this country, but even many courageous alternative medical doctors don’t dare dare discussnew medicines or testsuntil they are “approved” by conventional medicine.Funny thing is, many of these leading-edge discoveries will in fact become “accepted”—- just as soon as Big Pharma figures out how to make a profit from them.


Neurotransmitters are naturally occurring chemicals within the brain that relay signals between the nerve cells and are required for proper brain and body function. A proper balance of neurotransmitter levels helps achieve optimal health.


Prescribing drugs based on opinions, theories and guesswork is like driving blindfolded. Without actual testing, you won’t discover your real Neurotransmitter imbalances except by accident.

Even “medicalexperts” find it hard to predict how patients will respond to a Neurotransmitter-effecting drug like Prozac or Zoloft. What’s more…

Testing often proves “expert opinions” dead wrong — and can skyrocket response and profits through the roof!

Simple diet, lifestyle and supplement changes can dramatically improve your neurotransmitter balance and hence, your mood and happiness level. But unless and until you test, you’ll never know what those needed changes are.




Lift depression, Balance Your NT’s and see:

Better Results In Your BUSINESS

Better Results In Your HEALTH

Better Results In Your JOB

Better Results In Your Relationships


How Much Is The Neurotransmitter Improvement Program?

The total value of the Neurotransmitter Test plus your personalized follow-up report —what I call the Neurotransmitter Improvement Program — is $794. And that would still be an incredible bargain based on the results it can bring you. But because I want to make this program available to as many people as possible before the “window of opportunity” closes, I’m going to make you an incredible offer.

Can you even put a price tag on a healthy, happy life?

How much would you give to wake up tomorrow morning living that dream life you gaze at every day in your head?

However, I want to get this life-changing information into everybody’s hand at a very reasonable price. And since this test is not yet “recognized” by conventional medical insurance (and won’t be until Big Pharma figures out how to get into the act), you’ll be paying out-of-pocket. Instead of the usual $794cost of theNeurotransmitter Test plus a New Patient Consult and follow-up report from me, I have chosen to make the entire program available for the cost of the NT test alone, $297.

Cost of NIP Program including NT test and Personalized Report: $297
Cost of feeling healthy, happy and energetic again: priceless


Money-Back Guarantee

Perhaps you are concerned about the test results. What if your test results say that all of your neurotransmittrs are completely normal? Personally, I’ve never seen completely normal test results in a person suffering from depression, but I suppose it could happen. Now, a test result is a test result. The lab isn’t going to give us our money back if we don’t like the test results, any more than you’d get your money back for any other medical test result that you didn’t like. (Did you get your money back when you didn’t like hearing that you had high cholesterol? Or high blood sugar?) But I am SO CONFIDENT that if you suffer from depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD or other any other mood disorder that  neurotransmitter imbalances will be discovered which will lead you to a better life, that I will personally make this guarantee:

If your NeuroTransmitter Profile results come back completely normal, I will personally return your money— you won’t even have to ask for it back. Not only that, but you can keep your bonuses. Even in the presence of normal test results (again, I’d be quite surprised), your personal report will contain suggestions for increasing your health and happiness levels.


P.S. If you recognize the enormous value of this program, please order your Neuro Improvment Program today. I don’t know how long I can continue to offer The Neurotransmitter Test, which requires a “doctor’s order.” You see, I’ll have a lot of people “gunning” for me when they find out what I am offering, and I could be barred at any moment from making this life-changing test and report available. The drug companies won’t like it because hey don’t want you to find out that you may have a neurotransmitter imbalance that is correctable without one of their drugs. Other doctors who use this test won’t like it, because it may deprive them of a new patient visit and numerous follow-up visits. (Remember, the test can only be ordered by a doctor, so ordinarily you’d have to visit a physician who would order the test for you). Even the labs who perform the tests might get a little “testy” when they learn that I am offering this test to people that I haven’t seen in person. But until someone cuts me off, I’ll do my best to make this test available. I believe it’s that important. Because I have no idea how long I can offer it, please don’t delay. If you return to this page and it’s gone from the Internet, it will mean that this service is no longer available to anyone except a private practice patient of mine.

Three Free Bonuses: Yours to Keep no Matter What

1.) The Body/Mind Connection DVD.

2.) FREE report: 29 simple, natural strategies to lift depression and live a life of joy.

3.)  [JV partner bonus here?]















Recommended Reading

Commonsense Rebellion: Taking Back Your Life from Drugs, Shrinks, Corporations, and a World Gone Crazy (Paperback) by Bruce E. Levine, pHD. Continuum Press, 2006.










Muscular Soreness and Pain

Natural Strategies and Support

Muscular and joint pain is a very common and vexing problem that interferes with the enjoyment of life’s pleasures for most of us at some time or other. There are some excellent natural solutions to this problem – read on:

Dr. Myatt received this letter recently:

I am a friend of a patient of yours and he mentioned that you could probably suggest a vitamin/mineral that might help my muscle soreness. Have been to a Dr. who ruled out Fibromyalgia. I am very active with work, motorcycles and horses. Have any suggestions?
Thank You, Tanya N.

Hi Tanya,

Thank you for your question. Muscle soreness can result from many things, and combinations of things. The very best way to sort this out would be to arrange an alternative medicine consultation with Dr. Myatt – this will save you time, money, and uncertainty, and provide you with a very definitive plan for better health.

Here are some general suggestions:

An optimal dose multiple vitamin / mineral / micronutrient formula such as Maxi-Multi is a cornerstone for anyone’s good health. Without optimal nutrition, the cells of your body (including your muscles) cannot function properly.

CoEnzyme Q 10 (CoQ10) is an important energy molecule for the mitochondria (the energy units) of our body’s cells. The body produces CoQ10 naturally, but many people are deficient for a number of reasons, including prescription medication use – particularly the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs. Without adequate energy supplies your muscles cannot function at their best and may feel tired and achy. CoQ10 is also a powerful antioxidant.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to many processes in the body. They are anti-inflammatory. Deficiencies in Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to a subtle body-wide inflammatory state. The Standard American Diet is woefully deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids. An excellent source is Max EPA .

Bromelain is nature’s premier anti-Inflammatory herb, useful for all types of infection, injuries, inflammation, sinusitis, cardiovascular disease, rheumatic disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer. It is very effective at reducing swelling and inflammation, thereby reducing pain and discomfort of muscle soreness.

Cox-2 Support is a new product that many of Dr. Myatt’s patients and Wellness Club members have reported excellent results with. This herbal blend was created to help support normal healthy Cox-2 levels. You are no doubt familiar with the Cox-2 inhibitor drugs such as Vioxx and Bextra and others which have earned a reputation for being  dangerous. Cox-2 support was formulated to give similar pain relief by helping the body to produce normal, healthy levels of Cox-2 compounds instead of creating artificially high levels of these compounds in the body by preventing their normal metabolism as the discredited Cox-2 inhibitor drugs are designed to do. It is well worth a try for relieving all kinds of muscular and joint discomfort.

Hope this helps,

Nurse Mark


Natural Fertility Treatment

Reproductive Immunologist
Dr Jeff Braverman
Dr. Braverman Specializing in the correction of conditions that lead to Recurrent Miscarriages and Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) Jeffrey Braverman, MD
Medical Director BIRMS

Dr. Dana Myatt is pleased to welcome the valued addition of Dr. Jeff Braverman to the Wellness Club team of medical experts. Dr. Myatt and Dr. Braverman will be combining the very best of conventional and natural medicine in the treatment of infertility.

About Dr. Braverman

Dr. Braverman is currently the Director of Reproductive Immunology at Wyckoff Hospital in Brooklyn New York (an affiliate hospital of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital System). He is also the Medical Director at Braverman Reproductive Immunology with offices in Long Island and Manhattan. He formerly held the position of Medical Director of SIRM on Long Island.

Dr. Braverman was honored as the youngest graduate at New York University where he was accepted at the age of 14. He went on to attend Medical School at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan and completed his internship and residency at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York.

After completing his residency Dr. Braverman established a private medical practice in Long Island, New York. For more than 20 years, Dr. Braverman has been treating patients with all complications related to Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and has become one of the nation’s leading authorities in the field of Reproductive Immunology.

A large majority of Dr. Braverman’s patients come to him suffering from Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Failure to Initiate and Successfully Complete a Pregnancy. (RPL and FISCP). He has managed thousands of cycles of IUI and IVF and has consistently maintained one of the highest success rates in New York despite the complexity of his case load.

For the last two years his practice has been voted the Best Infertility Practice on Long Island in an internet poll conducted by the Long Island Press.

Dr. Braverman has published articles in the field of high risk obstetrics related to IUGR, Gestational Diabetes, and Fetal Distress and has gained unequaled experience managing as well as delivering this High Risk group of patients. In fact Dr. Braverman has delivered well over 5000 babies in his career .

He has been featured with his RPL autoimmune patients on Discovery Channel’s Baby Story, local TV news stations, and has hosted numerous radio shows on reproductive immunology and fertility. He assists and consults with patients from around the world with problems related to RPL and FISCP. He has designed the most complete panel for the diagnosis and management of immune related pregnancy complications, as well as one of the most comprehensive thrombophilia (blood clotting) panels available. He is currently assisting in designing a computer chip that will test DNA for most of the hundreds of known genetic defects associated with RPL. He assisted in the Fertility Project for the development of nutritional supplements now used for the treatment of RPL and FISCP.

His current office staff have all been part of his practice for at least 12 years and most longer than that. This has also been one of the most important elements in maintaining the consistency Dr. Braverman’s care. You will always get someone knowledgeable when you call the office. Dr. Braverman performs all his own consults and sonograms. You will never get a “fill in “when you call for a consult or come in for a visit. He manages every case from start to finish. Most patients have his cell phone number and email and feel free to contact him with any questions. Many of Dr. Braverman’s patients from around the country learn about him in numerous immunology and fertility chat rooms on the internet, where he has developed a loyal following.

Dr. Braverman is a member in good standing with the American Society of Reproductive Immunology, the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, the European Society of Reproductive Immunology, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the New York State Medical Society, the Nassau County Medical Society and is actively Board Certified from the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Dr. BravermanHelping Couples Achieve the Gift of ChildrenDr. Jeff Braverman is available to consult and discuss any of your infertility issues. His specialty is immunologic causes of recurrent pregnancy loss as well as the diagnosis and treatment  of previously  failed infertility cycles.
Visit Dr. Braverman’s website here

Dr. Braverman’s offices in Manhattan and Long Island, NY may be reached at (516) 584 8710

Fertility Restore DHEA Sublingual 25 Mg (60 Tabs)

DHEA (DeHydroEpiAndrosterone)

Lose Weight, Slow Aging, Improve Hormone Levels with this “Master Hormone”

DHEA is a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. It is a precursor  (“master hormone”) for many other steroid hormones including male and female sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) and corticosteroids. DHEA levels often decline dramatically with age. Low DHEA levels in the brain and blood are thought to contribute to many of the problems associated with aging.

DHEA has been shown in numerous clinical studies to:

  • improve age-related memory and mental decline
  • increase strength and muscle mass lost through aging
  • enhance antibody and immune system response
  • protect against heart disease and atherosclerosis
  • increase interleukin-2 (beneficial) and suppress interleukin-6 which increase with age and are associated with autoimmune diseaseosteoporosis, immune system decline, depressionbreast cancerB-cell lymphoma and anemia.
  • promote weight loss.

In addition, DHEA may be helpful for reduced libido and fatigue in those over forty, and in autoimmune disease regardless of age.

In infertility treatment the use of DHEA results in “Improvement of oocyte/embryo quality” according to researchers:

“Current best available evidence suggests that DHEA improves ovarian function, increases pregnancy chances and, by reducing aneuploidy, lowers miscarriage rates. DHEA over time also appears to objectively improve ovarian reserve. Recent animal data support androgens in promoting preantral follicle growth and reduction in follicle atresia.”

Suggested dose: (over forty years of age):
Men: 50 mg DHEA per day.
Women: 25 mg DHEA per day.

Although higher doses of DHEA may be valuable, a male or female hormone test to determine baseline DHEA levels is highly advised before using higher doses.

Sublingual DHEA – 25 mg

Oral DHEA is processed almost immediately by the liver, where it is prepared for excretion. This means that much of the DHEA taken in oral form is “lost” before it is used by the body.

Sublingual (dissolved under the tongue) DHEA allows the hormone to be effective in the body for a longer period of time before it is transformed by the liver for elimination.

If you have been taking DHEA orally but still have low DHEA levels, consider taking the sublingual form for better absorption and improved hormone effect.

Each (one) capsule contains:
DHEA (pharmaceutical grade), sublingual tablets …………………….25 mg

Product # N245 (60 Sublingual Tablets) $15.95


Gleicher N, Barad DH. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation in diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2011 May 17;9:67.

“Current best available evidence suggests that DHEA improves ovarian function, increases pregnancy chances and, by reducing aneuploidy, lowers miscarriage rates. DHEA over time also appears to objectively improve ovarian reserve. Recent animal data support androgens in promoting preantral follicle growth and reduction in follicle atresia.”


DHEA Sublingual 25mg (60 tabs)

DHEA (DeHydroEpiAndrosterone)

Lose Weight, Slow Aging, Improve Hormone Levels with this “Master Hormone”

DHEA is a steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal glands. It is a precursor  (“master hormone”) for many other steroid hormones including male and female sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone) and corticosteroids. DHEA levels often decline dramatically with age. Low DHEA levels in the brain and blood are thought to contribute to many of the problems associated with aging.

DHEA has been shown in numerous clinical studies to:

  • improve age-related memory and mental decline
  • increase strength and muscle mass lost through aging
  • enhance antibody and immune system response
  • protect against heart disease and atherosclerosis
  • increase interleukin-2 (beneficial) and suppress interleukin-6 which increase with age and are associated with autoimmune diseaseosteoporosis, immune system decline, depressionbreast cancerB-cell lymphoma and anemia.
  • promote weight loss.

In addition, DHEA may be helpful for reduced libido and fatigue in those over forty, and in autoimmune disease regardless of age.

Suggested dose: (over forty years of age):
Men: 50 mg DHEA per day.
Women: 25 mg DHEA per day.

Although higher doses of DHEA may be valuable, a male or female hormone test to determine baseline DHEA levels is highly advised before using higher doses.

Sublingual DHEA – 25 mg

Oral DHEA is processed almost immediately by the liver, where it is prepared for excretion. This means that much of the DHEA taken in oral form is “lost” before it is used by the body.

Sublingual (dissolved under the tongue) DHEA allows the hormone to be effective in the body for a longer period of time before it is transformed by the liver for elimination.

If you have been taking DHEA orally but still have low DHEA levels, consider taking the sublingual form for better absorption and improved hormone effect.

Each (one) capsule contains:
DHEA (pharmaceutical grade), sublingual tablets …………………….25 mg

Product # N245 (60 Sublingual Tablets) $15.95

Neurological Disease

Treating Neurological Disease (M.S., Parkinson’s, ALS)

By Dr. Dana Myatt

Some things seem to go in “waves.” This week, I’ve had a lot of people asking about what to do for neurological conditions. Here’s my best “general” advice. (I can give more “specific” advice when I work with someone personally. Please read on).

You’ll NEVER hear any of this from your conventional medical doctor, for at least two reasons. First, there are no known cures for neurological diseases in conventional medicine. In fact, even our symptomatic treatments are fairly lame. Secondly, when a doctor does have information about a “non standard” (read that: “not conventional medicine”) approach, he or she could lose their medical license by telling you about it. So don’t be disappointed if your conventional medical doctor, no matter how good or well-respected, doesn’t have much hope to offer. That’s conventional medicine.

What I Would Immediately Do If I Were Diagnosed With a Neurological Disease

If I found out tomorrow that I had a neurological disease, here are the steps I would take right away:

  1. Have several un-conventional laboratory studies performed, including:
    1. Hair Mineral Analysis: to evaluate for heavy and toxic metal poisoning. This applies to ALL neuro conditions.
    2. Food allergy testing: to rule out immune responses to food allergies as a cause for symptoms. (This is especially important in MS).
    3. Neurotransmitter (NT) Testing: to look at neurotransmitter hormone levels. (This applies to all neuro conditions but is especially important in Parkinson’s, where a dopamine deficiency is often seen).
  2. Holistic dental evaluation, with removal of all dissimilar dental metals. NOTE: VERY FEW holistic dentist really understand this, and NO conventional dentists “get it.” If you have it done incorrectly (as most “holistic dentists are wont to do), it can cause more harm than good. Please don’t have any dental work done until you have talked to me first!). How important do I think this is? I have already had all metal removed from my mouth except for one full-gold crown. It is that important. If I hadn’t already had this done, I would get it done immediately, after I confirmed the skill and knowledge level of the attending dentist.
  3. Diet changes:
    1. Eliminate all food allergies (see above, laboratory testing).
    2. The Myatt Diet: low carbohydrate, high Omega-3 fatty acids. This is THE healthiest way to eat, proven by long-lived populations. This plus elimination of known food allergies relieves all dietary stress on the immune and nervous systems. Look for organic foods, too, since pesticide and herbicide toxicity is associated with neurological disease. Additional fish oil should be supplemented in those not regularly consuming wild Alaskan salmon and grass-fed beef. Ketogenic diets such as The Myatt Diet have proven useful for Parkinson’s, ALS and inoperable brain cancers. The diet switches the brain from using sugar for fuel to using ketones for fuel, and this “metabolic switch” is associated with fewer tremors and better movement.
    3. Discontinue ALL soy products, and milk (cow’s milk / dairy variety),
  4. Nutritional supplements: I’m make sure that I didn’t have a single nutrient deficiency known to cause or exacerbate a neurological disease. Here are the known connection.
    1. Parkinson’s: deficiencies of folic acid, B12, vitamins C, E and D are highly associated. Besides getting out in the sun, I’d be taking daily Maxi Multi’s to have achieve the recommended doses of these vitamins. CoQ10 has also shown to slow progression of the disease, but the dose needs to be higher, 1,200mg per day. Avoid iron, as iron overload can cause Parkinson’s and a number of other diseases. (You should be tested for iron overload with a serum ferritin test).
    2. M.S.: vitamin D deficiency is associated MS. Lower levels of calcium, magnesium, vitamin E and other antioxidant nutrients have been observed in MS patients and appear to slow progression of the disease. Vitamin B1 and niacin have proven to be useful. As with Parkinson’s, I’d get more sunshine and take Maxi Multis to have all of these nutrient bases covered.
    3. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): Hi B12, gamma-E tocopherol, zinc, copper, selenium, CoQ10, Alpha-lipoic acid, Acetyl-L-carnitine, creatine, curcumin, DHEA, glutathion, green tea, N-acetylcysteine, grape seed extract (OPC’s), resveratrol (grape skin extract) and vinpocetin. These vitamins, minerals amino acids and trace minerals have all been shown to alter various aspects of the disease.
  5. Schedule a telephone consultation with ME, or someone just like me. A physician who is not limited by conventional medical techniques (but is still trained in them and can prescribe all conventional tests and drugs) will be your best bet for obtaining a full and complete evaluation of the causes of neurological disease. The sooner this is done, the better the chance for a more full and complete recovery.

I hope this provides help and comfort to the numerous health-seekers who contacted me this week about neurological concerns!


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Untitled Document

One Step FOB Test Strip for feces (Revised Jan. 30th, 2001)

Intended Use The one step FOB (Occult Blood) test is a simple one step immuno-chromatographic assay for the rapid, qualitative detection of human occult blood in feces.

Explanation of the Test: The FOB test is designed to detect lower levels of fecal occult blood than standard guaiac tests. The basis of the test is an immuno-chromatographic sandwich capture method, which yields results that appear more specific to human occult blood and are easier to interpret than those of guaiac-based devices. In addition, unlike guaiac assays, the accuracy of the OB test is not affected by interfering substances and does not depend on the status of the patient at the time the specimen is taken.

The Fecal Occult Blood Test employs a unique combination of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to selectively identify occult blood in test samples with a high degree of sensitivity. Elevated levels of human occult blood as low as 25 ng/ml can be detected.

Precautions The One Step FOBtest kit should be stored at room temperature 4-30oC (40-86oF). The test device is sensitive to humidity and as well as to heat. Perform the test immediately after removing the test device from the foil pouch. Do not use it beyond the expiration date.

Warnings 1. For in vitro diagnostic use only. 2. Do not eat or smoke while handling specimens. 3. Wear protective gloves while handling specimens. Wash hands thoroughly afterwards. 4. Avoid splashing or aerosol formation. 5. Clean up spills thoroughly using an appropriate disinfectant. 6. Decontaminate and dispose of all specimens, reaction kits and potentially contaminated materials, as if they were infectious waste, in a biohazard container. 7. Do not use the test kit if the pouch is damaged or the seal is broken.

Specimen preparation 1. Specimen collection should not be performed during or within three days of a menstrual period, or if the patient suffers from bleeding hemorrhoids or blood in the urine, false-positive test results may be obtained. 2. Dietary restrictions are not necessary. 3. Alcohol, aspirin and other medications taken in excess may cause gastrointestinal irritation resulting in occult bleeding. Such substances should be discontinued at least 48 hours prior to testing.

Specimen collection 1. Unscrew the top of the sample collection device and use the sample collection stick to collect stool sample by dipping the stick into 3 different places of the same stool sample. 2. Put the sample collection stick containing the sample back in the sample collection device and screw it tightly. Shake it very well. 3. It is recommended that the above Step 1 to Step 2 to be repeated for three consecutive days.

Procedure of the test 1. Remove the test strip from its foil pouch. 2. After collecting stool samples for three consecutive days, bring the sample collection device to room temperature. Then shake the device several times. 3. Break off the tip of the collection device and squeeze 2 drops of the extracted sample on the sample pad (Figure 1). 4. Interpret test results at 5 to 10 minutes.

Caution: The above interpretation time is based on reading the test results at room temperature of 15 to 30 oC. If your room temperature is significantly lower than 15 oC, then the interpretation time should be properly increased.

Interpretation of the test 1. A color band will appear at the left section of the result window to show that the test is working properly. This band is the Control Band. 2. The right section of the result window indicates the test results. If another color band appears at the right section of the result window, this band is Test Band.

Positive Result: The presence of two color bands (“C” and “T” bands) within the result window no matter, which band appears first indicates a positive result (Figure 2).

Negative Result: The presence of only one purple color (“C”) band within the result window indicates a negative result (Figure 2).

Invalid result: After performing the test and no purple color band is visible within the result window, this result is considered invalid. The directions may not have been followed correctly or the test may have deteriorated. It is recommended that the specimen be re-tested (Figure 2).

Note: Once a positive result has been established (after 10 minutes), the result will not change. However, in order to prevent any incorrect results, the test result should not be interpreted after 10 minutes. Interpreting test results after 10 minutes, the sensitivity of the test will be higher than 25 ng/ml..

Limitations of the test The presence of blood in stools may be other than colorectal bleeding, such as hemorrhoids, blood in urine or stomach irritations. Negative results do not exclude bleeding since it can be intermittent. Colorectal polyps at very early stages may not bleed. Other clinically available tests are required if questionable results are obtained. As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive clinical diagnosis should not be based on the results of a single test, but should only be made by the physician after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated.

References 1. Bahrt KM, Korman LY, and Nashel DJ, “Significance of a Positive Test for Occult Blood in Stools of Patients Taking Anti-inflammatory Drugs,” Arch Intern Med, 1984, 144:2165-6. 2. Blebea J and McPherson RA, “False-Positive Guaiac Testing With Iodine,” Arch Pathol Lab Med, 1985, 109:437-40. 3. Block GE, “Colon Cancer: Diagnosis and Prognosis in the Elderly,” Geriatrics, 1989, 44(5):45-7, 52-3. 4. Doyle AC, “A Study in Scarlet,” Philadelphia, PA: JB Lippincott Co, 1902. 5. Fleischer DE, Goldberg SB, Browning TH, et al, “Detection and Surveillance of Coleorectal Cancer,” JAMA, 1989, 261(4):580-5.
